// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Aaron Giles /*************************************************************************** emuopts.cpp Options file and command line management. ***************************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "emuopts.h" //************************************************************************** // CORE EMULATOR OPTIONS //************************************************************************** const options_entry emu_options::s_option_entries[] = { // unadorned options - only a single one supported at the moment { OPTION_SYSTEMNAME, nullptr, OPTION_STRING, nullptr }, { OPTION_SOFTWARENAME, nullptr, OPTION_STRING, nullptr }, // config options { nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE CONFIGURATION OPTIONS" }, { OPTION_READCONFIG ";rc", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable loading of configuration files" }, { OPTION_WRITECONFIG ";wc", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "writes configuration to (driver).ini on exit" }, // search path options { nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE SEARCH PATH OPTIONS" }, { OPTION_HOMEPATH, ".", OPTION_STRING, "path to home directory (read/write) location" }, { OPTION_MEDIAPATH ";rp;biospath;bp", "roms", OPTION_STRING, "path to ROMsets and hard disk images" }, { OPTION_HASHPATH ";hash_directory;hash", "hash", OPTION_STRING, "path to hash files" }, { OPTION_SAMPLEPATH ";sp", "samples", OPTION_STRING, "path to samplesets" }, { OPTION_ARTPATH, "artwork", OPTION_STRING, "path to artwork files" }, { OPTION_CTRLRPATH, "ctrlr", OPTION_STRING, "path to controller definitions" }, { OPTION_INIPATH, ".;ini;ini/presets", OPTION_STRING, "path to ini files" }, { OPTION_FONTPATH, ".", OPTION_STRING, "path to font files" }, { OPTION_CHEATPATH, "cheat", OPTION_STRING, "path to cheat files" }, { OPTION_CROSSHAIRPATH, "crosshair", OPTION_STRING, "path to crosshair files" }, { OPTION_PLUGINSPATH, "plugins", OPTION_STRING, "path to plugin files" }, { OPTION_LANGUAGEPATH, "language", OPTION_STRING, "path to language files" }, { OPTION_SWPATH, "software", OPTION_STRING, "path to loose software" }, // output directory options { nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE OUTPUT DIRECTORY OPTIONS" }, { OPTION_CFG_DIRECTORY, "cfg", OPTION_STRING, "directory to save configurations" }, { OPTION_NVRAM_DIRECTORY, "nvram", OPTION_STRING, "directory to save nvram contents" }, { OPTION_INPUT_DIRECTORY, "inp", OPTION_STRING, "directory to save input device logs" }, { OPTION_STATE_DIRECTORY, "sta", OPTION_STRING, "directory to save states" }, { OPTION_SNAPSHOT_DIRECTORY, "snap", OPTION_STRING, "directory to save/load screenshots" }, { OPTION_DIFF_DIRECTORY, "diff", OPTION_STRING, "directory to save hard drive image difference files" }, { OPTION_COMMENT_DIRECTORY, "comments", OPTION_STRING, "directory to save debugger comments" }, // state/playback options { nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE STATE/PLAYBACK OPTIONS" }, { OPTION_STATE, nullptr, OPTION_STRING, "saved state to load" }, { OPTION_AUTOSAVE, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable automatic restore at startup, and automatic save at exit time" }, { OPTION_PLAYBACK ";pb", nullptr, OPTION_STRING, "playback an input file" }, { OPTION_RECORD ";rec", nullptr, OPTION_STRING, "record an input file" }, { OPTION_RECORD_TIMECODE, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "record an input timecode file (requires -record option)" }, { OPTION_EXIT_AFTER_PLAYBACK, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "close the program at the end of playback" }, { OPTION_MNGWRITE, nullptr, OPTION_STRING, "optional filename to write a MNG movie of the current session" }, { OPTION_AVIWRITE, nullptr, OPTION_STRING, "optional filename to write an AVI movie of the current session" }, { OPTION_WAVWRITE, nullptr, OPTION_STRING, "optional filename to write a WAV file of the current session" }, { OPTION_SNAPNAME, "%g/%i", OPTION_STRING, "override of the default snapshot/movie naming; %g == gamename, %i == index" }, { OPTION_SNAPSIZE, "auto", OPTION_STRING, "specify snapshot/movie resolution (x) or 'auto' to use minimal size " }, { OPTION_SNAPVIEW, "internal", OPTION_STRING, "specify snapshot/movie view or 'internal' to use internal pixel-aspect views" }, { OPTION_SNAPBILINEAR, "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "specify if the snapshot/movie should have bilinear filtering applied" }, { OPTION_STATENAME, "%g", OPTION_STRING, "override of the default state subfolder naming; %g == gamename" }, { OPTION_BURNIN, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "create burn-in snapshots for each screen" }, // performance options { nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE PERFORMANCE OPTIONS" }, { OPTION_AUTOFRAMESKIP ";afs", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable automatic frameskip selection" }, { OPTION_FRAMESKIP ";fs(0-10)", "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "set frameskip to fixed value, 0-10 (autoframeskip must be disabled)" }, { OPTION_SECONDS_TO_RUN ";str", "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "number of emulated seconds to run before automatically exiting" }, { OPTION_THROTTLE, "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable throttling to keep game running in sync with real time" }, { OPTION_SLEEP, "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable sleeping, which gives time back to other applications when idle" }, { OPTION_SPEED "(0.01-100)", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "controls the speed of gameplay, relative to realtime; smaller numbers are slower" }, { OPTION_REFRESHSPEED ";rs", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "automatically adjusts the speed of gameplay to keep the refresh rate lower than the screen" }, // render options { nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE RENDER OPTIONS" }, { OPTION_KEEPASPECT ";ka", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "constrain to the proper aspect ratio" }, { OPTION_UNEVENSTRETCH ";ues", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "allow non-integer stretch factors" }, { OPTION_UNEVENSTRETCHX ";uesx", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "allow non-integer stretch factors only on horizontal axis"}, { OPTION_UNEVENSTRETCHY ";uesy", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "allow non-integer stretch factors only on vertical axis"}, { OPTION_AUTOSTRETCHXY ";asxy", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "automatically apply -unevenstretchx/y based on source native orientation"}, { OPTION_INTOVERSCAN ";ios", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "allow overscan on integer scaled targets"}, { OPTION_INTSCALEX ";sx", "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "set horizontal integer scale factor."}, { OPTION_INTSCALEY ";sy", "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "set vertical integer scale."}, // rotation options { nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE ROTATION OPTIONS" }, { OPTION_ROTATE, "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "rotate the game screen according to the game's orientation needs it" }, { OPTION_ROR, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "rotate screen clockwise 90 degrees" }, { OPTION_ROL, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "rotate screen counterclockwise 90 degrees" }, { OPTION_AUTOROR, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "automatically rotate screen clockwise 90 degrees if vertical" }, { OPTION_AUTOROL, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "automatically rotate screen counterclockwise 90 degrees if vertical" }, { OPTION_FLIPX, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "flip screen left-right" }, { OPTION_FLIPY, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "flip screen upside-down" }, // artwork options { nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE ARTWORK OPTIONS" }, { OPTION_ARTWORK_CROP ";artcrop", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "crop artwork to game screen size" }, { OPTION_USE_BACKDROPS ";backdrop", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable backdrops if artwork is enabled and available" }, { OPTION_USE_OVERLAYS ";overlay", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable overlays if artwork is enabled and available" }, { OPTION_USE_BEZELS ";bezel", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable bezels if artwork is enabled and available" }, { OPTION_USE_CPANELS ";cpanel", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable cpanels if artwork is enabled and available" }, { OPTION_USE_MARQUEES ";marquee", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable marquees if artwork is enabled and available" }, // screen options { nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE SCREEN OPTIONS" }, { OPTION_BRIGHTNESS "(0.1-2.0)", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "default game screen brightness correction" }, { OPTION_CONTRAST "(0.1-2.0)", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "default game screen contrast correction" }, { OPTION_GAMMA "(0.1-3.0)", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "default game screen gamma correction" }, { OPTION_PAUSE_BRIGHTNESS "(0.0-1.0)", "0.65", OPTION_FLOAT, "amount to scale the screen brightness when paused" }, { OPTION_EFFECT, "none", OPTION_STRING, "name of a PNG file to use for visual effects, or 'none'" }, // vector options { nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE VECTOR OPTIONS" }, { OPTION_BEAM_WIDTH_MIN, "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "set vector beam width minimum" }, { OPTION_BEAM_WIDTH_MAX, "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "set vector beam width maximum" }, { OPTION_BEAM_INTENSITY_WEIGHT, "0", OPTION_FLOAT, "set vector beam intensity weight " }, { OPTION_FLICKER, "0", OPTION_FLOAT, "set vector flicker effect" }, // sound options { nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE SOUND OPTIONS" }, { OPTION_SAMPLERATE ";sr(1000-1000000)", "48000", OPTION_INTEGER, "set sound output sample rate" }, { OPTION_SAMPLES, "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable the use of external samples if available" }, { OPTION_VOLUME ";vol", "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "sound volume in decibels (-32 min, 0 max)" }, // input options { nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE INPUT OPTIONS" }, { OPTION_COIN_LOCKOUT ";coinlock", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable coin lockouts to actually lock out coins" }, { OPTION_CTRLR, nullptr, OPTION_STRING, "preconfigure for specified controller" }, { OPTION_MOUSE, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable mouse input" }, { OPTION_JOYSTICK ";joy", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable joystick input" }, { OPTION_LIGHTGUN ";gun", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable lightgun input" }, { OPTION_MULTIKEYBOARD ";multikey", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable separate input from each keyboard device (if present)" }, { OPTION_MULTIMOUSE, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable separate input from each mouse device (if present)" }, { OPTION_STEADYKEY ";steady", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable steadykey support" }, { OPTION_UI_ACTIVE, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable user interface on top of emulated keyboard (if present)" }, { OPTION_OFFSCREEN_RELOAD ";reload", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "convert lightgun button 2 into offscreen reload" }, { OPTION_JOYSTICK_MAP ";joymap", "auto", OPTION_STRING, "explicit joystick map, or auto to auto-select" }, { OPTION_JOYSTICK_DEADZONE ";joy_deadzone;jdz(0.00-1)", "0.3", OPTION_FLOAT, "center deadzone range for joystick where change is ignored (0.0 center, 1.0 end)" }, { OPTION_JOYSTICK_SATURATION ";joy_saturation;jsat(0.00-1)", "0.85", OPTION_FLOAT, "end of axis saturation range for joystick where change is ignored (0.0 center, 1.0 end)" }, { OPTION_NATURAL_KEYBOARD ";nat", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "specifies whether to use a natural keyboard or not" }, { OPTION_JOYSTICK_CONTRADICTORY ";joy_contradictory","0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable contradictory direction digital joystick input at the same time" }, { OPTION_COIN_IMPULSE, "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "set coin impulse time (n<0 disable impulse, n==0 obey driver, 0second.specified_value(); return slotiter->second.specified() ? override_get_value_result::OVERRIDE : override_get_value_result::SKIP; } auto imageiter = m_image_options.find(name); if (imageiter != m_image_options.end()) { value = imageiter->second; return override_get_value_result::OVERRIDE; } } return override_get_value_result::NONE; } //------------------------------------------------- // override_set_value - when parsing an INI, we // need to hook into into it so we can do the same // crazy slot logic done in mameopt //------------------------------------------------- bool emu_options::override_set_value(const char *name, const std::string &value) { auto slotiter = m_slot_options.find(name); if (slotiter != m_slot_options.end()) { slotiter->second.specify(std::string(value)); return true; } auto imageiter = m_image_options.find(name); if (imageiter != m_image_options.end()) { // We've found a potential image slot for this value. However, we're only going to specify it // if the current image option is empty. This is because if there is an image option already // present, it is almost certain that this was because something was specified at the command // line and we're parsing an INI. Because INIs have less priority than the command line, this // should be ignored // // Obviously, this ignores that INIs themselves have their own prioritization, so this should be // considered to be a hack. Instead of having image options being just a straight map of std::string // it should really be a structure where the priority can be recorded if (imageiter->second.empty()) imageiter->second = value; return true; } return false; } //------------------------------------------------- // slot_option ctor //------------------------------------------------- slot_option::slot_option(const char *default_value) : m_specified(false) , m_default_value(default_value ? default_value : "") { } //------------------------------------------------- // slot_option::value //------------------------------------------------- const std::string &slot_option::value() const { // There are a number of ways that the value can be determined; there // is a specific order of precedence: // // 1. Highest priority is whatever may have been specified by the user (whether it // was specified at the command line, an INI file, or in the UI). We keep track // of whether these values were specified this way // // Take note that slots have a notion of being "selectable". Slots that are not // marked as selectable cannot be specified with this technique // // 2. Next highest is what is returned from get_default_card_software() // // 3. Last in priority is what was specified as the slot default. This comes from // device setup if (m_specified) return m_specified_value; else if (!m_default_card_software.empty()) return m_default_card_software; else return m_default_value; } //------------------------------------------------- // slot_option::specified_value //------------------------------------------------- std::string slot_option::specified_value() const { std::string result; if (m_specified) { result = m_specified_bios.empty() ? m_specified_value : util::string_format("%s,bios=%s", m_specified_value, m_specified_bios); } return result; } //------------------------------------------------- // slot_option::specify //------------------------------------------------- void slot_option::specify(std::string &&text) { // we need to do some elementary parsing here const char *bios_arg = ",bios="; size_t pos = text.find(bios_arg); if (pos != std::string::npos) { m_specified = true; m_specified_value = text.substr(0, pos); m_specified_bios = text.substr(pos + strlen(bios_arg)); } else { m_specified = true; m_specified_value = std::move(text); m_specified_bios = ""; } } //------------------------------------------------- // slot_option::set_bios //------------------------------------------------- void slot_option::set_bios(std::string &&text) { if (!m_specified) { m_specified = true; m_specified_value = value(); } m_specified_bios = std::move(text); }