// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Aaron Giles /************************************************************************* ldpr8210.c Pioneer PR-8210 laserdisc emulation. ************************************************************************** Still to do: * implement SLOW TRG * figure out Simutrek without jump hack * figure out serial protocol issues (current hack works nicely) * determine actual slow/fast speeds *************************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "ldpr8210.h" //************************************************************************** // DEBUGGING //************************************************************************** #define LOG_VBLANK_VBI 0 #define LOG_SERIAL 0 #define LOG_SIMUTREK 0 //************************************************************************** // CONSTANTS //************************************************************************** // Overlay constants, related to 720-pixel wide capture #define OVERLAY_GROUP0_X (82.0f / 720.0f) #define OVERLAY_GROUP1_X (162.0f / 720.0f) #define OVERLAY_GROUP2_X (322.0f / 720.0f) #define OVERLAY_GROUP3_X (483.0f / 720.0f) #define OVERLAY_Y (104/2) #define OVERLAY_PIXEL_WIDTH (4.5f / 720.0f) #define OVERLAY_PIXEL_HEIGHT 2 #define OVERLAY_X_PIXELS 5 #define OVERLAY_Y_PIXELS 7 // scanning speeds #define SCAN_SPEED (2000 / 30) // 2000 frames/second #define SEEK_FAST_SPEED (4000 / 30) // 4000 frames/second // serial timing, mostly from the service manual, derived from the XTAL #define SERIAL_CLOCK XTAL(455'000) #define SERIAL_0_BIT_TIME attotime::from_hz(SERIAL_CLOCK / 512) #define SERIAL_1_BIT_TIME attotime::from_hz(SERIAL_CLOCK / 1024) #define SERIAL_MIDPOINT_TIME attotime::from_hz(SERIAL_CLOCK / 600) #define SERIAL_MAX_BIT_TIME attotime::from_hz(SERIAL_CLOCK / 4096) #define SERIAL_MAX_WORD_TIME attotime::from_hz(SERIAL_CLOCK / 11520) #define SERIAL_REJECT_DUPLICATE_TIME attotime::from_hz(SERIAL_CLOCK / 11520 / 4) //************************************************************************** // GLOBAL VARIABLES //************************************************************************** // devices DEFINE_DEVICE_TYPE(PIONEER_PR8210, pioneer_pr8210_device, "pr8210", "Pioneer PR-8210") DEFINE_DEVICE_TYPE(SIMUTREK_SPECIAL, simutrek_special_device, "simutrek", "Simutrek Modified PR-8210") // bitmaps for the characters static const uint8_t text_bitmap[0x40][7] = { { 0 }, // @ { 0x20,0x50,0x88,0x88,0xf8,0x88,0x88 }, // A { 0 }, // B { 0x70,0x88,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x88,0x70 }, // C { 0 }, // D { 0xf8,0x80,0x80,0xf0,0x80,0x80,0xf8 }, // E { 0xf8,0x80,0x80,0xf0,0x80,0x80,0x80 }, // F { 0 }, // G { 0x88,0x88,0x88,0xf8,0x88,0x88,0x88 }, // H { 0 }, // I { 0 }, // J { 0 }, // K { 0 }, // L { 0x88,0xd8,0xa8,0xa8,0xa8,0x88,0x88 }, // M { 0 }, // N { 0 }, // O { 0xf0,0x88,0x88,0xf0,0x80,0x80,0x80 }, // P { 0 }, // Q { 0xf0,0x88,0x88,0xf0,0xa0,0x90,0x88 }, // R { 0x70,0x88,0x80,0x70,0x08,0x88,0x70 }, // S { 0 }, // T { 0 }, // U { 0 }, // V { 0 }, // W { 0 }, // X { 0 }, // Y { 0 }, // Z { 0 }, // [ { 0 }, // { 0 }, // ] { 0 }, // ^ { 0 }, // _ { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 }, // { 0 }, // ! { 0 }, // " { 0 }, // # { 0 }, // $ { 0 }, // % { 0 }, // & { 0 }, // ' { 0 }, // ( { 0 }, // ) { 0 }, // * { 0 }, // + { 0 }, // , { 0 }, // - { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x40 }, // . { 0 }, // / { 0x70,0x88,0x88,0x88,0x88,0x88,0x70 }, // 0 { 0x20,0x60,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x70 }, // 1 { 0x70,0x88,0x08,0x70,0x80,0x80,0xf8 }, // 2 { 0xf8,0x08,0x10,0x30,0x08,0x88,0x70 }, // 3 { 0x10,0x30,0x50,0x90,0xf8,0x10,0x10 }, // 4 { 0xf8,0x80,0xf0,0x08,0x08,0x88,0x70 }, // 5 { 0x78,0x80,0x80,0xf0,0x88,0x88,0x70 }, // 6 { 0xf8,0x08,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x80 }, // 7 { 0x70,0x88,0x88,0x70,0x88,0x88,0x70 }, // 8 { 0x70,0x88,0x88,0x78,0x08,0x08,0xf0 }, // 9 { 0 }, // : { 0 }, // ; { 0 }, // < { 0 }, // = { 0 }, // > { 0 } // ? }; //************************************************************************** // PR-8210 ROM AND MACHINE INTERFACES //************************************************************************** void pioneer_pr8210_device::pr8210_portmap(address_map &map) { map(0x00, 0xff).rw(FUNC(pioneer_pr8210_device::i8049_pia_r), FUNC(pioneer_pr8210_device::i8049_pia_w)); } ROM_START( pr8210 ) ROM_REGION( 0x800, "pr8210", 0 ) ROM_LOAD( "pr-8210_mcu_ud6005a.bin", 0x000, 0x800, CRC(120fa83b) SHA1(b514326ca1f52d6d89056868f9d17eabd4e3f31d) ) ROM_END //************************************************************************** // PIONEER PR-8210 IMPLEMENTATION //************************************************************************** //------------------------------------------------- // pioneer_pr8210_device - constructor //------------------------------------------------- pioneer_pr8210_device::pioneer_pr8210_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock) : pioneer_pr8210_device(mconfig, PIONEER_PR8210, tag, owner, clock) { } pioneer_pr8210_device::pioneer_pr8210_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock) : laserdisc_device(mconfig, type, tag, owner, clock), m_audio1(*this, "pr8210_audio1"), m_audio2(*this, "pr8210_audio2"), m_clv(*this, "pr8210_clv"), m_cav(*this, "pr8210_cav"), m_srev(*this, "pr8210_srev"), m_sfwd(*this, "pr8210_sfwd"), m_play(*this, "pr8210_play"), m_step(*this, "pr8210_step"), m_pause(*this, "pr8210_pause"), m_standby(*this, "pr8210_standby"), m_control(0), m_lastcommand(0), m_accumulator(0), m_lastcommandtime(attotime::zero), m_lastbittime(attotime::zero), m_firstbittime(attotime::zero), m_i8049_cpu(*this, "pr8210"), m_slowtrg(attotime::zero), m_vsync(false), m_i8049_port1(0), m_i8049_port2(0) { } //------------------------------------------------- // control_w - write callback when the CONTROL // line is toggled //------------------------------------------------- void pioneer_pr8210_device::control_w(uint8_t data) { // set the new value and remember the last uint8_t prev = m_control; m_control = data; // handle rising edge if (prev != ASSERT_LINE && data == ASSERT_LINE) { // get the time difference from the last assert // and update our internal command time attotime curtime = machine().time(); attotime delta = curtime - m_lastbittime; m_lastbittime = curtime; // if we timed out since the first bit, reset the accumulator attotime overalldelta = curtime - m_firstbittime; if (overalldelta > SERIAL_MAX_WORD_TIME || delta > SERIAL_MAX_BIT_TIME) { m_firstbittime = curtime; m_accumulator = 0x5555; if (LOG_SERIAL) logerror("Reset accumulator\n"); } // 0 bit delta is 1.05 msec, 1 bit delta is 2.11 msec int longpulse = (delta < SERIAL_MIDPOINT_TIME) ? 0 : 1; m_accumulator = (m_accumulator << 1) | longpulse; // log the deltas for debugging if (LOG_SERIAL) { int usecdiff = (int)(delta.attoseconds() / ATTOSECONDS_IN_USEC(1)); logerror("bitdelta = %5d (%d) - accum = %04X\n", usecdiff, longpulse, m_accumulator); } // if we have a complete command, signal it // a complete command is 0,0,1 followed by 5 bits, followed by 0,0 if ((m_accumulator & 0x383) == 0x80) { // data is stored to the PIA in bit-reverse order uint8_t newcommand = (m_accumulator >> 2) & 0x1f; m_pia.porta = bitswap<8>(newcommand, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7); // the MCU logic requires a 0 to execute many commands; however, nobody // consistently sends a 0, whereas they do tend to send duplicate commands... // if we assume that each duplicate causes a 0, we get the correct results attotime rejectuntil = m_lastcommandtime + SERIAL_REJECT_DUPLICATE_TIME; m_lastcommandtime = curtime; if (m_pia.porta == m_lastcommand && curtime < rejectuntil) m_pia.porta = 0x00; else m_lastcommand = m_pia.porta; // log the command and wait for a keypress if (LOG_SERIAL) logerror("--- Command = %02X\n", m_pia.porta >> 3); // reset the first bit time so that the accumulator clears on the next write m_firstbittime = curtime - SERIAL_MAX_WORD_TIME; } } } //------------------------------------------------- // device_start - device initialization //------------------------------------------------- void pioneer_pr8210_device::device_start() { // resolve outputs m_audio1.resolve(); m_audio2.resolve(); m_clv.resolve(); m_cav.resolve(); m_srev.resolve(); m_sfwd.resolve(); m_play.resolve(); m_step.resolve(); m_pause.resolve(); m_standby.resolve(); // pass through to the parent laserdisc_device::device_start(); } //------------------------------------------------- // device_reset - device reset //------------------------------------------------- void pioneer_pr8210_device::device_reset() { // pass through to the parent laserdisc_device::device_reset(); // reset our state attotime curtime = machine().time(); m_lastcommandtime = curtime; m_firstbittime = curtime; m_lastbittime = curtime; m_slowtrg = curtime; } //------------------------------------------------- // device_timer - handle timers set by this // device //------------------------------------------------- void pioneer_pr8210_device::device_timer(emu_timer &timer, device_timer_id id, int param, void *ptr) { switch (id) { // update the VBI data in the PIA as soon as it is ready; // this must happen early in the frame because the player // logic relies on fetching it here case TID_VBI_DATA_FETCH: // logging if (LOG_VBLANK_VBI) { uint32_t line1718 = get_field_code(LASERDISC_CODE_LINE1718, false); if ((line1718 & VBI_MASK_CAV_PICTURE) == VBI_CODE_CAV_PICTURE) logerror("%3d:VBI(%05d)\n", screen().vpos(), VBI_CAV_PICTURE(line1718)); else logerror("%3d:VBI()\n", screen().vpos()); } // update PIA registers based on vbi code m_pia.vbi1 = 0xff; m_pia.vbi2 = 0xff; if (focus_on() && laser_on()) { uint32_t line16 = get_field_code(LASERDISC_CODE_LINE16, false); uint32_t line1718 = get_field_code(LASERDISC_CODE_LINE1718, false); if (line1718 == VBI_CODE_LEADIN) m_pia.vbi1 &= ~0x01; if (line1718 == VBI_CODE_LEADOUT) m_pia.vbi1 &= ~0x02; if (line16 == VBI_CODE_STOP) m_pia.vbi1 &= ~0x04; // unsure what this bit means: m_pia.vbi1 &= ~0x08; if ((line1718 & VBI_MASK_CAV_PICTURE) == VBI_CODE_CAV_PICTURE) { m_pia.vbi1 &= ~0x10; m_pia.frame[2] = 0xf0 | ((line1718 >> 16) & 0x07); m_pia.frame[3] = 0xf0 | ((line1718 >> 12) & 0x0f); m_pia.frame[4] = 0xf0 | ((line1718 >> 8) & 0x0f); m_pia.frame[5] = 0xf0 | ((line1718 >> 4) & 0x0f); m_pia.frame[6] = 0xf0 | ((line1718 >> 0) & 0x0f); } if ((line1718 & VBI_MASK_CHAPTER) == VBI_CODE_CHAPTER) { m_pia.vbi2 &= ~0x01; m_pia.frame[0] = 0xf0 | ((line1718 >> 16) & 0x07); m_pia.frame[1] = 0xf0 | ((line1718 >> 12) & 0x0f); } } break; // clear the VSYNC flag case TID_VSYNC_OFF: m_vsync = false; break; // pass everything else onto the parent default: laserdisc_device::device_timer(timer, id, param, ptr); break; } } //------------------------------------------------- // device_rom_region - return a pointer to our // ROM region definitions //------------------------------------------------- const tiny_rom_entry *pioneer_pr8210_device::device_rom_region() const { return ROM_NAME(pr8210); } //------------------------------------------------- // device_add_mconfig - add device configuration //------------------------------------------------- void pioneer_pr8210_device::device_add_mconfig(machine_config &config) { I8049(config, m_i8049_cpu, XTAL(4'410'000)); m_i8049_cpu->set_addrmap(AS_IO, &pioneer_pr8210_device::pr8210_portmap); m_i8049_cpu->bus_in_cb().set(FUNC(pioneer_pr8210_device::i8049_bus_r)); m_i8049_cpu->p1_out_cb().set(FUNC(pioneer_pr8210_device::i8049_port1_w)); m_i8049_cpu->p2_out_cb().set(FUNC(pioneer_pr8210_device::i8049_port2_w)); m_i8049_cpu->t0_in_cb().set(FUNC(pioneer_pr8210_device::i8049_t0_r)); m_i8049_cpu->t1_in_cb().set(FUNC(pioneer_pr8210_device::i8049_t1_r)); } //------------------------------------------------- // player_vsync - VSYNC callback, called at the // start of the blanking period //------------------------------------------------- void pioneer_pr8210_device::player_vsync(const vbi_metadata &vbi, int fieldnum, const attotime &curtime) { // logging if (LOG_VBLANK_VBI) { if ((vbi.line1718 & VBI_MASK_CAV_PICTURE) == VBI_CODE_CAV_PICTURE) logerror("%3d:VSYNC(%d,%05d)\n", screen().vpos(), fieldnum, VBI_CAV_PICTURE(vbi.line1718)); else logerror("%3d:VSYNC(%d)\n", screen().vpos(), fieldnum); } // signal VSYNC and set a timer to turn it off m_vsync = true; timer_set(screen().scan_period() * 4, TID_VSYNC_OFF); // also set a timer to fetch the VBI data when it is ready timer_set(screen().time_until_pos(19*2), TID_VBI_DATA_FETCH); } //------------------------------------------------- // player_update - update callback, called on the // first visible line of the frame //------------------------------------------------- int32_t pioneer_pr8210_device::player_update(const vbi_metadata &vbi, int fieldnum, const attotime &curtime) { // logging if (LOG_VBLANK_VBI) logerror("%3d:Update(%d)\n", screen().vpos(), fieldnum); // if the spindle is on, we advance by 1 track after completing field #1 return spdl_on() ? fieldnum : 0; } //------------------------------------------------- // player_overlay - overlay callback, called // during frame processing in update to overlay // player data //------------------------------------------------- void pioneer_pr8210_device::player_overlay(bitmap_yuy16 &bitmap) { // custom display if (m_pia.display) { overlay_draw_group(bitmap, &m_pia.text[2], 5, OVERLAY_GROUP1_X); overlay_draw_group(bitmap, &m_pia.text[7], 5, OVERLAY_GROUP2_X); overlay_draw_group(bitmap, &m_pia.text[12], 5, OVERLAY_GROUP3_X); } // chapter/frame display else { // frame display if (m_pia.latchdisplay & 2) overlay_draw_group(bitmap, &m_pia.text[2], 5, OVERLAY_GROUP1_X); // chapter overlay if (m_pia.latchdisplay & 1) overlay_draw_group(bitmap, &m_pia.text[0], 2, OVERLAY_GROUP0_X); } m_pia.latchdisplay = 0; } //------------------------------------------------- // i8049_pia_r - handle reads from the mystery // Pioneer PIA //------------------------------------------------- READ8_MEMBER( pioneer_pr8210_device::i8049_pia_r ) { uint8_t result = 0xff; switch (offset) { // (20-26) 7 characters for the chapter/frame case 0x20: case 0x21: case 0x22: case 0x23: case 0x24: case 0x25: case 0x26: result = m_pia.frame[offset - 0x20]; break; // (1D-1F,27) invalid read but normal case 0x1d: case 0x1e: case 0x1f: case 0x27: break; // (A0) port A value (from serial decoder) case 0xa0: result = m_pia.porta; break; // (C0) VBI decoding state 1 case 0xc0: if (LOG_VBLANK_VBI) logerror("%3d:PIA(C0)\n", screen().vpos()); result = m_pia.vbi1; break; // (E0) VBI decoding state 2 case 0xe0: if (LOG_VBLANK_VBI) logerror("%3d:PIA(E0)\n", screen().vpos()); result = m_pia.vbi2; break; default: logerror("%s Unknown PR-8210 PIA read from offset %02X\n", machine().describe_context(), offset); break; } return result; } //------------------------------------------------- // i8049_pia_w - handle writes to the mystery // Pioneer PIA //------------------------------------------------- WRITE8_MEMBER( pioneer_pr8210_device::i8049_pia_w ) { uint8_t value; switch (offset) { // (20-30) 17 characters for the display case 0x20: case 0x21: case 0x22: case 0x23: case 0x24: case 0x25: case 0x26: case 0x27: case 0x28: case 0x29: case 0x2a: case 0x2b: case 0x2c: case 0x2d: case 0x2e: case 0x2f: case 0x30: m_pia.text[offset - 0x20] = data; break; // (40) control lines case 0x40: // toggle bit 0 to latch chapter number into display area if (!(data & 0x01) && (m_pia.control & 0x01)) { memcpy(&m_pia.text[0], &m_pia.frame[0], 2); m_pia.latchdisplay |= 1; } // toggle bit 1 to latch frame number into display area if (!(data & 0x02) && (m_pia.control & 0x02)) { memcpy(&m_pia.text[2], &m_pia.frame[2], 5); m_pia.latchdisplay |= 2; } m_pia.control = data; break; // (60) port B value (LEDs) case 0x60: // these 4 are direct-connect m_audio1 = BIT(data, 0); m_audio2 = BIT(data, 1); m_clv = BIT(data, 2); m_cav = BIT(data, 3); // remaining 3 bits select one of 5 LEDs via a mux value = ((data & 0x40) >> 6) | ((data & 0x20) >> 4) | ((data & 0x10) >> 2); m_srev = (value == 0); m_sfwd = (value == 1); m_play = (value == 2); m_step = (value == 3); m_pause = (value == 4); m_pia.portb = data; update_audio_squelch(); break; // (80) display enable case 0x80: m_pia.display = data & 0x01; break; // no other writes known default: logerror("%s Unknown PR-8210 PIA write to offset %02X = %02X\n", machine().describe_context(), offset, data); break; } } //------------------------------------------------- // i8049_bus_r - handle reads from the 8049 BUS // input, which is enabled via the PIA above //------------------------------------------------- READ8_MEMBER( pioneer_pr8210_device::i8049_bus_r ) { /* $80 = n/c $40 = (in) slider pot interrupt source (slider position limit detector, inside and outside) $20 = n/c $10 = (in) /FOCUS LOCK $08 = (in) /SPDL LOCK $04 = (in) SIZE 8/12 $02 = (in) FG via op-amp (spindle motor stop detector) $01 = (in) SLOW TIMER OUT */ uint8_t result = 0x00; // bus bit 6: slider position limit detector, inside and outside slider_position sliderpos = get_slider_position(); if (sliderpos != SLIDER_MINIMUM && sliderpos != SLIDER_MAXIMUM) result |= 0x40; // bus bit 4: /FOCUS LOCK if (!focus_on()) result |= 0x10; // bus bit 3: /SPDL LOCK if (!spdl_on()) result |= 0x08; // bus bit 1: spindle motor stop detector if (!spdl_on()) result |= 0x02; // bus bit 0: SLOW TIMER OUT // loop at beginning waits for $40=0, $02=1 return result; } //------------------------------------------------- // i8049_port1_w - handle writes to the 8049 // port #1 //------------------------------------------------- WRITE8_MEMBER( pioneer_pr8210_device::i8049_port1_w ) { /* $80 = (out) SCAN C (F/R) $40 = (out) AUDIO SQ $20 = (out) VIDEO SQ $10 = (out) /SPDL ON $08 = (out) /FOCUS ON $04 = (out) SCAN B (L/H) $02 = (out) SCAN A (/SCAN) $01 = (out) JUMP TRG (jump back trigger, clock on high->low) */ // set the new value uint8_t prev = m_i8049_port1; m_i8049_port1 = data; // bit 7 selects the direction of slider movement for JUMP TRG and scanning int direction = (data & 0x80) ? 1 : -1; // on the falling edge of bit 0, jump one track in either direction if (!(data & 0x01) && (prev & 0x01)) { // special override for the Simutrek, which takes over control of this is some situations if (!override_control()) { if (LOG_SIMUTREK) logerror("%3d:JUMP TRG\n", screen().vpos()); advance_slider(direction); } else if (LOG_SIMUTREK) logerror("%3d:Skipped JUMP TRG\n", screen().vpos()); } // bit 1 low enables scanning if (!(data & 0x02)) { // bit 2 selects the speed int delta = (data & 0x04) ? SCAN_SPEED : SEEK_FAST_SPEED; set_slider_speed(delta * direction); } // bit 1 high stops scanning else set_slider_speed(0); // video squelch is controlled by bit 5; audio squelch is controlled by bit 6 update_video_squelch(); update_audio_squelch(); } //------------------------------------------------- // i8049_port2_w - handle writes to the 8049 // port #2 //------------------------------------------------- WRITE8_MEMBER( pioneer_pr8210_device::i8049_port2_w ) { /* $80 = (out) /CS on PIA $40 = (out) 0 to self-generate IRQ $20 = (out) SLOW TRG $10 = (out) STANDBY LED $08 = (out) TP2 $04 = (out) TP1 $02 = (out) ??? $01 = (out) LASER ON */ // set the new value uint8_t prev = m_i8049_port2; m_i8049_port2 = data; // on the falling edge of bit 5, start the slow timer if (!BIT(data, 5) && BIT(prev, 5)) m_slowtrg = machine().time(); // bit 6 when low triggers an IRQ on the MCU m_i8049_cpu->set_input_line(MCS48_INPUT_IRQ, BIT(data, 6) ? CLEAR_LINE : ASSERT_LINE); // standby LED is set accordingly to bit 4 m_standby = BIT(data, 4); } //------------------------------------------------- // i8049_t0_r - return the state of the 8049 // T0 input (connected to VSYNC) //------------------------------------------------- READ_LINE_MEMBER( pioneer_pr8210_device::i8049_t0_r ) { // returns VSYNC state return !m_vsync; } //------------------------------------------------- // i8049_t1_r - return the state of the 8049 // T1 input (pulled high) //------------------------------------------------- READ_LINE_MEMBER( pioneer_pr8210_device::i8049_t1_r ) { return 1; } //------------------------------------------------- // overlay_draw_group - draw a single group of // characters //------------------------------------------------- void pioneer_pr8210_device::overlay_draw_group(bitmap_yuy16 &bitmap, const uint8_t *text, int count, float xstart) { // rease the background overlay_erase(bitmap, xstart, xstart + ((OVERLAY_X_PIXELS + 1) * count + 1) * OVERLAY_PIXEL_WIDTH); // draw each character, suppressing leading 0's bool skip = true; for (int x = 0; x < count; x++) if (!skip || x == count - 1 || (text[x] & 0x3f) != 0x30) { skip = false; overlay_draw_char(bitmap, text[x], xstart + ((OVERLAY_X_PIXELS + 1) * x + 1) * OVERLAY_PIXEL_WIDTH); } } //------------------------------------------------- // overlay_erase - erase the background area // where the text overlay will be displayed //------------------------------------------------- void pioneer_pr8210_device::overlay_erase(bitmap_yuy16 &bitmap, float xstart, float xend) { uint32_t xmin = (uint32_t)(xstart * 256.0f * float(bitmap.width())); uint32_t xmax = (uint32_t)(xend * 256.0f * float(bitmap.width())); for (uint32_t y = OVERLAY_Y; y < (OVERLAY_Y + (OVERLAY_Y_PIXELS + 2) * OVERLAY_PIXEL_HEIGHT); y++) { uint16_t *dest = &bitmap.pix16(y, xmin >> 8); uint16_t ymax = *dest >> 8; uint16_t ymin = ymax * 3 / 8; uint16_t yres = ymin + ((ymax - ymin) * (xmin & 0xff)) / 256; *dest = (yres << 8) | (*dest & 0xff); dest++; for (uint32_t x = (xmin | 0xff) + 1; x < xmax; x += 0x100) { yres = (*dest >> 8) * 3 / 8; *dest = (yres << 8) | (*dest & 0xff); dest++; } ymax = *dest >> 8; ymin = ymax * 3 / 8; yres = ymin + ((ymax - ymin) * (~xmax & 0xff)) / 256; *dest = (yres << 8) | (*dest & 0xff); dest++; } } //------------------------------------------------- // overlay_draw_char - draw a single character // of the text overlay //------------------------------------------------- void pioneer_pr8210_device::overlay_draw_char(bitmap_yuy16 &bitmap, uint8_t ch, float xstart) { uint32_t xminbase = (uint32_t)(xstart * 256.0f * float(bitmap.width())); uint32_t xsize = (uint32_t)(OVERLAY_PIXEL_WIDTH * 256.0f * float(bitmap.width())); // iterate over pixels const uint8_t *chdataptr = &text_bitmap[ch & 0x3f][0]; for (uint32_t y = 0; y < OVERLAY_Y_PIXELS; y++) { uint8_t chdata = *chdataptr++; for (uint32_t x = 0; x < OVERLAY_X_PIXELS; x++, chdata <<= 1) if (chdata & 0x80) { uint32_t xmin = xminbase + x * xsize; uint32_t xmax = xmin + xsize; for (uint32_t yy = 0; yy < OVERLAY_PIXEL_HEIGHT; yy++) { uint16_t *dest = &bitmap.pix16(OVERLAY_Y + (y + 1) * OVERLAY_PIXEL_HEIGHT + yy, xmin >> 8); uint16_t ymax = 0xff; uint16_t ymin = *dest >> 8; uint16_t yres = ymin + ((ymax - ymin) * (~xmin & 0xff)) / 256; *dest = (yres << 8) | (*dest & 0xff); dest++; for (uint32_t xx = (xmin | 0xff) + 1; xx < xmax; xx += 0x100) *dest++ = 0xf080; ymax = 0xff; ymin = *dest >> 8; yres = ymin + ((ymax - ymin) * (xmax & 0xff)) / 256; *dest = (yres << 8) | (*dest & 0xff); dest++; } } } } //************************************************************************** // SIMUTREK ROM AND MACHINE INTERFACES //************************************************************************** void simutrek_special_device::simutrek_portmap(address_map &map) { map(0x00, 0xff).r(FUNC(simutrek_special_device::i8748_data_r)); } ROM_START( simutrek ) ROM_REGION( 0x800, "pr8210", 0 ) ROM_LOAD( "pr-8210_mcu_ud6005a.bin", 0x000, 0x800, CRC(120fa83b) SHA1(b514326ca1f52d6d89056868f9d17eabd4e3f31d) ) ROM_REGION( 0x400, "simutrek", 0) ROM_LOAD( "laser_player_interface_d8748_a308.bin", 0x0000, 0x0400, CRC(eed3e728) SHA1(1eb3467f1c41553375b2c21952cd593b167f5416) ) ROM_END //************************************************************************** // SIMUTREK IMPLEMENTATION //************************************************************************** //------------------------------------------------- // simutrek_special_device - constructor //------------------------------------------------- simutrek_special_device::simutrek_special_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock) : pioneer_pr8210_device(mconfig, SIMUTREK_SPECIAL, tag, owner, clock), m_i8748_cpu(*this, "simutrek"), m_audio_squelch(0), m_data(0), m_data_ready(false), m_i8748_port2(0), m_controlnext(0), m_controlthis(0) { } //------------------------------------------------- // data_w - write callback when the parallel data // port is written to //------------------------------------------------- void simutrek_special_device::data_w(uint8_t data) { synchronize(TID_LATCH_DATA, data); if (LOG_SIMUTREK) logerror("%03d:**** Simutrek Command = %02X\n", screen().vpos(), data); } //------------------------------------------------- // set_external_audio_squelch - Simutrek-specific // command to enable/disable audio squelch //------------------------------------------------- void simutrek_special_device::set_external_audio_squelch(int state) { if (LOG_SIMUTREK && m_audio_squelch != (state == 0)) logerror("--> audio squelch = %d\n", state == 0); m_audio_squelch = (state == 0); update_audio_squelch(); } //------------------------------------------------- // player_vsync - VSYNC callback, called at the // start of the blanking period //------------------------------------------------- void simutrek_special_device::player_vsync(const vbi_metadata &vbi, int fieldnum, const attotime &curtime) { // latch the control state after the second field if (fieldnum == 1) { m_controlthis = m_controlnext; m_controlnext = 0; } // call the parent if (LOG_SIMUTREK) logerror("%3d:VSYNC(%d)\n", screen().vpos(), fieldnum); pioneer_pr8210_device::player_vsync(vbi, fieldnum, curtime); // process data if (m_data_ready) { if (LOG_SIMUTREK) logerror("%3d:VSYNC IRQ\n", screen().vpos()); m_i8748_cpu->set_input_line(MCS48_INPUT_IRQ, ASSERT_LINE); timer_set(screen().scan_period(), TID_IRQ_OFF); } } //------------------------------------------------- // device_start - device initialization //------------------------------------------------- void simutrek_special_device::device_start() { // pass through to the parent pioneer_pr8210_device::device_start(); } //------------------------------------------------- // device_reset - device reset //------------------------------------------------- void simutrek_special_device::device_reset() { // standard PR-8210 initialization pioneer_pr8210_device::device_reset(); // initialize the Simutrek state // for proper synchronization of initial attract mode, this needs to be set m_data_ready = true; } //------------------------------------------------- // device_timer - handle timers set by this // device //------------------------------------------------- void simutrek_special_device::device_timer(emu_timer &timer, device_timer_id id, int param, void *ptr) { switch (id) { // clear the 8748 IRQ case TID_IRQ_OFF: m_i8748_cpu->set_input_line(MCS48_INPUT_IRQ, CLEAR_LINE); break; // latch data case TID_LATCH_DATA: m_data = param; m_data_ready = true; break; // pass everything else onto the parent default: pioneer_pr8210_device::device_timer(timer, id, param, ptr); break; } } //------------------------------------------------- // device_rom_region - return a pointer to our // ROM region definitions //------------------------------------------------- const tiny_rom_entry *simutrek_special_device::device_rom_region() const { return ROM_NAME(simutrek); } //------------------------------------------------- // device_add_mconfig - add device configuration //------------------------------------------------- void simutrek_special_device::device_add_mconfig(machine_config &config) { i8748_device &special(I8748(config, "simutrek", XTAL(6'000'000))); special.set_addrmap(AS_IO, &simutrek_special_device::simutrek_portmap); special.p2_in_cb().set(FUNC(simutrek_special_device::i8748_port2_r)); special.p2_out_cb().set(FUNC(simutrek_special_device::i8748_port2_w)); special.t0_in_cb().set(FUNC(simutrek_special_device::i8748_t0_r)); pioneer_pr8210_device::device_add_mconfig(config); } //------------------------------------------------- // i8748_port2_r - handle reads from the 8748 // port #2 //------------------------------------------------- READ8_MEMBER( simutrek_special_device::i8748_port2_r ) { // bit $80 is the pr8210 video squelch return (m_i8049_port1 & 0x20) ? 0x00 : 0x80; } //------------------------------------------------- // i8748_port2_w - handle writes to the 8748 // port #2 //------------------------------------------------- WRITE8_MEMBER( simutrek_special_device::i8748_port2_w ) { // update stat uint8_t prev = m_i8748_port2; m_i8748_port2 = data; // bit $20 goes to the serial line if ((data ^ prev) & 0x20) pioneer_pr8210_device::control_w((data & 0x20) ? ASSERT_LINE : CLEAR_LINE); // bit $10 goes to JUMP TRG // bit $08 controls direction if (!(data & 0x10) && (prev & 0x10)) { int direction = (data & 0x08) ? 1 : -1; if (LOG_SIMUTREK) logerror("%3d:JUMP TRG %s\n", screen().vpos(), machine().describe_context()); advance_slider(direction); } // bit $04 controls who owns the JUMP TRG command if (LOG_SIMUTREK && ((data ^ prev) & 0x04)) logerror("%3d:Simutrek ownership line = %d %s\n", screen().vpos(), (data >> 2) & 1, machine().describe_context()); m_controlnext = (~data >> 2) & 1; // bits $03 control something (status?) if (LOG_SIMUTREK && ((data ^ prev) & 0x03)) logerror("Simutrek Status = %d\n", data & 0x03); } //------------------------------------------------- // i8748_data_r - handle external 8748 data reads //------------------------------------------------- READ8_MEMBER( simutrek_special_device::i8748_data_r ) { // acknowledge the read and clear the data ready flag m_data_ready = false; return m_data; } //------------------------------------------------- // i8748_t0_r - return the status of the 8748 // T0 input //------------------------------------------------- READ_LINE_MEMBER( simutrek_special_device::i8748_t0_r ) { // return 1 if data is waiting from main CPU return m_data_ready; }