// license:BSD-3-Clause // copyright-holders:Nathan Woods, Miodrag Milanovic /********************************************************************* cassette.cpp Interface to the cassette image abstraction code *********************************************************************/ #include "emu.h" #include "formats/imageutl.h" #include "cassette.h" #define LOG_WARN (1U<<1) // Warnings #define LOG_DETAIL (1U<<2) // Details #define VERBOSE ( LOG_WARN ) #include "logmacro.h" // device type definition DEFINE_DEVICE_TYPE(CASSETTE, cassette_image_device, "cassette_image", "Cassette") //------------------------------------------------- // cassette_image_device - constructor //------------------------------------------------- cassette_image_device::cassette_image_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock) : device_t(mconfig, CASSETTE, tag, owner, clock), device_image_interface(mconfig, *this), device_sound_interface(mconfig, *this), m_cassette(nullptr), m_state(CASSETTE_STOPPED), m_position(0), m_position_time(0), m_value(0), m_channel(0), m_speed(0), m_direction(0), m_formats(cassette_default_formats), m_create_opts(nullptr), m_default_state(CASSETTE_PLAY), m_interface(nullptr), m_stereo(false) { } //------------------------------------------------- // cassette_image_device - destructor //------------------------------------------------- cassette_image_device::~cassette_image_device() { } //------------------------------------------------- // device_config_complete - perform any // operations now that the configuration is // complete //------------------------------------------------- void cassette_image_device::device_config_complete() { m_extension_list[0] = '\0'; for (int i = 0; m_formats[i]; i++ ) image_specify_extension( m_extension_list, 256, m_formats[i]->extensions ); } /********************************************************************* cassette IO *********************************************************************/ bool cassette_image_device::is_motor_on() { if ((m_state & CASSETTE_MASK_UISTATE) == CASSETTE_STOPPED) return false; if ((m_state & CASSETTE_MASK_MOTOR) != CASSETTE_MOTOR_ENABLED) return false; else return true; } void cassette_image_device::update() { double cur_time = machine().time().as_double(); if (is_motor_on()) { double new_position = m_position + (cur_time - m_position_time)*m_speed*m_direction; switch (int(m_state & CASSETTE_MASK_UISTATE)) // cast to int to suppress unhandled enum value warning { case CASSETTE_RECORD: cassette_put_sample(m_cassette, m_channel, m_position, new_position - m_position, m_value); break; case CASSETTE_PLAY: if (m_cassette) { cassette_get_sample(m_cassette, m_channel, new_position, 0.0, &m_value); // See if reached end of tape double length = get_length(); if (new_position > length) { m_state = (m_state & ~CASSETTE_MASK_UISTATE) | CASSETTE_STOPPED; new_position = length; } else if (new_position < 0) { m_state = (m_state & ~CASSETTE_MASK_UISTATE) | CASSETTE_STOPPED; new_position = 0; } } break; } m_position = new_position; } m_position_time = cur_time; } void cassette_image_device::change_state(cassette_state state, cassette_state mask) { cassette_state new_state = (m_state & ~mask) | (state & mask); if ((m_state ^ new_state) & (CASSETTE_MASK_UISTATE | CASSETTE_MASK_MOTOR)) m_position_time = machine().time().as_double(); m_state = new_state; } double cassette_image_device::input() { update(); int32_t sample = m_value; double double_value = sample / double(0x7FFFFFFF); LOGMASKED(LOG_DETAIL, "cassette_input(): time_index=%g value=%g\n", m_position, double_value); return double_value; } void cassette_image_device::output(double value) { if (((m_state & CASSETTE_MASK_UISTATE) == CASSETTE_RECORD) && (m_value != value)) { update(); value = std::min(value, 1.0); value = std::max(value, -1.0); m_value = (int32_t) (value * 0x7FFFFFFF); } } double cassette_image_device::get_position() { return m_position; } double cassette_image_device::get_length() { struct CassetteInfo info; cassette_get_info(m_cassette, &info); return ((double) info.sample_count) / info.sample_frequency; } void cassette_image_device::set_channel(int channel) { m_channel = channel; } void cassette_image_device::set_speed(double speed) { m_speed = speed; } void cassette_image_device::go_forward() { m_direction = 1; } void cassette_image_device::go_reverse() { m_direction = -1; } void cassette_image_device::seek(double time, int origin) { double length = get_length(); switch(origin) { case SEEK_SET: break; case SEEK_END: time += length; break; case SEEK_CUR: time += get_position(); break; } /* clip position into legal bounds */ if (time < 0) time = 0; else if (time > length) time = length; m_position = time; } /********************************************************************* cassette device init/load/unload/specify *********************************************************************/ void cassette_image_device::device_start() { /* set to default state */ m_cassette = nullptr; m_state = m_default_state; m_value = 0; machine().sound().stream_alloc(*this, 0, (m_stereo? 2:1), machine().sample_rate()); } image_init_result cassette_image_device::call_create(int format_type, util::option_resolution *format_options) { return internal_load(true); } image_init_result cassette_image_device::call_load() { return internal_load(false); } image_init_result cassette_image_device::internal_load(bool is_create) { cassette_image::error err; device_image_interface *image = nullptr; interface(image); if (is_create || (length()==0)) // empty existing images are fine to write over. { // creating an image err = cassette_create((void *)image, &image_ioprocs, &wavfile_format, m_create_opts, CASSETTE_FLAG_READWRITE|CASSETTE_FLAG_SAVEONEXIT, &m_cassette); if (err != cassette_image::error::SUCCESS) goto error; } else { // opening an image bool retry; do { // we probably don't want to retry... retry = false; // try opening the cassette int cassette_flags = is_readonly() ? CASSETTE_FLAG_READONLY : (CASSETTE_FLAG_READWRITE | CASSETTE_FLAG_SAVEONEXIT); err = cassette_open_choices((void *)image, &image_ioprocs, filetype(), m_formats, cassette_flags, &m_cassette); // special case - if we failed due to readwrite not being supported, make the image be read only and retry if (err == cassette_image::error::READ_WRITE_UNSUPPORTED) { make_readonly(); retry = true; } } while(retry); if (err != cassette_image::error::SUCCESS) goto error; } /* set to default state, but only change the UI state */ //change_state(m_default_state, CASSETTE_MASK_UISTATE); m_state = m_default_state; /* reset the position */ m_position = 0.0; m_position_time = machine().time().as_double(); /* default channel to 0, speed multiplier to 1 */ m_channel = 0; m_speed = 1; m_direction = 1; return image_init_result::PASS; error: image_error_t imgerr = IMAGE_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED; switch(err) { case cassette_image::error::INTERNAL: imgerr = IMAGE_ERROR_INTERNAL; break; case cassette_image::error::UNSUPPORTED: imgerr = IMAGE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; break; case cassette_image::error::OUT_OF_MEMORY: imgerr = IMAGE_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; break; case cassette_image::error::INVALID_IMAGE: imgerr = IMAGE_ERROR_INVALIDIMAGE; break; default: imgerr = IMAGE_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED; break; } image->seterror(imgerr, "" ); return image_init_result::FAIL; } void cassette_image_device::call_unload() { /* if we are recording, write the value to the image */ if ((m_state & CASSETTE_MASK_UISTATE) == CASSETTE_RECORD) update(); /* close out the cassette */ cassette_close(m_cassette); m_cassette = nullptr; /* set to default state, but only change the UI state */ change_state(CASSETTE_STOPPED, CASSETTE_MASK_UISTATE); } //------------------------------------------------- // display a small tape animation, with the // current position in the tape image //------------------------------------------------- std::string cassette_image_device::call_display() { const int ANIMATION_FPS = 1; std::string result; // only show the image when a cassette is loaded and the motor is on if (exists() && is_motor_on()) { static char const *const shapes[] = { u8"\u2500", u8"\u2572", u8"\u2502", u8"\u2571" }; // figure out where we are in the cassette double position = get_position(); double length = get_length(); cassette_state uistate = get_state() & CASSETTE_MASK_UISTATE; // choose which frame of the animation we are at int n = (int(position) / ANIMATION_FPS) % ARRAY_LENGTH(shapes); // play or record const char *status_icon = (uistate == CASSETTE_PLAY) ? u8"\u25BA" : u8"\u25CF"; // Since you can have anything in a BDF file, we will use crude ascii characters instead result = string_format("%s %s %02d:%02d (%04d) [%02d:%02d (%04d)]", shapes[n], // animation status_icon, // play or record ((int)position / 60), ((int)position % 60), (int)position, ((int)length / 60), ((int)length % 60), (int)length); } return result; } //------------------------------------------------- // Cassette sound //------------------------------------------------- void cassette_image_device::sound_stream_update(sound_stream &stream, stream_sample_t **inputs, stream_sample_t **outputs, int samples) { stream_sample_t *left_buffer = outputs[0]; stream_sample_t *right_buffer = nullptr; if (m_stereo) right_buffer = outputs[1]; cassette_state state = get_state(); if (exists() && (state == (CASSETTE_PLAY | CASSETTE_MOTOR_ENABLED | CASSETTE_SPEAKER_ENABLED))) { cassette_image *cassette = get_image(); double time_index = get_position(); double duration = ((double) samples) / machine().sample_rate(); cassette_get_samples(cassette, 0, time_index, duration, samples, 2, left_buffer, CASSETTE_WAVEFORM_16BIT); if (m_stereo) cassette_get_samples(cassette, 1, time_index, duration, samples, 2, right_buffer, CASSETTE_WAVEFORM_16BIT); for (int i = samples - 1; i >= 0; i--) { left_buffer[i] = ((int16_t *) left_buffer)[i]; if (m_stereo) right_buffer[i] = ((int16_t *) right_buffer)[i]; } } else { memset(left_buffer, 0, sizeof(*left_buffer) * samples); if (m_stereo) memset(right_buffer, 0, sizeof(*right_buffer) * samples); } }