/********************************************************************* drawgfx.c Generic graphic functions. Copyright (c) 1996-2007, Nicola Salmoria and the MAME Team. Visit http://mamedev.org for licensing and usage restrictions. *********************************************************************/ #ifndef DECLARE #include "driver.h" #include "profiler.h" /*************************************************************************** CONSTANTS ***************************************************************************/ #ifdef LSB_FIRST #define SHIFT0 0 #define SHIFT1 8 #define SHIFT2 16 #define SHIFT3 24 #else #define SHIFT3 0 #define SHIFT2 8 #define SHIFT1 16 #define SHIFT0 24 #endif /*************************************************************************** GLOBAL VARIABLES ***************************************************************************/ UINT8 gfx_drawmode_table[256]; UINT8 gfx_alpharange_table[256]; static UINT8 is_raw[TRANSPARENCY_MODES]; alpha_cache drawgfx_alpha_cache; /*************************************************************************** INLINE FUNCTIONS ***************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------- write_dword - safely write an unaligned DWORD -------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef ALIGN_INTS /* GSL 980108 read/write nonaligned dword routine for ARM processor etc */ INLINE void write_dword(void *address, UINT32 data) { if ((FPTR)address & 3) { *((UINT8 *)address) = (data>>SHIFT0); *((UINT8 *)address+1) = (data>>SHIFT1); *((UINT8 *)address+2) = (data>>SHIFT2); *((UINT8 *)address+3) = (data>>SHIFT3); return; } else *(UINT32 *)address = data; } #else #define write_dword(address,data) *(int *)address=data #endif /*------------------------------------------------- readbit - read a single bit from a base offset -------------------------------------------------*/ INLINE int readbit(const UINT8 *src, unsigned int bitnum) { return src[bitnum / 8] & (0x80 >> (bitnum % 8)); } /*************************************************************************** INITIALIZATION ***************************************************************************/ void drawgfx_init(running_machine *machine) { /* fill in the raw drawing mode table */ is_raw[TRANSPARENCY_NONE_RAW] = 1; is_raw[TRANSPARENCY_PEN_RAW] = 1; is_raw[TRANSPARENCY_PENS_RAW] = 1; is_raw[TRANSPARENCY_PEN_TABLE_RAW] = 1; is_raw[TRANSPARENCY_BLEND_RAW] = 1; /* initialize the alpha drawing table */ alpha_set_level(255); } /*************************************************************************** GRAPHICS DECODING ***************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------- calc_penusage - calculate the pen usage for a given graphics tile -------------------------------------------------*/ static void calc_penusage(gfx_element *gfx, int num) { const UINT8 *dp = gfx->gfxdata + num * gfx->char_modulo; UINT32 usage = 0; int x, y; /* if nothing allocated, don't do it */ if (!gfx->pen_usage) return; /* packed case */ if (gfx->flags & GFX_ELEMENT_PACKED) { for (y = 0; y < gfx->height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < gfx->width/2; x++) usage |= (1 << (dp[x] & 0x0f)) | (1 << (dp[x] >> 4)); dp += gfx->line_modulo; } } /* unpacked case */ else { for (y = 0; y < gfx->height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < gfx->width; x++) usage |= 1 << dp[x]; dp += gfx->line_modulo; } } /* store the final result */ gfx->pen_usage[num] = usage; } /*------------------------------------------------- decodechar - decode a single character based on a specified layout -------------------------------------------------*/ void decodechar(gfx_element *gfx, int num, const UINT8 *src, const gfx_layout *gl) { const UINT32 *xoffset = gl->extxoffs ? gl->extxoffs : gl->xoffset; const UINT32 *yoffset = gl->extyoffs ? gl->extyoffs : gl->yoffset; UINT8 *dp = gfx->gfxdata + num * gfx->char_modulo; int plane, x, y; /* zap the data to 0 */ memset(dp, 0, gfx->char_modulo); /* packed case */ if (gfx->flags & GFX_ELEMENT_PACKED) { for (plane = 0; plane < gl->planes; plane++) { int planebit = 1 << (gl->planes - 1 - plane); int planeoffs = num * gl->charincrement + gl->planeoffset[plane]; for (y = 0; y < gfx->height; y++) { int yoffs = planeoffs + yoffset[y]; dp = gfx->gfxdata + num * gfx->char_modulo + y * gfx->line_modulo; for (x = 0; x < gfx->width; x += 2) { if (readbit(src, yoffs + xoffset[x+0])) dp[x+0] |= planebit; if (readbit(src, yoffs + xoffset[x+1])) dp[x+1] |= planebit; } } } } /* unpacked case */ else { for (plane = 0; plane < gl->planes; plane++) { int planebit = 1 << (gl->planes - 1 - plane); int planeoffs = num * gl->charincrement + gl->planeoffset[plane]; for (y = 0; y < gfx->height; y++) { int yoffs = planeoffs + yoffset[y]; dp = gfx->gfxdata + num * gfx->char_modulo + y * gfx->line_modulo; for (x = 0; x < gfx->width; x++) if (readbit(src, yoffs + xoffset[x])) dp[x] |= planebit; } } } /* compute pen usage */ calc_penusage(gfx, num); } /*************************************************************************** GRAPHICS SETS ***************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------- allocgfx - allocate a gfx_element structure based on a given layout -------------------------------------------------*/ gfx_element *allocgfx(const gfx_layout *gl) { gfx_element *gfx; /* allocate memory for the gfx_element structure */ gfx = malloc_or_die(sizeof(*gfx)); memset(gfx, 0, sizeof(*gfx)); /* copy the layout */ gfx->layout = *gl; if (gl->extxoffs != NULL) { UINT32 *buffer = malloc_or_die(sizeof(buffer[0]) * gl->width); memcpy(buffer, gl->extxoffs, sizeof(gfx->layout.extxoffs[0]) * gl->width); gfx->layout.extxoffs = buffer; } if (gl->extyoffs != NULL) { UINT32 *buffer = malloc_or_die(sizeof(buffer[0]) * gl->height); memcpy(buffer, gl->extyoffs, sizeof(gfx->layout.extyoffs[0]) * gl->height); gfx->layout.extyoffs = buffer; } /* fill in the rest */ gfx->width = gl->width; gfx->height = gl->height; gfx->total_elements = gl->total; gfx->color_base = 0; gfx->color_depth = 1 << gl->planes; gfx->color_granularity = 1 << gl->planes; if (gfx->color_depth <= 32) gfx->pen_usage = malloc_or_die(gfx->total_elements * sizeof(*gfx->pen_usage)); /* raw graphics case */ if (gl->planeoffset[0] == GFX_RAW) { /* modulos are determined for us by the layout */ gfx->line_modulo = (gl->extyoffs ? gl->extyoffs[0] : gl->yoffset[0]) / 8; gfx->char_modulo = gl->charincrement / 8; /* don't free the data because we will get a pointer at decode time */ gfx->flags |= GFX_ELEMENT_DONT_FREE; if (gl->planes <= 4) gfx->flags |= GFX_ELEMENT_PACKED; } /* decoded graphics case */ else { /* we get to pick our own modulos */ gfx->line_modulo = gfx->width; gfx->char_modulo = gfx->line_modulo * gfx->height; /* allocate memory for the data */ gfx->gfxdata = malloc_or_die(gfx->total_elements * gfx->char_modulo * sizeof(UINT8)); } return gfx; } /*------------------------------------------------- decodegfx - decode a series of tiles from a particular gfx_element -------------------------------------------------*/ void decodegfx(gfx_element *gfx, const UINT8 *src, UINT32 first, UINT32 count) { int last = first + count - 1; int c; assert(gfx); assert(first < gfx->total_elements); assert(last < gfx->total_elements); /* if this is raw graphics data, just set the pointer and compute pen usage */ if (gfx->flags & GFX_ELEMENT_DONT_FREE) { /* if we got a pointer, set it */ if (first == 0 && src) gfx->gfxdata = (UINT8 *)src; /* compute pen usage for everything */ for (c = first; c <= last; c++) calc_penusage(gfx, c); } /* otherwise, we get to manually decode */ else { for (c = first; c <= last; c++) decodechar(gfx, c, src, &gfx->layout); } } /*------------------------------------------------- freegfx - free a gfx_element -------------------------------------------------*/ void freegfx(gfx_element *gfx) { /* ignore NULL frees */ if (gfx == NULL) return; /* free our data */ if (gfx->layout.extyoffs) free((void *)gfx->layout.extyoffs); if (gfx->layout.extxoffs) free((void *)gfx->layout.extxoffs); if (gfx->pen_usage) free(gfx->pen_usage); if (!(gfx->flags & GFX_ELEMENT_DONT_FREE)) free(gfx->gfxdata); free(gfx); } /*************************************************************************** BLOCKMOVE PRIMITIVES ***************************************************************************/ INLINE void blockmove_NtoN_transpen_noremap8( const UINT8 *srcdata,int srcwidth,int srcheight,int srcmodulo, UINT8 *dstdata,int dstmodulo, int transpen) { UINT8 *end; int trans4; UINT32 *sd4; srcmodulo -= srcwidth; dstmodulo -= srcwidth; trans4 = transpen * 0x01010101; while (srcheight) { end = dstdata + srcwidth; while (((FPTR)srcdata & 3) && dstdata < end) /* longword align */ { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transpen) *dstdata = col; dstdata++; } sd4 = (UINT32 *)srcdata; while (dstdata <= end - 4) { UINT32 col4; if ((col4 = *(sd4++)) != trans4) { UINT32 xod4; xod4 = col4 ^ trans4; if( (xod4&0x000000ff) && (xod4&0x0000ff00) && (xod4&0x00ff0000) && (xod4&0xff000000) ) { write_dword((UINT32 *)dstdata,col4); } else { if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT0; if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT1; if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT2; if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT3; } } dstdata += 4; } srcdata = (UINT8 *)sd4; while (dstdata < end) { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transpen) *dstdata = col; dstdata++; } srcdata += srcmodulo; dstdata += dstmodulo; srcheight--; } } INLINE void blockmove_NtoN_transpen_noremap_flipx8( const UINT8 *srcdata,int srcwidth,int srcheight,int srcmodulo, UINT8 *dstdata,int dstmodulo, int transpen) { UINT8 *end; int trans4; UINT32 *sd4; srcmodulo += srcwidth; dstmodulo -= srcwidth; //srcdata += srcwidth-1; srcdata -= 3; trans4 = transpen * 0x01010101; while (srcheight) { end = dstdata + srcwidth; while (((FPTR)srcdata & 3) && dstdata < end) /* longword align */ { int col; col = srcdata[3]; srcdata--; if (col != transpen) *dstdata = col; dstdata++; } sd4 = (UINT32 *)srcdata; while (dstdata <= end - 4) { UINT32 col4; if ((col4 = *(sd4--)) != trans4) { UINT32 xod4; xod4 = col4 ^ trans4; if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT0); if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT1); if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT2); if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT3); } dstdata += 4; } srcdata = (UINT8 *)sd4; while (dstdata < end) { int col; col = srcdata[3]; srcdata--; if (col != transpen) *dstdata = col; dstdata++; } srcdata += srcmodulo; dstdata += dstmodulo; srcheight--; } } INLINE void blockmove_NtoN_transpen_noremap16( const UINT16 *srcdata,int srcwidth,int srcheight,int srcmodulo, UINT16 *dstdata,int dstmodulo, int transpen) { UINT16 *end; srcmodulo -= srcwidth; dstmodulo -= srcwidth; while (srcheight) { end = dstdata + srcwidth; while (dstdata < end) { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transpen) *dstdata = col; dstdata++; } srcdata += srcmodulo; dstdata += dstmodulo; srcheight--; } } INLINE void blockmove_NtoN_transpen_noremap_flipx16( const UINT16 *srcdata,int srcwidth,int srcheight,int srcmodulo, UINT16 *dstdata,int dstmodulo, int transpen) { UINT16 *end; srcmodulo += srcwidth; dstmodulo -= srcwidth; //srcdata += srcwidth-1; while (srcheight) { end = dstdata + srcwidth; while (dstdata < end) { int col; col = *(srcdata--); if (col != transpen) *dstdata = col; dstdata++; } srcdata += srcmodulo; dstdata += dstmodulo; srcheight--; } } INLINE void blockmove_NtoN_transpen_noremap32( const UINT32 *srcdata,int srcwidth,int srcheight,int srcmodulo, UINT32 *dstdata,int dstmodulo, int transpen) { UINT32 *end; srcmodulo -= srcwidth; dstmodulo -= srcwidth; while (srcheight) { end = dstdata + srcwidth; while (dstdata < end) { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transpen) *dstdata = col; dstdata++; } srcdata += srcmodulo; dstdata += dstmodulo; srcheight--; } } INLINE void blockmove_NtoN_transpen_noremap_flipx32( const UINT32 *srcdata,int srcwidth,int srcheight,int srcmodulo, UINT32 *dstdata,int dstmodulo, int transpen) { UINT32 *end; srcmodulo += srcwidth; dstmodulo -= srcwidth; //srcdata += srcwidth-1; while (srcheight) { end = dstdata + srcwidth; while (dstdata < end) { int col; col = *(srcdata--); if (col != transpen) *dstdata = col; dstdata++; } srcdata += srcmodulo; dstdata += dstmodulo; srcheight--; } } static int afterdrawmask = 31; int pdrawgfx_shadow_lowpri = 0; /* 8-bit version */ #define DATA_TYPE UINT8 #define DEPTH 8 #define DECLARE(function,args,body) #define DECLAREG(function,args,body) #define HMODULO 1 #define VMODULO dstmodulo #define COMMON_ARGS \ const UINT8 *srcdata,int srcwidth,int srcheight,int srcmodulo, \ int leftskip,int topskip,int flipx,int flipy, \ DATA_TYPE *dstdata,int dstwidth,int dstheight,int dstmodulo #define RAW 1 #define COLOR_ARG unsigned int colorbase,UINT8 *pridata,UINT32 pmask #define INCREMENT_DST(n) {dstdata+=(n);pridata += (n);} #define LOOKUP(n) (colorbase + (n)) #define SETPIXELCOLOR(dest,n) { if (((1 << (pridata[dest] & 0x1f)) & pmask) == 0) { if (pridata[dest] & 0x80) { dstdata[dest] = palette_shadow_table[n];} else { dstdata[dest] = (n);} } pridata[dest] = (pridata[dest] & 0x7f) | afterdrawmask; } #define DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(function,args,body) static void function##_raw_pri8 args body #include "drawgfx.c" #undef DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI #undef COLOR_ARG #undef LOOKUP #undef SETPIXELCOLOR #undef RAW #define RAW 0 #define COLOR_ARG const pen_t *paldata,UINT8 *pridata,UINT32 pmask #define LOOKUP(n) (paldata[n]) #define SETPIXELCOLOR(dest,n) { if (((1 << (pridata[dest] & 0x1f)) & pmask) == 0) { if (pridata[dest] & 0x80) { dstdata[dest] = palette_shadow_table[n];} else { dstdata[dest] = (n);} } pridata[dest] = (pridata[dest] & 0x7f) | afterdrawmask; } #define DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(function,args,body) static void function##_pri8 args body #include "drawgfx.c" #undef DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI #undef COLOR_ARG #undef LOOKUP #undef INCREMENT_DST #undef SETPIXELCOLOR #undef RAW #define RAW 1 #define COLOR_ARG unsigned int colorbase #define INCREMENT_DST(n) {dstdata+=(n);} #define LOOKUP(n) (colorbase + (n)) #define SETPIXELCOLOR(dest,n) {dstdata[dest] = (n);} #define DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(function,args,body) static void function##_raw8 args body #include "drawgfx.c" #undef DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI #undef COLOR_ARG #undef LOOKUP #undef SETPIXELCOLOR #undef RAW #define RAW 0 #define COLOR_ARG const pen_t *paldata #define LOOKUP(n) (paldata[n]) #define SETPIXELCOLOR(dest,n) {dstdata[dest] = (n);} #define DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(function,args,body) static void function##8 args body #include "drawgfx.c" #undef DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI #undef COLOR_ARG #undef LOOKUP #undef INCREMENT_DST #undef SETPIXELCOLOR #undef HMODULO #undef VMODULO #undef COMMON_ARGS #undef DECLARE #undef DECLAREG #define DECLARE(function,args,body) static void function##8 args body #define DECLAREG(function,args,body) void function##8 args body #define DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(function,args,body) #define BLOCKMOVE(function,flipx,args) \ if (flipx) blockmove_##function##_flipx##8 args ; \ else blockmove_##function##8 args #define BLOCKMOVELU(function,args) \ blockmove_##function##8 args #define BLOCKMOVERAW(function,args) \ blockmove_##function##_raw##8 args #define BLOCKMOVEPRI(function,args) \ blockmove_##function##_pri##8 args #define BLOCKMOVERAWPRI(function,args) \ blockmove_##function##_raw_pri##8 args #include "drawgfx.c" #undef DECLARE #undef DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI #undef DECLAREG #undef BLOCKMOVE #undef BLOCKMOVELU #undef BLOCKMOVERAW #undef BLOCKMOVEPRI #undef BLOCKMOVERAWPRI #undef RAW #undef DEPTH #undef DATA_TYPE /* 16-bit version */ #define DATA_TYPE UINT16 #define DEPTH 16 #define alpha_blend_r alpha_blend_r16 #define alpha_blend alpha_blend16 #define DECLARE(function,args,body) #define DECLAREG(function,args,body) #define HMODULO 1 #define VMODULO dstmodulo #define COMMON_ARGS \ const UINT8 *srcdata,int srcwidth,int srcheight,int srcmodulo, \ int leftskip,int topskip,int flipx,int flipy, \ DATA_TYPE *dstdata,int dstwidth,int dstheight,int dstmodulo #define RAW 1 #define COLOR_ARG unsigned int colorbase,UINT8 *pridata,UINT32 pmask #define INCREMENT_DST(n) {dstdata+=(n);pridata += (n);} #define LOOKUP(n) (colorbase + (n)) #define SETPIXELCOLOR(dest,n) { if (((1 << (pridata[dest] & 0x1f)) & pmask) == 0) { if (pridata[dest] & 0x80) { dstdata[dest] = palette_shadow_table[n];} else { dstdata[dest] = (n);} } pridata[dest] = (pridata[dest] & 0x7f) | afterdrawmask; } #define DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(function,args,body) static void function##_raw_pri16 args body #include "drawgfx.c" #undef DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI #undef COLOR_ARG #undef LOOKUP #undef SETPIXELCOLOR #undef RAW #define RAW 0 #define COLOR_ARG const pen_t *paldata,UINT8 *pridata,UINT32 pmask #define LOOKUP(n) (paldata[n]) #define SETPIXELCOLOR(dest,n) { if (((1 << (pridata[dest] & 0x1f)) & pmask) == 0) { if (pridata[dest] & 0x80) { dstdata[dest] = palette_shadow_table[n];} else { dstdata[dest] = (n);} } pridata[dest] = (pridata[dest] & 0x7f) | afterdrawmask; } #define DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(function,args,body) static void function##_pri16 args body #include "drawgfx.c" #undef DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI #undef COLOR_ARG #undef LOOKUP #undef INCREMENT_DST #undef SETPIXELCOLOR #undef RAW #define RAW 1 #define COLOR_ARG unsigned int colorbase #define INCREMENT_DST(n) {dstdata+=(n);} #define LOOKUP(n) (colorbase + (n)) #define SETPIXELCOLOR(dest,n) {dstdata[dest] = (n);} #define DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(function,args,body) static void function##_raw16 args body #include "drawgfx.c" #undef DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI #undef COLOR_ARG #undef LOOKUP #undef SETPIXELCOLOR #undef RAW #define RAW 0 #define COLOR_ARG const pen_t *paldata #define LOOKUP(n) (paldata[n]) #define SETPIXELCOLOR(dest,n) {dstdata[dest] = (n);} #define DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(function,args,body) static void function##16 args body #include "drawgfx.c" #undef DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI #undef COLOR_ARG #undef LOOKUP #undef INCREMENT_DST #undef SETPIXELCOLOR #undef HMODULO #undef VMODULO #undef COMMON_ARGS #undef DECLARE #undef DECLAREG #define DECLARE(function,args,body) static void function##16 args body #define DECLAREG(function,args,body) void function##16 args body #define DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(function,args,body) #define BLOCKMOVE(function,flipx,args) \ if (flipx) blockmove_##function##_flipx##16 args ; \ else blockmove_##function##16 args #define BLOCKMOVELU(function,args) \ blockmove_##function##16 args #define BLOCKMOVERAW(function,args) \ blockmove_##function##_raw##16 args #define BLOCKMOVEPRI(function,args) \ blockmove_##function##_pri##16 args #define BLOCKMOVERAWPRI(function,args) \ blockmove_##function##_raw_pri##16 args #include "drawgfx.c" #undef DECLARE #undef DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI #undef DECLAREG #undef BLOCKMOVE #undef BLOCKMOVELU #undef BLOCKMOVERAW #undef BLOCKMOVEPRI #undef BLOCKMOVERAWPRI #undef RAW #undef DEPTH #undef DATA_TYPE #undef alpha_blend_r #undef alpha_blend /* 32-bit version */ //* AAT032503: added limited 32-bit shadow and highlight support INLINE UINT32 SHADOW32(pen_t *shadow_table, UINT32 c) { c = (c>>9&0x7c00) | (c>>6&0x03e0) | (c>>3&0x001f); return(shadow_table[c]); } #define DATA_TYPE UINT32 #define DEPTH 32 #define alpha_blend_r alpha_blend_r32 #define alpha_blend alpha_blend32 #define DECLARE(function,args,body) #define DECLAREG(function,args,body) #define HMODULO 1 #define VMODULO dstmodulo #define COMMON_ARGS \ const UINT8 *srcdata,int srcwidth,int srcheight,int srcmodulo, \ int leftskip,int topskip,int flipx,int flipy, \ DATA_TYPE *dstdata,int dstwidth,int dstheight,int dstmodulo #define RAW 1 #define COLOR_ARG unsigned int colorbase,UINT8 *pridata,UINT32 pmask #define INCREMENT_DST(n) {dstdata+=(n);pridata += (n);} #define LOOKUP(n) (colorbase + (n)) #define SETPIXELCOLOR(dest,n) { UINT8 r8=pridata[dest]; if(!(1<<(r8&0x1f)&pmask)){ if(afterdrawmask){ r8&=0x7f; r8|=0x1f; dstdata[dest]=(n); pridata[dest]=r8; } else if(!(r8&0x80)){ dstdata[dest]=SHADOW32(palette_shadow_table,n); pridata[dest]|=0x80; } } } #define DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(function,args,body) static void function##_raw_pri32 args body #include "drawgfx.c" #undef DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI #undef COLOR_ARG #undef LOOKUP #undef SETPIXELCOLOR #undef RAW #define RAW 0 #define COLOR_ARG const pen_t *paldata,UINT8 *pridata,UINT32 pmask #define LOOKUP(n) (paldata[n]) #define SETPIXELCOLOR(dest,n) { UINT8 r8=pridata[dest]; if(!(1<<(r8&0x1f)&pmask)){ if(afterdrawmask){ r8&=0x7f; r8|=0x1f; dstdata[dest]=(n); pridata[dest]=r8; } else if(!(r8&0x80)){ dstdata[dest]=SHADOW32(palette_shadow_table,n); pridata[dest]|=0x80; } } } #define DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(function,args,body) static void function##_pri32 args body #include "drawgfx.c" #undef DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI #undef COLOR_ARG #undef LOOKUP #undef INCREMENT_DST #undef SETPIXELCOLOR #undef RAW #define RAW 1 #define COLOR_ARG unsigned int colorbase #define INCREMENT_DST(n) {dstdata+=(n);} #define LOOKUP(n) (colorbase + (n)) #define SETPIXELCOLOR(dest,n) {dstdata[dest] = (n);} #define DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(function,args,body) static void function##_raw32 args body #include "drawgfx.c" #undef DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI #undef COLOR_ARG #undef LOOKUP #undef SETPIXELCOLOR #undef RAW #define RAW 0 #define COLOR_ARG const pen_t *paldata #define LOOKUP(n) (paldata[n]) #define SETPIXELCOLOR(dest,n) {dstdata[dest] = (n);} #define DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(function,args,body) static void function##32 args body #include "drawgfx.c" #undef DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI #undef COLOR_ARG #undef LOOKUP #undef INCREMENT_DST #undef SETPIXELCOLOR #undef HMODULO #undef VMODULO #undef COMMON_ARGS #undef DECLARE #undef DECLAREG #define DECLARE(function,args,body) static void function##32 args body #define DECLAREG(function,args,body) void function##32 args body #define DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(function,args,body) #define BLOCKMOVE(function,flipx,args) \ if (flipx) blockmove_##function##_flipx##32 args ; \ else blockmove_##function##32 args #define BLOCKMOVELU(function,args) \ blockmove_##function##32 args #define BLOCKMOVERAW(function,args) \ blockmove_##function##_raw##32 args #define BLOCKMOVEPRI(function,args) \ blockmove_##function##_pri##32 args #define BLOCKMOVERAWPRI(function,args) \ blockmove_##function##_raw_pri##32 args #include "drawgfx.c" #undef DECLARE #undef DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI #undef DECLAREG #undef BLOCKMOVE #undef BLOCKMOVELU #undef BLOCKMOVERAW #undef BLOCKMOVEPRI #undef BLOCKMOVERAWPRI #undef RAW #undef DEPTH #undef DATA_TYPE #undef alpha_blend_r #undef alpha_blend /*************************************************************************** Draw graphic elements in the specified bitmap. transparency == TRANSPARENCY_NONE - no transparency. transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PEN - bits whose _original_ value is == transparent_color are transparent. This is the most common kind of transparency. transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PENS - as above, but transparent_color is a mask of transparent pens. transparency == TRANSPARENCY_COLOR - bits whose _remapped_ palette index (taken from Machine->game_colortable) is == transparent_color transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PEN_TABLE - the transparency condition is same as TRANSPARENCY_PEN A special drawing is done according to gfx_drawmode_table[source pixel]. DRAWMODE_NONE transparent DRAWMODE_SOURCE normal, draw source pixel. DRAWMODE_SHADOW destination is changed through palette_shadow_table[] ***************************************************************************/ INLINE void common_drawgfx(mame_bitmap *dest,const gfx_element *gfx, unsigned int code,unsigned int color,int flipx,int flipy,int sx,int sy, const rectangle *clip,int transparency,int transparent_color, mame_bitmap *pri_buffer,UINT32 pri_mask) { assert_always(gfx, "drawgfx() gfx == 0"); code %= gfx->total_elements; if (!is_raw[transparency]) color %= gfx->total_colors; if ((dest->format == BITMAP_FORMAT_INDEXED8 || dest->format == BITMAP_FORMAT_INDEXED16 || dest->format == BITMAP_FORMAT_INDEXED32) && (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_ALPHA || transparency == TRANSPARENCY_ALPHARANGE)) { transparency = TRANSPARENCY_PEN; transparent_color &= 0xff; } if (gfx->pen_usage && (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PEN || transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PENS)) { int transmask = 0; if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PEN) { transmask = 1 << (transparent_color & 0xff); } else /* transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PENS */ { transmask = transparent_color; } if ((gfx->pen_usage[code] & ~transmask) == 0) /* character is totally transparent, no need to draw */ return; else if ((gfx->pen_usage[code] & transmask) == 0) /* character is totally opaque, can disable transparency */ transparency = TRANSPARENCY_NONE; } if (dest->bpp == 8) drawgfx_core8(dest,gfx,code,color,flipx,flipy,sx,sy,clip,transparency,transparent_color,pri_buffer,pri_mask); else if (dest->bpp == 16) drawgfx_core16(dest,gfx,code,color,flipx,flipy,sx,sy,clip,transparency,transparent_color,pri_buffer,pri_mask); else if (dest->bpp == 32) drawgfx_core32(dest,gfx,code,color,flipx,flipy,sx,sy,clip,transparency,transparent_color,pri_buffer,pri_mask); } void drawgfx(mame_bitmap *dest,const gfx_element *gfx, unsigned int code,unsigned int color,int flipx,int flipy,int sx,int sy, const rectangle *clip,int transparency,int transparent_color) { profiler_mark(PROFILER_DRAWGFX); common_drawgfx(dest,gfx,code,color,flipx,flipy,sx,sy,clip,transparency,transparent_color,NULL,0); profiler_mark(PROFILER_END); } void pdrawgfx(mame_bitmap *dest,const gfx_element *gfx, unsigned int code,unsigned int color,int flipx,int flipy,int sx,int sy, const rectangle *clip,int transparency,int transparent_color,UINT32 priority_mask) { profiler_mark(PROFILER_DRAWGFX); common_drawgfx(dest,gfx,code,color,flipx,flipy,sx,sy,clip,transparency,transparent_color,priority_bitmap,priority_mask | (1<<31)); profiler_mark(PROFILER_END); } void mdrawgfx(mame_bitmap *dest,const gfx_element *gfx, unsigned int code,unsigned int color,int flipx,int flipy,int sx,int sy, const rectangle *clip,int transparency,int transparent_color,UINT32 priority_mask) { profiler_mark(PROFILER_DRAWGFX); common_drawgfx(dest,gfx,code,color,flipx,flipy,sx,sy,clip,transparency,transparent_color,priority_bitmap,priority_mask); profiler_mark(PROFILER_END); } /*************************************************************************** Use drawgfx() to copy a bitmap onto another at the given position. This function will very likely change in the future. ***************************************************************************/ void copybitmap(mame_bitmap *dest,mame_bitmap *src,int flipx,int flipy,int sx,int sy, const rectangle *clip,int transparency,int transparent_color) { /* translate to proper transparency here */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_NONE) transparency = TRANSPARENCY_NONE_RAW; else if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PEN) transparency = TRANSPARENCY_PEN_RAW; else if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_COLOR) { transparent_color = Machine->pens[transparent_color]; transparency = TRANSPARENCY_PEN_RAW; } copybitmap_remap(dest,src,flipx,flipy,sx,sy,clip,transparency,transparent_color); } void copybitmap_remap(mame_bitmap *dest,mame_bitmap *src,int flipx,int flipy,int sx,int sy, const rectangle *clip,int transparency,int transparent_color) { profiler_mark(PROFILER_COPYBITMAP); if (dest->bpp == 8) copybitmap_core8(dest,src,flipx,flipy,sx,sy,clip,transparency,transparent_color); else if (dest->bpp == 16) copybitmap_core16(dest,src,flipx,flipy,sx,sy,clip,transparency,transparent_color); else if (dest->bpp == 32) copybitmap_core32(dest,src,flipx,flipy,sx,sy,clip,transparency,transparent_color); profiler_mark(PROFILER_END); } /*************************************************************************** Copy a bitmap onto another with scroll and wraparound. This function supports multiple independently scrolling rows/columns. "rows" is the number of indepentently scrolling rows. "rowscroll" is an array of integers telling how much to scroll each row. Same thing for "cols" and "colscroll". If the bitmap cannot scroll in one direction, set rows or columns to 0. If the bitmap scrolls as a whole, set rows and/or cols to 1. Bidirectional scrolling is, of course, supported only if the bitmap scrolls as a whole in at least one direction. ***************************************************************************/ void copyscrollbitmap(mame_bitmap *dest,mame_bitmap *src, int rows,const int *rowscroll,int cols,const int *colscroll, const rectangle *clip,int transparency,int transparent_color) { /* translate to proper transparency here */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_NONE) transparency = TRANSPARENCY_NONE_RAW; else if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PEN) transparency = TRANSPARENCY_PEN_RAW; else if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_COLOR) { transparent_color = Machine->pens[transparent_color]; transparency = TRANSPARENCY_PEN_RAW; } copyscrollbitmap_remap(dest,src,rows,rowscroll,cols,colscroll,clip,transparency,transparent_color); } void copyscrollbitmap_remap(mame_bitmap *dest,mame_bitmap *src, int rows,const int *rowscroll,int cols,const int *colscroll, const rectangle *clip,int transparency,int transparent_color) { int srcwidth,srcheight,destwidth,destheight; rectangle orig_clip; if (clip) { orig_clip.min_x = clip->min_x; orig_clip.max_x = clip->max_x; orig_clip.min_y = clip->min_y; orig_clip.max_y = clip->max_y; } else { orig_clip.min_x = 0; orig_clip.max_x = dest->width-1; orig_clip.min_y = 0; orig_clip.max_y = dest->height-1; } clip = &orig_clip; if (rows == 0 && cols == 0) { copybitmap(dest,src,0,0,0,0,clip,transparency,transparent_color); return; } profiler_mark(PROFILER_COPYBITMAP); srcwidth = src->width; srcheight = src->height; destwidth = dest->width; destheight = dest->height; if (rows == 0) { /* scrolling columns */ int col,colwidth; rectangle myclip; colwidth = srcwidth / cols; myclip.min_y = clip->min_y; myclip.max_y = clip->max_y; col = 0; while (col < cols) { int cons,scroll; /* count consecutive columns scrolled by the same amount */ scroll = colscroll[col]; cons = 1; while (col + cons < cols && colscroll[col + cons] == scroll) cons++; if (scroll < 0) scroll = srcheight - (-scroll) % srcheight; else scroll %= srcheight; myclip.min_x = col * colwidth; if (myclip.min_x < clip->min_x) myclip.min_x = clip->min_x; myclip.max_x = (col + cons) * colwidth - 1; if (myclip.max_x > clip->max_x) myclip.max_x = clip->max_x; copybitmap(dest,src,0,0,0,scroll,&myclip,transparency,transparent_color); copybitmap(dest,src,0,0,0,scroll - srcheight,&myclip,transparency,transparent_color); col += cons; } } else if (cols == 0) { /* scrolling rows */ int row,rowheight; rectangle myclip; rowheight = srcheight / rows; myclip.min_x = clip->min_x; myclip.max_x = clip->max_x; row = 0; while (row < rows) { int cons,scroll; /* count consecutive rows scrolled by the same amount */ scroll = rowscroll[row]; cons = 1; while (row + cons < rows && rowscroll[row + cons] == scroll) cons++; if (scroll < 0) scroll = srcwidth - (-scroll) % srcwidth; else scroll %= srcwidth; myclip.min_y = row * rowheight; if (myclip.min_y < clip->min_y) myclip.min_y = clip->min_y; myclip.max_y = (row + cons) * rowheight - 1; if (myclip.max_y > clip->max_y) myclip.max_y = clip->max_y; copybitmap(dest,src,0,0,scroll,0,&myclip,transparency,transparent_color); copybitmap(dest,src,0,0,scroll - srcwidth,0,&myclip,transparency,transparent_color); row += cons; } } else if (rows == 1 && cols == 1) { /* XY scrolling playfield */ int scrollx,scrolly,sx,sy; if (rowscroll[0] < 0) scrollx = srcwidth - (-rowscroll[0]) % srcwidth; else scrollx = rowscroll[0] % srcwidth; if (colscroll[0] < 0) scrolly = srcheight - (-colscroll[0]) % srcheight; else scrolly = colscroll[0] % srcheight; for (sx = scrollx - srcwidth;sx < destwidth;sx += srcwidth) for (sy = scrolly - srcheight;sy < destheight;sy += srcheight) copybitmap(dest,src,0,0,sx,sy,clip,transparency,transparent_color); } else if (rows == 1) { /* scrolling columns + horizontal scroll */ int col,colwidth; int scrollx; rectangle myclip; if (rowscroll[0] < 0) scrollx = srcwidth - (-rowscroll[0]) % srcwidth; else scrollx = rowscroll[0] % srcwidth; colwidth = srcwidth / cols; myclip.min_y = clip->min_y; myclip.max_y = clip->max_y; col = 0; while (col < cols) { int cons,scroll; /* count consecutive columns scrolled by the same amount */ scroll = colscroll[col]; cons = 1; while (col + cons < cols && colscroll[col + cons] == scroll) cons++; if (scroll < 0) scroll = srcheight - (-scroll) % srcheight; else scroll %= srcheight; myclip.min_x = col * colwidth + scrollx; if (myclip.min_x < clip->min_x) myclip.min_x = clip->min_x; myclip.max_x = (col + cons) * colwidth - 1 + scrollx; if (myclip.max_x > clip->max_x) myclip.max_x = clip->max_x; copybitmap(dest,src,0,0,scrollx,scroll,&myclip,transparency,transparent_color); copybitmap(dest,src,0,0,scrollx,scroll - srcheight,&myclip,transparency,transparent_color); myclip.min_x = col * colwidth + scrollx - srcwidth; if (myclip.min_x < clip->min_x) myclip.min_x = clip->min_x; myclip.max_x = (col + cons) * colwidth - 1 + scrollx - srcwidth; if (myclip.max_x > clip->max_x) myclip.max_x = clip->max_x; copybitmap(dest,src,0,0,scrollx - srcwidth,scroll,&myclip,transparency,transparent_color); copybitmap(dest,src,0,0,scrollx - srcwidth,scroll - srcheight,&myclip,transparency,transparent_color); col += cons; } } else if (cols == 1) { /* scrolling rows + vertical scroll */ int row,rowheight; int scrolly; rectangle myclip; if (colscroll[0] < 0) scrolly = srcheight - (-colscroll[0]) % srcheight; else scrolly = colscroll[0] % srcheight; rowheight = srcheight / rows; myclip.min_x = clip->min_x; myclip.max_x = clip->max_x; row = 0; while (row < rows) { int cons,scroll; /* count consecutive rows scrolled by the same amount */ scroll = rowscroll[row]; cons = 1; while (row + cons < rows && rowscroll[row + cons] == scroll) cons++; if (scroll < 0) scroll = srcwidth - (-scroll) % srcwidth; else scroll %= srcwidth; myclip.min_y = row * rowheight + scrolly; if (myclip.min_y < clip->min_y) myclip.min_y = clip->min_y; myclip.max_y = (row + cons) * rowheight - 1 + scrolly; if (myclip.max_y > clip->max_y) myclip.max_y = clip->max_y; copybitmap(dest,src,0,0,scroll,scrolly,&myclip,transparency,transparent_color); copybitmap(dest,src,0,0,scroll - srcwidth,scrolly,&myclip,transparency,transparent_color); myclip.min_y = row * rowheight + scrolly - srcheight; if (myclip.min_y < clip->min_y) myclip.min_y = clip->min_y; myclip.max_y = (row + cons) * rowheight - 1 + scrolly - srcheight; if (myclip.max_y > clip->max_y) myclip.max_y = clip->max_y; copybitmap(dest,src,0,0,scroll,scrolly - srcheight,&myclip,transparency,transparent_color); copybitmap(dest,src,0,0,scroll - srcwidth,scrolly - srcheight,&myclip,transparency,transparent_color); row += cons; } } profiler_mark(PROFILER_END); } /* notes: - startx and starty MUST be UINT32 for calculations to work correctly - srcbitmap->width and height are assumed to be a power of 2 to speed up wraparound */ void copyrozbitmap(mame_bitmap *dest,mame_bitmap *src, UINT32 startx,UINT32 starty,int incxx,int incxy,int incyx,int incyy,int wraparound, const rectangle *clip,int transparency,int transparent_color,UINT32 priority) { profiler_mark(PROFILER_COPYBITMAP); /* cheat, the core doesn't support TRANSPARENCY_NONE yet */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_NONE) { transparency = TRANSPARENCY_PEN; transparent_color = -1; } /* if necessary, remap the transparent color */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_COLOR) { transparency = TRANSPARENCY_PEN; transparent_color = Machine->pens[transparent_color]; } if (transparency != TRANSPARENCY_PEN) { popmessage("copyrozbitmap unsupported trans %02x",transparency); return; } if (dest->bpp == 8) copyrozbitmap_core8(dest,src,startx,starty,incxx,incxy,incyx,incyy,wraparound,clip,transparency,transparent_color,priority); else if (dest->bpp == 16) copyrozbitmap_core16(dest,src,startx,starty,incxx,incxy,incyx,incyy,wraparound,clip,transparency,transparent_color,priority); else if (dest->bpp == 32) copyrozbitmap_core32(dest,src,startx,starty,incxx,incxy,incyx,incyy,wraparound,clip,transparency,transparent_color,priority); profiler_mark(PROFILER_END); } INLINE void common_drawgfxzoom( mame_bitmap *dest_bmp,const gfx_element *gfx, unsigned int code,unsigned int color,int flipx,int flipy,int sx,int sy, const rectangle *clip,int transparency,int transparent_color, int scalex, int scaley,mame_bitmap *pri_buffer,UINT32 pri_mask) { rectangle myclip; UINT8 ah, al; al = (pdrawgfx_shadow_lowpri) ? 0 : 0x80; if (!scalex || !scaley) return; if (scalex == 0x10000 && scaley == 0x10000) { common_drawgfx(dest_bmp,gfx,code,color,flipx,flipy,sx,sy,clip,transparency,transparent_color,pri_buffer,pri_mask); return; } if (transparency != TRANSPARENCY_PEN && transparency != TRANSPARENCY_PEN_RAW && transparency != TRANSPARENCY_PENS && transparency != TRANSPARENCY_COLOR && transparency != TRANSPARENCY_PEN_TABLE && transparency != TRANSPARENCY_PEN_TABLE_RAW && transparency != TRANSPARENCY_BLEND_RAW && transparency != TRANSPARENCY_ALPHA && transparency != TRANSPARENCY_ALPHARANGE && transparency != TRANSPARENCY_NONE) { popmessage("drawgfxzoom unsupported trans %02x",transparency); return; } if ((dest_bmp->format == BITMAP_FORMAT_INDEXED8 || dest_bmp->format == BITMAP_FORMAT_INDEXED16 || dest_bmp->format == BITMAP_FORMAT_INDEXED32) && (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_ALPHA || transparency == TRANSPARENCY_ALPHARANGE)) { transparency = TRANSPARENCY_PEN; transparent_color &= 0xff; } if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_COLOR) transparent_color = Machine->pens[transparent_color]; /* scalex and scaley are 16.16 fixed point numbers 1<<15 : shrink to 50% 1<<16 : uniform scale 1<<17 : double to 200% */ /* KW 991012 -- Added code to force clip to bitmap boundary */ if(clip) { myclip.min_x = clip->min_x; myclip.max_x = clip->max_x; myclip.min_y = clip->min_y; myclip.max_y = clip->max_y; if (myclip.min_x < 0) myclip.min_x = 0; if (myclip.max_x >= dest_bmp->width) myclip.max_x = dest_bmp->width-1; if (myclip.min_y < 0) myclip.min_y = 0; if (myclip.max_y >= dest_bmp->height) myclip.max_y = dest_bmp->height-1; clip=&myclip; } /* ASG 980209 -- added 16-bit version */ if (dest_bmp->bpp == 8) { if( gfx ) { const pen_t *pal = &Machine->remapped_colortable[gfx->color_base + gfx->color_granularity * (color % gfx->total_colors)]; UINT8 *source_base = gfx->gfxdata + (code % gfx->total_elements) * gfx->char_modulo; int sprite_screen_height = (scaley*gfx->height+0x8000)>>16; int sprite_screen_width = (scalex*gfx->width+0x8000)>>16; if (sprite_screen_width && sprite_screen_height) { /* compute sprite increment per screen pixel */ int dx = (gfx->width<<16)/sprite_screen_width; int dy = (gfx->height<<16)/sprite_screen_height; int ex = sx+sprite_screen_width; int ey = sy+sprite_screen_height; int x_index_base; int y_index; if( flipx ) { x_index_base = (sprite_screen_width-1)*dx; dx = -dx; } else { x_index_base = 0; } if( flipy ) { y_index = (sprite_screen_height-1)*dy; dy = -dy; } else { y_index = 0; } if( clip ) { if( sx < clip->min_x) { /* clip left */ int pixels = clip->min_x-sx; sx += pixels; x_index_base += pixels*dx; } if( sy < clip->min_y ) { /* clip top */ int pixels = clip->min_y-sy; sy += pixels; y_index += pixels*dy; } /* NS 980211 - fixed incorrect clipping */ if( ex > clip->max_x+1 ) { /* clip right */ int pixels = ex-clip->max_x-1; ex -= pixels; } if( ey > clip->max_y+1 ) { /* clip bottom */ int pixels = ey-clip->max_y-1; ey -= pixels; } } if( ex>sx ) { /* skip if inner loop doesn't draw anything */ int y; /* case 0: TRANSPARENCY_NONE */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_NONE) { if (pri_buffer) { if (gfx->flags & GFX_ELEMENT_PACKED) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT8 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR8(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>17] >> ((x_index & 0x10000) >> 14)) & 0x0f]; pri[x] = 31; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT8 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR8(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]]; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } else { if (gfx->flags & GFX_ELEMENT_PACKED) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT8 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR8(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>17] >> ((x_index & 0x10000) >> 14)) & 0x0f]; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT8 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR8(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]]; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } } /* case 1: TRANSPARENCY_PEN */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PEN) { if (pri_buffer) { if (gfx->flags & GFX_ELEMENT_PACKED) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT8 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR8(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>17] >> ((x_index & 0x10000) >> 14)) & 0x0f; if( c != transparent_color ) { if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) dest[x] = pal[c]; pri[x] = 31; } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT8 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR8(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) { if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) dest[x] = pal[c]; pri[x] = 31; } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } else { if (gfx->flags & GFX_ELEMENT_PACKED) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT8 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR8(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>17] >> ((x_index & 0x10000) >> 14)) & 0x0f; if( c != transparent_color ) dest[x] = pal[c]; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT8 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR8(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) dest[x] = pal[c]; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } } /* case 1b: TRANSPARENCY_PEN_RAW */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PEN_RAW) { if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT8 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR8(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) { if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) dest[x] = color + c; pri[x] = 31; } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT8 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR8(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) dest[x] = color + c; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } /* case 1c: TRANSPARENCY_BLEND_RAW */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_BLEND_RAW) { if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT8 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR8(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) { if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) dest[x] |= (color + c); pri[x] = 31; } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT8 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR8(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) dest[x] |= (color + c); x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } /* case 2: TRANSPARENCY_PENS */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PENS) { if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT8 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR8(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if (((1 << c) & transparent_color) == 0) { if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) dest[x] = pal[c]; pri[x] = 31; } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT8 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR8(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if (((1 << c) & transparent_color) == 0) dest[x] = pal[c]; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } /* case 3: TRANSPARENCY_COLOR */ else if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_COLOR) { if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT8 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR8(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]]; if( c != transparent_color ) { if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) dest[x] = c; pri[x] = 31; } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT8 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR8(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]]; if( c != transparent_color ) dest[x] = c; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } /* case 4: TRANSPARENCY_PEN_TABLE */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PEN_TABLE) { pen_t *palette_shadow_table = Machine->shadow_table; if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT8 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR8(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) { switch(gfx_drawmode_table[c]) { case DRAWMODE_SOURCE: if (((1 << (pri[x] & 0x1f)) & pri_mask) == 0) { if (pri[x] & 0x80) dest[x] = palette_shadow_table[pal[c]]; else dest[x] = pal[c]; } pri[x] = (pri[x] & 0x7f) | 31; break; case DRAWMODE_SHADOW: if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) dest[x] = palette_shadow_table[dest[x]]; pri[x] |= al; break; } } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT8 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR8(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) { switch(gfx_drawmode_table[c]) { case DRAWMODE_SOURCE: dest[x] = pal[c]; break; case DRAWMODE_SHADOW: dest[x] = palette_shadow_table[dest[x]]; break; } } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } /* case 4b: TRANSPARENCY_PEN_TABLE_RAW */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PEN_TABLE_RAW) { pen_t *palette_shadow_table = Machine->shadow_table; if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT8 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR8(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) { switch(gfx_drawmode_table[c]) { case DRAWMODE_SOURCE: if (((1 << (pri[x] & 0x1f)) & pri_mask) == 0) { if (pri[x] & 0x80) dest[x] = palette_shadow_table[color + c]; else dest[x] = color + c; } pri[x] = (pri[x] & 0x7f) | 31; break; case DRAWMODE_SHADOW: if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) dest[x] = palette_shadow_table[dest[x]]; pri[x] |= al; break; } } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT8 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR8(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) { switch(gfx_drawmode_table[c]) { case DRAWMODE_SOURCE: dest[x] = color + c; break; case DRAWMODE_SHADOW: dest[x] = palette_shadow_table[dest[x]]; break; } } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } } } } } /* ASG 980209 -- new 16-bit part */ else if (dest_bmp->bpp == 16) { if( gfx ) { const pen_t *pal = &Machine->remapped_colortable[gfx->color_base + gfx->color_granularity * (color % gfx->total_colors)]; UINT8 *source_base = gfx->gfxdata + (code % gfx->total_elements) * gfx->char_modulo; int sprite_screen_height = (scaley*gfx->height+0x8000)>>16; int sprite_screen_width = (scalex*gfx->width+0x8000)>>16; if (sprite_screen_width && sprite_screen_height) { /* compute sprite increment per screen pixel */ int dx = (gfx->width<<16)/sprite_screen_width; int dy = (gfx->height<<16)/sprite_screen_height; int ex = sx+sprite_screen_width; int ey = sy+sprite_screen_height; int x_index_base; int y_index; if( flipx ) { x_index_base = (sprite_screen_width-1)*dx; dx = -dx; } else { x_index_base = 0; } if( flipy ) { y_index = (sprite_screen_height-1)*dy; dy = -dy; } else { y_index = 0; } if( clip ) { if( sx < clip->min_x) { /* clip left */ int pixels = clip->min_x-sx; sx += pixels; x_index_base += pixels*dx; } if( sy < clip->min_y ) { /* clip top */ int pixels = clip->min_y-sy; sy += pixels; y_index += pixels*dy; } /* NS 980211 - fixed incorrect clipping */ if( ex > clip->max_x+1 ) { /* clip right */ int pixels = ex-clip->max_x-1; ex -= pixels; } if( ey > clip->max_y+1 ) { /* clip bottom */ int pixels = ey-clip->max_y-1; ey -= pixels; } } if( ex>sx ) { /* skip if inner loop doesn't draw anything */ int y; /* case 0: TRANSPARENCY_NONE */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_NONE) { if (pri_buffer) { if (gfx->flags & GFX_ELEMENT_PACKED) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>17] >> ((x_index & 0x10000) >> 14)) & 0x0f]; pri[x] = 31; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]]; pri[x] = 31; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } else { if (gfx->flags & GFX_ELEMENT_PACKED) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>17] >> ((x_index & 0x10000) >> 14)) & 0x0f]; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]]; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } } /* case 1: TRANSPARENCY_PEN */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PEN) { if (pri_buffer) { if (gfx->flags & GFX_ELEMENT_PACKED) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>17] >> ((x_index & 0x10000) >> 14)) & 0x0f; if( c != transparent_color ) { if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) dest[x] = pal[c]; pri[x] = 31; } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) { if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) dest[x] = pal[c]; pri[x] = 31; } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } else { if (gfx->flags & GFX_ELEMENT_PACKED) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>17] >> ((x_index & 0x10000) >> 14)) & 0x0f; if( c != transparent_color ) dest[x] = pal[c]; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) dest[x] = pal[c]; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } } /* case 1b: TRANSPARENCY_PEN_RAW */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PEN_RAW) { if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) { if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) dest[x] = color + c; pri[x] = 31; } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) dest[x] = color + c; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } /* case 1c: TRANSPARENCY_BLEND_RAW */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_BLEND_RAW) { if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) { if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) dest[x] |= color + c; pri[x] = 31; } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) dest[x] |= color + c; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } /* case 2: TRANSPARENCY_PENS */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PENS) { if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if (((1 << c) & transparent_color) == 0) { if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) dest[x] = pal[c]; pri[x] = 31; } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if (((1 << c) & transparent_color) == 0) dest[x] = pal[c]; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } /* case 3: TRANSPARENCY_COLOR */ else if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_COLOR) { if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]]; if( c != transparent_color ) { if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) dest[x] = c; pri[x] = 31; } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]]; if( c != transparent_color ) dest[x] = c; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } /* case 4: TRANSPARENCY_PEN_TABLE */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PEN_TABLE) { pen_t *palette_shadow_table = Machine->shadow_table; if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) { switch(gfx_drawmode_table[c]) { case DRAWMODE_SOURCE: ah = pri[x]; if (((1 << (ah & 0x1f)) & pri_mask) == 0) { if (ah & 0x80) dest[x] = palette_shadow_table[pal[c]]; else dest[x] = pal[c]; } pri[x] = (ah & 0x7f) | 31; break; case DRAWMODE_SHADOW: if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) dest[x] = palette_shadow_table[dest[x]]; pri[x] |= al; break; } } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) { switch(gfx_drawmode_table[c]) { case DRAWMODE_SOURCE: dest[x] = pal[c]; break; case DRAWMODE_SHADOW: dest[x] = palette_shadow_table[dest[x]]; break; } } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } /* case 4b: TRANSPARENCY_PEN_TABLE_RAW */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PEN_TABLE_RAW) { pen_t *palette_shadow_table = Machine->shadow_table; if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) { switch(gfx_drawmode_table[c]) { case DRAWMODE_SOURCE: ah = pri[x]; if (((1 << (ah & 0x1f)) & pri_mask) == 0) { if (ah & 0x80) dest[x] = palette_shadow_table[color + c]; else dest[x] = color + c; } pri[x] = (ah & 0x7f) | 31; break; case DRAWMODE_SHADOW: if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) dest[x] = palette_shadow_table[dest[x]]; pri[x] |= al; break; } } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) { switch(gfx_drawmode_table[c]) { case DRAWMODE_SOURCE: dest[x] = color + c; break; case DRAWMODE_SHADOW: dest[x] = palette_shadow_table[dest[x]]; break; } } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } /* case 6: TRANSPARENCY_ALPHA */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_ALPHA) { if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) { if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) dest[x] = alpha_blend16(dest[x], pal[c]); pri[x] = 31; } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) dest[x] = alpha_blend16(dest[x], pal[c]); x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } /* pjp 31/5/02 */ /* case 7: TRANSPARENCY_ALPHARANGE */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_ALPHARANGE) { if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) { if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) { if( gfx_alpharange_table[c] == 0xff ) dest[x] = pal[c]; else dest[x] = alpha_blend_r16(dest[x], pal[c], gfx_alpharange_table[c]); } pri[x] = 31; } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT16 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) { if( gfx_alpharange_table[c] == 0xff ) dest[x] = pal[c]; else dest[x] = alpha_blend_r16(dest[x], pal[c], gfx_alpharange_table[c]); } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } } } } } else { if( gfx ) { const pen_t *pal = &Machine->remapped_colortable[gfx->color_base + gfx->color_granularity * (color % gfx->total_colors)]; UINT8 *source_base = gfx->gfxdata + (code % gfx->total_elements) * gfx->char_modulo; int sprite_screen_height = (scaley*gfx->height+0x8000)>>16; int sprite_screen_width = (scalex*gfx->width+0x8000)>>16; if (sprite_screen_width && sprite_screen_height) { /* compute sprite increment per screen pixel */ int dx = (gfx->width<<16)/sprite_screen_width; int dy = (gfx->height<<16)/sprite_screen_height; int ex = sx+sprite_screen_width; int ey = sy+sprite_screen_height; int x_index_base; int y_index; if( flipx ) { x_index_base = (sprite_screen_width-1)*dx; dx = -dx; } else { x_index_base = 0; } if( flipy ) { y_index = (sprite_screen_height-1)*dy; dy = -dy; } else { y_index = 0; } if( clip ) { if( sx < clip->min_x) { /* clip left */ int pixels = clip->min_x-sx; sx += pixels; x_index_base += pixels*dx; } if( sy < clip->min_y ) { /* clip top */ int pixels = clip->min_y-sy; sy += pixels; y_index += pixels*dy; } /* NS 980211 - fixed incorrect clipping */ if( ex > clip->max_x+1 ) { /* clip right */ int pixels = ex-clip->max_x-1; ex -= pixels; } if( ey > clip->max_y+1 ) { /* clip bottom */ int pixels = ey-clip->max_y-1; ey -= pixels; } } if( ex>sx ) { /* skip if inner loop doesn't draw anything */ int y; /* case 0: TRANSPARENCY_NONE */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_NONE) { if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT32 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]]; pri[x] = 31; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT32 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]]; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } /* case 1: TRANSPARENCY_PEN */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PEN) { if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT32 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) { if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) dest[x] = pal[c]; pri[x] = 31; } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT32 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) dest[x] = pal[c]; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } /* case 1b: TRANSPARENCY_PEN_RAW */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PEN_RAW) { if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT32 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) { if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) dest[x] = color + c; pri[x] = 31; } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT32 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) dest[x] = color + c; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } /* case 1c: TRANSPARENCY_BLEND_RAW */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_BLEND_RAW) { if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT32 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) { if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) dest[x] |= color + c; pri[x] = 31; } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT32 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) dest[x] |= color + c; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } /* case 2: TRANSPARENCY_PENS */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PENS) { if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT32 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if (((1 << c) & transparent_color) == 0) { if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) dest[x] = pal[c]; pri[x] = 31; } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT32 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if (((1 << c) & transparent_color) == 0) dest[x] = pal[c]; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } /* case 3: TRANSPARENCY_COLOR */ else if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_COLOR) { if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT32 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]]; if( c != transparent_color ) { if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) dest[x] = c; pri[x] = 31; } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT32 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]]; if( c != transparent_color ) dest[x] = c; x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } /* case 4: TRANSPARENCY_PEN_TABLE */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PEN_TABLE) { pen_t *palette_shadow_table = Machine->shadow_table; UINT8 *source, *pri; UINT32 *dest; int c, x, x_index; if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; y_index += dy; dest = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest_bmp, y, 0); pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>= 16; al = pri[x]; c = source[ebx]; ah = al; al &= 0x1f; if (gfx_drawmode_table[c] == DRAWMODE_NONE) continue; if (!(1<>16) * gfx->line_modulo; y_index += dy; dest = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest_bmp, y, 0); x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; x_index += dx; if (gfx_drawmode_table[c] == DRAWMODE_NONE) continue; if (gfx_drawmode_table[c] == DRAWMODE_SOURCE) dest[x] = pal[c]; else dest[x] = SHADOW32(palette_shadow_table,dest[x]); } } } } /* case 4b: TRANSPARENCY_PEN_TABLE_RAW */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_PEN_TABLE_RAW) { pen_t *palette_shadow_table = Machine->shadow_table; UINT8 *source, *pri; UINT32 *dest; int c, x, x_index; if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; y_index += dy; dest = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest_bmp, y, 0); pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>= 16; al = pri[x]; c = source[ebx]; ah = al; al &= 0x1f; if (gfx_drawmode_table[c] == DRAWMODE_NONE) continue; if (!(1<>16) * gfx->line_modulo; y_index += dy; dest = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest_bmp, y, 0); x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; x_index += dx; if (gfx_drawmode_table[c] == DRAWMODE_NONE) continue; if (gfx_drawmode_table[c] == DRAWMODE_SOURCE) dest[x] = color + c; else dest[x] = SHADOW32(palette_shadow_table,dest[x]); } } } } /* case 6: TRANSPARENCY_ALPHA */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_ALPHA) { if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT32 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) { if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) dest[x] = alpha_blend32(dest[x], pal[c]); pri[x] = 31; } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT32 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) dest[x] = alpha_blend32(dest[x], pal[c]); x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } /* pjp 31/5/02 */ /* case 7: TRANSPARENCY_ALPHARANGE */ if (transparency == TRANSPARENCY_ALPHARANGE) { if (pri_buffer) { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT32 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest_bmp, y, 0); UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) { if (((1 << pri[x]) & pri_mask) == 0) { if( gfx_alpharange_table[c] == 0xff ) dest[x] = pal[c]; else dest[x] = alpha_blend_r32(dest[x], pal[c], gfx_alpharange_table[c]); } pri[x] = 31; } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } else { for( y=sy; y>16) * gfx->line_modulo; UINT32 *dest = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest_bmp, y, 0); int x, x_index = x_index_base; for( x=sx; x>16]; if( c != transparent_color ) { if( gfx_alpharange_table[c] == 0xff ) dest[x] = pal[c]; else dest[x] = alpha_blend_r32(dest[x], pal[c], gfx_alpharange_table[c]); } x_index += dx; } y_index += dy; } } } } } } } } void drawgfxzoom( mame_bitmap *dest_bmp,const gfx_element *gfx, unsigned int code,unsigned int color,int flipx,int flipy,int sx,int sy, const rectangle *clip,int transparency,int transparent_color,int scalex, int scaley) { profiler_mark(PROFILER_DRAWGFX); common_drawgfxzoom(dest_bmp,gfx,code,color,flipx,flipy,sx,sy, clip,transparency,transparent_color,scalex,scaley,NULL,0); profiler_mark(PROFILER_END); } void pdrawgfxzoom( mame_bitmap *dest_bmp,const gfx_element *gfx, unsigned int code,unsigned int color,int flipx,int flipy,int sx,int sy, const rectangle *clip,int transparency,int transparent_color,int scalex, int scaley, UINT32 priority_mask) { profiler_mark(PROFILER_DRAWGFX); common_drawgfxzoom(dest_bmp,gfx,code,color,flipx,flipy,sx,sy, clip,transparency,transparent_color,scalex,scaley,priority_bitmap,priority_mask | (1<<31)); profiler_mark(PROFILER_END); } void mdrawgfxzoom( mame_bitmap *dest_bmp,const gfx_element *gfx, unsigned int code,unsigned int color,int flipx,int flipy,int sx,int sy, const rectangle *clip,int transparency,int transparent_color,int scalex, int scaley, UINT32 priority_mask) { profiler_mark(PROFILER_DRAWGFX); common_drawgfxzoom(dest_bmp,gfx,code,color,flipx,flipy,sx,sy, clip,transparency,transparent_color,scalex,scaley,priority_bitmap,priority_mask); profiler_mark(PROFILER_END); } #else /* DECLARE */ /* -------------------- included inline section --------------------- */ /* this is #included to generate 8-bit and 16-bit versions */ #define ADJUST_8 \ int ydir; \ if (flipy) \ { \ INCREMENT_DST(VMODULO * (dstheight-1)) \ srcdata += (srcheight - dstheight - topskip) * srcmodulo; \ ydir = -1; \ } \ else \ { \ srcdata += topskip * srcmodulo; \ ydir = 1; \ } \ if (flipx) \ { \ INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO * (dstwidth-1)) \ srcdata += (srcwidth - dstwidth - leftskip); \ } \ else \ srcdata += leftskip; \ srcmodulo -= dstwidth; #define ADJUST_4 \ int ydir; \ if (flipy) \ { \ INCREMENT_DST(VMODULO * (dstheight-1)) \ srcdata += (srcheight - dstheight - topskip) * srcmodulo; \ ydir = -1; \ } \ else \ { \ srcdata += topskip * srcmodulo; \ ydir = 1; \ } \ if (flipx) \ { \ INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO * (dstwidth-1)) \ srcdata += (srcwidth - dstwidth - leftskip)/2; \ leftskip = (srcwidth - dstwidth - leftskip) & 1; \ } \ else \ { \ srcdata += leftskip/2; \ leftskip &= 1; \ } \ srcmodulo -= (dstwidth+leftskip)/2; DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(blockmove_8toN_opaque,(COMMON_ARGS, COLOR_ARG), { pen_t *palette_shadow_table = Machine->shadow_table; ADJUST_8 (void)palette_shadow_table; if (flipx) { DATA_TYPE *end; while (dstheight) { end = dstdata - dstwidth*HMODULO; while (dstdata >= end + 8*HMODULO) { INCREMENT_DST(-8*HMODULO) SETPIXELCOLOR(8*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[0])) SETPIXELCOLOR(7*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[1])) SETPIXELCOLOR(6*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[2])) SETPIXELCOLOR(5*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[3])) SETPIXELCOLOR(4*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[4])) SETPIXELCOLOR(3*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[5])) SETPIXELCOLOR(2*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[6])) SETPIXELCOLOR(1*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[7])) srcdata += 8; } while (dstdata > end) { SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(*srcdata)) srcdata++; INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO) } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO + dstwidth*HMODULO) dstheight--; } } else { DATA_TYPE *end; while (dstheight) { end = dstdata + dstwidth*HMODULO; while (dstdata <= end - 8*HMODULO) { SETPIXELCOLOR(0*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[0])) SETPIXELCOLOR(1*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[1])) SETPIXELCOLOR(2*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[2])) SETPIXELCOLOR(3*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[3])) SETPIXELCOLOR(4*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[4])) SETPIXELCOLOR(5*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[5])) SETPIXELCOLOR(6*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[6])) SETPIXELCOLOR(7*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[7])) srcdata += 8; INCREMENT_DST(8*HMODULO) } while (dstdata < end) { SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(*srcdata)) srcdata++; INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO) } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO - dstwidth*HMODULO) dstheight--; } } }) DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(blockmove_4toN_opaque,(COMMON_ARGS, COLOR_ARG), { pen_t *palette_shadow_table = Machine->shadow_table; ADJUST_4 (void)palette_shadow_table; if (flipx) { DATA_TYPE *end; while (dstheight) { end = dstdata - dstwidth*HMODULO; if (leftskip) { SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(*srcdata>>4)) srcdata++; INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO) } while (dstdata >= end + 8*HMODULO) { INCREMENT_DST(-8*HMODULO) SETPIXELCOLOR(8*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[0]&0x0f)) SETPIXELCOLOR(7*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[0]>>4)) SETPIXELCOLOR(6*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[1]&0x0f)) SETPIXELCOLOR(5*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[1]>>4)) SETPIXELCOLOR(4*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[2]&0x0f)) SETPIXELCOLOR(3*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[2]>>4)) SETPIXELCOLOR(2*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[3]&0x0f)) SETPIXELCOLOR(1*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[3]>>4)) srcdata += 4; } while (dstdata > end) { SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(*srcdata&0x0f)) INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO) if (dstdata > end) { SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(*srcdata>>4)) srcdata++; INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO) } } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO + dstwidth*HMODULO) dstheight--; } } else { DATA_TYPE *end; while (dstheight) { end = dstdata + dstwidth*HMODULO; if (leftskip) { SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(*srcdata>>4)) srcdata++; INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO) } while (dstdata <= end - 8*HMODULO) { SETPIXELCOLOR(0*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[0]&0x0f)) SETPIXELCOLOR(1*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[0]>>4)) SETPIXELCOLOR(2*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[1]&0x0f)) SETPIXELCOLOR(3*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[1]>>4)) SETPIXELCOLOR(4*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[2]&0x0f)) SETPIXELCOLOR(5*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[2]>>4)) SETPIXELCOLOR(6*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[3]&0x0f)) SETPIXELCOLOR(7*HMODULO,LOOKUP(srcdata[3]>>4)) srcdata += 4; INCREMENT_DST(8*HMODULO) } while (dstdata < end) { SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(*srcdata&0x0f)) INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO) if (dstdata < end) { SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(*srcdata>>4)) srcdata++; INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO) } } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO - dstwidth*HMODULO) dstheight--; } } }) DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(blockmove_8toN_transpen,(COMMON_ARGS, COLOR_ARG,int transpen), { pen_t *palette_shadow_table = Machine->shadow_table; ADJUST_8 (void)palette_shadow_table; if (flipx) { DATA_TYPE *end; int trans4; UINT32 *sd4; trans4 = transpen * 0x01010101; while (dstheight) { end = dstdata - dstwidth*HMODULO; while (((FPTR)srcdata & 3) && dstdata > end) /* longword align */ { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transpen) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO) } sd4 = (UINT32 *)srcdata; while (dstdata >= end + 4*HMODULO) { UINT32 col4; INCREMENT_DST(-4*HMODULO) if ((col4 = *(sd4++)) != trans4) { UINT32 xod4; xod4 = col4 ^ trans4; if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT0) & 0xff)) if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT1) & 0xff)) if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT2) & 0xff)) if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT3) & 0xff)) } } srcdata = (UINT8 *)sd4; while (dstdata > end) { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transpen) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO) } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO + dstwidth*HMODULO); dstheight--; } } else { DATA_TYPE *end; int trans4; UINT32 *sd4; trans4 = transpen * 0x01010101; while (dstheight) { end = dstdata + dstwidth*HMODULO; while (((FPTR)srcdata & 3) && dstdata < end) /* longword align */ { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transpen) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO) } sd4 = (UINT32 *)srcdata; while (dstdata <= end - 4*HMODULO) { UINT32 col4; if ((col4 = *(sd4++)) != trans4) { UINT32 xod4; xod4 = col4 ^ trans4; if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT0) & 0xff)) if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT1) & 0xff)) if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT2) & 0xff)) if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT3) & 0xff)) } INCREMENT_DST(4*HMODULO) } srcdata = (UINT8 *)sd4; while (dstdata < end) { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transpen) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO) } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO - dstwidth*HMODULO); dstheight--; } } }) DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(blockmove_4toN_transpen,(COMMON_ARGS, COLOR_ARG,int transpen), { pen_t *palette_shadow_table = Machine->shadow_table; ADJUST_4 (void)palette_shadow_table; if (flipx) { DATA_TYPE *end; while (dstheight) { int col; end = dstdata - dstwidth*HMODULO; if (leftskip) { col = *(srcdata++)>>4; if (col != transpen) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO) } while (dstdata > end) { col = *(srcdata)&0x0f; if (col != transpen) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO) if (dstdata > end) { col = *(srcdata++)>>4; if (col != transpen) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO) } } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO + dstwidth*HMODULO) dstheight--; } } else { DATA_TYPE *end; while (dstheight) { int col; end = dstdata + dstwidth*HMODULO; if (leftskip) { col = *(srcdata++)>>4; if (col != transpen) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO) } while (dstdata < end) { col = *(srcdata)&0x0f; if (col != transpen) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO) if (dstdata < end) { col = *(srcdata++)>>4; if (col != transpen) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO) } } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO - dstwidth*HMODULO) dstheight--; } } }) #if (RAW == 1) DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(blockmove_8toN_transblend,(COMMON_ARGS, COLOR_ARG,int transpen), { pen_t *palette_shadow_table = Machine->shadow_table; ADJUST_8 (void)palette_shadow_table; if (flipx) { DATA_TYPE *end; int trans4; UINT32 *sd4; trans4 = transpen * 0x01010101; while (dstheight) { end = dstdata - dstwidth*HMODULO; while (((FPTR)srcdata & 3) && dstdata > end) /* longword align */ { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transpen) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,*dstdata | LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO); } sd4 = (UINT32 *)srcdata; while (dstdata >= end + 4*HMODULO) { UINT32 col4; INCREMENT_DST(-4*HMODULO); if ((col4 = *(sd4++)) != trans4) { UINT32 xod4; xod4 = col4 ^ trans4; if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT0) & 0xff)) if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT1) & 0xff)) if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT2) & 0xff)) if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT3) & 0xff)) } } srcdata = (UINT8 *)sd4; while (dstdata > end) { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transpen) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,*dstdata | LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO); } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO + dstwidth*HMODULO); dstheight--; } } else { DATA_TYPE *end; int trans4; UINT32 *sd4; trans4 = transpen * 0x01010101; while (dstheight) { end = dstdata + dstwidth*HMODULO; while (((FPTR)srcdata & 3) && dstdata < end) /* longword align */ { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transpen) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,*dstdata | LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO); } sd4 = (UINT32 *)srcdata; while (dstdata <= end - 4*HMODULO) { UINT32 col4; if ((col4 = *(sd4++)) != trans4) { UINT32 xod4; xod4 = col4 ^ trans4; if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT0) & 0xff)) if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT1) & 0xff)) if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT2) & 0xff)) if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT3) & 0xff)) } INCREMENT_DST(4*HMODULO); } srcdata = (UINT8 *)sd4; while (dstdata < end) { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transpen) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,*dstdata | LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO); } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO - dstwidth*HMODULO); dstheight--; } } }) #endif #define PEN_IS_OPAQUE ((1<shadow_table; ADJUST_8 (void)palette_shadow_table; if (flipx) { DATA_TYPE *end; UINT32 *sd4; while (dstheight) { end = dstdata - dstwidth*HMODULO; while (((FPTR)srcdata & 3) && dstdata > end) /* longword align */ { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (PEN_IS_OPAQUE) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO) } sd4 = (UINT32 *)srcdata; while (dstdata >= end + 4*HMODULO) { int col; UINT32 col4; INCREMENT_DST(-4*HMODULO) col4 = *(sd4++); col = (col4 >> SHIFT0) & 0xff; if (PEN_IS_OPAQUE) SETPIXELCOLOR(4*HMODULO,LOOKUP(col)) col = (col4 >> SHIFT1) & 0xff; if (PEN_IS_OPAQUE) SETPIXELCOLOR(3*HMODULO,LOOKUP(col)) col = (col4 >> SHIFT2) & 0xff; if (PEN_IS_OPAQUE) SETPIXELCOLOR(2*HMODULO,LOOKUP(col)) col = (col4 >> SHIFT3) & 0xff; if (PEN_IS_OPAQUE) SETPIXELCOLOR(1*HMODULO,LOOKUP(col)) } srcdata = (UINT8 *)sd4; while (dstdata > end) { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (PEN_IS_OPAQUE) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO) } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO + dstwidth*HMODULO) dstheight--; } } else { DATA_TYPE *end; UINT32 *sd4; while (dstheight) { end = dstdata + dstwidth*HMODULO; while (((FPTR)srcdata & 3) && dstdata < end) /* longword align */ { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (PEN_IS_OPAQUE) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO) } sd4 = (UINT32 *)srcdata; while (dstdata <= end - 4*HMODULO) { int col; UINT32 col4; col4 = *(sd4++); col = (col4 >> SHIFT0) & 0xff; if (PEN_IS_OPAQUE) SETPIXELCOLOR(0*HMODULO,LOOKUP(col)) col = (col4 >> SHIFT1) & 0xff; if (PEN_IS_OPAQUE) SETPIXELCOLOR(1*HMODULO,LOOKUP(col)) col = (col4 >> SHIFT2) & 0xff; if (PEN_IS_OPAQUE) SETPIXELCOLOR(2*HMODULO,LOOKUP(col)) col = (col4 >> SHIFT3) & 0xff; if (PEN_IS_OPAQUE) SETPIXELCOLOR(3*HMODULO,LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(4*HMODULO) } srcdata = (UINT8 *)sd4; while (dstdata < end) { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (PEN_IS_OPAQUE) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO) } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO - dstwidth*HMODULO) dstheight--; } } }) #if (RAW == 0) DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(blockmove_8toN_transcolor,(COMMON_ARGS, COLOR_ARG,const UINT16 *colortable,int transcolor), { pen_t *palette_shadow_table = Machine->shadow_table; ADJUST_8 (void)palette_shadow_table; if (flipx) { DATA_TYPE *end; while (dstheight) { end = dstdata - dstwidth*HMODULO; while (dstdata > end) { if (colortable[*srcdata] != transcolor) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(*srcdata)) srcdata++; INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO) } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO + dstwidth*HMODULO) dstheight--; } } else { DATA_TYPE *end; while (dstheight) { end = dstdata + dstwidth*HMODULO; while (dstdata < end) { if (colortable[*srcdata] != transcolor) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(*srcdata)) srcdata++; INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO) } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO - dstwidth*HMODULO) dstheight--; } } }) DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(blockmove_4toN_transcolor,(COMMON_ARGS, COLOR_ARG,const UINT16 *colortable,int transcolor), { pen_t *palette_shadow_table = Machine->shadow_table; ADJUST_4 (void)palette_shadow_table; if (flipx) { DATA_TYPE *end; while (dstheight) { int col; end = dstdata - dstwidth*HMODULO; if (leftskip) { col = *(srcdata++)>>4; if (colortable[col] != transcolor) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO) } while (dstdata > end) { col = *(srcdata)&0x0f; if (colortable[col] != transcolor) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO) if (dstdata > end) { col = *(srcdata++)>>4; if (colortable[col] != transcolor) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO) } } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO + dstwidth*HMODULO) dstheight--; } } else { DATA_TYPE *end; while (dstheight) { int col; end = dstdata + dstwidth*HMODULO; if (leftskip) { col = *(srcdata++)>>4; if (colortable[col] != transcolor) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO) } while (dstdata < end) { col = *(srcdata)&0x0f; if (colortable[col] != transcolor) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO) if (dstdata < end) { col = *(srcdata++)>>4; if (colortable[col] != transcolor) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO) } } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO - dstwidth*HMODULO) dstheight--; } } }) #endif #if DEPTH == 32 DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(blockmove_8toN_pen_table,(COMMON_ARGS, COLOR_ARG,int transcolor), { pen_t *palette_shadow_table = Machine->shadow_table; ADJUST_8 (void)palette_shadow_table; if (flipx) { DATA_TYPE *end; while (dstheight) { end = dstdata - dstwidth*HMODULO; while (dstdata > end) { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transcolor) { switch(gfx_drawmode_table[col]) { case DRAWMODE_SOURCE: SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) break; case DRAWMODE_SHADOW: afterdrawmask = 0; SETPIXELCOLOR(0,*dstdata) afterdrawmask = 31; break; } } INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO) } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO + dstwidth*HMODULO) dstheight--; } } else { DATA_TYPE *end; while (dstheight) { end = dstdata + dstwidth*HMODULO; while (dstdata < end) { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transcolor) { switch(gfx_drawmode_table[col]) { case DRAWMODE_SOURCE: SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) break; case DRAWMODE_SHADOW: afterdrawmask = 0; SETPIXELCOLOR(0,*dstdata) afterdrawmask = 31; break; } } INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO) } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO - dstwidth*HMODULO) dstheight--; } } }) #else DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(blockmove_8toN_pen_table,(COMMON_ARGS, COLOR_ARG,int transcolor), { pen_t *palette_shadow_table = Machine->shadow_table; int eax = (pdrawgfx_shadow_lowpri) ? 0 : 0x80; ADJUST_8 (void)palette_shadow_table; if (flipx) { DATA_TYPE *end; while (dstheight) { end = dstdata - dstwidth*HMODULO; while (dstdata > end) { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transcolor) { switch(gfx_drawmode_table[col]) { case DRAWMODE_SOURCE: SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) break; case DRAWMODE_SHADOW: afterdrawmask = eax; SETPIXELCOLOR(0,palette_shadow_table[*dstdata]) afterdrawmask = 31; break; } } INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO) } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO + dstwidth*HMODULO) dstheight--; } } else { DATA_TYPE *end; while (dstheight) { end = dstdata + dstwidth*HMODULO; while (dstdata < end) { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transcolor) { switch(gfx_drawmode_table[col]) { case DRAWMODE_SOURCE: SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) break; case DRAWMODE_SHADOW: afterdrawmask = eax; SETPIXELCOLOR(0,palette_shadow_table[*dstdata]) afterdrawmask = 31; break; } } INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO) } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO - dstwidth*HMODULO) dstheight--; } } }) #endif #if DEPTH >= 16 #if (1 == 0) DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(blockmove_8toN_alphaone,(COMMON_ARGS, COLOR_ARG,int transpen, int alphapen), { pen_t *palette_shadow_table = Machine->shadow_table; ADJUST_8 (void)palette_shadow_table; if (flipx) { DATA_TYPE *end; int trans4; UINT32 *sd4; UINT32 alphacolor = LOOKUP(alphapen); trans4 = transpen * 0x01010101; while (dstheight) { end = dstdata - dstwidth*HMODULO; while (((FPTR)srcdata & 3) && dstdata > end) /* longword align */ { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transpen) { if (col == alphapen) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,alpha_blend(*dstdata,alphacolor)) else SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) } INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO); } sd4 = (UINT32 *)srcdata; while (dstdata >= end + 4*HMODULO) { UINT32 col4; INCREMENT_DST(-4*HMODULO); if ((col4 = *(sd4++)) != trans4) { UINT32 xod4; xod4 = col4 ^ trans4; if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT0) & 0xff) == alphapen) SETPIXELCOLOR(4*HMODULO,alpha_blend(dstdata[4*HMODULO], alphacolor)) else SETPIXELCOLOR(4*HMODULO,LOOKUP((col4>>SHIFT0) & 0xff)) } if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT1) & 0xff) == alphapen) SETPIXELCOLOR(3*HMODULO,alpha_blend(dstdata[3*HMODULO], alphacolor)) else SETPIXELCOLOR(3*HMODULO,LOOKUP((col4>>SHIFT1) & 0xff)) } if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT2) & 0xff) == alphapen) SETPIXELCOLOR(2*HMODULO,alpha_blend(dstdata[2*HMODULO], alphacolor)) else SETPIXELCOLOR(2*HMODULO,LOOKUP((col4>>SHIFT2) & 0xff)) } if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT3) & 0xff) == alphapen) SETPIXELCOLOR(1*HMODULO,alpha_blend(dstdata[1*HMODULO], alphacolor)) else SETPIXELCOLOR(1*HMODULO,LOOKUP((col4>>SHIFT3) & 0xff)) } } } srcdata = (UINT8 *)sd4; while (dstdata > end) { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transpen) { if (col == alphapen) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,alpha_blend(*dstdata, alphacolor)) else SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) } INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO); } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO + dstwidth*HMODULO); dstheight--; } } else { DATA_TYPE *end; int trans4; UINT32 *sd4; UINT32 alphacolor = LOOKUP(alphapen); trans4 = transpen * 0x01010101; while (dstheight) { end = dstdata + dstwidth*HMODULO; while (((FPTR)srcdata & 3) && dstdata < end) /* longword align */ { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transpen) { if (col == alphapen) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,alpha_blend(*dstdata, alphacolor)) else SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) } INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO); } sd4 = (UINT32 *)srcdata; while (dstdata <= end - 4*HMODULO) { UINT32 col4; if ((col4 = *(sd4++)) != trans4) { UINT32 xod4; xod4 = col4 ^ trans4; if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT0) & 0xff) == alphapen) SETPIXELCOLOR(0*HMODULO,alpha_blend(dstdata[0*HMODULO], alphacolor)) else SETPIXELCOLOR(0*HMODULO,LOOKUP((col4>>SHIFT0) & 0xff)) } if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT1) & 0xff) == alphapen) SETPIXELCOLOR(1*HMODULO,alpha_blend(dstdata[1*HMODULO], alphacolor)) else SETPIXELCOLOR(1*HMODULO,LOOKUP((col4>>SHIFT1) & 0xff)) } if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT2) & 0xff) == alphapen) SETPIXELCOLOR(2*HMODULO,alpha_blend(dstdata[2*HMODULO], alphacolor)) else SETPIXELCOLOR(2*HMODULO,LOOKUP((col4>>SHIFT2) & 0xff)) } if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT3) & 0xff) == alphapen) SETPIXELCOLOR(3*HMODULO,alpha_blend(dstdata[3*HMODULO], alphacolor)) else SETPIXELCOLOR(3*HMODULO,LOOKUP((col4>>SHIFT3) & 0xff)) } } INCREMENT_DST(4*HMODULO); } srcdata = (UINT8 *)sd4; while (dstdata < end) { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transpen) { if (col == alphapen) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,alpha_blend(*dstdata, alphacolor)) else SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) } INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO); } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO - dstwidth*HMODULO); dstheight--; } } }) #endif #if (RAW == 0) DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(blockmove_8toN_alpha,(COMMON_ARGS, COLOR_ARG,int transpen), { pen_t *palette_shadow_table = Machine->shadow_table; ADJUST_8 (void)palette_shadow_table; if (flipx) { DATA_TYPE *end; int trans4; UINT32 *sd4; trans4 = transpen * 0x01010101; while (dstheight) { end = dstdata - dstwidth*HMODULO; while (((FPTR)srcdata & 3) && dstdata > end) /* longword align */ { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transpen) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,alpha_blend(*dstdata, LOOKUP(col))); INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO); } sd4 = (UINT32 *)srcdata; while (dstdata >= end + 4*HMODULO) { UINT32 col4; INCREMENT_DST(-4*HMODULO); if ((col4 = *(sd4++)) != trans4) { UINT32 xod4; xod4 = col4 ^ trans4; if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT0) & 0xff))); if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT1) & 0xff))); if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT2) & 0xff))); if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT3) & 0xff))); } } srcdata = (UINT8 *)sd4; while (dstdata > end) { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transpen) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,alpha_blend(*dstdata, LOOKUP(col))); INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO); } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO + dstwidth*HMODULO); dstheight--; } } else { DATA_TYPE *end; int trans4; UINT32 *sd4; trans4 = transpen * 0x01010101; while (dstheight) { end = dstdata + dstwidth*HMODULO; while (((FPTR)srcdata & 3) && dstdata < end) /* longword align */ { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transpen) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,alpha_blend(*dstdata, LOOKUP(col))); INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO); } sd4 = (UINT32 *)srcdata; while (dstdata <= end - 4*HMODULO) { UINT32 col4; if ((col4 = *(sd4++)) != trans4) { UINT32 xod4; xod4 = col4 ^ trans4; if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT0) & 0xff))); if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT1) & 0xff))); if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT2) & 0xff))); if (xod4 & (0xff<>SHIFT3) & 0xff))); } INCREMENT_DST(4*HMODULO); } srcdata = (UINT8 *)sd4; while (dstdata < end) { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transpen) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,alpha_blend(*dstdata, LOOKUP(col))); INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO); } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO - dstwidth*HMODULO); dstheight--; } } }) /* pjp 02/06/02 */ DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(blockmove_8toN_alpharange,(COMMON_ARGS, COLOR_ARG,int transpen), { pen_t *palette_shadow_table = Machine->shadow_table; ADJUST_8 (void)palette_shadow_table; if (flipx) { DATA_TYPE *end; while (dstheight) { end = dstdata - dstwidth*HMODULO; while (dstdata > end) /* Note that I'm missing the optimisations present in the other alpha functions */ { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transpen) { if (gfx_alpharange_table[col] == 0xff) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) else SETPIXELCOLOR(0,alpha_blend_r(*dstdata,LOOKUP(col),gfx_alpharange_table[col])) } INCREMENT_DST(-HMODULO); } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO + dstwidth*HMODULO); dstheight--; } } else { DATA_TYPE *end; while (dstheight) { end = dstdata + dstwidth*HMODULO; while (dstdata < end) { int col; col = *(srcdata++); if (col != transpen) { if (gfx_alpharange_table[col] == 0xff) SETPIXELCOLOR(0,LOOKUP(col)) else SETPIXELCOLOR(0,alpha_blend_r(*dstdata,LOOKUP(col),gfx_alpharange_table[col])) } INCREMENT_DST(HMODULO); } srcdata += srcmodulo; INCREMENT_DST(ydir*VMODULO - dstwidth*HMODULO); dstheight--; } } }) #endif #else #if (1 == 0) DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(blockmove_8toN_alphaone,(COMMON_ARGS, COLOR_ARG,int transpen, int alphapen),{}) #endif #if (RAW == 0) DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(blockmove_8toN_alpha,(COMMON_ARGS, COLOR_ARG,int transpen),{}) DECLARE_SWAP_RAW_PRI(blockmove_8toN_alpharange,(COMMON_ARGS, COLOR_ARG,int transpen),{}) #endif #endif DECLARE(blockmove_NtoN_opaque_noremap,( const DATA_TYPE *srcdata,int srcwidth,int srcheight,int srcmodulo, DATA_TYPE *dstdata,int dstmodulo), { while (srcheight) { memcpy(dstdata,srcdata,srcwidth * sizeof(DATA_TYPE)); srcdata += srcmodulo; dstdata += dstmodulo; srcheight--; } }) DECLARE(blockmove_NtoN_opaque_noremap_flipx,( const DATA_TYPE *srcdata,int srcwidth,int srcheight,int srcmodulo, DATA_TYPE *dstdata,int dstmodulo), { DATA_TYPE *end; srcmodulo += srcwidth; dstmodulo -= srcwidth; //srcdata += srcwidth-1; while (srcheight) { end = dstdata + srcwidth; while (dstdata <= end - 8) { srcdata -= 8; dstdata[0] = srcdata[8]; dstdata[1] = srcdata[7]; dstdata[2] = srcdata[6]; dstdata[3] = srcdata[5]; dstdata[4] = srcdata[4]; dstdata[5] = srcdata[3]; dstdata[6] = srcdata[2]; dstdata[7] = srcdata[1]; dstdata += 8; } while (dstdata < end) *(dstdata++) = *(srcdata--); srcdata += srcmodulo; dstdata += dstmodulo; srcheight--; } }) DECLARE(blockmove_NtoN_opaque_remap,( const DATA_TYPE *srcdata,int srcwidth,int srcheight,int srcmodulo, DATA_TYPE *dstdata,int dstmodulo, const pen_t *paldata), { DATA_TYPE *end; srcmodulo -= srcwidth; dstmodulo -= srcwidth; while (srcheight) { end = dstdata + srcwidth; while (dstdata <= end - 8) { dstdata[0] = paldata[srcdata[0]]; dstdata[1] = paldata[srcdata[1]]; dstdata[2] = paldata[srcdata[2]]; dstdata[3] = paldata[srcdata[3]]; dstdata[4] = paldata[srcdata[4]]; dstdata[5] = paldata[srcdata[5]]; dstdata[6] = paldata[srcdata[6]]; dstdata[7] = paldata[srcdata[7]]; dstdata += 8; srcdata += 8; } while (dstdata < end) *(dstdata++) = paldata[*(srcdata++)]; srcdata += srcmodulo; dstdata += dstmodulo; srcheight--; } }) DECLARE(blockmove_NtoN_opaque_remap_flipx,( const DATA_TYPE *srcdata,int srcwidth,int srcheight,int srcmodulo, DATA_TYPE *dstdata,int dstmodulo, const pen_t *paldata), { DATA_TYPE *end; srcmodulo += srcwidth; dstmodulo -= srcwidth; //srcdata += srcwidth-1; while (srcheight) { end = dstdata + srcwidth; while (dstdata <= end - 8) { srcdata -= 8; dstdata[0] = paldata[srcdata[8]]; dstdata[1] = paldata[srcdata[7]]; dstdata[2] = paldata[srcdata[6]]; dstdata[3] = paldata[srcdata[5]]; dstdata[4] = paldata[srcdata[4]]; dstdata[5] = paldata[srcdata[3]]; dstdata[6] = paldata[srcdata[2]]; dstdata[7] = paldata[srcdata[1]]; dstdata += 8; } while (dstdata < end) *(dstdata++) = paldata[*(srcdata--)]; srcdata += srcmodulo; dstdata += dstmodulo; srcheight--; } }) DECLARE(blockmove_NtoN_blend_noremap,( const DATA_TYPE *srcdata,int srcwidth,int srcheight,int srcmodulo, DATA_TYPE *dstdata,int dstmodulo, int srcshift), { DATA_TYPE *end; srcmodulo -= srcwidth; dstmodulo -= srcwidth; while (srcheight) { end = dstdata + srcwidth; while (dstdata <= end - 8) { dstdata[0] |= srcdata[0] << srcshift; dstdata[1] |= srcdata[1] << srcshift; dstdata[2] |= srcdata[2] << srcshift; dstdata[3] |= srcdata[3] << srcshift; dstdata[4] |= srcdata[4] << srcshift; dstdata[5] |= srcdata[5] << srcshift; dstdata[6] |= srcdata[6] << srcshift; dstdata[7] |= srcdata[7] << srcshift; dstdata += 8; srcdata += 8; } while (dstdata < end) *(dstdata++) |= *(srcdata++) << srcshift; srcdata += srcmodulo; dstdata += dstmodulo; srcheight--; } }) DECLARE(blockmove_NtoN_blend_noremap_flipx,( const DATA_TYPE *srcdata,int srcwidth,int srcheight,int srcmodulo, DATA_TYPE *dstdata,int dstmodulo, int srcshift), { DATA_TYPE *end; srcmodulo += srcwidth; dstmodulo -= srcwidth; //srcdata += srcwidth-1; while (srcheight) { end = dstdata + srcwidth; while (dstdata <= end - 8) { srcdata -= 8; dstdata[0] |= srcdata[8] << srcshift; dstdata[1] |= srcdata[7] << srcshift; dstdata[2] |= srcdata[6] << srcshift; dstdata[3] |= srcdata[5] << srcshift; dstdata[4] |= srcdata[4] << srcshift; dstdata[5] |= srcdata[3] << srcshift; dstdata[6] |= srcdata[2] << srcshift; dstdata[7] |= srcdata[1] << srcshift; dstdata += 8; } while (dstdata < end) *(dstdata++) |= *(srcdata--) << srcshift; srcdata += srcmodulo; dstdata += dstmodulo; srcheight--; } }) DECLARE(blockmove_NtoN_blend_remap,( const DATA_TYPE *srcdata,int srcwidth,int srcheight,int srcmodulo, DATA_TYPE *dstdata,int dstmodulo, const pen_t *paldata,int srcshift), { DATA_TYPE *end; srcmodulo -= srcwidth; dstmodulo -= srcwidth; while (srcheight) { end = dstdata + srcwidth; while (dstdata <= end - 8) { dstdata[0] = paldata[dstdata[0] | (srcdata[0] << srcshift)]; dstdata[1] = paldata[dstdata[1] | (srcdata[1] << srcshift)]; dstdata[2] = paldata[dstdata[2] | (srcdata[2] << srcshift)]; dstdata[3] = paldata[dstdata[3] | (srcdata[3] << srcshift)]; dstdata[4] = paldata[dstdata[4] | (srcdata[4] << srcshift)]; dstdata[5] = paldata[dstdata[5] | (srcdata[5] << srcshift)]; dstdata[6] = paldata[dstdata[6] | (srcdata[6] << srcshift)]; dstdata[7] = paldata[dstdata[7] | (srcdata[7] << srcshift)]; dstdata += 8; srcdata += 8; } while (dstdata < end) { *dstdata = paldata[*dstdata | (*(srcdata++) << srcshift)]; dstdata++; } srcdata += srcmodulo; dstdata += dstmodulo; srcheight--; } }) DECLARE(blockmove_NtoN_blend_remap_flipx,( const DATA_TYPE *srcdata,int srcwidth,int srcheight,int srcmodulo, DATA_TYPE *dstdata,int dstmodulo, const pen_t *paldata,int srcshift), { DATA_TYPE *end; srcmodulo += srcwidth; dstmodulo -= srcwidth; //srcdata += srcwidth-1; while (srcheight) { end = dstdata + srcwidth; while (dstdata <= end - 8) { srcdata -= 8; dstdata[0] = paldata[dstdata[0] | (srcdata[8] << srcshift)]; dstdata[1] = paldata[dstdata[1] | (srcdata[7] << srcshift)]; dstdata[2] = paldata[dstdata[2] | (srcdata[6] << srcshift)]; dstdata[3] = paldata[dstdata[3] | (srcdata[5] << srcshift)]; dstdata[4] = paldata[dstdata[4] | (srcdata[4] << srcshift)]; dstdata[5] = paldata[dstdata[5] | (srcdata[3] << srcshift)]; dstdata[6] = paldata[dstdata[6] | (srcdata[2] << srcshift)]; dstdata[7] = paldata[dstdata[7] | (srcdata[1] << srcshift)]; dstdata += 8; } while (dstdata < end) { *dstdata = paldata[*dstdata | (*(srcdata--) << srcshift)]; dstdata++; } srcdata += srcmodulo; dstdata += dstmodulo; srcheight--; } }) DECLARE(drawgfx_core,( mame_bitmap *dest,const gfx_element *gfx, unsigned int code,unsigned int color,int flipx,int flipy,int sx,int sy, const rectangle *clip,int transparency,int transparent_color, mame_bitmap *pri_buffer,UINT32 pri_mask), { int ox; int oy; int ex; int ey; /* check bounds */ ox = sx; oy = sy; ex = sx + gfx->width-1; if (sx < 0) sx = 0; if (clip && sx < clip->min_x) sx = clip->min_x; if (ex >= dest->width) ex = dest->width-1; if (clip && ex > clip->max_x) ex = clip->max_x; if (sx > ex) return; ey = sy + gfx->height-1; if (sy < 0) sy = 0; if (clip && sy < clip->min_y) sy = clip->min_y; if (ey >= dest->height) ey = dest->height-1; if (clip && ey > clip->max_y) ey = clip->max_y; if (sy > ey) return; { UINT8 *sd = gfx->gfxdata + code * gfx->char_modulo; /* source data */ int sw = gfx->width; /* source width */ int sh = gfx->height; /* source height */ int sm = gfx->line_modulo; /* source modulo */ int ls = sx-ox; /* left skip */ int ts = sy-oy; /* top skip */ DATA_TYPE *dd = BITMAP_ADDR(dest, DATA_TYPE, sy, sx); /* dest data */ int dw = ex-sx+1; /* dest width */ int dh = ey-sy+1; /* dest height */ int dm = dest->rowpixels; /* dest modulo */ const pen_t *paldata = &Machine->remapped_colortable[gfx->color_base + gfx->color_granularity * color]; UINT8 *pribuf = (pri_buffer) ? BITMAP_ADDR8(pri_buffer, sy, sx) : NULL; /* optimizations for 1:1 mapping */ if (Machine->drv->color_table_len == 0 && dest->format == BITMAP_FORMAT_INDEXED16 && paldata >= Machine->remapped_colortable && paldata < Machine->remapped_colortable + Machine->drv->total_colors) { switch (transparency) { case TRANSPARENCY_NONE: transparency = TRANSPARENCY_NONE_RAW; color = paldata - Machine->remapped_colortable; break; case TRANSPARENCY_PEN: transparency = TRANSPARENCY_PEN_RAW; color = paldata - Machine->remapped_colortable; break; case TRANSPARENCY_PENS: transparency = TRANSPARENCY_PENS_RAW; color = paldata - Machine->remapped_colortable; break; case TRANSPARENCY_PEN_TABLE: transparency = TRANSPARENCY_PEN_TABLE_RAW; color = paldata - Machine->remapped_colortable; break; } } switch (transparency) { case TRANSPARENCY_NONE: if (gfx->flags & GFX_ELEMENT_PACKED) { if (pribuf) BLOCKMOVEPRI(4toN_opaque,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,paldata,pribuf,pri_mask)); else BLOCKMOVELU(4toN_opaque,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,paldata)); } else { if (pribuf) BLOCKMOVEPRI(8toN_opaque,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,paldata,pribuf,pri_mask)); else BLOCKMOVELU(8toN_opaque,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,paldata)); } break; case TRANSPARENCY_NONE_RAW: if (gfx->flags & GFX_ELEMENT_PACKED) { if (pribuf) BLOCKMOVERAWPRI(4toN_opaque,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,color,pribuf,pri_mask)); else BLOCKMOVERAW(4toN_opaque,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,color)); } else { if (pribuf) BLOCKMOVERAWPRI(8toN_opaque,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,color,pribuf,pri_mask)); else BLOCKMOVERAW(8toN_opaque,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,color)); } break; case TRANSPARENCY_PEN: if (gfx->flags & GFX_ELEMENT_PACKED) { if (pribuf) BLOCKMOVEPRI(4toN_transpen,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,paldata,pribuf,pri_mask,transparent_color)); else BLOCKMOVELU(4toN_transpen,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,paldata,transparent_color)); } else { if (pribuf) BLOCKMOVEPRI(8toN_transpen,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,paldata,pribuf,pri_mask,transparent_color)); else BLOCKMOVELU(8toN_transpen,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,paldata,transparent_color)); } break; case TRANSPARENCY_PEN_RAW: if (gfx->flags & GFX_ELEMENT_PACKED) { if (pribuf) BLOCKMOVERAWPRI(4toN_transpen,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,color,pribuf,pri_mask,transparent_color)); else BLOCKMOVERAW(4toN_transpen,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,color,transparent_color)); } else { if (pribuf) BLOCKMOVERAWPRI(8toN_transpen,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,color,pribuf,pri_mask,transparent_color)); else BLOCKMOVERAW(8toN_transpen,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,color,transparent_color)); } break; case TRANSPARENCY_PENS: if (pribuf) BLOCKMOVEPRI(8toN_transmask,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,paldata,pribuf,pri_mask,transparent_color)); else BLOCKMOVELU(8toN_transmask,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,paldata,transparent_color)); break; case TRANSPARENCY_PENS_RAW: if (pribuf) BLOCKMOVERAWPRI(8toN_transmask,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,color,pribuf,pri_mask,transparent_color)); else BLOCKMOVERAW(8toN_transmask,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,color,transparent_color)); break; case TRANSPARENCY_COLOR: if (gfx->flags & GFX_ELEMENT_PACKED) { if (pribuf) BLOCKMOVEPRI(4toN_transcolor,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,paldata,pribuf,pri_mask,Machine->game_colortable + (paldata - Machine->remapped_colortable),transparent_color)); else BLOCKMOVELU(4toN_transcolor,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,paldata,Machine->game_colortable + (paldata - Machine->remapped_colortable),transparent_color)); } else { if (pribuf) BLOCKMOVEPRI(8toN_transcolor,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,paldata,pribuf,pri_mask,Machine->game_colortable + (paldata - Machine->remapped_colortable),transparent_color)); else BLOCKMOVELU(8toN_transcolor,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,paldata,Machine->game_colortable + (paldata - Machine->remapped_colortable),transparent_color)); } break; case TRANSPARENCY_PEN_TABLE: if (pribuf) BLOCKMOVEPRI(8toN_pen_table,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,paldata,pribuf,pri_mask,transparent_color)); else BLOCKMOVELU(8toN_pen_table,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,paldata,transparent_color)); break; case TRANSPARENCY_PEN_TABLE_RAW: if (pribuf) BLOCKMOVERAWPRI(8toN_pen_table,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,color,pribuf,pri_mask,transparent_color)); else BLOCKMOVERAW(8toN_pen_table,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,color,transparent_color)); break; case TRANSPARENCY_BLEND_RAW: if (pribuf) BLOCKMOVERAWPRI(8toN_transblend,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,color,pribuf,pri_mask,transparent_color)); else BLOCKMOVERAW(8toN_transblend,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,color,transparent_color)); break; case TRANSPARENCY_ALPHA: if (pribuf) BLOCKMOVEPRI(8toN_alpha,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,paldata,pribuf,pri_mask,transparent_color)); else BLOCKMOVELU(8toN_alpha,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,paldata,transparent_color)); break; case TRANSPARENCY_ALPHARANGE: if (pribuf) BLOCKMOVEPRI(8toN_alpharange,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,paldata,pribuf,pri_mask,transparent_color)); else BLOCKMOVELU(8toN_alpharange,(sd,sw,sh,sm,ls,ts,flipx,flipy,dd,dw,dh,dm,paldata,transparent_color)); break; default: if (pribuf) popmessage("pdrawgfx pen mode not supported"); else popmessage("drawgfx pen mode not supported"); break; } } }) DECLARE(copybitmap_core,( mame_bitmap *dest,mame_bitmap *src, int flipx,int flipy,int sx,int sy, const rectangle *clip,int transparency,int transparent_color), { int ox; int oy; int ex; int ey; /* check bounds */ ox = sx; oy = sy; ex = sx + src->width-1; if (sx < 0) sx = 0; if (clip && sx < clip->min_x) sx = clip->min_x; if (ex >= dest->width) ex = dest->width-1; if (clip && ex > clip->max_x) ex = clip->max_x; if (sx > ex) return; ey = sy + src->height-1; if (sy < 0) sy = 0; if (clip && sy < clip->min_y) sy = clip->min_y; if (ey >= dest->height) ey = dest->height-1; if (clip && ey > clip->max_y) ey = clip->max_y; if (sy > ey) return; { DATA_TYPE *sd = (DATA_TYPE *)src->base; /* source data */ int sw = ex-sx+1; /* source width */ int sh = ey-sy+1; /* source height */ int sm = src->rowpixels; /* source modulo */ DATA_TYPE *dd = BITMAP_ADDR(dest, DATA_TYPE, sy, sx); /* dest data */ int dm = dest->rowpixels; /* dest modulo */ if (flipx) { //if ((sx-ox) == 0) sd += gfx->width - sw; sd += src->width -1 -(sx-ox); } else sd += (sx-ox); if (flipy) { //if ((sy-oy) == 0) sd += sm * (gfx->height - sh); //dd += dm * (sh - 1); //dm = -dm; sd += sm * (src->height -1 -(sy-oy)); sm = -sm; } else sd += sm * (sy-oy); switch (transparency) { case TRANSPARENCY_NONE: BLOCKMOVE(NtoN_opaque_remap,flipx,(sd,sw,sh,sm,dd,dm,Machine->pens)); break; case TRANSPARENCY_NONE_RAW: BLOCKMOVE(NtoN_opaque_noremap,flipx,(sd,sw,sh,sm,dd,dm)); break; case TRANSPARENCY_PEN_RAW: BLOCKMOVE(NtoN_transpen_noremap,flipx,(sd,sw,sh,sm,dd,dm,transparent_color)); break; case TRANSPARENCY_BLEND: BLOCKMOVE(NtoN_blend_remap,flipx,(sd,sw,sh,sm,dd,dm,Machine->pens,transparent_color)); break; case TRANSPARENCY_BLEND_RAW: BLOCKMOVE(NtoN_blend_noremap,flipx,(sd,sw,sh,sm,dd,dm,transparent_color)); break; default: popmessage("copybitmap pen mode not supported"); break; } } }) DECLARE(copyrozbitmap_core,(mame_bitmap *bitmap,mame_bitmap *srcbitmap, UINT32 startx,UINT32 starty,int incxx,int incxy,int incyx,int incyy,int wraparound, const rectangle *clip,int transparency,int transparent_color,UINT32 priority), { UINT32 cx; UINT32 cy; int x; int sx; int sy; int ex; int ey; const int xmask = srcbitmap->width-1; const int ymask = srcbitmap->height-1; const int widthshifted = srcbitmap->width << 16; const int heightshifted = srcbitmap->height << 16; DATA_TYPE *dest; if (clip) { startx += clip->min_x * incxx + clip->min_y * incyx; starty += clip->min_x * incxy + clip->min_y * incyy; sx = clip->min_x; sy = clip->min_y; ex = clip->max_x; ey = clip->max_y; } else { sx = 0; sy = 0; ex = bitmap->width-1; ey = bitmap->height-1; } if (incxy == 0 && incyx == 0 && !wraparound) { /* optimized loop for the not rotated case */ if (incxx == 0x10000) { /* optimized loop for the not zoomed case */ /* startx is unsigned */ startx = ((INT32)startx) >> 16; if (startx >= srcbitmap->width) { sx += -startx; startx = 0; } if (sx <= ex) { while (sy <= ey) { if (starty < heightshifted) { x = sx; cx = startx; cy = starty >> 16; dest = BITMAP_ADDR(bitmap, DATA_TYPE, sy, sx); if (priority) { UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(priority_bitmap, sy, sx); DATA_TYPE *src = BITMAP_ADDR(srcbitmap, DATA_TYPE, cy, 0); while (x <= ex && cx < srcbitmap->width) { int c = src[cx]; if (c != transparent_color) { *dest = c; *pri |= priority; } cx++; x++; dest++; pri++; } } else { DATA_TYPE *src = BITMAP_ADDR(srcbitmap, DATA_TYPE, cy, 0); while (x <= ex && cx < srcbitmap->width) { int c = src[cx]; if (c != transparent_color) *dest = c; cx++; x++; dest++; } } } starty += incyy; sy++; } } } else { while (startx >= widthshifted && sx <= ex) { startx += incxx; sx++; } if (sx <= ex) { while (sy <= ey) { if (starty < heightshifted) { x = sx; cx = startx; cy = starty >> 16; dest = BITMAP_ADDR(bitmap, DATA_TYPE, sy, sx); if (priority) { UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(priority_bitmap, sy, sx); DATA_TYPE *src = BITMAP_ADDR(srcbitmap, DATA_TYPE, cy, 0); while (x <= ex && cx < widthshifted) { int c = src[cx >> 16]; if (c != transparent_color) { *dest = c; *pri |= priority; } cx += incxx; x++; dest++; pri++; } } else { DATA_TYPE *src = BITMAP_ADDR(srcbitmap, DATA_TYPE, cy, 0); while (x <= ex && cx < widthshifted) { int c = src[cx >> 16]; if (c != transparent_color) *dest = c; cx += incxx; x++; dest++; } } } starty += incyy; sy++; } } } } else { if (wraparound) { /* plot with wraparound */ while (sy <= ey) { x = sx; cx = startx; cy = starty; dest = BITMAP_ADDR(bitmap, DATA_TYPE, sy, sx); if (priority) { UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(priority_bitmap, sy, sx); while (x <= ex) { int c = *BITMAP_ADDR(srcbitmap, DATA_TYPE, (cy >> 16) & ymask, (cx >> 16) & xmask); if (c != transparent_color) { *dest = c; *pri |= priority; } cx += incxx; cy += incxy; x++; dest++; pri++; } } else { while (x <= ex) { int c = *BITMAP_ADDR(srcbitmap, DATA_TYPE, (cy >> 16) & ymask, (cx >> 16) & xmask); if (c != transparent_color) *dest = c; cx += incxx; cy += incxy; x++; dest++; } } startx += incyx; starty += incyy; sy++; } } else { while (sy <= ey) { x = sx; cx = startx; cy = starty; if (priority) { UINT8 *pri = BITMAP_ADDR8(priority_bitmap, sy, sx); while (x <= ex) { if (cx < widthshifted && cy < heightshifted) { int c = *BITMAP_ADDR(srcbitmap, DATA_TYPE, cy >> 16, cx >> 16); if (c != transparent_color) { dest = BITMAP_ADDR(bitmap, DATA_TYPE, sy, x); *dest = c; *pri |= priority; } } cx += incxx; cy += incxy; x++; pri++; } } else { while (x <= ex) { if (cx < widthshifted && cy < heightshifted) { int c = *BITMAP_ADDR(srcbitmap, DATA_TYPE, cy >> 16, cx >> 16); if (c != transparent_color) { dest = BITMAP_ADDR(bitmap, DATA_TYPE, sy, x); *dest = c; } } cx += incxx; cy += incxy; x++; } } startx += incyx; starty += incyy; sy++; } } } }) DECLAREG(draw_scanline, ( mame_bitmap *bitmap,int x,int y,int length, const DATA_TYPE *src,const pen_t *pens,int transparent_pen), { /* 8bpp destination */ if (bitmap->bpp == 8) { UINT8 *dst = BITMAP_ADDR8(bitmap, y, x); int xadv = 1; /* with pen lookups */ if (pens) { if (transparent_pen == -1) while (length--) { *dst = pens[*src++]; dst += xadv; } else while (length--) { UINT32 spixel = *src++; if (spixel != transparent_pen) *dst = pens[spixel]; dst += xadv; } } /* without pen lookups */ else { if (transparent_pen == -1) while (length--) { *dst = *src++; dst += xadv; } else while (length--) { UINT32 spixel = *src++; if (spixel != transparent_pen) *dst = spixel; dst += xadv; } } } /* 16bpp destination */ else if (bitmap->bpp == 16) { UINT16 *dst = BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y, x); int xadv = 1; /* with pen lookups */ if (pens) { if (transparent_pen == -1) while (length--) { *dst = pens[*src++]; dst += xadv; } else while (length--) { UINT32 spixel = *src++; if (spixel != transparent_pen) *dst = pens[spixel]; dst += xadv; } } /* without pen lookups */ else { if (transparent_pen == -1) while (length--) { *dst = *src++; dst += xadv; } else while (length--) { UINT32 spixel = *src++; if (spixel != transparent_pen) *dst = spixel; dst += xadv; } } } /* 32bpp destination */ else if (bitmap->bpp == 32) { UINT32 *dst = BITMAP_ADDR32(bitmap, y, x); int xadv = 1; /* with pen lookups */ if (pens) { if (transparent_pen == -1) while (length--) { *dst = pens[*src++]; dst += xadv; } else while (length--) { UINT32 spixel = *src++; if (spixel != transparent_pen) *dst = pens[spixel]; dst += xadv; } } /* without pen lookups */ else { if (transparent_pen == -1) while (length--) { *dst = *src++; dst += xadv; } else while (length--) { UINT32 spixel = *src++; if (spixel != transparent_pen) *dst = spixel; dst += xadv; } } } }) DECLAREG(pdraw_scanline, ( mame_bitmap *bitmap,int x,int y,int length, const DATA_TYPE *src,const pen_t *pens,int transparent_pen,int pri), { /* 8bpp destination */ if (bitmap->bpp == 8) { UINT8 *dsti = BITMAP_ADDR8(bitmap, y, x); UINT8 *dstp = BITMAP_ADDR8(priority_bitmap, y, x); int xadv = 1; /* with pen lookups */ if (pens) { if (transparent_pen == -1) while (length--) { *dsti = pens[*src++]; *dstp = pri; dsti += xadv; dstp += xadv; } else while (length--) { UINT32 spixel = *src++; if (spixel != transparent_pen) { *dsti = pens[spixel]; *dstp = pri; } dsti += xadv; dstp += xadv; } } /* without pen lookups */ else { if (transparent_pen == -1) while (length--) { *dsti = *src++; *dstp = pri; dsti += xadv; dstp += xadv; } else while (length--) { UINT32 spixel = *src++; if (spixel != transparent_pen) { *dsti = spixel; *dstp = pri; } dsti += xadv; dstp += xadv; } } } /* 16bpp destination */ else if (bitmap->bpp == 16) { UINT16 *dsti = BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y, x); UINT8 *dstp = BITMAP_ADDR8(priority_bitmap, y, x); int xadv = 1; /* with pen lookups */ if (pens) { if (transparent_pen == -1) while (length--) { *dsti = pens[*src++]; *dstp = pri; dsti += xadv; dstp += xadv; } else while (length--) { UINT32 spixel = *src++; if (spixel != transparent_pen) { *dsti = pens[spixel]; *dstp = pri; } dsti += xadv; dstp += xadv; } } /* without pen lookups */ else { if (transparent_pen == -1) while (length--) { *dsti = *src++; *dstp = pri; dsti += xadv; dstp += xadv; } else while (length--) { UINT32 spixel = *src++; if (spixel != transparent_pen) { *dsti = spixel; *dstp = pri; } dsti += xadv; dstp += xadv; } } } /* 32bpp destination */ else if (bitmap->bpp == 32) { UINT32 *dsti = BITMAP_ADDR32(bitmap, y, x); UINT8 *dstp = BITMAP_ADDR8(priority_bitmap, y, x); int xadv = 1; /* with pen lookups */ if (pens) { if (transparent_pen == -1) while (length--) { *dsti = pens[*src++]; *dstp = pri; dsti += xadv; dstp += xadv; } else while (length--) { UINT32 spixel = *src++; if (spixel != transparent_pen) { *dsti = pens[spixel]; *dstp = pri; } dsti += xadv; dstp += xadv; } } /* without pen lookups */ else { if (transparent_pen == -1) while (length--) { *dsti = *src++; *dstp = pri; dsti += xadv; dstp += xadv; } else while (length--) { UINT32 spixel = *src++; if (spixel != transparent_pen) { *dsti = spixel; *dstp = pri; } dsti += xadv; dstp += xadv; } } } } ) DECLAREG(extract_scanline, ( mame_bitmap *bitmap,int x,int y,int length, DATA_TYPE *dst), { /* 8bpp destination */ if (bitmap->bpp == 8) { UINT8 *src = BITMAP_ADDR8(bitmap, y, x); int xadv = 1; while (length--) { *dst++ = *src; src += xadv; } } /* 16bpp destination */ else if (bitmap->bpp == 16) { UINT16 *src = BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y, x); int xadv = 1; while (length--) { *dst++ = *src; src += xadv; } } /* 32bpp destination */ else if (bitmap->bpp == 32) { UINT32 *src = BITMAP_ADDR32(bitmap, y, x); int xadv = 1; while (length--) { *dst++ = *src; src += xadv; } } }) #endif /* DECLARE */