path: root/trunk/src/lib/formats/thom_cas.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/src/lib/formats/thom_cas.c')
1 files changed, 787 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/src/lib/formats/thom_cas.c b/trunk/src/lib/formats/thom_cas.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0ca43d3444e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/src/lib/formats/thom_cas.c
@@ -0,0 +1,787 @@
+ Copyright (C) Antoine Mine' 2006
+ Thomson 8-bit computers
+#include <math.h>
+#include "pool.h"
+#include "cassimg.h"
+#include "thom_cas.h"
+/***************************** configuration **************************/
+#define K7_SPEED_HACK 0
+/* When set to 1, bits extracted from k7 files are not transformed into a
+ raw wave. It saves some time & memory but disables the ability to "hear" the
+ cassette.
+ This does not affect raw wave files.
+ Also, we do not do this for k5 files because the the corresponding wave
+ files are more compact anyway. */
+/* It must be set accordingly in machine/thomson.c */
+#define VERBOSE 0 /* 0, 1 or 2 */
+/***************************** utilities **************************/
+#define PRINT(x) printf x
+#define LOG(x) do { if (VERBOSE > 0) printf x; } while (0)
+#define VLOG(x) do { if (VERBOSE > 1) printf x; } while (0)
+#define TO7_BIT_LENGTH 0.001114
+#define TO7_FREQ_CASS_0 4500.
+#define TO7_FREQ_CASS_1 6300.
+#define TO7_PERIOD_CASS_0 ( 1. / TO7_FREQ_CASS_0 )
+#define TO7_PERIOD_CASS_1 ( 1. / TO7_FREQ_CASS_1 )
+static UINT32 to7_k7_bitsize;
+static UINT8* to7_k7_bits;
+#define MO5_BIT_LENGTH 0.000833
+#define MO5_HBIT_LENGTH (MO5_BIT_LENGTH / 2.)
+/************************* k7 format *************************/
+/* The k7 format is widespread among existing Thomson emulators.
+ It represents the stream of bytes returned by the BIOS cassette routine,
+ and so, is used by emulators that bypass the BIOS routine.
+ It is generally hacked from the raw image more or less by hand
+ (in particular, to by-pass special loaders and copy-protection schemes).
+ As we run the original BIOS routine, we need to hack back the k7 file
+ into the original stream.
+ In theory, the byte stream is a sequence of blocks of the form:
+ - 2-byte header: 01 3C
+ - 1-byte type
+ 00 = start of file, the block contains the filename
+ 01 = chunk of file data
+ FF = end of file
+ - 1-byte size
+ - size bytes of data
+ - one byte of CRC
+ These are separated by 0xff fillers.
+ There are also a variety of non-standard blocks, and we try to handle them.
+ Our main problem is to guess where the places where the motor will be
+ cut-off and introduce there sequences of 1 bit for synchronization.
+ Note: as a nice effect, if our routine succeeds, it constructs a wave
+ file that should be usable on a real computer.
+static const struct CassetteModulation to7_k7_modulation =
+ 4000.0, 4500.0, 5000.0,
+ 5500.0, 6300.0, 7500.0
+static casserr_t to7_k7_identify ( cassette_image *cass, struct CassetteOptions *opts )
+ casserr_t e = cassette_modulation_identify( cass, &to7_k7_modulation, opts );
+ return e;
+static casserr_t to7_k7_load( cassette_image *cass )
+#if ! K7_SPEED_HACK
+ static const INT8 square_wave[] = { -128, 127 };
+ double time = 0.;
+ size_t size = cassette_image_size( cass ), pos = 0;
+ int i, sz, sz2, bitmax = 1024, invalid = 0;
+ UINT8 in, typ, block[264];
+ LOG (( "to7_k7_load: start conversion, size=%li\n", (long)size ));
+ PRINT (( "to7_k7_load: open cassette, length: %li bytes\n", (long) size ));
+ if ( to7_k7_bits )
+ {
+ free( to7_k7_bits );
+ to7_k7_bits = NULL;
+ }
+ to7_k7_bitsize = 0;
+ to7_k7_bits = (UINT8*)malloc(bitmax );
+/* store one period */
+#define K7_PUT( PERIOD )
+#define K7_PUT( PERIOD ) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ casserr_t err; \
+ err = cassette_put_samples( cass, 0, time, (PERIOD), 2, 1, \
+ square_wave, CASSETTE_WAVEFORM_8BIT ); \
+ if ( err ) \
+ return err; \
+ time += (PERIOD); \
+ } while (0)
+/* store one bit */
+#define K7_PUT_BIT( BIT ) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ int b; \
+ if ( BIT ) \
+ { \
+ for ( b = 0; b < 7; b++ ) \
+ K7_PUT( TO7_PERIOD_CASS_1 ); \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ for ( b = 0; b < 5; b++ ) \
+ K7_PUT( TO7_PERIOD_CASS_0 ); \
+ } \
+ if ( to7_k7_bitsize + 1 >= bitmax ) \
+ { \
+ UINT8* a = (UINT8*)malloc(bitmax * 2); \
+ memcpy ( a, to7_k7_bits, bitmax ); \
+ bitmax *= 2; \
+ to7_k7_bits = a; \
+ } \
+ to7_k7_bits[ to7_k7_bitsize++ ] = (BIT); \
+ } while (0)
+/* store one byte, with start / stop bits */
+#define K7_PUT_BYTE( BYTE ) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ UINT8 x; \
+ K7_PUT_BIT( 0 ); \
+ for ( x = 0; x < 8; x++ ) \
+ K7_PUT_BIT( ( (BYTE) >> x ) & 1 ); \
+ K7_PUT_BIT( 1 ); \
+ K7_PUT_BIT( 1 ); \
+ } while (0)
+#define K7_FILL_1( SIZE ) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ if ( (SIZE) > 0 ) { \
+ int ii; \
+ LOG (( "to7_k7_load: 1-filler size=%i bitstart=%i\n", \
+ (SIZE), to7_k7_bitsize )); \
+ for ( ii = 0; ii < (SIZE); ii++ ) K7_PUT_BIT( 1 ); \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+#define K7_FILL_ff( SIZE ) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ if ( (SIZE) > 0 ) \
+ { \
+ int ii; \
+ LOG (( "to7_k7_load: 0xff filler size=%i bitstart=%i\n", (SIZE), to7_k7_bitsize )); \
+ for ( ii = 0; ii < (SIZE); ii++ ) \
+ K7_PUT_BYTE( 0xff ); \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+ /* check format */
+ cassette_image_read( cass, block, 0, 64 );
+ for ( i = 3; ; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( ( i >= size ) || ( i >= 64 ) )
+ {
+ /* ? */
+ PRINT (( "to7_k7_load: WARNING: this does not look like a MO or TO cassette.\n" ));
+ break;
+ }
+ else if ( ( block[i-3] == 0x01 ) && ( block[i-2] == 0x3c ) && ( block[i-1] == 0x5a ) && ! block[i] )
+ {
+ /* MO */
+ PRINT (( "to7_k7_load: WARNING: this looks like a MO cassette, not a TO one.\n" ));
+ break;
+ }
+ else if ( ( block[i-3] == 0xff ) && ( block[i-2] == 0x01 ) && ( block[i-1] == 0x3c ) && ! block[i] )
+ {
+ /* TO */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* skip to first 0xff filler */
+ for ( sz = 0; pos < size; pos++, sz++ )
+ {
+ cassette_image_read( cass, &in, pos, 1 );
+ if ( in == 0xff )
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( sz > 0 )
+ LOG (( "to7_k7_load: skip %i trash bytes\n", sz ));
+ /* loop over regular blocks */
+ while ( pos < size )
+ {
+ rebounce:
+ /* skip 0xff filler */
+ for ( sz = 0; pos < size; pos++, sz++ )
+ {
+ cassette_image_read( cass, &in, pos, 1 );
+ /* actually, we are bit laxist and treat as 0xff bytes with at least
+ 5 bits out of 8 set to 1
+ */
+ for ( i = 0; in; in >>= 1 )
+ i += (in & 1);
+ if ( i < 5 )
+ break;
+ }
+ /* get block header */
+ if ( pos + 4 > size )
+ {
+ pos -= sz;
+ break;
+ }
+ cassette_image_read( cass, block, pos, 4 );
+ typ = block[2];
+ sz2 = block[3]+1;
+ if ( block[0] != 0x01 || block[1] != 0x3c || ( typ != 0x00 && typ != 0x01 && typ != 0xff ) )
+ {
+ pos -= sz;
+ break;
+ }
+ pos += 4;
+ /* get block */
+ cassette_image_read( cass, block+4, pos, sz2 );
+ pos += sz2;
+ /* 1-filler and 0xff-filler */
+ if ( typ == 0 || typ == 0xff )
+ K7_FILL_1( 1000 );
+ K7_FILL_ff( sz );
+ /* put block */
+ LOG (( "to7_k7_load: block off=$%x type=$%02X size=%i bitstart=%i\n", (int) pos-sz2-4, typ, sz2, to7_k7_bitsize ));
+ VLOG (( "to7_k7_load: data:" ));
+ for ( i = 0; i < sz2 + 4; i ++)
+ {
+ VLOG (( " $%02X", block[i] ));
+ K7_PUT_BYTE( block[i] );
+ }
+ VLOG (( "\n" ));
+ /* if it is a directory enty, says so to the user */
+ if ( typ == 0 )
+ {
+ char name[] = "01234567.ABC";
+ UINT8 t = block[15];
+ UINT8 u = block[16];
+ int p = (to7_k7_bitsize - sz2 - 4 - sz) * TO7_BIT_LENGTH;
+ memcpy( name, block+4, 8 );
+ memcpy( name+9, block+12, 3 );
+ for ( i = 0; name[i]; i++)
+ {
+ if ( name[i] < ' ' || name[i] >= 127 )
+ name[i] = '?';
+ }
+ PRINT (( "to7_k7_load: file \"%s\" type=%s,%s at %imn %is\n",
+ name,
+ (t==0) ? "bas" : (t==1) ? "dat" : (t==2) ? "bin" : "???",
+ (u == 0) ? "a" : (u == 0xff) ? "b" : "?",
+ p / 60, p % 60 ));
+ }
+ /* extra 1-fillers */
+ if ( typ == 0 || typ == 0xff )
+ K7_FILL_1( 1000 );
+ }
+ /* trailing data with invalid block structure
+ => dump it in a raw form, but stay alert for hidden block starts
+ */
+ if ( pos < size )
+ {
+ invalid++;
+ LOG (( "to7_k7_load: trailing raw bytes off=$%x bitstart=%i\n", (int) pos, to7_k7_bitsize ));
+ /* put block */
+ for (; pos < size; pos++ )
+ {
+ cassette_image_read( cass, &in, pos, 1 );
+ for ( sz = 0; pos < size && in == 0xff; sz++ )
+ {
+ pos++;
+ cassette_image_read( cass, &in, pos, 1 );
+ }
+ if ( invalid < 10 && sz > 4 && in == 0x01 && pos + 4 <= size )
+ {
+ UINT8 in1,in2;
+ cassette_image_read( cass, &in1, pos+1, 1 );
+ cassette_image_read( cass, &in2, pos+2, 1 );
+ if ( (in1 == 0x3c) && ((in2 == 0x00) || (in2 == 0x01) ) )
+ {
+ /* seems we have a regular block hidden in raw data => rebounce */
+ LOG (( "to7_k7_load: hidden regular block found\n" ));
+ pos -= sz;
+ goto rebounce;
+ }
+ if ( ( ( in1 == 0x3d ) && ( in2 == 0 ) ) || ( ( in1 == 0x57 ) && ( in2 == 0x49 ) ) )
+ {
+ /* special block (Infogrames) => just prepend filler */
+ K7_FILL_1 ( 500 );
+ LOG (( "to7_k7_load: special $%02X $%02X $%02X block found off=$%x bitstart=%i\n", in, in1, in2, (int) pos, to7_k7_bitsize ));
+ }
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i < sz; i++ )
+ K7_PUT_BYTE( 0xff );
+ K7_PUT_BYTE( in );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( invalid )
+ PRINT (( "to7_k7_load: WARNING: the k7 has an unknown structure and may not work\n" ));
+ sz = to7_k7_bitsize * TO7_BIT_LENGTH;
+ PRINT (( "to7_k7_load: cassette length: %imn %is (%i samples)\n", sz / 60, sz % 60, to7_k7_bitsize ));
+static const struct CassetteFormat to7_k7 =
+{ "k7", to7_k7_identify, to7_k7_load, NULL /* no save */ };
+/********************* TO7 WAV format ************************/
+static casserr_t to7_wav_identify ( cassette_image *cass,
+ struct CassetteOptions *opts )
+ casserr_t e = wavfile_format.identify( cass, opts );
+ return e;
+static casserr_t to7_wav_load ( cassette_image *cass )
+ casserr_t e = wavfile_format.load( cass );
+ struct CassetteInfo info;
+ double len;
+ if ( to7_k7_bits )
+ {
+ free( to7_k7_bits );
+ to7_k7_bits = NULL;
+ }
+ return e;
+ cassette_get_info( cass, &info );
+ len = (double) info.sample_count / info.sample_frequency;
+ PRINT (( "to7_wav_load: loading cassette, length %imn %is, %i Hz, %i bps, %i bits\n",
+ (int) len / 60, (int) len % 60,
+ info.sample_frequency, info.bits_per_sample,
+ (int) (len / TO7_BIT_LENGTH) ));
+static casserr_t to7_wav_save ( cassette_image *cass, const struct CassetteInfo *info )
+ int len = info->sample_count / info->sample_frequency;
+ PRINT (( "to7_wav_save: saving cassette, length %imn %is, %i Hz, %i bps\n", len / 60, len % 60, info->sample_frequency, info->bits_per_sample ));
+ return cass, info );
+/* overloaded wav: dump info */
+static const struct CassetteFormat to7_wav =
+{ "wav", to7_wav_identify, to7_wav_load, to7_wav_save };
+/************************* k5 format *************************/
+static casserr_t mo5_k5_identify ( cassette_image *cass,
+ struct CassetteOptions *opts )
+ opts -> bits_per_sample = 8;
+ opts -> channels = 1;
+ opts -> sample_frequency = 22100;//11050;
+/* As the k7 format, the k5 format represents the stream of bytes returned by
+ the BIOS cassette routine and need to be hacked back into the original
+ cassette wave.
+ The format of blocks is a bit different from that of TO7 cassettes:
+ - 2-byte header is: 3C 5A
+ - 1-byte type
+ 00 = start of file, the block contains the filename
+ 01 = chunk of file data
+ FF = end of file
+ - 1-byte size
+ - size - 1 bytes of data (255 bytes of data if size = 0)
+ - one byte of CRC: sum from (and including) header up to (and including)
+ CRC byte should be 0 modulo 256
+ They are separated by 0x01 filler bytes (generally 10 of them),
+ for synchronisation. There are also extra 0 filler bits between certain
+ kinds of blocks, when the motor is supposed to go off and back on.
+static casserr_t mo5_k5_load( cassette_image *cass )
+ size_t size = cassette_image_size( cass ), pos = 0;
+ int i, sz, sz2, hbit = 0;
+ UINT8 in, in2, in3, typ, block[264], sum;
+ int invalid = 0, hbitsize = 0, dcmoto = 0;
+ LOG (( "mo5_k5_load: start conversion, size=%li\n", (long)size ));
+ PRINT (( "mo5_k5_load: open cassette, length: %li bytes\n", (long) size ));
+ /* store a half-bit */
+#define K5_PUT_HBIT \
+ do \
+ { \
+ cassette_put_sample ( cass, 0, hbitsize * MO5_HBIT_LENGTH, MO5_HBIT_LENGTH, (hbit ? 1 : -1) << 30 ); \
+ hbitsize++; \
+ } while ( 0 )
+ /* store one bit */
+#define K5_PUT_BIT( BIT ) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ if ( BIT ) \
+ { \
+ K5_PUT_HBIT; \
+ hbit = !hbit; \
+ K5_PUT_HBIT; \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ K5_PUT_HBIT; \
+ K5_PUT_HBIT; \
+ } \
+ hbit = !hbit; \
+ } while (0)
+ /* store one byte, no start / stop bit, converse order from TO7 */
+#define K5_PUT_BYTE( BYTE ) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ UINT8 b = BYTE; \
+ int x; \
+ for ( x = 0; x < 8; x++ ) \
+ K5_PUT_BIT( (b >> (7 - x)) & 1 ); \
+ } while (0)
+ /* store filler */
+#define K5_FILL_0( SIZE ) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ if ( (SIZE) > 0 ) \
+ { \
+ int j; \
+ LOG (( "mo5_k5_load: 0-filler size=%i hbitstart=%i\n", (SIZE), hbitsize )); \
+ for ( j = 0; j < (SIZE); j++ ) \
+ K5_PUT_BIT( 0 ); \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+#define K5_FILL_01( SIZE ) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ if ( (SIZE) > 0 ) \
+ { \
+ int j; \
+ LOG (( "mo5_k5_load: 0x01 filler size=%i bitstart=%i\n", (SIZE), hbitsize )); \
+ for ( j = 0; j < (SIZE); j++ ) \
+ K5_PUT_BYTE( 0x01 ); \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+ /* check format */
+ cassette_image_read( cass, block, 0, 64 );
+ for ( i = 3; ; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( ( i >= size ) || ( i >= 64 ) )
+ {
+ /* ? */
+ PRINT (( "to5_k5_load: WARNING: this does not look like a MO or TO cassette.\n" ));
+ break;
+ }
+ else if ( ( block[i-3] == 0x01 ) && ( block[i-2] == 0x3c ) && ( block[i-1] == 0x5a ) && ! block[i] )
+ {
+ /* MO */
+ break;
+ }
+ else if ( ( block[i-3] == 0xff ) && ( block[i-2] == 0x01 ) && ( block[i-1] == 0x3c ) && ! block[i] )
+ {
+ /* TO */
+ PRINT (( "to5_k5_load: WARNING: this looks like a TO cassette, not a MO one.\n" ));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ cassette_image_read( cass, block, pos, 6 );
+ if ( ! memcmp( block, "DCMOTO", 6 ) || ! memcmp( block, "DCMO5", 5 ) || ! memcmp( block, "DCMO6", 5 ) )
+ dcmoto = 1;
+ /* loop over regular blocks */
+ while ( pos < size )
+ {
+ rebounce:
+ /* skip DCMOTO header*/
+ if ( dcmoto )
+ {
+ cassette_image_read( cass, block, pos, 6 );
+ if ( ! memcmp( block, "DCMOTO", 6 ) )
+ {
+ LOG (( "mo5_k5_load: DCMOTO signature found at off=$%x\n", (int)pos ));
+ pos += 6;
+ }
+ else if ( ! memcmp( block, "DCMO", 4 ) )
+ {
+ LOG (( "mo5_k5_load: DCMO* signature found at off=$%x\n", (int)pos ));
+ pos += 5;
+ }
+ }
+ /* skip 0x01 filler */
+ for ( sz = 0; pos < size; pos++, sz++ )
+ {
+ cassette_image_read( cass, &in, pos, 1 );
+ if ( in != 0x01 )
+ break;
+ }
+ /* get block header */
+ if ( pos + 4 > size )
+ {
+ pos -= sz;
+ break;
+ }
+ cassette_image_read( cass, block, pos, 4 );
+ typ = block[2];
+ sz2 = (UINT8) (block[3]-1);
+ if ( block[0] != 0x3c || block[1] != 0x5a || ( typ != 0x00 && typ != 0x01 && typ != 0xff ) || pos+sz2 > size )
+ {
+ pos -= sz;
+ break;
+ }
+ pos += 4;
+ /* get block */
+ cassette_image_read( cass, block+4, pos, sz2 );
+ pos += sz2;
+ /* 0-fillers and 0x01-fillers */
+ if ( typ == 0 || typ == 0xff )
+ K5_FILL_0( 1200 );
+ else
+ K5_FILL_0( 300 ); /* for MO6 */
+ K5_FILL_01( sz < 10 ? 10 : sz );
+ /* put block */
+ LOG (( "mo5_k5_load: block off=$%x type=$%02X size=%i hbitstart=%i\n", (int) pos-sz2-4, typ, sz2, hbitsize ));
+ VLOG (( "mo5_k5_load: data:" ));
+ for ( i = 0; i < sz2 + 4; i ++)
+ {
+ VLOG (( " $%02X", block[i] ));
+ K5_PUT_BYTE( block[i] );
+ }
+ VLOG (( "\n" ));
+ /* checksum */
+ for ( i = 0, sum = 0; i < sz2; i++ )
+ sum += block[i+4];
+ if ( sum )
+ LOG(( "mo5_k5_load: invalid checksum $%02X (should be 0)\n", sum ));
+ /* if it is a directory enty, says so to the user */
+ if ( typ == 0 )
+ {
+ char name[] = "01234567.ABC";
+ UINT8 t = block[15];
+ UINT8 u = block[16];
+ int p = (hbitsize - sz2 - 4 - sz) * MO5_HBIT_LENGTH;
+ memcpy( name, block+4, 8 );
+ memcpy( name+9, block+12, 3 );
+ for ( i = 0; name[i]; i++)
+ {
+ if ( name[i] < ' ' || name[i] >= 127 )
+ name[i] = '?';
+ }
+ PRINT (( "mo5_k5_load: file \"%s\" type=%s,%s at %imn %is\n",
+ name,
+ (t==0) ? "bas" : (t==1) ? "dat" : (t==2) ? "bin" : "???",
+ (u == 0) ? "a" : (u == 0xff) ? "b" : "?",
+ p / 60, p % 60 ));
+ }
+ /* 0-fillers */
+ if ( typ == 0xff || typ == 0x00 )
+ K5_FILL_0( 1800 );
+ }
+ /* dump trailing bytes, but also look for beginnings of blocks */
+ if ( pos < size )
+ {
+ invalid++;
+ K5_FILL_0( 1200 );
+ LOG (( "mo5_k5_load: trailing trash off=$%x size=%i hbitstart=%i\n", (int) pos, (int) (size-pos), hbitsize ));
+ for ( ; pos < size; pos++ )
+ {
+ cassette_image_read( cass, &in, pos, 1 );
+ if ( dcmoto && in=='D' )
+ {
+ /* skip DCMOTO header*/
+ cassette_image_read( cass, block, pos, 6 );
+ if ( ! memcmp( block, "DCMOTO", 6 ) )
+ {
+ LOG (( "mo5_k5_load: DCMOTO signature found at off=$%x\n", (int)pos ));
+ pos += 6;
+ cassette_image_read( cass, &in, pos, 1 );
+ }
+ else if ( ! memcmp( block, "DCMO", 4 ) )
+ {
+ LOG (( "mo5_k5_load: DCMO* signature found at off=$%x\n", (int)pos ));
+ pos += 5;
+ cassette_image_read( cass, &in, pos, 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ for ( sz = 0; pos < size && in == 0x01; sz++ )
+ {
+ pos++;
+ cassette_image_read( cass, &in, pos, 1 );
+ }
+ if ( sz > 6 )
+ {
+ cassette_image_read( cass, &in2, pos+1, 1 );
+ cassette_image_read( cass, &in3, pos+2, 1 );
+ if ( invalid < 10 && in == 0x3c && in2 == 0x5a && (in3 == 0x00 || in3 == 0x01 || in3 == 0xff ) )
+ {
+ /* regular block found */
+ LOG (( "mo5_k5_load: hidden regular block found\n" ));
+ pos -= sz;
+ goto rebounce;
+ }
+ if ( invalid < 10 && sz > 6 && ( (in == 0x3c && in2 == 0x5a) || (in == 0xc3 && in2 == 0x5a) || (in == 0xc3 && in2 == 0x3c) || (in == 0x87 && in2 == 0x4a) ) )
+ {
+ /* special block found */
+ K5_FILL_0( 1200 );
+ LOG (( "mo5_k5_load: special block $%02X $%02X found off=$%x hbitstart=%i\n", in, in2, (int) pos-sz, hbitsize ));
+ }
+ }
+ VLOG (( "mo5_k5_load: special data:" ));
+ for ( i = 0; i < sz; i++ )
+ {
+ K5_PUT_BYTE( 0x01 );
+ VLOG (( " $01" ));
+ }
+ K5_PUT_BYTE( in );
+ VLOG (( " $%02X\n", in ));
+ }
+ }
+ if ( invalid )
+ PRINT (( "mo5_k5_load: WARNING: the k5 has an unknown structure and may not work\n" ));
+ sz = hbitsize * MO5_HBIT_LENGTH;
+ PRINT (( "mo5_k5_load: cassette length: %imn %is (%i half-bits)\n", sz / 60, sz % 60, hbitsize ));
+static const struct CassetteFormat mo5_k5 =
+{ "k5,k7", mo5_k5_identify, mo5_k5_load, NULL /* no save */ };
+/********************* MO5 WAV format ************************/
+static casserr_t mo5_wav_identify ( cassette_image *cass,
+ struct CassetteOptions *opts )
+ casserr_t e = wavfile_format.identify( cass, opts );
+ return e;
+static casserr_t mo5_wav_load ( cassette_image *cass )
+ casserr_t e = wavfile_format.load( cass );
+ struct CassetteInfo info;
+ int len;
+ {
+ cassette_get_info( cass, &info );
+ len = info.sample_count / info.sample_frequency;
+ PRINT (( "mo5_wav_load: loading cassette, length %imn %is, %i Hz, %i bps\n", len / 60, len % 60, info.sample_frequency, info.bits_per_sample ));
+ }
+ return e;
+static casserr_t mo5_wav_save ( cassette_image *cass, const struct CassetteInfo *info )
+ int len = info->sample_count / info->sample_frequency;
+ PRINT (( "mo5_wav_save: saving cassette, length %imn %is, %i Hz, %i bps\n", len / 60, len % 60, info->sample_frequency, info->bits_per_sample ));
+ return cass, info );
+/* overloaded wav: dump info */
+static const struct CassetteFormat mo5_wav =
+{ "wav", mo5_wav_identify, mo5_wav_load, mo5_wav_save };
+/********************* formats ************************/
+const struct CassetteFormat *const to7_cassette_formats[] =
+{ &to7_wav, &to7_k7, NULL };
+const struct CassetteFormat *const mo5_cassette_formats[] =
+{ &mo5_wav, &mo5_k5, NULL };