-- license:BSD-3-Clause -- copyright-holders:Miodrag Milanovic require('lfs') local cwd = lfs.currentdir() package.path = cwd .. "/plugins/?.lua;" .. cwd .. "/plugins/?/init.lua" local json = require('json') function readAll(file) local f = io.open(file, "rb") local content = f:read("*all") f:close() return content end for file in lfs.dir("plugins") do if (file~="." and file~=".." and lfs.attributes("plugins/" .. file,"mode")=="directory") then local filename = "plugins/" .. file .. "/plugin.json" local meta = json.parse(readAll(filename)) if (meta["plugin"]["type"]=="plugin") and (meta["plugin"]["start"]=="true") then server = require(meta["plugin"]["name"]) if server.set_folder~=nil then server.set_folder("plugins/" .. file) end server.startplugin(); end end end