path: root/trunk/src/emu/imagedev/harddriv.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/src/emu/imagedev/harddriv.c')
1 files changed, 268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/src/emu/imagedev/harddriv.c b/trunk/src/emu/imagedev/harddriv.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..19ec4128a5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/src/emu/imagedev/harddriv.c
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+ Code to interface the image code with harddisk core.
+ We do not support diff files as it will involve some changes in
+ the image code. Additionally, the need for diff files comes
+ from MAME's need for "cannonical" hard drive images.
+ Raphael Nabet 2003
+ Update: 23-Feb-2004 - Unlike floppy disks, for which we support
+ myriad formats on many systems, it is my intention for MESS to
+ standardize on the CHD file format for hard drives so I made a few
+ changes to support this
+#include "emu.h"
+#include "harddisk.h"
+#include "harddriv.h"
+static const char *const error_strings[] =
+ "no error",
+ "no drive interface",
+ "out of memory",
+ "invalid file",
+ "invalid parameter",
+ "invalid data",
+ "file not found",
+ "requires parent",
+ "file not writeable",
+ "read error",
+ "write error",
+ "codec error",
+ "invalid parent",
+ "hunk out of range",
+ "decompression error",
+ "compression error",
+ "can't create file",
+ "can't verify file"
+ "operation not supported",
+ "can't find metadata",
+ "invalid metadata size",
+ "unsupported CHD version"
+static const char *chd_get_error_string(int chderr)
+ if ((chderr < 0 ) || (chderr >= ARRAY_LENGTH(error_strings)))
+ return NULL;
+ return error_strings[chderr];
+static OPTION_GUIDE_START(hd_option_guide)
+ OPTION_INT('C', "cylinders", "Cylinders")
+ OPTION_INT('H', "heads", "Heads")
+ OPTION_INT('S', "sectors", "Sectors")
+ OPTION_INT('L', "sectorlength", "Sector Bytes")
+ OPTION_INT('K', "hunksize", "Hunk Bytes")
+static const char *hd_option_spec =
+ "C1-[512]-1024;H1/2/[4]/8;S1-[16]-64;L128/256/[512]/1024;K512/1024/2048/[4096]";
+// device type definition
+const device_type HARDDISK = &device_creator<harddisk_image_device>;
+// harddisk_image_device - constructor
+harddisk_image_device::harddisk_image_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock)
+ : device_t(mconfig, HARDDISK, "Harddisk", tag, owner, clock),
+ device_image_interface(mconfig, *this)
+// harddisk_image_device - destructor
+// device_config_complete - perform any
+// operations now that the configuration is
+// complete
+void harddisk_image_device::device_config_complete()
+ // inherit a copy of the static data
+ const harddisk_interface *intf = reinterpret_cast<const harddisk_interface *>(static_config());
+ if (intf != NULL)
+ *static_cast<harddisk_interface *>(this) = *intf;
+ // or initialize to defaults if none provided
+ else
+ {
+ memset(&m_device_image_load, 0, sizeof(m_device_image_load));
+ memset(&m_device_image_unload, 0, sizeof(m_device_image_unload));
+ }
+ image_device_format *format = global_alloc_clear(image_device_format);;
+ format->m_index = 0;
+ format->m_name = "chd";
+ format->m_description = "CHD Hard drive";
+ format->m_extensions = "chd,hd";
+ format->m_optspec = hd_option_spec;
+ format->m_next = NULL;
+ m_formatlist = format;
+ // set brief and instance name
+ update_names();
+const option_guide *harddisk_image_device::create_option_guide() const
+ return hd_option_guide;
+// device_start - device-specific startup
+void harddisk_image_device::device_start()
+ m_chd = NULL;
+ m_hard_disk_handle = NULL;
+bool harddisk_image_device::call_load()
+ int our_result;
+ our_result = internal_load_hd(NULL);
+ /* Check if there is an image_load callback defined */
+ if ( m_device_image_load )
+ {
+ /* Let the override do some additional work/checks */
+ our_result = m_device_image_load(*this);
+ }
+ return our_result;
+bool harddisk_image_device::call_create(int create_format, option_resolution *create_args)
+ int err;
+ char metadata[256];
+ UINT32 sectorsize, hunksize;
+ UINT32 cylinders, heads, sectors, totalsectors;
+ cylinders = option_resolution_lookup_int(create_args, 'C');
+ heads = option_resolution_lookup_int(create_args, 'H');
+ sectors = option_resolution_lookup_int(create_args, 'S');
+ sectorsize = option_resolution_lookup_int(create_args, 'L');
+ hunksize = option_resolution_lookup_int(create_args, 'K');
+ totalsectors = cylinders * heads * sectors;
+ /* create the CHD file */
+ err = chd_create_file(image_core_file(), (UINT64)totalsectors * (UINT64)sectorsize, hunksize, CHDCOMPRESSION_NONE, NULL);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ goto error;
+ sprintf(metadata, HARD_DISK_METADATA_FORMAT, cylinders, heads, sectors, sectorsize);
+ return internal_load_hd(metadata);
+void harddisk_image_device::call_unload()
+ /* Check if there is an image_unload callback defined */
+ if ( m_device_image_unload )
+ {
+ m_device_image_unload(*this);
+ }
+ if (m_hard_disk_handle != NULL)
+ {
+ hard_disk_close(m_hard_disk_handle);
+ m_hard_disk_handle = NULL;
+ }
+ if (m_chd != NULL)
+ {
+ chd_close(m_chd);
+ m_chd = NULL;
+ }
+int harddisk_image_device::internal_load_hd(const char *metadata)
+ chd_error err = (chd_error)0;
+ int is_writeable;
+ /* open the CHD file */
+ do
+ {
+ is_writeable = !is_readonly();
+ m_chd = NULL;
+ err = chd_open_file(image_core_file(), is_writeable ? CHD_OPEN_READWRITE : CHD_OPEN_READ, NULL, &m_chd);
+ /* special case; if we get CHDERR_FILE_NOT_WRITEABLE, make the
+ * image read only and repeat */
+ make_readonly();
+ }
+ while(!m_chd && is_writeable && (err == CHDERR_FILE_NOT_WRITEABLE));
+ if (!m_chd)
+ goto done;
+ /* if we created the image and hence, have metadata to set, set the metadata */
+ if (metadata)
+ {
+ err = chd_set_metadata(m_chd, HARD_DISK_METADATA_TAG, 0, metadata, strlen(metadata) + 1, 0);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* open the hard disk file */
+ m_hard_disk_handle = hard_disk_open(m_chd);
+ if (!m_hard_disk_handle)
+ goto done;
+ if (err)
+ {
+ /* if we had an error, close out the CHD */
+ if (m_chd != NULL)
+ {
+ chd_close(m_chd);
+ m_chd = NULL;
+ }
+ seterror(IMAGE_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED, chd_get_error_string(err));
+ }
+ *
+ * Get the CHD file (from the src/chd.c core)
+ * after an image has been opened with the hd core
+ *
+ *************************************/
+chd_file *harddisk_image_device::get_chd_file()
+ chd_file *result = NULL;
+ hard_disk_file *hd_file = get_hard_disk_file();
+ if (hd_file)
+ result = hard_disk_get_chd(hd_file);
+ return result;