/*************************************************************************** emuopts.c Options file and command line management. **************************************************************************** Copyright Aaron Giles All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name 'MAME' nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AARON GILES ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AARON GILES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ***************************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "emuopts.h" #include "drivenum.h" #include //************************************************************************** // CORE EMULATOR OPTIONS //************************************************************************** const options_entry emu_options::s_option_entries[] = { // unadorned options - only a single one supported at the moment { OPTION_SYSTEMNAME, NULL, OPTION_STRING, NULL }, { OPTION_SOFTWARENAME, NULL, OPTION_STRING, NULL }, // config options { NULL, NULL, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE CONFIGURATION OPTIONS" }, { OPTION_READCONFIG ";rc", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable loading of configuration files" }, { OPTION_WRITECONFIG ";wc", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "writes configuration to (driver).ini on exit" }, // seach path options { NULL, NULL, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE SEARCH PATH OPTIONS" }, { OPTION_MEDIAPATH ";rp;biospath;bp", "roms", OPTION_STRING, "path to ROMsets and hard disk images" }, { OPTION_HASHPATH ";hash_directory;hash", "hash", OPTION_STRING, "path to hash files" }, { OPTION_SAMPLEPATH ";sp", "samples", OPTION_STRING, "path to samplesets" }, { OPTION_ARTPATH, "artwork", OPTION_STRING, "path to artwork files" }, { OPTION_CTRLRPATH, "ctrlr", OPTION_STRING, "path to controller definitions" }, { OPTION_INIPATH, ".;ini", OPTION_STRING, "path to ini files" }, { OPTION_FONTPATH, ".", OPTION_STRING, "path to font files" }, { OPTION_CHEATPATH, "cheat", OPTION_STRING, "path to cheat files" }, { OPTION_CROSSHAIRPATH, "crosshair", OPTION_STRING, "path to crosshair files" }, // output directory options { NULL, NULL, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE OUTPUT DIRECTORY OPTIONS" }, { OPTION_CFG_DIRECTORY, "cfg", OPTION_STRING, "directory to save configurations" }, { OPTION_NVRAM_DIRECTORY, "nvram", OPTION_STRING, "directory to save nvram contents" }, { OPTION_MEMCARD_DIRECTORY, "memcard", OPTION_STRING, "directory to save memory card contents" }, { OPTION_INPUT_DIRECTORY, "inp", OPTION_STRING, "directory to save input device logs" }, { OPTION_STATE_DIRECTORY, "sta", OPTION_STRING, "directory to save states" }, { OPTION_SNAPSHOT_DIRECTORY, "snap", OPTION_STRING, "directory to save screenshots" }, { OPTION_DIFF_DIRECTORY, "diff", OPTION_STRING, "directory to save hard drive image difference files" }, { OPTION_COMMENT_DIRECTORY, "comments", OPTION_STRING, "directory to save debugger comments" }, // state/playback options { NULL, NULL, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE STATE/PLAYBACK OPTIONS" }, { OPTION_STATE, NULL, OPTION_STRING, "saved state to load" }, { OPTION_AUTOSAVE, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable automatic restore at startup, and automatic save at exit time" }, { OPTION_PLAYBACK ";pb", NULL, OPTION_STRING, "playback an input file" }, { OPTION_RECORD ";rec", NULL, OPTION_STRING, "record an input file" }, { OPTION_MNGWRITE, NULL, OPTION_STRING, "optional filename to write a MNG movie of the current session" }, { OPTION_AVIWRITE, NULL, OPTION_STRING, "optional filename to write an AVI movie of the current session" }, { OPTION_WAVWRITE, NULL, OPTION_STRING, "optional filename to write a WAV file of the current session" }, { OPTION_SNAPNAME, "%g/%i", OPTION_STRING, "override of the default snapshot/movie naming; %g == gamename, %i == index" }, { OPTION_SNAPSIZE, "auto", OPTION_STRING, "specify snapshot/movie resolution (x) or 'auto' to use minimal size " }, { OPTION_SNAPVIEW, "internal", OPTION_STRING, "specify snapshot/movie view or 'internal' to use internal pixel-aspect views" }, { OPTION_BURNIN, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "create burn-in snapshots for each screen" }, // performance options { NULL, NULL, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE PERFORMANCE OPTIONS" }, { OPTION_AUTOFRAMESKIP ";afs", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable automatic frameskip selection" }, { OPTION_FRAMESKIP ";fs(0-10)", "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "set frameskip to fixed value, 0-10 (autoframeskip must be disabled)" }, { OPTION_SECONDS_TO_RUN ";str", "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "number of emulated seconds to run before automatically exiting" }, { OPTION_THROTTLE, "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable throttling to keep game running in sync with real time" }, { OPTION_SLEEP, "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable sleeping, which gives time back to other applications when idle" }, { OPTION_SPEED "(0.01-100)", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "controls the speed of gameplay, relative to realtime; smaller numbers are slower" }, { OPTION_REFRESHSPEED ";rs", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "automatically adjusts the speed of gameplay to keep the refresh rate lower than the screen" }, // rotation options { NULL, NULL, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE ROTATION OPTIONS" }, { OPTION_ROTATE, "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "rotate the game screen according to the game's orientation needs it" }, { OPTION_ROR, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "rotate screen clockwise 90 degrees" }, { OPTION_ROL, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "rotate screen counterclockwise 90 degrees" }, { OPTION_AUTOROR, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "automatically rotate screen clockwise 90 degrees if vertical" }, { OPTION_AUTOROL, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "automatically rotate screen counterclockwise 90 degrees if vertical" }, { OPTION_FLIPX, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "flip screen left-right" }, { OPTION_FLIPY, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "flip screen upside-down" }, // artwork options { NULL, NULL, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE ARTWORK OPTIONS" }, { OPTION_ARTWORK_CROP ";artcrop", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "crop artwork to game screen size" }, { OPTION_USE_BACKDROPS ";backdrop", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable backdrops if artwork is enabled and available" }, { OPTION_USE_OVERLAYS ";overlay", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable overlays if artwork is enabled and available" }, { OPTION_USE_BEZELS ";bezel", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable bezels if artwork is enabled and available" }, { OPTION_USE_CPANELS ";cpanel", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable cpanels if artwork is enabled and available" }, { OPTION_USE_MARQUEES ";marquee", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable marquees if artwork is enabled and available" }, // screen options { NULL, NULL, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE SCREEN OPTIONS" }, { OPTION_BRIGHTNESS "(0.1-2.0)", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "default game screen brightness correction" }, { OPTION_CONTRAST "(0.1-2.0)", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "default game screen contrast correction" }, { OPTION_GAMMA "(0.1-3.0)", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "default game screen gamma correction" }, { OPTION_PAUSE_BRIGHTNESS "(0.0-1.0)", "0.65", OPTION_FLOAT, "amount to scale the screen brightness when paused" }, { OPTION_EFFECT, "none", OPTION_STRING, "name of a PNG file to use for visual effects, or 'none'" }, // vector options { NULL, NULL, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE VECTOR OPTIONS" }, { OPTION_ANTIALIAS ";aa", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "use antialiasing when drawing vectors" }, { OPTION_BEAM, "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "set vector beam width" }, { OPTION_FLICKER, "0", OPTION_FLOAT, "set vector flicker effect" }, // sound options { NULL, NULL, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE SOUND OPTIONS" }, { OPTION_SOUND, "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable sound output" }, { OPTION_SAMPLERATE ";sr(1000-1000000)", "48000", OPTION_INTEGER, "set sound output sample rate" }, { OPTION_SAMPLES, "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable the use of external samples if available" }, { OPTION_VOLUME ";vol", "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "sound volume in decibels (-32 min, 0 max)" }, // input options { NULL, NULL, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE INPUT OPTIONS" }, { OPTION_COIN_LOCKOUT ";coinlock", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable coin lockouts to actually lock out coins" }, { OPTION_CTRLR, NULL, OPTION_STRING, "preconfigure for specified controller" }, { OPTION_MOUSE, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable mouse input" }, { OPTION_JOYSTICK ";joy", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable joystick input" }, { OPTION_LIGHTGUN ";gun", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable lightgun input" }, { OPTION_MULTIKEYBOARD ";multikey", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable separate input from each keyboard device (if present)" }, { OPTION_MULTIMOUSE, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable separate input from each mouse device (if present)" }, { OPTION_STEADYKEY ";steady", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable steadykey support" }, { OPTION_UI_ACTIVE, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable user interface on top of emulated keyboard (if present)" }, { OPTION_OFFSCREEN_RELOAD ";reload", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "convert lightgun button 2 into offscreen reload" }, { OPTION_JOYSTICK_MAP ";joymap", "auto", OPTION_STRING, "explicit joystick map, or auto to auto-select" }, { OPTION_JOYSTICK_DEADZONE ";joy_deadzone;jdz", "0.3", OPTION_FLOAT, "center deadzone range for joystick where change is ignored (0.0 center, 1.0 end)" }, { OPTION_JOYSTICK_SATURATION ";joy_saturation;jsat", "0.85", OPTION_FLOAT, "end of axis saturation range for joystick where change is ignored (0.0 center, 1.0 end)" }, { OPTION_NATURAL_KEYBOARD ";nat", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "specifies whether to use a natural keyboard or not" }, { OPTION_JOYSTICK_CONTRADICTORY, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable contradictory direction digital joystick input at the same time" }, { OPTION_COIN_IMPULSE, "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "set coin impulse time (n<0 disable impulse, n==0 obey driver, 0fixed()) continue; // first device? add the header as to be pretty if (first && isfirst) { entry[0].name = NULL; entry[0].description = "SLOT DEVICES"; entry[0].flags = OPTION_HEADER | OPTION_FLAG_DEVICE; entry[0].defvalue = NULL; add_entries(entry); } first = false; // retrieve info about the device instance if (!exists(slot->device().tag() + 1)) { // add the option entry[0].name = slot->device().tag() + 1; entry[0].description = NULL; entry[0].flags = OPTION_STRING | OPTION_FLAG_DEVICE; entry[0].defvalue = (slot->get_slot_interfaces() != NULL) ? slot->get_default_card() : NULL; add_entries(entry, true); added = true; } } return added; } //------------------------------------------------- // update_slot_options - update slot values // depending of image mounted //------------------------------------------------- void emu_options::update_slot_options() { // look up the system configured by name; if no match, do nothing const game_driver *cursystem = system(); if (cursystem == NULL) return; // iterate through all slot devices // create the configuration machine_config config(*cursystem, *this); slot_interface_iterator iter(config.root_device()); for (device_slot_interface *slot = iter.first(); slot != NULL; slot = iter.next()) { // retrieve info about the device instance if (exists(slot->device().tag()+1)) { if (slot->get_slot_interfaces() != NULL) { const char *def = slot->get_default_card_software(config,*this); if (def) set_default_value(slot->device().tag()+1,def); } } } } //------------------------------------------------- // add_device_options - add all of the device // options for the configured system //------------------------------------------------- void emu_options::add_device_options(bool isfirst) { // look up the system configured by name; if no match, do nothing const game_driver *cursystem = system(); if (cursystem == NULL) return; // iterate through all slot devices options_entry entry[2] = { { 0 }, { 0 } }; bool first = true; // iterate through all image devices machine_config config(*cursystem, *this); image_interface_iterator iter(config.root_device()); for (const device_image_interface *image = iter.first(); image != NULL; image = iter.next()) { // first device? add the header as to be pretty if (first && isfirst) { entry[0].name = NULL; entry[0].description = "IMAGE DEVICES"; entry[0].flags = OPTION_HEADER | OPTION_FLAG_DEVICE; entry[0].defvalue = NULL; add_entries(entry); } first = false; // retrieve info about the device instance astring option_name; option_name.printf("%s;%s", image->instance_name(), image->brief_instance_name()); if (strcmp(image->device_typename(image->image_type()),image->instance_name())==0){ option_name.printf("%s;%s;%s1;%s1", image->instance_name(), image->brief_instance_name(), image->instance_name(), image->brief_instance_name()); } // add the option if (!exists(image->instance_name())) { entry[0].name = option_name; entry[0].description = NULL; entry[0].flags = OPTION_STRING | OPTION_FLAG_DEVICE; entry[0].defvalue = NULL; add_entries(entry, true); } } } //------------------------------------------------- // remove_device_options - remove device options //------------------------------------------------- void emu_options::remove_device_options() { // iterate through options and remove interesting ones entry *nextentry; for (entry *curentry = first(); curentry != NULL; curentry = nextentry) { // pre-fetch the next entry in case we delete this one nextentry = curentry->next(); // if this is a device option, nuke it if ((curentry->flags() & OPTION_FLAG_DEVICE) != 0) remove_entry(*curentry); } } //------------------------------------------------- // parse_slot_devices - parse the command line // and update slot and image devices //------------------------------------------------- bool emu_options::parse_slot_devices(int argc, char *argv[], astring &error_string, const char *name, const char *value) { bool isfirst = true; bool result = core_options::parse_command_line(argc, argv, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error_string); while (add_slot_options(isfirst)) { result = core_options::parse_command_line(argc, argv, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error_string); isfirst = false; } add_device_options(true); if (name && exists(name)) { set_value(name, value, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error_string); } result = core_options::parse_command_line(argc, argv, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error_string); int num = 0; do { num = options_count(); update_slot_options(); while (add_slot_options(false)); add_device_options(false); result = core_options::parse_command_line(argc, argv, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error_string); } while(num != options_count()); return result; } //------------------------------------------------- // parse_command_line - parse the command line // and update the devices //------------------------------------------------- bool emu_options::parse_command_line(int argc, char *argv[], astring &error_string) { // remember the original system name astring old_system_name(system_name()); // parse as normal bool result = core_options::parse_command_line(argc, argv, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error_string); // if the system name changed, fix up the device options if (old_system_name != system_name()) { // remove any existing device options remove_device_options(); result = parse_slot_devices(argc, argv, error_string, NULL, NULL); if (exists(OPTION_RAMSIZE) && old_system_name.len()!=0) set_value(OPTION_RAMSIZE, "", OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error_string); } return result; } //------------------------------------------------- // parse_standard_inis - parse the standard set // of INI files //------------------------------------------------- void emu_options::parse_standard_inis(astring &error_string) { // start with an empty string error_string.reset(); // parse the INI file defined by the platform (e.g., "mame.ini") // we do this twice so that the first file can change the INI path parse_one_ini(emulator_info::get_configname(), OPTION_PRIORITY_MAME_INI); parse_one_ini(emulator_info::get_configname(), OPTION_PRIORITY_MAME_INI, &error_string); // debug mode: parse "debug.ini" as well if (debug()) parse_one_ini("debug", OPTION_PRIORITY_DEBUG_INI, &error_string); // if we have a valid system driver, parse system-specific INI files const game_driver *cursystem = system(); if (cursystem == NULL) return; // parse "vertical.ini" or "horizont.ini" if (cursystem->flags & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) parse_one_ini("vertical", OPTION_PRIORITY_ORIENTATION_INI, &error_string); else parse_one_ini("horizont", OPTION_PRIORITY_ORIENTATION_INI, &error_string); // parse "vector.ini" for vector games { machine_config config(*cursystem, *this); screen_device_iterator iter(config.root_device()); for (const screen_device *device = iter.first(); device != NULL; device = iter.next()) if (device->screen_type() == SCREEN_TYPE_VECTOR) { parse_one_ini("vector", OPTION_PRIORITY_VECTOR_INI, &error_string); break; } } // next parse "source/.ini"; if that doesn't exist, try .ini astring sourcename; core_filename_extract_base(sourcename, cursystem->source_file, true).ins(0, "source" PATH_SEPARATOR); if (!parse_one_ini(sourcename, OPTION_PRIORITY_SOURCE_INI, &error_string)) { core_filename_extract_base(sourcename, cursystem->source_file, true); parse_one_ini(sourcename, OPTION_PRIORITY_SOURCE_INI, &error_string); } // then parse the grandparent, parent, and system-specific INIs int parent = driver_list::clone(*cursystem); int gparent = (parent != -1) ? driver_list::clone(parent) : -1; if (gparent != -1) parse_one_ini(driver_list::driver(gparent).name, OPTION_PRIORITY_GPARENT_INI, &error_string); if (parent != -1) parse_one_ini(driver_list::driver(parent).name, OPTION_PRIORITY_PARENT_INI, &error_string); parse_one_ini(cursystem->name, OPTION_PRIORITY_DRIVER_INI, &error_string); } //------------------------------------------------- // system - return a pointer to the specified // system driver, or NULL if no match //------------------------------------------------- const game_driver *emu_options::system() const { astring tempstr; int index = driver_list::find(core_filename_extract_base(tempstr, system_name(), true)); return (index != -1) ? &driver_list::driver(index) : NULL; } //------------------------------------------------- // set_system_name - set a new system name //------------------------------------------------- void emu_options::set_system_name(const char *name) { // remember the original system name astring old_system_name(system_name()); // if the system name changed, fix up the device options if (old_system_name != name) { // first set the new name astring error; set_value(OPTION_SYSTEMNAME, name, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error); assert(!error); // remove any existing device options remove_device_options(); bool isfirst = true; while (add_slot_options(isfirst)) { isfirst = false; } // then add the options add_device_options(true); int num = 0; do { num = options_count(); update_slot_options(); while (add_slot_options(false)); add_device_options(false); } while(num != options_count()); } } //------------------------------------------------- // device_option - return the value of the // device-specific option //------------------------------------------------- const char *emu_options::device_option(device_image_interface &image) { return value(image.instance_name()); } //------------------------------------------------- // parse_one_ini - parse a single INI file //------------------------------------------------- bool emu_options::parse_one_ini(const char *basename, int priority, astring *error_string) { // don't parse if it has been disabled if (!read_config()) return false; // open the file; if we fail, that's ok emu_file file(ini_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ); file_error filerr = file.open(basename, ".ini"); if (filerr != FILERR_NONE) return false; // parse the file mame_printf_verbose("Parsing %s.ini\n", basename); astring error; bool result = parse_ini_file(file, priority, OPTION_PRIORITY_DRIVER_INI, error); // append errors if requested if (error && error_string != NULL) error_string->catprintf("While parsing %s:\n%s\n", file.fullpath(), error.cstr()); return result; } const char *emu_options::main_value(astring &buffer, const char *name) const { buffer = value(name); int pos = buffer.chr(0,','); if (pos!=-1) { buffer = buffer.substr(0,pos); } return buffer.cstr(); } const char *emu_options::sub_value(astring &buffer, const char *name, const char *subname) const { astring tmp = ","; tmp.cat(subname); tmp.cat("="); buffer = value(name); int pos = buffer.find(0,tmp); if (pos!=-1) { int endpos = buffer.chr(pos+1,','); if(endpos==-1) endpos = buffer.len(); buffer = buffer.substr(pos+tmp.len(),endpos-pos-tmp.len()); } else { buffer =""; } return buffer.cstr(); }