path: root/trunk/src/lib/formats/kc_cas.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/src/lib/formats/kc_cas.c')
1 files changed, 390 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/src/lib/formats/kc_cas.c b/trunk/src/lib/formats/kc_cas.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..465f68ccd52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/src/lib/formats/kc_cas.c
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+ Support for KC85 cassette images
+ Supported formats:
+ - kcc: raw cassette image without ID and checksum
+ - tap: cassette image from KC-Emulator with head and ID
+ - tp2: cassette image with ID and checksum (130 bytes block)
+ - kcm: same as tp2 but without head
+ - sss: BASIC data without head (miss the first 11 bytes)
+#include "kc_cas.h"
+#define SMPLO -32768
+#define SMPHI 32767
+#define SILENCE 0
+#define KC_WAV_FREQUENCY 44100
+// from documentation
+#define FREQ_BIT_0 2400
+#define FREQ_BIT_1 1200
+#define FREQ_SEPARATOR 600
+// file formats
+// image size
+static int kc_image_size;
+ Generate one high-low cycle of sample data
+INLINE int kc_cas_cycle(INT16 *buffer, int sample_pos, int len)
+ int num_samples = KC_WAV_FREQUENCY / (len * 2);
+ if (buffer)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<num_samples; i++)
+ buffer[ sample_pos + i ] = SMPHI;
+ for (int i=0; i<num_samples; i++)
+ buffer[ sample_pos + num_samples + i ] = SMPLO;
+ }
+ return num_samples * 2;
+ Generate n samples of silence
+INLINE int kc_cas_silence(INT16 *buffer, int sample_pos, int len)
+ int i = 0;
+ if ( buffer )
+ for( i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ buffer[ sample_pos + i ] = SILENCE;
+ return len;
+ Generate samples for 1 byte
+INLINE int kc_cas_byte(INT16 *buffer, int sample_pos, UINT8 data)
+ int samples = 0;
+ // write the byte
+ for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( data & 0x01 )
+ {
+ samples += kc_cas_cycle( buffer, sample_pos + samples, FREQ_BIT_1 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ samples += kc_cas_cycle( buffer, sample_pos + samples, FREQ_BIT_0 );
+ }
+ data >>= 1;
+ }
+ // byte separator
+ samples += kc_cas_cycle( buffer, sample_pos + samples, FREQ_SEPARATOR);
+ return samples;
+static int kc_handle_cass(INT16 *buffer, const UINT8 *casdata, int type)
+ int data_pos = (type == KC_IMAGE_KCC || type == KC_IMAGE_KCM) ? 0 : 16;
+ int sample_count = 0;
+ int block_id = 1;
+ // 1 sec of silence at start
+ sample_count += kc_cas_silence(buffer, sample_count, KC_WAV_FREQUENCY);
+ // 8000 cycles of BIT_1 for synchronization
+ for (int i=0; i<8000; i++)
+ sample_count += kc_cas_cycle( buffer, sample_count, FREQ_BIT_1);
+ // on the entire file
+ while( data_pos < kc_image_size )
+ {
+ UINT8 checksum = 0;
+ // 200 cycles of BIT_1 every block
+ for (int i=0; i<200; i++)
+ sample_count += kc_cas_cycle( buffer, sample_count, FREQ_BIT_1);
+ // separator
+ sample_count += kc_cas_cycle( buffer, sample_count, FREQ_SEPARATOR);
+ // in TAP and TP2 file the first byte is the ID
+ if (type == KC_IMAGE_TAP || type == KC_IMAGE_TP2 || type == KC_IMAGE_KCM)
+ block_id = casdata[data_pos++];
+ // is the last block ?
+ if (data_pos + 128 >= kc_image_size && type == KC_IMAGE_KCC)
+ block_id = 0xff;
+ // write the block ID
+ sample_count += kc_cas_byte( buffer, sample_count, block_id );
+ // write the 128 bytes of the block
+ for (int i=0; i<128; i++)
+ {
+ UINT8 data = 0;
+ if (data_pos < kc_image_size)
+ data = casdata[data_pos++];
+ // calculate the checksum
+ checksum += data;
+ // write a byte
+ sample_count += kc_cas_byte( buffer, sample_count, data );
+ }
+ // TP2 and KCM files also have the checksum byte
+ if (type == KC_IMAGE_TP2 || type == KC_IMAGE_KCM)
+ checksum = casdata[data_pos++];
+ // 8bit checksum
+ sample_count += kc_cas_byte( buffer, sample_count, checksum );
+ // more TAP and TP2 can be combined into the same file
+ if ((type == KC_IMAGE_TAP || type == KC_IMAGE_TP2) && block_id == 0xff && data_pos < kc_image_size)
+ {
+ if (casdata[data_pos] == 0xc3 || casdata[data_pos] == 0x4b)
+ {
+ sample_count += kc_cas_silence(buffer, sample_count, KC_WAV_FREQUENCY/10);
+ data_pos += 16;
+ }
+ }
+ block_id++;
+ }
+ sample_count += kc_cas_cycle( buffer, sample_count, FREQ_SEPARATOR);
+ // 1 sec of silence
+ sample_count += kc_cas_silence(buffer, sample_count, KC_WAV_FREQUENCY);
+ return sample_count;
+static int kc_handle_kcc(INT16 *buffer, const UINT8 *casdata)
+ return kc_handle_cass(buffer, casdata, KC_IMAGE_KCC);
+static int kc_handle_tap(INT16 *buffer, const UINT8 *casdata)
+ if (!strncmp((const char *)(casdata + 1), "KC-TAPE by AF", 13))
+ {
+ return kc_handle_cass(buffer, casdata, KC_IMAGE_TAP);
+ }
+ else if (!strncmp((const char *)(casdata), "KC85", 4))
+ {
+ return kc_handle_cass(buffer, casdata, KC_IMAGE_TP2);
+ }
+ else if (casdata[0] == 0x01)
+ {
+ return kc_handle_cass(buffer, casdata, KC_IMAGE_KCM);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+static int kc_handle_sss(INT16 *buffer, const UINT8 *casdata)
+ UINT8 *sss = (UINT8*)malloc(kc_image_size + 11);
+ // tries to generate the missing head
+ memset(sss + 0, 0xd3, 3);
+ memset(sss + 3, 0x20, 8);
+ memcpy(sss + 11, casdata, kc_image_size);
+ // set an arbitrary filename
+ sss[3] = 'A';
+ int retval = kc_handle_cass(buffer, sss, KC_IMAGE_KCC);
+ free(sss);
+ return retval;
+ Generate samples for the tape image
+static int kc_kcc_fill_wave(INT16 *buffer, int sample_count, UINT8 *bytes)
+ return kc_handle_kcc(buffer, bytes);
+ Calculate the number of samples needed for this tape image classical
+static int kc_kcc_to_wav_size(const UINT8 *casdata, int caslen)
+ kc_image_size = caslen ;
+ return kc_handle_kcc( NULL, casdata );
+static const struct CassetteLegacyWaveFiller kc_kcc_legacy_fill_wave =
+ kc_kcc_fill_wave, /* fill_wave */
+ -1, /* chunk_size */
+ 0, /* chunk_samples */
+ kc_kcc_to_wav_size, /* chunk_sample_calc */
+ KC_WAV_FREQUENCY, /* sample_frequency */
+ 0, /* header_samples */
+ 0 /* trailer_samples */
+static casserr_t kc_kcc_identify(cassette_image *cassette, struct CassetteOptions *opts)
+ return cassette_legacy_identify(cassette, opts, &kc_kcc_legacy_fill_wave);
+static casserr_t kc_kcc_load(cassette_image *cassette)
+ return cassette_legacy_construct(cassette, &kc_kcc_legacy_fill_wave);
+static const struct CassetteFormat kc_kcc_format =
+ "kcc,kcb",
+ kc_kcc_identify,
+ kc_kcc_load,
+ Generate samples for the tape image
+static int kc_tap_fill_wave(INT16 *buffer, int sample_count, UINT8 *bytes)
+ return kc_handle_tap(buffer, bytes);
+ Calculate the number of samples needed for this tape image classical
+static int kc_tap_to_wav_size(const UINT8 *casdata, int caslen)
+ kc_image_size = caslen ;
+ return kc_handle_tap( NULL, casdata );
+static const struct CassetteLegacyWaveFiller kc_tap_legacy_fill_wave =
+ kc_tap_fill_wave, /* fill_wave */
+ -1, /* chunk_size */
+ 0, /* chunk_samples */
+ kc_tap_to_wav_size, /* chunk_sample_calc */
+ KC_WAV_FREQUENCY, /* sample_frequency */
+ 0, /* header_samples */
+ 0 /* trailer_samples */
+static casserr_t kc_tap_identify(cassette_image *cassette, struct CassetteOptions *opts)
+ return cassette_legacy_identify(cassette, opts, &kc_tap_legacy_fill_wave);
+static casserr_t kc_tap_load(cassette_image *cassette)
+ return cassette_legacy_construct(cassette, &kc_tap_legacy_fill_wave);
+static const struct CassetteFormat kc_tap_format =
+ "tap,853,854,855,tp2,kcm",
+ kc_tap_identify,
+ kc_tap_load,
+ Generate samples for the tape image
+static int kc_sss_fill_wave(INT16 *buffer, int sample_count, UINT8 *bytes)
+ return kc_handle_sss(buffer, bytes);
+ Calculate the number of samples needed for this tape image classical
+static int kc_sss_to_wav_size(const UINT8 *casdata, int caslen)
+ kc_image_size = caslen ;
+ return kc_handle_sss( NULL, casdata );
+static const struct CassetteLegacyWaveFiller kc_sss_legacy_fill_wave =
+ kc_sss_fill_wave, /* fill_wave */
+ -1, /* chunk_size */
+ 0, /* chunk_samples */
+ kc_sss_to_wav_size, /* chunk_sample_calc */
+ KC_WAV_FREQUENCY, /* sample_frequency */
+ 0, /* header_samples */
+ 0 /* trailer_samples */
+static casserr_t kc_sss_identify(cassette_image *cassette, struct CassetteOptions *opts)
+ return cassette_legacy_identify(cassette, opts, &kc_sss_legacy_fill_wave);
+static casserr_t kc_sss_load(cassette_image *cassette)
+ return cassette_legacy_construct(cassette, &kc_sss_legacy_fill_wave);
+static const struct CassetteFormat kc_sss_format =
+ "sss",
+ kc_sss_identify,
+ kc_sss_load,
+ CASSETTE_FORMAT(kc_kcc_format)
+ CASSETTE_FORMAT(kc_tap_format)
+ CASSETTE_FORMAT(kc_sss_format)