path: root/trunk/src/emu/memory.h
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1 files changed, 812 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/src/emu/memory.h b/trunk/src/emu/memory.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ec45c6fb342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/src/emu/memory.h
@@ -0,0 +1,812 @@
+ memory.h
+ Functions which handle device memory accesses.
+ Copyright Aaron Giles
+ All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+ the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ distribution.
+ * Neither the name 'MAME' nor the names of its contributors may be
+ used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+ without specific prior written permission.
+#pragma once
+#ifndef __EMU_H__
+#error Dont include this file directly; include emu.h instead.
+#ifndef __MEMORY_H__
+#define __MEMORY_H__
+// address spaces
+enum address_spacenum
+ AS_0, // first address space
+ AS_1, // second address space
+ AS_2, // third address space
+ AS_3, // fourth address space
+ ADDRESS_SPACES, // maximum number of address spaces
+ // alternate address space names for common use
+ AS_PROGRAM = AS_0, // program address space
+ AS_DATA = AS_1, // data address space
+ AS_IO = AS_2 // I/O address space
+// read or write constants
+enum read_or_write
+ ROW_READ = 1,
+ ROW_WRITE = 2,
+// referenced types from other classes
+class device_memory_interface;
+class device_t;
+struct game_driver;
+// forward declarations of classes defined here
+class address_map;
+class address_map_entry;
+class memory_bank;
+class direct_read_data;
+class address_space;
+class address_table;
+class address_table_read;
+class address_table_write;
+// offsets and addresses are 32-bit (for now...)
+typedef UINT32 offs_t;
+// address map constructors are functions that build up an address_map
+typedef void (*address_map_constructor)(address_map &map, const device_t &devconfig);
+// legacy space read/write handlers
+typedef UINT8 (*read8_space_func) (ATTR_UNUSED address_space *space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset);
+typedef void (*write8_space_func) (ATTR_UNUSED address_space *space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT8 data);
+typedef UINT16 (*read16_space_func) (ATTR_UNUSED address_space *space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT16 mem_mask);
+typedef void (*write16_space_func)(ATTR_UNUSED address_space *space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT16 data, ATTR_UNUSED UINT16 mem_mask);
+typedef UINT32 (*read32_space_func) (ATTR_UNUSED address_space *space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT32 mem_mask);
+typedef void (*write32_space_func)(ATTR_UNUSED address_space *space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT32 data, ATTR_UNUSED UINT32 mem_mask);
+typedef UINT64 (*read64_space_func) (ATTR_UNUSED address_space *space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT64 mem_mask);
+typedef void (*write64_space_func)(ATTR_UNUSED address_space *space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT64 data, ATTR_UNUSED UINT64 mem_mask);
+// legacy device read/write handlers
+typedef UINT8 (*read8_device_func) (ATTR_UNUSED device_t *device, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset);
+typedef void (*write8_device_func) (ATTR_UNUSED device_t *device, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT8 data);
+typedef UINT16 (*read16_device_func) (ATTR_UNUSED device_t *device, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT16 mem_mask);
+typedef void (*write16_device_func)(ATTR_UNUSED device_t *device, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT16 data, ATTR_UNUSED UINT16 mem_mask);
+typedef UINT32 (*read32_device_func) (ATTR_UNUSED device_t *device, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT32 mem_mask);
+typedef void (*write32_device_func)(ATTR_UNUSED device_t *device, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT32 data, ATTR_UNUSED UINT32 mem_mask);
+typedef UINT64 (*read64_device_func) (ATTR_UNUSED device_t *device, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT64 mem_mask);
+typedef void (*write64_device_func)(ATTR_UNUSED device_t *device, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT64 data, ATTR_UNUSED UINT64 mem_mask);
+// struct with function pointers for accessors; use is generally discouraged unless necessary
+struct data_accessors
+ UINT8 (*read_byte)(address_space *space, offs_t byteaddress);
+ UINT16 (*read_word)(address_space *space, offs_t byteaddress);
+ UINT16 (*read_word_masked)(address_space *space, offs_t byteaddress, UINT16 mask);
+ UINT32 (*read_dword)(address_space *space, offs_t byteaddress);
+ UINT32 (*read_dword_masked)(address_space *space, offs_t byteaddress, UINT32 mask);
+ UINT64 (*read_qword)(address_space *space, offs_t byteaddress);
+ UINT64 (*read_qword_masked)(address_space *space, offs_t byteaddress, UINT64 mask);
+ void (*write_byte)(address_space *space, offs_t byteaddress, UINT8 data);
+ void (*write_word)(address_space *space, offs_t byteaddress, UINT16 data);
+ void (*write_word_masked)(address_space *space, offs_t byteaddress, UINT16 data, UINT16 mask);
+ void (*write_dword)(address_space *space, offs_t byteaddress, UINT32 data);
+ void (*write_dword_masked)(address_space *space, offs_t byteaddress, UINT32 data, UINT32 mask);
+ void (*write_qword)(address_space *space, offs_t byteaddress, UINT64 data);
+ void (*write_qword_masked)(address_space *space, offs_t byteaddress, UINT64 data, UINT64 mask);
+// ======================> direct_update_delegate
+// direct region update handler
+typedef delegate<offs_t (direct_read_data &, offs_t)> direct_update_delegate;
+// ======================> read_delegate
+// declare delegates for each width
+typedef delegate<UINT8 (address_space &, offs_t, UINT8)> read8_delegate;
+typedef delegate<UINT16 (address_space &, offs_t, UINT16)> read16_delegate;
+typedef delegate<UINT32 (address_space &, offs_t, UINT32)> read32_delegate;
+typedef delegate<UINT64 (address_space &, offs_t, UINT64)> read64_delegate;
+// ======================> write_delegate
+// declare delegates for each width
+typedef delegate<void (address_space &, offs_t, UINT8, UINT8)> write8_delegate;
+typedef delegate<void (address_space &, offs_t, UINT16, UINT16)> write16_delegate;
+typedef delegate<void (address_space &, offs_t, UINT32, UINT32)> write32_delegate;
+typedef delegate<void (address_space &, offs_t, UINT64, UINT64)> write64_delegate;
+// ======================> direct_read_data
+// direct_read_data contains state data for direct read access
+class direct_read_data
+ friend class address_table;
+ // direct_range is an internal class that is part of a list of start/end ranges
+ class direct_range
+ {
+ public:
+ // construction
+ direct_range()
+ : m_next(NULL),
+ m_bytestart(0),
+ m_byteend(~0) { }
+ // getters
+ direct_range *next() const { return m_next; }
+ // internal state
+ direct_range * m_next; // pointer to the next range in the list
+ offs_t m_bytestart; // starting byte offset of the range
+ offs_t m_byteend; // ending byte offset of the range
+ };
+ // construction/destruction
+ direct_read_data(address_space &space);
+ ~direct_read_data();
+ // getters
+ address_space &space() const { return m_space; }
+ UINT8 *raw() const { return m_raw; }
+ UINT8 *decrypted() const { return m_decrypted; }
+ // see if an address is within bounds, or attempt to update it if not
+ bool address_is_valid(offs_t byteaddress) { return EXPECTED(byteaddress >= m_bytestart && byteaddress <= m_byteend) || set_direct_region(byteaddress); }
+ // force a recomputation on the next read
+ void force_update() { m_byteend = 0; m_bytestart = 1; }
+ void force_update(UINT8 if_match) { if (m_entry == if_match) force_update(); }
+ // custom update callbacks and configuration
+ direct_update_delegate set_direct_update(direct_update_delegate function);
+ void explicit_configure(offs_t bytestart, offs_t byteend, offs_t bytemask, void *raw, void *decrypted = NULL);
+ // accessor methods for reading raw data
+ void *read_raw_ptr(offs_t byteaddress, offs_t directxor = 0);
+ UINT8 read_raw_byte(offs_t byteaddress, offs_t directxor = 0);
+ UINT16 read_raw_word(offs_t byteaddress, offs_t directxor = 0);
+ UINT32 read_raw_dword(offs_t byteaddress, offs_t directxor = 0);
+ UINT64 read_raw_qword(offs_t byteaddress, offs_t directxor = 0);
+ // accessor methods for reading decrypted data
+ void *read_decrypted_ptr(offs_t byteaddress, offs_t directxor = 0);
+ UINT8 read_decrypted_byte(offs_t byteaddress, offs_t directxor = 0);
+ UINT16 read_decrypted_word(offs_t byteaddress, offs_t directxor = 0);
+ UINT32 read_decrypted_dword(offs_t byteaddress, offs_t directxor = 0);
+ UINT64 read_decrypted_qword(offs_t byteaddress, offs_t directxor = 0);
+ // internal helpers
+ bool set_direct_region(offs_t &byteaddress);
+ direct_range *find_range(offs_t byteaddress, UINT8 &entry);
+ void remove_intersecting_ranges(offs_t bytestart, offs_t byteend);
+ // internal state
+ address_space & m_space;
+ UINT8 * m_raw; // direct access data pointer (raw)
+ UINT8 * m_decrypted; // direct access data pointer (decrypted)
+ offs_t m_bytemask; // byte address mask
+ offs_t m_bytestart; // minimum valid byte address
+ offs_t m_byteend; // maximum valid byte address
+ UINT8 m_entry; // live entry
+ simple_list<direct_range> m_rangelist[256]; // list of ranges for each entry
+ simple_list<direct_range> m_freerangelist; // list of recycled range entries
+ direct_update_delegate m_directupdate; // fast direct-access update callback
+// ======================> address_space_config
+// describes an address space and provides basic functions to map addresses to bytes
+class address_space_config
+ // construction/destruction
+ address_space_config();
+ address_space_config(const char *name, endianness_t endian, UINT8 datawidth, UINT8 addrwidth, INT8 addrshift = 0, address_map_constructor internal = NULL, address_map_constructor defmap = NULL);
+ address_space_config(const char *name, endianness_t endian, UINT8 datawidth, UINT8 addrwidth, INT8 addrshift, UINT8 logwidth, UINT8 pageshift, address_map_constructor internal = NULL, address_map_constructor defmap = NULL);
+ // getters
+ const char *name() const { return m_name; }
+ endianness_t endianness() const { return m_endianness; }
+ int data_width() const { return m_databus_width; }
+ int addr_width() const { return m_addrbus_width; }
+ // address-to-byte conversion helpers
+ inline offs_t addr2byte(offs_t address) const { return (m_addrbus_shift < 0) ? (address << -m_addrbus_shift) : (address >> m_addrbus_shift); }
+ inline offs_t addr2byte_end(offs_t address) const { return (m_addrbus_shift < 0) ? ((address << -m_addrbus_shift) | ((1 << -m_addrbus_shift) - 1)) : (address >> m_addrbus_shift); }
+ inline offs_t byte2addr(offs_t address) const { return (m_addrbus_shift > 0) ? (address << m_addrbus_shift) : (address >> -m_addrbus_shift); }
+ inline offs_t byte2addr_end(offs_t address) const { return (m_addrbus_shift > 0) ? ((address << m_addrbus_shift) | ((1 << m_addrbus_shift) - 1)) : (address >> -m_addrbus_shift); }
+ // state
+ const char * m_name;
+ endianness_t m_endianness;
+ UINT8 m_databus_width;
+ UINT8 m_addrbus_width;
+ INT8 m_addrbus_shift;
+ UINT8 m_logaddr_width;
+ UINT8 m_page_shift;
+ address_map_constructor m_internal_map;
+ address_map_constructor m_default_map;
+// ======================> address_space
+// address_space holds live information about an address space
+class address_space
+ friend class address_table;
+ friend class address_table_read;
+ friend class address_table_write;
+ friend class direct_read_data;
+ friend class simple_list<address_space>;
+ friend resource_pool_object<address_space>::~resource_pool_object();
+ // construction/destruction
+ address_space(device_memory_interface &memory, address_spacenum spacenum, bool large);
+ virtual ~address_space();
+ // public allocator
+ static address_space &allocate(running_machine &machine, const address_space_config &config, device_memory_interface &memory, address_spacenum spacenum);
+ // getters
+ address_space *next() const { return m_next; }
+ device_t &device() const { return m_device; }
+ running_machine &machine() const { return m_machine; }
+ const char *name() const { return m_name; }
+ address_spacenum spacenum() const { return m_spacenum; }
+ address_map *map() const { return m_map; }
+ direct_read_data &direct() const { return m_direct; }
+ int data_width() const { return m_config.data_width(); }
+ int addr_width() const { return m_config.addr_width(); }
+ endianness_t endianness() const { return m_config.endianness(); }
+ UINT64 unmap() const { return m_unmap; }
+ offs_t addrmask() const { return m_addrmask; }
+ offs_t bytemask() const { return m_bytemask; }
+ UINT8 addrchars() const { return m_addrchars; }
+ offs_t logaddrmask() const { return m_logaddrmask; }
+ offs_t logbytemask() const { return m_logbytemask; }
+ UINT8 logaddrchars() const { return m_logaddrchars; }
+ // debug helpers
+ const char *get_handler_string(read_or_write readorwrite, offs_t byteaddress);
+ bool debugger_access() const { return m_debugger_access; }
+ void set_debugger_access(bool debugger) { m_debugger_access = debugger; }
+ bool log_unmap() const { return m_log_unmap; }
+ void set_log_unmap(bool log) { m_log_unmap = log; }
+ void dump_map(FILE *file, read_or_write readorwrite);
+ // watchpoint enablers
+ virtual void enable_read_watchpoints(bool enable = true) = 0;
+ virtual void enable_write_watchpoints(bool enable = true) = 0;
+ // general accessors
+ virtual void accessors(data_accessors &accessors) const = 0;
+ virtual void *get_read_ptr(offs_t byteaddress) = 0;
+ virtual void *get_write_ptr(offs_t byteaddress) = 0;
+ // read accessors
+ virtual UINT8 read_byte(offs_t byteaddress) = 0;
+ virtual UINT16 read_word(offs_t byteaddress) = 0;
+ virtual UINT16 read_word(offs_t byteaddress, UINT16 mask) = 0;
+ virtual UINT16 read_word_unaligned(offs_t byteaddress) = 0;
+ virtual UINT16 read_word_unaligned(offs_t byteaddress, UINT16 mask) = 0;
+ virtual UINT32 read_dword(offs_t byteaddress) = 0;
+ virtual UINT32 read_dword(offs_t byteaddress, UINT32 mask) = 0;
+ virtual UINT32 read_dword_unaligned(offs_t byteaddress) = 0;
+ virtual UINT32 read_dword_unaligned(offs_t byteaddress, UINT32 mask) = 0;
+ virtual UINT64 read_qword(offs_t byteaddress) = 0;
+ virtual UINT64 read_qword(offs_t byteaddress, UINT64 mask) = 0;
+ virtual UINT64 read_qword_unaligned(offs_t byteaddress) = 0;
+ virtual UINT64 read_qword_unaligned(offs_t byteaddress, UINT64 mask) = 0;
+ // write accessors
+ virtual void write_byte(offs_t byteaddress, UINT8 data) = 0;
+ virtual void write_word(offs_t byteaddress, UINT16 data) = 0;
+ virtual void write_word(offs_t byteaddress, UINT16 data, UINT16 mask) = 0;
+ virtual void write_word_unaligned(offs_t byteaddress, UINT16 data) = 0;
+ virtual void write_word_unaligned(offs_t byteaddress, UINT16 data, UINT16 mask) = 0;
+ virtual void write_dword(offs_t byteaddress, UINT32 data) = 0;
+ virtual void write_dword(offs_t byteaddress, UINT32 data, UINT32 mask) = 0;
+ virtual void write_dword_unaligned(offs_t byteaddress, UINT32 data) = 0;
+ virtual void write_dword_unaligned(offs_t byteaddress, UINT32 data, UINT32 mask) = 0;
+ virtual void write_qword(offs_t byteaddress, UINT64 data) = 0;
+ virtual void write_qword(offs_t byteaddress, UINT64 data, UINT64 mask) = 0;
+ virtual void write_qword_unaligned(offs_t byteaddress, UINT64 data) = 0;
+ virtual void write_qword_unaligned(offs_t byteaddress, UINT64 data, UINT64 mask) = 0;
+ // address-to-byte conversion helpers
+ offs_t address_to_byte(offs_t address) const { return m_config.addr2byte(address); }
+ offs_t address_to_byte_end(offs_t address) const { return m_config.addr2byte_end(address); }
+ offs_t byte_to_address(offs_t address) const { return m_config.byte2addr(address); }
+ offs_t byte_to_address_end(offs_t address) const { return m_config.byte2addr_end(address); }
+ // decryption
+ void set_decrypted_region(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, void *base);
+ // direct access
+ direct_update_delegate set_direct_update_handler(direct_update_delegate function) { return m_direct.set_direct_update(function); }
+ bool set_direct_region(offs_t &byteaddress);
+ // umap ranges (short form)
+ void unmap_read(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend) { unmap_read(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0); }
+ void unmap_write(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend) { unmap_write(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0); }
+ void unmap_readwrite(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend) { unmap_readwrite(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0); }
+ void nop_read(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend) { nop_read(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0); }
+ void nop_write(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend) { nop_write(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0); }
+ void nop_readwrite(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend) { nop_readwrite(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0); }
+ // umap ranges (with mirror/mask)
+ void unmap_read(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror) { unmap_generic(addrstart, addrend, addrmask, addrmirror, ROW_READ, false); }
+ void unmap_write(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror) { unmap_generic(addrstart, addrend, addrmask, addrmirror, ROW_WRITE, false); }
+ void unmap_readwrite(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror) { unmap_generic(addrstart, addrend, addrmask, addrmirror, ROW_READWRITE, false); }
+ void nop_read(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror) { unmap_generic(addrstart, addrend, addrmask, addrmirror, ROW_READ, true); }
+ void nop_write(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror) { unmap_generic(addrstart, addrend, addrmask, addrmirror, ROW_WRITE, true); }
+ void nop_readwrite(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror) { unmap_generic(addrstart, addrend, addrmask, addrmirror, ROW_READWRITE, true); }
+ // install ports, banks, RAM (short form)
+ void install_read_port(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, const char *rtag) { install_read_port(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rtag); }
+ void install_write_port(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, const char *wtag) { install_write_port(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, wtag); }
+ void install_readwrite_port(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, const char *rtag, const char *wtag) { install_readwrite_port(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rtag, wtag); }
+ void install_read_bank(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, const char *tag) { install_read_bank(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, tag); }
+ void install_write_bank(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, const char *tag) { install_write_bank(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, tag); }
+ void install_readwrite_bank(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, const char *tag) { install_readwrite_bank(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, tag); }
+ void *install_rom(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, void *baseptr = NULL) { return install_rom(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, baseptr); }
+ void *install_writeonly(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, void *baseptr = NULL) { return install_writeonly(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, baseptr); }
+ void *install_ram(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, void *baseptr = NULL) { return install_ram(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, baseptr); }
+ // install ports, banks, RAM (with mirror/mask)
+ void install_read_port(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, const char *rtag) { install_readwrite_port(addrstart, addrend, addrmask, addrmirror, rtag, NULL); }
+ void install_write_port(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, const char *wtag) { install_readwrite_port(addrstart, addrend, addrmask, addrmirror, NULL, wtag); }
+ void install_readwrite_port(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, const char *rtag, const char *wtag);
+ void install_read_bank(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, const char *tag) { install_bank_generic(addrstart, addrend, addrmask, addrmirror, tag, NULL); }
+ void install_write_bank(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, const char *tag) { install_bank_generic(addrstart, addrend, addrmask, addrmirror, NULL, tag); }
+ void install_readwrite_bank(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, const char *tag) { install_bank_generic(addrstart, addrend, addrmask, addrmirror, tag, tag); }
+ void *install_rom(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, void *baseptr = NULL) { return install_ram_generic(addrstart, addrend, addrmask, addrmirror, ROW_READ, baseptr); }
+ void *install_writeonly(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, void *baseptr = NULL) { return install_ram_generic(addrstart, addrend, addrmask, addrmirror, ROW_WRITE, baseptr); }
+ void *install_ram(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, void *baseptr = NULL) { return install_ram_generic(addrstart, addrend, addrmask, addrmirror, ROW_READWRITE, baseptr); }
+ // install new-style delegate handlers (short form)
+ UINT8 *install_read_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read8_delegate rhandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_read_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, unitmask); }
+ UINT8 *install_write_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, write8_delegate whandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_write_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, whandler, unitmask); }
+ UINT8 *install_readwrite_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read8_delegate rhandler, write8_delegate whandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_readwrite_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, whandler, unitmask); }
+ UINT16 *install_read_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read16_delegate rhandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_read_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, unitmask); }
+ UINT16 *install_write_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, write16_delegate whandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_write_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, whandler, unitmask); }
+ UINT16 *install_readwrite_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read16_delegate rhandler, write16_delegate whandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_readwrite_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, whandler, unitmask); }
+ UINT32 *install_read_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read32_delegate rhandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_read_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, unitmask); }
+ UINT32 *install_write_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, write32_delegate whandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_write_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, whandler, unitmask); }
+ UINT32 *install_readwrite_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read32_delegate rhandler, write32_delegate whandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_readwrite_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, whandler, unitmask); }
+ UINT64 *install_read_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read64_delegate rhandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_read_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, unitmask); }
+ UINT64 *install_write_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, write64_delegate whandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_write_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, whandler, unitmask); }
+ UINT64 *install_readwrite_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read64_delegate rhandler, write64_delegate whandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_readwrite_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, whandler, unitmask); }
+ // install new-style delegate handlers (with mirror/mask)
+ UINT8 *install_read_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read8_delegate rhandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT8 *install_write_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, write8_delegate whandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT8 *install_readwrite_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read8_delegate rhandler, write8_delegate whandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT16 *install_read_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read16_delegate rhandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT16 *install_write_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, write16_delegate whandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT16 *install_readwrite_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read16_delegate rhandler, write16_delegate whandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT32 *install_read_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read32_delegate rhandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT32 *install_write_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, write32_delegate whandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT32 *install_readwrite_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read32_delegate rhandler, write32_delegate whandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT64 *install_read_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read64_delegate rhandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT64 *install_write_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, write64_delegate whandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT64 *install_readwrite_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read64_delegate rhandler, write64_delegate whandler, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ // install legacy address space handlers (short form)
+ UINT8 *install_legacy_read_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read8_space_func rhandler, const char *rname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_read_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, rname, unitmask); }
+ UINT8 *install_legacy_write_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, write8_space_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_write_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, whandler, wname, unitmask); }
+ UINT8 *install_legacy_readwrite_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read8_space_func rhandler, const char *rname, write8_space_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_readwrite_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, rname, whandler, wname, unitmask); }
+ UINT16 *install_legacy_read_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read16_space_func rhandler, const char *rname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_read_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, rname, unitmask); }
+ UINT16 *install_legacy_write_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, write16_space_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_write_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, whandler, wname, unitmask); }
+ UINT16 *install_legacy_readwrite_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read16_space_func rhandler, const char *rname, write16_space_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_readwrite_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, rname, whandler, wname, unitmask); }
+ UINT32 *install_legacy_read_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read32_space_func rhandler, const char *rname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_read_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, rname, unitmask); }
+ UINT32 *install_legacy_write_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, write32_space_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_write_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, whandler, wname, unitmask); }
+ UINT32 *install_legacy_readwrite_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read32_space_func rhandler, const char *rname, write32_space_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_readwrite_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, rname, whandler, wname, unitmask); }
+ UINT64 *install_legacy_read_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read64_space_func rhandler, const char *rname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_read_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, rname, unitmask); }
+ UINT64 *install_legacy_write_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, write64_space_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_write_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, whandler, wname, unitmask); }
+ UINT64 *install_legacy_readwrite_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read64_space_func rhandler, const char *rname, write64_space_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_readwrite_handler(addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, rname, whandler, wname, unitmask); }
+ // install legacy address space handlers (with mirror/mask)
+ UINT8 *install_legacy_read_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read8_space_func rhandler, const char *rname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT8 *install_legacy_write_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, write8_space_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT8 *install_legacy_readwrite_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read8_space_func rhandler, const char *rname, write8_space_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT16 *install_legacy_read_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read16_space_func rhandler, const char *rname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT16 *install_legacy_write_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, write16_space_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT16 *install_legacy_readwrite_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read16_space_func rhandler, const char *rname, write16_space_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT32 *install_legacy_read_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read32_space_func rhandler, const char *rname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT32 *install_legacy_write_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, write32_space_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT32 *install_legacy_readwrite_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read32_space_func rhandler, const char *rname, write32_space_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT64 *install_legacy_read_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read64_space_func rhandler, const char *rname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT64 *install_legacy_write_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, write64_space_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT64 *install_legacy_readwrite_handler(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read64_space_func rhandler, const char *rname, write64_space_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ // install legacy device handlers (short form)
+ UINT8 *install_legacy_read_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read8_device_func rhandler, const char *rname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_read_handler(device, addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, rname, unitmask); }
+ UINT8 *install_legacy_write_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, write8_device_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_write_handler(device, addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, whandler, wname, unitmask); }
+ UINT8 *install_legacy_readwrite_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read8_device_func rhandler, const char *rname, write8_device_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_readwrite_handler(device, addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, rname, whandler, wname, unitmask); }
+ UINT16 *install_legacy_read_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read16_device_func rhandler, const char *rname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_read_handler(device, addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, rname, unitmask); }
+ UINT16 *install_legacy_write_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, write16_device_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_write_handler(device, addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, whandler, wname, unitmask); }
+ UINT16 *install_legacy_readwrite_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read16_device_func rhandler, const char *rname, write16_device_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_readwrite_handler(device, addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, rname, whandler, wname, unitmask); }
+ UINT32 *install_legacy_read_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read32_device_func rhandler, const char *rname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_read_handler(device, addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, rname, unitmask); }
+ UINT32 *install_legacy_write_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, write32_device_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_write_handler(device, addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, whandler, wname, unitmask); }
+ UINT32 *install_legacy_readwrite_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read32_device_func rhandler, const char *rname, write32_device_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_readwrite_handler(device, addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, rname, whandler, wname, unitmask); }
+ UINT64 *install_legacy_read_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read64_device_func rhandler, const char *rname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_read_handler(device, addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, rname, unitmask); }
+ UINT64 *install_legacy_write_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, write64_device_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_write_handler(device, addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, whandler, wname, unitmask); }
+ UINT64 *install_legacy_readwrite_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, read64_device_func rhandler, const char *rname, write64_device_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0) { return install_legacy_readwrite_handler(device, addrstart, addrend, 0, 0, rhandler, rname, whandler, wname, unitmask); }
+ // install legacy device handlers (with mirror/mask)
+ UINT8 *install_legacy_read_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read8_device_func rhandler, const char *rname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT8 *install_legacy_write_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, write8_device_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT8 *install_legacy_readwrite_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read8_device_func rhandler, const char *rname, write8_device_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT16 *install_legacy_read_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read16_device_func rhandler, const char *rname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT16 *install_legacy_write_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, write16_device_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT16 *install_legacy_readwrite_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read16_device_func rhandler, const char *rname, write16_device_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT32 *install_legacy_read_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read32_device_func rhandler, const char *rname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT32 *install_legacy_write_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, write32_device_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT32 *install_legacy_readwrite_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read32_device_func rhandler, const char *rname, write32_device_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT64 *install_legacy_read_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read64_device_func rhandler, const char *rname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT64 *install_legacy_write_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, write64_device_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ UINT64 *install_legacy_readwrite_handler(device_t &device, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read64_device_func rhandler, const char *rname, write64_device_func whandler, const char *wname, UINT64 unitmask = 0);
+ // setup
+ void prepare_map();
+ void populate_from_map();
+ void allocate_memory();
+ void locate_memory();
+ // internal helpers
+ virtual address_table_read &read() = 0;
+ virtual address_table_write &write() = 0;
+ void populate_map_entry(const address_map_entry &entry, read_or_write readorwrite);
+ void unmap_generic(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read_or_write readorwrite, bool quiet);
+ void *install_ram_generic(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read_or_write readorwrite, void *baseptr);
+ void install_bank_generic(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, const char *rtag, const char *wtag);
+ void bind_and_install_handler(const address_map_entry &entry, read_or_write readorwrite, device_t *device);
+ void adjust_addresses(offs_t &start, offs_t &end, offs_t &mask, offs_t &mirror);
+ void *find_backing_memory(offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend);
+ bool needs_backing_store(const address_map_entry *entry);
+ memory_bank &bank_find_or_allocate(const char *tag, offs_t addrstart, offs_t addrend, offs_t addrmask, offs_t addrmirror, read_or_write readorwrite);
+ address_map_entry *block_assign_intersecting(offs_t bytestart, offs_t byteend, UINT8 *base);
+ // private state
+ address_space * m_next; // next address space in the global list
+ const address_space_config &m_config; // configuration of this space
+ device_t & m_device; // reference to the owning device
+ address_map * m_map; // original memory map
+ offs_t m_addrmask; // physical address mask
+ offs_t m_bytemask; // byte-converted physical address mask
+ offs_t m_logaddrmask; // logical address mask
+ offs_t m_logbytemask; // byte-converted logical address mask
+ UINT64 m_unmap; // unmapped value
+ address_spacenum m_spacenum; // address space index
+ bool m_debugger_access; // treat accesses as coming from the debugger
+ bool m_log_unmap; // log unmapped accesses in this space?
+ direct_read_data & m_direct; // fast direct-access read info
+ const char * m_name; // friendly name of the address space
+ UINT8 m_addrchars; // number of characters to use for physical addresses
+ UINT8 m_logaddrchars; // number of characters to use for logical addresses
+ running_machine & m_machine; // reference to the owning machine
+// opcode base adjustment handler function macro
+#define DIRECT_UPDATE_MEMBER(name) offs_t name(ATTR_UNUSED direct_read_data &direct, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t address)
+#define DIRECT_UPDATE_HANDLER(name) offs_t name(ATTR_UNUSED running_machine &machine, ATTR_UNUSED direct_read_data &direct, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t address)
+// space read/write handler function macros
+#define READ8_HANDLER(name) UINT8 name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space *space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset)
+#define WRITE8_HANDLER(name) void name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space *space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT8 data)
+#define READ16_HANDLER(name) UINT16 name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space *space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT16 mem_mask)
+#define WRITE16_HANDLER(name) void name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space *space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT16 data, ATTR_UNUSED UINT16 mem_mask)
+#define READ32_HANDLER(name) UINT32 name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space *space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT32 mem_mask)
+#define WRITE32_HANDLER(name) void name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space *space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT32 data, ATTR_UNUSED UINT32 mem_mask)
+#define READ64_HANDLER(name) UINT64 name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space *space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT64 mem_mask)
+#define WRITE64_HANDLER(name) void name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space *space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT64 data, ATTR_UNUSED UINT64 mem_mask)
+// device read/write handler function macros
+#define READ8_DEVICE_HANDLER(name) UINT8 name(ATTR_UNUSED device_t *device, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset)
+#define WRITE8_DEVICE_HANDLER(name) void name(ATTR_UNUSED device_t *device, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT8 data)
+#define READ16_DEVICE_HANDLER(name) UINT16 name(ATTR_UNUSED device_t *device, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT16 mem_mask)
+#define WRITE16_DEVICE_HANDLER(name) void name(ATTR_UNUSED device_t *device, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT16 data, ATTR_UNUSED UINT16 mem_mask)
+#define READ32_DEVICE_HANDLER(name) UINT32 name(ATTR_UNUSED device_t *device, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT32 mem_mask)
+#define WRITE32_DEVICE_HANDLER(name) void name(ATTR_UNUSED device_t *device, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT32 data, ATTR_UNUSED UINT32 mem_mask)
+#define READ64_DEVICE_HANDLER(name) UINT64 name(ATTR_UNUSED device_t *device, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT64 mem_mask)
+#define WRITE64_DEVICE_HANDLER(name) void name(ATTR_UNUSED device_t *device, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT64 data, ATTR_UNUSED UINT64 mem_mask)
+// space read/write handler function macros
+#define READ8_MEMBER(name) UINT8 name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space &space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT8 mem_mask)
+#define WRITE8_MEMBER(name) void name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space &space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT8 data, ATTR_UNUSED UINT8 mem_mask)
+#define READ16_MEMBER(name) UINT16 name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space &space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT16 mem_mask)
+#define WRITE16_MEMBER(name) void name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space &space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT16 data, ATTR_UNUSED UINT16 mem_mask)
+#define READ32_MEMBER(name) UINT32 name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space &space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT32 mem_mask)
+#define WRITE32_MEMBER(name) void name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space &space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT32 data, ATTR_UNUSED UINT32 mem_mask)
+#define READ64_MEMBER(name) UINT64 name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space &space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT64 mem_mask)
+#define WRITE64_MEMBER(name) void name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space &space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT64 data, ATTR_UNUSED UINT64 mem_mask)
+#define DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(name) UINT8 name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space &space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT8 mem_mask = 0xff)
+#define DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(name) void name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space &space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT8 data, ATTR_UNUSED UINT8 mem_mask = 0xff)
+#define DECLARE_READ16_MEMBER(name) UINT16 name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space &space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT16 mem_mask = 0xffff)
+#define DECLARE_WRITE16_MEMBER(name) void name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space &space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT16 data, ATTR_UNUSED UINT16 mem_mask = 0xffff)
+#define DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER(name) UINT32 name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space &space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT32 mem_mask = 0xffffffff)
+#define DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER(name) void name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space &space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT32 data, ATTR_UNUSED UINT32 mem_mask = 0xffffffff)
+#define DECLARE_READ64_MEMBER(name) UINT64 name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space &space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT64 mem_mask = U64(0xffffffffffffffff))
+#define DECLARE_WRITE64_MEMBER(name) void name(ATTR_UNUSED address_space &space, ATTR_UNUSED offs_t offset, ATTR_UNUSED UINT64 data, ATTR_UNUSED UINT64 mem_mask = U64(0xffffffffffffffff))
+// helper macro for merging data with the memory mask
+#define COMBINE_DATA(varptr) (*(varptr) = (*(varptr) & ~mem_mask) | (data & mem_mask))
+#define ACCESSING_BITS_0_7 ((mem_mask & 0x000000ff) != 0)
+#define ACCESSING_BITS_8_15 ((mem_mask & 0x0000ff00) != 0)
+#define ACCESSING_BITS_16_23 ((mem_mask & 0x00ff0000) != 0)
+#define ACCESSING_BITS_24_31 ((mem_mask & 0xff000000) != 0)
+#define ACCESSING_BITS_32_39 ((mem_mask & U64(0x000000ff00000000)) != 0)
+#define ACCESSING_BITS_40_47 ((mem_mask & U64(0x0000ff0000000000)) != 0)
+#define ACCESSING_BITS_48_55 ((mem_mask & U64(0x00ff000000000000)) != 0)
+#define ACCESSING_BITS_56_63 ((mem_mask & U64(0xff00000000000000)) != 0)
+#define ACCESSING_BITS_0_15 ((mem_mask & 0x0000ffff) != 0)
+#define ACCESSING_BITS_16_31 ((mem_mask & 0xffff0000) != 0)
+#define ACCESSING_BITS_32_47 ((mem_mask & U64(0x0000ffff00000000)) != 0)
+#define ACCESSING_BITS_48_63 ((mem_mask & U64(0xffff000000000000)) != 0)
+#define ACCESSING_BITS_0_31 ((mem_mask & 0xffffffff) != 0)
+#define ACCESSING_BITS_32_63 ((mem_mask & U64(0xffffffff00000000)) != 0)
+// macros for accessing bytes and words within larger chunks
+// read/write a byte to a 16-bit space
+#define BYTE_XOR_BE(a) ((a) ^ NATIVE_ENDIAN_VALUE_LE_BE(1,0))
+#define BYTE_XOR_LE(a) ((a) ^ NATIVE_ENDIAN_VALUE_LE_BE(0,1))
+// read/write a byte to a 32-bit space
+#define BYTE4_XOR_BE(a) ((a) ^ NATIVE_ENDIAN_VALUE_LE_BE(3,0))
+#define BYTE4_XOR_LE(a) ((a) ^ NATIVE_ENDIAN_VALUE_LE_BE(0,3))
+// read/write a word to a 32-bit space
+#define WORD_XOR_BE(a) ((a) ^ NATIVE_ENDIAN_VALUE_LE_BE(2,0))
+#define WORD_XOR_LE(a) ((a) ^ NATIVE_ENDIAN_VALUE_LE_BE(0,2))
+// read/write a byte to a 64-bit space
+#define BYTE8_XOR_BE(a) ((a) ^ NATIVE_ENDIAN_VALUE_LE_BE(7,0))
+#define BYTE8_XOR_LE(a) ((a) ^ NATIVE_ENDIAN_VALUE_LE_BE(0,7))
+// read/write a word to a 64-bit space
+#define WORD2_XOR_BE(a) ((a) ^ NATIVE_ENDIAN_VALUE_LE_BE(6,0))
+#define WORD2_XOR_LE(a) ((a) ^ NATIVE_ENDIAN_VALUE_LE_BE(0,6))
+// read/write a dword to a 64-bit space
+#define DWORD_XOR_BE(a) ((a) ^ NATIVE_ENDIAN_VALUE_LE_BE(4,0))
+#define DWORD_XOR_LE(a) ((a) ^ NATIVE_ENDIAN_VALUE_LE_BE(0,4))
+extern const char *const address_space_names[ADDRESS_SPACES];
+// initialize the memory system
+void memory_init(running_machine &machine);
+// configure the addresses for a bank
+void memory_configure_bank(running_machine &machine, const char *tag, int startentry, int numentries, void *base, offs_t stride) ATTR_NONNULL(5);
+void memory_configure_bank(device_t *device, const char *tag, int startentry, int numentries, void *base, offs_t stride) ATTR_NONNULL(5);
+// configure the decrypted addresses for a bank
+void memory_configure_bank_decrypted(running_machine &machine, const char *tag, int startentry, int numentries, void *base, offs_t stride) ATTR_NONNULL(5);
+void memory_configure_bank_decrypted(device_t *device, const char *tag, int startentry, int numentries, void *base, offs_t stride) ATTR_NONNULL(5);
+// select one pre-configured entry to be the new bank base
+void memory_set_bank(running_machine &machine, const char *tag, int entrynum);
+void memory_set_bank(device_t *device, const char *tag, int entrynum);
+// return the currently selected bank
+int memory_get_bank(running_machine &machine, const char *tag);
+int memory_get_bank(device_t *device, const char *tag);
+// set the absolute address of a bank base
+void memory_set_bankptr(running_machine &machine, const char *tag, void *base) ATTR_NONNULL(3);
+void memory_set_bankptr(device_t *device, const char *tag, void *base) ATTR_NONNULL(3);
+// get a pointer to a shared memory region by tag
+void *memory_get_shared(running_machine &machine, const char *tag);
+void *memory_get_shared(running_machine &machine, const char *tag, size_t &length);
+// dump the internal memory tables to the given file
+void memory_dump(running_machine &machine, FILE *file);
+address_space *memory_nonspecific_space(running_machine &machine);
+// read_raw_ptr - return a pointer to valid RAM
+// referenced by the address, or NULL if no RAM
+// backing that address
+inline void *direct_read_data::read_raw_ptr(offs_t byteaddress, offs_t directxor)
+ if (address_is_valid(byteaddress))
+ return &m_raw[(byteaddress ^ directxor) & m_bytemask];
+ return NULL;
+inline void *direct_read_data::read_decrypted_ptr(offs_t byteaddress, offs_t directxor)
+ if (address_is_valid(byteaddress))
+ return &m_decrypted[(byteaddress ^ directxor) & m_bytemask];
+ return NULL;
+// read_raw_byte - read a byte via the
+// direct_read_data class
+inline UINT8 direct_read_data::read_raw_byte(offs_t byteaddress, offs_t directxor)
+ if (address_is_valid(byteaddress))
+ return m_raw[(byteaddress ^ directxor) & m_bytemask];
+ return m_space.read_byte(byteaddress);
+inline UINT8 direct_read_data::read_decrypted_byte(offs_t byteaddress, offs_t directxor)
+ if (address_is_valid(byteaddress))
+ return m_decrypted[(byteaddress ^ directxor) & m_bytemask];
+ return m_space.read_byte(byteaddress);
+// read_raw_word - read a word via the
+// direct_read_data class
+inline UINT16 direct_read_data::read_raw_word(offs_t byteaddress, offs_t directxor)
+ if (address_is_valid(byteaddress))
+ return *reinterpret_cast<UINT16 *>(&m_raw[(byteaddress ^ directxor) & m_bytemask]);
+ return m_space.read_word(byteaddress);
+inline UINT16 direct_read_data::read_decrypted_word(offs_t byteaddress, offs_t directxor)
+ if (address_is_valid(byteaddress))
+ return *reinterpret_cast<UINT16 *>(&m_decrypted[(byteaddress ^ directxor) & m_bytemask]);
+ return m_space.read_word(byteaddress);
+// read_raw_dword - read a dword via the
+// direct_read_data class
+inline UINT32 direct_read_data::read_raw_dword(offs_t byteaddress, offs_t directxor)
+ if (address_is_valid(byteaddress))
+ return *reinterpret_cast<UINT32 *>(&m_raw[(byteaddress ^ directxor) & m_bytemask]);
+ return m_space.read_dword(byteaddress);
+inline UINT32 direct_read_data::read_decrypted_dword(offs_t byteaddress, offs_t directxor)
+ if (address_is_valid(byteaddress))
+ return *reinterpret_cast<UINT32 *>(&m_decrypted[(byteaddress ^ directxor) & m_bytemask]);
+ return m_space.read_dword(byteaddress);
+// read_raw_qword - read a qword via the
+// direct_read_data class
+inline UINT64 direct_read_data::read_raw_qword(offs_t byteaddress, offs_t directxor)
+ if (address_is_valid(byteaddress))
+ return *reinterpret_cast<UINT64 *>(&m_raw[(byteaddress ^ directxor) & m_bytemask]);
+ return m_space.read_qword(byteaddress);
+inline UINT64 direct_read_data::read_decrypted_qword(offs_t byteaddress, offs_t directxor)
+ if (address_is_valid(byteaddress))
+ return *reinterpret_cast<UINT64 *>(&m_decrypted[(byteaddress ^ directxor) & m_bytemask]);
+ return m_space.read_qword(byteaddress);
+#endif /* __MEMORY_H__ */