path: root/src/mame/machine/acs8600_ics.cpp (follow)
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Rearrange source to match project structure (done using the script in ↵ Vas Crabb2022-06-271-210/+0
| | | | src/tools).
* rs232: HLE updates AJR2021-01-261-1/+0
| | | | | | | - Remove option to change the number of start bits (1 was always the default, and the RS232 protocol requires one start bit) - Add many historically significant baud rates ranging from 50 to 7200 * ccs2810.cpp, sb8085.cpp: Update notes
* mame/machine: simplified some handlers (nw) Ivan Vangelista2020-04-221-4/+4
* Revert "Revert "enable clang missing braces warning - it's useful to be able ↵ Vas Crabb2019-12-211-5/+5
| | | | | | to see when you're initialising a structure or nested array inside an array"" This reverts commit 4264fcd1369dadbb774fd681bf9375e2761d5286.
* Revert "enable clang missing braces warning - it's useful to be able to see ↵ AJR2019-12-201-5/+5
| | | | | | when you're initialising a structure or nested array inside an array" This (mostly) reverts commit 6959de07197e623262e614fdd0734007a41eb778.
* enable clang missing braces warning - it's useful to be able to see when ↵ Vas Crabb2019-12-201-5/+5
| | | | you're initialising a structure or nested array inside an array
* (nw) Clean up the mess on master Vas Crabb2019-03-261-5/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | | This effectively reverts b380514764cf857469bae61c11143a19f79a74c5 and c24473ddff715ecec2e258a6eb38960cf8c8e98e, restoring the state at 598cd5227223c3b04ca31f0dbc1981256d9ea3ff. Before pushing, please check that what you're about to push is sane. Check your local commit log and ensure there isn't anything out-of-place before pushing to mainline. When things like this happen, it wastes everyone's time. I really don't need this in a week when real work™ is busting my balls and I'm behind where I want to be with preparing for MAME release.
* Revert "conflict resolution (nw)" andreasnaive2019-03-251-3/+5
| | | | | This reverts commit c24473ddff715ecec2e258a6eb38960cf8c8e98e, reversing changes made to 009cba4fb8102102168ef32870892438327f3705.
* A few more obvious uses for required_address_space (nw) AJR2019-01-221-5/+3
* rs232: small start at removing MCFG macros (nw) Ivan Vangelista2018-10-171-35/+36
* z80daisy_generic, z80dart, z80dma: removed MCFG macros (nw) Ivan Vangelista2018-08-301-5/+4
| | | | z80_daisy: first part of MCFG macro removal (nw)
* devcb3 Vas Crabb2018-07-071-56/+66
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | There are multiple issues with the current device callbacks: * They always dispatch through a pointer-to-member * Chained callbacks are a linked list so the branch unit can't predict the early * There's a runtime decision made on the left/right shift direction * There are runtime NULL checks on various objects * Binding a lambda isn't practical * Arbitrary transformations are not supported * When chaining callbacks it isn't clear what the MCFG_DEVCB_ modifiers apply to * It isn't possible to just append to a callback in derived configuration * The macros need a magic, hidden local called devcb * Moving code that uses the magic locals around is error-prone * Writing the MCFG_ macros to make a device usable is a pain * You can't discover applicable MCFG_ macros with intellisense * Macros are not scoped * Using an inappropriate macro isn't detected at compile time * Lots of other things This changeset overcomes the biggest obstacle to remving MCFG_ macros altogether. Essentially, to allow a devcb to be configured, call .bind() and expose the result (a bind target for the callback). Bind target methods starting with "set" repace the current callbacks; methods starting with "append" append to them. You can't reconfigure a callback after resolving it. There's no need to use a macro matching the handler signatures - use FUNC for everything. Current device is implied if no tag/finder is supplied (no need for explicit this). Lambdas are supported, and the memory space and offset are optional. These kinds of things work: * .read_cb().set([this] () { return something; }); * .read_cb().set([this] (offs_t offset) { return ~offset; }); * .write_cb().set([this] (offs_t offset, u8 data) { m_array[offset] = data; }); * .write_cb().set([this] (int state) { some_var = state; }); Arbitrary transforms are allowed, and they can modify offset/mask for example: * .read_cb().set(FUNC(my_state::handler)).transform([] (u8 data) { return bitswap<4>(data, 1, 3, 0, 2); }); * .read_cb().set(m_dev, FUNC(some_device::member)).transform([] (offs_t &offset, u8 data) { offset ^= 3; return data; }); It's possible to stack arbitrary transforms, at the cost of compile time (the whole transform stack gets inlined at compile time). Shifts count as an arbitrary transform, but mask/exor does not. Order of mask/shift/exor now matters. Modifications are applied in the specified order. These are NOT EQUIVALENT: * .read_cb().set(FUNC(my_state::handler)).mask(0x06).lshift(2); * .read_cb().set(FUNC(my_state::handler)).lshift(2).mask(0x06); The bit helper no longer reverses its behaviour for read callbacks, and I/O ports are no longer aware of the field mask. Binding a read callback to no-op is not supported - specify a constant. The GND and VCC aliases have been removed intentionally - they're TTL-centric, and were already being abused. Other quirks have been preserved, including write logger only logging when the data is non-zero (quite unhelpful in many of the cases where it's used). Legacy syntax is still supported for simple cases, but will be phased out. New devices should not have MCFG_ macros. I don't think I've missed any fundamental issues, but if I've broken something, let me know.
* altos8600, isbc_208, isbc_215g, m20_8086, psxcd, saturn, sun3x, z100: ↵ mooglyguy2018-06-221-1/+2
| | | | Removed machine().device, nw
* as if millions of this pointers suddenly cried out in terror, and were ↵ Vas Crabb2018-06-081-3/+3
| | | | | | | suddenly silenced * streamline templates in addrmap.h * get rid of overloads on read/write member names - this will become even more important in the near future
* Streamline machine configuration macros - everyone's a device edition. Vas Crabb2018-05-061-72/+72
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Start replacing special device macros with additional constructors, starting with ISA, INTELLEC 4 and RS-232 buses. Allow an object finder to take on the target of another object finder. (For a combination of the previous two things in action, see either the INTELLEC 4 driver, or the Apple 2 PC Exporter card. Also check out looping over a device finder array to instantiate devices in some places. Lots of things no longer need to pass tags around.) Start supplying default clocks for things that have a standard clock or have all clocks internal. Eliminate the separate DEV versions of the DEVCB_ macros. Previously, the plain versions were a shortcut for DEVICE_SELF as the target. You can now supply a string tag (relative to current device being configured), an object finder (takes on the base and relative tag), or a reference to a device/interface (only do this if you know the device won't be replaced out from under it, but that's a safe assumption for your subdevices). In almost all cases, you can get the effect you want by supplying *this as the target. Eliminate sound and CPU versions of macros. They serve no useful purpose, provide no extra checks, make error messages longer, add indirection, and mislead newbies into thinking there's a difference. Remove a lot of now-unnecessary ":" prefixes binding things relative to machine root. Clean up some miscellaneous rot. Examples of new functionality in use in (some more subtle than others): * src/mame/drivers/intellec4.cpp * src/mame/drivers/tranz330.cpp * src/mame/drivers/osboren1.cpp * src/mame/drivers/zorba.cpp * src/mame/devices/smioc.cpp * src/devices/bus/a2bus/pc_xporter.cpp * src/devices/bus/isa/isa.h * src/devices/bus/isa/isa.h * src/devices/bus/intellec4/intellec4.h
* Make MCFG_DEVICE_ADD and callable device types more flexible: Vas Crabb2018-05-041-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * Allows defaulted clocks (see subtle example with vboy) * Allows additional constructors (see RS232 port in tranz330) * Allows use of device finder in place of tag in MCFG_DEVICE_ADD * Requires out-of-line destructor for devices using incomplete types * Requires XTAL or explicit u32 for clocks for devices with private types Devices must still define the standard constructor. When writing additional constructors, be aware that the constructor runs before device_add_mconfig in the context of the existing device, not the new device. See osborne1, zorba, tranz330, and vboy for examples of this in use. Compilation is a bit slower, but this is temporary while refactoring is in progress. Eliminated the need for MCFG_SOUND_ROUTE_EX. Removed macros from slot option configuration - they just obfuscated code and slowed it down with needless dynamic casts, but didn't actually simplify it.
* Address maps macros removal, pass 1 [O. Galibert] Olivier Galibert2018-03-141-17/+19
* API change: Memory maps are now methods of the owner class [O. Galibert] Olivier Galibert2018-02-121-2/+2
| | | | | Also, a lot more freedom happened, that's going to be more visible soon.
* xtal.h is dead, long live to xtal.cpp [O. Galibert] Olivier Galibert2018-01-231-7/+7
* API Change: Machine configs are now a method of the owner class, and the ↵ Olivier Galibert2018-01-171-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | prototype is simplified [O. Galibert] Beware, the device context does not follow in MCFG_FRAGMENT_ADD anymore due to the prototype change. So creating a device then configuring through a fragment doesn't work as-is. The simplest solution is just to add a MCFG_DEVICE_MODIFY at the start of the fragment with the correct tag.
* altos8600: move default terminal to ics as xenix expects (nw) cracyc2017-09-251-1/+11
| | | | z80sio: invert dcd status bit (nw)
* Eliminate custom MCFG_Z80DART_ADD/Z80SIO_ADD macros (nw) AJR2017-09-241-4/+4
* acs8600_ics: too fast (nw) cracyc2017-09-231-7/+15
* acs8600_ics: fix timer lines (nw) cracyc2017-09-221-2/+3
* altos8600: add serial board [Carl] cracyc2017-09-221-0/+181