/*************************************************************************** delegate.h Templates and classes to enable delegates for callbacks. **************************************************************************** Copyright Aaron Giles All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name 'MAME' nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AARON GILES ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AARON GILES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **************************************************************************** There are many implementations of delegate-like functionality for C++ code, but none of them is a perfect drop-in fit for use in MAME. In order to be useful in MAME, we need the following properties: * No significant overhead; we want to use these for memory accessors, and memory accessor overhead is already the dominant performance aspect for most drivers. * Existing static functions need to be bound with an additional pointer parameter as the first argument. All existing implementations that allow static function binding assume the same signature as the member functions. * We must be able to bind the function separately from the object. This is to allow configurations to bind functions before the objects are created. Thus, the implementations below are based on existing works but are really a new implementation that is specific to MAME. -------------------------------------------------------------------- The "compatible" version of delegates is based on an implementation from Sergey Ryazanov, found here: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cpp/ImpossiblyFastCppDelegate.aspx These delegates essentially generate a templated static stub function for each target function. The static function takes the first parameter, uses it as the object pointer, and calls through the member function. For static functions, the stub is compatible with the signature of a static function, so we just set the stub directly. Pros: * should work with any modern compiler * static bindings are just as fast as direct calls Cons: * lots of little stub functions generated * double-hops on member function calls means more overhead * calling through stub functions repackages parameters -------------------------------------------------------------------- The "internal" version of delegates makes use of the internal structure of member function pointers in order to convert them at binding time into simple static function pointers. This only works on platforms where object->func(p1, p2) is equivalent in calling convention to func(object, p1, p2). Most of the information on how this works comes from Don Clugston in this article: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cpp/FastDelegate.aspx Pros: * as fast as a standard function call in static and member cases * no stub functions or double-hops needed Cons: * requires internal knowledge of the member function pointer * only works for GCC (for now; MSVC info is also readily available) ***************************************************************************/ #pragma once #ifndef __DELEGATE_H__ #define __DELEGATE_H__ //************************************************************************** // MACROS //************************************************************************** // types of delegates supported #define DELEGATE_TYPE_COMPATIBLE 0 #define DELEGATE_TYPE_INTERNAL 1 // select which one we will be using #if defined(__GNUC__) #define USE_DELEGATE_TYPE DELEGATE_TYPE_INTERNAL #else #define USE_DELEGATE_TYPE DELEGATE_TYPE_COMPATIBLE #endif //************************************************************************** // HELPER CLASSES //************************************************************************** // ======================> generic_class // define a dummy generic class that is just straight single-inheritance #ifdef _MSC_VER class __single_inheritance generic_class; class delegate_generic_class { }; #else class delegate_generic_class; #endif // ======================> delegate_late_bind // simple polymorphic class that must be mixed into any object that is late-bound class delegate_late_bind { public: delegate_late_bind() { } virtual ~delegate_late_bind() { } }; // ======================> delegate_traits // delegate_traits is a meta-template that is used to provide a static function pointer // and member function pointer of the appropriate type and number of parameters; we use // partial template specialization to support fewer parameters by defaulting the later // parameters to the special type _noparam template struct delegate_traits { typedef _ReturnType (*static_func_type)(_ClassType *, _P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type, _P4Type); typedef _ReturnType (*static_ref_func_type)(_ClassType &, _P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type, _P4Type); typedef _ReturnType (_ClassType::*member_func_type)(_P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type, _P4Type); }; // dummy class used to indicate a non-existant parameter class _noparam { }; // specialization for 3 parameters template struct delegate_traits<_ClassType, _ReturnType, _P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type, _noparam> { typedef _ReturnType (*static_func_type)(_ClassType *, _P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type); typedef _ReturnType (*static_ref_func_type)(_ClassType &, _P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type); typedef _ReturnType (_ClassType::*member_func_type)(_P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type); }; // specialization for 2 parameters template struct delegate_traits<_ClassType, _ReturnType, _P1Type, _P2Type, _noparam, _noparam> { typedef _ReturnType (*static_func_type)(_ClassType *, _P1Type, _P2Type); typedef _ReturnType (*static_ref_func_type)(_ClassType &, _P1Type, _P2Type); typedef _ReturnType (_ClassType::*member_func_type)(_P1Type, _P2Type); }; // specialization for 1 parameter template struct delegate_traits<_ClassType, _ReturnType, _P1Type, _noparam, _noparam, _noparam> { typedef _ReturnType (*static_func_type)(_ClassType *, _P1Type); typedef _ReturnType (*static_ref_func_type)(_ClassType &, _P1Type); typedef _ReturnType (_ClassType::*member_func_type)(_P1Type); }; // specialization for no parameters template struct delegate_traits<_ClassType, _ReturnType, _noparam, _noparam, _noparam, _noparam> { typedef _ReturnType (*static_func_type)(_ClassType *); typedef _ReturnType (*static_ref_func_type)(_ClassType &); typedef _ReturnType (_ClassType::*member_func_type)(); }; //************************************************************************** // COMPATIBLE DELEGATES //************************************************************************** #if (USE_DELEGATE_TYPE == DELEGATE_TYPE_COMPATIBLE) // ======================> delegate_raw_mfp // delegate_raw_mfp is a class that wraps a generic member function pointer // in a static buffer, and can effectively recast itself back for later use; // it hides some of the gross details involved in copying artibtrary member // function pointers around struct delegate_raw_mfp { // for MSVC maximum size is one pointer, plus 3 ints static const int MAX_MFP_SIZE = sizeof(void *) + 3 * sizeof(int); // default and copy constructors delegate_raw_mfp() { memset(&m_rawdata, 0, sizeof(m_rawdata)); } delegate_raw_mfp(const delegate_raw_mfp &src) : m_rawdata(src.m_rawdata) { } // construct from any member function pointer template delegate_raw_mfp(_FunctionType mfp) { assert(sizeof(mfp) <= sizeof(m_rawdata)); memset(&m_rawdata, 0, sizeof(m_rawdata)); *reinterpret_cast<_FunctionType *>(&m_rawdata) = mfp; } // assignment operator delegate_raw_mfp &operator=(const delegate_raw_mfp &src) { if (this != &src) m_rawdata = src.m_rawdata; return *this; } // comparison operator bool operator==(const delegate_raw_mfp &rhs) const { return (memcmp(&m_rawdata, &rhs.m_rawdata, sizeof(m_rawdata)) == 0); } // convert back to a member function pointer template _FunctionType &mfp() const { return *reinterpret_cast<_FunctionType *>(&m_rawdata); } // raw buffer to hold the copy of the function pointer mutable struct { UINT8 bytes[MAX_MFP_SIZE]; } m_rawdata; }; // ======================> delegate // general delegate class template supporting up to 4 parameters template class delegate_base { typedef delegate_generic_class *(*late_bind_func)(delegate_late_bind &object); typedef typename delegate_traits::static_func_type generic_static_func; public: // generic constructor delegate_base() : m_name(NULL), m_object(NULL), m_callobject(NULL), m_function(NULL), m_latebinder(NULL) { } // copy constructor delegate_base(const delegate_base &src) : m_name(src.m_name), m_object(src.m_object), m_callobject(src.is_mfp() ? reinterpret_cast(this) : src.m_object), m_function(src.m_function), m_rawfunction(src.m_rawfunction), m_latebinder(src.m_latebinder) { } // copy constructor with late bind delegate_base(const delegate_base &src, delegate_late_bind &object) : m_name(src.m_name), m_object(src.m_object), m_callobject(src.is_mfp() ? reinterpret_cast(this) : src.m_object), m_function(src.m_function), m_rawfunction(src.m_rawfunction), m_latebinder(src.m_latebinder) { late_bind(object); } // construct from member function with object pointer template delegate_base(typename delegate_traits<_FunctionClass, _ReturnType, _P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type, _P4Type>::member_func_type funcptr, const char *name, _FunctionClass *object) : m_name(name), m_object(NULL), m_callobject(reinterpret_cast(this)), m_function(&delegate_base::method_stub<_FunctionClass>), m_rawfunction(funcptr), m_latebinder(&late_bind_helper<_FunctionClass>) { bind(reinterpret_cast(object)); } // construct from static function with object pointer template delegate_base(typename delegate_traits<_FunctionClass, _ReturnType, _P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type, _P4Type>::static_func_type funcptr, const char *name, _FunctionClass *object) : m_name(name), m_object(NULL), m_callobject(NULL), m_function(reinterpret_cast(funcptr)), m_latebinder(&late_bind_helper<_FunctionClass>) { bind(reinterpret_cast(object)); } // construct from static reference function with object pointer template delegate_base(typename delegate_traits<_FunctionClass, _ReturnType, _P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type, _P4Type>::static_ref_func_type funcptr, const char *name, _FunctionClass *object) : m_name(name), m_object(NULL), m_callobject(NULL), m_function(reinterpret_cast(funcptr)), m_latebinder(&late_bind_helper<_FunctionClass>) { bind(reinterpret_cast(object)); } // copy operator delegate_base &operator=(const delegate_base &src) { if (this != &src) { m_name = src.m_name; m_object = src.m_object; m_callobject = src.is_mfp() ? reinterpret_cast(this) : src.m_object; m_function = src.m_function; m_rawfunction = src.m_rawfunction; m_latebinder = src.m_latebinder; } return *this; } // comparison operator bool operator==(const delegate_base &rhs) const { return (m_object == rhs.m_object && m_function == rhs.m_function && m_rawfunction == rhs.m_rawfunction); } // getters bool isnull() const { return (m_function == NULL); } bool has_object() const { return (m_object != NULL); } const char *name() const { return m_name; } // call the function _ReturnType operator()() const { return (*m_function)(m_callobject); } _ReturnType operator()(_P1Type p1) const { return (*m_function)(m_callobject, p1); } _ReturnType operator()(_P1Type p1, _P2Type p2) const { return (*m_function)(m_callobject, p1, p2); } _ReturnType operator()(_P1Type p1, _P2Type p2, _P3Type p3) const { return (*m_function)(m_callobject, p1, p2, p3); } _ReturnType operator()(_P1Type p1, _P2Type p2, _P3Type p3, _P4Type p4) const { return (*m_function)(m_callobject, p1, p2, p3, p4); } // late binding void late_bind(delegate_late_bind &object) { bind((*m_latebinder)(object)); } protected: // bind the actual object void bind(delegate_generic_class *object) { m_object = object; if (!is_mfp()) m_callobject = m_object; } // internal helpers bool is_mfp() const { return m_callobject == reinterpret_cast(this); } // helper stub that calls the member function; we need one for each parameter count template static _ReturnType method_stub(delegate_generic_class *object) { typedef _ReturnType (_FunctionClass::*mfptype)(); delegate_base *_this = reinterpret_cast(object); mfptype &mfp = _this->m_rawfunction.mfp(); return (reinterpret_cast<_FunctionClass *>(_this->m_object)->*mfp)(); } template static _ReturnType method_stub(delegate_generic_class *object, _P1Type p1) { typedef _ReturnType (_FunctionClass::*mfptype)(_P1Type p1); delegate_base *_this = reinterpret_cast(object); mfptype &mfp = _this->m_rawfunction.mfp(); return (reinterpret_cast<_FunctionClass *>(_this->m_object)->*mfp)(p1); } template static _ReturnType method_stub(delegate_generic_class *object, _P1Type p1, _P2Type p2) { typedef _ReturnType (_FunctionClass::*mfptype)(_P1Type p1, _P2Type p2); delegate_base *_this = reinterpret_cast(object); mfptype &mfp = _this->m_rawfunction.mfp(); return (reinterpret_cast<_FunctionClass *>(_this->m_object)->*mfp)(p1, p2); } template static _ReturnType method_stub(delegate_generic_class *object, _P1Type p1, _P2Type p2, _P3Type p3) { typedef _ReturnType (_FunctionClass::*mfptype)(_P1Type p1, _P2Type p2, _P3Type p3); delegate_base *_this = reinterpret_cast(object); mfptype &mfp = _this->m_rawfunction.mfp(); return (reinterpret_cast<_FunctionClass *>(_this->m_object)->*mfp)(p1, p2, p3); } template static _ReturnType method_stub(delegate_generic_class *object, _P1Type p1, _P2Type p2, _P3Type p3, _P4Type p4) { typedef _ReturnType (_FunctionClass::*mfptype)(_P1Type p1, _P2Type p2, _P3Type p3, _P4Type p4); delegate_base *_this = reinterpret_cast(object); mfptype &mfp = _this->m_rawfunction.mfp(); return (reinterpret_cast<_FunctionClass *>(_this->m_object)->*mfp)(p1, p2, p3, p4); } // late binding helper template static delegate_generic_class *late_bind_helper(delegate_late_bind &object) { return reinterpret_cast(dynamic_cast<_FunctionClass *>(&object)); } // internal state const char * m_name; // name string delegate_generic_class * m_object; // pointer to the post-cast object delegate_generic_class * m_callobject; // pointer to the object used for calling generic_static_func m_function; // generic static function pointer delegate_raw_mfp m_rawfunction; // copy of raw MFP late_bind_func m_latebinder; // late binding helper }; #endif //************************************************************************** // GCC DELEGATES //************************************************************************** #if (USE_DELEGATE_TYPE == DELEGATE_TYPE_INTERNAL) // a generic function pointer type and a generic member function pointer type typedef void (*delegate_generic_function)(); // struct describing the contents of a member function pointer struct delegate_internal_mfp { // default constructor delegate_internal_mfp() : m_function(0), m_this_delta(0) { } // copy constructor delegate_internal_mfp(const delegate_internal_mfp &src) : m_function(src.m_function), m_this_delta(src.m_this_delta) { } // construct from any member function pointer template delegate_internal_mfp(_FunctionPtr funcptr) { assert(sizeof(funcptr) == sizeof(*this)); *reinterpret_cast<_FunctionPtr *>(this) = funcptr; } // assignment operator delegate_internal_mfp &operator=(const delegate_internal_mfp &src) { if (this != &src) { m_function = src.m_function; m_this_delta = src.m_this_delta; } return *this; } // comparison operator bool operator==(const delegate_internal_mfp &rhs) const { return (m_function == rhs.m_function && m_this_delta == rhs.m_this_delta); } // extract the generic function and adjust the object pointer delegate_generic_function convert_to_generic(delegate_generic_class *&object) const; // actual state FPTR m_function; // first item can be one of two things: // if even, it's a pointer to the function // if odd, it's the byte offset into the vtable int m_this_delta; // delta to apply to the 'this' pointer }; // ======================> delegate template class delegate_base { typedef delegate_generic_class *(*late_bind_func)(delegate_late_bind &object); typedef typename delegate_traits::static_func_type generic_static_func; public: // generic constructor delegate_base() : m_name(NULL), m_object(NULL), m_function(NULL), m_latebinder(NULL) { } // copy constructor delegate_base(const delegate_base &src) : m_name(src.m_name), m_object(src.m_object), m_function(src.m_function), m_rawfunction(src.m_rawfunction), m_latebinder(src.m_latebinder) { } // copy constructor with late bind delegate_base(const delegate_base &src, delegate_late_bind &object) : m_name(src.m_name), m_object(src.m_object), m_function(src.m_function), m_rawfunction(src.m_rawfunction), m_latebinder(src.m_latebinder) { late_bind(object); } // construct from member function with object pointer template delegate_base(typename delegate_traits<_FunctionClass, _ReturnType, _P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type, _P4Type>::member_func_type funcptr, const char *name, _FunctionClass *object) : m_name(name), m_object(NULL), m_function(NULL), m_rawfunction(funcptr), m_latebinder(&late_bind_helper<_FunctionClass>) { bind(reinterpret_cast(object)); } // construct from static function with object pointer template delegate_base(typename delegate_traits<_FunctionClass, _ReturnType, _P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type, _P4Type>::static_func_type funcptr, const char *name, _FunctionClass *object) : m_name(name), m_object(NULL), m_function(reinterpret_cast(funcptr)), m_latebinder(&late_bind_helper<_FunctionClass>) { bind(reinterpret_cast(object)); } // construct from static reference function with object pointer template delegate_base(typename delegate_traits<_FunctionClass, _ReturnType, _P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type, _P4Type>::static_ref_func_type funcptr, const char *name, _FunctionClass *object) : m_name(name), m_object(NULL), m_function(reinterpret_cast(funcptr)), m_latebinder(&late_bind_helper<_FunctionClass>) { bind(reinterpret_cast(object)); } // copy operator delegate_base &operator=(const delegate_base &src) { if (this != &src) { m_name = src.m_name; m_object = src.m_object; m_function = src.m_function; m_rawfunction = src.m_rawfunction; m_latebinder = src.m_latebinder; } return *this; } // comparison operator bool operator==(const delegate_base &rhs) const { return (m_object == rhs.m_object && m_function == rhs.m_function && m_rawfunction == rhs.m_rawfunction); } // getters bool isnull() const { return (m_function == NULL && m_rawfunction.m_function == 0); } bool has_object() const { return (m_object != NULL); } const char *name() const { return m_name; } // call the function _ReturnType operator()() const { return (*m_function)(m_object); } _ReturnType operator()(_P1Type p1) const { return (*m_function)(m_object, p1); } _ReturnType operator()(_P1Type p1, _P2Type p2) const { return (*m_function)(m_object, p1, p2); } _ReturnType operator()(_P1Type p1, _P2Type p2, _P3Type p3) const { return (*m_function)(m_object, p1, p2, p3); } _ReturnType operator()(_P1Type p1, _P2Type p2, _P3Type p3, _P4Type p4) const { return (*m_function)(m_object, p1, p2, p3, p4); } // late binding void late_bind(delegate_late_bind &object) { bind((*m_latebinder)(object)); } protected: // bind the actual object void bind(delegate_generic_class *object) { m_object = object; if (m_object != NULL && m_rawfunction.m_function != 0) m_function = reinterpret_cast(m_rawfunction.convert_to_generic(m_object)); } // late binding helper template static delegate_generic_class *late_bind_helper(delegate_late_bind &object) { return reinterpret_cast(dynamic_cast<_FunctionClass *>(&object)); } // internal state const char * m_name; // name string delegate_generic_class * m_object; // pointer to the post-cast object generic_static_func m_function; // generic static function pointer delegate_internal_mfp m_rawfunction; // raw member function definition late_bind_func m_latebinder; // late binding helper }; #endif //************************************************************************** // NATURAL SYNTAX //************************************************************************** // declare the base template template class delegate; // specialize for 0 parameters; we derive from the base class and provide equivalent // pass-through constructors for each type, as well as an assignment operator template class delegate<_ReturnType ()> : public delegate_base<_ReturnType> { typedef delegate_base<_ReturnType> basetype; public: delegate() : basetype() { } delegate(const basetype &src) : basetype(src) { } delegate(const basetype &src, delegate_late_bind &object) : basetype(src, object) { } template delegate(typename delegate_traits<_FunctionClass, _ReturnType, _noparam, _noparam, _noparam, _noparam>::member_func_type funcptr, const char *name, _FunctionClass *object) : basetype(funcptr, name, object) { } template delegate(typename delegate_traits<_FunctionClass, _ReturnType, _noparam, _noparam, _noparam, _noparam>::static_func_type funcptr, const char *name, _FunctionClass *object) : basetype(funcptr, name, object) { } template delegate(typename delegate_traits<_FunctionClass, _ReturnType, _noparam, _noparam, _noparam, _noparam>::static_ref_func_type funcptr, const char *name, _FunctionClass *object) : basetype(funcptr, name, object) { } delegate &operator=(const basetype &src) { *static_cast(this) = src; return *this; } }; // specialize for 1 parameter template class delegate<_ReturnType (_P1Type)> : public delegate_base<_ReturnType, _P1Type> { typedef delegate_base<_ReturnType, _P1Type> basetype; public: delegate() : basetype() { } delegate(const basetype &src) : basetype(src) { } delegate(const basetype &src, delegate_late_bind &object) : basetype(src, object) { } template delegate(typename delegate_traits<_FunctionClass, _ReturnType, _P1Type, _noparam, _noparam, _noparam>::member_func_type funcptr, const char *name, _FunctionClass *object) : basetype(funcptr, name, object) { } template delegate(typename delegate_traits<_FunctionClass, _ReturnType, _P1Type, _noparam, _noparam, _noparam>::static_func_type funcptr, const char *name, _FunctionClass *object) : basetype(funcptr, name, object) { } template delegate(typename delegate_traits<_FunctionClass, _ReturnType, _P1Type, _noparam, _noparam, _noparam>::static_ref_func_type funcptr, const char *name, _FunctionClass *object) : basetype(funcptr, name, object) { } delegate &operator=(const basetype &src) { *static_cast(this) = src; return *this; } }; // specialize for 2 parameters template class delegate<_ReturnType (_P1Type, _P2Type)> : public delegate_base<_ReturnType, _P1Type, _P2Type> { typedef delegate_base<_ReturnType, _P1Type, _P2Type> basetype; public: delegate() : basetype() { } delegate(const basetype &src) : basetype(src) { } delegate(const basetype &src, delegate_late_bind &object) : basetype(src, object) { } template delegate(typename delegate_traits<_FunctionClass, _ReturnType, _P1Type, _P2Type, _noparam, _noparam>::member_func_type funcptr, const char *name, _FunctionClass *object) : basetype(funcptr, name, object) { } template delegate(typename delegate_traits<_FunctionClass, _ReturnType, _P1Type, _P2Type, _noparam, _noparam>::static_func_type funcptr, const char *name, _FunctionClass *object) : basetype(funcptr, name, object) { } template delegate(typename delegate_traits<_FunctionClass, _ReturnType, _P1Type, _P2Type, _noparam, _noparam>::static_ref_func_type funcptr, const char *name, _FunctionClass *object) : basetype(funcptr, name, object) { } delegate &operator=(const basetype &src) { *static_cast(this) = src; return *this; } }; // specialize for 3 parameters template class delegate<_ReturnType (_P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type)> : public delegate_base<_ReturnType, _P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type> { typedef delegate_base<_ReturnType, _P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type> basetype; public: delegate() : basetype() { } delegate(const basetype &src) : basetype(src) { } delegate(const basetype &src, delegate_late_bind &object) : basetype(src, object) { } template delegate(typename delegate_traits<_FunctionClass, _ReturnType, _P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type, _noparam>::member_func_type funcptr, const char *name, _FunctionClass *object) : basetype(funcptr, name, object) { } template delegate(typename delegate_traits<_FunctionClass, _ReturnType, _P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type, _noparam>::static_func_type funcptr, const char *name, _FunctionClass *object) : basetype(funcptr, name, object) { } template delegate(typename delegate_traits<_FunctionClass, _ReturnType, _P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type, _noparam>::static_ref_func_type funcptr, const char *name, _FunctionClass *object) : basetype(funcptr, name, object) { } delegate &operator=(const basetype &src) { *static_cast(this) = src; return *this; } }; // specialize for 4 parameters template class delegate<_ReturnType (_P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type, _P4Type)> : public delegate_base<_ReturnType, _P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type, _P4Type> { typedef delegate_base<_ReturnType, _P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type, _P4Type> basetype; public: delegate() : basetype() { } delegate(const basetype &src) : basetype(src) { } delegate(const basetype &src, delegate_late_bind &object) : basetype(src, object) { } template delegate(typename delegate_traits<_FunctionClass, _ReturnType, _P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type, _P4Type>::member_func_type funcptr, const char *name, _FunctionClass *object) : basetype(funcptr, name, object) { } template delegate(typename delegate_traits<_FunctionClass, _ReturnType, _P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type, _P4Type>::static_func_type funcptr, const char *name, _FunctionClass *object) : basetype(funcptr, name, object) { } template delegate(typename delegate_traits<_FunctionClass, _ReturnType, _P1Type, _P2Type, _P3Type, _P4Type>::static_ref_func_type funcptr, const char *name, _FunctionClass *object) : basetype(funcptr, name, object) { } delegate &operator=(const basetype &src) { *static_cast(this) = src; return *this; } }; #endif /* __DELEGATE_H__ */