path: root/trunk/src/emu/machine/s3c2400.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/src/emu/machine/s3c2400.h')
1 files changed, 727 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/src/emu/machine/s3c2400.h b/trunk/src/emu/machine/s3c2400.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e3f930dcf82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/src/emu/machine/s3c2400.h
@@ -0,0 +1,727 @@
+ Samsung S3C2400
+#ifndef __S3C2400_H__
+#define __S3C2400_H__
+#include "devlegcy.h"
+#define S3C2400_TAG "s3c2400"
+#define MCFG_S3C2400_ADD(_tag, _clock, _config) \
+ MCFG_DEVICE_ADD(_tag, S3C2400, _clock) \
+#define S3C2400_INTERFACE(name) \
+ const s3c2400_interface(name) =
+ S3C2400_GPIO_PORT_A = 0,
+ S3C2400_GPIO_PORT_B,
+ S3C2400_GPIO_PORT_C,
+ S3C2400_GPIO_PORT_D,
+ S3C2400_GPIO_PORT_E,
+ S3C2400_GPIO_PORT_F,
+typedef UINT32 (*s3c24xx_gpio_port_r_func)( device_t *device, int port);
+typedef void (*s3c24xx_gpio_port_w_func)( device_t *device, int port, UINT32 data);
+typedef struct _s3c2400_interface_gpio s3c2400_interface_gpio;
+struct _s3c2400_interface_gpio
+ s3c24xx_gpio_port_r_func port_r;
+ s3c24xx_gpio_port_w_func port_w;
+typedef struct _s3c2400_interface_i2c s3c2400_interface_i2c;
+struct _s3c2400_interface_i2c
+ write_line_device_func scl_w;
+ read_line_device_func sda_r;
+ write_line_device_func sda_w;
+typedef struct _s3c2400_interface_adc s3c2400_interface_adc;
+struct _s3c2400_interface_adc
+ read32_device_func data_r;
+typedef struct _s3c2400_interface_i2s s3c2400_interface_i2s;
+struct _s3c2400_interface_i2s
+ write16_device_func data_w;
+typedef struct _s3c2400_interface_lcd s3c2400_interface_lcd;
+struct _s3c2400_interface_lcd
+ int flags;
+typedef struct _s3c2400_interface s3c2400_interface;
+struct _s3c2400_interface
+ s3c2400_interface_gpio gpio;
+ s3c2400_interface_i2c i2c;
+ s3c2400_interface_adc adc;
+ s3c2400_interface_i2s i2s;
+ s3c2400_interface_lcd lcd;
+DEVICE_GET_INFO( s3c2400 );
+VIDEO_START( s3c2400 );
+SCREEN_UPDATE( s3c2400 );
+void s3c2400_uart_fifo_w( device_t *device, int uart, UINT8 data);
+/* Interface */
+/* Memory Controller */
+#define S3C24XX_BASE_MEMCON 0x14000000
+/* USB Host Controller */
+#define S3C24XX_BASE_USBHOST 0x14200000
+/* Interrupt Controller */
+#define S3C24XX_BASE_INT 0x14400000
+#define S3C24XX_SRCPND (0x00 / 4) // Interrupt Request Status
+#define S3C24XX_INTMOD (0x04 / 4) // Interrupt Mode Control
+#define S3C24XX_INTMSK (0x08 / 4) // Interrupt Mask Control
+#define S3C24XX_PRIORITY (0x0C / 4) // IRQ Priority Control
+#define S3C24XX_INTPND (0x10 / 4) // Interrupt Request Status
+#define S3C24XX_INTOFFSET (0x14 / 4) // Interrupt Request Source Offset
+/* DMA */
+#define S3C24XX_BASE_DMA_0 0x14600000
+#define S3C24XX_BASE_DMA_1 0x14600020
+#define S3C24XX_BASE_DMA_2 0x14600040
+#define S3C24XX_BASE_DMA_3 0x14600060
+#define S3C24XX_DISRC (0x00 / 4) // DMA Initial Source
+#define S3C24XX_DIDST (0x04 / 4) // DMA Initial Destination
+#define S3C24XX_DCON (0x08 / 4) // DMA Control
+#define S3C24XX_DSTAT (0x0C / 4) // DMA Count
+#define S3C24XX_DCSRC (0x10 / 4) // DMA Current Source Address
+#define S3C24XX_DCDST (0x14 / 4) // DMA Current Destination Address
+#define S3C24XX_DMASKTRIG (0x18 / 4) // DMA Mask Trigger
+/* Clock & Power Management */
+#define S3C24XX_BASE_CLKPOW 0x14800000
+#define S3C24XX_LOCKTIME (0x00 / 4) // PLL Lock Time Counter
+#define S3C24XX_MPLLCON (0x04 / 4) // MPLL Control
+#define S3C24XX_UPLLCON (0x08 / 4) // UPLL Control
+#define S3C24XX_CLKCON (0x0C / 4) // Clock Generator Control
+#define S3C24XX_CLKSLOW (0x10 / 4) // Slow Clock Control
+#define S3C24XX_CLKDIVN (0x14 / 4) // Clock Divider Control
+/* LCD Controller */
+#define S3C24XX_BASE_LCD 0x14a00000
+#define S3C24XX_BASE_LCDPAL 0x14a00400
+#define S3C24XX_LCDCON1 (0x00 / 4) // LCD Control 1
+#define S3C24XX_LCDCON2 (0x04 / 4) // LCD Control 2
+#define S3C24XX_LCDCON3 (0x08 / 4) // LCD Control 3
+#define S3C24XX_LCDCON4 (0x0C / 4) // LCD Control 4
+#define S3C24XX_LCDCON5 (0x10 / 4) // LCD Control 5
+#define S3C24XX_LCDSADDR1 (0x14 / 4) // STN/TFT: Frame Buffer Start Address 1
+#define S3C24XX_LCDSADDR2 (0x18 / 4) // STN/TFT: Frame Buffer Start Address 2
+#define S3C24XX_LCDSADDR3 (0x1C / 4) // STN/TFT: Virtual Screen Address Set
+#define S3C24XX_REDLUT (0x20 / 4) // STN: Red Lookup Table
+#define S3C24XX_GREENLUT (0x24 / 4) // STN: Green Lookup Table
+#define S3C24XX_BLUELUT (0x28 / 4) // STN: Blue Lookup Table
+#define S3C24XX_DITHMODE (0x4C / 4) // STN: Dithering Mode
+#define S3C24XX_TPAL (0x50 / 4) // TFT: Temporary Palette
+/* UART */
+#define S3C24XX_BASE_UART_0 0x15000000
+#define S3C24XX_BASE_UART_1 0x15004000
+#define S3C24XX_ULCON (0x00 / 4) // UART Line Control
+#define S3C24XX_UCON (0x04 / 4) // UART Control
+#define S3C24XX_UFCON (0x08 / 4) // UART FIFO Control
+#define S3C24XX_UMCON (0x0C / 4) // UART Modem Control
+#define S3C24XX_UTRSTAT (0x10 / 4) // UART Tx/Rx Status
+#define S3C24XX_UERSTAT (0x14 / 4) // UART Rx Error Status
+#define S3C24XX_UFSTAT (0x18 / 4) // UART FIFO Status
+#define S3C24XX_UMSTAT (0x1C / 4) // UART Modem Status
+#define S3C24XX_UTXH (0x20 / 4) // UART Transmission Hold
+#define S3C24XX_URXH (0x24 / 4) // UART Receive Buffer
+#define S3C24XX_UBRDIV (0x28 / 4) // UART Baud Rate Divisor
+/* PWM Timer */
+#define S3C24XX_BASE_PWM 0x15100000
+#define S3C24XX_TCFG0 (0x00 / 4) // Timer Configuration
+#define S3C24XX_TCFG1 (0x04 / 4) // Timer Configuration
+#define S3C24XX_TCON (0x08 / 4) // Timer Control
+#define S3C24XX_TCNTB0 (0x0C / 4) // Timer Count Buffer 0
+#define S3C24XX_TCMPB0 (0x10 / 4) // Timer Compare Buffer 0
+#define S3C24XX_TCNTO0 (0x14 / 4) // Timer Count Observation 0
+#define S3C24XX_TCNTB1 (0x18 / 4) // Timer Count Buffer 1
+#define S3C24XX_TCMPB1 (0x1C / 4) // Timer Compare Buffer 1
+#define S3C24XX_TCNTO1 (0x20 / 4) // Timer Count Observation 1
+#define S3C24XX_TCNTB2 (0x24 / 4) // Timer Count Buffer 2
+#define S3C24XX_TCMPB2 (0x28 / 4) // Timer Compare Buffer 2
+#define S3C24XX_TCNTO2 (0x2C / 4) // Timer Count Observation 2
+#define S3C24XX_TCNTB3 (0x30 / 4) // Timer Count Buffer 3
+#define S3C24XX_TCMPB3 (0x34 / 4) // Timer Compare Buffer 3
+#define S3C24XX_TCNTO3 (0x38 / 4) // Timer Count Observation 3
+#define S3C24XX_TCNTB4 (0x3C / 4) // Timer Count Buffer 4
+#define S3C24XX_TCNTO4 (0x40 / 4) // Timer Count Observation 4
+/* USB Device */
+#define S3C24XX_BASE_USBDEV 0x15200140
+/* Watchdog Timer */
+#define S3C24XX_BASE_WDT 0x15300000
+#define S3C24XX_WTCON (0x00 / 4) // Watchdog Timer Mode
+#define S3C24XX_WTDAT (0x04 / 4) // Watchdog Timer Data
+#define S3C24XX_WTCNT (0x08 / 4) // Watchdog Timer Count
+/* IIC */
+#define S3C24XX_BASE_IIC 0x15400000
+#define S3C24XX_IICCON (0x00 / 4) // IIC Control
+#define S3C24XX_IICSTAT (0x04 / 4) // IIC Status
+#define S3C24XX_IICADD (0x08 / 4) // IIC Address
+#define S3C24XX_IICDS (0x0C / 4) // IIC Data Shift
+/* IIS */
+#define S3C24XX_BASE_IIS 0x15508000
+#define S3C24XX_IISCON (0x00 / 4) // IIS Control
+#define S3C24XX_IISMOD (0x04 / 4) // IIS Mode
+#define S3C24XX_IISPSR (0x08 / 4) // IIS Prescaler
+#define S3C24XX_IISFCON (0x0C / 4) // IIS FIFO Control
+#define S3C24XX_IISFIFO (0x10 / 4) // IIS FIFO Entry
+/* I/O Port */
+#define S3C24XX_BASE_GPIO 0x15600000
+#define S3C24XX_GPACON (0x00 / 4) // Port A Control
+#define S3C24XX_GPADAT (0x04 / 4) // Port A Data
+#define S3C24XX_GPBCON (0x08 / 4) // Port B Control
+#define S3C24XX_GPBDAT (0x0C / 4) // Port B Data
+#define S3C24XX_GPBUP (0x10 / 4) // Pull-up Control B
+#define S3C24XX_GPCCON (0x14 / 4) // Port C Control
+#define S3C24XX_GPCDAT (0x18 / 4) // Port C Data
+#define S3C24XX_GPCUP (0x1C / 4) // Pull-up Control C
+#define S3C24XX_GPDCON (0x20 / 4) // Port D Control
+#define S3C24XX_GPDDAT (0x24 / 4) // Port D Data
+#define S3C24XX_GPDUP (0x28 / 4) // Pull-up Control D
+#define S3C24XX_GPECON (0x2C / 4) // Port E Control
+#define S3C24XX_GPEDAT (0x30 / 4) // Port E Data
+#define S3C24XX_GPEUP (0x34 / 4) // Pull-up Control E
+#define S3C24XX_GPFCON (0x38 / 4) // Port F Control
+#define S3C24XX_GPFDAT (0x3C / 4) // Port F Data
+#define S3C24XX_GPFUP (0x40 / 4) // Pull-up Control F
+#define S3C24XX_GPGCON (0x44 / 4) // Port G Control
+#define S3C24XX_GPGDAT (0x48 / 4) // Port G Data
+#define S3C24XX_GPGUP (0x4C / 4) // Pull-up Control G
+#define S3C24XX_OPENCR (0x50 / 4) // Open Drain Enable
+#define S3C24XX_MISCCR (0x54 / 4) // Miscellaneous Control
+#define S3C24XX_EXTINT (0x58 / 4) // External Interrupt Control
+#define S3C24XX_GPADAT_MASK 0x0003FFFF
+#define S3C24XX_GPBDAT_MASK 0x0000FFFF
+#define S3C24XX_GPCDAT_MASK 0x0000FFFF
+#define S3C24XX_GPDDAT_MASK 0x000007FF
+#define S3C24XX_GPEDAT_MASK 0x00000FFF
+#define S3C24XX_GPFDAT_MASK 0x0000007F
+#define S3C24XX_GPGDAT_MASK 0x000003FF
+/* RTC */
+#define S3C24XX_BASE_RTC 0x15700040
+#define S3C24XX_RTCCON (0x00 / 4) // RTC Control
+#define S3C24XX_TICNT (0x04 / 4) // Tick Time count
+#define S3C24XX_RTCALM (0x10 / 4) // RTC Alarm Control
+#define S3C24XX_ALMSEC (0x14 / 4) // Alarm Second
+#define S3C24XX_ALMMIN (0x18 / 4) // Alarm Minute
+#define S3C24XX_ALMHOUR (0x1C / 4) // Alarm Hour
+#define S3C24XX_ALMDAY (0x20 / 4) // Alarm Day
+#define S3C24XX_ALMMON (0x24 / 4) // Alarm Month
+#define S3C24XX_ALMYEAR (0x28 / 4) // Alarm Year
+#define S3C24XX_RTCRST (0x2C / 4) // RTC Round Reset
+#define S3C24XX_BCDSEC (0x30 / 4) // BCD Second
+#define S3C24XX_BCDMIN (0x34 / 4) // BCD Minute
+#define S3C24XX_BCDHOUR (0x38 / 4) // BCD Hour
+#define S3C24XX_BCDDAY (0x3C / 4) // BCD Day
+#define S3C24XX_BCDDOW (0x40 / 4) // BCD Day of Week
+#define S3C24XX_BCDMON (0x44 / 4) // BCD Month
+#define S3C24XX_BCDYEAR (0x48 / 4) // BCD Year
+/* A/D Converter */
+#define S3C24XX_BASE_ADC 0x15800000
+#define S3C24XX_ADCCON (0x00 / 4) // ADC Control
+#define S3C24XX_ADCDAT (0x04 / 4) // ADC Data
+/* SPI */
+#define S3C24XX_BASE_SPI_0 0x15900000
+#define S3C24XX_SPCON (0x00 / 4) // SPI Control
+#define S3C24XX_SPSTA (0x04 / 4) // SPI Status
+#define S3C24XX_SPPIN (0x08 / 4) // SPI Pin Control
+#define S3C24XX_SPPRE (0x0C / 4) // SPI Baud Rate Prescaler
+#define S3C24XX_SPTDAT (0x10 / 4) // SPI Tx Data
+#define S3C24XX_SPRDAT (0x14 / 4) // SPI Rx Data
+/* MMC Interface */
+#define S3C24XX_BASE_MMC 0x15a00000
+/* ... */
+#define S3C24XX_INT_ADC 31
+#define S3C24XX_INT_RTC 30
+#define S3C24XX_INT_UTXD1 29
+#define S3C24XX_INT_UTXD0 28
+#define S3C24XX_INT_IIC 27
+#define S3C24XX_INT_USBH 26
+#define S3C24XX_INT_USBD 25
+#define S3C24XX_INT_URXD1 24
+#define S3C24XX_INT_URXD0 23
+#define S3C24XX_INT_SPI 22
+#define S3C24XX_INT_MMC 21
+#define S3C24XX_INT_DMA3 20
+#define S3C24XX_INT_DMA2 19
+#define S3C24XX_INT_DMA1 18
+#define S3C24XX_INT_DMA0 17
+#define S3C24XX_INT_RESERVED 16
+#define S3C24XX_INT_UERR 15
+#define S3C24XX_INT_TIMER4 14
+#define S3C24XX_INT_TIMER3 13
+#define S3C24XX_INT_TIMER2 12
+#define S3C24XX_INT_TIMER1 11
+#define S3C24XX_INT_TIMER0 10
+#define S3C24XX_INT_WDT 9
+#define S3C24XX_INT_TICK 8
+#define S3C24XX_INT_EINT7 7
+#define S3C24XX_INT_EINT6 6
+#define S3C24XX_INT_EINT5 5
+#define S3C24XX_INT_EINT4 4
+#define S3C24XX_INT_EINT3 3
+#define S3C24XX_INT_EINT2 2
+#define S3C24XX_INT_EINT1 1
+#define S3C24XX_INT_EINT0 0
+#define S3C24XX_BPPMODE_STN_01 0x00
+#define S3C24XX_BPPMODE_STN_02 0x01
+#define S3C24XX_BPPMODE_STN_04 0x02
+#define S3C24XX_BPPMODE_STN_08 0x03
+#define S3C24XX_BPPMODE_STN_12_P 0x04
+#define S3C24XX_BPPMODE_STN_12_U 0x05
+#define S3C24XX_BPPMODE_STN_16 0x06
+#define S3C24XX_BPPMODE_TFT_01 0x08
+#define S3C24XX_BPPMODE_TFT_02 0x09
+#define S3C24XX_BPPMODE_TFT_04 0x0A
+#define S3C24XX_BPPMODE_TFT_08 0x0B
+#define S3C24XX_BPPMODE_TFT_16 0x0C
+#define S3C24XX_BPPMODE_TFT_24 0x0D
+#define S3C24XX_PNRMODE_STN_04_DS 0
+#define S3C24XX_PNRMODE_STN_04_SS 1
+#define S3C24XX_PNRMODE_STN_08_SS 2
+#define S3C24XX_PNRMODE_TFT 3
+#define S3C24XX_GPIO_PORT_A S3C2400_GPIO_PORT_A
+#define S3C24XX_GPIO_PORT_B S3C2400_GPIO_PORT_B
+#define S3C24XX_GPIO_PORT_C S3C2400_GPIO_PORT_C
+#define S3C24XX_GPIO_PORT_D S3C2400_GPIO_PORT_D
+#define S3C24XX_GPIO_PORT_E S3C2400_GPIO_PORT_E
+#define S3C24XX_GPIO_PORT_F S3C2400_GPIO_PORT_F
+#define S3C24XX_GPIO_PORT_G S3C2400_GPIO_PORT_G
+typedef struct
+ UINT32 data[0x34/4];
+} s3c24xx_memcon_regs_t;
+typedef struct
+ UINT32 data[0x5C/4];
+} s3c24xx_usbhost_regs_t;
+typedef struct
+ UINT32 srcpnd;
+ UINT32 intmod;
+ UINT32 intmsk;
+ UINT32 priority;
+ UINT32 intpnd;
+ UINT32 intoffset;
+} s3c24xx_irq_regs_t;
+typedef struct
+ UINT32 disrc;
+ UINT32 didst;
+ UINT32 dcon;
+ UINT32 dstat;
+ UINT32 dcsrc;
+ UINT32 dcdst;
+ UINT32 dmasktrig;
+} s3c24xx_dma_regs_t;
+typedef struct
+ UINT32 locktime;
+ UINT32 mpllcon;
+ UINT32 upllcon;
+ UINT32 clkcon;
+ UINT32 clkslow;
+ UINT32 clkdivn;
+} s3c24xx_clkpow_regs_t;
+typedef struct
+ UINT32 lcdcon1;
+ UINT32 lcdcon2;
+ UINT32 lcdcon3;
+ UINT32 lcdcon4;
+ UINT32 lcdcon5;
+ UINT32 lcdsaddr1;
+ UINT32 lcdsaddr2;
+ UINT32 lcdsaddr3;
+ UINT32 redlut;
+ UINT32 greenlut;
+ UINT32 bluelut;
+ UINT32 reserved[8];
+ UINT32 dithmode;
+ UINT32 tpal;
+} s3c24xx_lcd_regs_t;
+typedef struct
+ UINT32 data[0x400/4];
+} s3c24xx_lcdpal_regs_t;
+typedef struct
+ UINT32 ulcon;
+ UINT32 ucon;
+ UINT32 ufcon;
+ UINT32 umcon;
+ UINT32 utrstat;
+ UINT32 uerstat;
+ UINT32 ufstat;
+ UINT32 umstat;
+ UINT32 utxh;
+ UINT32 urxh;
+ UINT32 ubrdiv;
+} s3c24xx_uart_regs_t;
+typedef struct
+ UINT32 tcfg0;
+ UINT32 tcfg1;
+ UINT32 tcon;
+ UINT32 tcntb0;
+ UINT32 tcmpb0;
+ UINT32 tcnto0;
+ UINT32 tcntb1;
+ UINT32 tcmpb1;
+ UINT32 tcnto1;
+ UINT32 tcntb2;
+ UINT32 tcmpb2;
+ UINT32 tcnto2;
+ UINT32 tcntb3;
+ UINT32 tcmpb3;
+ UINT32 tcnto3;
+ UINT32 tcntb4;
+ UINT32 tcnto4;
+} s3c24xx_pwm_regs_t;
+typedef struct
+ UINT32 data[0xBC/4];
+} s3c24xx_usbdev_regs_t;
+typedef struct
+ UINT32 wtcon;
+ UINT32 wtdat;
+ UINT32 wtcnt;
+} s3c24xx_wdt_regs_t;
+typedef struct
+ UINT32 iiccon;
+ UINT32 iicstat;
+ UINT32 iicadd;
+ UINT32 iicds;
+} s3c24xx_iic_regs_t;
+typedef struct
+ UINT32 iiscon;
+ UINT32 iismod;
+ UINT32 iispsr;
+ UINT32 iisfcon;
+ UINT32 iisfifo;
+} s3c24xx_iis_regs_t;
+typedef struct
+ UINT32 gpacon;
+ UINT32 gpadat;
+ UINT32 gpbcon;
+ UINT32 gpbdat;
+ UINT32 gpbup;
+ UINT32 gpccon;
+ UINT32 gpcdat;
+ UINT32 gpcup;
+ UINT32 gpdcon;
+ UINT32 gpddat;
+ UINT32 gpdup;
+ UINT32 gpecon;
+ UINT32 gpedat;
+ UINT32 gpeup;
+ UINT32 gpfcon;
+ UINT32 gpfdat;
+ UINT32 gpfup;
+ UINT32 gpgcon;
+ UINT32 gpgdat;
+ UINT32 gpgup;
+ UINT32 opencr;
+ UINT32 misccr;
+ UINT32 extint;
+} s3c24xx_gpio_regs_t;
+typedef struct
+ UINT32 rtccon;
+ UINT32 ticnt;
+ UINT32 reserved[2];
+ UINT32 rtcalm;
+ UINT32 almsec;
+ UINT32 almmin;
+ UINT32 almhour;
+ UINT32 almday;
+ UINT32 almmon;
+ UINT32 almyear;
+ UINT32 rtcrst;
+ UINT32 bcdsec;
+ UINT32 bcdmin;
+ UINT32 bcdhour;
+ UINT32 bcdday;
+ UINT32 bcddow;
+ UINT32 bcdmon;
+ UINT32 bcdyear;
+} s3c24xx_rtc_regs_t;
+typedef struct
+ UINT32 adccon;
+ UINT32 adcdat;
+} s3c24xx_adc_regs_t;
+typedef struct
+ UINT32 spcon;
+ UINT32 spsta;
+ UINT32 sppin;
+ UINT32 sppre;
+ UINT32 sptdat;
+ UINT32 sprdat;
+} s3c24xx_spi_regs_t;
+typedef struct
+ UINT32 data[0x40/4];
+} s3c24xx_mmc_regs_t;
+typedef struct
+ s3c24xx_memcon_regs_t regs;
+} s3c24xx_memcon_t;
+typedef struct
+ s3c24xx_usbhost_regs_t regs;
+} s3c24xx_usbhost_t;
+typedef struct
+ s3c24xx_irq_regs_t regs;
+ int line_irq, line_fiq;
+} s3c24xx_irq_t;
+typedef struct
+ s3c24xx_dma_regs_t regs;
+ emu_timer *timer;
+} s3c24xx_dma_t;
+typedef struct
+ s3c24xx_clkpow_regs_t regs;
+} s3c24xx_clkpow_t;
+typedef struct
+ s3c24xx_lcd_regs_t regs;
+ emu_timer *timer;
+ bitmap_t *bitmap[2];
+ UINT32 vramaddr_cur;
+ UINT32 vramaddr_max;
+ UINT32 offsize;
+ UINT32 pagewidth_cur;
+ UINT32 pagewidth_max;
+ UINT32 bppmode;
+ UINT32 bswp, hwswp;
+ int vpos, hpos;
+ double framerate;
+ UINT32 tpal;
+ UINT32 hpos_min, hpos_max, vpos_min, vpos_max;
+ UINT32 dma_data, dma_bits;
+} s3c24xx_lcd_t;
+typedef struct
+ s3c24xx_lcdpal_regs_t regs;
+} s3c24xx_lcdpal_t;
+typedef struct
+ s3c24xx_uart_regs_t regs;
+} s3c24xx_uart_t;
+typedef struct
+ s3c24xx_pwm_regs_t regs;
+ emu_timer *timer[5];
+ UINT32 cnt[5];
+ UINT32 cmp[5];
+ UINT32 freq[5];
+} s3c24xx_pwm_t;
+typedef struct
+ s3c24xx_usbdev_regs_t regs;
+} s3c24xx_usbdev_t;
+typedef struct
+ s3c24xx_wdt_regs_t regs;
+ emu_timer *timer;
+} s3c24xx_wdt_t;
+typedef struct
+ s3c24xx_iic_regs_t regs;
+ emu_timer *timer;
+ int count;
+} s3c24xx_iic_t;
+typedef struct
+ s3c24xx_iis_regs_t regs;
+ emu_timer *timer;
+ UINT16 fifo[16/2];
+ int fifo_index;
+} s3c24xx_iis_t;
+typedef struct
+ s3c24xx_gpio_regs_t regs;
+} s3c24xx_gpio_t;
+typedef struct
+ s3c24xx_rtc_regs_t regs;
+ emu_timer *timer_tick_count;
+ emu_timer *timer_update;
+} s3c24xx_rtc_t;
+typedef struct
+ s3c24xx_adc_regs_t regs;
+} s3c24xx_adc_t;
+typedef struct
+ s3c24xx_spi_regs_t regs;
+} s3c24xx_spi_t;
+typedef struct
+ s3c24xx_mmc_regs_t regs;
+} s3c24xx_mmc_t;
+typedef struct
+ const s3c2400_interface *iface;
+ s3c24xx_memcon_t memcon;
+ s3c24xx_usbhost_t usbhost;
+ s3c24xx_irq_t irq;
+ s3c24xx_dma_t dma[4];
+ s3c24xx_clkpow_t clkpow;
+ s3c24xx_lcd_t lcd;
+ s3c24xx_lcdpal_t lcdpal;
+ s3c24xx_uart_t uart[2];
+ s3c24xx_pwm_t pwm;
+ s3c24xx_usbdev_t usbdev;
+ s3c24xx_wdt_t wdt;
+ s3c24xx_iic_t iic;
+ s3c24xx_iis_t iis;
+ s3c24xx_gpio_t gpio;
+ s3c24xx_rtc_t rtc;
+ s3c24xx_adc_t adc;
+ s3c24xx_spi_t spi[1];
+ s3c24xx_mmc_t mmc;
+} s3c24xx_t;