path: root/trunk/src/emu/softlist.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/src/emu/softlist.c')
1 files changed, 2068 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/src/emu/softlist.c b/trunk/src/emu/softlist.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4a19bc30098
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/src/emu/softlist.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2068 @@
+ softlist.c
+ Software list construction helpers.
+#include "emu.h"
+#include "pool.h"
+#include "emuopts.h"
+#include "softlist.h"
+#include "clifront.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+typedef tagmap_t<software_info *> softlist_map;
+tagmap_t<UINT8> software_list_device::s_checked_lists;
+// device type definition
+const device_type SOFTWARE_LIST = &device_creator<software_list_device>;
+// software_list_device - constructor
+software_list_device::software_list_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock)
+ : device_t(mconfig, SOFTWARE_LIST, "Software lists", tag, owner, clock),
+ m_list_name(NULL),
+ m_filter(NULL)
+// static_set_interface - configuration helper
+// to set the interface
+void software_list_device::static_set_config(device_t &device, const char *list, softlist_type list_type)
+ software_list_device &softlist = downcast<software_list_device &>(device);
+ softlist.m_list_name = list;
+ softlist.m_list_type = list_type;
+// static_set_custom_handler - configuration
+// helper to set a custom callback
+void software_list_device::static_set_filter(device_t &device, const char *filter)
+ downcast<software_list_device &>(device).m_filter = filter;
+// device_start - device-specific startup
+void software_list_device::device_start()
+ expat_malloc/expat_realloc/expat_free -
+ wrappers for memory allocation functions so
+ that they pass through out memory tracking
+ systems
+static void *expat_malloc(size_t size)
+ return global_alloc_array_clear(UINT8,size);
+static void *expat_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
+ if (ptr) global_free(ptr);
+ return global_alloc_array_clear(UINT8,size);
+static void expat_free(void *ptr)
+ global_free(ptr);
+ parse_error
+INLINE void ATTR_PRINTF(2,3) parse_error(parse_state *state, const char *fmt, ...)
+ char buf[256];
+ va_list va;
+ if (state->error_proc)
+ {
+ va_start(va, fmt);
+ vsnprintf(buf, ARRAY_LENGTH(buf), fmt, va);
+ va_end(va);
+ (*state->error_proc)(buf);
+ }
+ unknown_tag
+INLINE void unknown_tag(software_list *swlist, const char *tagname)
+ parse_error(&swlist->state, "%s: Unknown tag: %s (line %lu column %lu)\n",
+ swlist->file->filename(),
+ tagname,
+ XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(swlist->state.parser),
+ XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(swlist->state.parser));
+ unknown_attribute
+INLINE void unknown_attribute(software_list *swlist, const char *attrname)
+ parse_error(&swlist->state, "%s: Unknown attribute: %s (line %lu column %lu)\n",
+ swlist->file->filename(),
+ attrname,
+ XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(swlist->state.parser),
+ XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(swlist->state.parser));
+ unknown_attribute_value
+INLINE void unknown_attribute_value(software_list *swlist,
+ const char *attrname, const char *attrvalue)
+ parse_error(&swlist->state, "%s: Unknown attribute value: %s (line %lu column %lu)\n",
+ swlist->file->filename(),
+ attrvalue,
+ XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(swlist->state.parser),
+ XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(swlist->state.parser));
+ software_name_split
+ helper; splits a software_list:software:part
+ string into separate software_list, software,
+ and part strings.
+ str1:str2:str3 => swlist_name - str1, swname - str2, swpart - str3
+ str1:str2 => swlist_name - NULL, swname - str1, swpart - str2
+ str1 => swlist_name - NULL, swname - str1, swpart - NULL
+ swlist_namem, swnane and swpart will be global_alloc'ed
+ from the global pool. So they should be global_free'ed
+ when they are not used anymore.
+#define global_strdup(s) strcpy(global_alloc_array(char, strlen(s) + 1), s)
+static void software_name_split(const char *swlist_swname, char **swlist_name, char **swname, char **swpart )
+ const char *split_1st_loc = strchr( swlist_swname, ':' );
+ const char *split_2nd_loc = ( split_1st_loc ) ? strchr( split_1st_loc + 1, ':' ) : NULL;
+ *swlist_name = NULL;
+ *swname = NULL;
+ *swpart = NULL;
+ if ( split_1st_loc )
+ {
+ if ( split_2nd_loc )
+ {
+ int size = split_1st_loc - swlist_swname;
+ *swlist_name = global_alloc_array_clear(char,size+1);
+ memcpy( *swlist_name, swlist_swname, size );
+ size = split_2nd_loc - ( split_1st_loc + 1 );
+ *swname = global_alloc_array_clear(char,size+1);
+ memcpy( *swname, split_1st_loc + 1, size );
+ size = strlen( swlist_swname ) - ( split_2nd_loc + 1 - swlist_swname );
+ *swpart = global_alloc_array_clear(char,size+1);
+ memcpy( *swpart, split_2nd_loc + 1, size );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int size = split_1st_loc - swlist_swname;
+ *swname = global_alloc_array_clear(char,size+1);
+ memcpy( *swname, swlist_swname, size );
+ size = strlen( swlist_swname ) - ( split_1st_loc + 1 - swlist_swname );
+ *swpart = global_alloc_array_clear(char,size+1);
+ memcpy( *swpart, split_1st_loc + 1, size );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *swname = global_strdup(swlist_swname);
+ }
+ add_rom_entry
+static void add_rom_entry(software_list *swlist, const char *name, const char *hashdata, UINT32 offset, UINT32 length, UINT32 flags)
+ software_part *part = &swlist->softinfo->partdata[swlist->softinfo->current_part_entry-1];
+ if ((flags & ROMENTRY_TYPEMASK) == ROMENTRYTYPE_REGION && name!=NULL && part!=NULL) {
+ if (swlist->current_rom_entry>0) {
+ for (int i=0;i<swlist->current_rom_entry;i++) {
+ if ((part->romdata[i]._name != NULL) && (strcmp(part->romdata[i]._name,name)==0)) {
+ parse_error(&swlist->state, "%s: Duplicated dataarea %s in %s\n",swlist->file->filename(),name,swlist->current_software_info->shortname);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ struct rom_entry *entry = &part->romdata[swlist->current_rom_entry];
+ entry->_name = name;
+ entry->_hashdata = hashdata;
+ entry->_offset = offset;
+ entry->_length = length;
+ entry->_flags = flags;
+ swlist->current_rom_entry += 1;
+ if ( swlist->current_rom_entry >= swlist->rom_entries )
+ {
+ struct rom_entry *new_entries;
+ swlist->rom_entries += 10;
+ new_entries = (struct rom_entry *)pool_realloc_lib(swlist->pool, part->romdata, swlist->rom_entries * sizeof(struct rom_entry) );
+ if ( new_entries )
+ {
+ part->romdata = new_entries;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Allocation error */
+ swlist->current_rom_entry -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ add_feature
+static void add_feature(software_list *swlist, char *feature_name, char *feature_value)
+ software_part *part = &swlist->softinfo->partdata[swlist->softinfo->current_part_entry-1];
+ feature_list *new_entry;
+ /* First allocate the new entry */
+ new_entry = (feature_list *)pool_malloc_lib(swlist->pool, sizeof(feature_list) );
+ if ( new_entry )
+ {
+ new_entry->next = NULL;
+ new_entry->name = feature_name;
+ new_entry->value = feature_value ? feature_value : feature_name;
+ /* Add new feature to end of feature list */
+ if ( part->featurelist )
+ {
+ feature_list *list = part->featurelist;
+ while ( list->next != NULL )
+ {
+ list = list->next;
+ }
+ list->next = new_entry;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ part->featurelist = new_entry;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Unable to allocate memory */
+ }
+ add_info (same as add_feature, but its target
+ is softinfo->shared_info)
+ -------------------------------------------------*/
+static void add_info(software_list *swlist, char *feature_name, char *feature_value)
+ software_info *info = swlist->softinfo;
+ feature_list *new_entry;
+ /* First allocate the new entry */
+ new_entry = (feature_list *)pool_malloc_lib(swlist->pool, sizeof(feature_list) );
+ if ( new_entry )
+ {
+ new_entry->next = NULL;
+ new_entry->name = feature_name;
+ new_entry->value = feature_value ? feature_value : feature_name;
+ /* Add new feature to end of feature list */
+ if ( info->shared_info )
+ {
+ feature_list *list = info->shared_info;
+ while ( list->next != NULL )
+ {
+ list = list->next;
+ }
+ list->next = new_entry;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ info->shared_info = new_entry;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Unable to allocate memory */
+ }
+ add_software_part
+static void add_software_part(software_list *swlist, const char *name, const char *interface)
+ software_part *part = &swlist->softinfo->partdata[swlist->softinfo->current_part_entry];
+ part->name = name;
+ part->interface_ = interface;
+ part->featurelist = NULL;
+ part->romdata = NULL;
+ swlist->softinfo->current_part_entry += 1;
+ if ( swlist->softinfo->current_part_entry >= swlist->softinfo->part_entries )
+ {
+ software_part *new_parts;
+ swlist->softinfo->part_entries += 2;
+ new_parts = (software_part *)pool_realloc_lib(swlist->pool, swlist->softinfo->partdata, swlist->softinfo->part_entries * sizeof(software_part) );
+ if ( new_parts )
+ {
+ swlist->softinfo->partdata = new_parts;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Allocation error */
+ swlist->softinfo->current_part_entry -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ start_handler
+static void start_handler(void *data, const char *tagname, const char **attributes)
+ software_list *swlist = (software_list *) data;
+ char **text_dest;
+ switch(swlist->state.pos)
+ {
+ case POS_ROOT:
+ if (!strcmp(tagname, "softwarelist"))
+ {
+ for( ; attributes[0]; attributes += 2 )
+ {
+ if ( ! strcmp(attributes[0], "name" ) )
+ {
+ }
+ else if ( ! strcmp(attributes[0], "description" ) )
+ {
+ swlist->description = (const char *)pool_malloc_lib(swlist->pool, (strlen(attributes[1]) + 1) * sizeof(char));
+ if (!swlist->description)
+ return;
+ strcpy((char *)swlist->description, attributes[1]);
+ } else
+ unknown_attribute(swlist, attributes[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unknown_tag(swlist, tagname);
+ }
+ break;
+ case POS_MAIN:
+ if ( !strcmp( tagname, "software" ) )
+ {
+ const char *name = NULL;
+ const char *parent = NULL;
+ const char *supported = NULL;
+ for ( ; attributes[0]; attributes += 2 )
+ {
+ if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "name" ) )
+ {
+ name = attributes[1];
+ }
+ else if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "cloneof" ) )
+ {
+ parent = attributes[1];
+ }
+ else if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "supported" ) )
+ {
+ supported = attributes[1];
+ }
+ else
+ unknown_attribute(swlist, attributes[0]);
+ }
+ if ( name )
+ {
+ struct software_info *elem = (struct software_info *)pool_malloc_lib(swlist->pool,sizeof(struct software_info));
+ if ( !elem )
+ return;
+ /* Clear element and add element to list */
+ memset(elem,0,sizeof(struct software_info));
+ /* Allocate space to hold the shortname and copy the short name */
+ elem->shortname = (const char*)pool_malloc_lib(swlist->pool, ( strlen( name ) + 1 ) * sizeof(char) );
+ if ( ! elem->shortname )
+ return;
+ strcpy( (char *)elem->shortname, name );
+ /* Allocate space to hold the parentname and copy the parent name */
+ if (parent)
+ {
+ elem->parentname = (const char*)pool_malloc_lib(swlist->pool, ( strlen(parent) + 1 ) * sizeof(char) );
+ strcpy((char *)elem->parentname, parent);
+ }
+ /* Allocate initial space to hold part information */
+ elem->part_entries = 2;
+ elem->current_part_entry = 0;
+ elem->partdata = (software_part *)pool_malloc_lib(swlist->pool, elem->part_entries * sizeof(software_part) );
+ if ( !elem->partdata )
+ return;
+ elem->shared_info = (feature_list *)pool_malloc_lib(swlist->pool, sizeof(feature_list) );
+ if ( !elem->shared_info )
+ return;
+ else
+ {
+ elem->shared_info->next = (feature_list *)pool_malloc_lib(swlist->pool, sizeof(feature_list) );
+ elem->shared_info->next = NULL;
+ elem->shared_info->name = NULL;
+ elem->shared_info->value = NULL;
+ }
+ /* Handle the supported flag */
+ elem->supported = SOFTWARE_SUPPORTED_YES;
+ if ( supported && ! strcmp( supported, "partial" ) )
+ if ( supported && ! strcmp( supported, "no" ) )
+ elem->supported = SOFTWARE_SUPPORTED_NO;
+ /* Add the entry to the end of the list */
+ if ( swlist->software_info_list == NULL )
+ {
+ swlist->software_info_list = elem;
+ swlist->current_software_info = elem;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ swlist->current_software_info->next = elem;
+ swlist->current_software_info = elem;
+ }
+ /* Quick lookup for setting software information */
+ swlist->softinfo = swlist->current_software_info;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ parse_error(&swlist->state, "%s: No name defined for item (line %lu)\n",
+ swlist->file->filename(),XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(swlist->state.parser));
+ swlist->softinfo = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unknown_tag(swlist, tagname);
+ }
+ break;
+ case POS_SOFT:
+ text_dest = NULL;
+ if (!strcmp(tagname, "description"))
+ text_dest = (char **) &swlist->softinfo->longname;
+ else if (!strcmp(tagname, "year"))
+ text_dest = (char **) &swlist->softinfo->year;
+ else if (!strcmp(tagname, "publisher"))
+ text_dest = (char **) &swlist->softinfo->publisher;
+ else if (!strcmp(tagname, "info"))
+ {
+ // the "info" field (containing info about actual developers, etc.) is not currently stored.
+ // full support will be added, but for the moment frontend have to get this info from the xml directly
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(tagname, "sharedfeat"))
+ {
+ const char *str_feature_name = NULL;
+ const char *str_feature_value = NULL;
+ for ( ; attributes[0]; attributes += 2 )
+ {
+ if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "name" ) )
+ str_feature_name = attributes[1];
+ else if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "value" ) )
+ str_feature_value = attributes[1];
+ else
+ unknown_attribute(swlist, attributes[0]);
+ }
+ /* Prepare for adding feature to feature list */
+ if ( str_feature_name && swlist->softinfo )
+ {
+ char *name = (char *)pool_malloc_lib(swlist->pool, ( strlen( str_feature_name ) + 1 ) * sizeof(char) );
+ char *value = NULL;
+ if ( !name )
+ return;
+ strcpy( name, str_feature_name );
+ if ( str_feature_value )
+ {
+ value = (char *)pool_malloc_lib(swlist->pool, ( strlen( str_feature_value ) + 1 ) * sizeof(char) );
+ if ( !value )
+ return;
+ strcpy( value, str_feature_value );
+ }
+ add_info( swlist, name, value );
+ } else {
+ parse_error(&swlist->state, "%s: Incomplete sharedfeat definition (line %lu)\n",
+ swlist->file->filename(),XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(swlist->state.parser));
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( !strcmp(tagname, "part" ) )
+ {
+ const char *str_name = NULL;
+ const char *str_interface = NULL;
+ for ( ; attributes[0]; attributes += 2 )
+ {
+ if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "name" ) )
+ str_name = attributes[1];
+ else if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "interface" ) )
+ str_interface = attributes[1];
+ else
+ unknown_attribute(swlist, attributes[0]);
+ }
+ if ( str_name && str_interface )
+ {
+ if ( swlist->softinfo )
+ {
+ char *name = (char *)pool_malloc_lib(swlist->pool, ( strlen( str_name ) + 1 ) * sizeof(char) );
+ char *interface = (char *)pool_malloc_lib(swlist->pool, ( strlen( str_interface ) + 1 ) * sizeof(char) );
+ if ( !name || !interface )
+ return;
+ strcpy( name, str_name );
+ strcpy( interface, str_interface );
+ add_software_part( swlist, name, interface );
+ /* Allocate initial space to hold the rom information */
+ swlist->rom_entries = 3;
+ swlist->current_rom_entry = 0;
+ swlist->softinfo->partdata[swlist->softinfo->current_part_entry-1].romdata = (struct rom_entry *)pool_malloc_lib(swlist->pool, swlist->rom_entries * sizeof(struct rom_entry));
+ if ( ! swlist->softinfo->partdata[swlist->softinfo->current_part_entry-1].romdata )
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Incomplete/incorrect part definition */
+ parse_error(&swlist->state, "%s: Incomplete part definition (line %lu)\n",
+ swlist->file->filename(),XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(swlist->state.parser));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ unknown_tag(swlist, tagname);
+ if (text_dest && swlist->softinfo)
+ swlist->state.text_dest = text_dest;
+ break;
+ case POS_PART:
+ if (!strcmp(tagname, "dataarea"))
+ {
+ const char *str_name = NULL;
+ const char *str_size = NULL;
+ for ( ; attributes[0]; attributes += 2 )
+ {
+ if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "name" ) )
+ str_name = attributes[1];
+ else if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "size") )
+ str_size = attributes[1];
+ else
+ unknown_attribute(swlist, attributes[0]);
+ }
+ if ( str_name && str_size )
+ {
+ if ( swlist->softinfo )
+ {
+ UINT32 length = strtol( str_size, NULL, 0 );
+ char *s = (char *)pool_malloc_lib(swlist->pool, ( strlen( str_name ) + 1 ) * sizeof(char) );
+ if ( !s )
+ return;
+ strcpy( s, str_name );
+ /* ROM_REGION( length, "name", flags ) */
+ add_rom_entry( swlist, s, NULL, 0, length, ROMENTRYTYPE_REGION );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Missing dataarea name or size */
+ parse_error(&swlist->state, "%s: Incomplete dataarea definition (line %lu)\n",
+ swlist->file->filename(),XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(swlist->state.parser));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(tagname, "diskarea"))
+ {
+ const char *str_name = NULL;
+ for ( ; attributes[0]; attributes += 2 )
+ {
+ if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "name" ) )
+ str_name = attributes[1];
+ else
+ unknown_attribute(swlist, attributes[0]);
+ }
+ if ( str_name )
+ {
+ if ( swlist->softinfo )
+ {
+ char *s = (char *)pool_malloc_lib(swlist->pool, ( strlen( str_name ) + 1 ) * sizeof(char) );
+ if ( !s )
+ return;
+ strcpy( s, str_name );
+ /* ROM_REGION( length, "name", flags ) */
+ add_rom_entry( swlist, s, NULL, 0, 1, ROMENTRYTYPE_REGION | ROMREGION_DATATYPEDISK);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Missing dataarea name or size */
+ parse_error(&swlist->state, "%s: Incomplete diskarea definition (line %lu)\n",
+ swlist->file->filename(),XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(swlist->state.parser));
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( !strcmp(tagname, "feature") )
+ {
+ const char *str_feature_name = NULL;
+ const char *str_feature_value = NULL;
+ for ( ; attributes[0]; attributes += 2 )
+ {
+ if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "name" ) )
+ str_feature_name = attributes[1];
+ else if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "value" ) )
+ str_feature_value = attributes[1];
+ else
+ unknown_attribute(swlist, attributes[0]);
+ }
+ /* Prepare for adding feature to feature list */
+ if ( str_feature_name && swlist->softinfo )
+ {
+ char *name = (char *)pool_malloc_lib(swlist->pool, ( strlen( str_feature_name ) + 1 ) * sizeof(char) );
+ char *value = NULL;
+ if ( !name )
+ return;
+ strcpy( name, str_feature_name );
+ if ( str_feature_value )
+ {
+ value = (char *)pool_malloc_lib(swlist->pool, ( strlen( str_feature_value ) + 1 ) * sizeof(char) );
+ if ( !value )
+ return;
+ strcpy( value, str_feature_value );
+ }
+ add_feature( swlist, name, value );
+ } else {
+ parse_error(&swlist->state, "%s: Incomplete feature definition (line %lu)\n",
+ swlist->file->filename(),XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(swlist->state.parser));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(tagname, "dipswitch"))
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ unknown_tag(swlist, tagname );
+ break;
+ case POS_DATA:
+ if (!strcmp(tagname, "rom"))
+ {
+ const char *str_name = NULL;
+ const char *str_size = NULL;
+ const char *str_crc = NULL;
+ const char *str_sha1 = NULL;
+ const char *str_offset = NULL;
+ const char *str_value = NULL;
+ const char *str_status = NULL;
+ const char *str_loadflag = NULL;
+ for ( ; attributes[0]; attributes += 2 )
+ {
+ if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "name" ) )
+ str_name = attributes[1];
+ else if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "size" ) )
+ str_size = attributes[1];
+ else if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "crc" ) )
+ str_crc = attributes[1];
+ else if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "sha1" ) )
+ str_sha1 = attributes[1];
+ else if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "offset" ) )
+ str_offset = attributes[1];
+ else if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "value" ) )
+ str_value = attributes[1];
+ else if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "status" ) )
+ str_status = attributes[1];
+ else if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "loadflag" ) )
+ str_loadflag = attributes[1];
+ else
+ unknown_attribute(swlist, attributes[0]);
+ }
+ if ( swlist->softinfo )
+ {
+ if ( str_size && str_offset )
+ {
+ UINT32 length = strtol( str_size, NULL, 0 );
+ UINT32 offset = strtol( str_offset, NULL, 0 );
+ if ( str_loadflag && !strcmp(str_loadflag, "reload") )
+ {
+ /* Handle 'reload' loadflag */
+ add_rom_entry( swlist, NULL, NULL, offset, length, ROMENTRYTYPE_RELOAD | ROM_INHERITFLAGS );
+ }
+ else if ( str_loadflag && !strcmp(str_loadflag, "reload_plain") )
+ {
+ /* Handle 'reload_plain' loadflag */
+ add_rom_entry( swlist, NULL, NULL, offset, length, ROMENTRYTYPE_RELOAD);
+ }
+ else if ( str_loadflag && !strcmp(str_loadflag, "continue") )
+ {
+ /* Handle 'continue' loadflag */
+ add_rom_entry( swlist, NULL, NULL, offset, length, ROMENTRYTYPE_CONTINUE | ROM_INHERITFLAGS );
+ }
+ else if ( str_loadflag && !strcmp(str_loadflag, "fill") )
+ {
+ /* Handle 'fill' loadflag */
+ add_rom_entry( swlist, NULL, (const char*)(FPTR)(strtol( str_value, NULL, 0 ) & 0xff), offset, length, ROMENTRYTYPE_FILL );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( str_name)
+ {
+ char *s_name = (char *)pool_malloc_lib(swlist->pool, ( strlen( str_name ) + 1 ) * sizeof(char) );
+ int hashsize = 7 + 4;
+ if (str_crc) hashsize+= strlen(str_crc);
+ if (str_sha1) hashsize+= strlen(str_sha1);
+ char *hashdata = (char *)pool_malloc_lib( swlist->pool, sizeof(char) * (hashsize) );
+ int baddump = ( str_status && !strcmp(str_status, "baddump") ) ? 1 : 0;
+ int nodump = ( str_status && !strcmp(str_status, "nodump" ) ) ? 1 : 0;
+ int romflags = 0;
+ if ( !s_name || !hashdata )
+ return;
+ strcpy( s_name, str_name );
+ if (nodump) {
+ sprintf( hashdata, "%s", NO_DUMP);
+ if (str_crc && str_sha1) {
+ parse_error(&swlist->state, "%s: No need for hash definition (line %lu)\n",
+ swlist->file->filename(),XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(swlist->state.parser));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (str_crc && str_sha1) {
+ sprintf( hashdata, "%c%s%c%s%s", hash_collection::HASH_CRC, str_crc, hash_collection::HASH_SHA1, str_sha1, (baddump ? BAD_DUMP : ""));
+ } else {
+ parse_error(&swlist->state, "%s: Incomplete rom hash definition (line %lu)\n",
+ swlist->file->filename(),XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(swlist->state.parser));
+ }
+ }
+ /* Handle loadflag attribute */
+ if ( str_loadflag && !strcmp(str_loadflag, "load16_word_swap") )
+ else if ( str_loadflag && !strcmp(str_loadflag, "load16_byte") )
+ romflags = ROM_SKIP(1);
+ else if ( str_loadflag && !strcmp(str_loadflag, "load32_word_swap") )
+ else if ( str_loadflag && !strcmp(str_loadflag, "load32_word") )
+ romflags = ROM_GROUPWORD | ROM_SKIP(2);
+ else if ( str_loadflag && !strcmp(str_loadflag, "load32_byte") )
+ romflags = ROM_SKIP(3);
+ /* ROM_LOAD( name, offset, length, hash ) */
+ add_rom_entry( swlist, s_name, hashdata, offset, length, ROMENTRYTYPE_ROM | romflags );
+ } else {
+ parse_error(&swlist->state, "%s: Rom name missing (line %lu)\n",
+ swlist->file->filename(),XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(swlist->state.parser));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Missing name, size, crc, sha1, or offset */
+ parse_error(&swlist->state, "%s: Incomplete rom definition (line %lu)\n",
+ swlist->file->filename(),XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(swlist->state.parser));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (!strcmp(tagname, "disk"))
+ {
+ const char *str_name = NULL;
+ const char *str_sha1 = NULL;
+ const char *str_status = NULL;
+ const char *str_writeable = NULL;
+ for ( ; attributes[0]; attributes += 2 )
+ {
+ if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "name" ) )
+ str_name = attributes[1];
+ else if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "sha1" ) )
+ str_sha1 = attributes[1];
+ else if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "status" ) )
+ str_status = attributes[1];
+ else if ( !strcmp( attributes[0], "writeable" ) )
+ str_writeable = attributes[1];
+ else
+ unknown_attribute(swlist, attributes[0]);
+ }
+ if ( swlist->softinfo )
+ {
+ if ( str_name && str_sha1 )
+ {
+ char *s_name = (char *)pool_malloc_lib(swlist->pool, ( strlen( str_name ) + 1 ) * sizeof(char) );
+ char *hashdata = (char *)pool_malloc_lib( swlist->pool, sizeof(char) * ( strlen(str_sha1) + 7 + 4 ) );
+ int baddump = ( str_status && !strcmp(str_status, "baddump") ) ? 1 : 0;
+ int nodump = ( str_status && !strcmp(str_status, "nodump" ) ) ? 1 : 0;
+ int writeable = ( str_writeable && !strcmp(str_writeable, "yes" ) ) ? 1 : 0;
+ if ( !s_name || !hashdata )
+ return;
+ strcpy( s_name, str_name );
+ sprintf( hashdata, "%c%s%s", hash_collection::HASH_SHA1, str_sha1, ( nodump ? NO_DUMP : ( baddump ? BAD_DUMP : "" ) ) );
+ add_rom_entry( swlist, s_name, hashdata, 0, 0, ROMENTRYTYPE_ROM | (writeable ? DISK_READWRITE : DISK_READONLY ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!str_status || strcmp(str_status, "nodump")) // a no_dump chd is not an incomplete entry
+ {
+ parse_error(&swlist->state, "%s: Incomplete disk definition (line %lu)\n",
+ swlist->file->filename(),XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(swlist->state.parser));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(tagname, "dipvalue"))
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ unknown_tag(swlist, tagname);
+ break;
+ }
+ swlist->state.pos = (softlist_parse_position) (swlist->state.pos + 1);
+ end_handler
+static void end_handler(void *data, const char *name)
+ software_list *swlist = (software_list *) data;
+ swlist->state.text_dest = NULL;
+ swlist->state.pos = (softlist_parse_position) (swlist->state.pos - 1);
+ switch(swlist->state.pos)
+ {
+ case POS_ROOT:
+ break;
+ case POS_MAIN:
+ if ( swlist->softinfo )
+ {
+ add_software_part( swlist, NULL, NULL );
+ }
+ break;
+ case POS_SOFT:
+ if ( ! strcmp( name, "part" ) && swlist->softinfo )
+ {
+ /* ROM_END */
+ add_rom_entry( swlist, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, ROMENTRYTYPE_END );
+ /* Add shared_info inherited from the software_info level, if any */
+ if ( swlist->softinfo && swlist->softinfo->shared_info )
+ {
+ feature_list *list = swlist->softinfo->shared_info;
+ while( list->next )
+ {
+ add_feature( swlist, list->next->name, list->next->value );
+ list = list->next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case POS_PART:
+ break;
+ case POS_DATA:
+ break;
+ }
+ data_handler
+static void data_handler(void *data, const XML_Char *s, int len)
+ software_list *swlist = (software_list *) data;
+ int text_len;
+ char *text;
+ if (swlist->state.text_dest)
+ {
+ text = *swlist->state.text_dest;
+ text_len = text ? strlen(text) : 0;
+ text = (char*)pool_realloc_lib(swlist->pool, text, text_len + len + 1);
+ if (!text)
+ return;
+ memcpy(&text[text_len], s, len);
+ text[text_len + len] = '\0';
+ *swlist->state.text_dest = text;
+ } else {
+ if (swlist->state.error_proc)
+ {
+ int errcnt = 0;
+ for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ if (!(s[i]=='\t' || s[i]=='\n' || s[i]=='\r' || s[i]==' ')) errcnt++;
+ }
+ if (errcnt>0) {
+ parse_error(&swlist->state, "%s: Unknown content (line %lu)\n",
+ swlist->file->filename(),
+ XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(swlist->state.parser));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ software_list_get_count
+ -------------------------------------------------*/
+static int software_list_get_count(const software_list *swlist)
+ int count = 0;
+ for (const software_info *swinfo = software_list_find(swlist, "*", NULL); swinfo != NULL; swinfo = software_list_find(swlist, "*", swinfo))
+ count++;
+ return count;
+ software_get_clone - retrive name string of the
+ parent software, if any
+ -------------------------------------------------*/
+const char *software_get_clone(emu_options &options, char *swlist, const char *swname)
+ const software_list *software_list_ptr = software_list_open(options, swlist, FALSE, NULL);
+ const char *retval = NULL;
+ if (software_list_ptr)
+ {
+ const software_info *tmp = software_list_find(software_list_ptr, swname, NULL);
+ retval = core_strdup(tmp->parentname);
+ software_list_close(software_list_ptr);
+ }
+ return retval;
+ software_get_support - retrive support state of
+ the software
+ -------------------------------------------------*/
+UINT32 software_get_support(emu_options &options, char *swlist, const char *swname)
+ const software_list *software_list_ptr = software_list_open(options, swlist, FALSE, NULL);
+ UINT32 retval = 0;
+ if (software_list_ptr)
+ {
+ const software_info *tmp = software_list_find(software_list_ptr, swname, NULL);
+ retval = tmp->supported;
+ software_list_close(software_list_ptr);
+ }
+ return retval;
+ software_list_parse
+void software_list_parse(software_list *swlist,
+ void (*error_proc)(const char *message),
+ void *param)
+ char buf[1024];
+ UINT32 len;
+ XML_Memory_Handling_Suite memcallbacks;
+ swlist->file->seek(0, SEEK_SET);
+ memset(&swlist->state, 0, sizeof(swlist->state));
+ swlist->state.error_proc = error_proc;
+ swlist->state.param = param;
+ /* create the XML parser */
+ memcallbacks.malloc_fcn = expat_malloc;
+ memcallbacks.realloc_fcn = expat_realloc;
+ memcallbacks.free_fcn = expat_free;
+ swlist->state.parser = XML_ParserCreate_MM(NULL, &memcallbacks, NULL);
+ if (!swlist->state.parser)
+ goto done;
+ XML_SetUserData(swlist->state.parser, swlist);
+ XML_SetElementHandler(swlist->state.parser, start_handler, end_handler);
+ XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(swlist->state.parser, data_handler);
+ while(!swlist->state.done)
+ {
+ len = swlist->file->read(buf, sizeof(buf));
+ swlist->state.done = swlist->file->eof();
+ if (XML_Parse(swlist->state.parser, buf, len, swlist->state.done) == XML_STATUS_ERROR)
+ {
+ parse_error(&swlist->state, "%s: %s (line %lu column %lu)\n",
+ swlist->file->filename(),
+ XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(swlist->state.parser)),
+ XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(swlist->state.parser),
+ XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(swlist->state.parser));
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ if (swlist->state.parser)
+ XML_ParserFree(swlist->state.parser);
+ swlist->state.parser = NULL;
+ swlist->current_software_info = swlist->software_info_list;
+ swlist->list_entries = software_list_get_count(swlist);
+ software_list_open
+software_list *software_list_open(emu_options &options, const char *listname, int is_preload,
+ void (*error_proc)(const char *message))
+ software_list *swlist = NULL;
+ object_pool *pool = NULL;
+ file_error filerr;
+ /* create a pool for this software list file */
+ pool = pool_alloc_lib(error_proc);
+ if (!pool)
+ goto error;
+ /* allocate space for this software list file */
+ swlist = (software_list *) pool_malloc_lib(pool, sizeof(*swlist));
+ if (!swlist)
+ goto error;
+ /* set up the software_list structure */
+ memset(swlist, 0, sizeof(*swlist));
+ swlist->pool = pool;
+ swlist->error_proc = error_proc;
+ /* open a file */
+ swlist->file = global_alloc(emu_file(options.hash_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ));
+ filerr = swlist->file->open(listname, ".xml");
+ if (filerr != FILERR_NONE)
+ goto error;
+ if (is_preload)
+ {
+ software_list_parse(swlist, swlist->error_proc, NULL);
+ swlist->current_software_info = NULL;
+ }
+ return swlist;
+ if (swlist != NULL)
+ software_list_close(swlist);
+ return NULL;
+ software_list_close
+void software_list_close(const software_list *swlist)
+ if (swlist == NULL)
+ return;
+ if (swlist->file != NULL)
+ global_free(swlist->file);
+ pool_free_lib(swlist->pool);
+ software_list_get_description
+ -------------------------------------------------*/
+const char *software_list_get_description(const software_list *swlist)
+ return swlist->description;
+ software_list_find_by_number
+ -------------------------------------------------*/
+INLINE software_info *software_list_find_by_number(software_list *swlist, int number)
+ int length = swlist->list_entries;
+ if (number > length)
+ return NULL;
+ software_info *cur_info = software_list_find(swlist, "*", NULL);
+ for (int count = 0; count < number; count++)
+ cur_info = software_list_find(swlist, "*", cur_info);
+ return cur_info;
+ softlist_penalty_compare (borrowed from driver.c)
+ -------------------------------------------------*/
+static int softlist_penalty_compare(const char *source, const char *target)
+ int gaps = 1;
+ int last = TRUE;
+ /* scan the strings */
+ for ( ; *source && *target; target++)
+ {
+ /* do a case insensitive match */
+ int match = (tolower((UINT8)*source) == tolower((UINT8)*target));
+ /* if we matched, advance the source */
+ if (match)
+ source++;
+ /* if the match state changed, count gaps */
+ if (match != last)
+ {
+ last = match;
+ if (!match)
+ gaps++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* penalty if short string does not completely fit in */
+ for ( ; *source; source++)
+ gaps++;
+ /* if we matched perfectly, gaps == 0 */
+ if (gaps == 1 && *source == 0 && *target == 0)
+ gaps = 0;
+ return gaps;
+ software_list_find_approx_matches
+ -------------------------------------------------*/
+void software_list_find_approx_matches(software_list_device *swlistdev, software_list *swlist, const char *name, int matches, software_info **list, const char* interface)
+#undef rand
+ int matchnum;
+ int *penalty;
+ /* if no name, return */
+ if (name == NULL || name[0] == 0)
+ return;
+ /* allocate some temp memory */
+ penalty = global_alloc_array(int, matches);
+ /* initialize everyone's states */
+ for (matchnum = 0; matchnum < matches; matchnum++)
+ {
+ penalty[matchnum] = 9999;
+ list[matchnum] = NULL;
+ }
+ for (software_info *swinfo = software_list_find(swlist, "*", NULL); swinfo != NULL; swinfo = software_list_find(swlist, "*", swinfo))
+ {
+ int curpenalty, tmp;
+ software_info *candidate = swinfo;
+ software_part *part = software_find_part(swinfo, NULL, NULL);
+ if ((interface==NULL || softlist_contain_interface(interface, part->interface_)) && (is_software_compatible(part, swlistdev)))
+ {
+ /* pick the best match between driver name and description */
+ curpenalty = softlist_penalty_compare(name, candidate->longname);
+ tmp = softlist_penalty_compare(name, candidate->shortname);
+ curpenalty = MIN(curpenalty, tmp);
+ /* insert into the sorted table of matches */
+ for (matchnum = matches - 1; matchnum >= 0; matchnum--)
+ {
+ /* stop if we're worse than the current entry */
+ if (curpenalty >= penalty[matchnum])
+ break;
+ /* as long as this isn't the last entry, bump this one down */
+ if (matchnum < matches - 1)
+ {
+ penalty[matchnum + 1] = penalty[matchnum];
+ list[matchnum + 1] = list[matchnum];
+ }
+ list[matchnum] = candidate;
+ penalty[matchnum] = curpenalty;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* free our temp memory */
+ global_free(penalty);
+ software_list_find
+const software_info *software_list_find(const software_list *swlist, const char *look_for, const software_info *prev)
+ if (swlist == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ if (look_for == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ /* If we haven't read in the xml file yet, then do it now */
+ /* Just-in-time parsing, hence the const-cast */
+ if ( ! swlist->software_info_list )
+ software_list_parse( const_cast<software_list *>(swlist), swlist->error_proc, NULL );
+ for ( prev = prev ? prev->next : swlist->software_info_list; prev; prev = prev->next )
+ {
+ if ( !mame_strwildcmp( look_for, prev->shortname ) )
+ break;
+ }
+ return prev;
+software_info *software_list_find(software_list *swlist, const char *look_for, software_info *prev)
+ return const_cast<software_info *>(software_list_find(const_cast<const software_list *>(swlist),
+ look_for,
+ const_cast<const software_info *>(prev)));
+ software_find_romdata (for validation purposes)
+ -------------------------------------------------*/
+static struct rom_entry *software_find_romdata(software_part *swpart, const char *dataname)
+ struct rom_entry *data = swpart ? swpart->romdata : NULL;
+ /* If no dataname supplied, then we just return the first entry */
+ if (data)
+ {
+ while(data && data->_name)
+ {
+ if (dataname)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp(dataname, data->_name))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* No specific dataname supplied, return the first rom_entry */
+ else
+ break;
+ data++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!data->_name)
+ data = NULL;
+ return data;
+ software_romdata_next (for validation purposes)
+ -------------------------------------------------*/
+static struct rom_entry *software_romdata_next(struct rom_entry *romdata)
+ if (romdata && romdata->_name)
+ {
+ romdata++;
+ }
+ else
+ romdata = NULL;
+ return romdata;
+ software_find_part
+const software_part *software_find_part(const software_info *sw, const char *partname, const char *interface)
+ const software_part *part = sw ? sw->partdata : NULL;
+ /* If neither partname nor interface supplied, then we just return the first entry */
+ if ( partname || interface )
+ {
+ while( part && part->name )
+ {
+ if ( partname )
+ {
+ if ( !strcmp(partname, part->name ) )
+ {
+ if ( interface )
+ {
+ if ( softlist_contain_interface(interface, part->interface_) )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* No specific partname supplied, find the first match based on interface */
+ if ( interface )
+ {
+ if ( softlist_contain_interface(interface, part->interface_) )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ part++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( part && ! part->name )
+ part = NULL;
+ return part;
+software_part *software_find_part(software_info *sw, const char *partname, const char *interface)
+ return const_cast<software_part *>(software_find_part(const_cast<const software_info *>(sw), partname, interface));
+ software_part_next
+const software_part *software_part_next(const software_part *part)
+ if ( part && part->name )
+ {
+ part++;
+ }
+ if ( ! part->name )
+ part = NULL;
+ return part;
+software_part *software_part_next(software_part *part)
+ return const_cast<software_part *>(software_part_next(const_cast<const software_part *>(part)));
+ software_display_matches
+void software_display_matches(const machine_config &config,emu_options &options, const char *interface ,const char *name)
+ // check if there is at least a software list
+ software_list_device_iterator deviter(config.root_device());
+ if (deviter.first())
+ {
+ mame_printf_error("\n\"%s\" approximately matches the following\n"
+ "supported software items (best match first):\n\n", name);
+ }
+ for (software_list_device *swlist = deviter.first(); swlist != NULL; swlist =
+ {
+ software_list *list = software_list_open(options, swlist->list_name(), FALSE, NULL);
+ if (list)
+ {
+ software_info *matches[10] = { 0 };
+ int softnum;
+ software_list_parse(list, list->error_proc, NULL);
+ // get the top 5 approximate matches for the selected device interface (i.e. only carts for cartslot, etc.)
+ software_list_find_approx_matches(swlist, list, name, ARRAY_LENGTH(matches), matches, interface);
+ if (matches[0] != 0)
+ {
+ if (swlist->list_type() == SOFTWARE_LIST_ORIGINAL_SYSTEM)
+ mame_printf_error("* Software list \"%s\" (%s) matches: \n", swlist->list_name(), software_list_get_description(list));
+ else
+ mame_printf_error("* Compatible software list \"%s\" (%s) matches: \n", swlist->list_name(), software_list_get_description(list));
+ // print them out
+ for (softnum = 0; softnum < ARRAY_LENGTH(matches); softnum++)
+ if (matches[softnum] != NULL)
+ mame_printf_error("%-18s%s\n", matches[softnum]->shortname, matches[softnum]->longname);
+ mame_printf_error("\n");
+ }
+ software_list_close(list);
+ }
+ }
+static void find_software_item(const machine_config &config, emu_options &options, const device_image_interface *image, const char *path, software_list **software_list_ptr, software_info **software_info_ptr,software_part **software_part_ptr, const char **sw_list_name)
+ char *swlist_name, *swname, *swpart; //, *swname_bckp;
+ *software_list_ptr = NULL;
+ *software_info_ptr = NULL;
+ *software_part_ptr = NULL;
+ /* Split full software name into software list name and short software name */
+ software_name_split(path, &swlist_name, &swname, &swpart );
+// swname_bckp = swname;
+ const char *interface = NULL;
+ if (image) interface = image->image_interface();
+ if ( swlist_name )
+ {
+ /* Try to open the software list xml file explicitly named by the user */
+ *software_list_ptr = software_list_open( options, swlist_name, FALSE, NULL );
+ if ( *software_list_ptr )
+ {
+ *software_info_ptr = software_list_find( *software_list_ptr, swname, NULL );
+ if ( *software_info_ptr )
+ {
+ *software_part_ptr = software_find_part( *software_info_ptr, swpart, interface );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Loop through all the software lists named in the driver */
+ software_list_device_iterator deviter(config.root_device());
+ for (software_list_device *swlist = deviter.first(); swlist != NULL; swlist =
+ {
+ swlist_name = (char *)swlist->list_name();
+ if (swlist->list_type() == SOFTWARE_LIST_ORIGINAL_SYSTEM)
+ {
+ if ( *software_list_ptr )
+ {
+ software_list_close( *software_list_ptr );
+ }
+ *software_list_ptr = software_list_open( options, swlist_name, FALSE, NULL );
+ if ( software_list_ptr )
+ {
+ *software_info_ptr = software_list_find( *software_list_ptr, swname, NULL );
+ if ( *software_info_ptr )
+ {
+ *software_part_ptr = software_find_part( *software_info_ptr, swpart, interface );
+ if (*software_part_ptr) break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* If not found try to load the software list using the driver name */
+ if ( ! *software_part_ptr )
+ {
+ swlist_name = (char *)options.system()->name;
+ if ( *software_list_ptr )
+ {
+ software_list_close( *software_list_ptr );
+ }
+ *software_list_ptr = software_list_open( options, swlist_name, FALSE, NULL );
+ if ( *software_list_ptr )
+ {
+ *software_info_ptr = software_list_find( *software_list_ptr, swname, NULL );
+ if ( *software_info_ptr )
+ {
+ *software_part_ptr = software_find_part( *software_info_ptr, swpart, interface );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* If not found try to load the software list using the software name as software */
+ /* list name and software part name as software name. */
+ if ( ! *software_part_ptr )
+ {
+ swlist_name = swname;
+ swname = swpart;
+ swpart = NULL;
+ if ( *software_list_ptr )
+ {
+ software_list_close( *software_list_ptr );
+ }
+ *software_list_ptr = software_list_open( options, swlist_name, FALSE, NULL );
+ if ( software_list_ptr )
+ {
+ *software_info_ptr = software_list_find( *software_list_ptr, swname, NULL );
+ if ( *software_info_ptr )
+ {
+ *software_part_ptr = software_find_part( *software_info_ptr, swpart, interface );
+ }
+ if ( ! *software_part_ptr )
+ {
+ software_list_close( *software_list_ptr );
+ *software_list_ptr = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *sw_list_name = global_strdup(swlist_name);
+ global_free( swlist_name );
+ global_free( swname );
+ global_free( swpart );
+ load_software_part
+ Load a software part for a device. The part to
+ load is determined by the "path", software lists
+ configured for a driver, and the interface
+ supported by the device.
+ returns true if the software could be loaded,
+ false otherwise. If the software could be loaded
+ sw_info and sw_part are also set.
+bool load_software_part(emu_options &options, device_image_interface *image, const char *path, software_info **sw_info, software_part **sw_part, char **full_sw_name, char**list_name)
+ software_list *software_list_ptr = NULL;
+ software_info *software_info_ptr = NULL;
+ software_part *software_part_ptr = NULL;
+ const char *swlist_name = NULL;
+ bool result = false;
+ *sw_info = NULL;
+ *sw_part = NULL;
+ *list_name = NULL;
+ find_software_item(image->device().machine().config(), options, image, path, &software_list_ptr, &software_info_ptr, &software_part_ptr, &swlist_name);
+ // if no match has been found, we suggest similar shortnames
+ if (software_info_ptr == NULL)
+ {
+ software_display_matches(image->device().machine().config(),image->device().machine().options(), image->image_interface(), path);
+ }
+ if ( software_part_ptr )
+ {
+ /* Load the software part */
+ try {
+ result = image->call_softlist_load((char *)swlist_name, (char *)software_info_ptr->shortname, software_part_ptr->romdata );
+ }
+ catch (emu_fatalerror &fatal)
+ {
+ software_list_close( software_list_ptr );
+ global_free(swlist_name);
+ throw fatal;
+ }
+ /* Create a copy of the software and part information */
+ *sw_info = auto_alloc_clear( image->device().machine(), software_info );
+ (*sw_info)->shortname = auto_strdup( image->device().machine(), software_info_ptr->shortname );
+ (*sw_info)->longname = auto_strdup( image->device().machine(), software_info_ptr->longname );
+ if ( software_info_ptr->year )
+ (*sw_info)->year = auto_strdup( image->device().machine(), software_info_ptr->year );
+ if ( software_info_ptr->publisher )
+ (*sw_info)->publisher = auto_strdup( image->device().machine(), software_info_ptr->publisher );
+ (*sw_info)->partdata = (software_part *)auto_alloc_array_clear(image->device().machine(), UINT8, software_info_ptr->part_entries * sizeof(software_part) );
+ software_part *new_part = (*sw_info)->partdata;
+ for (software_part *swp = software_find_part(software_info_ptr, NULL, NULL); swp != NULL; swp = software_part_next(swp))
+ {
+ if (strcmp(software_part_ptr->name,swp->name)==0) *sw_part = new_part;
+ new_part->name = auto_strdup( image->device().machine(), swp->name );
+ if ( swp->interface_ )
+ new_part->interface_ = auto_strdup( image->device().machine(), swp->interface_ );
+ if ( swp->featurelist )
+ {
+ feature_list *list = swp->featurelist;
+ feature_list *new_list = auto_alloc_clear( image->device().machine(), feature_list );
+ new_part->featurelist = new_list;
+ new_list->name = auto_strdup( image->device().machine(), list->name );
+ new_list->value = auto_strdup( image->device().machine(), list->value );
+ list = list->next;
+ while( list )
+ {
+ new_list->next = auto_alloc_clear( image->device().machine(), feature_list );
+ new_list = new_list->next;
+ new_list->name = auto_strdup( image->device().machine(), list->name );
+ new_list->value = auto_strdup( image->device().machine(), list->value );
+ list = list->next;
+ }
+ new_list->next = NULL;
+ }
+ new_part++;
+ }
+ *list_name = auto_strdup( image->device().machine(), swlist_name );
+ /* Tell the world which part we actually loaded */
+ *full_sw_name = auto_alloc_array( image->device().machine(), char, strlen(swlist_name) + strlen(software_info_ptr->shortname) + strlen(software_part_ptr->name) + 3 );
+ sprintf( *full_sw_name, "%s:%s:%s", swlist_name, software_info_ptr->shortname, software_part_ptr->name );
+ software_list_device_iterator iter(image->device().machine().root_device());
+ for (software_list_device *swlist = iter.first(); swlist != NULL; swlist =
+ {
+ if (strcmp(swlist->list_name(),swlist_name)==0) {
+ if (!is_software_compatible(software_part_ptr, swlist)) {
+ mame_printf_warning("WARNING! the set %s might not work on this system due to missing filter(s) '%s'\n",software_info_ptr->shortname,swlist->filter());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ const char *requirement = software_part_get_feature(software_part_ptr, "requirement");
+ if (requirement!=NULL) {
+ software_list *req_software_list_ptr = NULL;
+ software_info *req_software_info_ptr = NULL;
+ software_part *req_software_part_ptr = NULL;
+ const char *req_swlist_name = NULL;
+ find_software_item(image->device().machine().config(), options, NULL, requirement, &req_software_list_ptr, &req_software_info_ptr, &req_software_part_ptr, &req_swlist_name);
+ if ( req_software_list_ptr )
+ {
+ image_interface_iterator imgiter(image->device().machine().root_device());
+ for (device_image_interface *req_image = imgiter.first(); req_image != NULL; req_image =
+ {
+ const char *interface = req_image->image_interface();
+ if (interface != NULL)
+ {
+ if (softlist_contain_interface(interface, req_software_part_ptr->interface_))
+ {
+ const char *option = options.value(req_image->brief_instance_name());
+ // mount only if not already mounted
+ if (strlen(option)==0 && !req_image->filename()) {
+ req_image->set_init_phase();
+ req_image->load(requirement);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ software_list_close( req_software_list_ptr );
+ req_software_info_ptr = NULL;
+ req_software_list_ptr = NULL;
+ global_free(req_swlist_name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Close the software list if it's still open */
+ if ( software_list_ptr )
+ {
+ software_list_close( software_list_ptr );
+ software_info_ptr = NULL;
+ software_list_ptr = NULL;
+ }
+ global_free(swlist_name);
+ return result;
+ software_part_get_feature
+ -------------------------------------------------*/
+const char *software_part_get_feature(const software_part *part, const char *feature_name)
+ const feature_list *feature;
+ if (part == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ for (feature = part->featurelist; feature; feature = feature->next)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp(feature->name, feature_name))
+ return feature->value;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ software_get_default_slot
+ -------------------------------------------------*/
+ const char *software_get_default_slot(const machine_config &config, emu_options &options, const device_image_interface *image, const char* default_card_slot)
+ const char* retVal = NULL;
+ const char* path = options.value(image->instance_name());
+ software_list *software_list_ptr = NULL;
+ software_info *software_info_ptr = NULL;
+ software_part *software_part_ptr = NULL;
+ const char *swlist_name = NULL;
+ if (strlen(path)>0) {
+ retVal = default_card_slot;
+ find_software_item(config, options, image, path, &software_list_ptr, &software_info_ptr, &software_part_ptr, &swlist_name);
+ if (software_part_ptr!=NULL) {
+ const char *slot = software_part_get_feature(software_part_ptr, "slot");
+ if (slot!=NULL) {
+ retVal = core_strdup(slot);
+ }
+ }
+ software_list_close(software_list_ptr);
+ global_free(swlist_name);
+ }
+ return retVal;
+ is_software_compatible
+ -------------------------------------------------*/
+bool is_software_compatible(const software_part *swpart, const software_list_device *swlist)
+ const char *compatibility = software_part_get_feature(swpart, "compatibility");
+ const char *filter = swlist->filter();
+ if ((compatibility==NULL) || (filter==NULL)) return TRUE;
+ astring comp = astring(compatibility,",");
+ char *filt = core_strdup(filter);
+ char *token = strtok(filt,",");
+ while (token!= NULL)
+ {
+ if (comp.find(0,astring(token,","))!=-1) return TRUE;
+ token = strtok (NULL, ",");
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ swinfo_has_multiple_parts
+ -------------------------------------------------*/
+bool swinfo_has_multiple_parts(const software_info *swinfo, const char *interface)
+ int count = 0;
+ for (const software_part *swpart = software_find_part(swinfo, NULL, NULL); swpart != NULL; swpart = software_part_next(swpart))
+ {
+ if (softlist_contain_interface(interface, swpart->interface_))
+ count++;
+ }
+ return (count > 1) ? true : false;
+void validate_error_proc(const char *message)
+ mame_printf_error("%s", message);
+void software_list_device::device_validity_check(validity_checker &valid) const
+ // add to the global map whenever we check a list so we don't re-check
+ // it in the future
+ if (s_checked_lists.add(m_list_name, 1, false) == TMERR_DUPLICATE)
+ return;
+ // do device validation only in case of validate command
+ if (strcmp(mconfig().options().command(), CLICOMMAND_VALIDATE) != 0) return;
+ softlist_map names;
+ softlist_map descriptions;
+ enum { NAME_LEN_PARENT = 8, NAME_LEN_CLONE = 16 };
+ software_list *list = software_list_open(mconfig().options(), m_list_name, FALSE, NULL);
+ if ( list )
+ {
+ software_list_parse( list, &validate_error_proc, NULL );
+ for (software_info *swinfo = software_list_find(list, "*", NULL); swinfo != NULL; swinfo = software_list_find(list, "*", swinfo))
+ {
+ const char *s;
+ int is_clone = 0;
+ /* First, check if the xml got corrupted: */
+ /* Did we lost any description? */
+ if (swinfo->longname == NULL)
+ {
+ mame_printf_error("%s: %s has no description\n", list->file->filename(), swinfo->shortname);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Did we lost any year? */
+ if (swinfo->year == NULL)
+ {
+ mame_printf_error("%s: %s has no year\n", list->file->filename(), swinfo->shortname);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Did we lost any publisher? */
+ if (swinfo->publisher == NULL)
+ {
+ mame_printf_error("%s: %s has no publisher\n", list->file->filename(), swinfo->shortname);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Second, since the xml is fine, run additional checks: */
+ /* check for duplicate names */
+ if (names.add(swinfo->shortname, swinfo, FALSE) == TMERR_DUPLICATE)
+ {
+ software_info *match = names.find(swinfo->shortname);
+ mame_printf_error("%s: %s is a duplicate name (%s)\n", list->file->filename(), swinfo->shortname, match->shortname);
+ }
+ /* check for duplicate descriptions */
+ if (descriptions.add(astring(swinfo->longname).makelower().cstr(), swinfo, FALSE) == TMERR_DUPLICATE)
+ mame_printf_error("%s: %s is a duplicate description (%s)\n", list->file->filename(), swinfo->longname, swinfo->shortname);
+ if (swinfo->parentname != NULL)
+ {
+ is_clone = 1;
+ if (strcmp(swinfo->parentname, swinfo->shortname) == 0)
+ {
+ mame_printf_error("%s: %s is set as a clone of itself\n", list->file->filename(), swinfo->shortname);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* make sure the parent exists */
+ software_info *swinfo2 = software_list_find(list, swinfo->parentname, NULL );
+ if (!swinfo2)
+ mame_printf_error("%s: parent '%s' software for '%s' not found\n", list->file->filename(), swinfo->parentname, swinfo->shortname);
+ else if (swinfo2->parentname != NULL)
+ mame_printf_error("%s: %s is a clone of a clone\n", list->file->filename(), swinfo->shortname);
+ }
+ /* make sure the driver name is 8 chars or less */
+ if ((is_clone && strlen(swinfo->shortname) > NAME_LEN_CLONE) || ((!is_clone) && strlen(swinfo->shortname) > NAME_LEN_PARENT))
+ mame_printf_error("%s: %s %s driver name must be %d characters or less\n", list->file->filename(), swinfo->shortname,
+ is_clone ? "clone" : "parent", is_clone ? NAME_LEN_CLONE : NAME_LEN_PARENT);
+ /* make sure the year is only digits, '?' or '+' */
+ for (s = swinfo->year; *s; s++)
+ if (!isdigit((UINT8)*s) && *s != '?' && *s != '+')
+ {
+ mame_printf_error("%s: %s has an invalid year '%s'\n", list->file->filename(), swinfo->shortname, swinfo->year);
+ break;
+ }
+ softlist_map part_names;
+ for (software_part *swpart = software_find_part(swinfo, NULL, NULL); swpart != NULL; swpart = software_part_next(swpart))
+ {
+ if (swpart->interface_ == NULL)
+ mame_printf_error("%s: %s has a part (%s) without interface\n", list->file->filename(), swinfo->shortname, swpart->name);
+ if (software_find_romdata(swpart, NULL) == NULL)
+ mame_printf_error("%s: %s has a part (%s) with no data\n", list->file->filename(), swinfo->shortname, swpart->name);
+ if (part_names.add(swpart->name, swinfo, FALSE) == TMERR_DUPLICATE)
+ mame_printf_error("%s: %s has a part (%s) whose name is duplicate\n", list->file->filename(), swinfo->shortname, swpart->name);
+ for (struct rom_entry *swdata = software_find_romdata(swpart, NULL); swdata != NULL; swdata = software_romdata_next(swdata))
+ {
+ struct rom_entry *data = swdata;
+ if (data->_name && data->_hashdata)
+ {
+ const char *str;
+ /* make sure it's all lowercase */
+ for (str = data->_name; *str; str++)
+ if (tolower((UINT8)*str) != *str)
+ {
+ mame_printf_error("%s: %s has upper case ROM name %s\n", list->file->filename(), swinfo->shortname, data->_name);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* make sure the hash is valid */
+ hash_collection hashes;
+ if (!hashes.from_internal_string(data->_hashdata))
+ mame_printf_error("%s: %s has rom '%s' with an invalid hash string '%s'\n", list->file->filename(), swinfo->shortname, data->_name, data->_hashdata);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ software_list_close(list);
+ }
+bool softlist_contain_interface(const char *interface, const char *part_interface)
+ bool result = FALSE;
+ astring interfaces(interface);
+ char *intf = strtok((char*)interfaces.cstr(),",");
+ while (intf != NULL)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp(intf, part_interface))
+ {
+ result = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ intf = strtok (NULL, ",");
+ }
+ return result;