// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Miodrag Milanovic /*************************************************************************** http.cpp HTTP server handling ***************************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #ifdef __sun #define ASIO_DISABLE_DEV_POLL #define ASIO_HAS_EPOLL #endif #include "server_ws_impl.hpp" #include "server_http_impl.hpp" #include #include #include const static struct mapping { const char* extension; const char* mime_type; } mappings[] = { { "aac", "audio/aac" }, { "aat", "application/font-sfnt" }, { "aif", "audio/x-aif" }, { "arj", "application/x-arj-compressed" }, { "asf", "video/x-ms-asf" }, { "avi", "video/x-msvideo" }, { "bmp", "image/bmp" }, { "cff", "application/font-sfnt" }, { "css", "text/css" }, { "csv", "text/csv" }, { "doc", "application/msword" }, { "eps", "application/postscript" }, { "exe", "application/octet-stream" }, { "gif", "image/gif" }, { "gz", "application/x-gunzip" }, { "htm", "text/html" }, { "html", "text/html" }, { "ico", "image/x-icon" }, { "ief", "image/ief" }, { "jpeg", "image/jpeg" }, { "jpg", "image/jpeg" }, { "jpm", "image/jpm" }, { "jpx", "image/jpx" }, { "js", "application/javascript" }, { "json", "application/json" }, { "lay", "text/xml" }, { "m3u", "audio/x-mpegurl" }, { "m4v", "video/x-m4v" }, { "mid", "audio/x-midi" }, { "mov", "video/quicktime" }, { "mp3", "audio/mpeg" }, { "mp4", "video/mp4" }, { "mpeg", "video/mpeg" }, { "mpg", "video/mpeg" }, { "oga", "audio/ogg" }, { "ogg", "audio/ogg" }, { "ogv", "video/ogg" }, { "otf", "application/font-sfnt" }, { "pct", "image/x-pct" }, { "pdf", "application/pdf" }, { "pfr", "application/font-tdpfr" }, { "pict", "image/pict" }, { "png", "image/png" }, { "ppt", "application/x-mspowerpoint" }, { "ps", "application/postscript" }, { "qt", "video/quicktime" }, { "ra", "audio/x-pn-realaudio" }, { "ram", "audio/x-pn-realaudio" }, { "rar", "application/x-arj-compressed" }, { "rgb", "image/x-rgb" }, { "rtf", "application/rtf" }, { "sgm", "text/sgml" }, { "shtm", "text/html" }, { "shtml", "text/html" }, { "sil", "application/font-sfnt" }, { "svg", "image/svg+xml" }, { "swf", "application/x-shockwave-flash" }, { "tar", "application/x-tar" }, { "tgz", "application/x-tar-gz" }, { "tif", "image/tiff" }, { "tiff", "image/tiff" }, { "torrent", "application/x-bittorrent" }, { "ttf", "application/font-sfnt" }, { "txt", "text/plain" }, { "wav", "audio/x-wav" }, { "webm", "video/webm" }, { "woff", "application/font-woff" }, { "wrl", "model/vrml" }, { "xhtml", "application/xhtml+xml" }, { "xls", "application/x-msexcel" }, { "xml", "text/xml" }, { "xsl", "application/xml" }, { "xslt", "application/xml" }, { "zip", "application/x-zip-compressed" } }; static std::string extension_to_type(const std::string& extension) { for (mapping m : mappings) { if (m.extension == extension) { return m.mime_type; } } return "text/plain"; } /** An HTTP Request. */ struct http_request_impl : public http_manager::http_request { public: std::shared_ptr m_request; std::size_t m_query; std::size_t m_fragment; std::size_t m_path_end; std::size_t m_query_end; http_request_impl(std::shared_ptr request) : m_request(std::move(request)) { std::size_t len = m_request->path.length(); m_fragment = m_request->path.find('#'); m_query_end = m_fragment == std::string::npos ? len : m_fragment; m_query = m_request->path.find('?'); m_path_end = m_query == std::string::npos ? m_query_end : m_query; } virtual ~http_request_impl() = default; /** Retrieves the requested resource. */ virtual const std::string get_resource() { // The entire resource: path, query and fragment. return m_request->path; } /** Returns the path part of the requested resource. */ virtual const std::string get_path() { return m_request->path.substr(0, m_path_end); } /** Returns the query part of the requested resource. */ virtual const std::string get_query() { return m_query == std::string::npos ? "" : m_request->path.substr(m_query, m_query_end); } /** Returns the fragment part of the requested resource. */ virtual const std::string get_fragment() { return m_fragment == std::string::npos ? "" : m_request->path.substr(m_fragment); } /** Retrieves a header from the HTTP request. */ virtual const std::string get_header(const std::string &header_name) { auto i = m_request->header.find(header_name); if (i != m_request->header.end()) { return (*i).second; } else { return ""; } } /** Retrieves a header from the HTTP request. */ virtual const std::list get_headers(const std::string &header_name) { std::list result; auto range = m_request->header.equal_range(header_name); for (auto i = range.first; i != range.second; i++) { result.push_back((*i).second); } return result; } /** Returns the body that was submitted with the HTTP request. */ virtual const std::string get_body() { // TODO(cbrunschen): What to return here - http_server::Request has a 'content' feld that is never filled in! return ""; } }; /** An HTTP response. */ struct http_response_impl : public http_manager::http_response { std::shared_ptr m_response; int m_status; std::string m_content_type; std::stringstream m_headers; std::stringstream m_body; http_response_impl(std::shared_ptr response) : m_response(std::move(response)) { } virtual ~http_response_impl() = default; /** Sets the HTTP status to be returned to the client. */ virtual void set_status(int status) { m_status = status; } /** Sets the HTTP content type to be returned to the client. */ virtual void set_content_type(const std::string &content_type) { m_content_type = content_type; } /** Sets the body to be sent to the client. */ virtual void set_body(const std::string &body) { m_body.str(""); append_body(body); } /** Appends something to the body to be sent to the client. */ virtual void append_body(const std::string &body) { m_body << body; } /** Sends the response to the client. */ void send() { m_response->type(m_content_type); m_response->status(m_status); m_response->send(m_body.str()); } }; struct websocket_endpoint_impl : public http_manager::websocket_endpoint { /** The underlying edpoint. */ webpp::ws_server::Endpoint *m_endpoint; websocket_endpoint_impl(webpp::ws_server::Endpoint *endpoint, http_manager::websocket_open_handler on_open, http_manager::websocket_message_handler on_message, http_manager::websocket_close_handler on_close, http_manager::websocket_error_handler on_error) : m_endpoint(endpoint) { this->on_open = std::move(on_open); this->on_message = std::move(on_message); this->on_close = std::move(on_close); this->on_error = std::move(on_error); } }; struct websocket_connection_impl : public http_manager::websocket_connection { /** The server */ webpp::ws_server *m_wsserver; /* The underlying Commection. */ std::weak_ptr m_connection; websocket_connection_impl(webpp::ws_server *server, std::shared_ptr connection) : m_wsserver(server), m_connection(connection) { } /** Sends a message to the client that is connected on the other end of this Websocket connection. */ virtual void send_message(const std::string &payload, int opcode) { if (auto connection = m_connection.lock()) { std::shared_ptr message_stream = std::make_shared(); (*message_stream) << payload; m_wsserver->send(connection, message_stream, nullptr, opcode | 0x80); } } /** Closes this open Websocket connection. */ virtual void close() { if (auto connection = m_connection.lock()) { m_wsserver->send_close(connection, 1000 /* normal close */); } } }; http_manager::http_manager(bool active, short port, const char *root) : m_active(active), m_io_context(std::make_shared()), m_root(root) { if (!active) return; m_server = std::make_unique(); m_server->m_config.port = port; m_server->set_io_context(m_io_context); m_wsserver = std::make_unique(); auto& endpoint = m_wsserver->m_endpoint["/"]; m_server->on_get([root](auto response, auto request) { std::string doc_root = root; auto request_impl = std::make_shared(request); std::string path = request_impl->get_path(); // If path ends in slash (i.e. is a directory) then add "index.html". if (path[path.size() - 1] == '/') { path += "index.html"; } // Determine the file extension. std::size_t last_slash_pos = path.find_last_of('/'); std::size_t last_dot_pos = path.find_last_of('.'); std::string extension; if (last_dot_pos != std::string::npos && last_dot_pos > last_slash_pos) { extension = path.substr(last_dot_pos + 1); } // Open the file to send back. std::string full_path = doc_root + path; std::ifstream is(full_path.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); if (!is) { response->status(400).send("Error"); } else { // Fill out the reply to be sent to the client. std::string content; char buf[512]; while (is.read(buf, sizeof(buf)).gcount() > 0) content.append(buf, size_t(is.gcount())); response->type(extension_to_type(extension)); response->status(200).send(content); } }); endpoint.on_open = [&](auto connection) { auto send_stream = std::make_shared(); *send_stream << "update_machine"; m_wsserver->send(connection, send_stream); }; m_server->on_upgrade = [this](auto socket, auto request) { auto connection = std::make_shared(socket); connection->method = std::move(request->method); connection->path = std::move(request->path); connection->http_version = std::move(request->http_version); connection->header = std::move(request->header); connection->remote_endpoint_address = std::move(request->remote_endpoint_address); connection->remote_endpoint_port = request->remote_endpoint_port; m_wsserver->upgrade(connection); }; m_server->start(); m_server_thread = std::thread([this]() { m_io_context->run(); }); } http_manager::~http_manager() { if (!m_server) return; m_server->stop(); m_io_context->stop(); if (m_server_thread.joinable()) m_server_thread.join(); } static void on_get(http_manager::http_handler handler, std::shared_ptr response, std::shared_ptr request) { auto request_impl = std::make_shared(request); auto response_impl = std::make_shared(response); handler(request_impl, response_impl); response_impl->send(); } void http_manager::on_open(http_manager::websocket_endpoint_ptr endpoint, std::shared_ptr connection) { std::lock_guard lock(m_connections_mutex); webpp::ws_server *ws_server = m_wsserver.get(); http_manager::websocket_connection_ptr connection_impl = std::make_shared(ws_server, connection); m_connections[connection.get()] = connection_impl; if (endpoint->on_open) { endpoint->on_open(connection_impl); } } void http_manager::on_message(http_manager::websocket_endpoint_ptr endpoint, std::shared_ptr connection, const std::string &payload, int opcode) { if (endpoint->on_message) { std::lock_guard lock(m_connections_mutex); auto i = m_connections.find(connection.get()); if (i != m_connections.end()) { http_manager::websocket_connection_ptr websocket_connection_impl = (*i).second; endpoint->on_message(websocket_connection_impl, payload, opcode); } } } void http_manager::on_close(http_manager::websocket_endpoint_ptr endpoint, std::shared_ptr connection, int status, const std::string& reason) { std::lock_guard lock(m_connections_mutex); auto i = m_connections.find(connection.get()); if (i != m_connections.end()) { if (endpoint->on_close) { http_manager::websocket_connection_ptr websocket_connection_impl = (*i).second; endpoint->on_close(websocket_connection_impl, status, reason); } m_connections.erase(connection.get()); } } void http_manager::on_error(http_manager::websocket_endpoint_ptr endpoint, std::shared_ptr connection, const std::error_code& error_code) { std::lock_guard lock(m_connections_mutex); auto i = m_connections.find(connection.get()); if (i != m_connections.end()) { if (endpoint->on_error) { http_manager::websocket_connection_ptr websocket_connection_impl = (*i).second; endpoint->on_error(websocket_connection_impl, error_code); } m_connections.erase(connection.get()); } } bool http_manager::read_file(std::ostream &os, const std::string &path) { std::ostringstream full_path; full_path << m_root << path; util::core_file::ptr f; osd_file::error e = util::core_file::open(full_path.str(), OPEN_FLAG_READ, f); if (e == osd_file::error::NONE) { int c; while ((c = f->getc()) >= 0) { os.put(c); } } return e == osd_file::error::NONE; } void http_manager::serve_document(http_request_ptr request, http_response_ptr response, const std::string &filename) { if (!m_active) return; std::ostringstream os; if (read_file(os, filename)) { response->set_status(200); response->set_body(os.str()); } else { response->set_status(500); } } void http_manager::serve_template(http_request_ptr request, http_response_ptr response, const std::string &filename, substitution substitute, char init, char term) { if (!m_active) return; // printf("webserver: serving template '%s' at path '%s'\n", filename.c_str(), request->get_path().c_str()); std::stringstream ss; if (read_file(ss, filename)) { std::ostringstream os; while (ss.good()) { std::string s; getline(ss, s, init); os << s; if (ss.good()) { // printf("webserver: found initiator '%c'\n", init); getline(ss, s, term); if (ss.good()) { if (substitute(s)) { os << s; } else { os << init << s << term; } } else { // printf("webserver: reached end before terminator\n"); os << init; os << s; } } else { // printf("webserver: reached end before initiator\n"); } } response->set_status(200); response->set_body(os.str()); } else { response->set_status(500); } } void http_manager::add_http_handler(const std::string &path, http_manager::http_handler handler) { if (!m_active) return; using namespace std::placeholders; m_server->on_get(path, std::bind(on_get, handler, _1, _2)); std::lock_guard lock(m_handlers_mutex); m_handlers.emplace(path, handler); } void http_manager::remove_http_handler(const std::string &path) { if (!m_active) return; m_server->remove_handler(path); std::lock_guard lock(m_handlers_mutex); m_handlers.erase(path); } void http_manager::clear() { if (!m_active) return; m_server->clear(); std::lock_guard lock(m_handlers_mutex); m_handlers.clear(); } http_manager::websocket_endpoint_ptr http_manager::add_endpoint(const std::string &path, http_manager::websocket_open_handler on_open, http_manager::websocket_message_handler on_message, http_manager::websocket_close_handler on_close, http_manager::websocket_error_handler on_error) { if (!m_active) return std::shared_ptr(nullptr); auto i = m_endpoints.find(path); if (i == m_endpoints.end()) { using namespace std::placeholders; auto &endpoint = m_wsserver->m_endpoint[path]; webpp::ws_server::Endpoint *endpoint_ptr(&endpoint); auto endpoint_impl = std::make_shared(endpoint_ptr, on_open, on_message, on_close, on_error); endpoint.on_open = [&, this, endpoint_impl](std::shared_ptr connection) { this->on_open(endpoint_impl, std::move(connection)); }; endpoint.on_message = [&, this, endpoint_impl](std::shared_ptr connection, std::shared_ptr message) { std::string payload = message->string(); int opcode = message->fin_rsv_opcode & 0x0f; this->on_message(endpoint_impl, std::move(connection), payload, opcode); }; endpoint.on_close = [&, this, endpoint_impl](std::shared_ptr connection, int status, const std::string& reason) { this->on_close(endpoint_impl, std::move(connection), status, reason); }; endpoint.on_error = [&, this, endpoint_impl](std::shared_ptr connection, const std::error_code& error_code) { this->on_error(endpoint_impl, std::move(connection), error_code); }; m_endpoints[path] = endpoint_impl; return endpoint_impl; } else { return (*i).second; } } void http_manager::remove_endpoint(const std::string &path) { if (!m_active) return; m_endpoints.erase(path); }