// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Nicola Salmoria, Aaron Giles /********************************************************************* drawgfx.h Generic graphic functions. ********************************************************************** How to use priority-masked drawing (formerly pdrawgfx): There are two different standard ways to use the priority bitmap and the priority-masked draw methods, depending on how many layers of interest (tilemap or other layers that individual sprites can be either "behind" or "in front of") your driver has. In the more common scheme, which you can use when the number of layers of interest is four or fewer, the priority bitmap contains a bitmask indicating which layers are opaque at each location. To use this scheme, draw your tilemap layers this way, in order from back to front: screen.priority().fill(0, cliprect); m_tilemap1->draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, tmap1flags, 1); m_tilemap2->draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, tmap2flags, 2); m_tilemap3->draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, tmap3flags, 4); m_tilemap4->draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, tmap4flags, 8); Now, when drawing your sprites, the pmask parameter for each sprite should be the bitwise OR of all the GFX_PMASK_n constants corresponding to layers that the sprite should be masked by. For example, to draw a sprite that appears over tilemap1, but under opaque pixels of tilemap2, tilemap3, and tilemap4: UINT32 pmask = GFX_PMASK_2 | GFX_PMASK_4 | GFX_PMASK_8; gfx->prio_transpen(bitmap, cliprect, code, color, flipx, flipy, sx, sy, screen.priority(), pmask, trans_pen); This scheme does not require priority to be transitive: it is perfectly possible for a sprite to be "under" tilemap1 but "over" tilemap4, even though tilemap1 itself is "under" tilemap4. If you have more than four layers, you need to use a different scheme, in which the priority bitmap contains the index of the topmost opaque layer rather than a bitmask of all the opaque layers. To use this scheme, draw your tilemaps this way, again in order from back to front: screen.priority().fill(0, cliprect); m_tilemap1->draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, tmap1flags, 1, 0); m_tilemap2->draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, tmap2flags, 2, 0); m_tilemap3->draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, tmap3flags, 3, 0); m_tilemap4->draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, tmap4flags, 4, 0); m_tilemap5->draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, tmap5flags, 5, 0); m_tilemap6->draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, tmap6flags, 6, 0); m_tilemap7->draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, tmap7flags, 7, 0); m_tilemap8->draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, tmap8flags, 8, 0); Notice the additional 0 parameter to tilemap_t::draw(). This parameter causes the new layer's priority code to replace that of the underlying layer instead of being ORed with it (the parameter is a mask to be ANDed with the previous contents of the priority bitmap before the new code is ORed with it) You need to use a different pmask for your sprites with this scheme than with the previous scheme. The pmask should be set to ((~1) << n), where n is the index of the highest priority layer that the sprite should *not* be masked by. For example, to draw a sprite over the first four tilemaps but under the higher numbered ones: UINT32 pmask = (~1) << 4; gfx->prio_transpen(bitmap, cliprect, code, color, flipx, flipy, sx, sy, screen.priority(), pmask, trans_pen); Unlike the other scheme, this one does require priority to be transitive, because the priority bitmap only contains information about the topmost opaque pixel. These examples have used a different tilemap for each layer, but the layers could just as easily be different tile categories or pen layers from the same tilemap. If you have a layer that is behind all sprites, draw it with priority 0, and if you have a layer that is in front of all sprites, just draw it after the sprites. The bitmask scheme can handle up to 6 layers if you count "behind all sprites" and "in front of all sprites". An important thing to remember when using priority-masked drawing is that the sprites are drawn from front to back. Sprite pixels will not be drawn over already-drawn sprite pixels, even if the previously-drawn pixel was masked by a background layer. This reflects the fact that in most hardware, sprite-to-sprite priority is unrelated to sprite-to-background priority. Your sprites need to be pre-sorted by their sprite-to-sprite priority (whether that be a field in the sprite attributes or simply their order in sprite RAM) before drawing. *********************************************************************/ #pragma once #ifndef __EMU_H__ #error Dont include this file directly; include emu.h instead. #endif #ifndef __DRAWGFX_H__ #define __DRAWGFX_H__ /*************************************************************************** CONSTANTS ***************************************************************************/ enum { DRAWMODE_NONE, DRAWMODE_SOURCE, DRAWMODE_SHADOW }; enum { GFX_PMASK_1 = 0xaaaa, GFX_PMASK_2 = 0xcccc, GFX_PMASK_4 = 0xf0f0, GFX_PMASK_8 = 0xff00 }; /*************************************************************************** TYPE DEFINITIONS ***************************************************************************/ class gfx_element { public: // construction/destruction #ifdef UNUSED_FUNCTION gfx_element(); #endif gfx_element(palette_device &palette, const gfx_layout &gl, const UINT8 *srcdata, UINT32 xormask, UINT32 total_colors, UINT32 color_base); gfx_element(palette_device &palette, UINT8 *base, UINT32 width, UINT32 height, UINT32 rowbytes, UINT32 total_colors, UINT32 color_base, UINT32 color_granularity); // getters palette_device &palette() const { return *m_palette; } UINT16 width() const { return m_width; } UINT16 height() const { return m_height; } UINT32 elements() const { return m_total_elements; } UINT32 colorbase() const { return m_color_base; } UINT16 depth() const { return m_color_depth; } UINT16 granularity() const { return m_color_granularity; } UINT32 colors() const { return m_total_colors; } UINT32 rowbytes() const { return m_line_modulo; } bool has_pen_usage() const { return !m_pen_usage.empty(); } // used by tilemaps UINT32 dirtyseq() const { return m_dirtyseq; } // setters void set_layout(const gfx_layout &gl, const UINT8 *srcdata); void set_raw_layout(const UINT8 *srcdata, UINT32 width, UINT32 height, UINT32 total, UINT32 linemod, UINT32 charmod); void set_source(const UINT8 *source); void set_source_and_total(const UINT8 *source, UINT32 total); void set_xormask(UINT32 xormask) { m_layout_xormask = xormask; } void set_palette(palette_device &palette) { m_palette = &palette; } void set_colors(UINT32 colors) { m_total_colors = colors; } void set_colorbase(UINT16 colorbase) { m_color_base = colorbase; } void set_granularity(UINT16 granularity) { m_color_granularity = granularity; } void set_source_clip(UINT32 xoffs, UINT32 width, UINT32 yoffs, UINT32 height); // operations void mark_dirty(UINT32 code) { if (code < elements()) { m_dirty[code] = 1; m_dirtyseq++; } } void mark_all_dirty() { memset(&m_dirty[0], 1, elements()); } const UINT8 *get_data(UINT32 code) { assert(code < elements()); if (code < m_dirty.size() && m_dirty[code]) decode(code); return m_gfxdata + code * m_char_modulo + m_starty * m_line_modulo + m_startx; } UINT32 pen_usage(UINT32 code) { assert(code < m_pen_usage.size()); if (m_dirty[code]) decode(code); return m_pen_usage[code]; } // ----- core graphics drawing ----- // specific drawgfx implementations for each transparency type void opaque(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty); void opaque(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty); void transpen(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 transpen); void transpen(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 transpen); void transpen_raw(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 transpen); void transpen_raw(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 transpen); void transmask(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 transmask); void transmask(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 transmask); void transtable(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, const UINT8 *pentable); void transtable(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, const UINT8 *pentable); void alpha(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 transpen, UINT8 alpha); // ----- zoomed graphics drawing ----- // specific zoom implementations for each transparency type void zoom_opaque(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 scalex, UINT32 scaley); void zoom_opaque(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 scalex, UINT32 scaley); void zoom_transpen(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 scalex, UINT32 scaley, UINT32 transpen); void zoom_transpen(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 scalex, UINT32 scaley, UINT32 transpen); void zoom_transpen_raw(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 scalex, UINT32 scaley, UINT32 transpen); void zoom_transpen_raw(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 scalex, UINT32 scaley, UINT32 transpen); void zoom_transmask(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 scalex, UINT32 scaley, UINT32 transmask); void zoom_transmask(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 scalex, UINT32 scaley, UINT32 transmask); void zoom_transtable(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 scalex, UINT32 scaley, const UINT8 *pentable); void zoom_transtable(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 scalex, UINT32 scaley, const UINT8 *pentable); void zoom_alpha(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 scalex, UINT32 scaley, UINT32 transpen, UINT8 alpha); // ----- priority masked graphics drawing ----- // specific prio implementations for each transparency type void prio_opaque(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask); void prio_opaque(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask); void prio_transpen(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask, UINT32 transpen); void prio_transpen(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask, UINT32 transpen); void prio_transpen_raw(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask, UINT32 transpen); void prio_transpen_raw(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask, UINT32 transpen); void prio_transmask(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask, UINT32 transmask); void prio_transmask(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask, UINT32 transmask); void prio_transtable(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask, const UINT8 *pentable); void prio_transtable(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask, const UINT8 *pentable); void prio_alpha(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask, UINT32 transpen, UINT8 alpha); // ----- priority masked zoomed graphics drawing ----- // specific prio_zoom implementations for each transparency type void prio_zoom_opaque(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 scalex, UINT32 scaley, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask); void prio_zoom_opaque(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 scalex, UINT32 scaley, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask); void prio_zoom_transpen(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 scalex, UINT32 scaley, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask, UINT32 transpen); void prio_zoom_transpen(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 scalex, UINT32 scaley, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask, UINT32 transpen); void prio_zoom_transpen_raw(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 scalex, UINT32 scaley, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask, UINT32 transpen); void prio_zoom_transpen_raw(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 scalex, UINT32 scaley, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask, UINT32 transpen); void prio_zoom_transmask(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 scalex, UINT32 scaley, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask, UINT32 transmask); void prio_zoom_transmask(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 scalex, UINT32 scaley, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask, UINT32 transmask); void prio_zoom_transtable(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 scalex, UINT32 scaley, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask, const UINT8 *pentable); void prio_zoom_transtable(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 scalex, UINT32 scaley, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask, const UINT8 *pentable); void prio_zoom_alpha(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, UINT32 scalex, UINT32 scaley, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask, UINT32 transpen, UINT8 alpha); // implementations moved here from specific drivers void prio_transpen_additive(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask, UINT32 trans_pen); void prio_zoom_transpen_additive(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect,UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty,UINT32 scalex, UINT32 scaley, bitmap_ind8 &priority, UINT32 pmask,UINT32 trans_pen); void alphastore(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect,UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty,int fixedalpha, UINT8 *alphatable); void alphatable(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 code, UINT32 color, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, int fixedalpha ,UINT8 *alphatable); private: // internal helpers void decode(UINT32 code); // internal state palette_device *m_palette; // palette used for drawing UINT16 m_width; // current pixel width of each element (changeable with source clipping) UINT16 m_height; // current pixel height of each element (changeable with source clipping) UINT16 m_startx; // current source clip X offset UINT16 m_starty; // current source clip Y offset UINT16 m_origwidth; // starting pixel width of each element UINT16 m_origheight; // staring pixel height of each element UINT32 m_total_elements; // total number of decoded elements UINT32 m_color_base; // base color for rendering UINT16 m_color_depth; // number of colors each pixel can represent UINT16 m_color_granularity; // number of colors for each color code UINT32 m_total_colors; // number of color codes UINT32 m_line_modulo; // bytes between each row of data UINT32 m_char_modulo; // bytes between each element const UINT8 * m_srcdata; // pointer to the source data for decoding UINT32 m_dirtyseq; // sequence number; incremented each time a tile is dirtied UINT8 * m_gfxdata; // pointer to decoded pixel data, 8bpp dynamic_buffer m_gfxdata_allocated; // allocated decoded pixel data, 8bpp dynamic_buffer m_dirty; // dirty array for detecting chars that need decoding std::vector m_pen_usage; // bitmask of pens that are used (pens 0-31 only) bool m_layout_is_raw; // raw layout? UINT8 m_layout_planes; // bit planes in the layout UINT32 m_layout_xormask; // xor mask applied to each bit offset UINT32 m_layout_charincrement; // per-character increment in source data std::vector m_layout_planeoffset;// plane offsets std::vector m_layout_xoffset; // X offsets std::vector m_layout_yoffset; // Y offsets }; /*************************************************************************** FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ***************************************************************************/ // ----- scanline copying ----- // copy pixels from an 8bpp buffer to a single scanline of a bitmap void draw_scanline8(bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, INT32 length, const UINT8 *srcptr, const pen_t *paldata); void draw_scanline8(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, INT32 length, const UINT8 *srcptr, const pen_t *paldata); // copy pixels from a 16bpp buffer to a single scanline of a bitmap void draw_scanline16(bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, INT32 length, const UINT16 *srcptr, const pen_t *paldata); void draw_scanline16(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, INT32 length, const UINT16 *srcptr, const pen_t *paldata); // copy pixels from a 32bpp buffer to a single scanline of a bitmap void draw_scanline32(bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, INT32 length, const UINT32 *srcptr, const pen_t *paldata); void draw_scanline32(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, INT32 length, const UINT32 *srcptr, const pen_t *paldata); // ----- scanline extraction ----- // copy pixels from a single scanline of a bitmap to an 8bpp buffer void extract_scanline8(const bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, INT32 srcx, INT32 srcy, INT32 length, UINT8 *destptr); void extract_scanline8(const bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, INT32 srcx, INT32 srcy, INT32 length, UINT8 *destptr); // copy pixels from a single scanline of a bitmap to a 16bpp buffer void extract_scanline16(const bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, INT32 srcx, INT32 srcy, INT32 length, UINT16 *destptr); void extract_scanline16(const bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, INT32 srcx, INT32 srcy, INT32 length, UINT16 *destptr); // copy pixels from a single scanline of a bitmap to a 32bpp buffer void extract_scanline32(const bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, INT32 srcx, INT32 srcy, INT32 length, UINT32 *destptr); void extract_scanline32(const bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, INT32 srcx, INT32 srcy, INT32 length, UINT32 *destptr); // ----- bitmap copying ----- // copy from one bitmap to another, copying all unclipped pixels void copybitmap(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const bitmap_ind16 &src, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, const rectangle &cliprect); void copybitmap(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const bitmap_rgb32 &src, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, const rectangle &cliprect); // copy from one bitmap to another, copying all unclipped pixels except those that match transpen void copybitmap_trans(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const bitmap_ind16 &src, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 transpen); void copybitmap_trans(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const bitmap_rgb32 &src, int flipx, int flipy, INT32 destx, INT32 desty, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 transpen); /* Copy a bitmap onto another with scroll and wraparound. These functions support multiple independently scrolling rows/columns. "rows" is the number of indepentently scrolling rows. "rowscroll" is an array of integers telling how much to scroll each row. Same thing for "numcols" and "colscroll". If the bitmap cannot scroll in one direction, set numrows or columns to 0. If the bitmap scrolls as a whole, set numrows and/or numcols to 1. Bidirectional scrolling is, of course, supported only if the bitmap scrolls as a whole in at least one direction. */ // copy from one bitmap to another, copying all unclipped pixels, and applying scrolling to one or more rows/columns void copyscrollbitmap(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const bitmap_ind16 &src, UINT32 numrows, const INT32 *rowscroll, UINT32 numcols, const INT32 *colscroll, const rectangle &cliprect); void copyscrollbitmap(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const bitmap_rgb32 &src, UINT32 numrows, const INT32 *rowscroll, UINT32 numcols, const INT32 *colscroll, const rectangle &cliprect); // copy from one bitmap to another, copying all unclipped pixels except those that match transpen, and applying scrolling to one or more rows/columns void copyscrollbitmap_trans(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const bitmap_ind16 &src, UINT32 numrows, const INT32 *rowscroll, UINT32 numcols, const INT32 *colscroll, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 transpen); void copyscrollbitmap_trans(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const bitmap_rgb32 &src, UINT32 numrows, const INT32 *rowscroll, UINT32 numcols, const INT32 *colscroll, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT32 transpen); /* Copy a bitmap applying rotation, zooming, and arbitrary distortion. This function works in a way that mimics some real hardware like the Konami 051316, so it requires little or no further processing on the caller side. Two 16.16 fixed point counters are used to keep track of the position on the source bitmap. startx and starty are the initial values of those counters, indicating the source pixel that will be drawn at coordinates (0,0) in the destination bitmap. The destination bitmap is scanned left to right, top to bottom; every time the cursor moves one pixel to the right, incxx is added to startx and incxy is added to starty. Every time the cursor moves to the next line, incyx is added to startx and incyy is added to startyy. What this means is that if incxy and incyx are both 0, the bitmap will be copied with only zoom and no rotation. If e.g. incxx and incyy are both 0x8000, the source bitmap will be doubled. Rotation is performed this way: incxx = 0x10000 * cos(theta) incxy = 0x10000 * -sin(theta) incyx = 0x10000 * sin(theta) incyy = 0x10000 * cos(theta) this will perform a rotation around (0,0), you'll have to adjust startx and starty to move the center of rotation elsewhere. Optionally the bitmap can be tiled across the screen instead of doing a single copy. This is obtained by setting the wraparound parameter to true. */ // copy from one bitmap to another, with zoom and rotation, copying all unclipped pixels void copyrozbitmap(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, const bitmap_ind16 &src, INT32 startx, INT32 starty, INT32 incxx, INT32 incxy, INT32 incyx, INT32 incyy, int wraparound); void copyrozbitmap(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, const bitmap_rgb32 &src, INT32 startx, INT32 starty, INT32 incxx, INT32 incxy, INT32 incyx, INT32 incyy, int wraparound); // copy from one bitmap to another, with zoom and rotation, copying all unclipped pixels whose values do not match transpen void copyrozbitmap_trans(bitmap_ind16 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, const bitmap_ind16 &src, INT32 startx, INT32 starty, INT32 incxx, INT32 incxy, INT32 incyx, INT32 incyy, int wraparound, UINT32 transparent_color); void copyrozbitmap_trans(bitmap_rgb32 &dest, const rectangle &cliprect, const bitmap_rgb32 &src, INT32 startx, INT32 starty, INT32 incxx, INT32 incxy, INT32 incyx, INT32 incyy, int wraparound, UINT32 transparent_color); /*************************************************************************** INLINE FUNCTIONS ***************************************************************************/ //------------------------------------------------- // alpha_blend_r16 - alpha blend two 16-bit // 5-5-5 RGB pixels //------------------------------------------------- inline UINT32 alpha_blend_r16(UINT32 d, UINT32 s, UINT8 level) { int alphad = 256 - level; return ((((s & 0x001f) * level + (d & 0x001f) * alphad) >> 8)) | ((((s & 0x03e0) * level + (d & 0x03e0) * alphad) >> 8) & 0x03e0) | ((((s & 0x7c00) * level + (d & 0x7c00) * alphad) >> 8) & 0x7c00); } //------------------------------------------------- // alpha_blend_r16 - alpha blend two 32-bit // 8-8-8 RGB pixels //------------------------------------------------- inline UINT32 alpha_blend_r32(UINT32 d, UINT32 s, UINT8 level) { int alphad = 256 - level; return ((((s & 0x0000ff) * level + (d & 0x0000ff) * alphad) >> 8)) | ((((s & 0x00ff00) * level + (d & 0x00ff00) * alphad) >> 8) & 0x00ff00) | ((((s & 0xff0000) * level + (d & 0xff0000) * alphad) >> 8) & 0xff0000); } //************************************************************************** // TYPE DEFINITIONS //************************************************************************** // ======================> gfxdecode_device // device type definition extern const device_type GFXDECODE; class gfxdecode_device : public device_t, public device_gfx_interface { public: // construction/destruction gfxdecode_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock); protected: virtual void device_start() override {}; }; GFXDECODE_EXTERN(empty); #endif // __DRAWGFX_H__