// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Aaron Giles /********************************************************************* debugcmd.c Debugger command interface engine. *********************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "emuopts.h" #include "debugger.h" #include "debugcmd.h" #include "debugcon.h" #include "debugcpu.h" #include "express.h" #include "debughlp.h" #include "debugvw.h" #include "render.h" #include /*************************************************************************** CONSTANTS ***************************************************************************/ const size_t debugger_commands::MAX_GLOBALS = 1000; /*************************************************************************** FUNCTIONS ***************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------- cheat_address_is_valid - return TRUE if the given address is valid for cheating -------------------------------------------------*/ bool debugger_commands::cheat_address_is_valid(address_space &space, offs_t address) { return m_cpu.translate(space, TRANSLATE_READ, &address) && (space.get_write_ptr(address) != nullptr); } /*------------------------------------------------- cheat_sign_extend - sign-extend a value to the current cheat width, if signed -------------------------------------------------*/ UINT64 debugger_commands::cheat_sign_extend(const cheat_system *cheatsys, UINT64 value) { if (cheatsys->signed_cheat) { switch (cheatsys->width) { case 1: value = (INT8)value; break; case 2: value = (INT16)value; break; case 4: value = (INT32)value; break; } } return value; } /*------------------------------------------------- cheat_byte_swap - swap a value -------------------------------------------------*/ UINT64 debugger_commands::cheat_byte_swap(const cheat_system *cheatsys, UINT64 value) { if (cheatsys->swapped_cheat) { switch (cheatsys->width) { case 2: value = ((value >> 8) & 0x00ff) | ((value << 8) & 0xff00); break; case 4: value = ((value >> 24) & 0x000000ff) | ((value >> 8) & 0x0000ff00) | ((value << 8) & 0x00ff0000) | ((value << 24) & 0xff000000); break; case 8: value = ((value >> 56) & U64(0x00000000000000ff)) | ((value >> 40) & U64(0x000000000000ff00)) | ((value >> 24) & U64(0x0000000000ff0000)) | ((value >> 8) & U64(0x00000000ff000000)) | ((value << 8) & U64(0x000000ff00000000)) | ((value << 24) & U64(0x0000ff0000000000)) | ((value << 40) & U64(0x00ff000000000000)) | ((value << 56) & U64(0xff00000000000000)); break; } } return value; } /*------------------------------------------------- cheat_read_extended - read a value from memory in the given address space, sign-extending and swapping if necessary -------------------------------------------------*/ UINT64 debugger_commands::cheat_read_extended(const cheat_system *cheatsys, address_space &space, offs_t address) { return cheat_sign_extend(cheatsys, cheat_byte_swap(cheatsys, m_cpu.read_memory(space, address, cheatsys->width, TRUE))); } debugger_commands::debugger_commands(running_machine& machine, debugger_cpu& cpu, debugger_console& console) : m_machine(machine) , m_cpu(cpu) , m_console(console) { m_global_array = auto_alloc_array_clear(m_machine, global_entry, MAX_GLOBALS); symbol_table *symtable = m_cpu.get_global_symtable(); /* add a few simple global functions */ using namespace std::placeholders; symtable->add("min", nullptr, 2, 2, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_min, this, _1, _2, _3, _4)); symtable->add("max", nullptr, 2, 2, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_max, this, _1, _2, _3, _4)); symtable->add("if", nullptr, 3, 3, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_if, this, _1, _2, _3, _4)); /* add all single-entry save state globals */ for (int itemnum = 0; itemnum < MAX_GLOBALS; itemnum++) { UINT32 valsize, valcount; void *base; /* stop when we run out of items */ const char* name = m_machine.save().indexed_item(itemnum, base, valsize, valcount); if (name == nullptr) break; /* if this is a single-entry global, add it */ if (valcount == 1 && strstr(name, "/globals/")) { char symname[100]; sprintf(symname, ".%s", strrchr(name, '/') + 1); m_global_array[itemnum].base = base; m_global_array[itemnum].size = valsize; symtable->add(symname, &m_global_array, std::bind(&debugger_commands::global_get, this, _1, _2), std::bind(&debugger_commands::global_set, this, _1, _2, _3)); } } /* add all the commands */ m_console.register_command("help", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_help, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("print", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, MAX_COMMAND_PARAMS, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_print, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("printf", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, MAX_COMMAND_PARAMS, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_printf, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("logerror", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, MAX_COMMAND_PARAMS, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_logerror, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("tracelog", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, MAX_COMMAND_PARAMS, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_tracelog, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("quit", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 0, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_quit, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("exit", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 0, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_quit, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("do", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_do, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("step", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_step, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("s", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_step, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("over", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_over, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("o", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_over, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("out" , CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 0, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_out, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("go", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_go, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("g", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_go, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("gvblank", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 0, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_go_vblank, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("gv", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 0, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_go_vblank, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("gint", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_go_interrupt, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("gi", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_go_interrupt, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("gtime", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_go_time, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("gt", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_go_time, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("next", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 0, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_next, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("n", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 0, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_next, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("focus", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_focus, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("ignore", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, MAX_COMMAND_PARAMS, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_ignore, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("observe", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, MAX_COMMAND_PARAMS, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_observe, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("comadd", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, 2, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_comment_add, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("//", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, 2, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_comment_add, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("comdelete", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_comment_del, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("comsave", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 0, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_comment_save, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("comlist", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 0, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_comment_list, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("commit", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, 2, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_comment_commit, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("/*", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, 2, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_comment_commit, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("bpset", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, 3, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_bpset, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("bp", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, 3, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_bpset, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("bpclear", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_bpclear, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("bpdisable", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_bpdisenable, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("bpenable", CMDFLAG_NONE, 1, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_bpdisenable, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("bplist", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 0, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_bplist, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("wpset", CMDFLAG_NONE, AS_PROGRAM, 3, 5, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_wpset, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("wp", CMDFLAG_NONE, AS_PROGRAM, 3, 5, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_wpset, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("wpdset", CMDFLAG_NONE, AS_DATA, 3, 5, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_wpset, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("wpd", CMDFLAG_NONE, AS_DATA, 3, 5, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_wpset, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("wpiset", CMDFLAG_NONE, AS_IO, 3, 5, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_wpset, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("wpi", CMDFLAG_NONE, AS_IO, 3, 5, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_wpset, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("wpclear", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_wpclear, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("wpdisable", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_wpdisenable, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("wpenable", CMDFLAG_NONE, 1, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_wpdisenable, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("wplist", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 0, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_wplist, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("rpset", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, 2, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_rpset, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("rp", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, 2, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_rpset, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("rpclear", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_rpclear, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("rpdisable", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_rpdisenable, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("rpenable", CMDFLAG_NONE, 1, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_rpdisenable, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("rplist", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 0, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_rplist, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("hotspot", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 3, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_hotspot, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("statesave", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_statesave, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("ss", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_statesave, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("stateload", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_stateload, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("sl", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_stateload, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("save", CMDFLAG_NONE, AS_PROGRAM, 3, 4, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_save, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("saved", CMDFLAG_NONE, AS_DATA, 3, 4, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_save, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("savei", CMDFLAG_NONE, AS_IO, 3, 4, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_save, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("load", CMDFLAG_NONE, AS_PROGRAM, 3, 4, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_load, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("loadd", CMDFLAG_NONE, AS_DATA, 3, 4, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_load, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("loadi", CMDFLAG_NONE, AS_IO, 3, 4, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_load, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("dump", CMDFLAG_NONE, AS_PROGRAM, 3, 6, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_dump, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("dumpd", CMDFLAG_NONE, AS_DATA, 3, 6, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_dump, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("dumpi", CMDFLAG_NONE, AS_IO, 3, 6, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_dump, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("cheatinit", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 4, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_cheatinit, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("ci", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 4, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_cheatinit, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("cheatrange",CMDFLAG_NONE, 1, 2, 2, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_cheatinit, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("cr", CMDFLAG_NONE, 1, 2, 2, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_cheatinit, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("cheatnext", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, 2, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_cheatnext, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("cn", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, 2, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_cheatnext, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("cheatnextf",CMDFLAG_NONE, 1, 1, 2, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_cheatnext, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("cnf", CMDFLAG_NONE, 1, 1, 2, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_cheatnext, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("cheatlist", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_cheatlist, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("cl", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_cheatlist, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("cheatundo", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 0, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_cheatundo, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("cu", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 0, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_cheatundo, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("f", CMDFLAG_KEEP_QUOTES, AS_PROGRAM, 3, MAX_COMMAND_PARAMS, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_find, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("find", CMDFLAG_KEEP_QUOTES, AS_PROGRAM, 3, MAX_COMMAND_PARAMS, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_find, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("fd", CMDFLAG_KEEP_QUOTES, AS_DATA, 3, MAX_COMMAND_PARAMS, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_find, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("findd", CMDFLAG_KEEP_QUOTES, AS_DATA, 3, MAX_COMMAND_PARAMS, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_find, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("fi", CMDFLAG_KEEP_QUOTES, AS_IO, 3, MAX_COMMAND_PARAMS, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_find, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("findi", CMDFLAG_KEEP_QUOTES, AS_IO, 3, MAX_COMMAND_PARAMS, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_find, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("dasm", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 3, 5, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_dasm, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("trace", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, 3, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_trace, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("traceover", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, 3, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_traceover, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("traceflush",CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 0, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_traceflush, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("history", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 2, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_history, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("trackpc", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 3, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_trackpc, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("trackmem", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 3, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_trackmem, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("pcatmemp", CMDFLAG_NONE, AS_PROGRAM, 1, 2, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_pcatmem, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("pcatmemd", CMDFLAG_NONE, AS_DATA, 1, 2, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_pcatmem, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("pcatmemi", CMDFLAG_NONE, AS_IO, 1, 2, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_pcatmem, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("snap", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_snap, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("source", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_source, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("map", CMDFLAG_NONE, AS_PROGRAM, 1, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_map, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("mapd", CMDFLAG_NONE, AS_DATA, 1, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_map, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("mapi", CMDFLAG_NONE, AS_IO, 1, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_map, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("memdump", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_memdump, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("symlist", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_symlist, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("softreset", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_softreset, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("hardreset", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_hardreset, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("images", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 0, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_images, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("mount", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 2, 2, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_mount, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("unmount", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_unmount, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("input", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 1, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_input, this, _1, _2, _3)); m_console.register_command("dumpkbd", CMDFLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 1, std::bind(&debugger_commands::execute_dumpkbd, this, _1, _2, _3)); /* set up the initial debugscript if specified */ const char* name = m_machine.options().debug_script(); if (name[0] != 0) m_cpu.source_script(name); m_cheat.cpu[0] = m_cheat.cpu[1] = 0; } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_min - return the minimum of two values -------------------------------------------------*/ UINT64 debugger_commands::execute_min(symbol_table &table, void *ref, int params, const UINT64 *param) { return (param[0] < param[1]) ? param[0] : param[1]; } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_max - return the maximum of two values -------------------------------------------------*/ UINT64 debugger_commands::execute_max(symbol_table &table, void *ref, int params, const UINT64 *param) { return (param[0] > param[1]) ? param[0] : param[1]; } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_if - if (a) return b; else return c; -------------------------------------------------*/ UINT64 debugger_commands::execute_if(symbol_table &table, void *ref, int params, const UINT64 *param) { return param[0] ? param[1] : param[2]; } /*************************************************************************** GLOBAL ACCESSORS ***************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------- global_get - symbol table getter for globals -------------------------------------------------*/ UINT64 debugger_commands::global_get(symbol_table &table, void *ref) { global_entry *global = (global_entry *)ref; switch (global->size) { case 1: return *(UINT8 *)global->base; case 2: return *(UINT16 *)global->base; case 4: return *(UINT32 *)global->base; case 8: return *(UINT64 *)global->base; } return ~0; } /*------------------------------------------------- global_set - symbol table setter for globals -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::global_set(symbol_table &table, void *ref, UINT64 value) { global_entry *global = (global_entry *)ref; switch (global->size) { case 1: *(UINT8 *)global->base = value; break; case 2: *(UINT16 *)global->base = value; break; case 4: *(UINT32 *)global->base = value; break; case 8: *(UINT64 *)global->base = value; break; } } /*************************************************************************** PARAMETER VALIDATION HELPERS ***************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------- validate_number_parameter - validates a number parameter -------------------------------------------------*/ bool debugger_commands::validate_number_parameter(const char *param, UINT64 *result) { /* nullptr parameter does nothing and returns no error */ if (param == nullptr) return true; /* evaluate the expression; success if no error */ try { parsed_expression expression(m_cpu.get_visible_symtable(), param, result); return true; } catch (expression_error &error) { /* print an error pointing to the character that caused it */ m_console.printf("Error in expression: %s\n", param); m_console.printf(" %*s^", error.offset(), ""); m_console.printf("%s\n", error.code_string()); return false; } } /*------------------------------------------------- validate_cpu_parameter - validates a parameter as a cpu -------------------------------------------------*/ bool debugger_commands::validate_cpu_parameter(const char *param, device_t **result) { /* if no parameter, use the visible CPU */ if (param == nullptr) { *result = m_cpu.get_visible_cpu(); if (*result == nullptr) { m_console.printf("No valid CPU is currently selected\n"); return false; } return true; } /* first look for a tag match */ *result = m_machine.device(param); if (*result != nullptr) return true; /* then evaluate as an expression; on an error assume it was a tag */ UINT64 cpunum; try { parsed_expression expression(m_cpu.get_visible_symtable(), param, &cpunum); } catch (expression_error &) { m_console.printf("Unable to find CPU '%s'\n", param); return false; } /* if we got a valid one, return */ device_execute_interface *exec = execute_interface_iterator(m_machine.root_device()).byindex(cpunum); if (exec != nullptr) { *result = &exec->device(); return true; } /* if out of range, complain */ m_console.printf("Invalid CPU index %d\n", (int)cpunum); return false; } /*------------------------------------------------- validate_cpu_space_parameter - validates a parameter as a cpu and retrieves the given address space -------------------------------------------------*/ bool debugger_commands::validate_cpu_space_parameter(const char *param, int spacenum, address_space *&result) { /* first do the standard CPU thing */ device_t *cpu; if (!validate_cpu_parameter(param, &cpu)) return false; /* fetch the space pointer */ if (!cpu->memory().has_space(spacenum)) { m_console.printf("No matching memory space found for CPU '%s'\n", cpu->tag()); return false; } result = &cpu->memory().space(spacenum); return true; } /*------------------------------------------------- debug_command_parameter_expression - validates an expression parameter -------------------------------------------------*/ bool debugger_commands::debug_command_parameter_expression(const char *param, parsed_expression &result) { /* nullptr parameter does nothing and returns no error */ if (param == nullptr) return true; /* parse the expression; success if no error */ try { result.parse(param); return true; } catch (expression_error &err) { /* output an error */ m_console.printf("Error in expression: %s\n", param); m_console.printf(" %*s^", err.offset(), ""); m_console.printf("%s\n", err.code_string()); return false; } } /*------------------------------------------------- debug_command_parameter_command - validates a command parameter -------------------------------------------------*/ bool debugger_commands::debug_command_parameter_command(const char *param) { /* nullptr parameter does nothing and returns no error */ if (param == nullptr) return true; /* validate the comment; success if no error */ CMDERR err = m_console.validate_command(param); if (err == CMDERR_NONE) return true; /* output an error */ m_console.printf("Error in command: %s\n", param); m_console.printf(" %*s^", CMDERR_ERROR_OFFSET(err), ""); m_console.printf("%s\n", debugger_console::cmderr_to_string(err)); return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_help - execute the help command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_help(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { if (params == 0) m_console.printf_wrap(80, "%s\n", debug_get_help("")); else m_console.printf_wrap(80, "%s\n", debug_get_help(param[0])); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_print - execute the print command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_print(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { /* validate the other parameters */ UINT64 values[MAX_COMMAND_PARAMS]; for (int i = 0; i < params; i++) if (!validate_number_parameter(param[i], &values[i])) return; /* then print each one */ for (int i = 0; i < params; i++) m_console.printf("%X", values[i]); m_console.printf("\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------- mini_printf - safe printf to a buffer -------------------------------------------------*/ int debugger_commands::mini_printf(char *buffer, const char *format, int params, UINT64 *param) { const char *f = format; char *p = buffer; /* parse the string looking for % signs */ for (;;) { char c = *f++; if (!c) break; /* escape sequences */ if (c == '\\') { c = *f++; if (!c) break; switch (c) { case '\\': *p++ = c; break; case 'n': *p++ = '\n'; break; default: break; } continue; } /* formatting */ else if (c == '%') { int width = 0; int zerofill = 0; /* parse out the width */ for (;;) { c = *f++; if (!c || c < '0' || c > '9') break; if (c == '0' && width == 0) zerofill = 1; width = width * 10 + (c - '0'); } if (!c) break; /* get the format */ switch (c) { case '%': *p++ = c; break; case 'X': case 'x': if (params == 0) { m_console.printf("Not enough parameters for format!\n"); return 0; } if ((UINT32)(*param >> 32) != 0) p += sprintf(p, zerofill ? "%0*X" : "%*X", (width <= 8) ? 1 : width - 8, (UINT32)(*param >> 32)); else if (width > 8) p += sprintf(p, zerofill ? "%0*X" : "%*X", width - 8, 0); p += sprintf(p, zerofill ? "%0*X" : "%*X", (width < 8) ? width : 8, (UINT32)*param); param++; params--; break; case 'D': case 'd': if (params == 0) { m_console.printf("Not enough parameters for format!\n"); return 0; } p += sprintf(p, zerofill ? "%0*d" : "%*d", width, (UINT32)*param); param++; params--; break; } } /* normal stuff */ else *p++ = c; } /* NULL-terminate and exit */ *p = 0; return 1; } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_printf - execute the printf command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_printf(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { /* validate the other parameters */ UINT64 values[MAX_COMMAND_PARAMS]; for (int i = 1; i < params; i++) if (!validate_number_parameter(param[i], &values[i])) return; /* then do a printf */ char buffer[1024]; if (mini_printf(buffer, param[0], params - 1, &values[1])) m_console.printf("%s\n", buffer); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_logerror - execute the logerror command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_logerror(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { /* validate the other parameters */ UINT64 values[MAX_COMMAND_PARAMS]; for (int i = 1; i < params; i++) if (!validate_number_parameter(param[i], &values[i])) return; /* then do a printf */ char buffer[1024]; if (mini_printf(buffer, param[0], params - 1, &values[1])) m_machine.logerror("%s", buffer); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_tracelog - execute the tracelog command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_tracelog(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { /* validate the other parameters */ UINT64 values[MAX_COMMAND_PARAMS]; for (int i = 1; i < params; i++) if (!validate_number_parameter(param[i], &values[i])) return; /* then do a printf */ char buffer[1024]; if (mini_printf(buffer, param[0], params - 1, &values[1])) m_cpu.get_visible_cpu()->debug()->trace_printf("%s", buffer); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_quit - execute the quit command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_quit(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { osd_printf_error("Exited via the debugger\n"); m_machine.schedule_exit(); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_do - execute the do command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_do(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { UINT64 dummy; validate_number_parameter(param[0], &dummy); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_step - execute the step command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_step(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { /* if we have a parameter, use it */ UINT64 steps = 1; if (!validate_number_parameter(param[0], &steps)) return; m_cpu.get_visible_cpu()->debug()->single_step(steps); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_over - execute the over command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_over(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { /* if we have a parameter, use it */ UINT64 steps = 1; if (!validate_number_parameter(param[0], &steps)) return; m_cpu.get_visible_cpu()->debug()->single_step_over(steps); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_out - execute the out command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_out(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { m_cpu.get_visible_cpu()->debug()->single_step_out(); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_go - execute the go command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_go(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { UINT64 addr = ~0; /* if we have a parameter, use it instead */ if (!validate_number_parameter(param[0], &addr)) return; m_cpu.get_visible_cpu()->debug()->go(addr); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_go_vblank - execute the govblank command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_go_vblank(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { m_cpu.get_visible_cpu()->debug()->go_vblank(); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_go_interrupt - execute the goint command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_go_interrupt(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { UINT64 irqline = -1; /* if we have a parameter, use it instead */ if (!validate_number_parameter(param[0], &irqline)) return; m_cpu.get_visible_cpu()->debug()->go_interrupt(irqline); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_go_time - execute the gtime command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_go_time(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { UINT64 milliseconds = -1; /* if we have a parameter, use it instead */ if (!validate_number_parameter(param[0], &milliseconds)) return; m_cpu.get_visible_cpu()->debug()->go_milliseconds(milliseconds); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_next - execute the next command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_next(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { m_cpu.get_visible_cpu()->debug()->go_next_device(); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_focus - execute the focus command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_focus(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { /* validate params */ device_t *cpu; if (!validate_cpu_parameter(param[0], &cpu)) return; /* first clear the ignore flag on the focused CPU */ cpu->debug()->ignore(false); /* then loop over CPUs and set the ignore flags on all other CPUs */ for (device_execute_interface &exec : execute_interface_iterator(m_machine.root_device())) if (&exec.device() != cpu) exec.device().debug()->ignore(true); m_console.printf("Now focused on CPU '%s'\n", cpu->tag()); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_ignore - execute the ignore command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_ignore(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { /* if there are no parameters, dump the ignore list */ if (params == 0) { std::string buffer; /* loop over all executable devices */ for (device_execute_interface &exec : execute_interface_iterator(m_machine.root_device())) /* build up a comma-separated list */ if (!exec.device().debug()->observing()) { if (buffer.empty()) buffer = string_format("Currently ignoring device '%s'", exec.device().tag()); else buffer.append(string_format(", '%s'", exec.device().tag())); } /* special message for none */ if (buffer.empty()) buffer = string_format("Not currently ignoring any devices"); m_console.printf("%s\n", buffer.c_str()); } /* otherwise clear the ignore flag on all requested CPUs */ else { device_t *devicelist[MAX_COMMAND_PARAMS]; /* validate parameters */ for (int paramnum = 0; paramnum < params; paramnum++) if (!validate_cpu_parameter(param[paramnum], &devicelist[paramnum])) return; /* set the ignore flags */ for (int paramnum = 0; paramnum < params; paramnum++) { /* make sure this isn't the last live CPU */ bool gotone = false; for (device_execute_interface &exec : execute_interface_iterator(m_machine.root_device())) if (&exec.device() != devicelist[paramnum] && exec.device().debug()->observing()) { gotone = true; break; } if (!gotone) { m_console.printf("Can't ignore all devices!\n"); return; } devicelist[paramnum]->debug()->ignore(true); m_console.printf("Now ignoring device '%s'\n", devicelist[paramnum]->tag()); } } } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_observe - execute the observe command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_observe(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { /* if there are no parameters, dump the ignore list */ if (params == 0) { std::string buffer; /* loop over all executable devices */ for (device_execute_interface &exec : execute_interface_iterator(m_machine.root_device())) /* build up a comma-separated list */ if (exec.device().debug()->observing()) { if (buffer.empty()) buffer = string_format("Currently observing CPU '%s'", exec.device().tag()); else buffer.append(string_format(", '%s'", exec.device().tag())); } /* special message for none */ if (buffer.empty()) buffer = string_format("Not currently observing any devices"); m_console.printf("%s\n", buffer.c_str()); } /* otherwise set the ignore flag on all requested CPUs */ else { device_t *devicelist[MAX_COMMAND_PARAMS]; /* validate parameters */ for (int paramnum = 0; paramnum < params; paramnum++) if (!validate_cpu_parameter(param[paramnum], &devicelist[paramnum])) return; /* clear the ignore flags */ for (int paramnum = 0; paramnum < params; paramnum++) { devicelist[paramnum]->debug()->ignore(false); m_console.printf("Now observing device '%s'\n", devicelist[paramnum]->tag()); } } } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_comment - add a comment to a line -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_comment_add(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { device_t *cpu; UINT64 address; /* param 1 is the address for the comment */ if (!validate_number_parameter(param[0], &address)) return; /* CPU parameter is implicit */ if (!validate_cpu_parameter(nullptr, &cpu)) return; /* make sure param 2 exists */ if (strlen(param[1]) == 0) { m_console.printf("Error : comment text empty\n"); return; } /* Now try adding the comment */ cpu->debug()->comment_add(address, param[1], 0x00ff0000); cpu->machine().debug_view().update_all(DVT_DISASSEMBLY); } /*------------------------------------------------------ execute_comment_del - remove a comment from an addr --------------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_comment_del(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { device_t *cpu; UINT64 address; /* param 1 can either be a command or the address for the comment */ if (!validate_number_parameter(param[0], &address)) return; /* CPU parameter is implicit */ if (!validate_cpu_parameter(nullptr, &cpu)) return; /* If it's a number, it must be an address */ /* The bankoff and cbn will be pulled from what's currently active */ cpu->debug()->comment_remove(address); cpu->machine().debug_view().update_all(DVT_DISASSEMBLY); } /** * @fn void execute_comment_list(running_machine &machine, int ref, int params, const char *param[]) * @brief Print current list of comments in debugger * * */ void debugger_commands::execute_comment_list(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { if (!m_machine.debugger().cpu().comment_load(false)) m_console.printf("Error while parsing XML file\n"); } /** * @fn void execute_comment_commit(running_machine &machine, int ref, int params, const char *param[]) * @brief Add and Save current list of comments in debugger * */ void debugger_commands::execute_comment_commit(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { execute_comment_add(ref, params, param); execute_comment_save(ref, params, param); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_comment - add a comment to a line -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_comment_save(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { if (m_cpu.comment_save()) m_console.printf("Comment successfully saved\n"); else m_console.printf("Comment not saved\n"); } // TODO: add color hex editing capabilities for comments, see below for more info /** * @fn void execute_comment_color(running_machine &machine, int ref, int params, const char *param[]) * @brief Modifies comment given at address $xx with given color * Useful for marking comment with a different color scheme (for example by marking start and end of a given function visually). * @param[in] "address,color" First is the comment address in the current context, color can be hexadecimal or shorthanded to common 1bpp RGB names. * * @todo check if the comment exists in the first place, bail out with error if not. * @todo add shorthand for color modify and save * */ /*------------------------------------------------- execute_bpset - execute the breakpoint set command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_bpset(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { device_t *cpu; const char *action = nullptr; UINT64 address; int bpnum; /* CPU is implicit */ if (!validate_cpu_parameter(nullptr, &cpu)) return; /* param 1 is the address */ if (!validate_number_parameter(param[0], &address)) return; /* param 2 is the condition */ parsed_expression condition(&cpu->debug()->symtable()); if (!debug_command_parameter_expression(param[1], condition)) return; /* param 3 is the action */ if (!debug_command_parameter_command(action = param[2])) return; /* set the breakpoint */ bpnum = cpu->debug()->breakpoint_set(address, (condition.is_empty()) ? nullptr : condition.original_string(), action); m_console.printf("Breakpoint %X set\n", bpnum); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_bpclear - execute the breakpoint clear command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_bpclear(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { UINT64 bpindex; /* if 0 parameters, clear all */ if (params == 0) { for (device_t &device : device_iterator(m_machine.root_device())) device.debug()->breakpoint_clear_all(); m_console.printf("Cleared all breakpoints\n"); } /* otherwise, clear the specific one */ else if (!validate_number_parameter(param[0], &bpindex)) return; else { bool found = false; for (device_t &device : device_iterator(m_machine.root_device())) if (device.debug()->breakpoint_clear(bpindex)) found = true; if (found) m_console.printf("Breakpoint %X cleared\n", (UINT32)bpindex); else m_console.printf("Invalid breakpoint number %X\n", (UINT32)bpindex); } } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_bpdisenable - execute the breakpoint disable/enable commands -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_bpdisenable(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { UINT64 bpindex; /* if 0 parameters, clear all */ if (params == 0) { for (device_t &device : device_iterator(m_machine.root_device())) device.debug()->breakpoint_enable_all(ref); if (ref == 0) m_console.printf("Disabled all breakpoints\n"); else m_console.printf("Enabled all breakpoints\n"); } /* otherwise, clear the specific one */ else if (!validate_number_parameter(param[0], &bpindex)) return; else { bool found = false; for (device_t &device : device_iterator(m_machine.root_device())) if (device.debug()->breakpoint_enable(bpindex, ref)) found = true; if (found) m_console.printf("Breakpoint %X %s\n", (UINT32)bpindex, ref ? "enabled" : "disabled"); else m_console.printf("Invalid breakpoint number %X\n", (UINT32)bpindex); } } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_bplist - execute the breakpoint list command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_bplist(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { int printed = 0; std::string buffer; /* loop over all CPUs */ for (device_t &device : device_iterator(m_machine.root_device())) if (device.debug()->breakpoint_first() != nullptr) { m_console.printf("Device '%s' breakpoints:\n", device.tag()); /* loop over the breakpoints */ for (device_debug::breakpoint *bp = device.debug()->breakpoint_first(); bp != nullptr; bp = bp->next()) { buffer = string_format("%c%4X @ %0*X", bp->enabled() ? ' ' : 'D', bp->index(), device.debug()->logaddrchars(), bp->address()); if (std::string(bp->condition()).compare("1") != 0) buffer.append(string_format(" if %s", bp->condition())); if (std::string(bp->action()).compare("") != 0) buffer.append(string_format(" do %s", bp->action())); m_console.printf("%s\n", buffer.c_str()); printed++; } } if (printed == 0) m_console.printf("No breakpoints currently installed\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_wpset - execute the watchpoint set command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_wpset(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { address_space *space; const char *action = nullptr; UINT64 address, length; int type; int wpnum; /* CPU is implicit */ if (!validate_cpu_space_parameter(nullptr, ref, space)) return; /* param 1 is the address */ if (!validate_number_parameter(param[0], &address)) return; /* param 2 is the length */ if (!validate_number_parameter(param[1], &length)) return; /* param 3 is the type */ if (!strcmp(param[2], "r")) type = WATCHPOINT_READ; else if (!strcmp(param[2], "w")) type = WATCHPOINT_WRITE; else if (!strcmp(param[2], "rw") || !strcmp(param[2], "wr")) type = WATCHPOINT_READWRITE; else { m_console.printf("Invalid watchpoint type: expected r, w, or rw\n"); return; } /* param 4 is the condition */ parsed_expression condition(&space->device().debug()->symtable()); if (!debug_command_parameter_expression(param[3], condition)) return; /* param 5 is the action */ if (!debug_command_parameter_command(action = param[4])) return; /* set the watchpoint */ wpnum = space->device().debug()->watchpoint_set(*space, type, address, length, (condition.is_empty()) ? nullptr : condition.original_string(), action); m_console.printf("Watchpoint %X set\n", wpnum); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_wpclear - execute the watchpoint clear command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_wpclear(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { UINT64 wpindex; /* if 0 parameters, clear all */ if (params == 0) { for (device_t &device : device_iterator(m_machine.root_device())) device.debug()->watchpoint_clear_all(); m_console.printf("Cleared all watchpoints\n"); } /* otherwise, clear the specific one */ else if (!validate_number_parameter(param[0], &wpindex)) return; else { bool found = false; for (device_t &device : device_iterator(m_machine.root_device())) if (device.debug()->watchpoint_clear(wpindex)) found = true; if (found) m_console.printf("Watchpoint %X cleared\n", (UINT32)wpindex); else m_console.printf("Invalid watchpoint number %X\n", (UINT32)wpindex); } } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_wpdisenable - execute the watchpoint disable/enable commands -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_wpdisenable(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { UINT64 wpindex; /* if 0 parameters, clear all */ if (params == 0) { for (device_t &device : device_iterator(m_machine.root_device())) device.debug()->watchpoint_enable_all(ref); if (ref == 0) m_console.printf("Disabled all watchpoints\n"); else m_console.printf("Enabled all watchpoints\n"); } /* otherwise, clear the specific one */ else if (!validate_number_parameter(param[0], &wpindex)) return; else { bool found = false; for (device_t &device : device_iterator(m_machine.root_device())) if (device.debug()->watchpoint_enable(wpindex, ref)) found = true; if (found) m_console.printf("Watchpoint %X %s\n", (UINT32)wpindex, ref ? "enabled" : "disabled"); else m_console.printf("Invalid watchpoint number %X\n", (UINT32)wpindex); } } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_wplist - execute the watchpoint list command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_wplist(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { int printed = 0; std::string buffer; /* loop over all CPUs */ for (device_t &device : device_iterator(m_machine.root_device())) for (address_spacenum spacenum = AS_0; spacenum < ADDRESS_SPACES; ++spacenum) if (device.debug()->watchpoint_first(spacenum) != nullptr) { static const char *const types[] = { "unkn ", "read ", "write", "r/w " }; m_console.printf("Device '%s' %s space watchpoints:\n", device.tag(), device.debug()->watchpoint_first(spacenum)->space().name()); /* loop over the watchpoints */ for (device_debug::watchpoint *wp = device.debug()->watchpoint_first(spacenum); wp != nullptr; wp = wp->next()) { buffer = string_format("%c%4X @ %0*X-%0*X %s", wp->enabled() ? ' ' : 'D', wp->index(), wp->space().addrchars(), wp->space().byte_to_address(wp->address()), wp->space().addrchars(), wp->space().byte_to_address_end(wp->address() + wp->length()) - 1, types[wp->type() & 3]); if (std::string(wp->condition()).compare("1") != 0) buffer.append(string_format(" if %s", wp->condition())); if (std::string(wp->action()).compare("") != 0) buffer.append(string_format(" do %s", wp->action())); m_console.printf("%s\n", buffer.c_str()); printed++; } } if (printed == 0) m_console.printf("No watchpoints currently installed\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_rpset - execute the registerpoint set command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_rpset(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { device_t *cpu; const char *action = nullptr; int bpnum; /* CPU is implicit */ if (!validate_cpu_parameter(nullptr, &cpu)) return; /* param 1 is the condition */ parsed_expression condition(&cpu->debug()->symtable()); if (!debug_command_parameter_expression(param[0], condition)) return; /* param 2 is the action */ if (!debug_command_parameter_command(action = param[1])) return; /* set the breakpoint */ bpnum = cpu->debug()->registerpoint_set(condition.original_string(), action); m_console.printf("Registerpoint %X set\n", bpnum); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_rpclear - execute the registerpoint clear command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_rpclear(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { UINT64 rpindex; /* if 0 parameters, clear all */ if (params == 0) { for (device_t &device : device_iterator(m_machine.root_device())) device.debug()->registerpoint_clear_all(); m_console.printf("Cleared all registerpoints\n"); } /* otherwise, clear the specific one */ else if (!validate_number_parameter(param[0], &rpindex)) return; else { bool found = false; for (device_t &device : device_iterator(m_machine.root_device())) if (device.debug()->registerpoint_clear(rpindex)) found = true; if (found) m_console.printf("Registerpoint %X cleared\n", (UINT32)rpindex); else m_console.printf("Invalid registerpoint number %X\n", (UINT32)rpindex); } } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_rpdisenable - execute the registerpoint disable/enable commands -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_rpdisenable(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { UINT64 rpindex; /* if 0 parameters, clear all */ if (params == 0) { for (device_t &device : device_iterator(m_machine.root_device())) device.debug()->registerpoint_enable_all(ref); if (ref == 0) m_console.printf("Disabled all registerpoints\n"); else m_console.printf("Enabled all registeroints\n"); } /* otherwise, clear the specific one */ else if (!validate_number_parameter(param[0], &rpindex)) return; else { bool found = false; for (device_t &device : device_iterator(m_machine.root_device())) if (device.debug()->registerpoint_enable(rpindex, ref)) found = true; if (found) m_console.printf("Registerpoint %X %s\n", (UINT32)rpindex, ref ? "enabled" : "disabled"); else m_console.printf("Invalid registerpoint number %X\n", (UINT32)rpindex); } } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_rplist - execute the registerpoint list command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_rplist(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { int printed = 0; std::string buffer; /* loop over all CPUs */ for (device_t &device : device_iterator(m_machine.root_device())) if (device.debug()->registerpoint_first() != nullptr) { m_console.printf("Device '%s' registerpoints:\n", device.tag()); /* loop over the breakpoints */ for (device_debug::registerpoint *rp = device.debug()->registerpoint_first(); rp != nullptr; rp = rp->next()) { buffer = string_format("%c%4X if %s", rp->enabled() ? ' ' : 'D', rp->index(), rp->condition()); if (rp->action() != nullptr) buffer.append(string_format(" do %s", rp->action())); m_console.printf("%s\n", buffer.c_str()); printed++; } } if (printed == 0) m_console.printf("No registerpoints currently installed\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_hotspot - execute the hotspot command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_hotspot(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { /* if no params, and there are live hotspots, clear them */ if (params == 0) { bool cleared = false; /* loop over CPUs and find live spots */ for (device_t &device : device_iterator(m_machine.root_device())) if (device.debug()->hotspot_tracking_enabled()) { device.debug()->hotspot_track(0, 0); m_console.printf("Cleared hotspot tracking on CPU '%s'\n", device.tag()); cleared = true; } /* if we cleared, we're done */ if (cleared) return; } /* extract parameters */ device_t *device = nullptr; if (!validate_cpu_parameter((params > 0) ? param[0] : nullptr, &device)) return; UINT64 count = 64; if (!validate_number_parameter(param[1], &count)) return; UINT64 threshhold = 250; if (!validate_number_parameter(param[2], &threshhold)) return; /* attempt to install */ device->debug()->hotspot_track(count, threshhold); m_console.printf("Now tracking hotspots on CPU '%s' using %d slots with a threshold of %d\n", device->tag(), (int)count, (int)threshhold); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_statesave - execute the statesave command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_statesave(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { std::string filename(param[0]); m_machine.immediate_save(filename.c_str()); m_console.printf("State save attempted. Please refer to window message popup for results.\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_stateload - execute the stateload command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_stateload(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { std::string filename(param[0]); m_machine.immediate_load(filename.c_str()); // Clear all PC & memory tracks for (device_t &device : device_iterator(m_machine.root_device())) { device.debug()->track_pc_data_clear(); device.debug()->track_mem_data_clear(); } m_console.printf("State load attempted. Please refer to window message popup for results.\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_save - execute the save command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_save(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { UINT64 offset, endoffset, length; address_space *space; FILE *f; UINT64 i; /* validate parameters */ if (!validate_number_parameter(param[1], &offset)) return; if (!validate_number_parameter(param[2], &length)) return; if (!validate_cpu_space_parameter((params > 3) ? param[3] : nullptr, ref, space)) return; /* determine the addresses to write */ endoffset = space->address_to_byte(offset + length - 1) & space->bytemask(); offset = space->address_to_byte(offset) & space->bytemask(); /* open the file */ f = fopen(param[0], "wb"); if (!f) { m_console.printf("Error opening file '%s'\n", param[0]); return; } /* now write the data out */ for (i = offset; i <= endoffset; i++) { UINT8 byte = m_cpu.read_byte(*space, i, TRUE); fwrite(&byte, 1, 1, f); } /* close the file */ fclose(f); m_console.printf("Data saved successfully\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_load - execute the load command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_load(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { UINT64 offset, endoffset, length; address_space *space; FILE *f; UINT64 i; /* validate parameters */ if (!validate_number_parameter(param[1], &offset)) return; if (!validate_number_parameter(param[2], &length)) return; if (!validate_cpu_space_parameter((params > 3) ? param[3] : nullptr, ref, space)) return; /* determine the addresses to read */ endoffset = space->address_to_byte(offset + length - 1) & space->bytemask(); offset = space->address_to_byte(offset) & space->bytemask(); /* open the file */ f = fopen(param[0], "rb"); if (!f) { m_console.printf("Error opening file '%s'\n", param[0]); return; } /* now read the data in, ignore endoffset and load entire file if length has been set to zero (offset-1) */ UINT8 byte; for (i = offset; i <= endoffset || endoffset == offset - 1 ; i++) { fread(&byte, 1, 1, f); /* check if end of file has been reached and stop loading if it has */ if (feof(f)) break; m_cpu.write_byte(*space, i, byte, true); } /* close the file */ fclose(f); if ( i == offset) m_console.printf("Length specified too large, load failed\n"); else m_console.printf("Data loaded successfully to memory : 0x%X to 0x%X\n", offset, i-1); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_dump - execute the dump command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_dump(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { /* validate parameters */ UINT64 offset; if (!validate_number_parameter(param[1], &offset)) return; UINT64 length; if (!validate_number_parameter(param[2], &length)) return; UINT64 width = 0; if (!validate_number_parameter(param[3], &width)) return; UINT64 ascii = 1; if (!validate_number_parameter(param[4], &ascii)) return; address_space *space; if (!validate_cpu_space_parameter((params > 5) ? param[5] : nullptr, ref, space)) return; /* further validation */ if (width == 0) width = space->data_width() / 8; if (width < space->address_to_byte(1)) width = space->address_to_byte(1); if (width != 1 && width != 2 && width != 4 && width != 8) { m_console.printf("Invalid width! (must be 1,2,4 or 8)\n"); return; } UINT64 endoffset = space->address_to_byte(offset + length - 1) & space->bytemask(); offset = space->address_to_byte(offset) & space->bytemask(); /* open the file */ FILE* f = fopen(param[0], "w"); if (!f) { m_console.printf("Error opening file '%s'\n", param[0]); return; } /* now write the data out */ util::ovectorstream output; output.reserve(200); for (UINT64 i = offset; i <= endoffset; i += 16) { output.clear(); output.rdbuf()->clear(); /* print the address */ util::stream_format(output, "%0*X: ", space->logaddrchars(), (UINT32)space->byte_to_address(i)); /* print the bytes */ for (UINT64 j = 0; j < 16; j += width) { if (i + j <= endoffset) { offs_t curaddr = i + j; if (m_cpu.translate(*space, TRANSLATE_READ_DEBUG, &curaddr)) { UINT64 value = m_cpu.read_memory(*space, i + j, width, TRUE); util::stream_format(output, " %0*X", width * 2, value); } else { util::stream_format(output, " %.*s", width * 2, "****************"); } } else util::stream_format(output, " %*s", width * 2, ""); } /* print the ASCII */ if (ascii) { util::stream_format(output, " "); for (UINT64 j = 0; j < 16 && (i + j) <= endoffset; j++) { offs_t curaddr = i + j; if (m_cpu.translate(*space, TRANSLATE_READ_DEBUG, &curaddr)) { UINT8 byte = m_cpu.read_byte(*space, i + j, TRUE); util::stream_format(output, "%c", (byte >= 32 && byte < 127) ? byte : '.'); } else { util::stream_format(output, " "); } } } /* output the result */ auto const &text = output.vec(); fprintf(f, "%.*s\n", int(unsigned(text.size())), &text[0]); } /* close the file */ fclose(f); m_console.printf("Data dumped successfully\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_cheatinit - initialize the cheat system -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_cheatinit(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { UINT64 offset, length = 0, real_length = 0; address_space *space; UINT32 active_cheat = 0; UINT64 curaddr; UINT8 i, region_count = 0; cheat_region_map cheat_region[100]; memset(cheat_region, 0, sizeof(cheat_region)); /* validate parameters */ if (!validate_cpu_space_parameter((params > 3) ? param[3] : nullptr, AS_PROGRAM, space)) return; if (ref == 0) { m_cheat.width = 1; m_cheat.signed_cheat = FALSE; m_cheat.swapped_cheat = FALSE; if (params > 0) { char *srtpnt = (char*)param[0]; if (*srtpnt == 's') m_cheat.signed_cheat = TRUE; else if (*srtpnt == 'u') m_cheat.signed_cheat = FALSE; else { m_console.printf("Invalid sign: expected s or u\n"); return; } if (*(++srtpnt) == 'b') m_cheat.width = 1; else if (*srtpnt == 'w') m_cheat.width = 2; else if (*srtpnt == 'd') m_cheat.width = 4; else if (*srtpnt == 'q') m_cheat.width = 8; else { m_console.printf("Invalid width: expected b, w, d or q\n"); return; } if (*(++srtpnt) == 's') m_cheat.swapped_cheat = TRUE; else m_cheat.swapped_cheat = FALSE; } } /* initialize entire memory by default */ if (params <= 1) { for (address_map_entry &entry : space->map()->m_entrylist) { cheat_region[region_count].offset = space->address_to_byte(entry.m_addrstart) & space->bytemask(); cheat_region[region_count].endoffset = space->address_to_byte(entry.m_addrend) & space->bytemask(); cheat_region[region_count].share = entry.m_share; cheat_region[region_count].disabled = (entry.m_write.m_type == AMH_RAM) ? FALSE : TRUE; /* disable double share regions */ if (entry.m_share != nullptr) for (i = 0; i < region_count; i++) if (cheat_region[i].share != nullptr) if (strcmp(cheat_region[i].share, entry.m_share) == 0) cheat_region[region_count].disabled = TRUE; region_count++; } } else { /* validate parameters */ if (!validate_number_parameter(param[(ref == 0) ? 1 : 0], &offset)) return; if (!validate_number_parameter(param[(ref == 0) ? 2 : 1], &length)) return; /* force region to the specified range */ cheat_region[region_count].offset = space->address_to_byte(offset) & space->bytemask(); cheat_region[region_count].endoffset = space->address_to_byte(offset + length - 1) & space->bytemask(); cheat_region[region_count].share = nullptr; cheat_region[region_count].disabled = FALSE; region_count++; } /* determine the writable extent of each region in total */ for (i = 0; i < region_count; i++) if (!cheat_region[i].disabled) for (curaddr = cheat_region[i].offset; curaddr <= cheat_region[i].endoffset; curaddr += m_cheat.width) if (cheat_address_is_valid(*space, curaddr)) real_length++; if (real_length == 0) { m_console.printf("No writable bytes found in this area\n"); return; } if (ref == 0) { /* initialize new cheat system */ m_cheat.cheatmap.resize(real_length); m_cheat.undo = 0; m_cheat.cpu[0] = (params > 3) ? *param[3] : '0'; } else { /* add range to cheat system */ if (m_cheat.cpu[0] == 0) { m_console.printf("Use cheatinit before cheatrange\n"); return; } if (!validate_cpu_space_parameter(m_cheat.cpu, AS_PROGRAM, space)) return; active_cheat = m_cheat.cheatmap.size(); m_cheat.cheatmap.resize(m_cheat.cheatmap.size() + real_length); } /* initialize cheatmap in the selected space */ for (i = 0; i < region_count; i++) if (!cheat_region[i].disabled) for (curaddr = cheat_region[i].offset; curaddr <= cheat_region[i].endoffset; curaddr += m_cheat.width) if (cheat_address_is_valid(*space, curaddr)) { m_cheat.cheatmap[active_cheat].previous_value = cheat_read_extended(&m_cheat, *space, curaddr); m_cheat.cheatmap[active_cheat].first_value = m_cheat.cheatmap[active_cheat].previous_value; m_cheat.cheatmap[active_cheat].offset = curaddr; m_cheat.cheatmap[active_cheat].state = 1; m_cheat.cheatmap[active_cheat].undo = 0; active_cheat++; } /* give a detailed init message to avoid searches being mistakingly carried out on the wrong CPU */ device_t *cpu = nullptr; validate_cpu_parameter(m_cheat.cpu, &cpu); m_console.printf("%u cheat initialized for CPU index %s ( aka %s )\n", active_cheat, m_cheat.cpu, cpu->tag()); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_cheatnext - execute the search -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_cheatnext(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { address_space *space; UINT64 cheatindex; UINT32 active_cheat = 0; UINT8 condition; UINT64 comp_value = 0; enum { CHEAT_ALL = 0, CHEAT_EQUAL, CHEAT_NOTEQUAL, CHEAT_EQUALTO, CHEAT_NOTEQUALTO, CHEAT_DECREASE, CHEAT_INCREASE, CHEAT_DECREASE_OR_EQUAL, CHEAT_INCREASE_OR_EQUAL, CHEAT_DECREASEOF, CHEAT_INCREASEOF, CHEAT_SMALLEROF, CHEAT_GREATEROF, CHEAT_CHANGEDBY }; if (m_cheat.cpu[0] == 0) { m_console.printf("Use cheatinit before cheatnext\n"); return; } if (!validate_cpu_space_parameter(m_cheat.cpu, AS_PROGRAM, space)) return; if (params > 1 && !validate_number_parameter(param[1], &comp_value)) return; comp_value = cheat_sign_extend(&m_cheat, comp_value); /* decode contidion */ if (!strcmp(param[0], "all")) condition = CHEAT_ALL; else if (!strcmp(param[0], "equal") || !strcmp(param[0], "eq")) condition = (params > 1) ? CHEAT_EQUALTO : CHEAT_EQUAL; else if (!strcmp(param[0], "notequal") || !strcmp(param[0], "ne")) condition = (params > 1) ? CHEAT_NOTEQUALTO : CHEAT_NOTEQUAL; else if (!strcmp(param[0], "decrease") || !strcmp(param[0], "de") || !strcmp(param[0], "-")) condition = (params > 1) ? CHEAT_DECREASEOF : CHEAT_DECREASE; else if (!strcmp(param[0], "increase") || !strcmp(param[0], "in") || !strcmp(param[0], "+")) condition = (params > 1) ? CHEAT_INCREASEOF : CHEAT_INCREASE; else if (!strcmp(param[0], "decreaseorequal") || !strcmp(param[0], "deeq")) condition = CHEAT_DECREASE_OR_EQUAL; else if (!strcmp(param[0], "increaseorequal") || !strcmp(param[0], "ineq")) condition = CHEAT_INCREASE_OR_EQUAL; else if (!strcmp(param[0], "smallerof") || !strcmp(param[0], "lt") || !strcmp(param[0], "<")) condition = CHEAT_SMALLEROF; else if (!strcmp(param[0], "greaterof") || !strcmp(param[0], "gt") || !strcmp(param[0], ">")) condition = CHEAT_GREATEROF; else if (!strcmp(param[0], "changedby") || !strcmp(param[0], "ch") || !strcmp(param[0], "~")) condition = CHEAT_CHANGEDBY; else { m_console.printf("Invalid condition type\n"); return; } m_cheat.undo++; /* execute the search */ for (cheatindex = 0; cheatindex < m_cheat.cheatmap.size(); cheatindex += 1) if (m_cheat.cheatmap[cheatindex].state == 1) { UINT64 cheat_value = cheat_read_extended(&m_cheat, *space, m_cheat.cheatmap[cheatindex].offset); UINT64 comp_byte = (ref == 0) ? m_cheat.cheatmap[cheatindex].previous_value : m_cheat.cheatmap[cheatindex].first_value; UINT8 disable_byte = FALSE; switch (condition) { case CHEAT_ALL: break; case CHEAT_EQUAL: disable_byte = (cheat_value != comp_byte); break; case CHEAT_NOTEQUAL: disable_byte = (cheat_value == comp_byte); break; case CHEAT_EQUALTO: disable_byte = (cheat_value != comp_value); break; case CHEAT_NOTEQUALTO: disable_byte = (cheat_value == comp_value); break; case CHEAT_DECREASE: if (m_cheat.signed_cheat) disable_byte = ((INT64)cheat_value >= (INT64)comp_byte); else disable_byte = ((UINT64)cheat_value >= (UINT64)comp_byte); break; case CHEAT_INCREASE: if (m_cheat.signed_cheat) disable_byte = ((INT64)cheat_value <= (INT64)comp_byte); else disable_byte = ((UINT64)cheat_value <= (UINT64)comp_byte); break; case CHEAT_DECREASE_OR_EQUAL: if (m_cheat.signed_cheat) disable_byte = ((INT64)cheat_value > (INT64)comp_byte); else disable_byte = ((UINT64)cheat_value > (UINT64)comp_byte); break; case CHEAT_INCREASE_OR_EQUAL: if (m_cheat.signed_cheat) disable_byte = ((INT64)cheat_value < (INT64)comp_byte); else disable_byte = ((UINT64)cheat_value < (UINT64)comp_byte); break; case CHEAT_DECREASEOF: disable_byte = (cheat_value != comp_byte - comp_value); break; case CHEAT_INCREASEOF: disable_byte = (cheat_value != comp_byte + comp_value); break; case CHEAT_SMALLEROF: if (m_cheat.signed_cheat) disable_byte = ((INT64)cheat_value >= (INT64)comp_value); else disable_byte = ((UINT64)cheat_value >= (UINT64)comp_value); break; case CHEAT_GREATEROF: if (m_cheat.signed_cheat) disable_byte = ((INT64)cheat_value <= (INT64)comp_value); else disable_byte = ((UINT64)cheat_value <= (UINT64)comp_value); break; case CHEAT_CHANGEDBY: if (cheat_value > comp_byte) disable_byte = (cheat_value != comp_byte + comp_value); else disable_byte = (cheat_value != comp_byte - comp_value); break; } if (disable_byte) { m_cheat.cheatmap[cheatindex].state = 0; m_cheat.cheatmap[cheatindex].undo = m_cheat.undo; } else active_cheat++; /* update previous value */ m_cheat.cheatmap[cheatindex].previous_value = cheat_value; } if (active_cheat <= 5) execute_cheatlist(0, 0, nullptr); m_console.printf("%u cheats found\n", active_cheat); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_cheatlist - show a list of active cheat -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_cheatlist(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { char spaceletter, sizeletter; address_space *space; device_t *cpu; UINT32 active_cheat = 0; UINT64 cheatindex; UINT64 sizemask; FILE *f = nullptr; if (!validate_cpu_space_parameter(m_cheat.cpu, AS_PROGRAM, space)) return; if (!validate_cpu_parameter(m_cheat.cpu, &cpu)) return; if (params > 0) f = fopen(param[0], "w"); switch (space->spacenum()) { default: case AS_PROGRAM: spaceletter = 'p'; break; case AS_DATA: spaceletter = 'd'; break; case AS_IO: spaceletter = 'i'; break; } switch (m_cheat.width) { default: case 1: sizeletter = 'b'; sizemask = 0xff; break; case 2: sizeletter = 'w'; sizemask = 0xffff; break; case 4: sizeletter = 'd'; sizemask = 0xffffffff; break; case 8: sizeletter = 'q'; sizemask = U64(0xffffffffffffffff); break; } /* write the cheat list */ util::ovectorstream output; for (cheatindex = 0; cheatindex < m_cheat.cheatmap.size(); cheatindex += 1) { if (m_cheat.cheatmap[cheatindex].state == 1) { UINT64 value = cheat_byte_swap(&m_cheat, cheat_read_extended(&m_cheat, *space, m_cheat.cheatmap[cheatindex].offset)) & sizemask; offs_t address = space->byte_to_address(m_cheat.cheatmap[cheatindex].offset); if (params > 0) { active_cheat++; output.clear(); output.rdbuf()->clear(); stream_format( output, " \n" " \n" " \n\n", active_cheat, space->logaddrchars(), address, m_cheat.width * 2, value, cpu->tag(), spaceletter, sizeletter, space->logaddrchars(), address, m_cheat.width * 2, cheat_byte_swap(&m_cheat, m_cheat.cheatmap[cheatindex].first_value) & sizemask); auto const &text(output.vec()); fprintf(f, "%.*s", int(unsigned(text.size())), &text[0]); } else { m_console.printf( "Address=%0*X Start=%0*X Current=%0*X\n", space->logaddrchars(), address, m_cheat.width * 2, cheat_byte_swap(&m_cheat, m_cheat.cheatmap[cheatindex].first_value) & sizemask, m_cheat.width * 2, value); } } } if (params > 0) fclose(f); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_cheatundo - undo the last search -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_cheatundo(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { UINT64 cheatindex; UINT32 undo_count = 0; if (m_cheat.undo > 0) { for (cheatindex = 0; cheatindex < m_cheat.cheatmap.size(); cheatindex += 1) { if (m_cheat.cheatmap[cheatindex].undo == m_cheat.undo) { m_cheat.cheatmap[cheatindex].state = 1; m_cheat.cheatmap[cheatindex].undo = 0; undo_count++; } } m_cheat.undo--; m_console.printf("%u cheat reactivated\n", undo_count); } else m_console.printf("Maximum undo reached\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_find - execute the find command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_find(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { UINT64 offset, endoffset, length; address_space *space; UINT64 data_to_find[256]; UINT8 data_size[256]; int cur_data_size; int data_count = 0; int found = 0; int j; /* validate parameters */ if (!validate_number_parameter(param[0], &offset)) return; if (!validate_number_parameter(param[1], &length)) return; if (!validate_cpu_space_parameter(nullptr, ref, space)) return; /* further validation */ endoffset = space->address_to_byte(offset + length - 1) & space->bytemask(); offset = space->address_to_byte(offset) & space->bytemask(); cur_data_size = space->address_to_byte(1); if (cur_data_size == 0) cur_data_size = 1; /* parse the data parameters */ for (int i = 2; i < params; i++) { const char *pdata = param[i]; size_t pdatalen = strlen(pdata) - 1; /* check for a string */ if (pdata[0] == '"' && pdata[pdatalen] == '"') { for (j = 1; j < pdatalen; j++) { data_to_find[data_count] = pdata[j]; data_size[data_count++] = 1; } } /* otherwise, validate as a number */ else { /* check for a 'b','w','d',or 'q' prefix */ data_size[data_count] = cur_data_size; if (tolower((UINT8)pdata[0]) == 'b' && pdata[1] == '.') { data_size[data_count] = cur_data_size = 1; pdata += 2; } if (tolower((UINT8)pdata[0]) == 'w' && pdata[1] == '.') { data_size[data_count] = cur_data_size = 2; pdata += 2; } if (tolower((UINT8)pdata[0]) == 'd' && pdata[1] == '.') { data_size[data_count] = cur_data_size = 4; pdata += 2; } if (tolower((UINT8)pdata[0]) == 'q' && pdata[1] == '.') { data_size[data_count] = cur_data_size = 8; pdata += 2; } /* look for a wildcard */ if (!strcmp(pdata, "?")) data_size[data_count++] |= 0x10; /* otherwise, validate as a number */ else if (!validate_number_parameter(pdata, &data_to_find[data_count++])) return; } } /* now search */ for (UINT64 i = offset; i <= endoffset; i += data_size[0]) { int suboffset = 0; int match = 1; /* find the entire string */ for (j = 0; j < data_count && match; j++) { switch (data_size[j]) { case 1: match = ((UINT8)m_cpu.read_byte(*space, i + suboffset, TRUE) == (UINT8)data_to_find[j]); break; case 2: match = ((UINT16)m_cpu.read_word(*space, i + suboffset, TRUE) == (UINT16)data_to_find[j]); break; case 4: match = ((UINT32)m_cpu.read_dword(*space, i + suboffset, TRUE) == (UINT32)data_to_find[j]); break; case 8: match = ((UINT64)m_cpu.read_qword(*space, i + suboffset, TRUE) == (UINT64)data_to_find[j]); break; default: /* all other cases are wildcards */ break; } suboffset += data_size[j] & 0x0f; } /* did we find it? */ if (match) { found++; m_console.printf("Found at %0*X\n", space->addrchars(), (UINT32)space->byte_to_address(i)); } } /* print something if not found */ if (found == 0) m_console.printf("Not found\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_dasm - execute the dasm command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_dasm(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { UINT64 offset, length, bytes = 1; int minbytes, maxbytes, byteswidth; address_space *space, *decrypted_space; FILE *f; int j; /* validate parameters */ if (!validate_number_parameter(param[1], &offset)) return; if (!validate_number_parameter(param[2], &length)) return; if (!validate_number_parameter(param[3], &bytes)) return; if (!validate_cpu_space_parameter((params > 4) ? param[4] : nullptr, AS_PROGRAM, space)) return; if (space->device().memory().has_space(AS_DECRYPTED_OPCODES)) decrypted_space = &space->device().memory().space(AS_DECRYPTED_OPCODES); else decrypted_space = space; /* determine the width of the bytes */ device_disasm_interface *dasmintf; if (!space->device().interface(dasmintf)) { m_console.printf("No disassembler available for %s\n", space->device().name()); return; } minbytes = dasmintf->min_opcode_bytes(); maxbytes = dasmintf->max_opcode_bytes(); byteswidth = 0; if (bytes) { byteswidth = (maxbytes + (minbytes - 1)) / minbytes; byteswidth *= (2 * minbytes) + 1; } /* open the file */ f = fopen(param[0], "w"); if (!f) { m_console.printf("Error opening file '%s'\n", param[0]); return; } /* now write the data out */ util::ovectorstream output; output.reserve(512); for (UINT64 i = 0; i < length; ) { int pcbyte = space->address_to_byte(offset + i) & space->bytemask(); char disasm[200]; const char *comment; offs_t tempaddr; int numbytes = 0; output.clear(); output.rdbuf()->clear(); /* print the address */ stream_format(output, "%0*X: ", space->logaddrchars(), (UINT32)space->byte_to_address(pcbyte)); /* make sure we can translate the address */ tempaddr = pcbyte; if (m_cpu.translate(*space, TRANSLATE_FETCH_DEBUG, &tempaddr)) { UINT8 opbuf[64], argbuf[64]; /* fetch the bytes up to the maximum */ for (numbytes = 0; numbytes < maxbytes; numbytes++) { opbuf[numbytes] = m_cpu.read_opcode(*decrypted_space, pcbyte + numbytes, 1); argbuf[numbytes] = m_cpu.read_opcode(*space, pcbyte + numbytes, 1); } /* disassemble the result */ i += numbytes = space->device().debug()->disassemble(disasm, offset + i, opbuf, argbuf) & DASMFLAG_LENGTHMASK; } /* print the bytes */ if (bytes) { auto const startdex = output.tellp(); numbytes = space->address_to_byte(numbytes); for (j = 0; j < numbytes; j += minbytes) stream_format(output, "%0*X ", minbytes * 2, m_cpu.read_opcode(*decrypted_space, pcbyte + j, minbytes)); if ((output.tellp() - startdex) < byteswidth) stream_format(output, "%*s", byteswidth - (output.tellp() - startdex), ""); stream_format(output, " "); } /* add the disassembly */ stream_format(output, "%s", disasm); /* attempt to add the comment */ comment = space->device().debug()->comment_text(tempaddr); if (comment != nullptr) { /* somewhat arbitrary guess as to how long most disassembly lines will be [column 60] */ if (output.tellp() < 60) { /* pad the comment space out to 60 characters and null-terminate */ while (output.tellp() < 60) output.put(' '); stream_format(output, "// %s", comment); } else stream_format(output, "\t// %s", comment); } /* output the result */ auto const &text(output.vec()); fprintf(f, "%.*s\n", int(unsigned(text.size())), &text[0]); } /* close the file */ fclose(f); m_console.printf("Data dumped successfully\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_trace_internal - functionality for trace over and trace info -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_trace_internal(int ref, int params, const char *param[], bool trace_over) { const char *action = nullptr; device_t *cpu; FILE *f = nullptr; const char *mode; std::string filename = param[0]; /* replace macros */ strreplace(filename, "{game}", m_machine.basename()); /* validate parameters */ if (!validate_cpu_parameter((params > 1) ? param[1] : nullptr, &cpu)) return; if (!debug_command_parameter_command(action = param[2])) return; /* open the file */ if (core_stricmp(filename.c_str(), "off") != 0) { mode = "w"; /* opening for append? */ if ((filename[0] == '>') && (filename[1] == '>')) { mode = "a"; filename = filename.substr(2); } f = fopen(filename.c_str(), mode); if (!f) { m_console.printf("Error opening file '%s'\n", param[0]); return; } } /* do it */ cpu->debug()->trace(f, trace_over, action); if (f) m_console.printf("Tracing CPU '%s' to file %s\n", cpu->tag(), filename.c_str()); else m_console.printf("Stopped tracing on CPU '%s'\n", cpu->tag()); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_trace - execute the trace command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_trace(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { execute_trace_internal(ref, params, param, false); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_traceover - execute the trace over command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_traceover(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { execute_trace_internal(ref, params, param, true); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_traceflush - execute the trace flush command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_traceflush(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { m_cpu.flush_traces(); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_history - execute the history command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_history(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { /* validate parameters */ address_space *space, *decrypted_space; if (!validate_cpu_space_parameter((params > 0) ? param[0] : nullptr, AS_PROGRAM, space)) return; if (space->device().memory().has_space(AS_DECRYPTED_OPCODES)) decrypted_space = &space->device().memory().space(AS_DECRYPTED_OPCODES); else decrypted_space = space; UINT64 count = device_debug::HISTORY_SIZE; if (!validate_number_parameter(param[1], &count)) return; /* further validation */ if (count > device_debug::HISTORY_SIZE) count = device_debug::HISTORY_SIZE; device_debug *debug = space->device().debug(); /* loop over lines */ device_disasm_interface *dasmintf; int maxbytes = space->device().interface(dasmintf) ? dasmintf->max_opcode_bytes() : 1; for (int index = 0; index < (int) count; index++) { offs_t pc = debug->history_pc(-index); /* fetch the bytes up to the maximum */ offs_t pcbyte = space->address_to_byte(pc) & space->bytemask(); UINT8 opbuf[64], argbuf[64]; for (int numbytes = 0; numbytes < maxbytes; numbytes++) { opbuf[numbytes] = m_cpu.read_opcode(*decrypted_space, pcbyte + numbytes, 1); argbuf[numbytes] = m_cpu.read_opcode(*space, pcbyte + numbytes, 1); } char buffer[200]; debug->disassemble(buffer, pc, opbuf, argbuf); m_console.printf("%0*X: %s\n", space->logaddrchars(), pc, buffer); } } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_trackpc - execute the trackpc command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_trackpc(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { // Gather the on/off switch (if present) UINT64 turnOn = true; if (!validate_number_parameter(param[0], &turnOn)) return; // Gather the cpu id (if present) device_t *cpu = nullptr; if (!validate_cpu_parameter((params > 1) ? param[1] : nullptr, &cpu)) return; // Should we clear the existing data? UINT64 clear = false; if (!validate_number_parameter(param[2], &clear)) return; cpu->debug()->set_track_pc((bool)turnOn); if (turnOn) { // Insert current pc if (m_cpu.get_visible_cpu() == cpu) { const offs_t pc = cpu->safe_pc(); cpu->debug()->set_track_pc_visited(pc); } m_console.printf("PC tracking enabled\n"); } else { m_console.printf("PC tracking disabled\n"); } if (clear) cpu->debug()->track_pc_data_clear(); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_trackmem - execute the trackmem command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_trackmem(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { // Gather the on/off switch (if present) UINT64 turnOn = true; if (!validate_number_parameter(param[0], &turnOn)) return; // Gather the cpu id (if present) device_t *cpu = nullptr; if (!validate_cpu_parameter((params > 1) ? param[1] : nullptr, &cpu)) return; // Should we clear the existing data? UINT64 clear = false; if (!validate_number_parameter(param[2], &clear)) return; // Get the address space for the given cpu address_space *space; if (!validate_cpu_space_parameter((params > 1) ? param[1] : nullptr, AS_PROGRAM, space)) return; // Inform the CPU it's time to start tracking memory writes cpu->debug()->set_track_mem(turnOn); // Use the watchpoint system to catch memory writes space->enable_write_watchpoints(true); // Clear out the existing data if requested if (clear) space->device().debug()->track_mem_data_clear(); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_pcatmem - execute the pcatmem command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_pcatmem(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { // Gather the required address parameter UINT64 address; if (!validate_number_parameter(param[0], &address)) return; // Gather the cpu id (if present) device_t *cpu = nullptr; if (!validate_cpu_parameter((params > 1) ? param[1] : nullptr, &cpu)) return; // Get the address space for the given cpu address_space *space; if (!validate_cpu_space_parameter((params > 1) ? param[1] : nullptr, ref, space)) return; // Get the value of memory at the address const int native_data_width = space->data_width() / 8; const UINT64 data = m_cpu.read_memory(*space, space->address_to_byte(address), native_data_width, true); // Recover the pc & print const address_spacenum space_num = (address_spacenum)ref; const offs_t result = space->device().debug()->track_mem_pc_from_space_address_data(space_num, address, data); if (result != (offs_t)(-1)) m_console.printf("%02x\n", result); else m_console.printf("UNKNOWN PC\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_snap - execute the snapshot command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_snap(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { /* if no params, use the default behavior */ if (params == 0) { m_machine.video().save_active_screen_snapshots(); m_console.printf("Saved snapshot\n"); } /* otherwise, we have to open the file ourselves */ else { const char *filename = param[0]; int scrnum = (params > 1) ? atoi(param[1]) : 0; screen_device_iterator iter(m_machine.root_device()); screen_device *screen = iter.byindex(scrnum); if ((screen == nullptr) || !m_machine.render().is_live(*screen)) { m_console.printf("Invalid screen number '%d'\n", scrnum); return; } std::string fname(filename); if (fname.find(".png") == -1) fname.append(".png"); emu_file file(m_machine.options().snapshot_directory(), OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS); osd_file::error filerr = file.open(fname.c_str()); if (filerr != osd_file::error::NONE) { m_console.printf("Error creating file '%s'\n", filename); return; } screen->machine().video().save_snapshot(screen, file); m_console.printf("Saved screen #%d snapshot as '%s'\n", scrnum, filename); } } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_source - execute the source command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_source(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { m_cpu.source_script(param[0]); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_map - execute the map command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_map(int ref, int params, const char *param[]) { address_space *space; offs_t taddress; UINT64 address; int intention; /* validate parameters */ if (!validate_number_parameter(param[0], &address)) return; /* CPU is implicit */ if (!validate_cpu_space_parameter(nullptr, ref, space)) return; /* do the translation first */ for (intention = TRANSLATE_READ_DEBUG; intention <= TRANSLATE_FETCH_DEBUG; intention++) { static const char *const intnames[] = { "Read", "Write", "Fetch" }; taddress = space->address_to_byte(address) & space->bytemask(); if (m_cpu.translate(*space, intention, &taddress)) { const char *mapname = space->get_handler_string((intention == TRANSLATE_WRITE_DEBUG) ? ROW_WRITE : ROW_READ, taddress); m_console.printf( "%7s: %0*X logical == %0*X physical -> %s\n", intnames[intention & 3], space->logaddrchars(), address, space->addrchars(), space->byte_to_address(taddress), mapname); } else m_console.printf("%7s: %0*X logical is unmapped\n", intnames[intention & 3], space->logaddrchars(), address); } } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_memdump - execute the memdump command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_memdump(int ref, int params, const char **param) { FILE *file; const char *filename; filename = (params == 0) ? "memdump.log" : param[0]; m_console.printf("Dumping memory to %s\n", filename); file = fopen(filename, "w"); if (file) { m_machine.memory().dump(file); fclose(file); } } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_symlist - execute the symlist command -------------------------------------------------*/ static int CLIB_DECL symbol_sort_compare(const void *item1, const void *item2) { const char *str1 = *(const char **)item1; const char *str2 = *(const char **)item2; return strcmp(str1, str2); } void debugger_commands::execute_symlist(int ref, int params, const char **param) { device_t *cpu = nullptr; const char *namelist[1000]; symbol_table *symtable; int symnum, count = 0; if (param[0] != nullptr) { /* validate parameters */ if (!validate_cpu_parameter(param[0], &cpu)) return; symtable = &cpu->debug()->symtable(); m_console.printf("CPU '%s' symbols:\n", cpu->tag()); } else { symtable = m_cpu.get_global_symtable(); m_console.printf("Global symbols:\n"); } /* gather names for all symbols */ for (auto &entry : symtable->entries()) { /* only display "register" type symbols */ if (!entry.second->is_function()) { namelist[count++] = entry.second->name(); if (count >= ARRAY_LENGTH(namelist)) break; } } /* sort the symbols */ if (count > 1) qsort((void *)namelist, count, sizeof(namelist[0]), symbol_sort_compare); /* iterate over symbols and print out relevant ones */ for (symnum = 0; symnum < count; symnum++) { const symbol_entry *entry = symtable->find(namelist[symnum]); assert(entry != nullptr); UINT64 value = entry->value(); /* only display "register" type symbols */ m_console.printf("%s = %X", namelist[symnum], value); if (!entry->is_lval()) m_console.printf(" (read-only)"); m_console.printf("\n"); } } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_softreset - execute the softreset command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_softreset(int ref, int params, const char **param) { m_machine.schedule_soft_reset(); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_hardreset - execute the hardreset command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_hardreset(int ref, int params, const char **param) { m_machine.schedule_hard_reset(); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_images - lists all image devices with mounted files -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_images(int ref, int params, const char **param) { image_interface_iterator iter(m_machine.root_device()); for (device_image_interface &img : iter) m_console.printf("%s: %s\n", img.brief_instance_name(), img.exists() ? img.filename() : "[empty slot]"); if (iter.first() == nullptr) m_console.printf("No image devices in this driver\n"); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_mount - execute the image mount command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_mount(int ref, int params, const char **param) { bool done = false; for (device_image_interface &img : image_interface_iterator(m_machine.root_device())) { if (strcmp(img.brief_instance_name(),param[0]) == 0) { if (img.load(param[1])==IMAGE_INIT_FAIL) m_console.printf("Unable to mount file %s on %s\n",param[1],param[0]); else m_console.printf("File %s mounted on %s\n",param[1],param[0]); done = true; break; } } if (!done) m_console.printf("There is no image device :%s\n",param[0]); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_unmount - execute the image unmount command -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_unmount(int ref, int params, const char **param) { bool done = false; for (device_image_interface &img : image_interface_iterator(m_machine.root_device())) { if (strcmp(img.brief_instance_name(),param[0]) == 0) { img.unload(); m_console.printf("Unmounted file from : %s\n",param[0]); done = true; break; } } if (!done) m_console.printf("There is no image device :%s\n",param[0]); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_input - debugger command to enter natural keyboard input -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_input(int ref, int params, const char **param) { m_machine.ioport().natkeyboard().post_coded(param[0]); } /*------------------------------------------------- execute_dumpkbd - debugger command to natural keyboard codes -------------------------------------------------*/ void debugger_commands::execute_dumpkbd(int ref, int params, const char **param) { // was there a file specified? const char *filename = (params > 0) ? param[0] : nullptr; FILE *file = nullptr; if (filename != nullptr) { // if so, open it file = fopen(filename, "w"); if (file == nullptr) { m_console.printf("Cannot open \"%s\"\n", filename); return; } } // loop through all codes std::string buffer = m_machine.ioport().natkeyboard().dump(); // and output it as appropriate if (file != nullptr) fprintf(file, "%s\n", buffer.c_str()); else m_console.printf("%s\n", buffer.c_str()); // cleanup if (file != nullptr) fclose(file); }