path: root/trunk/src/emu/cpu/konami/konami.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/src/emu/cpu/konami/konami.c')
1 files changed, 632 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/src/emu/cpu/konami/konami.c b/trunk/src/emu/cpu/konami/konami.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3fe57dd150d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/src/emu/cpu/konami/konami.c
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+/*** konami: Portable Konami cpu emulator ******************************************
+ Copyright Nicola Salmoria and the MAME Team
+ Based on M6809 cpu core copyright John Butler
+ References:
+ 6809 Simulator V09, By L.C. Benschop, Eidnhoven The Netherlands.
+ m6809: Portable 6809 emulator, DS (6809 code in MAME, derived from
+ the 6809 Simulator V09)
+ 6809 Microcomputer Programming & Interfacing with Experiments"
+ by Andrew C. Staugaard, Jr.; Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc.
+ System dependencies: UINT16 must be 16 bit unsigned int
+ UINT8 must be 8 bit unsigned int
+ UINT32 must be more than 16 bits
+ arrays up to 65536 bytes must be supported
+ machine must be twos complement
+ History:
+991022 HJB:
+ Tried to improve speed: Using bit7 of cycles1 as flag for multi
+ byte opcodes is gone, those opcodes now instead go through opcode2().
+ Inlined fetch_effective_address() into that function as well.
+ Got rid of the slow/fast flags for stack (S and U) memory accesses.
+ Minor changes to use 32 bit values as arguments to memory functions
+ and added defines for that purpose (e.g. X = 16bit XD = 32bit).
+990720 EHC:
+ Created this file
+#include "emu.h"
+#include "debugger.h"
+#include "konami.h"
+#define VERBOSE 0
+#define LOG(x) do { if (VERBOSE) logerror x; } while (0)
+/* Konami Registers */
+typedef struct _konami_state konami_state;
+struct _konami_state
+ PAIR pc; /* Program counter */
+ PAIR ppc; /* Previous program counter */
+ PAIR d; /* Accumulator a and b */
+ PAIR dp; /* Direct Page register (page in MSB) */
+ PAIR u, s; /* Stack pointers */
+ PAIR x, y; /* Index registers */
+ PAIR ea;
+ UINT8 cc;
+ UINT8 ireg;
+ UINT8 irq_state[2];
+ device_irq_callback irq_callback;
+ UINT8 int_state; /* SYNC and CWAI flags */
+ UINT8 nmi_state;
+ UINT8 nmi_pending;
+ int icount;
+ legacy_cpu_device *device;
+ address_space *program;
+ direct_read_data *direct;
+ konami_set_lines_func setlines_callback;
+INLINE konami_state *get_safe_token(device_t *device)
+ assert(device != NULL);
+ assert(device->type() == KONAMI);
+ return (konami_state *)downcast<legacy_cpu_device *>(device)->token();
+/* flag bits in the cc register */
+#define CC_C 0x01 /* Carry */
+#define CC_V 0x02 /* Overflow */
+#define CC_Z 0x04 /* Zero */
+#define CC_N 0x08 /* Negative */
+#define CC_II 0x10 /* Inhibit IRQ */
+#define CC_H 0x20 /* Half (auxiliary) carry */
+#define CC_IF 0x40 /* Inhibit FIRQ */
+#define CC_E 0x80 /* entire state pushed */
+/* Konami registers */
+#define pPPC cpustate->ppc
+#define pPC cpustate->pc
+#define pU cpustate->u
+#define pS cpustate->s
+#define pX cpustate->x
+#define pY cpustate->y
+#define pD cpustate->d
+#define PPC cpustate->ppc.w.l
+#define PC cpustate->pc.w.l
+#define PCD cpustate->pc.d
+#define U cpustate->u.w.l
+#define UD cpustate->u.d
+#define S cpustate->s.w.l
+#define SD cpustate->s.d
+#define X cpustate->x.w.l
+#define XD cpustate->x.d
+#define Y cpustate->y.w.l
+#define YD cpustate->y.d
+#define D cpustate->d.w.l
+#define A cpustate->d.b.h
+#define B cpustate->d.b.l
+#define DP cpustate->dp.b.h
+#define DPD cpustate->dp.d
+#define CC cpustate->cc
+#define EAB cpustate->ea.b.l
+#define EA cpustate->ea.w.l
+#define EAD cpustate->ea.d
+#define KONAMI_CWAI 8 /* set when CWAI is waiting for an interrupt */
+#define KONAMI_SYNC 16 /* set when SYNC is waiting for an interrupt */
+#define KONAMI_LDS 32 /* set when LDS occurred at least once */
+#define RM(cs,Addr) (cs)->program->read_byte(Addr)
+#define WM(cs,Addr,Value) (cs)->program->write_byte(Addr,Value)
+#define ROP(cs,Addr) (cs)->direct->read_decrypted_byte(Addr)
+#define ROP_ARG(cs,Addr) (cs)->direct->read_raw_byte(Addr)
+#define SIGNED(a) (UINT16)(INT16)(INT8)(a)
+/* macros to access memory */
+#define IMMBYTE(cs,b) { b = ROP_ARG(cs,PCD); PC++; }
+#define IMMWORD(cs,w) { w.d = (ROP_ARG(cs,PCD)<<8) | ROP_ARG(cs,PCD+1); PC += 2; }
+#define PUSHBYTE(cs,b) --S; WM(cs,SD,b)
+#define PUSHWORD(cs,w) --S; WM(cs,SD,w.b.l); --S; WM(cs,SD,w.b.h)
+#define PULLBYTE(cs,b) b=RM(cs,SD); S++
+#define PULLWORD(cs,w) w=RM(cs,SD)<<8; S++; w|=RM(cs,SD); S++
+#define PSHUBYTE(cs,b) --U; WM(cs,UD,b);
+#define PSHUWORD(cs,w) --U; WM(cs,UD,w.b.l); --U; WM(cs,UD,w.b.h)
+#define PULUBYTE(cs,b) b=RM(cs,UD); U++
+#define PULUWORD(cs,w) w=RM(cs,UD)<<8; U++; w|=RM(cs,UD); U++
+#define CLR_HNZVC CC&=~(CC_H|CC_N|CC_Z|CC_V|CC_C)
+#define CLR_NZV CC&=~(CC_N|CC_Z|CC_V)
+#define CLR_NZ CC&=~(CC_N|CC_Z)
+#define CLR_HNZC CC&=~(CC_H|CC_N|CC_Z|CC_C)
+#define CLR_NZVC CC&=~(CC_N|CC_Z|CC_V|CC_C)
+#define CLR_Z CC&=~(CC_Z)
+#define CLR_NZC CC&=~(CC_N|CC_Z|CC_C)
+#define CLR_ZC CC&=~(CC_Z|CC_C)
+/* macros for CC -- CC bits affected should be reset before calling */
+#define SET_Z(a) if(!a)SEZ
+#define SET_Z8(a) SET_Z((UINT8)a)
+#define SET_Z16(a) SET_Z((UINT16)a)
+#define SET_N8(a) CC|=((a&0x80)>>4)
+#define SET_N16(a) CC|=((a&0x8000)>>12)
+#define SET_H(a,b,r) CC|=(((a^b^r)&0x10)<<1)
+#define SET_C8(a) CC|=((a&0x100)>>8)
+#define SET_C16(a) CC|=((a&0x10000)>>16)
+#define SET_V8(a,b,r) CC|=(((a^b^r^(r>>1))&0x80)>>6)
+#define SET_V16(a,b,r) CC|=(((a^b^r^(r>>1))&0x8000)>>14)
+static const UINT8 flags8i[256]= /* increment */
+static const UINT8 flags8d[256]= /* decrement */
+#define SET_FLAGS8I(a) {CC|=flags8i[(a)&0xff];}
+#define SET_FLAGS8D(a) {CC|=flags8d[(a)&0xff];}
+/* combos */
+#define SET_NZ8(a) {SET_N8(a);SET_Z(a);}
+#define SET_NZ16(a) {SET_N16(a);SET_Z(a);}
+#define SET_FLAGS8(a,b,r) {SET_N8(r);SET_Z8(r);SET_V8(a,b,r);SET_C8(r);}
+#define SET_FLAGS16(a,b,r) {SET_N16(r);SET_Z16(r);SET_V16(a,b,r);SET_C16(r);}
+/* macros for addressing modes (postbytes have their own code) */
+#define DIRECT(cs) EAD = DPD; IMMBYTE(cs,EAB)
+#define IMM8(cs) EAD = PCD; PC++
+#define IMM16(cs) EAD = PCD; PC+=2
+#define EXTENDED(cs) IMMWORD(cs,(cs)->ea)
+/* macros to set status flags */
+#if defined(SEC)
+#undef SEC
+#define SEC CC|=CC_C
+#define CLC CC&=~CC_C
+#define SEZ CC|=CC_Z
+#define CLZ CC&=~CC_Z
+#define SEN CC|=CC_N
+#define CLN CC&=~CC_N
+#define SEV CC|=CC_V
+#define CLV CC&=~CC_V
+#define SEH CC|=CC_H
+#define CLH CC&=~CC_H
+/* macros for convenience */
+#define DIRBYTE(cs,b) DIRECT(cs); b=RM(cs,EAD)
+#define DIRWORD(cs,w) DIRECT(cs); w.d=RM16(cs,EAD)
+#define EXTBYTE(cs,b) EXTENDED(cs); b=RM(cs,EAD)
+#define EXTWORD(cs,w) EXTENDED(cs); w.d=RM16(cs,EAD)
+/* macros for branch instructions */
+#define BRANCH(cs,f) { \
+ UINT8 t; \
+ IMMBYTE(cs,t); \
+ if( f ) \
+ { \
+ PC += SIGNED(t); \
+ } \
+#define LBRANCH(cs,f) { \
+ PAIR t; \
+ IMMWORD(cs,t); \
+ if( f ) \
+ { \
+ cpustate->icount -= 1; \
+ PC += t.w.l; \
+ } \
+#define NXORV ((CC&CC_N)^((CC&CC_V)<<2))
+/* macros for setting/getting registers in TFR/EXG instructions */
+#define GETREG(val,reg) \
+ switch(reg) { \
+ case 0: val = A; break; \
+ case 1: val = B; break; \
+ case 2: val = X; break; \
+ case 3: val = Y; break; \
+ case 4: val = S; break; /* ? */ \
+ case 5: val = U; break; \
+ default: val = 0xff; logerror("Unknown TFR/EXG idx at PC:%04x\n", PC ); break; \
+ }
+#define SETREG(val,reg) \
+ switch(reg) { \
+ case 0: A = val; break; \
+ case 1: B = val; break; \
+ case 2: X = val; break; \
+ case 3: Y = val; break; \
+ case 4: S = val; break; /* ? */ \
+ case 5: U = val; break; \
+ default: logerror("Unknown TFR/EXG idx at PC:%04x\n", PC ); break; \
+ }
+/* opcode timings */
+static const UINT8 cycles1[] =
+ /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F */
+ /*0*/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5,
+ /*1*/ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ /*2*/ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ /*3*/ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 7, 6,
+ /*4*/ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4,
+ /*5*/ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1,
+ /*6*/ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
+ /*7*/ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
+ /*8*/ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5,
+ /*9*/ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 6,
+ /*A*/ 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1,
+ /*B*/ 3, 2, 2,11,22,11, 2, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
+ /*C*/ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2,
+ /*D*/ 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ /*E*/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ /*F*/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
+INLINE UINT32 RM16( konami_state *cpustate, UINT32 Addr )
+ UINT32 result = RM(cpustate, Addr) << 8;
+ return result | RM(cpustate, (Addr+1)&0xffff);
+INLINE void WM16( konami_state *cpustate, UINT32 Addr, PAIR *p )
+ WM(cpustate, Addr, p->b.h );
+ WM(cpustate, (Addr+1)&0xffff, p->b.l );
+static void check_irq_lines(konami_state *cpustate)
+ if (cpustate->nmi_pending && (cpustate->int_state & KONAMI_LDS))
+ {
+ cpustate->nmi_pending = FALSE;
+ /* state already saved by CWAI? */
+ if (cpustate->int_state & KONAMI_CWAI)
+ {
+ cpustate->int_state &= ~KONAMI_CWAI;
+ cpustate->icount -= 7;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CC |= CC_E; /* save entire state */
+ PUSHWORD(cpustate, pPC);
+ PUSHWORD(cpustate, pU);
+ PUSHWORD(cpustate, pY);
+ PUSHWORD(cpustate, pX);
+ PUSHBYTE(cpustate, DP);
+ PUSHBYTE(cpustate, B);
+ PUSHBYTE(cpustate, A);
+ PUSHBYTE(cpustate, CC);
+ cpustate->icount -= 19;
+ }
+ CC |= CC_IF | CC_II; /* inhibit FIRQ and IRQ */
+ PCD = RM16(cpustate, 0xfffc);
+ (void)(*cpustate->irq_callback)(cpustate->device, INPUT_LINE_NMI);
+ }
+ else if (cpustate->irq_state[KONAMI_FIRQ_LINE] !=CLEAR_LINE && !(CC & CC_IF))
+ {
+ /* fast IRQ */
+ /* state already saved by CWAI? */
+ if (cpustate->int_state & KONAMI_CWAI)
+ {
+ cpustate->int_state &= ~KONAMI_CWAI; /* clear CWAI */
+ cpustate->icount -= 7;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CC &= ~CC_E; /* save 'short' state */
+ PUSHWORD(cpustate, pPC);
+ PUSHBYTE(cpustate, CC);
+ cpustate->icount -= 10;
+ }
+ CC |= CC_IF | CC_II; /* inhibit FIRQ and IRQ */
+ PCD = RM16(cpustate, 0xfff6);
+ (void)(*cpustate->irq_callback)(cpustate->device, KONAMI_FIRQ_LINE);
+ }
+ else if (cpustate->irq_state[KONAMI_IRQ_LINE] != CLEAR_LINE && !(CC & CC_II))
+ {
+ /* standard IRQ */
+ /* state already saved by CWAI? */
+ if (cpustate->int_state & KONAMI_CWAI)
+ {
+ cpustate->int_state &= ~KONAMI_CWAI; /* clear CWAI flag */
+ cpustate->icount -= 7;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CC |= CC_E; /* save entire state */
+ PUSHWORD(cpustate, pPC);
+ PUSHWORD(cpustate, pU);
+ PUSHWORD(cpustate, pY);
+ PUSHWORD(cpustate, pX);
+ PUSHBYTE(cpustate, DP);
+ PUSHBYTE(cpustate, B);
+ PUSHBYTE(cpustate, A);
+ PUSHBYTE(cpustate, CC);
+ cpustate->icount -= 19;
+ }
+ CC |= CC_II; /* inhibit IRQ */
+ PCD = RM16(cpustate, 0xfff8);
+ (void)(*cpustate->irq_callback)(cpustate->device, KONAMI_IRQ_LINE);
+ }
+/* Reset registers to their initial values */
+static CPU_INIT( konami )
+ konami_state *cpustate = get_safe_token(device);
+ cpustate->irq_callback = irqcallback;
+ cpustate->device = device;
+ cpustate->program = device->space(AS_PROGRAM);
+ cpustate->direct = &cpustate->program->direct();
+ device->save_item(NAME(PC));
+ device->save_item(NAME(U));
+ device->save_item(NAME(S));
+ device->save_item(NAME(X));
+ device->save_item(NAME(Y));
+ device->save_item(NAME(D));
+ device->save_item(NAME(DP));
+ device->save_item(NAME(CC));
+ device->save_item(NAME(cpustate->int_state));
+ device->save_item(NAME(cpustate->nmi_state));
+ device->save_item(NAME(cpustate->nmi_pending));
+ device->save_item(NAME(cpustate->irq_state[0]));
+ device->save_item(NAME(cpustate->irq_state[1]));
+static CPU_RESET( konami )
+ konami_state *cpustate = get_safe_token(device);
+ cpustate->int_state = 0;
+ cpustate->nmi_state = CLEAR_LINE;
+ cpustate->nmi_pending = FALSE;
+ cpustate->irq_state[0] = CLEAR_LINE;
+ cpustate->irq_state[1] = CLEAR_LINE;
+ DPD = 0; /* Reset direct page register */
+ CC |= CC_II; /* IRQ disabled */
+ CC |= CC_IF; /* FIRQ disabled */
+ PCD = RM16(cpustate, 0xfffe);
+static CPU_EXIT( konami )
+/* Generate interrupts */
+ * Set IRQ line state
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void set_irq_line(konami_state *cpustate, int irqline, int state)
+ if (state != CLEAR_LINE)
+ cpustate->int_state &= ~KONAMI_SYNC;
+ if (irqline == INPUT_LINE_NMI)
+ {
+ if (cpustate->nmi_state == CLEAR_LINE && state != CLEAR_LINE)
+ cpustate->nmi_pending = TRUE;
+ cpustate->nmi_state = state;
+ }
+ else if (irqline < ARRAY_LENGTH(cpustate->irq_state))
+ cpustate->irq_state[irqline] = state;
+/* includes the static function prototypes and the master opcode table */
+#include "konamtbl.c"
+/* includes the actual opcode implementations */
+#include "konamops.c"
+/* execute instructions on this CPU until icount expires */
+static CPU_EXECUTE( konami )
+ konami_state *cpustate = get_safe_token(device);
+ check_irq_lines(cpustate);
+ if( cpustate->int_state & (KONAMI_CWAI | KONAMI_SYNC) )
+ {
+ cpustate->icount = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ UINT8 ireg;
+ pPPC = pPC;
+ debugger_instruction_hook(device, PCD);
+ cpustate->ireg = ireg = ROP(cpustate, PCD);
+ PC++;
+ (*konami_main[ireg])(cpustate);
+ cpustate->icount -= cycles1[ireg];
+ } while( cpustate->icount > 0 );
+ }
+void konami_configure_set_lines(device_t *device, konami_set_lines_func func)
+ konami_state *cpustate = get_safe_token(device);
+ cpustate->setlines_callback = func;
+ * Generic set_info
+ **************************************************************************/
+static CPU_SET_INFO( konami )
+ konami_state *cpustate = get_safe_token(device);
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ /* --- the following bits of info are set as 64-bit signed integers --- */
+ case CPUINFO_INT_INPUT_STATE + KONAMI_IRQ_LINE: set_irq_line(cpustate, KONAMI_IRQ_LINE, info->i); break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_INPUT_STATE + KONAMI_FIRQ_LINE:set_irq_line(cpustate, KONAMI_FIRQ_LINE, info->i); break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_INPUT_STATE + INPUT_LINE_NMI: set_irq_line(cpustate, INPUT_LINE_NMI, info->i); break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + KONAMI_PC: PC = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + KONAMI_S: S = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + KONAMI_CC: CC = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + KONAMI_U: U = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + KONAMI_A: A = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + KONAMI_B: B = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + KONAMI_X: X = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + KONAMI_Y: Y = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + KONAMI_DP: DP = info->i; break;
+ }
+ * Generic get_info
+ **************************************************************************/
+CPU_GET_INFO( konami )
+ konami_state *cpustate = (device != NULL && device->token() != NULL) ? get_safe_token(device) : NULL;
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as 64-bit signed integers --- */
+ case CPUINFO_INT_CONTEXT_SIZE: info->i = sizeof(konami_state); break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_INPUT_LINES: info->i = 2; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_DEFAULT_IRQ_VECTOR: info->i = 0; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_CLOCK_MULTIPLIER: info->i = 1; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_CLOCK_DIVIDER: info->i = 1; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_MIN_INSTRUCTION_BYTES: info->i = 1; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_MAX_INSTRUCTION_BYTES: info->i = 4; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_MIN_CYCLES: info->i = 1; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_MAX_CYCLES: info->i = 13; break;
+ case DEVINFO_INT_DATABUS_WIDTH + AS_PROGRAM: info->i = 8; break;
+ case DEVINFO_INT_ADDRBUS_WIDTH + AS_PROGRAM: info->i = 16; break;
+ case DEVINFO_INT_ADDRBUS_SHIFT + AS_PROGRAM: info->i = 0; break;
+ case DEVINFO_INT_DATABUS_WIDTH + AS_DATA: info->i = 0; break;
+ case DEVINFO_INT_ADDRBUS_WIDTH + AS_DATA: info->i = 0; break;
+ case DEVINFO_INT_ADDRBUS_SHIFT + AS_DATA: info->i = 0; break;
+ case DEVINFO_INT_DATABUS_WIDTH + AS_IO: info->i = 0; break;
+ case DEVINFO_INT_ADDRBUS_WIDTH + AS_IO: info->i = 0; break;
+ case DEVINFO_INT_ADDRBUS_SHIFT + AS_IO: info->i = 0; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_INPUT_STATE + KONAMI_IRQ_LINE: info->i = cpustate->irq_state[KONAMI_IRQ_LINE]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_INPUT_STATE + KONAMI_FIRQ_LINE:info->i = cpustate->irq_state[KONAMI_FIRQ_LINE]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_INPUT_STATE + INPUT_LINE_NMI: info->i = cpustate->nmi_state; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_PREVIOUSPC: info->i = PPC; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + KONAMI_PC: info->i = PC; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + KONAMI_S: info->i = S; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + KONAMI_CC: info->i = CC; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + KONAMI_U: info->i = U; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + KONAMI_A: info->i = A; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + KONAMI_B: info->i = B; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + KONAMI_X: info->i = X; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + KONAMI_Y: info->i = Y; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + KONAMI_DP: info->i = DP; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as pointers to data or functions --- */
+ case CPUINFO_FCT_SET_INFO: info->setinfo = CPU_SET_INFO_NAME(konami); break;
+ case CPUINFO_FCT_INIT: info->init = CPU_INIT_NAME(konami); break;
+ case CPUINFO_FCT_RESET: info->reset = CPU_RESET_NAME(konami); break;
+ case CPUINFO_FCT_EXIT: info->exit = CPU_EXIT_NAME(konami); break;
+ case CPUINFO_FCT_EXECUTE: info->execute = CPU_EXECUTE_NAME(konami); break;
+ case CPUINFO_FCT_BURN: info->burn = NULL; break;
+ case CPUINFO_FCT_DISASSEMBLE: info->disassemble = CPU_DISASSEMBLE_NAME(konami);break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INSTRUCTION_COUNTER: info->icount = &cpustate->icount; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
+ case DEVINFO_STR_NAME: strcpy(info->s, "KONAMI"); break;
+ case DEVINFO_STR_FAMILY: strcpy(info->s, "KONAMI 5000x"); break;
+ case DEVINFO_STR_VERSION: strcpy(info->s, "1.0"); break;
+ case DEVINFO_STR_SOURCE_FILE: strcpy(info->s, __FILE__); break;
+ case DEVINFO_STR_CREDITS: strcpy(info->s, "Copyright Nicola Salmoria and the MAME Team"); break;
+ sprintf(info->s, "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c",
+ cpustate->cc & 0x80 ? 'E':'.',
+ cpustate->cc & 0x40 ? 'F':'.',
+ cpustate->cc & 0x20 ? 'H':'.',
+ cpustate->cc & 0x10 ? 'I':'.',
+ cpustate->cc & 0x08 ? 'N':'.',
+ cpustate->cc & 0x04 ? 'Z':'.',
+ cpustate->cc & 0x02 ? 'V':'.',
+ cpustate->cc & 0x01 ? 'C':'.');
+ break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + KONAMI_PC: sprintf(info->s, "PC:%04X", cpustate->pc.w.l); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + KONAMI_S: sprintf(info->s, "S:%04X", cpustate->s.w.l); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + KONAMI_CC: sprintf(info->s, "CC:%02X", cpustate->cc); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + KONAMI_U: sprintf(info->s, "U:%04X", cpustate->u.w.l); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + KONAMI_A: sprintf(info->s, "A:%02X", cpustate->d.b.h); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + KONAMI_B: sprintf(info->s, "B:%02X", cpustate->d.b.l); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + KONAMI_X: sprintf(info->s, "X:%04X", cpustate->x.w.l); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + KONAMI_Y: sprintf(info->s, "Y:%04X", cpustate->y.w.l); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + KONAMI_DP: sprintf(info->s, "DP:%02X", cpustate->dp.b.h); break;
+ }