path: root/src/emu/emuopts.h (follow)
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Miscellaneous fixes and refactoring: Vas Crabb2023-01-281-0/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ui/analogipt.cpp: Fixed bar graph display for fields with ranges that wrap through zero. emu/inputdev.cpp: Separateed analog axis deadzone and switch threshold settings, reduced default deadzone, and fixed a potential division by zero if the deadzone and saturation settings are equal. emu/ioport.cpp: Fixed behaviour of absolute analog fields where range passes through zero - it previously only worked for specific combinations of mask, minimum and default. Removed a workaround from universal/getaway.cpp that is no longer necessary. emu/input.cpp: Fixed unintuitive behaviour when an absolute field is assigned an OR combination of a relative control folled by an absolute control (e.g. Mouse X or Joy 1 LSX). Also fixed reading axis input sequences where an axis code is followed by a switch code (these can only be produced by manually editing configuration files, not through MAME's UI), and fixed the returned type when multiple relative axes sum to zero. osd/modules/input_dinput.cpp: Fixed hat switches being stuck in up position when input is suspended in the background taito/taitoio_yoke.cpp: Give throttle control a distinct type, and don't auto-centre. osd: Added option to select MIDI provider module (currently only PortMidi and the dummy module are available). Also put various things in namespaces, and fixed builds including SDL sound module with native Windows OSD. emu/validity.cpp: Added check to catch I/O port fields using UI input types. emu/inpttype.ipp: Renamed inputs that were causing confusion. "Bill" and "Track" were causing confusion for translators and hence likely causing confusion for many users, especially those who are not native English speakers. "Track" as an abbreviation for "Trackball" was frequently being mistranslated, e.g. in the sense of a CD track selection button or even in the sense of a railway track. There's no reason to abbreviate it. "Bill" in the US English sense as a banknote is too ambiguous and was causing confusion for translators. It's better to use the less ambiguous "Banknote". Corrected Greek translations of "Trackball". Don't run GitHub Actions on issue template changes.
* Software list-provided default option fixes AJR2022-12-181-0/+1
| | | | | - Give "slot_default" option values default priority rather than maximum priority, so command line option specifications can override these - Silently ignore software list-provided default options or values that don't exist in a particular system configuration
* plugins: Moved the timecode recording functionality to a plugin. Vas Crabb2021-11-021-2/+0
* Overdue internal UI enhancements (#8674) Vas Crabb2021-10-091-2/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * frontend: Added support for message context to localisations. * frontend: Added string_view versions of the message lookup functions. * frontend: Added a few more folder options to the internal UI. * emu/softlist.cpp: Use more appropriate containers. * Switched to Python 3 by default - this will become a requirement. * Updated for message context support. * frontend: Show all software item info in the internal UI. * frontend: Search alternate titles in software selection menu. * 3rdparty/utf8proc: Updated to v2.6.1 (has several fixes). * frontend: Added software filters for common info fields. * frontend: Allow UI manager to hold onto persistent session data. * frontend: Cache software lists for eight machines. * frontend: Added support for loading localised system names. * frontend: Add UI for selecting localised system names.
* sound: make the compressor optional (clamp overdrive to -1.0-1.0 when off) hap2021-09-241-0/+2
* Add -share_directory option. This sets a directory on the host system which ↵ arbee2021-05-081-0/+2
| | | | emulated systems can directly access. [R. Belmont]
* Much more core std::string_view modernization AJR2021-01-201-3/+6
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | - Remove corestr.h from emu.h; update a few source files to not use it at all - Change strtrimspace, strtrimrightspace and core_filename_extract_* to be pure functions taking a std::string_view by value and returning the same type - Change strmakeupper and strmakelower to be pure functions taking a std::string_view and constructing a std::string - Remove the string-modifying version of zippath_parent - Change tag-based lookup functions in device_t to take std::string_view instead of const std::string & or const char * - Remove the subdevice tag cache from device_t (since device finders are now recommended) and replace it with a map covering directly owned subdevices only - Move the working directory setup method out of device_image_interface (only the UI seems to actually use the full version of this) - Change output_manager to use std::string_view for output name arguments - Change core_options to accept std::string_view for most name and value arguments (return values are still C strings for now) - Change miscellaneous other functions to accept std::string_view arguments - Remove a few string accessor macros from romload.h - Remove many unnecessary c_str() calls from logging/error messages
* speaker.cpp: Add new option -speaker_report <n> to help devs tune volume (#6995) Aaron Giles2020-07-271-0/+2
| | | * Add new option speaker_report to report clipping and other statistics after each session. This replaces the previous compile-time define and offers more detail.
* Add new option beam_dot_size that controls the rendered size of 'dots' in ↵ Aaron Giles2020-07-241-0/+2
| | | | vector games. (#6993)
* Revert "ui: allow to skip warning popup at start" Vas Crabb2020-07-101-2/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This reverts commit 74f456df945cd1720dc4d6bc105f64c13e62ced8. I will allow the feature with the following conditions: * No skipping red warnings. * A key-value map of device shortnames and yellow warnings must be stored in the .cfg file, along with a timestamp of the last time the system was run and the last time a warning was shown. * On starting a system, the map of device shortnames and yellow warnings must be built and compared to the one loaded from the .cfg file. If it doesn't match, if the system hasn't been started in seven days, or a yellow warning hasn't been shown in 14 days, the warning is not to be skipped.
* ui: allow to skip warning popup at start hap2020-07-101-0/+2
* Debugger - add `-debuglog` option to log debug console output to file Stephen Oberholtzer2020-05-071-0/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | When this option is specified, all console output is echoed to a log file. Some caveats/limitations: - The file-open process was copied from -log, so it has the same limits - Filename is hard-coded (debug.log) - File is overwritten if it exists - File is opened during emulation initialization - Thus, the file is cleared if you invoke the "Hard Reset" debugger command - Probably some other details I don't know about - Logging works as such: When a string is appended to the scrollback buffer, it is also written to the log file. Some commands forcibly wrap their output (e.g. `help` to 80 columns.) Because this wrapping is done inside the scrollback buffer, the text written to the file is not wrapped. This can be seen with `help execution`.
* Remove up to one frame of input latency. (#5901) antonioginer2019-11-161-0/+2
| | | | | | | | | | * Remove up to one frame of input latency. Makes MAME virtually lagless on VRR monitors. * Use empty parentheses and clean interface member calls * Add new option -instant_blit to make this feature optional * Rename new option to -lowlatency, -ll
* Changed mechanisms for overriding the mandatory file manager npwoods2019-08-051-2/+0
| | | | | | | - Removed the -skip_mandatory_fileman command line option - Created an emu.register_mandatory_file_manager_override() LUA function to allow LUA plugins to substitute the mandatory file manager
* Use canonical spelling of "canonical" (nw) AJR2019-08-021-1/+1
* srcclean (nw) Vas Crabb2019-07-281-1/+1
* Created a -skip_mandatory_fileman option npwoods2019-07-211-0/+2
* Fix segfault when trying to access some image option that does not exists ↵ AmatCoder2019-07-181-0/+1
| | | | | | | | (#5352) * emuopts.h: Add method to check if image option exists * image.cpp: Avoid to require image_option if it does not exists
* Make layout format more flexible: Vas Crabb2019-07-061-10/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * There is no longer a concept of "layers" - there are only screens and elements. * Elements are now instantiated with <element ref="..."> * Screens and elements can have explicit blending mode specified with blend="..." * Default blending mode for screens is "add" and default for other elements is "alpha" * Other supported modes are "none" and "multiply" * This removes the options to enable/disable layers individually - use views instead * Legacy layouts can still be loaded, and support won't be removed for at least a year The current artwork model is over-stretched. It's based on a Space Invaders cabinet model, and isn't applicable to a lot of the systems MAME emulates now. The fact that MAME has to switch to an "alternate" mode to deal with games like Golly! Ghost! without requiring pre-matted bitmaps shows that the Space Invaders model wasn't even adequate for general arcade use. It shows in that for a lot of the systems that heavily depend on artwork, people just seem to randomly choose layers for elements until they get something that works. Also, the fact that MAME will switch to an alternate (Golly! Ghost!) mode depending on the combination of elements is a trap for people learning to make artwork. There are cases that the current approach of implying the blending mode from the layer doesn't work with. Examples include LEDs behind diffusers (requires additive blending for layout elements), and mutliple stacked LCD panels (requires RGB multiplication for screens). For configurability, it's now a lot easier to make multiple views using groups. For example, if you want to make it possible to hide the control panel section of your layout, you can put the control panel elements in a group and create views with and without it. I will gradually migrate the internal artwork to use the new approach. I have an XSLT stylesheet that helps with this, but I'm not comfortable adding it because it isn't a complete solution and it still requires manul steps. I wanted to get the re-worked pointer handling done sooner so I could push them both at the same time, but unfortunately various things have prevented me from progressing as quickly as I wanted to. Sorry guys, that stuff's going to have to wait.
* M1COMM, M2COMM, S32COMM: Updates to simulation (#3369) Ariane Fugmann2018-03-211-0/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * M1COMM: update simulation based on real firmware (nw) - read partial frames correctly now - added VSYNC packets (framesync currently disabled as this can cause MAME to freeze and we have no way to tell if the socket is still open) * M2COMM: update simulation (nw) - read partial frames correctly now - added VSYNC packets (framesync currently disabled as this can cause MAME to freeze and we have no way to tell if the socket is still open) * M1COMM, M2COMM: add config option to sync frames over network (nw) * M2COMM: another update to the simulation. - added relay mode (used by stcc) - added "connection loss" * M1COMM: update to simulation (nw) - better sync - detect lost connection * M2COMM: use osd_file rather than emu_file for better control (nw) * M2COMM: handle connection loss in a a more elegant way (nw) * M1COMM: use osd_file rather than emu_file for better control (nw) * S32COMM: updated simulation (nw) - handle connection loss - use osd_file rather than emu_file for better control
* Override and fallback options for artwork (#2908) phulshof2018-01-071-0/+4
| | | | | | | | | | | | * Added fallback_artwork and override_artwork as MAME options to allow default artwork to be loaded. * Removed debug testing code. * - Allow loading of built-in layouts even if override_artwork is specified. - Allow loading of fallback_artwork if only default view have been found. - Fixed order of built-in layouts with regards to fallback_artwork as agreed upon the forums. * Changed |= true to = true, and changed override artwork so it only checks for default.lay if the <machine name>.lay is not found.
* Add option to disable saving NVRAM on exit AJR2017-12-261-0/+2
* Revert "Revert "Merge branch 'master' of"" Firehawke2017-12-131-0/+4
| | | | This reverts commit 54155441e9ba9941e85d80c4834a66376a11e791.
* Revert "Merge branch 'master' of" Firehawke2017-12-131-4/+0
| | | | | This reverts commit f537428e5a40ba6dde8ca9bf0fe9ae6b1f189ac4, reversing changes made to 0d70d798107d4e4e8fb9f230410aeb1e888d65c5.
* Rewind feature and RAM savestates. vadosnaprimer2017-12-061-0/+4
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | This starts the work requested in #2398. How RAM states work. Implemented using util::vectorstream. Instead of dumping m_save.m_entry_list to file, it writes them as binary to vectorstream. Compression is not used, as it would slow down the process. The header is written as usual, also in binary. When a state is loaded, the savestate data gets binary-read from vectorstream. How rewind works. Rewind is optional, it can be turned off through MAME GUI while not running. Rewind capacity is available there too. Rewind step hotkey is available from the standard hotkey menu. In the debugger you have the "rewind" command ("rw" shortcut) that works the same as the hotkey. Every time you advance a frame (pause step), rewinder captures a RAM savestate of the frame you were at. It does the same when you do step into/over/out in the debugger. Every time it captures a new state (and when you unpause), it marks as invalid all its states that go after the current machine time, because input might change, so they are not relevant anymore. It keeps their buffers allocated though, for future use. When rewinder runs out of allowed amount of savestates it can have, it invalidates the first state in the list and tosses its unique_ptr to the end of the list, then it uses its buffer to capture a new state. When you hit the rewind step key, or use "rewind" command in the debugger, it loads a state that is immediately before the current machine time. Invalid states between valid ones are not allowed to appear, as that breaks rewinder integrity and causes problems. Rewinder keeps its own set of ram states as a vector of unique_ptr's. All rewinder operations and errors get reported using machine().popmessage().
* Fixed an options overhaul regression (#2530) npwoods2017-10-061-0/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | This crash (discovered by Wizz) had the following symptoms: 1. Start MAME 2. Choose "Configure Machine" 3. Choose "Video Options" CRASH This was the result of the options editor not having a fully formed list of options where it was expecting one. The fix is to change the declaration of emu_options to one that have full OSD options (it is possible that SDLMAME needs something slightly different) I created a osd_setup_osd_specific_emu_options(emu_options &) function that given an emu_options, will slap on system specific options. I see this as only marginally less gross, and I have zero opinion on whether this should be changed to return an emu_options (rather than have a reference parameter), be a static method on emu_options, or what have you.
* Revert "(nw) Fixed random crashing when swapping one slot device with another." Vas Crabb2017-08-061-2/+0
| | | | | | | | This reverts commit 9968fc71b08b2a27e930d02333cb813977a37cbd. This hides the underlying problem that the options structure is getting out-of-sync. It's losing the image option but not the underlying option. Masking the problem doesn't fix it.
* (nw) Fixed random crashing when swapping one slot device with another. Robbbert2017-08-061-0/+2
* more srcclean (nw) Vas Crabb2017-06-251-5/+5
* Overhaul to how MAME handles options, take two (#2341) npwoods2017-06-251-48/+112
* Revert "Overhaul to how MAME handles options (#2260)" Vas Crabb2017-05-071-90/+49
| | | | | | | | | | | | This reverts commit 536990e77b49ccc50ef275bfbf1018cc29c16154. Conflicts: src/frontend/mame/mame.cpp Sorry, but this change was half-baked. It breaks a lot of existing functionality and clearly hasn't been tested in more than a tiny subset of use cases. Please play this work back onto your own branch, and test it before submitting another PR.
* Overhaul to how MAME handles options (#2260) npwoods2017-05-051-49/+90
| | | | | | | | | | | | This is an overhaul to how MAME handles options to provide a better foundation for what MAME is already doing in practice. Previously, core_options was designed to provide an input/output facility for reading options from the command line and INI files. However, the current needs (image/slot/get_default_card_software calculus and MewUI) go way beyond that. Broadly, this PR makes the following changes: * core_options now has an extensibility mechanism, so one can register options that behave dramatically differently * With that foundation, emu_options now encapsulates all of the funky image/slot/get_default_card_software calculus that were previously handled by static methods in mameopts.cpp. Changes to emu_options should not automatically cascade in such a way so that it stays in a consistent state * emu_options no longer provides direct access to the slot_options/image_options maps; there are simpler API functions that control these capabilities * Many core_options functions that expose internal data structures (e.g. - priority) that were only really needed because of previous (now obsolete) techniques have been removed. * core_options is now exception based (rather than dumping text to an std::string). The burden is on the caller to catch these, and discern between warnings and errors as needed. Obviously this is a risky change; that's why this is being submitted at the start of the dev cycle.
* srcclean (nw) Vas Crabb2017-04-231-12/+12
* More options refactoring Nathan Woods2017-04-161-26/+28
| | | | | | | | This should address outstanding concerns with PR#2231. I'm trying to turn emu_options into a self contained structure that encapsulates behaviors related to options, including the gymnastics pertaining to image/slot loading and interactions with get_default_card_software() and "just works". When the MAME 0.186 development cycle starts up, I hope to take this further. I want to make core_options::entry an abstract base class so that the entries associated with image options and slot options can derive from it. This will eliminate the current need for emu_options to directly expose maps for image and slot options. For now, I'm in stabilization mode, and I hope to get things working for a stable 0.185 release.
* Fixes issues specifying image/slot options fron INI files (reported by ↵ npwoods2017-04-151-2/+14
| | | | | | | Robbbert) (#2231) This fix really doesn't go far enough. I added hooks so that options specified at the command line can also be responded to when parsed from INI files, but in the long run much of the logic that is currently in mame_options should go into emu_options so that when an option is specified, all of the wacko logic around slot/image specification "just works" because it is encapsulated within emu_options. We have a release 11 days away; I want to be in stabilization mode.
* Refactoring in response to MT#6531 Nathan Woods2017-04-061-8/+52
| | | | | | | | | | Prior to this change, options for images and slots were stored in the emu_options collection. Anything that might restart the emulation (such as slot changes and images that reset on load) had to manipulate the emu_options structure directly. The dynamic nature of images and slots meant that some elaborate conventions for setting up this collection had to be understood by clients. After this change, emu_options has two new members (image_options and slot_options) that expose image and slot selections via an std::map. Anything that changes images or slots in a fashion that needs to persist across sessions needs to modify these data structures. Additionally, some of the hairly logic (e.g. - get_default_card_software) now records its data here rather than trying to subvert the core_options system. This is how MT#6531 was fixed; now when diimage.cpp sees an image that resets on load, it just modifies the image_options structure and forces a reset. This allowed some further cleanups to happen within diimage. This should be considered a very risky change, and scrutiny/feedback is welcome. In particular, there seems to be functionality surrounding device bioses that I'm not 100% sure how it works; the syntax seems to imply that it only works on slot devices.
* fix crash on excessive command-line options, clean up some tabulation, ↵ Vas Crabb2017-03-031-11/+4
| | | | remove long-dead option
* Softlist cleanup (#2075) npwoods2017-02-221-3/+4
| | | | | | | | | | * Eliminates the need for emu_options::update_cached_options() by providing a hook for when option values change * This is a preliminary fix to the issue identified in PR#2065 * More softlist related refactoring: - We now only parse the command line (with core_options::parse_command_line()) once - Options that are set up during slot and image setup go through a 'value_specifier' function - Eliminated the command line postprocessing
* srcclean (nw) Vas Crabb2017-01-221-1/+1
* Fix issue enabling/disabling http (nw) Miodrag Milanovic2017-01-041-1/+1
* Added initial HTTP/HTTPS webserver/websocket server support (nw) Miodrag Milanovic2017-01-041-0/+9
* added OPTION_HOMEPATH to point to read/write folder,for now used by LUA ↵ Miodrag Milanovic2016-11-121-0/+2
| | | | | | scripts (nw) Copied all needed files so plugins could be started under UWP
* Added swpath. Allows users to specify location of loose software. Robbbert2016-10-121-0/+2
* Implement new option -autostretchxy, to automatically apply Antonio Giner2016-08-271-0/+2
| | | | -unevenstretchx or -unevenstretchy based on source native orientation.
* Implement new option -unevenstretchy (complementary to -unevenstretchx) Antonio Giner2016-08-271-0/+2
* Cleanup and version bumpmame0175 Miodrag Milanovic2016-06-291-1/+1
* Procedural texture for vectors in HLSL ImJezze2016-06-051-2/+0
| | | | | | * added simple procedural texture for vectors with rounded line ends and beam smoothness * added optional -vector_beam_smooth option * removed -antialias option, antialiasing is now always applied, except for plain D3D
* Changed the backing representation of OPTION_UI from being a string to an enum Nathan Woods2016-05-291-1/+8
* Move system name lookup into frontend (nw) AJR2016-04-281-1/+0
* Cleanups and version bumpmame0173 Miodrag Milanovic2016-04-271-2/+2