// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Ryan Holtz /***************************************************************************** SunPlus SPG2xx-series SoC peripheral emulation (Video) **********************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "spg2xx_video.h" DEFINE_DEVICE_TYPE(SPG24X_VIDEO, spg24x_video_device, "spg24x_video", "SPG240-series System-on-a-Chip (Video)") #define LOG_IRQS (1U << 4) #define LOG_VLINES (1U << 5) #define LOG_DMA (1U << 9) #define LOG_PPU_READS (1U << 22) #define LOG_PPU_WRITES (1U << 23) #define LOG_UNKNOWN_PPU (1U << 24) #define LOG_PPU (LOG_PPU_READS | LOG_PPU_WRITES | LOG_UNKNOWN_PPU) #define LOG_ALL (LOG_IRQS | LOG_PPU | LOG_VLINES | LOG_DMA ) #define VERBOSE (0) #include "logmacro.h" #define SPG_DEBUG_VIDEO (0) #define VIDEO_IRQ_ENABLE m_video_regs[0x62] #define VIDEO_IRQ_STATUS m_video_regs[0x63] spg2xx_video_device::spg2xx_video_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock) : device_t(mconfig, type, tag, owner, clock) , m_sprlimit_read_cb(*this) , m_rowscrolloffset_read_cb(*this) , m_cpu(*this, finder_base::DUMMY_TAG) , m_screen(*this, finder_base::DUMMY_TAG) , m_scrollram(*this, "scrollram") , m_paletteram(*this, "paletteram") , m_spriteram(*this, "spriteram") , m_video_irq_cb(*this) { } spg24x_video_device::spg24x_video_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock) : spg2xx_video_device(mconfig, SPG24X_VIDEO, tag, owner, clock) { } void spg2xx_video_device::device_start() { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) { m_rgb5_to_rgb8[i] = (i << 3) | (i >> 2); } for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 0x8000; i++) { m_rgb555_to_rgb888[i] = (m_rgb5_to_rgb8[(i >> 10) & 0x1f] << 16) | (m_rgb5_to_rgb8[(i >> 5) & 0x1f] << 8) | (m_rgb5_to_rgb8[(i >> 0) & 0x1f] << 0); } m_screenpos_timer = timer_alloc(TIMER_SCREENPOS); m_screenpos_timer->adjust(attotime::never); save_item(NAME(m_hide_page0)); save_item(NAME(m_hide_page1)); save_item(NAME(m_hide_sprites)); save_item(NAME(m_debug_sprites)); save_item(NAME(m_debug_blit)); save_item(NAME(m_debug_palette)); save_item(NAME(m_sprite_index_to_debug)); save_item(NAME(m_video_regs)); m_sprlimit_read_cb.resolve_safe(0); m_rowscrolloffset_read_cb.resolve_safe(0); m_video_irq_cb.resolve(); } void spg2xx_video_device::device_reset() { memset(m_video_regs, 0, 0x100 * sizeof(uint16_t)); m_video_regs[0x36] = 0xffff; m_video_regs[0x37] = 0xffff; m_video_regs[0x3c] = 0x0020; m_video_regs[0x42] = 0x0001; m_hide_page0 = false; m_hide_page1 = false; m_hide_sprites = false; m_debug_sprites = false; m_debug_blit = false; m_debug_palette = false; m_sprite_index_to_debug = 0; } /************************* * Video Hardware * *************************/ // Perform a lerp between a and b inline uint8_t spg2xx_video_device::mix_channel(uint8_t bottom, uint8_t top) { uint8_t alpha = (m_video_regs[0x2a] & 3) << 6; return ((256 - alpha) * bottom + alpha * top) >> 8; } template void spg2xx_video_device::draw(const rectangle &cliprect, uint32_t line, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff, uint32_t bitmap_addr, uint16_t tile, int32_t h, int32_t w, uint8_t bpp, uint32_t yflipmask, uint32_t palette_offset) { address_space &space = m_cpu->space(AS_PROGRAM); uint32_t nc_bpp = ((bpp) + 1) << 1; if (SPG_DEBUG_VIDEO && m_debug_blit) { printf("s:%d line:%d xy:%08x,%08x bitmap_addr:%08x tile:%04x\n", cliprect.min_x, line, xoff, yoff, bitmap_addr, tile); printf("hw:%d,%d yfm:%d nc_bppols:%d pobs:%02x ", w, h, yflipmask, nc_bpp, palette_offset); } palette_offset >>= nc_bpp; palette_offset <<= nc_bpp; if (SPG_DEBUG_VIDEO && m_debug_blit) { printf("poas:%02x\n", palette_offset); } uint32_t bits_per_row = nc_bpp * w / 16; uint32_t words_per_tile = bits_per_row * h; uint32_t m = bitmap_addr + words_per_tile * tile + bits_per_row * (line ^ yflipmask); uint32_t bits = 0; uint32_t nbits = 0; uint32_t y = line; int yy = (yoff + y) & 0x1ff; if (yy >= 0x01c0) yy -= 0x0200; if (yy > 240 || yy < 0) return; if (SPG_DEBUG_VIDEO && m_debug_blit) printf("%3d:\n", yy); int y_index = yy * 320; for (int32_t x = FlipX ? (w - 1) : 0; FlipX ? x >= 0 : x < w; FlipX ? x-- : x++) { int xx = xoff + x; bits <<= nc_bpp; if (SPG_DEBUG_VIDEO && m_debug_blit) printf(" %08x:%d ", bits, nbits); if (nbits < nc_bpp) { uint16_t b = space.read_word(m++ & 0x3fffff); b = (b << 8) | (b >> 8); bits |= b << (nc_bpp - nbits); nbits += 16; if (SPG_DEBUG_VIDEO && m_debug_blit) printf("(%04x:%08x:%d) ", b, bits, nbits); } nbits -= nc_bpp; uint32_t pal = palette_offset + (bits >> 16); if (SPG_DEBUG_VIDEO && m_debug_blit) printf("%02x:%02x:%04x ", bits >> 16, pal, bits & 0xffff); bits &= 0xffff; if (RowScroll) xx -= (int16_t)m_scrollram[(yy + m_rowscrolloffset_read_cb()) & 0x1ff]; xx &= 0x01ff; if (xx >= 0x01c0) xx -= 0x0200; if (xx >= 0 && xx < 320) { int pix_index = xx + y_index; uint16_t rgb = m_paletteram[pal]; if (SPG_DEBUG_VIDEO && m_debug_blit) printf("rgb:%04x ", rgb); if (!(rgb & 0x8000)) { if (Blend) { if (SPG_DEBUG_VIDEO && m_debug_blit) printf("M\n"); m_screenbuf[pix_index] = (mix_channel((uint8_t)(m_screenbuf[pix_index] >> 16), m_rgb5_to_rgb8[(rgb >> 10) & 0x1f]) << 16) | (mix_channel((uint8_t)(m_screenbuf[pix_index] >> 8), m_rgb5_to_rgb8[(rgb >> 5) & 0x1f]) << 8) | (mix_channel((uint8_t)(m_screenbuf[pix_index] >> 0), m_rgb5_to_rgb8[rgb & 0x1f])); } else { if (SPG_DEBUG_VIDEO && m_debug_blit) printf("S\n"); m_screenbuf[pix_index] = m_rgb555_to_rgb888[rgb]; } } else if (SPG_DEBUG_VIDEO && m_debug_blit) { printf("X\n"); } } } } void spg2xx_video_device::draw_bitmap(const rectangle& cliprect, uint32_t scanline, int priority, uint32_t bitmap_addr, uint16_t* regs) { if ((scanline < 0) || (scanline >= 240)) return; address_space& space = m_cpu->space(AS_PROGRAM); const int linewidth = 320 / 2; int sourcebase = 0x3f0000; // this is correct for Texas Hold'em - TODO: get from a register? sourcebase++; // why is this needed? int bitmapline = scanline - 20; // should be from scrolly? // at least for Texas Hold'em there is only enough memory for this size bitmap, and other reads would be outside of memory and generate excessive logging // maybe we just need to silence logging instead tho? if ((bitmapline < 0) || (bitmapline >= 200)) return; sourcebase += bitmapline * linewidth; uint32_t* dest = &m_screenbuf[320 * scanline]; for (int i = 0; i < 320 / 2; i++) { uint8_t palette_entry; uint16_t color; const uint16_t data = space.read_word(sourcebase + i); palette_entry = (data & 0x00ff); color = m_paletteram[palette_entry]; if (!(color & 0x8000)) { dest[(i * 2)+0] = m_rgb555_to_rgb888[color & 0x7fff]; } palette_entry = (data & 0xff00) >> 8; color = m_paletteram[palette_entry]; if (!(color & 0x8000)) { dest[(i * 2)+1] = m_rgb555_to_rgb888[color & 0x7fff]; } } } void spg2xx_video_device::draw_page(const rectangle &cliprect, uint32_t scanline, int priority, uint32_t bitmap_addr, uint16_t *regs) { uint32_t xscroll = regs[0]; uint32_t yscroll = regs[1]; uint32_t attr = regs[2]; uint32_t ctrl = regs[3]; uint32_t tilemap = regs[4]; uint32_t palette_map = regs[5]; address_space &space = m_cpu->space(AS_PROGRAM); if (!(ctrl & PAGE_ENABLE_MASK)) { return; } if (((attr & PAGE_PRIORITY_FLAG_MASK) >> PAGE_PRIORITY_FLAG_SHIFT) != priority) { return; } if (ctrl & 0x0001) // Bitmap mode! { draw_bitmap(cliprect, scanline, priority, bitmap_addr, regs); return; } uint32_t tile_h = 8 << ((attr & PAGE_TILE_HEIGHT_MASK) >> PAGE_TILE_HEIGHT_SHIFT); uint32_t tile_w = 8 << ((attr & PAGE_TILE_WIDTH_MASK) >> PAGE_TILE_WIDTH_SHIFT); uint32_t tile_count_x = 512 / tile_w; uint32_t bitmap_y = (scanline + yscroll) & 0xff; uint32_t y0 = bitmap_y / tile_h; uint32_t tile_scanline = bitmap_y % tile_h; uint32_t tile_address = tile_count_x * y0; if (SPG_DEBUG_VIDEO && machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_H)) printf("s:%3d | baddr:%08x | yscr:%3d | bity:%3d | y0:%2d | ts:%2d\n", scanline, bitmap_addr, yscroll, bitmap_y, y0, tile_scanline); if (SPG_DEBUG_VIDEO && machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_EQUALS)) m_debug_blit = true; for (uint32_t x0 = 0; x0 < tile_count_x; x0++, tile_address++) { uint32_t yy = ((tile_h * y0 - yscroll + 0x10) & 0xff) - 0x10; uint32_t xx = (tile_w * x0 - xscroll) & 0x1ff; uint16_t tile = (ctrl & PAGE_WALLPAPER_MASK) ? space.read_word(tilemap) : space.read_word(tilemap + tile_address); uint16_t palette = 0; if (!tile) continue; palette = (ctrl & PAGE_WALLPAPER_MASK) ? space.read_word(palette_map) : space.read_word(palette_map + tile_address / 2); if (x0 & 1) palette >>= 8; uint32_t tileattr = attr; uint32_t tilectrl = ctrl; if ((ctrl & 2) == 0) { // -(1) bld(1) flip(2) pal(4) tileattr &= ~0x000c; tileattr |= (palette >> 2) & 0x000c; // flip tileattr &= ~0x0f00; tileattr |= (palette << 8) & 0x0f00; // palette tilectrl &= ~0x0100; tilectrl |= (palette << 2) & 0x0100; // blend } const bool blend = (tileattr & 0x4000 || tilectrl & 0x0100); const bool row_scroll = (tilectrl & 0x0010); const bool flip_x = (tileattr & TILE_X_FLIP); const uint32_t yflipmask = tileattr & TILE_Y_FLIP ? tile_h - 1 : 0; const uint32_t palette_offset = (tileattr & 0x0f00) >> 4; const uint8_t bpp = tileattr & 0x0003; if (blend) { if (row_scroll) { if (flip_x) draw(cliprect, tile_scanline, xx, yy, bitmap_addr, tile, tile_h, tile_w, bpp, yflipmask, palette_offset); else draw(cliprect, tile_scanline, xx, yy, bitmap_addr, tile, tile_h, tile_w, bpp, yflipmask, palette_offset); } else { if (flip_x) draw(cliprect, tile_scanline, xx, yy, bitmap_addr, tile, tile_h, tile_w, bpp, yflipmask, palette_offset); else draw(cliprect, tile_scanline, xx, yy, bitmap_addr, tile, tile_h, tile_w, bpp, yflipmask, palette_offset); } } else { if (row_scroll) { if (flip_x) draw(cliprect, tile_scanline, xx, yy, bitmap_addr, tile, tile_h, tile_w, bpp, yflipmask, palette_offset); else draw(cliprect, tile_scanline, xx, yy, bitmap_addr, tile, tile_h, tile_w, bpp, yflipmask, palette_offset); } else { if (flip_x) draw(cliprect, tile_scanline, xx, yy, bitmap_addr, tile, tile_h, tile_w, bpp, yflipmask, palette_offset); else draw(cliprect, tile_scanline, xx, yy, bitmap_addr, tile, tile_h, tile_w, bpp, yflipmask, palette_offset); } } } if (SPG_DEBUG_VIDEO && machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_EQUALS)) m_debug_blit = false; } void spg2xx_video_device::draw_sprite(const rectangle &cliprect, uint32_t scanline, int priority, uint32_t base_addr) { uint32_t bitmap_addr = 0x40 * m_video_regs[0x22]; uint16_t tile = m_spriteram[base_addr + 0]; int16_t x = m_spriteram[base_addr + 1]; int16_t y = m_spriteram[base_addr + 2]; uint16_t attr = m_spriteram[base_addr + 3]; if (!tile) { return; } if (((attr & PAGE_PRIORITY_FLAG_MASK) >> PAGE_PRIORITY_FLAG_SHIFT) != priority) { return; } const uint32_t h = 8 << ((attr & PAGE_TILE_HEIGHT_MASK) >> PAGE_TILE_HEIGHT_SHIFT); const uint32_t w = 8 << ((attr & PAGE_TILE_WIDTH_MASK) >> PAGE_TILE_WIDTH_SHIFT); if (!(m_video_regs[0x42] & SPRITE_COORD_TL_MASK)) { x = (160 + x) - w / 2; y = (120 - y) - (h / 2) + 8; } x &= 0x01ff; y &= 0x01ff; uint32_t tile_line = ((scanline - y) + 0x200) % h; int16_t test_y = (y + tile_line) & 0x1ff; if (test_y >= 0x01c0) test_y -= 0x0200; if (test_y != scanline) { return; } bool blend = (attr & 0x4000); bool flip_x = (attr & TILE_X_FLIP); const uint8_t bpp = attr & 0x0003; const uint32_t yflipmask = attr & TILE_Y_FLIP ? h - 1 : 0; const uint32_t palette_offset = (attr & 0x0f00) >> 4; #if SPG_DEBUG_VIDEO if (m_debug_sprites && machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_MINUS)) m_debug_blit = true; if (blend) { if (flip_x) draw(cliprect, tile_line, x, y, bitmap_addr, tile, h, w, bpp, yflipmask, palette_offset); else draw(cliprect, tile_line, x, y, bitmap_addr, tile, h, w, bpp, yflipmask, palette_offset); } else { if (flip_x) draw(cliprect, tile_line, x, y, bitmap_addr, tile, h, w, bpp, yflipmask, palette_offset); else draw(cliprect, tile_line, x, y, bitmap_addr, tile, h, w, bpp, yflipmask, palette_offset); } m_debug_blit = false; #else if (blend) { if (flip_x) draw(cliprect, tile_line, x, y, bitmap_addr, tile, h, w, bpp, yflipmask, palette_offset); else draw(cliprect, tile_line, x, y, bitmap_addr, tile, h, w, bpp, yflipmask, palette_offset); } else { if (flip_x) draw(cliprect, tile_line, x, y, bitmap_addr, tile, h, w, bpp, yflipmask, palette_offset); else draw(cliprect, tile_line, x, y, bitmap_addr, tile, h, w, bpp, yflipmask, palette_offset); } #endif } void spg2xx_video_device::draw_sprites(const rectangle &cliprect, uint32_t scanline, int priority) { if (!(m_video_regs[0x42] & SPRITE_ENABLE_MASK)) { return; } #if SPG_DEBUG_VIDEO if (!m_debug_sprites) { #endif for (uint32_t n = 0; n < m_sprlimit_read_cb(); n++) { draw_sprite(cliprect, scanline, priority, 4 * n); } #if SPG_DEBUG_VIDEO } else { draw_sprite(cliprect, scanline, priority, 4 * m_sprite_index_to_debug); } #endif } void spg2xx_video_device::apply_saturation(const rectangle &cliprect) { static const float s_u8_to_float = 1.0f / 255.0f; static const float s_gray_r = 0.299f; static const float s_gray_g = 0.587f; static const float s_gray_b = 0.114f; const float sat_adjust = (0xff - (m_video_regs[0x3c] & 0x00ff)) / (float)(0xff - 0x20); for (int y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++) { uint32_t *src = &m_screenbuf[cliprect.min_x + 320 * y]; for (int x = cliprect.min_x; x <= cliprect.max_x; x++) { const uint32_t src_rgb = *src; const float src_r = (uint8_t)(src_rgb >> 16) * s_u8_to_float; const float src_g = (uint8_t)(src_rgb >> 8) * s_u8_to_float; const float src_b = (uint8_t)(src_rgb >> 0) * s_u8_to_float; const float luma = src_r * s_gray_r + src_g * s_gray_g + src_b * s_gray_b; const float adjusted_r = luma + (src_r - luma) * sat_adjust; const float adjusted_g = luma + (src_g - luma) * sat_adjust; const float adjusted_b = luma + (src_b - luma) * sat_adjust; const int integer_r = (int)floor(adjusted_r * 255.0f); const int integer_g = (int)floor(adjusted_g * 255.0f); const int integer_b = (int)floor(adjusted_b * 255.0f); *src++ = (integer_r > 255 ? 0xff0000 : (integer_r < 0 ? 0 : ((uint8_t)integer_r << 16))) | (integer_g > 255 ? 0x00ff00 : (integer_g < 0 ? 0 : ((uint8_t)integer_g << 8))) | (integer_b > 255 ? 0x0000ff : (integer_b < 0 ? 0 : (uint8_t)integer_b)); } } } void spg2xx_video_device::apply_fade(const rectangle &cliprect) { const uint16_t fade_offset = m_video_regs[0x30]; for (int y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++) { uint32_t *src = &m_screenbuf[cliprect.min_x + 320 * y]; for (int x = cliprect.min_x; x <= cliprect.max_x; x++) { const uint32_t src_rgb = *src; const uint8_t src_r = (src_rgb >> 16) & 0xff; const uint8_t src_g = (src_rgb >> 8) & 0xff; const uint8_t src_b = (src_rgb >> 0) & 0xff; const uint8_t r = src_r - fade_offset; const uint8_t g = src_g - fade_offset; const uint8_t b = src_b - fade_offset; *src++ = (r > src_r ? 0 : (r << 16)) | (g > src_g ? 0 : (g << 8)) | (b > src_b ? 0 : (b << 0)); } } } uint32_t spg2xx_video_device::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect) { memset(&m_screenbuf[320 * cliprect.min_y], 0, 4 * 320 * ((cliprect.max_y - cliprect.min_y) + 1)); const uint32_t page1_addr = 0x40 * m_video_regs[0x20]; const uint32_t page2_addr = 0x40 * m_video_regs[0x21]; uint16_t *page1_regs = m_video_regs + 0x10; uint16_t *page2_regs = m_video_regs + 0x16; for (uint32_t scanline = (uint32_t)cliprect.min_y; scanline <= (uint32_t)cliprect.max_y; scanline++) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (!SPG_DEBUG_VIDEO || !m_hide_page0) draw_page(cliprect, scanline, i, page1_addr, page1_regs); if (!SPG_DEBUG_VIDEO || !m_hide_page1) draw_page(cliprect, scanline, i, page2_addr, page2_regs); if (!SPG_DEBUG_VIDEO || !m_hide_sprites) draw_sprites(cliprect, scanline, i); } } if ((m_video_regs[0x3c] & 0x00ff) != 0x0020) { apply_saturation(cliprect); } if (m_video_regs[0x30] != 0) { apply_fade(cliprect); } for (int y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++) { uint32_t *dest = &bitmap.pix32(y, cliprect.min_x); uint32_t *src = &m_screenbuf[cliprect.min_x + 320 * y]; memcpy(dest, src, sizeof(uint32_t) * ((cliprect.max_x - cliprect.min_x) + 1)); } if (SPG_DEBUG_VIDEO && m_debug_palette) { for (int y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y && y < 128; y++) { const uint16_t high_nybble = (y / 8) << 4; uint32_t *dest = &bitmap.pix32(y, cliprect.min_x); for (int x = cliprect.min_x; x <= cliprect.max_x && x < 256; x++) { const uint16_t low_nybble = x / 16; const uint16_t palette_entry = high_nybble | low_nybble; const uint16_t color = m_paletteram[palette_entry]; if (!(color & 0x8000)) { *dest = m_rgb555_to_rgb888[color & 0x7fff]; } dest++; } } } return 0; } void spg2xx_video_device::do_sprite_dma(uint32_t len) { address_space &mem = m_cpu->space(AS_PROGRAM); uint32_t src = m_video_regs[0x70] & 0x3fff; uint32_t dst = m_video_regs[0x71]; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < len; j++) { m_spriteram[(dst + j) & 0x3ff] = mem.read_word(src + j); } m_video_regs[0x72] = 0; if (VIDEO_IRQ_ENABLE & 4) { const uint16_t old = VIDEO_IRQ_STATUS; VIDEO_IRQ_STATUS |= 4; const uint16_t changed = old ^ (VIDEO_IRQ_ENABLE & VIDEO_IRQ_STATUS); if (changed) check_video_irq(); } } READ16_MEMBER(spg2xx_video_device::video_r) { switch (offset) { case 0x38: // Current Line LOGMASKED(LOG_VLINES, "video_r: Current Line: %04x\n", m_screen->vpos()); return m_screen->vpos(); case 0x62: // Video IRQ Enable LOGMASKED(LOG_IRQS, "video_r: Video IRQ Enable: %04x\n", VIDEO_IRQ_ENABLE); return VIDEO_IRQ_ENABLE; case 0x63: // Video IRQ Status LOGMASKED(LOG_IRQS, "video_r: Video IRQ Status: %04x\n", VIDEO_IRQ_STATUS); return VIDEO_IRQ_STATUS; default: LOGMASKED(LOG_UNKNOWN_PPU, "video_r: Unknown register %04x = %04x\n", 0x2800 + offset, m_video_regs[offset]); break; } return m_video_regs[offset]; } WRITE16_MEMBER(spg2xx_video_device::video_w) { switch (offset) { case 0x10: // Page 1 X scroll LOGMASKED(LOG_PPU_WRITES, "video_w: Page 1 X Scroll = %04x\n", data & 0x01ff); m_video_regs[offset] = data & 0x01ff; break; case 0x11: // Page 1 Y scroll LOGMASKED(LOG_PPU_WRITES, "video_w: Page 1 Y Scroll = %04x\n", data & 0x00ff); m_video_regs[offset] = data & 0x00ff; break; case 0x12: // Page 1 Attributes LOGMASKED(LOG_PPU_WRITES, "video_w: Page 1 Attributes = %04x (Depth:%d, Palette:%d, VSize:%d, HSize:%d, FlipY:%d, FlipX:%d, BPP:%d)\n", data , (data >> 12) & 3, (data >> 8) & 15, 8 << ((data >> 6) & 3), 8 << ((data >> 4) & 3), BIT(data, 3), BIT(data, 2), 2 * ((data & 3) + 1)); m_video_regs[offset] = data; break; case 0x13: // Page 1 Control LOGMASKED(LOG_PPU_WRITES, "video_w: Page 1 Control = %04x (Blend:%d, HiColor:%d, RowScroll:%d, Enable:%d, Wallpaper:%d, RegSet:%d, Bitmap:%d)\n", data , BIT(data, 8), BIT(data, 7), BIT(data, 4), BIT(data, 3), BIT(data, 2), BIT(data, 1), BIT(data, 0)); m_video_regs[offset] = data; break; case 0x14: // Page 1 Tile Address LOGMASKED(LOG_PPU_WRITES, "video_w: Page 1 Tile Address = %04x\n", data & 0x1fff); m_video_regs[offset] = data; break; case 0x15: // Page 1 Attribute Address LOGMASKED(LOG_PPU_WRITES, "video_w: Page 1 Attribute Address = %04x\n", data & 0x1fff); m_video_regs[offset] = data; break; case 0x16: // Page 2 X scroll LOGMASKED(LOG_PPU_WRITES, "video_w: Page 2 X Scroll = %04x\n", data & 0x01ff); m_video_regs[offset] = data & 0x01ff; break; case 0x17: // Page 2 Y scroll LOGMASKED(LOG_PPU_WRITES, "video_w: Page 2 Y Scroll: %04x = %04x\n", 0x2800 | offset, data & 0x00ff); m_video_regs[offset] = data & 0x00ff; break; case 0x18: // Page 2 Attributes LOGMASKED(LOG_PPU_WRITES, "video_w: Page 2 Attributes = %04x (Depth:%d, Palette:%d, VSize:%d, HSize:%d, FlipY:%d, FlipX:%d, BPP:%d)\n", data , (data >> 12) & 3, (data >> 8) & 15, 8 << ((data >> 6) & 3), 8 << ((data >> 4) & 3), BIT(data, 3), BIT(data, 2), 2 * ((data & 3) + 1)); m_video_regs[offset] = data; break; case 0x19: // Page 2 Control LOGMASKED(LOG_PPU_WRITES, "video_w: Page 2 Control = %04x (Blend:%d, HiColor:%d, RowScroll:%d, Enable:%d, Wallpaper:%d, RegSet:%d, Bitmap:%d)\n", data , BIT(data, 8), BIT(data, 7), BIT(data, 4), BIT(data, 3), BIT(data, 2), BIT(data, 1), BIT(data, 0)); m_video_regs[offset] = data; break; case 0x1a: // Page 2 Tile Address LOGMASKED(LOG_PPU_WRITES, "video_w: Page 2 Tile Address = %04x\n", data & 0x1fff); m_video_regs[offset] = data; break; case 0x1b: // Page 2 Attribute Address LOGMASKED(LOG_PPU_WRITES, "video_w: Page 2 Attribute Address = %04x\n", data & 0x1fff); m_video_regs[offset] = data; break; case 0x20: // Page 1 Segment Address LOGMASKED(LOG_PPU_WRITES, "video_w: Page 1 Segment Address = %04x\n", data); m_video_regs[offset] = data; break; case 0x21: // Page 2 Segment Address LOGMASKED(LOG_PPU_WRITES, "video_w: Page 2 Segment Address = %04x\n", data); m_video_regs[offset] = data; break; case 0x22: // Sprite Segment Address LOGMASKED(LOG_PPU_WRITES, "video_w: Sprite Segment Address = %04x\n", data); m_video_regs[offset] = data; break; case 0x2a: // Blend Level Control LOGMASKED(LOG_PPU_WRITES, "video_w: Blend Level Control = %04x\n", data & 0x0003); m_video_regs[offset] = data & 0x0003; break; case 0x30: // Fade Effect Control LOGMASKED(LOG_PPU_WRITES, "video_w: Fade Effect Control = %04x\n", data & 0x00ff); m_video_regs[offset] = data & 0x00ff; break; case 0x36: // IRQ pos V case 0x37: // IRQ pos H m_video_regs[offset] = data & 0x01ff; LOGMASKED(LOG_IRQS, "video_w: Video IRQ Position: %04x,%04x (%04x)\n", m_video_regs[0x37], m_video_regs[0x36], 0x2800 | offset); if (m_video_regs[0x37] < 160 && m_video_regs[0x36] < 240) m_screenpos_timer->adjust(m_screen->time_until_pos(m_video_regs[0x36], m_video_regs[0x37] << 1)); else m_screenpos_timer->adjust(attotime::never); break; case 0x39: // Latch 1st Line Pen Pulse LOGMASKED(LOG_PPU_WRITES, "video_w: Latch 1st Line Pen Pulse = %04x\n", data & 0x0001); m_video_regs[offset] = data & 0x0001; break; case 0x3c: // TV Control 1 LOGMASKED(LOG_PPU_WRITES, "video_w: TV Control 1 = %04x (Hue:%02x, Saturation:%02x)\n", data, data >> 8, data & 0x00ff); m_video_regs[offset] = data; break; case 0x3d: // TV Control 2 { static const char* const s_lpf_mode[4] = { "LPF1", "LPF2", "All", "Edge" }; LOGMASKED(LOG_PPU_WRITES, "video_w: TV Control 2 = %04x (LPFMode:%s, Enable:%d, Interlace:%d)\n", data & 0x000f , s_lpf_mode[(data >> 2) & 3], BIT(data, 1), BIT(data, 0)); m_video_regs[offset] = data & 0x000f; break; } case 0x3e: // Light Pen Y Position LOGMASKED(LOG_PPU_WRITES, "video_w: Light Pen Y (read only) = %04x\n", data & 0x01ff); break; case 0x3f: // Light Pen YXPosition LOGMASKED(LOG_PPU_WRITES, "video_w: Light Pen X (read only) = %04x\n", data & 0x01ff); break; case 0x42: // Sprite Control LOGMASKED(LOG_PPU_WRITES, "video_w: Sprite Control = %04x (TopLeft:%d, Enable:%d)\n", data & 0x0003, BIT(data, 1), BIT(data, 0)); m_video_regs[offset] = data & 0x0003; break; case 0x62: // Video IRQ Enable { LOGMASKED(LOG_IRQS, "video_w: Video IRQ Enable = %04x (DMA:%d, Timing:%d, Blanking:%d)\n", data & 0x0007, BIT(data, 2), BIT(data, 1), BIT(data, 0)); const uint16_t old = VIDEO_IRQ_ENABLE & VIDEO_IRQ_STATUS; VIDEO_IRQ_ENABLE = data & 0x0007; const uint16_t changed = old ^ (VIDEO_IRQ_ENABLE & VIDEO_IRQ_STATUS); if (changed) check_video_irq(); break; } case 0x63: // Video IRQ Acknowledge { LOGMASKED(LOG_IRQS, "video_w: Video IRQ Acknowledge = %04x\n", data); const uint16_t old = VIDEO_IRQ_ENABLE & VIDEO_IRQ_STATUS; VIDEO_IRQ_STATUS &= ~data; const uint16_t changed = old ^ (VIDEO_IRQ_ENABLE & VIDEO_IRQ_STATUS); if (changed) check_video_irq(); break; } case 0x70: // Sprite DMA Source LOGMASKED(LOG_DMA, "video_w: Sprite DMA Source = %04x\n", data & 0x3fff); m_video_regs[offset] = data & 0x3fff; break; case 0x71: // Sprite DMA Dest LOGMASKED(LOG_DMA, "video_w: Sprite DMA Dest = %04x\n", data & 0x03ff); m_video_regs[offset] = data & 0x03ff; break; case 0x72: // Sprite DMA Length { LOGMASKED(LOG_DMA, "video_w: Sprite DMA Length = %04x\n", data & 0x03ff); uint16_t length = data & 0x3ff; do_sprite_dma(length ? length : 0x400); break; } default: LOGMASKED(LOG_UNKNOWN_PPU, "video_w: Unknown register %04x = %04x\n", 0x2800 + offset, data); m_video_regs[offset] = data; break; } } WRITE_LINE_MEMBER(spg2xx_video_device::vblank) { if (!state) { VIDEO_IRQ_STATUS &= ~1; LOGMASKED(LOG_IRQS, "Setting video IRQ status to %04x\n", VIDEO_IRQ_STATUS); check_video_irq(); return; } #if SPG_DEBUG_VIDEO if (machine().input().code_pressed_once(KEYCODE_5)) m_hide_page0 = !m_hide_page0; if (machine().input().code_pressed_once(KEYCODE_6)) m_hide_page1 = !m_hide_page1; if (machine().input().code_pressed_once(KEYCODE_7)) m_hide_sprites = !m_hide_sprites; if (machine().input().code_pressed_once(KEYCODE_8)) m_debug_sprites = !m_debug_sprites; if (machine().input().code_pressed_once(KEYCODE_9)) m_sprite_index_to_debug--; if (machine().input().code_pressed_once(KEYCODE_0)) m_sprite_index_to_debug++; if (machine().input().code_pressed_once(KEYCODE_L)) m_debug_palette = !m_debug_palette; #endif if (VIDEO_IRQ_ENABLE & 1) { VIDEO_IRQ_STATUS |= 1; LOGMASKED(LOG_IRQS, "Setting video IRQ status to %04x\n", VIDEO_IRQ_STATUS); check_video_irq(); } } void spg2xx_video_device::check_video_irq() { LOGMASKED(LOG_IRQS, "%ssserting IRQ0 (%04x, %04x)\n", (VIDEO_IRQ_STATUS & VIDEO_IRQ_ENABLE) ? "A" : "Dea", VIDEO_IRQ_STATUS, VIDEO_IRQ_ENABLE); m_video_irq_cb((VIDEO_IRQ_STATUS & VIDEO_IRQ_ENABLE) ? ASSERT_LINE : CLEAR_LINE); } void spg2xx_video_device::device_timer(emu_timer &timer, device_timer_id id, int param, void *ptr) { switch (id) { case TIMER_SCREENPOS: { if (VIDEO_IRQ_ENABLE & 2) { VIDEO_IRQ_STATUS |= 2; check_video_irq(); } m_screen->update_partial(m_screen->vpos()); // fire again, jak_dbz pinball needs this m_screenpos_timer->adjust(m_screen->time_until_pos(m_video_regs[0x36], m_video_regs[0x37] << 1)); break; } } }