// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Aaron Giles /*************************************************************************** addrmap.c Macros and helper functions for handling address map definitions. ***************************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "validity.h" //************************************************************************** // PARAMETERS //************************************************************************** #define DETECT_OVERLAPPING_MEMORY (0) //************************************************************************** // ADDRESS MAP ENTRY //************************************************************************** //------------------------------------------------- // address_map_entry - constructor //------------------------------------------------- address_map_entry::address_map_entry(device_t &device, address_map &map, offs_t start, offs_t end) : m_next(nullptr), m_map(map), m_devbase(device), m_addrstart((map.m_globalmask == 0) ? start : start & map.m_globalmask), m_addrend((map.m_globalmask == 0) ? end : end & map.m_globalmask), m_addrmirror(0), m_addrmask(0), m_addrselect(0), m_share(nullptr), m_region(nullptr), m_rgnoffs(0), m_submap_bits(0), m_memory(nullptr), m_bytestart(0), m_byteend(0), m_bytemirror(0), m_bytemask(0) { } //------------------------------------------------- // set_mask - set the mask value //------------------------------------------------- void address_map_entry::set_mask(offs_t _mask) { m_addrmask = _mask; if (m_map.m_globalmask != 0) m_addrmask &= m_map.m_globalmask; } //------------------------------------------------- // set_submap - set up a handler for // retrieve a submap from a device //------------------------------------------------- void address_map_entry::set_submap(const char *tag, address_map_delegate func, int bits, UINT64 mask) { if(!bits) bits = m_map.m_databits; assert(unitmask_is_appropriate(bits, mask, func.name())); m_read.m_type = AMH_DEVICE_SUBMAP; m_read.m_tag = tag; m_read.m_mask = mask; m_write.m_type = AMH_DEVICE_SUBMAP; m_write.m_tag = tag; m_write.m_mask = mask; m_submap_delegate = func; m_submap_bits = bits; } //------------------------------------------------- // internal_set_handler - handler setters for // 8-bit read/write handlers //------------------------------------------------- void address_map_entry::internal_set_handler(read8_delegate func, UINT64 unitmask) { assert(!func.isnull()); assert(unitmask_is_appropriate(8, unitmask, func.name())); m_read.m_type = AMH_DEVICE_DELEGATE; m_read.m_bits = 8; m_read.m_mask = unitmask; m_read.m_name = func.name(); m_rproto8 = func; } void address_map_entry::internal_set_handler(write8_delegate func, UINT64 unitmask) { assert(!func.isnull()); assert(unitmask_is_appropriate(8, unitmask, func.name())); m_write.m_type = AMH_DEVICE_DELEGATE; m_write.m_bits = 8; m_write.m_mask = unitmask; m_write.m_name = func.name(); m_wproto8 = func; } void address_map_entry::internal_set_handler(read8_delegate rfunc, write8_delegate wfunc, UINT64 unitmask) { internal_set_handler(rfunc, unitmask); internal_set_handler(wfunc, unitmask); } //------------------------------------------------- // internal_set_handler - handler setters for // 16-bit read/write handlers //------------------------------------------------- void address_map_entry::internal_set_handler(read16_delegate func, UINT64 unitmask) { assert(!func.isnull()); assert(unitmask_is_appropriate(16, unitmask, func.name())); m_read.m_type = AMH_DEVICE_DELEGATE; m_read.m_bits = 16; m_read.m_mask = unitmask; m_read.m_name = func.name(); m_rproto16 = func; } void address_map_entry::internal_set_handler(write16_delegate func, UINT64 unitmask) { assert(!func.isnull()); assert(unitmask_is_appropriate(16, unitmask, func.name())); m_write.m_type = AMH_DEVICE_DELEGATE; m_write.m_bits = 16; m_write.m_mask = unitmask; m_write.m_name = func.name(); m_wproto16 = func; } void address_map_entry::internal_set_handler(read16_delegate rfunc, write16_delegate wfunc, UINT64 unitmask) { internal_set_handler(rfunc, unitmask); internal_set_handler(wfunc, unitmask); } //------------------------------------------------- // internal_set_handler - handler setters for // 32-bit read/write handlers //------------------------------------------------- void address_map_entry::internal_set_handler(read32_delegate func, UINT64 unitmask) { assert(!func.isnull()); assert(unitmask_is_appropriate(32, unitmask, func.name())); m_read.m_type = AMH_DEVICE_DELEGATE; m_read.m_bits = 32; m_read.m_mask = unitmask; m_read.m_name = func.name(); m_rproto32 = func; } void address_map_entry::internal_set_handler(write32_delegate func, UINT64 unitmask) { assert(!func.isnull()); assert(unitmask_is_appropriate(32, unitmask, func.name())); m_write.m_type = AMH_DEVICE_DELEGATE; m_write.m_bits = 32; m_write.m_mask = unitmask; m_write.m_name = func.name(); m_wproto32 = func; } void address_map_entry::internal_set_handler(read32_delegate rfunc, write32_delegate wfunc, UINT64 unitmask) { internal_set_handler(rfunc, unitmask); internal_set_handler(wfunc, unitmask); } //------------------------------------------------- // internal_set_handler - handler setters for // 64-bit read/write handlers //------------------------------------------------- void address_map_entry::internal_set_handler(read64_delegate func, UINT64 unitmask) { assert(!func.isnull()); assert(unitmask_is_appropriate(64, unitmask, func.name())); m_read.m_type = AMH_DEVICE_DELEGATE; m_read.m_bits = 64; m_read.m_mask = 0; m_read.m_name = func.name(); m_rproto64 = func; } void address_map_entry::internal_set_handler(write64_delegate func, UINT64 unitmask) { assert(!func.isnull()); assert(unitmask_is_appropriate(64, unitmask, func.name())); m_write.m_type = AMH_DEVICE_DELEGATE; m_write.m_bits = 64; m_write.m_mask = 0; m_write.m_name = func.name(); m_wproto64 = func; } void address_map_entry::internal_set_handler(read64_delegate rfunc, write64_delegate wfunc, UINT64 unitmask) { internal_set_handler(rfunc, unitmask); internal_set_handler(wfunc, unitmask); } //------------------------------------------------- // set_handler - handler setter for setoffset //------------------------------------------------- void address_map_entry::set_handler(setoffset_delegate func) { assert(!func.isnull()); m_setoffsethd.m_type = AMH_DEVICE_DELEGATE; m_setoffsethd.m_bits = 0; m_setoffsethd.m_mask = 0; m_setoffsethd.m_name = func.name(); m_soproto = func; } //------------------------------------------------- // unitmask_is_appropriate - verify that the // provided unitmask is valid and expected //------------------------------------------------- bool address_map_entry::unitmask_is_appropriate(UINT8 width, UINT64 unitmask, const char *string) { // if no mask, this must match the default width of the map if (unitmask == 0) { if (m_map.m_databits != width) throw emu_fatalerror("Handler %s is a %d-bit handler but was specified in a %d-bit address map", string, width, m_map.m_databits); return true; } // if we have a mask, we must be smaller than the default width of the map if (m_map.m_databits < width) throw emu_fatalerror("Handler %s is a %d-bit handler and is too wide to be used in a %d-bit address map", string, width, m_map.m_databits); // the mask must represent whole units of width UINT32 basemask = (width == 8) ? 0xff : (width == 16) ? 0xffff : 0xffffffff; UINT64 singlemask = basemask; while (singlemask != 0) { if ((unitmask & singlemask) != 0 && (unitmask & singlemask) != singlemask) throw emu_fatalerror("Handler %s specified a mask of %08X%08X; needs to be in even chunks of %X", string, (UINT32)(unitmask >> 32), (UINT32)unitmask, basemask); singlemask <<= width; } return true; } //************************************************************************** // WIDTH-SPECIFIC ADDRESS MAP ENTRY CONSTRUCTORS //************************************************************************** //------------------------------------------------- // address_map_entry8 - constructor //------------------------------------------------- address_map_entry8::address_map_entry8(device_t &device, address_map &map, offs_t start, offs_t end) : address_map_entry(device, map, start, end) { } //------------------------------------------------- // address_map_entry16 - constructor //------------------------------------------------- address_map_entry16::address_map_entry16(device_t &device, address_map &map, offs_t start, offs_t end) : address_map_entry(device, map, start, end) { } //------------------------------------------------- // address_map_entry32 - constructor //------------------------------------------------- address_map_entry32::address_map_entry32(device_t &device, address_map &map, offs_t start, offs_t end) : address_map_entry(device, map, start, end) { } //------------------------------------------------- // address_map_entry64 - constructor //------------------------------------------------- address_map_entry64::address_map_entry64(device_t &device, address_map &map, offs_t start, offs_t end) : address_map_entry(device, map, start, end) { } //************************************************************************** // ADDRESS MAP //************************************************************************** //------------------------------------------------- // address_map - constructor //------------------------------------------------- address_map::address_map(device_t &device, address_spacenum spacenum) : m_spacenum(spacenum), m_databits(0xff), m_unmapval(0), m_globalmask(0) { // get our memory interface const device_memory_interface *memintf; if (!device.interface(memintf)) throw emu_fatalerror("No memory interface defined for device '%s'\n", device.tag()); // and then the configuration for the current address space const address_space_config *spaceconfig = memintf->space_config(spacenum); if (spaceconfig == nullptr) throw emu_fatalerror("No memory address space configuration found for device '%s', space %d\n", device.tag(), spacenum); // construct the internal device map (first so it takes priority) if (spaceconfig->m_internal_map != nullptr) (*spaceconfig->m_internal_map)(*this, device); if (!spaceconfig->m_internal_map_delegate.isnull()) spaceconfig->m_internal_map_delegate(*this, device); // append the map provided by the owner if (memintf->address_map(spacenum) != nullptr) (*memintf->address_map(spacenum))(*this, *device.owner()); else { // if the owner didn't provide a map, use the default device map if (spaceconfig->m_default_map != nullptr) (*spaceconfig->m_default_map)(*this, device); if (!spaceconfig->m_default_map_delegate.isnull()) spaceconfig->m_default_map_delegate(*this, device); } } //------------------------------------------------- // address_map - constructor in the submap case //------------------------------------------------- address_map::address_map(device_t &device, address_map_entry *entry) : m_spacenum(AS_PROGRAM), m_databits(0xff), m_unmapval(0), m_globalmask(0) { // Retrieve the submap entry->m_submap_delegate.late_bind(device); entry->m_submap_delegate(*this, device); } //---------------------------------------------------------- // address_map - constructor dynamic device mapping case //---------------------------------------------------------- address_map::address_map(const address_space &space, offs_t start, offs_t end, int bits, UINT64 unitmask, device_t &device, address_map_delegate submap_delegate) : m_spacenum(space.spacenum()), m_databits(space.data_width()), m_unmapval(space.unmap()), m_globalmask(space.bytemask()) { address_map_entry *e; switch(m_databits) { case 8: e = add(device, start, end, (address_map_entry8 *)nullptr); break; case 16: e = add(device, start, end, (address_map_entry16 *)nullptr); break; case 32: e = add(device, start, end, (address_map_entry32 *)nullptr); break; case 64: e = add(device, start, end, (address_map_entry64 *)nullptr); break; default: throw emu_fatalerror("Trying to dynamically map a device on a space with a corrupt databits width"); } e->set_submap(DEVICE_SELF, submap_delegate, bits, unitmask); } //------------------------------------------------- // ~address_map - destructor //------------------------------------------------- address_map::~address_map() { } //------------------------------------------------- // configure - either configure the space and // databits, or verify they match previously-set // values //------------------------------------------------- void address_map::configure(address_spacenum spacenum, UINT8 databits) { assert(m_spacenum == spacenum); if (m_databits == 0xff) m_databits = databits; else assert(m_databits == databits); } //------------------------------------------------- // append - append an entry to the end of the // list //------------------------------------------------- void address_map::set_global_mask(offs_t mask) { // if (m_entrylist != nullptr) // throw emu_fatalerror("AM_GLOBALMASK must be specified before any entries"); m_globalmask = mask; } //------------------------------------------------- // add - add a new entry of the appropriate type //------------------------------------------------- address_map_entry8 *address_map::add(device_t &device, offs_t start, offs_t end, address_map_entry8 *ptr) { ptr = global_alloc(address_map_entry8(device, *this, start, end)); m_entrylist.append(*ptr); return ptr; } address_map_entry16 *address_map::add(device_t &device, offs_t start, offs_t end, address_map_entry16 *ptr) { ptr = global_alloc(address_map_entry16(device, *this, start, end)); m_entrylist.append(*ptr); return ptr; } address_map_entry32 *address_map::add(device_t &device, offs_t start, offs_t end, address_map_entry32 *ptr) { ptr = global_alloc(address_map_entry32(device, *this, start, end)); m_entrylist.append(*ptr); return ptr; } address_map_entry64 *address_map::add(device_t &device, offs_t start, offs_t end, address_map_entry64 *ptr) { ptr = global_alloc(address_map_entry64(device, *this, start, end)); m_entrylist.append(*ptr); return ptr; } //------------------------------------------------- // uplift_submaps - propagate in the device submaps //------------------------------------------------- void address_map::uplift_submaps(running_machine &machine, device_t &device, device_t &owner, endianness_t endian) { address_map_entry *prev = nullptr; address_map_entry *entry = m_entrylist.first(); while (entry) { if (entry->m_read.m_type == AMH_DEVICE_SUBMAP) { std::string tag = owner.subtag(entry->m_read.m_tag); device_t *mapdevice = machine.device(tag.c_str()); if (mapdevice == nullptr) { throw emu_fatalerror("Attempted to submap a non-existent device '%s' in space %d of device '%s'\n", tag.c_str(), m_spacenum, device.basetag()); } // Grab the submap address_map submap(*mapdevice, entry); // Recursively uplift it if needed submap.uplift_submaps(machine, device, *mapdevice, endian); // Compute the unit repartition characteristics int entry_bits = entry->m_submap_bits; if (!entry_bits) entry_bits = m_databits; if (submap.m_databits != entry_bits) throw emu_fatalerror("AM_DEVICE wants a %d bits large address map and got a %d bits large one instead.\n", entry_bits, submap.m_databits); int entry_bytes = entry_bits / 8; int databytes = m_databits / 8; offs_t mirror_address_mask = (databytes - 1) & ~(entry_bytes - 1); UINT64 entry_mask = (2ULL << (entry_bits-1)) - 1; int slot_offset[8]; int slot_count = 0; int max_slot_count = m_databits / entry_bits; int slot_xor_mask = endian == ENDIANNESS_LITTLE ? 0 : max_slot_count - 1; UINT64 global_mask = entry->m_read.m_mask; // zero means all if (!global_mask) global_mask = ~global_mask; // mask consistency has already been checked in // unitmask_is_appropriate, so one bit is enough for (int slot=0; slot < max_slot_count; slot++) if (global_mask & (1ULL << ((slot ^ slot_xor_mask) * entry_bits))) slot_offset[slot_count++] = (slot ^ slot_xor_mask) * entry_bits; // Merge in all the map contents in order while (submap.m_entrylist.count()) { address_map_entry *subentry = submap.m_entrylist.detach_head(); // Remap start and end unsigned int start_offset = subentry->m_addrstart / entry_bytes; unsigned int start_slot = start_offset % slot_count; subentry->m_addrstart = entry->m_addrstart + (start_offset / slot_count) * databytes; // Drop the entry if it ends up outside the range if (subentry->m_addrstart > entry->m_addrend) { global_free(subentry); continue; } unsigned int end_offset = subentry->m_addrend / entry_bytes; unsigned int end_slot = end_offset % slot_count; subentry->m_addrend = entry->m_addrstart + (end_offset / slot_count) * databytes + databytes - 1; // Clip the entry to the end of the range if (subentry->m_addrend > entry->m_addrend || subentry->m_addrend < entry->m_addrstart) subentry->m_addrend = entry->m_addrend; // Detect special unhandled case (range straddling // slots, requiring splitting in multiple entries and // unimplemented offset-add subunit handler) if (subentry->m_addrstart + databytes - 1 != subentry->m_addrend && (start_slot != 0 || end_slot != slot_count - 1)) throw emu_fatalerror("uplift_submaps unhandled case: range straddling slots.\n"); if (entry->m_addrmask || subentry->m_addrmask) throw emu_fatalerror("uplift_submaps unhandled case: address masks.\n"); if (entry->m_addrselect || subentry->m_addrselect) throw emu_fatalerror("uplift_submaps unhandled case: select masks.\n"); if (subentry->m_addrmirror & mirror_address_mask) throw emu_fatalerror("uplift_submaps unhandled case: address mirror bit within subentry.\n"); subentry->m_addrmirror |= entry->m_addrmirror; // Twiddle the unitmask on the data accessors that need it for (int data_entry = 0; data_entry < 3; data_entry++) { map_handler_data &mdata = (data_entry==0)? subentry->m_read : ((data_entry==1)? subentry->m_write : subentry->m_setoffsethd); if (mdata.m_type == AMH_NONE) continue; if (mdata.m_type != AMH_DEVICE_DELEGATE && mdata.m_type != AMH_NOP) throw emu_fatalerror("Only normal read/write methods are accepted in device submaps.\n"); if (mdata.m_bits == 0 && entry_bits != m_databits) mdata.m_bits = entry_bits; UINT64 mask = 0; if (mdata.m_bits != m_databits) { UINT64 unitmask = mdata.m_mask ? mdata.m_mask : entry_mask; for (int slot = start_slot; slot <= end_slot; slot++) mask |= unitmask << slot_offset[slot]; } mdata.m_mask = mask; } // Insert the entry in the map m_entrylist.insert_after(*subentry, prev); prev = subentry; } address_map_entry *to_delete = entry; entry = entry->next(); m_entrylist.remove(*to_delete); } else { prev = entry; entry = entry->next(); } } } //------------------------------------------------- // map_validity_check - perform validity checks on // one of the device's address maps //------------------------------------------------- void address_map::map_validity_check(validity_checker &valid, const device_t &device, address_spacenum spacenum) const { // it's safe to assume here that the device has a memory interface and a config for this space const address_space_config &spaceconfig = *device.memory().space_config(spacenum); int datawidth = spaceconfig.m_databus_width; int alignunit = datawidth / 8; bool detected_overlap = DETECT_OVERLAPPING_MEMORY ? false : true; // if this is an empty map, just ignore it if (m_entrylist.first() == nullptr) return; // validate the global map parameters if (m_spacenum != spacenum) osd_printf_error("Space %d has address space %d handlers!\n", spacenum, m_spacenum); if (m_databits != datawidth) osd_printf_error("Wrong memory handlers provided for %s space! (width = %d, memory = %08x)\n", spaceconfig.m_name, datawidth, m_databits); // loop over entries and look for errors for (address_map_entry &entry : m_entrylist) { UINT32 bytestart = spaceconfig.addr2byte(entry.m_addrstart); UINT32 byteend = spaceconfig.addr2byte_end(entry.m_addrend); // look for overlapping entries if (!detected_overlap) { for (address_map_entry &scan : m_entrylist) { if (&scan == &entry) break; if (entry.m_addrstart <= scan.m_addrend && entry.m_addrend >= scan.m_addrstart && ((entry.m_read.m_type != AMH_NONE && scan.m_read.m_type != AMH_NONE) || (entry.m_write.m_type != AMH_NONE && scan.m_write.m_type != AMH_NONE))) { osd_printf_warning("%s space has overlapping memory (%X-%X,%d,%d) vs (%X-%X,%d,%d)\n", spaceconfig.m_name, entry.m_addrstart, entry.m_addrend, entry.m_read.m_type, entry.m_write.m_type, scan.m_addrstart, scan.m_addrend, scan.m_read.m_type, scan.m_write.m_type); detected_overlap = true; break; } } } // look for inverted start/end pairs if (byteend < bytestart) osd_printf_error("Wrong %s memory read handler start = %08x > end = %08x\n", spaceconfig.m_name, entry.m_addrstart, entry.m_addrend); // look for misaligned entries if ((bytestart & (alignunit - 1)) != 0 || (byteend & (alignunit - 1)) != (alignunit - 1)) osd_printf_error("Wrong %s memory read handler start = %08x, end = %08x ALIGN = %d\n", spaceconfig.m_name, entry.m_addrstart, entry.m_addrend, alignunit); // verify mask/mirror/select offs_t set_bits = entry.m_addrstart | entry.m_addrend; offs_t changing_bits = entry.m_addrstart ^ entry.m_addrend; changing_bits |= changing_bits >> 1; changing_bits |= changing_bits >> 2; changing_bits |= changing_bits >> 4; changing_bits |= changing_bits >> 8; changing_bits |= changing_bits >> 16; if (entry.m_addrmask & ~changing_bits) osd_printf_error("In %s memory range %x-%x, mask %x is trying to unmask an unchanging address bit (%x)\n", spaceconfig.m_name, entry.m_addrstart, entry.m_addrend, entry.m_addrmask, entry.m_addrmask & ~changing_bits); if (entry.m_addrmirror & changing_bits) osd_printf_error("In %s memory range %x-%x, mirror %x touches a changing address bit (%x)\n", spaceconfig.m_name, entry.m_addrstart, entry.m_addrend, entry.m_addrmirror, entry.m_addrmirror & changing_bits); if (entry.m_addrselect & changing_bits) osd_printf_error("In %s memory range %x-%x, select %x touches a changing address bit (%x)\n", spaceconfig.m_name, entry.m_addrstart, entry.m_addrend, entry.m_addrselect, entry.m_addrselect & changing_bits); if (entry.m_addrmirror & set_bits) osd_printf_error("In %s memory range %x-%x, mirror %x touches a set address bit (%x)\n", spaceconfig.m_name, entry.m_addrstart, entry.m_addrend, entry.m_addrmirror, entry.m_addrmirror & set_bits); if (entry.m_addrselect & set_bits) osd_printf_error("In %s memory range %x-%x, select %x touches a set address bit (%x)\n", spaceconfig.m_name, entry.m_addrstart, entry.m_addrend, entry.m_addrselect, entry.m_addrselect & set_bits); if (entry.m_addrmirror & entry.m_addrselect) osd_printf_error("In %s memory range %x-%x, mirror %x touches a select bit (%x)\n", spaceconfig.m_name, entry.m_addrstart, entry.m_addrend, entry.m_addrmirror, entry.m_addrmirror & entry.m_addrselect); // if this is a program space, auto-assign implicit ROM entries if (entry.m_read.m_type == AMH_ROM && entry.m_region == nullptr) { entry.m_region = device.tag(); entry.m_rgnoffs = entry.m_addrstart; } // if this entry references a memory region, validate it if (entry.m_region != nullptr && entry.m_share == nullptr) { // make sure we can resolve the full path to the region bool found = false; std::string entry_region = entry.m_devbase.subtag(entry.m_region); // look for the region for (device_t &dev : device_iterator(device.mconfig().root_device())) for (const rom_entry *romp = rom_first_region(dev); romp != nullptr && !found; romp = rom_next_region(romp)) { if (rom_region_name(dev, romp) == entry_region) { // verify the address range is within the region's bounds offs_t length = ROMREGION_GETLENGTH(romp); if (entry.m_rgnoffs + (byteend - bytestart + 1) > length) osd_printf_error("%s space memory map entry %X-%X extends beyond region '%s' size (%X)\n", spaceconfig.m_name, entry.m_addrstart, entry.m_addrend, entry.m_region, length); found = true; } } // error if not found if (!found) osd_printf_error("%s space memory map entry %X-%X references non-existant region '%s'\n", spaceconfig.m_name, entry.m_addrstart, entry.m_addrend, entry.m_region); } // make sure all devices exist if (entry.m_read.m_type == AMH_DEVICE_DELEGATE) { // extract the device tag from the proto-delegate const char *devtag = nullptr; switch (entry.m_read.m_bits) { case 8: devtag = entry.m_rproto8.device_name(); break; case 16: devtag = entry.m_rproto16.device_name(); break; case 32: devtag = entry.m_rproto32.device_name(); break; case 64: devtag = entry.m_rproto64.device_name(); break; } if (entry.m_devbase.subdevice(devtag) == nullptr) osd_printf_error("%s space memory map entry reads from nonexistent device '%s'\n", spaceconfig.m_name, devtag != nullptr ? devtag : ""); } if (entry.m_write.m_type == AMH_DEVICE_DELEGATE) { // extract the device tag from the proto-delegate const char *devtag = nullptr; switch (entry.m_write.m_bits) { case 8: devtag = entry.m_wproto8.device_name(); break; case 16: devtag = entry.m_wproto16.device_name(); break; case 32: devtag = entry.m_wproto32.device_name(); break; case 64: devtag = entry.m_wproto64.device_name(); break; } if (entry.m_devbase.subdevice(devtag) == nullptr) osd_printf_error("%s space memory map entry writes to nonexistent device '%s'\n", spaceconfig.m_name, devtag != nullptr ? devtag : ""); } if (entry.m_setoffsethd.m_type == AMH_DEVICE_DELEGATE) { // extract the device tag from the proto-delegate const char *devtag = entry.m_soproto.device_name(); if (entry.m_devbase.subdevice(devtag) == nullptr) osd_printf_error("%s space memory map entry references nonexistent device '%s'\n", spaceconfig.m_name, devtag != nullptr ? devtag : ""); } // make sure ports exist // if ((entry.m_read.m_type == AMH_PORT && entry.m_read.m_tag != nullptr && portlist.find(entry.m_read.m_tag) == nullptr) || // (entry.m_write.m_type == AMH_PORT && entry.m_write.m_tag != nullptr && portlist.find(entry.m_write.m_tag) == nullptr)) // osd_printf_error("%s space memory map entry references nonexistent port tag '%s'\n", spaceconfig.m_name, entry.m_read.m_tag); // validate bank and share tags if (entry.m_read.m_type == AMH_BANK) valid.validate_tag(entry.m_read.m_tag); if (entry.m_write.m_type == AMH_BANK) valid.validate_tag(entry.m_write.m_tag); if (entry.m_share != nullptr) valid.validate_tag(entry.m_share); } }