path: root/src/mame/drivers/eurit.cpp (follow)
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* mm74c922: Fix typo in device name (nw) AJR2020-05-151-4/+4
* hd44780: Add Epson SED1278-0B variant with European character generator ROM AJR2020-05-151-2/+2
* eurit30: Add two more keys (nw) AJR2020-05-141-2/+2
* am79c30: Correct a few debug logging statements (nw) AJR2020-05-141-2/+2
* eurit30: Add preliminary inputs AJR2020-05-141-1/+84
* hd44780: Allow function set register to be updated again right after changing... AJR2020-05-141-2/+2
* eurit30: Underclock to keep accurate time (nw) AJR2020-05-141-2/+2
* eurit30: Add LCD screen AJR2020-05-141-14/+34
* eurit30: Connect DSC interrupt (nw) AJR2020-03-201-1/+2
* New skeleton device: Am79C30A DSC AJR2020-02-271-1/+22
* eurit30: Note (nw) AJR2019-12-061-1/+1
* Correct region widths in miscellaneous drivers and devices (nw) AJR2019-11-161-1/+1
* New machines marked as NOT_WORKING AJR2019-11-151-0/+55