-- license:BSD-3-Clause -- copyright-holders:MAMEdev Team newoption { trigger = 'build-dir', description = 'Build directory name', } premake.check_paths = true premake.make.override = { "TARGET" } premake.xcode.parameters = { 'CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = "c++14"', 'CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY = "libc++"' } MAME_DIR = (path.getabsolute("..") .. "/") --MAME_DIR = string.gsub(MAME_DIR, "(%s)", "\\%1") local MAME_BUILD_DIR = (MAME_DIR .. _OPTIONS["build-dir"] .. "/") local naclToolchain = "" newoption { trigger = "precompile", description = "Precompiled headers generation.", allowed = { { "0", "Disabled" }, { "1", "Enabled" }, } } function backtick(cmd) result = string.gsub(string.gsub(os.outputof(cmd), "\r?\n$", ""), " $", "") return result end function str_to_version(str) local val = 0 if (str == nil or str == '') then return val end local cnt = 10000 for word in string.gmatch(str, '([^.]+)') do val = val + tonumber(word) * cnt cnt = cnt / 100 end return val end function findfunction(x) assert(type(x) == "string") local f=_G for v in x:gmatch("[^%.]+") do if type(f) ~= "table" then return nil, "looking for '"..v.."' expected table, not "..type(f) end f=f[v] end if type(f) == "function" then return f else return nil, "expected function, not "..type(f) end end function layoutbuildtask(_folder, _name) return { MAME_DIR .. "src/".._folder.."/".. _name ..".lay" , GEN_DIR .. _folder .. "/".._name..".lh", { MAME_DIR .. "scripts/build/complay.py" }, {"@echo Compressing src/".._folder.."/".._name..".lay...", PYTHON .. " $(1) $(<) $(@) layout_".._name }}; end function precompiledheaders() if _OPTIONS["precompile"]==nil or (_OPTIONS["precompile"]~=nil and _OPTIONS["precompile"]=="1") then configuration { "not xcode4" } pchheader("emu.h") configuration { } end end function addprojectflags() local version = str_to_version(_OPTIONS["gcc_version"]) if _OPTIONS["gcc"]~=nil and string.find(_OPTIONS["gcc"], "gcc") and (version >= 50100) then buildoptions_cpp { "-Wsuggest-override", } end end CPUS = {} SOUNDS = {} MACHINES = {} VIDEOS = {} BUSES = {} newoption { trigger = "with-tools", description = "Enable building tools.", } newoption { trigger = "with-tests", description = "Enable building tests.", } newoption { trigger = "with-benchmarks", description = "Enable building benchmarks.", } newoption { trigger = "osd", description = "Choose OSD layer implementation", } newoption { trigger = "targetos", description = "Choose target OS", allowed = { { "android", "Android" }, { "asmjs", "Emscripten/asm.js" }, { "freebsd", "FreeBSD" }, { "netbsd", "NetBSD" }, { "openbsd", "OpenBSD" }, { "pnacl", "Native Client - PNaCl" }, { "linux", "Linux" }, { "ios", "iOS" }, { "macosx", "OSX" }, { "windows", "Windows" }, { "haiku", "Haiku" }, { "solaris", "Solaris SunOS" }, { "steamlink", "Steam Link" }, { "rpi", "Raspberry Pi" }, { "ci20", "Creator-Ci20" }, }, } newoption { trigger = 'with-bundled-sdl2', description = 'Build bundled SDL2 library', } newoption { trigger = "distro", description = "Choose distribution", allowed = { { "generic", "generic" }, { "debian-stable", "debian-stable" }, { "ubuntu-intrepid", "ubuntu-intrepid" }, }, } newoption { trigger = "target", description = "Building target", } newoption { trigger = "subtarget", description = "Building subtarget", } newoption { trigger = "gcc_version", description = "GCC compiler version", } newoption { trigger = "CC", description = "CC replacement", } newoption { trigger = "CXX", description = "CXX replacement", } newoption { trigger = "LD", description = "LD replacement", } newoption { trigger = "TOOLCHAIN", description = "Toolchain prefix" } newoption { trigger = "PROFILE", description = "Enable profiling.", } newoption { trigger = "SYMBOLS", description = "Enable symbols.", } newoption { trigger = "SYMLEVEL", description = "Symbols level.", } newoption { trigger = "PROFILER", description = "Include the internal profiler.", } newoption { trigger = "OPTIMIZE", description = "Optimization level.", } newoption { trigger = "ARCHOPTS", description = "ARCHOPTS.", } newoption { trigger = "OPT_FLAGS", description = "OPT_FLAGS.", } newoption { trigger = "LDOPTS", description = "Additional linker options", } newoption { trigger = "MAP", description = "Generate a link map.", } newoption { trigger = "NOASM", description = "Disable implementations based on assembler code", allowed = { { "0", "Enable assembler code" }, { "1", "Disable assembler code" }, }, } newoption { trigger = "BIGENDIAN", description = "Build for big endian target", allowed = { { "0", "Little endian target" }, { "1", "Big endian target" }, }, } newoption { trigger = "FORCE_DRC_C_BACKEND", description = "Force DRC C backend.", } newoption { trigger = "NOWERROR", description = "NOWERROR", } newoption { trigger = "DEPRECATED", description = "Generate deprecation warnings during compilation.", allowed = { { "0", "Disabled" }, { "1", "Enabled" }, } } newoption { trigger = "LTO", description = "Clang link time optimization.", allowed = { { "0", "Disabled" }, { "1", "Enabled" }, } } newoption { trigger = "SSE2", description = "SSE2 optimized code and SSE2 code generation.", allowed = { { "0", "Disabled" }, { "1", "Enabled" }, } } newoption { trigger = "SSE3", description = "SSE3 optimized code and SSE3 code generation.", allowed = { { "0", "Disabled" }, { "1", "Enabled" }, } } newoption { trigger = "OPENMP", description = "OpenMP optimized code.", allowed = { { "0", "Disabled" }, { "1", "Enabled" }, } } newoption { trigger = "FASTDEBUG", description = "Fast DEBUG.", allowed = { { "0", "Disabled" }, { "1", "Enabled" }, } } newoption { trigger = "SEPARATE_BIN", description = "Use separate bin folders.", allowed = { { "0", "Disabled" }, { "1", "Enabled" }, } } newoption { trigger = "PYTHON_EXECUTABLE", description = "Python executable.", } newoption { trigger = "SHADOW_CHECK", description = "Shadow checks.", allowed = { { "0", "Disabled" }, { "1", "Enabled" }, } } newoption { trigger = "STRIP_SYMBOLS", description = "Symbols stripping.", allowed = { { "0", "Disabled" }, { "1", "Enabled" }, } } newoption { trigger = "SHLIB", description = "Generate shared libs.", allowed = { { "0", "Static libs" }, { "1", "Shared libs" }, } } newoption { trigger = "IGNORE_GIT", description = "Ignore usage of git command in build process", allowed = { { "0", "Do not ignore" }, { "1", "Ingore" }, }, } newoption { trigger = "SOURCES", description = "List of sources to compile.", } newoption { trigger = "PLATFORM", description = "Target machine platform (x86,arm,...)", } newoption { trigger = "USE_LIBUV", description = "Use libuv.", allowed = { { "0", "Disabled" }, { "1", "Enabled" }, } } newoption { trigger = "DEBUG_DIR", description = "Default directory for debugger.", } newoption { trigger = "DEBUG_ARGS", description = "Arguments for running debug build.", } dofile ("extlib.lua") if _OPTIONS["SHLIB"]=="1" then LIBTYPE = "SharedLib" else LIBTYPE = "StaticLib" end PYTHON = "python" if _OPTIONS["PYTHON_EXECUTABLE"]~=nil then PYTHON = _OPTIONS["PYTHON_EXECUTABLE"] end if not _OPTIONS["BIGENDIAN"] then _OPTIONS["BIGENDIAN"] = "0" end if not _OPTIONS["NOASM"] then if _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="emscripten" then _OPTIONS["NOASM"] = "1" else _OPTIONS["NOASM"] = "0" end end if not _OPTIONS["USE_LIBUV"] then _OPTIONS["USE_LIBUV"] = "1" end if _OPTIONS["NOASM"]=="1" and not _OPTIONS["FORCE_DRC_C_BACKEND"] then _OPTIONS["FORCE_DRC_C_BACKEND"] = "1" end if(_OPTIONS["TOOLCHAIN"] == nil) then _OPTIONS['TOOLCHAIN'] = "" end GEN_DIR = MAME_BUILD_DIR .. "generated/" if (_OPTIONS["target"] == nil) then return false end if (_OPTIONS["subtarget"] == nil) then return false end if (_OPTIONS["target"] == _OPTIONS["subtarget"]) then solution (_OPTIONS["target"]) else if (_OPTIONS["subtarget"]=="mess") then solution (_OPTIONS["subtarget"]) else solution (_OPTIONS["target"] .. _OPTIONS["subtarget"]) end end configurations { "Debug", "Release", } if _ACTION == "xcode4" then platforms { "x64", } else platforms { "x32", "x64", "Native", -- for targets where bitness is not specified } end language "C++" flags { "StaticRuntime", } configuration { "vs*" } flags { "NoPCH", "ExtraWarnings", "NoEditAndContinue", } if not _OPTIONS["NOWERROR"] then flags{ "FatalWarnings", } end configuration { "Debug", "vs*" } flags { "Symbols", } configuration { "Release", "vs*" } flags { "Optimize", } -- Force VS2013/15 targets to use bundled SDL2 if string.sub(_ACTION,1,4) == "vs20" and _OPTIONS["osd"]=="sdl" then if _OPTIONS["with-bundled-sdl2"]==nil then _OPTIONS["with-bundled-sdl2"] = "1" end end -- Build SDL2 for Android if _OPTIONS["targetos"] == "android" then _OPTIONS["with-bundled-sdl2"] = "1" end configuration {} msgcompile ("Compiling $(subst ../,,$<)...") msgcompile_objc ("Objective-C compiling $(subst ../,,$<)...") msgresource ("Compiling resources $(subst ../,,$<)...") msglinking ("Linking $(notdir $@)...") msgarchiving ("Archiving $(notdir $@)...") msgprecompile ("Precompiling $(subst ../,,$<)...") messageskip { "SkipCreatingMessage", "SkipBuildingMessage", "SkipCleaningMessage" } if (_OPTIONS["SOURCES"] == nil) then if (not os.isfile(path.join("target", _OPTIONS["target"],_OPTIONS["subtarget"] .. ".lua"))) then error("File definition for TARGET=" .. _OPTIONS["target"] .. " SUBTARGET=" .. _OPTIONS["subtarget"] .. " does not exist") end dofile (path.join("target", _OPTIONS["target"],_OPTIONS["subtarget"] .. ".lua")) end configuration { "gmake" } flags { "SingleOutputDir", } dofile ("toolchain.lua") if _OPTIONS["USE_LIBUV"]=="0" then defines { "NO_LIBUV", } end if _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="windows" then configuration { "x64" } defines { "X64_WINDOWS_ABI", } configuration { } end -- Avoid error when invoking genie --help. if (_ACTION == nil) then return false end -- define PTR64 if we are a 64-bit target configuration { "x64 or android-*64"} defines { "PTR64=1" } -- define MAME_DEBUG if we are a debugging build configuration { "Debug" } defines { "MAME_DEBUG", "MAME_PROFILER", "BGFX_CONFIG_DEBUG=1", } if _OPTIONS["FASTDEBUG"]=="1" then defines { "MAME_DEBUG_FAST" } end configuration { } if _OPTIONS["PROFILER"]=="1" then defines{ "MAME_PROFILER", -- define MAME_PROFILER if we are a profiling build } end configuration { "Release" } defines { "NDEBUG", } configuration { } -- CR/LF setup: use on win32, CR only on everything else if _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="windows" then defines { "CRLF=3", } else defines { "CRLF=2", } end if _OPTIONS["BIGENDIAN"]=="1" then if _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="macosx" then defines { "OSX_PPC", } buildoptions { "-Wno-unused-label", "-flax-vector-conversions", } if _OPTIONS["SYMBOLS"] then buildoptions { "-mlong-branch", } end configuration { "x64" } buildoptions { "-arch ppc64", } linkoptions { "-arch ppc64", } configuration { "x32" } buildoptions { "-arch ppc", } linkoptions { "-arch ppc", } configuration { } end else defines { "LSB_FIRST", } if _OPTIONS["targetos"]=="macosx" then configuration { "x64" } buildoptions { "-arch x86_64", } linkoptions { "-arch x86_64", } configuration { "x32" } buildoptions { "-arch i386", } linkoptions { "-arch i386", } configuration { } end end if _OPTIONS["with-system-jpeg"]~=nil then defines { "XMD_H", } end if not _OPTIONS["with-system-flac"]~=nil then defines { "FLAC__NO_DLL", } end if _OPTIONS["NOASM"]=="1" then defines { "MAME_NOASM" } end if not _OPTIONS["FORCE_DRC_C_BACKEND"] then if _OPTIONS["BIGENDIAN"]~="1" then configuration { "x64" } defines { "NATIVE_DRC=drcbe_x64", } configuration { "x32" } defines { "NATIVE_DRC=drcbe_x86", } configuration { } end end defines { "LUA_COMPAT_ALL", "LUA_COMPAT_5_1", "LUA_COMPAT_5_2", } if _ACTION == "gmake" then --we compile C-only to C99 standard with GNU extensions buildoptions_c { "-std=gnu99", } local version = str_to_version(_OPTIONS["gcc_version"]) if string.find(_OPTIONS["gcc"], "clang") and ((version < 30500) or (_OPTIONS["targetos"]=="macosx" and (version <= 60000))) then buildoptions_cpp { "-x c++", "-std=c++1y", } buildoptions_objc { "-x objective-c++", "-std=c++1y", } else buildoptions_cpp { "-x c++", "-std=c++14", } buildoptions_objc { "-x objective-c++", "-std=c++14", } end -- this speeds it up a bit by piping between the preprocessor/compiler/assembler if not ("pnacl" == _OPTIONS["gcc"]) then buildoptions { "--pipe", } end -- add -g if we need symbols, and ensure we have frame pointers if _OPTIONS["SYMBOLS"]~=nil and _OPTIONS["SYMBOLS"]~="0" then buildoptions { "-g" .. _OPTIONS["SYMLEVEL"], "-fno-omit-frame-pointer", "-fno-optimize-sibling-calls", } end --# we need to disable some additional implicit optimizations for profiling if _OPTIONS["PROFILE"] then buildoptions { "-mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer", } end -- add -v if we need verbose build information if _OPTIONS["VERBOSE"] then buildoptions { "-v", } end -- only show shadow warnings when enabled if (_OPTIONS["SHADOW_CHECK"]=="1") then buildoptions { "-Wshadow" } end -- only show deprecation warnings when enabled if _OPTIONS["DEPRECATED"]~="1" then buildoptions { "-Wno-deprecated-declarations" } end -- add profiling information for the compiler if _OPTIONS["PROFILE"] then buildoptions { "-pg", } linkoptions { "-pg", } end if _OPTIONS["SYMBOLS"]~=nil and _OPTIONS["SYMBOLS"]~="0" then flags { "Symbols", } end -- add the error warning flag if _OPTIONS["NOWERROR"]==nil then buildoptions { "-Werror", } end -- if we are optimizing, include optimization options if _OPTIONS["OPTIMIZE"] then buildoptions { "-O".. _OPTIONS["OPTIMIZE"], "-fno-strict-aliasing" } if _OPTIONS["OPT_FLAGS"] then buildoptions { _OPTIONS["OPT_FLAGS"] } end if _OPTIONS["LTO"]=="1" then buildoptions { -- windows native mingw GCC 5.2 fails with -flto=x with x > 1. bug unfixed as of this commit "-flto=1", -- if ld fails, just buy more RAM or uncomment this! -- "-Wl,-no-keep-memory", "-Wl,-v", -- silence redefine warnings from discrete.c. "-Wl,-allow-multiple-definition", "-fuse-linker-plugin", -- these next flags allow MAME to compile in GCC 5.2. odr warnings should be fixed as LTO randomly crashes otherwise -- some GCC 4.9.x on Windows do not have -Wodr and -flto-odr-type-merging enabled. adjust accordingly... -- no-fat-lto-objects is faster to compile and uses less memory, but you can't mix with a non-lto .o/.a without rebuilding "-fno-fat-lto-objects", "-flto-odr-type-merging", "-Wodr", "-flto-compression-level=0", -- lto doesn't work with anything <9 on linux with < 12G RAM, much slower if <> 0 -- "-flto-report", -- if you get an error in lto after [WPA] stage, but before [LTRANS] stage, you need more memory! -- "-fmem-report-wpa","-fmem-report","-fpre-ipa-mem-report","-fpost-ipa-mem-report","-flto-report-wpa","-fmem-report", -- this six flag combo lets MAME compile with LTO=1 on linux with no errors and ~2% speed boost, but compile time is much longer -- if you are going to wait on lto, you might as well enable these for GCC -- "-fdevirtualize-at-ltrans","-fgcse-sm","-fgcse-las", -- "-fipa-pta","-fipa-icf","-fvariable-expansion-in-unroller", } -- same flags are needed by linker linkoptions { "-flto=1", -- "-Wl,-no-keep-memory", "-Wl,-v", "-Wl,-allow-multiple-definition", "-fuse-linker-plugin", "-fno-fat-lto-objects", "-flto-odr-type-merging", "-Wodr", "-flto-compression-level=0", -- lto doesn't work with anything <9 on linux with < 12G RAM, much slower if <> 0 -- "-flto-report", -- if you get an error in lto after [WPA] stage, but before [LTRANS] stage, you need more memory! -- "-fmem-report-wpa","-fmem-report","-fpre-ipa-mem-report","-fpost-ipa-mem-report","-flto-report-wpa","-fmem-report", -- this six flag combo lets MAME compile with LTO=1 on linux with no errors and ~2% speed boost, but compile time is much longer -- if you are going to wait on lto, you might as well enable these for GCC -- "-fdevirtualize-at-ltrans","-fgcse-sm","-fgcse-las", -- "-fipa-pta","-fipa-icf","-fvariable-expansion-in-unroller", } end end configuration { "mingw-clang" } buildoptions { "-O1", -- without this executable crash often } configuration { } if _OPTIONS["ARCHOPTS"] then buildoptions { _OPTIONS["ARCHOPTS"] } linkoptions { _OPTIONS["ARCHOPTS"] } end if _OPTIONS["SHLIB"] then buildoptions { "-fPIC" } end if _OPTIONS["SSE2"]=="1" then buildoptions { "-msse", "-msse2" } end if _OPTIONS["SSE3"]=="1" then buildoptions { "-msse", "-msse2", "-msse3" } end if _OPTIONS["OPENMP"]=="1" then buildoptions { "-fopenmp", } linkoptions { "-fopenmp" } defines { "USE_OPENMP=1", } else buildoptions { "-Wno-unknown-pragmas", } end if _OPTIONS["LDOPTS"] then linkoptions { _OPTIONS["LDOPTS"] } end if _OPTIONS["MAP"] then if (_OPTIONS["target"] == _OPTIONS["subtarget"]) then linkoptions { "-Wl,-Map," .. "../../../../" .. _OPTIONS["target"] .. ".map" } else linkoptions { "-Wl,-Map," .. "../../../../" .. _OPTIONS["target"] .. _OPTIONS["subtarget"] .. ".map" } end end -- add a basic set of warnings buildoptions { "-Wall", "-Wcast-align", "-Wundef", "-Wformat-security", "-Wwrite-strings", "-Wno-sign-compare", "-Wno-conversion", } -- warnings only applicable to C compiles buildoptions_c { "-Wpointer-arith", "-Wstrict-prototypes", } if _OPTIONS["targetos"]~="freebsd" then buildoptions_c { "-Wbad-function-cast", } end -- warnings only applicable to OBJ-C compiles buildoptions_objc { "-Wpointer-arith", } -- warnings only applicable to C++ compiles buildoptions_cpp { "-Woverloaded-virtual", } --ifdef SANITIZE --CCOMFLAGS += -fsanitize=$(SANITIZE) --ifneq (,$(findstring thread,$(SANITIZE))) --CCOMFLAGS += -fPIE --endif --endif local version = str_to_version(_OPTIONS["gcc_version"]) if string.find(_OPTIONS["gcc"], "clang") or string.find(_OPTIONS["gcc"], "pnacl") or string.find(_OPTIONS["gcc"], "asmjs") or string.find(_OPTIONS["gcc"], "android") then if (version < 30400) then print("Clang version 3.4 or later needed") os.exit(-1) end buildoptions { "-Wno-cast-align", "-Wno-tautological-compare", "-Wno-dynamic-class-memaccess", "-Wno-unused-value", "-Wno-inline-new-delete", "-Wno-constant-logical-operand", "-Wno-deprecated-register", "-fdiagnostics-show-note-include-stack", } if (version >= 30500) then buildoptions { "-Wno-absolute-value", "-Wno-unknown-warning-option", "-Wno-extern-c-compat", } end if (version >= 70000) then buildoptions { "-Wno-tautological-undefined-compare", } end else if (version < 40900) then print("GCC version 4.9 or later needed") os.exit(-1) end buildoptions { "-Wno-unused-result", -- needed for fgets,fread on linux -- array bounds checking seems to be buggy in 4.8.1 (try it on video/stvvdp1.c and video/model1.c without -Wno-array-bounds) "-Wno-array-bounds", } end end if (_OPTIONS["PLATFORM"]=="arm") then buildoptions { "-Wno-cast-align", } end if (_OPTIONS["PLATFORM"]=="arm64") then buildoptions { "-Wno-cast-align", } defines { "PTR64=1", } end local subdir if (_OPTIONS["target"] == _OPTIONS["subtarget"]) then subdir = _OPTIONS["osd"] .. "/" .. _OPTIONS["target"] else subdir = _OPTIONS["osd"] .. "/" .. _OPTIONS["target"] .. _OPTIONS["subtarget"] end if not toolchain(MAME_BUILD_DIR, subdir) then return -- no action specified end configuration { "asmjs" } buildoptions { "-std=gnu89", "-Wno-implicit-function-declaration", "-s USE_SDL_TTF=2", } buildoptions_cpp { "-x c++", "-std=c++14", } archivesplit_size "20" configuration { "android*" } buildoptions { "-Wno-undef", "-Wno-typedef-redefinition", "-Wno-unknown-warning-option", } buildoptions_cpp { "-x c++", "-std=c++14", "-Wno-extern-c-compat", "-Wno-tautological-constant-out-of-range-compare", "-Wno-tautological-pointer-compare", } archivesplit_size "20" configuration { "android-arm64" } buildoptions { "-Wno-asm-operand-widths", } configuration { "pnacl" } buildoptions { "-std=gnu89", "-Wno-inline-new-delete", } buildoptions_cpp { "-x c++", "-std=c++14", } archivesplit_size "20" configuration { "linux-* or rpi or ci20"} links { "dl", "rt", } if _OPTIONS["distro"]=="debian-stable" then defines { "NO_AFFINITY_NP", } end configuration { "steamlink" } links { "dl", "EGL", "GLESv2", "SDL2", } defines { "EGL_API_FB", } configuration { "rpi" } links { "SDL2", "fontconfig", "X11", "GLESv2", "EGL", "bcm_host", "vcos", "vchiq_arm", "pthread", } configuration { "ci20" } links { "SDL2", "asound", "fontconfig", "freetype", "pthread", } configuration { "osx* or xcode4" } links { "pthread", } configuration { "mingw*" } linkoptions { "-static-libgcc", "-static-libstdc++", "-static", } links { "user32", "winmm", "advapi32", "shlwapi", "wsock32", "ws2_32", "psapi", "iphlpapi", "shell32", "userenv", } configuration { "mingw-clang" } linkoptions { "-pthread", } configuration { "vs*" } defines { "XML_STATIC", "WIN32", "_WIN32", "_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE", "_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE", } links { "user32", "winmm", "advapi32", "shlwapi", "wsock32", "ws2_32", "psapi", "iphlpapi", "shell32", "userenv", } buildoptions { "/WX", -- Treats all compiler warnings as errors. "/wd4025", -- warning C4025: 'number' : based pointer passed to function with variable arguments: parameter number "/wd4003", -- warning C4003: not enough actual parameters for macro 'xxx' "/wd4018", -- warning C4018: 'x' : signed/unsigned mismatch "/wd4061", -- warning C4061: enumerator 'xxx' in switch of enum 'xxx' is not explicitly handled by a case label "/wd4100", -- warning C4100: 'xxx' : unreferenced formal parameter "/wd4127", -- warning C4127: conditional expression is constant "/wd4131", -- warning C4131: 'xxx' : uses old-style declarator "/wd4141", -- warning C4141: 'xxx' : used more than once "/wd4146", -- warning C4146: unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned "/wd4150", -- warning C4150: deletion of pointer to incomplete type 'xxx'; no destructor called "/wd4189", -- warning C4189: 'xxx' : local variable is initialized but not referenced "/wd4191", -- warning C4191: 'type cast' : unsafe conversion from 'xxx' to 'xxx' // 64-bit only "/wd4201", -- warning C4201: nonstandard extension used : nameless struct/union "/wd4232", -- warning C4232: nonstandard extension used : 'xxx' : address of dllimport 'xxx' is not static, identity not guaranteed "/wd4242", -- warning C4242: 'x' : conversion from 'xxx' to 'xxx', possible loss of data "/wd4244", -- warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'xxx' to 'xxx', possible loss of data "/wd4250", -- warning C4250: 'xxx' : inherits 'xxx' via dominance "/wd4255", -- warning C4255: 'xxx' : no function prototype given: converting '()' to '(void)' "/wd4296", -- warning C4296: 'x' : expression is always false "/wd4306", -- warning C4306: 'xxx': conversion from 'type1' to 'type2' of greater size // 64-bit only "/wd4310", -- warning C4310: cast truncates constant value "/wd4312", -- warning C4312: 'type cast' : conversion from 'xxx' to 'xxx' of greater size "/wd4324", -- warning C4324: 'xxx' : structure was padded due to __declspec(align()) "/wd4347", -- warning C4347: behavior change: 'xxx' is called instead of 'xxx' // obsolete VS2005 - VS2010 only "/wd4435", -- warning C4435: 'xxx' : Object layout under /vd2 will change due to virtual base 'xxx' "/wd4510", -- warning C4510: 'xxx' : default constructor could not be generated "/wd4512", -- warning C4512: 'xxx' : assignment operator could not be generated "/wd4514", -- warning C4514: 'xxx' : unreferenced inline function has been removed "/wd4571", -- warning C4611: interaction between '_setjmp' and C++ object destruction is non-portable "/wd4610", -- warning C4619: #pragma warning : there is no warning number 'xxx' "/wd4611", -- warning C4571: Informational: catch(...) semantics changed since Visual C++ 7.1; structured exceptions (SEH) are no longer caught "/wd4619", -- warning C4610: struct 'xxx' can never be instantiated - user defined constructor required "/wd4625", -- warning C4625: 'xxx' : copy constructor could not be generated because a base class copy constructor is inaccessible or deleted "/wd4626", -- warning C4626: 'xxx' : assignment operator could not be generated because a base class assignment operator is inaccessible or deleted "/wd4640", -- warning C4640: 'xxx' : construction of local static object is not thread-safe "/wd4668", -- warning C4668: 'xxx' is not defined as a preprocessor macro, replacing with '0' for '#if/#elif' "/wd4702", -- warning C4702: unreachable code "/wd4706", -- warning C4706: assignment within conditional expression "/wd4710", -- warning C4710: 'xxx' : function not inlined "/wd4711", -- warning C4711: function 'xxx' selected for automatic inline expansion // optimized only "/wd4805", -- warning C4805: 'x' : unsafe mix of type 'xxx' and type 'xxx' in operation "/wd4820", -- warning C4820: 'xxx' : 'x' bytes padding added after data member 'xxx' "/wd4826", -- warning C4826: Conversion from 'type1 ' to 'type_2' is sign-extended. This may cause unexpected runtime behavior. // 32-bit only "/wd4365", -- warning C4365: 'action' : conversion from 'type_1' to 'type_2', signed/unsigned mismatch "/wd4389", -- warning C4389: 'operator' : signed/unsigned mismatch "/wd4245", -- warning C4245: 'conversion' : conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', signed/unsigned mismatch "/wd4388", -- warning C4388: signed/unsigned mismatch "/wd4267", -- warning C4267: 'var' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'type', possible loss of data "/wd4005", -- warning C4005: The macro identifier is defined twice. The compiler uses the second macro definition "/wd4350", -- warning C4350: behavior change: 'member1' called instead of 'member2' "/wd4996", -- warning C4996: 'function': was declared deprecated "/wd4191", -- warning C4191: 'operator/operation' : unsafe conversion from 'type of expression' to 'type required' "/wd4060", -- warning C4060: switch statement contains no 'case' or 'default' labels "/wd4065", -- warning C4065: switch statement contains 'default' but no 'case' labels "/wd4640", -- warning C4640: 'instance' : construction of local static object is not thread-safe "/wd4290", -- warning C4290: C++ exception specification ignored except to indicate a function is not __declspec(nothrow) "/wd4355", -- warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list "/wd4800", -- warning C4800: 'type' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning) "/wd4371", -- warning C4371: layout of class may have changed from a previous version of the compiler due to better packing of member 'member' "/wd4548", -- warning C4548: expression before comma has no effect; expected expression with side-effect } if _OPTIONS["vs"]=="intel-15" then buildoptions { "/Qwd9", -- remark #9: nested comment is not allowed "/Qwd82", -- remark #82: storage class is not first "/Qwd111", -- remark #111: statement is unreachable "/Qwd128", -- remark #128: loop is not reachable "/Qwd177", -- remark #177: function "xxx" was declared but never referenced "/Qwd181", -- remark #181: argument of type "UINT32={unsigned int}" is incompatible with format "%d", expecting argument of type "int" "/Qwd185", -- remark #185: dynamic initialization in unreachable code "/Qwd280", -- remark #280: selector expression is constant "/Qwd344", -- remark #344: typedef name has already been declared (with same type) "/Qwd411", -- remark #411: class "xxx" defines no constructor to initialize the following "/Qwd869", -- remark #869: parameter "xxx" was never referenced "/Qwd2545", -- remark #2545: empty dependent statement in "else" clause of if - statement "/Qwd2553", -- remark #2553: nonstandard second parameter "TCHAR={WCHAR = { __wchar_t } } **" of "main", expected "char *[]" or "char **" extern "C" int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR **argv) "/Qwd2557", -- remark #2557: comparison between signed and unsigned operands "/Qwd3280", -- remark #3280: declaration hides member "attotime::seconds" (declared at line 126) static attotime from_seconds(INT32 seconds) { return attotime(seconds, 0); } "/Qwd170", -- error #170: pointer points outside of underlying object "/Qwd188", -- error #188: enumerated type mixed with another type "/Qwd63", -- warning #63: shift count is too large "/Qwd177", -- warning #177: label "xxx" was declared but never referenced "/Qwd186", -- warning #186: pointless comparison of unsigned integer with zero "/Qwd488", -- warning #488: template parameter "_FunctionClass" is not used in declaring the parameter types of function template "device_delegate<_Signature>::device_delegate<_FunctionClass>(delegate<_Signature>: "/Qwd1478", -- warning #1478: function "xxx" (declared at line yyy of "zzz") was declared deprecated "/Qwd1879", -- warning #1879: unimplemented pragma ignored "/Qwd3291", -- warning #3291: invalid narrowing conversion from "double" to "int" "/Qwd1195", -- error #1195: conversion from integer to smaller pointer "/Qwd47", -- error #47: incompatible redefinition of macro "xxx" "/Qwd265", -- error #265: floating-point operation result is out of range -- these occur on a release build, while we can increase the size limits instead some of the files do require extreme amounts "/Qwd11074", -- remark #11074: Inlining inhibited by limit max-size / remark #11074: Inlining inhibited by limit max-total-size "/Qwd11075", -- remark #11075: To get full report use -Qopt-report:4 -Qopt-report-phase ipo } end linkoptions { "/ignore:4221", -- LNK4221: This object file does not define any previously undefined public symbols, so it will not be used by any link operation that consumes this library } includedirs { MAME_DIR .. "3rdparty/dxsdk/Include" } configuration { "vs2015" } buildoptions { "/wd4334", -- warning C4334: '<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?) "/wd4456", -- warning C4456: declaration of 'xxx' hides previous local declaration "/wd4457", -- warning C4457: declaration of 'xxx' hides function parameter "/wd4458", -- warning C4458: declaration of 'xxx' hides class member "/wd4459", -- warning C4459: declaration of 'xxx' hides global declaration "/wd4838", -- warning C4838: conversion from 'xxx' to 'yyy' requires a narrowing conversion "/wd4091", -- warning C4091: 'typedef ': ignored on left of '' when no variable is declared "/wd4463", -- warning C4463: overflow; assigning 1 to bit-field that can only hold values from -1 to 0 "/wd4297", -- warning C4297: 'xxx::~xxx': function assumed not to throw an exception but does "/wd4319", -- warning C4319: 'operator' : zero extending 'type' to 'type' of greater size "/wd4592", -- warning C4592: symbol will be dynamically initialized (implementation limitation) } configuration { "winphone8* or winstore8*" } removelinks { "DelayImp", "gdi32", "psapi" } links { "d3d11", "dxgi" } linkoptions { "/ignore:4264" -- LNK4264: archiving object file compiled with /ZW into a static library; note that when authoring Windows Runtime types it is not recommended to link with a static library that contains Windows Runtime metadata } configuration { } if (_OPTIONS["SOURCES"] ~= nil) then OUT_STR = os.outputof( PYTHON .. " " .. MAME_DIR .. "scripts/build/makedep.py " .. MAME_DIR .. " " .. _OPTIONS["SOURCES"] .. " target " .. _OPTIONS["subtarget"]) load(OUT_STR)() os.outputof( PYTHON .. " " .. MAME_DIR .. "scripts/build/makedep.py " .. MAME_DIR .. " " .. _OPTIONS["SOURCES"] .. " drivers " .. _OPTIONS["subtarget"] .. " > ".. GEN_DIR .. _OPTIONS["target"] .. "/" .. _OPTIONS["subtarget"]..".flt") end group "libs" if (not os.isfile(path.join("src", "osd", _OPTIONS["osd"] .. ".lua"))) then error("Unsupported value '" .. _OPTIONS["osd"] .. "' for OSD") end dofile(path.join("src", "osd", _OPTIONS["osd"] .. ".lua")) dofile(path.join("src", "lib.lua")) group "3rdparty" dofile(path.join("src", "3rdparty.lua")) group "core" dofile(path.join("src", "emu.lua")) dofile(path.join("src", "mame", "frontend.lua")) group "devices" dofile(path.join("src", "devices.lua")) devicesProject(_OPTIONS["target"],_OPTIONS["subtarget"]) group "drivers" findfunction("createProjects_" .. _OPTIONS["target"] .. "_" .. _OPTIONS["subtarget"])(_OPTIONS["target"], _OPTIONS["subtarget"]) group "emulator" dofile(path.join("src", "main.lua")) if (_OPTIONS["SOURCES"] == nil) then if (_OPTIONS["target"] == _OPTIONS["subtarget"]) then startproject (_OPTIONS["target"]) else if (_OPTIONS["subtarget"]=="mess") then startproject (_OPTIONS["subtarget"]) else startproject (_OPTIONS["target"] .. _OPTIONS["subtarget"]) end end else startproject (_OPTIONS["subtarget"]) end mainProject(_OPTIONS["target"],_OPTIONS["subtarget"]) strip() if _OPTIONS["with-tools"] then group "tools" dofile(path.join("src", "tools.lua")) end if _OPTIONS["with-tests"] then group "tests" dofile(path.join("src", "tests.lua")) end if _OPTIONS["with-benchmarks"] then group "benchmarks" dofile(path.join("src", "benchmarks.lua")) end