path: root/src/tools/chdman.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/chdman.c')
1 files changed, 2629 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/chdman.c b/src/tools/chdman.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fe276d3ba90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/chdman.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2629 @@
+ CHD compression frontend
+ Copyright (c) 1996-2007, Nicola Salmoria and the MAME Team.
+ Visit for licensing and usage restrictions.
+#include "osdcore.h"
+#include "corefile.h"
+#include "chdcd.h"
+#include "aviio.h"
+#include "bitmap.h"
+#include "md5.h"
+#include "sha1.h"
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#define IDE_SECTOR_SIZE 512
+struct _chd_interface_file
+ osd_file *file;
+ UINT64 length;
+static chd_error chdman_compress_file(chd_file *chd, const char *rawfile, UINT32 offset);
+static chd_error chdman_compress_chd(chd_file *chd, chd_file *source, UINT32 totalhunks);
+static const char *error_strings[] =
+ "no error",
+ "no drive interface",
+ "out of memory",
+ "invalid file",
+ "invalid parameter",
+ "invalid data",
+ "file not found",
+ "requires parent",
+ "file not writeable",
+ "read error",
+ "write error",
+ "codec error",
+ "invalid parent",
+ "hunk out of range",
+ "decompression error",
+ "compression error",
+ "can't create file",
+ "can't verify file",
+ "operation not supported",
+ "can't find metadata",
+ "invalid metadata size",
+ "unsupported CHD version",
+ "incomplete verify"
+static clock_t lastprogress = 0;
+ put_bigendian_uint32 - write a UINT32 in big-endian order to memory
+INLINE void put_bigendian_uint32(UINT8 *base, UINT32 value)
+ base[0] = value >> 24;
+ base[1] = value >> 16;
+ base[2] = value >> 8;
+ base[3] = value;
+ print_big_int - 64-bit int printing with commas
+void print_big_int(UINT64 intvalue, char *output)
+ int chunk;
+ chunk = intvalue % 1000;
+ intvalue /= 1000;
+ if (intvalue != 0)
+ {
+ print_big_int(intvalue, output);
+ strcat(output, ",");
+ sprintf(&output[strlen(output)], "%03d", chunk);
+ }
+ else
+ sprintf(&output[strlen(output)], "%d", chunk);
+ big_int_string - return a string for a big int
+char *big_int_string(UINT64 intvalue)
+ static char buffer[256];
+ buffer[0] = 0;
+ print_big_int(intvalue, buffer);
+ return buffer;
+ progress - generic progress callback
+static void progress(int forceit, const char *fmt, ...)
+ clock_t curtime = clock();
+ va_list arg;
+ /* skip if it hasn't been long enough */
+ if (!forceit && curtime - lastprogress < CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 2)
+ return;
+ lastprogress = curtime;
+ /* standard vfprintf stuff here */
+ va_start(arg, fmt);
+ vprintf(fmt, arg);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ va_end(arg);
+ error_string - return an error sting
+static const char *error_string(int err)
+ static char temp_buffer[100];
+ if (err < sizeof(error_strings) / sizeof(error_strings[0]))
+ return error_strings[err];
+ sprintf(temp_buffer, "unknown error %d", err);
+ return temp_buffer;
+ usage - generic usage error display
+static int usage(void)
+ printf("usage: chdman -info input.chd\n");
+ printf(" or: chdman -createraw inputhd.raw output.chd [inputoffs [hunksize]]\n");
+ printf(" or: chdman -createhd inputhd.raw output.chd [inputoffs [cylinders heads sectors [sectorsize [hunksize]]]]\n");
+ printf(" or: chdman -createblankhd output.chd cylinders heads sectors [sectorsize [hunksize]]\n");
+ printf(" or: chdman -createcd input.toc output.chd\n");
+ printf(" or: chdman -createav input.avi inputmeta.txt output.chd [firstframe [numframes]]\n");
+ printf(" or: chdman -copydata input.chd output.chd\n");
+ printf(" or: chdman -extract input.chd output.raw\n");
+ printf(" or: chdman -extractcd input.chd output.toc output.bin\n");
+ printf(" or: chdman -extractav input.chd output.avi outputmeta.txt [firstframe [numframes]]\n");
+ printf(" or: chdman -verify input.chd\n");
+ printf(" or: chdman -verifyfix input.chd\n");
+ printf(" or: chdman -update input.chd output.chd\n");
+ printf(" or: chdman -chomp inout.chd output.chd maxhunk\n");
+ printf(" or: chdman -merge parent.chd diff.chd output.chd\n");
+ printf(" or: chdman -diff parent.chd compare.chd diff.chd\n");
+ printf(" or: chdman -setchs inout.chd cylinders heads sectors\n");
+ return 1;
+ get_file_size - get the size of a file
+static UINT64 get_file_size(const char *filename)
+ osd_file *file;
+ UINT64 filesize = 0;
+ file_error filerr;
+ filerr = osd_open(filename, OPEN_FLAG_READ, &file, &filesize);
+ if (filerr == FILERR_NONE)
+ osd_close(file);
+ return filesize;
+ guess_chs - given a file and an offset,
+ compute a best guess CHS value set
+static chd_error guess_chs(const char *filename, int offset, int sectorsize, UINT32 *cylinders, UINT32 *heads, UINT32 *sectors, UINT32 *bps)
+ UINT32 totalsecs, hds, secs;
+ UINT64 filesize;
+ /* if this is a direct physical drive read, handle it specially */
+ if (osd_get_physical_drive_geometry(filename, cylinders, heads, sectors, bps))
+ return CHDERR_NONE;
+ /* compute the filesize */
+ filesize = get_file_size(filename);
+ if (filesize <= offset)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid file '%s'\n", filename);
+ }
+ filesize -= offset;
+ /* validate the size */
+ if (filesize % sectorsize != 0)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Can't guess CHS values because data size is not divisible by the sector size\n");
+ }
+ totalsecs = filesize / sectorsize;
+ /* now find a valid value */
+ for (secs = 63; secs > 1; secs--)
+ if (totalsecs % secs == 0)
+ {
+ size_t totalhds = totalsecs / secs;
+ for (hds = 16; hds > 1; hds--)
+ if (totalhds % hds == 0)
+ {
+ *cylinders = totalhds / hds;
+ *heads = hds;
+ *sectors = secs;
+ *bps = sectorsize;
+ return CHDERR_NONE;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ack, it didn't work! */
+ fprintf(stderr, "Can't guess CHS values because no logical combination works!\n");
+ do_createhd - create a new compressed hard
+ disk image from a raw file
+static int do_createhd(int argc, char *argv[], int param)
+ UINT32 guess_cylinders = 0, guess_heads = 0, guess_sectors = 0, guess_sectorsize = 0;
+ UINT32 cylinders, heads, sectors, sectorsize, hunksize, totalsectors, offset;
+ const char *inputfile, *outputfile;
+ chd_file *chd = NULL;
+ char metadata[256];
+ chd_error err;
+ /* require 4-5, or 8-10 args total */
+ if (argc != 4 && argc != 5 && argc != 8 && argc != 9 && argc != 10)
+ return usage();
+ /* extract the first few parameters */
+ inputfile = argv[2];
+ outputfile = argv[3];
+ offset = (argc >= 5) ? atoi(argv[4]) : (get_file_size(inputfile) % IDE_SECTOR_SIZE);
+ /* if less than 8 parameters, we need to guess the CHS values */
+ if (argc < 8)
+ {
+ err = guess_chs(inputfile, offset, IDE_SECTOR_SIZE, &guess_cylinders, &guess_heads, &guess_sectors, &guess_sectorsize);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* parse the remaining parameters */
+ cylinders = (argc >= 6) ? atoi(argv[5]) : guess_cylinders;
+ heads = (argc >= 7) ? atoi(argv[6]) : guess_heads;
+ sectors = (argc >= 8) ? atoi(argv[7]) : guess_sectors;
+ sectorsize = (argc >= 9) ? atoi(argv[8]) : guess_sectorsize;
+ if (sectorsize == 0) sectorsize = IDE_SECTOR_SIZE;
+ hunksize = (argc >= 10) ? atoi(argv[9]) : (sectorsize > 4096) ? sectorsize : ((4096 / sectorsize) * sectorsize);
+ totalsectors = cylinders * heads * sectors;
+ /* print some info */
+ printf("Input file: %s\n", inputfile);
+ printf("Output file: %s\n", outputfile);
+ printf("Input offset: %d\n", offset);
+ printf("Cylinders: %d\n", cylinders);
+ printf("Heads: %d\n", heads);
+ printf("Sectors: %d\n", sectors);
+ printf("Bytes/sector: %d\n", sectorsize);
+ printf("Sectors/hunk: %d\n", hunksize / sectorsize);
+ printf("Logical size: %s\n", big_int_string((UINT64)totalsectors * (UINT64)sectorsize));
+ /* create the new hard drive */
+ err = chd_create(outputfile, (UINT64)totalsectors * (UINT64)sectorsize, hunksize, CHDCOMPRESSION_ZLIB_PLUS, NULL);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error creating CHD file: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* open the new hard drive */
+ err = chd_open(outputfile, CHD_OPEN_READWRITE, NULL, &chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening new CHD file: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* write the metadata */
+ sprintf(metadata, HARD_DISK_METADATA_FORMAT, cylinders, heads, sectors, sectorsize);
+ err = chd_set_metadata(chd, HARD_DISK_METADATA_TAG, 0, metadata, strlen(metadata) + 1);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error adding hard disk metadata: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* compress the hard drive */
+ err = chdman_compress_file(chd, inputfile, offset);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error during compression: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ /* close everything down */
+ if (chd != NULL)
+ chd_close(chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ osd_rmfile(outputfile);
+ return (err != CHDERR_NONE);
+ do_createraw - create a new compressed raw
+ image from a raw file
+static int do_createraw(int argc, char *argv[], int param)
+ const char *inputfile, *outputfile;
+ UINT32 hunksize, offset;
+ UINT64 logicalbytes;
+ chd_file *chd = NULL;
+ chd_error err;
+ /* require 4, 5, or 6 args total */
+ if (argc != 4 && argc != 5 && argc != 6)
+ return usage();
+ /* extract the first few parameters */
+ inputfile = argv[2];
+ outputfile = argv[3];
+ offset = (argc >= 5) ? atoi(argv[4]) : 0;
+ hunksize = (argc >= 6) ? atoi(argv[5]) : 4096;
+ logicalbytes = get_file_size(inputfile) - offset;
+ /* print some info */
+ printf("Input file: %s\n", inputfile);
+ printf("Output file: %s\n", outputfile);
+ printf("Input offset: %d\n", offset);
+ printf("Bytes/hunk: %d\n", hunksize);
+ printf("Logical size: %s\n", big_int_string(logicalbytes));
+ /* create the new CHD */
+ err = chd_create(outputfile, logicalbytes, hunksize, CHDCOMPRESSION_ZLIB_PLUS, NULL);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error creating CHD file: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* open the new CHD */
+ err = chd_open(outputfile, CHD_OPEN_READWRITE, NULL, &chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening new CHD file: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* compress the CHD */
+ err = chdman_compress_file(chd, inputfile, offset);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error during compression: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ /* close everything down */
+ if (chd != NULL)
+ chd_close(chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ osd_rmfile(outputfile);
+ return (err != CHDERR_NONE);
+ do_createcd - create a new compressed CD
+ image from a raw file
+static int do_createcd(int argc, char *argv[], int param)
+ static chdcd_track_input_info track_info;
+ static cdrom_toc toc;
+ UINT32 sectorsize = CD_FRAME_SIZE;
+ const char *inputfile, *outputfile;
+ core_file *srcfile = NULL;
+ UINT32 origtotalsectors;
+ chd_file *chd = NULL;
+ UINT8 *cache = NULL;
+ UINT32 totalsectors;
+ double ratio = 1.0;
+ UINT32 totalhunks;
+ file_error filerr;
+ chd_error err;
+ int i;
+ /* require 4 args total */
+ if (argc != 4)
+ return usage();
+ /* extract the data */
+ inputfile = argv[2];
+ outputfile = argv[3];
+ /* allocate a cache */
+ cache = malloc(hunksize);
+ if (cache == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory allocating temporary buffer\n");
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* setup the CDROM module and get the disc info */
+ err = chdcd_parse_toc(inputfile, &toc, &track_info);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error reading input file: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* pad each track to a hunk boundry. cdrom.c will deal with this on the read side */
+ for (i = 0; i < toc.numtrks; i++)
+ {
+ int hunks = (toc.tracks[i].frames + CD_FRAMES_PER_HUNK - 1) / CD_FRAMES_PER_HUNK;
+ toc.tracks[i].extraframes = hunks * CD_FRAMES_PER_HUNK - toc.tracks[i].frames;
+ }
+ /* count up the total number of frames */
+ origtotalsectors = totalsectors = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < toc.numtrks; i++)
+ {
+ origtotalsectors += toc.tracks[i].frames;
+ totalsectors += toc.tracks[i].frames + toc.tracks[i].extraframes;
+ }
+ printf("\nCD-ROM %s has %d tracks and %d total frames\n", inputfile, toc.numtrks, origtotalsectors);
+ /* create the new CHD file */
+ err = chd_create(outputfile, (UINT64)totalsectors * (UINT64)sectorsize, hunksize, CHDCOMPRESSION_ZLIB_PLUS, NULL);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error creating CHD file: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* open the new CHD file */
+ err = chd_open(outputfile, CHD_OPEN_READWRITE, NULL, &chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening new CHD file: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* write the metadata */
+ for (i = 0; i < toc.numtrks; i++)
+ {
+ char metadata[256];
+ sprintf(metadata, CDROM_TRACK_METADATA_FORMAT, i + 1, cdrom_get_type_string(&toc.tracks[i]),
+ cdrom_get_subtype_string(&toc.tracks[i]), toc.tracks[i].frames);
+ err = chd_set_metadata(chd, CDROM_TRACK_METADATA_TAG, i, metadata, strlen(metadata) + 1);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error adding CD-ROM metadata: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ /* begin state for writing */
+ err = chd_compress_begin(chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error compressing: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* loop over tracks */
+ totalhunks = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < toc.numtrks; i++)
+ {
+ int frames = 0;
+ int bytespersector = toc.tracks[i].datasize + toc.tracks[i].subsize;
+ int trackhunks = (toc.tracks[i].frames + toc.tracks[i].extraframes) / CD_FRAMES_PER_HUNK;
+ UINT64 sourcefileoffset = track_info.offset[i];
+ int curhunk;
+ /* open the input file for this track */
+ filerr = core_fopen(track_info.fname[i], OPEN_FLAG_READ, &srcfile);
+ if (filerr != FILERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open file: %s\n", track_info.fname[i]);
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ printf("Track %d/%d (%s:%d,%d frames,%d hunks,swap %d)\n", i+1, toc.numtrks, track_info.fname[i], track_info.offset[i], toc.tracks[i].frames, trackhunks, track_info.swap[i]);
+ /* loop over hunks */
+ for (curhunk = 0; curhunk < trackhunks; curhunk++, totalhunks++)
+ {
+ int secnum;
+ progress(FALSE, "Compressing hunk %d/%d... (ratio=%d%%) \r", totalhunks, chd_get_header(chd)->totalhunks, (int)(ratio * 100));
+ /* loop over sectors in this hunk, reading the source data into a fixed start location */
+ /* relative to the start; we zero out the buffer ahead of time to ensure that unpopulated */
+ /* areas are cleared */
+ memset(cache, 0, hunksize);
+ for (secnum = 0; secnum < CD_FRAMES_PER_HUNK; secnum++)
+ {
+ if (frames < toc.tracks[i].frames)
+ {
+ core_fseek(srcfile, sourcefileoffset, SEEK_SET);
+ core_fread(srcfile, &cache[secnum * CD_FRAME_SIZE], bytespersector);
+ if (track_info.swap[i])
+ {
+ int swapindex;
+ for (swapindex = 0; swapindex < 2352; swapindex += 2 )
+ {
+ int swapoffset = ( secnum * CD_FRAME_SIZE ) + swapindex;
+ int swaptemp = cache[ swapoffset ];
+ cache[ swapoffset ] = cache[ swapoffset + 1 ];
+ cache[ swapoffset + 1 ] = swaptemp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sourcefileoffset += bytespersector;
+ frames++;
+ }
+ /* compress the current hunk */
+ err = chd_compress_hunk(chd, cache, &ratio);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error during compression: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ /* close the file */
+ core_fclose(srcfile);
+ srcfile = NULL;
+ }
+ /* cleanup */
+ err = chd_compress_finish(chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error during compression finalization: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ else
+ progress(TRUE, "Compression complete ... final ratio = %d%% \n", (int)(100.0 * ratio));
+ if (cache != NULL)
+ free(cache);
+ if (srcfile != NULL)
+ core_fclose(srcfile);
+ if (chd != NULL)
+ chd_close(chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ osd_rmfile(outputfile);
+ return (err != CHDERR_NONE);
+ read_avi_frame - read an AVI frame
+static avi_error read_avi_frame(avi_file *avi, UINT32 framenum, UINT8 *cache, bitmap_t *bitmap, int interlaced, UINT32 hunkbytes)
+ const avi_movie_info *info = avi_get_movie_info(avi);
+ int interlace_factor = interlaced ? 2 : 1;
+ UINT32 first_sample, num_samples;
+ avi_error avierr = AVIERR_NONE;
+ int chnum, sampnum, x, y;
+ UINT8 *dest = cache;
+ INT16 *temp;
+ /* compute the number of samples in this frame */
+ first_sample = avi_first_sample_in_frame(avi, framenum / interlace_factor);
+ num_samples = avi_first_sample_in_frame(avi, framenum / interlace_factor + 1) - first_sample;
+ if (interlaced)
+ {
+ if (framenum % 2 == 0)
+ num_samples = (num_samples + 1) / 2;
+ else
+ {
+ first_sample += (num_samples + 1) / 2;
+ num_samples -= (num_samples + 1) / 2;
+ }
+ }
+ /* allocate a temporary buffer */
+ temp = malloc(num_samples * 2);
+ if (temp == NULL)
+ /* update the header with the actual number of samples in the frame */
+ dest[6] = num_samples >> 8;
+ dest[7] = num_samples;
+ dest += 12 + dest[4];
+ /* loop over channels and read the samples */
+ for (chnum = 0; chnum < info->audio_channels; chnum++)
+ {
+ /* read the sound samples */
+ avierr = avi_read_sound_samples(avi, chnum, first_sample, num_samples, temp);
+ if (avierr != AVIERR_NONE)
+ goto cleanup;
+ /* store them big endian at the destination */
+ for (sampnum = 0; sampnum < num_samples; sampnum++)
+ {
+ INT16 sample = temp[sampnum];
+ *dest++ = sample >> 8;
+ *dest++ = sample;
+ }
+ }
+ /* read the video data when we hit a new frame */
+ if (framenum % interlace_factor == 0)
+ {
+ avierr = avi_read_video_frame_yuy16(avi, framenum / interlace_factor, bitmap);
+ if (avierr != AVIERR_NONE)
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* loop over the data and copy it to the cache */
+ for (y = framenum % interlace_factor; y < info->video_height; y += interlace_factor)
+ {
+ UINT16 *source = (UINT16 *)bitmap->base + y * bitmap->rowpixels;
+ for (x = 0; x < info->video_width; x++)
+ {
+ UINT16 pixel = *source++;
+ *dest++ = pixel;
+ *dest++ = pixel >> 8;
+ }
+ }
+ /* fill the rest with 0 */
+ while (dest < &cache[hunkbytes])
+ *dest++ = 0;
+ free(temp);
+ return avierr;
+ do_createav - create a new A/V file from an
+ input AVI file and metadata
+static int do_createav(int argc, char *argv[], int param)
+ UINT32 fps_times_1million, width, height, interlaced, channels, rate, metabytes = 0, totalframes;
+ UINT32 max_samples_per_frame, bytes_per_frame, firstframe, numframes;
+ const char *inputfile, *metafile, *outputfile;
+ bitmap_t videobitmap = { 0 };
+ const avi_movie_info *info;
+ const chd_header *header;
+ char metadata[256];
+ chd_file *chd = NULL;
+ avi_file *avi = NULL;
+ UINT8 *cache = NULL;
+ double ratio = 1.0;
+ FILE *meta = NULL;
+ avi_error avierr;
+ chd_error err;
+ UINT32 framenum;
+ /* require 5-7 args total */
+ if (argc < 5 || argc > 7)
+ return usage();
+ /* extract the first few parameters */
+ inputfile = argv[2];
+ metafile = argv[3];
+ outputfile = argv[4];
+ firstframe = (argc > 5) ? atoi(argv[5]) : 0;
+ numframes = (argc > 6) ? atoi(argv[6]) : 1000000;
+ /* print some info */
+ printf("Input file: %s\n", inputfile);
+ printf("Meta file: %s\n", (metafile == NULL) ? "(none)" : metafile);
+ printf("Output file: %s\n", outputfile);
+ /* open the meta file */
+ if (metafile != NULL)
+ {
+ meta = fopen(metafile, "r");
+ if (meta == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening meta file\n");
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (fgets(metadata, sizeof(metadata), meta) == NULL || sscanf(metadata, "chdmeta %d\n", &metabytes) != 1)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid data header in metafile\n");
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (metabytes > 255)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Metadata too large (255 bytes maximum)\n");
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ /* open the source file */
+ avierr = avi_open(inputfile, &avi);
+ if (avierr != AVIERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening AVI file: %s\n", avi_error_string(avierr));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* get the movie information */
+ info = avi_get_movie_info(avi);
+ fps_times_1million = (UINT64)info->video_timescale * 1000000 / info->video_sampletime;
+ width = info->video_width;
+ height = info->video_height;
+ interlaced = ((fps_times_1million / 1000000) <= 30) && (height % 2 == 0) && (height > 288);
+ channels = info->audio_channels;
+ rate = info->audio_samplerate;
+ totalframes = info->video_numsamples;
+ numframes = MIN(totalframes - firstframe, numframes);
+ /* allocate a video buffer */
+ videobitmap.base = malloc(width * height * 2);
+ if (videobitmap.base == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory allocating temporary bitmap\n");
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ videobitmap.format = BITMAP_FORMAT_YUY16;
+ videobitmap.width = width;
+ videobitmap.height = height;
+ videobitmap.bpp = 16;
+ videobitmap.rowpixels = width;
+ /* print some of it */
+ printf("Use frames: %d-%d\n", firstframe, firstframe + numframes - 1);
+ printf("Frame rate: %d.%06d\n", fps_times_1million / 1000000, fps_times_1million % 1000000);
+ printf("Frame size: %d x %d %s\n", width, height, interlaced ? "interlaced" : "non-interlaced");
+ printf("Audio: %d channels at %d Hz\n", channels, rate);
+ printf("Metadata: %d bytes/frame\n", metabytes);
+ printf("Total frames: %d (%02d:%02d:%02d)\n", totalframes,
+ (UINT32)((UINT64)totalframes * 1000000 / fps_times_1million / 60 / 60),
+ (UINT32)(((UINT64)totalframes * 1000000 / fps_times_1million / 60) % 60),
+ (UINT32)(((UINT64)totalframes * 1000000 / fps_times_1million) % 60));
+ /* adjust for interlacing */
+ if (interlaced)
+ {
+ fps_times_1million *= 2;
+ totalframes *= 2;
+ height /= 2;
+ firstframe *= 2;
+ numframes *= 2;
+ }
+ /* determine the number of bytes per frame */
+ max_samples_per_frame = ((UINT64)rate * 1000000 + fps_times_1million - 1) / fps_times_1million;
+ bytes_per_frame = 12 + metabytes + channels * max_samples_per_frame * 2 + width * height * 2;
+ /* create the new CHD */
+ err = chd_create(outputfile, (UINT64)numframes * (UINT64)bytes_per_frame, bytes_per_frame, CHDCOMPRESSION_AV, NULL);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error creating CHD file: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* open the new CHD */
+ err = chd_open(outputfile, CHD_OPEN_READWRITE, NULL, &chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening new CHD file: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ header = chd_get_header(chd);
+ /* write the metadata */
+ sprintf(metadata, AV_METADATA_FORMAT, fps_times_1million / 1000000, fps_times_1million % 1000000, width, height, interlaced, channels, rate, metabytes);
+ err = chd_set_metadata(chd, AV_METADATA_TAG, 0, metadata, strlen(metadata) + 1);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error adding AV metadata: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* allocate a cache */
+ cache = malloc(bytes_per_frame);
+ if (cache == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory allocating temporary buffer\n");
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* fill in the basic values */
+ cache[0] = 'c';
+ cache[1] = 'h';
+ cache[2] = 'a';
+ cache[3] = 'v';
+ cache[4] = metabytes;
+ cache[5] = channels;
+ cache[6] = max_samples_per_frame >> 8;
+ cache[7] = max_samples_per_frame;
+ cache[8] = width >> 8;
+ cache[9] = width;
+ cache[10] = (interlaced << 7) | (height >> 8);
+ cache[11] = height;
+ /* begin compressing */
+ err = chd_compress_begin(chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ goto cleanup;
+ /* loop over source hunks until we run out */
+ for (framenum = 0; framenum < numframes; framenum++)
+ {
+ /* progress */
+ progress(framenum == 0, "Compressing hunk %d/%d... (ratio=%d%%) \r", framenum, header->totalhunks, (int)(100.0 * ratio));
+ /* read the metadata */
+ if (metabytes > 0)
+ {
+ memset(&cache[12], 0, metabytes);
+ if (meta != NULL && fgets(metadata, sizeof(metadata), meta) != NULL)
+ {
+ int metaoffs, stroffs, length = strlen(metadata);
+ for (metaoffs = stroffs = 0; metaoffs < metabytes && stroffs < length; metaoffs++, stroffs += 2)
+ {
+ int data;
+ if (sscanf(&metadata[stroffs], "%02X", &data) != 1)
+ break;
+ cache[12 + metaoffs] = data;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* read the frame into its proper format in the cache */
+ avierr = read_avi_frame(avi, firstframe + framenum, cache, &videobitmap, interlaced, bytes_per_frame);
+ if (avierr != AVIERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error reading frame %d from AVI file: %s\n", firstframe + framenum, avi_error_string(avierr));
+ }
+ /* append the data */
+ err = chd_compress_hunk(chd, cache, &ratio);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* finish compression */
+ err = chd_compress_finish(chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ goto cleanup;
+ else
+ progress(TRUE, "Compression complete ... final ratio = %d%% \n", (int)(100.0 * ratio));
+ /* close everything down */
+ if (avi != NULL)
+ avi_close(avi);
+ if (chd != NULL)
+ chd_close(chd);
+ if (meta != NULL)
+ fclose(meta);
+ if (cache != NULL)
+ free(cache);
+ if (videobitmap.base != NULL)
+ free(videobitmap.base);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ osd_rmfile(outputfile);
+ return (err != CHDERR_NONE);
+ do_createblankhd - create a new non-compressed
+ hard disk image, with all hunks filled with 0s
+static int do_createblankhd(int argc, char *argv[], int param)
+ UINT32 cylinders, heads, sectors, sectorsize, hunksize, totalsectors, hunknum;
+ const char *outputfile;
+ chd_file *chd = NULL;
+ UINT8 *cache = NULL;
+ char metadata[256];
+ chd_error err;
+ /* require 6, 7, or 8 args total */
+ if (argc != 6 && argc != 7 && argc != 8)
+ return usage();
+ /* extract the data */
+ outputfile = argv[2];
+ cylinders = atoi(argv[3]);
+ heads = atoi(argv[4]);
+ sectors = atoi(argv[5]);
+ sectorsize = (argc >= 7) ? atoi(argv[6]) : IDE_SECTOR_SIZE;
+ if (sectorsize == 0) sectorsize = IDE_SECTOR_SIZE;
+ hunksize = (argc >= 8) ? atoi(argv[7]) : (sectorsize > 4096) ? sectorsize : ((4096 / sectorsize) * sectorsize);
+ totalsectors = cylinders * heads * sectors;
+ /* print some info */
+ printf("Output file: %s\n", outputfile);
+ printf("Cylinders: %d\n", cylinders);
+ printf("Heads: %d\n", heads);
+ printf("Sectors: %d\n", sectors);
+ printf("Bytes/sector: %d\n", sectorsize);
+ printf("Sectors/hunk: %d\n", hunksize / sectorsize);
+ printf("Logical size: %s\n", big_int_string((UINT64)totalsectors * (UINT64)sectorsize));
+ /* create the new hard drive */
+ err = chd_create(outputfile, (UINT64)totalsectors * (UINT64)sectorsize, hunksize, CHDCOMPRESSION_NONE, NULL);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error creating CHD file: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* open the new hard drive */
+ err = chd_open(outputfile, CHD_OPEN_READWRITE, NULL, &chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening new CHD file: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* write the metadata */
+ sprintf(metadata, HARD_DISK_METADATA_FORMAT, cylinders, heads, sectors, sectorsize);
+ err = chd_set_metadata(chd, HARD_DISK_METADATA_TAG, 0, metadata, strlen(metadata) + 1);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error adding hard disk metadata: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* alloc and zero buffer*/
+ cache = malloc(hunksize);
+ if (cache == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating memory buffer\n");
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ memset(cache, 0, hunksize);
+ /* Zero every hunk */
+ for (hunknum = 0; hunknum < chd_get_header(chd)->totalhunks; hunknum++)
+ {
+ /* progress */
+ progress(hunknum == 0, "Zeroing hunk %d/%d... \r", hunknum, chd_get_header(chd)->totalhunks);
+ /* write out the data */
+ err = chd_write(chd, hunknum, cache);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error writing CHD file: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ progress(TRUE, "Creation complete! \n");
+ /* close everything down */
+ if (cache != NULL)
+ free(cache);
+ if (chd != NULL)
+ chd_close(chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ osd_rmfile(outputfile);
+ return (err != CHDERR_NONE);
+ do_copydata - copy all hunks of data from one
+ CHD file to another. The hunk sizes do not
+ need to match. If the source is shorter than
+ the destination, the source data will be
+ padded with 0s.
+static int do_copydata(int argc, char *argv[], int param)
+ const char *inputfile, *outputfile;
+ chd_file *outputchd = NULL;
+ chd_file *inputchd = NULL;
+ chd_error err;
+ /* require 4 args total */
+ if (argc != 4)
+ return usage();
+ /* extract the data */
+ inputfile = argv[2];
+ outputfile = argv[3];
+ /* print some info */
+ printf("Input file: %s\n", inputfile);
+ printf("Output file: %s\n", outputfile);
+ /* open the src hard drive */
+ err = chd_open(inputfile, CHD_OPEN_READ, NULL, &inputchd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening src CHD file: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* open the dest hard drive */
+ err = chd_open(outputfile, CHD_OPEN_READWRITE, NULL, &outputchd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening dest CHD file: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* compress the source into the dest */
+ err = chdman_compress_chd(outputchd, inputchd, 0);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error during compression: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ /* close everything down */
+ if (outputchd != NULL)
+ chd_close(outputchd);
+ if (inputchd != NULL)
+ chd_close(inputchd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ osd_rmfile(outputfile);
+ return (err != CHDERR_NONE);
+ do_extract - extract a raw file from a
+ CHD image
+static int do_extract(int argc, char *argv[], int param)
+ const char *inputfile, *outputfile;
+ core_file *outfile = NULL;
+ chd_file *infile = NULL;
+ const chd_header *header;
+ UINT64 bytesremaining;
+ void *hunk = NULL;
+ file_error filerr;
+ chd_error err;
+ int hunknum;
+ /* require 4 args total */
+ if (argc != 4)
+ return usage();
+ /* extract the data */
+ inputfile = argv[2];
+ outputfile = argv[3];
+ /* print some info */
+ printf("Input file: %s\n", inputfile);
+ printf("Output file: %s\n", outputfile);
+ /* get the header */
+ err = chd_open(inputfile, CHD_OPEN_READ, NULL, &infile);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening CHD file '%s': %s\n", inputfile, error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ header = chd_get_header(infile);
+ /* allocate memory to hold a hunk */
+ hunk = malloc(header->hunkbytes);
+ if (hunk == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory allocating hunk buffer!\n");
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* create the output file */
+ filerr = core_fopen(outputfile, OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE, &outfile);
+ if (filerr != FILERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening output file '%s'\n", outputfile);
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* loop over hunks, reading and writing */
+ bytesremaining = header->logicalbytes;
+ for (hunknum = 0; hunknum < header->totalhunks; hunknum++)
+ {
+ UINT32 byteswritten, bytes_to_write;
+ /* progress */
+ progress(hunknum == 0, "Extracting hunk %d/%d... \r", hunknum, header->totalhunks);
+ /* read the hunk into a buffer */
+ err = chd_read(infile, hunknum, hunk);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error reading hunk %d from CHD file: %s\n", hunknum, error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* write the hunk to the file */
+ bytes_to_write = MIN(bytesremaining, header->hunkbytes);
+ core_fseek(outfile, (UINT64)hunknum * (UINT64)header->hunkbytes, SEEK_SET);
+ byteswritten = core_fwrite(outfile, hunk, bytes_to_write);
+ if (byteswritten != bytes_to_write)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error writing hunk %d to output file: %s\n", hunknum, error_string(CHDERR_WRITE_ERROR));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ progress(TRUE, "Extraction complete! \n");
+ /* clean up our mess */
+ if (outfile != NULL)
+ core_fclose(outfile);
+ if (hunk != NULL)
+ free(hunk);
+ if (infile != NULL)
+ chd_close(infile);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ osd_rmfile(outputfile);
+ return (err != CHDERR_NONE);
+ do_extractcd - extract a CDRDAO .toc/.bin
+ file from a CHD-CD image
+static int do_extractcd(int argc, char *argv[], int param)
+ const char *inputfile, *outputfile, *outputfile2;
+ core_file *outfile2 = NULL;
+ chd_file *inputchd = NULL;
+ cdrom_file *cdrom = NULL;
+ FILE *outfile = NULL;
+ const cdrom_toc *toc;
+ UINT64 out2offs;
+ file_error filerr;
+ chd_error err;
+ int track;
+ /* require 5 args total */
+ if (argc != 5)
+ return usage();
+ /* extract the data */
+ inputfile = argv[2];
+ outputfile = argv[3];
+ outputfile2 = argv[4];
+ /* print some info */
+ printf("Input file: %s\n", inputfile);
+ printf("Output files: %s (toc) and %s (bin)\n", outputfile, outputfile2);
+ /* get the header */
+ err = chd_open(inputfile, CHD_OPEN_READ, NULL, &inputchd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening CHD file '%s': %s\n", inputfile, error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* open the CD */
+ cdrom = cdrom_open(inputchd);
+ if (cdrom == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening CHD-CD '%s'\n", inputfile);
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* get the TOC data */
+ toc = cdrom_get_toc(cdrom);
+ /* create the output files */
+ outfile = fopen(outputfile, "w");
+ if (outfile == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening output file '%s'\n", outputfile);
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ fprintf(outfile, "CD_ROM\n\n\n");
+ filerr = core_fopen(outputfile2, OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE, &outfile2);
+ if (filerr != FILERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening output file '%s'\n", outputfile2);
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* process away */
+ out2offs = 0;
+ for (track = 0; track < toc->numtrks; track++)
+ {
+ UINT32 m, s, f, frame, trackframes;
+ progress(TRUE, "Extracting track %d... \r", track+1);
+ fprintf(outfile, "// Track %d\n", track+1);
+ /* write out the track type */
+ if (toc->tracks[track].subtype != CD_SUB_NONE)
+ fprintf(outfile, "TRACK %s %s\n", cdrom_get_type_string(&toc->tracks[track]), cdrom_get_subtype_string(&toc->tracks[track]));
+ else
+ fprintf(outfile, "TRACK %s\n", cdrom_get_type_string(&toc->tracks[track]));
+ /* write out the attributes */
+ fprintf(outfile, "NO COPY\n");
+ if (toc->tracks[track].trktype == CD_TRACK_AUDIO)
+ {
+ fprintf(outfile, "NO PRE_EMPHASIS\n");
+ fprintf(outfile, "TWO_CHANNEL_AUDIO\n");
+ /* the first audio track on a mixed-track disc always has a 2 second pad */
+ if (track == 1)
+ {
+ if (toc->tracks[track].subtype != CD_SUB_NONE)
+ fprintf(outfile, "ZERO AUDIO %s 00:02:00\n", cdrom_get_subtype_string(&toc->tracks[track]));
+ else
+ fprintf(outfile, "ZERO AUDIO 00:02:00\n");
+ }
+ }
+ /* convert to minutes/seconds/frames */
+ trackframes = toc->tracks[track].frames;
+ f = trackframes;
+ s = f / 75;
+ f %= 75;
+ m = s / 60;
+ s %= 60;
+ /* all tracks but the first one have a file offset */
+ if (track > 0)
+ fprintf(outfile, "DATAFILE \"%s\" #%d %02d:%02d:%02d // length in bytes: %d\n", outputfile2, (UINT32)out2offs, m, s, f, trackframes*(toc->tracks[track].datasize+toc->tracks[track].subsize));
+ else
+ fprintf(outfile, "DATAFILE \"%s\" %02d:%02d:%02d // length in bytes: %d\n", outputfile2, m, s, f, trackframes*(toc->tracks[track].datasize+toc->tracks[track].subsize));
+ if ((toc->tracks[track].trktype == CD_TRACK_AUDIO) && (track == 1))
+ fprintf(outfile, "START 00:02:00\n");
+ fprintf(outfile, "\n\n");
+ /* now write the actual data */
+ for (frame = 0; frame < trackframes; frame++)
+ {
+ UINT32 byteswritten;
+ progress(frame == 0, "Extracting track %d... %d/%d... \r", track+1, frame, trackframes);
+ /* read the raw data */
+ cdrom_read_data(cdrom, cdrom_get_track_start(cdrom, track) + frame, sector, toc->tracks[track].trktype);
+ /* write it out */
+ core_fseek(outfile2, out2offs, SEEK_SET);
+ byteswritten = core_fwrite(outfile2, sector, toc->tracks[track].datasize);
+ if (byteswritten != toc->tracks[track].datasize)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error writing frame %d to output file: %s\n", frame, error_string(CHDERR_WRITE_ERROR));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ out2offs += toc->tracks[track].datasize;
+ /* read the subcode data */
+ cdrom_read_subcode(cdrom, cdrom_get_track_start(cdrom, track) + frame, sector);
+ /* write it out */
+ core_fseek(outfile2, out2offs, SEEK_SET);
+ byteswritten = core_fwrite(outfile2, sector, toc->tracks[track].subsize);
+ if (byteswritten != toc->tracks[track].subsize)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error writing frame %d to output file: %s\n", frame, error_string(CHDERR_WRITE_ERROR));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ out2offs += toc->tracks[track].subsize;
+ }
+ progress(TRUE, "Extracting track %d... complete \n", track+1);
+ }
+ progress(TRUE, "Completed!\n");
+ /* close everything down */
+ if (outfile != NULL)
+ fclose(outfile);
+ if (outfile2 != NULL)
+ core_fclose(outfile2);
+ if (cdrom != NULL)
+ cdrom_close(cdrom);
+ if (inputchd != NULL)
+ chd_close(inputchd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ osd_rmfile(outputfile);
+ return (err != CHDERR_NONE);
+ write_avi_frame - write an AVI frame
+static avi_error write_avi_frame(avi_file *avi, UINT32 framenum, const UINT8 *buffer, bitmap_t *bitmap)
+ const avi_movie_info *info = avi_get_movie_info(avi);
+ UINT32 channels, samples, width, height;
+ avi_error avierr = AVIERR_NONE;
+ int chnum, sampnum, x, y;
+ int interlace_factor;
+ INT16 *temp;
+ /* extract core data */
+ channels = buffer[5];
+ samples = (buffer[6] << 8) | buffer[7];
+ width = (buffer[8] << 8) | buffer[9];
+ height = (buffer[10] << 8) | buffer[11];
+ interlace_factor = (height & 0x8000) ? 2 : 1;
+ height &= 0x7fff;
+ height *= interlace_factor;
+ buffer += 12 + buffer[4];
+ /* make sure it makes sense */
+ if (width != info->video_width || height != info->video_height)
+ /* allocate a temporary buffer */
+ temp = malloc(samples * 2);
+ if (temp == NULL)
+ /* loop over audio channels */
+ for (chnum = 0; chnum < channels; chnum++)
+ {
+ /* extract samples */
+ for (sampnum = 0; sampnum < samples; sampnum++)
+ {
+ INT16 sample = *buffer++ << 8;
+ temp[sampnum] = sample | *buffer++;
+ }
+ /* write the samples */
+ avierr = avi_append_sound_samples(avi, chnum, temp, samples);
+ if (avierr != AVIERR_NONE)
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* loop over the data and copy it to the bitmap */
+ for (y = framenum % interlace_factor; y < height; y += interlace_factor)
+ {
+ UINT16 *dest = (UINT16 *)bitmap->base + y * bitmap->rowpixels;
+ for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
+ {
+ UINT16 pixel = *buffer++;
+ *dest++ = pixel | *buffer++ << 8;
+ }
+ }
+ /* write the video data */
+ if (interlace_factor == 1 || framenum % 2 == 1)
+ {
+ avierr = avi_append_video_frame_yuy16(avi, bitmap);
+ if (avierr != AVIERR_NONE)
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ free(temp);
+ return avierr;
+ do_extractav - extract an AVI file from a
+ CHD image
+static int do_extractav(int argc, char *argv[], int param)
+ int fps, fpsfrac, width, height, interlaced, channels, rate, metabytes, totalframes;
+ const char *inputfile, *metafile, *outputfile;
+ int firstframe, numframes;
+ bitmap_t videobitmap = { 0 };
+ UINT32 fps_times_1million;
+ const chd_header *header;
+ chd_file *chd = NULL;
+ avi_file *avi = NULL;
+ avi_movie_info info;
+ char metadata[256];
+ void *hunk = NULL;
+ FILE *meta = NULL;
+ avi_error avierr;
+ chd_error err;
+ int framenum;
+ /* require 5-7 args total */
+ if (argc < 5 || argc > 7)
+ return usage();
+ /* extract the data */
+ inputfile = argv[2];
+ outputfile = argv[3];
+ metafile = argv[4];
+ firstframe = (argc > 5) ? atoi(argv[5]) : 0;
+ numframes = (argc > 6) ? atoi(argv[6]) : 1000000;
+ /* print some info */
+ printf("Input file: %s\n", inputfile);
+ printf("Output file: %s\n", outputfile);
+ printf("Meta file: %s\n", (metafile == NULL) ? "(none)" : metafile);
+ /* get the header */
+ err = chd_open(inputfile, CHD_OPEN_READ, NULL, &chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening CHD file '%s': %s\n", inputfile, error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ header = chd_get_header(chd);
+ /* get the metadata */
+ err = chd_get_metadata(chd, AV_METADATA_TAG, 0, metadata, sizeof(metadata), NULL, NULL);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error getting A/V metadata: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* extract the info */
+ if (sscanf(metadata, AV_METADATA_FORMAT, &fps, &fpsfrac, &width, &height, &interlaced, &channels, &rate, &metabytes) != 8)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Improperly formatted metadata\n");
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ fps_times_1million = fps * 1000000 + fpsfrac;
+ totalframes = header->totalhunks;
+ /* adjust for interlacing */
+ if (interlaced)
+ {
+ fps_times_1million /= 2;
+ height *= 2;
+ }
+ numframes = MIN(totalframes - firstframe, numframes);
+ /* allocate a video buffer */
+ videobitmap.base = malloc(width * height * 2);
+ if (videobitmap.base == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory allocating temporary bitmap\n");
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ videobitmap.format = BITMAP_FORMAT_YUY16;
+ videobitmap.width = width;
+ videobitmap.height = height;
+ videobitmap.bpp = 16;
+ videobitmap.rowpixels = width;
+ /* print some of it */
+ printf("Use frames: %d-%d\n", firstframe, firstframe + numframes - 1);
+ printf("Frame rate: %d.%06d\n", fps_times_1million / 1000000, fps_times_1million % 1000000);
+ printf("Frame size: %d x %d %s\n", width, height, interlaced ? "interlaced" : "non-interlaced");
+ printf("Audio: %d channels at %d Hz\n", channels, rate);
+ printf("Metadata: %d bytes/frame\n", metabytes);
+ printf("Total frames: %d (%02d:%02d:%02d)\n", totalframes,
+ (UINT32)((UINT64)totalframes * 1000000 / fps_times_1million / 60 / 60),
+ (UINT32)(((UINT64)totalframes * 1000000 / fps_times_1million / 60) % 60),
+ (UINT32)(((UINT64)totalframes * 1000000 / fps_times_1million) % 60));
+ if (metabytes > 0 && metafile == NULL)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: per-frame metadata included but not extracted\n");
+ /* allocate memory to hold a hunk */
+ hunk = malloc(header->hunkbytes);
+ if (hunk == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory allocating hunk buffer!\n");
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* build up the movie info */
+ info.video_format = FORMAT_YUY2;
+ info.video_timescale = fps_times_1million;
+ info.video_sampletime = 1000000;
+ info.video_width = width;
+ info.video_height = height;
+ info.video_depth = 16;
+ info.audio_format = 0;
+ info.audio_timescale = rate;
+ info.audio_sampletime = 1;
+ info.audio_channels = channels;
+ info.audio_samplebits = 16;
+ info.audio_samplerate = rate;
+ /* create the output file */
+ avierr = avi_create(outputfile, &info, &avi);
+ if (avierr != AVIERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening output file '%s': %s\n", outputfile, avi_error_string(avierr));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* create the metadata file */
+ if (metafile != NULL && metabytes > 0)
+ {
+ meta = fopen(metafile, "w");
+ if (meta == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening meta file '%s': %s\n", metafile, avi_error_string(avierr));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ fprintf(meta, "chdmeta %d\n", metabytes);
+ }
+ /* loop over hunks, reading and writing */
+ for (framenum = 0; framenum < numframes; framenum++)
+ {
+ /* progress */
+ progress(framenum == 0, "Extracting hunk %d/%d... \r", framenum, numframes);
+ /* read the hunk into a buffer */
+ err = chd_read(chd, firstframe + framenum, hunk);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error reading hunk %d from CHD file: %s\n", firstframe + framenum, error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* write the metadata */
+ if (meta != NULL)
+ {
+ int metaoffs;
+ for (metaoffs = 0; metaoffs < metabytes; metaoffs++)
+ fprintf(meta, "%02X", ((UINT8 *)hunk)[12 + metaoffs]);
+ fprintf(meta, "\n");
+ }
+ /* write the hunk to the file */
+ avierr = write_avi_frame(avi, framenum, hunk, &videobitmap);
+ if (avierr != AVIERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error writing AVI frame: %s\n", avi_error_string(avierr));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ progress(TRUE, "Extraction complete! \n");
+ /* clean up our mess */
+ if (avi != NULL)
+ avi_close(avi);
+ if (hunk != NULL)
+ free(hunk);
+ if (videobitmap.base != NULL)
+ free(videobitmap.base);
+ if (chd != NULL)
+ chd_close(chd);
+ if (meta != NULL)
+ fclose(meta);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ osd_rmfile(outputfile);
+ osd_rmfile(metafile);
+ }
+ return (err != CHDERR_NONE);
+ do_verify - validate the MD5/SHA1 on a drive
+ image
+static int do_verify(int argc, char *argv[], int param)
+ UINT8 actualmd5[CHD_MD5_BYTES], actualsha1[CHD_SHA1_BYTES];
+ const char *inputfile;
+ chd_file *chd = NULL;
+ chd_header header;
+ int fixed = FALSE;
+ chd_error err;
+ int i;
+ /* require 3 args total */
+ if (argc != 3)
+ return usage();
+ /* extract the data */
+ inputfile = argv[2];
+ /* print some info */
+ printf("Input file: %s\n", inputfile);
+ /* open the CHD file */
+ err = chd_open(inputfile, CHD_OPEN_READ, NULL, &chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening CHD file: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ header = *chd_get_header(chd);
+ /* verify the CHD data */
+ err = chd_verify_begin(chd);
+ if (err == CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ UINT32 hunknum;
+ for (hunknum = 0; hunknum < header.totalhunks; hunknum++)
+ {
+ /* progress */
+ progress(FALSE, "Verifying hunk %d/%d... \r", hunknum, header.totalhunks);
+ /* verify the data */
+ err = chd_verify_hunk(chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ break;
+ }
+ /* finish it */
+ if (err == CHDERR_NONE)
+ err = chd_verify_finish(chd, actualmd5, actualsha1);
+ }
+ /* handle errors */
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ if (err == CHDERR_CANT_VERIFY)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Can't verify this type of image (probably writeable)\n");
+ else
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nError during verify: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* verify the MD5 */
+ if (memcmp(header.md5, actualmd5, sizeof(header.md5)) == 0)
+ printf("MD5 verification successful!\n");
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: MD5 in header = ");
+ for (i = 0; i < CHD_MD5_BYTES; i++)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%02x", header.md5[i]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, " actual MD5 = ");
+ for (i = 0; i < CHD_MD5_BYTES; i++)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%02x", actualmd5[i]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ /* fix it */
+ if (param)
+ {
+ memcpy(header.md5, actualmd5, sizeof(header.md5));
+ fixed = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ /* verify the SHA1 */
+ if (header.version >= 3)
+ {
+ if (memcmp(header.sha1, actualsha1, sizeof(header.sha1)) == 0)
+ printf("SHA1 verification successful!\n");
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: SHA1 in header = ");
+ for (i = 0; i < CHD_SHA1_BYTES; i++)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%02x", header.sha1[i]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, " actual SHA1 = ");
+ for (i = 0; i < CHD_SHA1_BYTES; i++)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%02x", actualsha1[i]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ /* fix it */
+ if (param)
+ {
+ memcpy(header.sha1, actualsha1, sizeof(header.sha1));
+ fixed = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* close the drive */
+ chd_close(chd);
+ chd = NULL;
+ /* update the header */
+ if (fixed)
+ {
+ err = chd_set_header(inputfile, &header);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error writing new header: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ else
+ printf("Updated header successfully\n");
+ }
+ /* close everything down */
+ if (chd != NULL)
+ chd_close(chd);
+ return (err != CHDERR_NONE);
+ do_info - dump the header information from
+ a drive image
+static int do_info(int argc, char *argv[], int param)
+ const char *inputfile;
+ chd_file *chd = NULL;
+ UINT8 metadata[256];
+ chd_header header;
+ chd_error err;
+ int i, j;
+ /* require 3 args total */
+ if (argc != 3)
+ return usage();
+ /* extract the data */
+ inputfile = argv[2];
+ /* print some info */
+ printf("Input file: %s\n", inputfile);
+ /* get the header */
+ err = chd_open(inputfile, CHD_OPEN_READ, NULL, &chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening CHD file '%s': %s\n", inputfile, error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ header = *chd_get_header(chd);
+ /* print the info */
+ printf("Header Size: %d bytes\n", header.length);
+ printf("File Version: %d\n", header.version);
+ printf("Flags: %s, %s\n",
+ (header.flags & CHDFLAGS_HAS_PARENT) ? "HAS_PARENT" : "NO_PARENT",
+ printf("Compression: %s\n", chd_get_codec_name(header.compression));
+ printf("Hunk Size: %d bytes\n", header.hunkbytes);
+ printf("Total Hunks: %d\n", header.totalhunks);
+ printf("Logical size: %s bytes\n", big_int_string(header.logicalbytes));
+ if (!(header.flags & CHDFLAGS_IS_WRITEABLE))
+ printf("MD5: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\n",
+ header.md5[0], header.md5[1], header.md5[2], header.md5[3],
+ header.md5[4], header.md5[5], header.md5[6], header.md5[7],
+ header.md5[8], header.md5[9], header.md5[10], header.md5[11],
+ header.md5[12], header.md5[13], header.md5[14], header.md5[15]);
+ if (!(header.flags & CHDFLAGS_IS_WRITEABLE) && header.version >= 3)
+ printf("SHA1: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\n",
+ header.sha1[0], header.sha1[1], header.sha1[2], header.sha1[3],
+ header.sha1[4], header.sha1[5], header.sha1[6], header.sha1[7],
+ header.sha1[8], header.sha1[9], header.sha1[10], header.sha1[11],
+ header.sha1[12], header.sha1[13], header.sha1[14], header.sha1[15],
+ header.sha1[16], header.sha1[17], header.sha1[18], header.sha1[19]);
+ if (header.flags & CHDFLAGS_HAS_PARENT)
+ {
+ printf("Parent MD5: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\n",
+ header.parentmd5[0], header.parentmd5[1], header.parentmd5[2], header.parentmd5[3],
+ header.parentmd5[4], header.parentmd5[5], header.parentmd5[6], header.parentmd5[7],
+ header.parentmd5[8], header.parentmd5[9], header.parentmd5[10], header.parentmd5[11],
+ header.parentmd5[12], header.parentmd5[13], header.parentmd5[14], header.parentmd5[15]);
+ if (header.version >= 3)
+ printf("Parent SHA1: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\n",
+ header.parentsha1[0], header.parentsha1[1], header.parentsha1[2], header.parentsha1[3],
+ header.parentsha1[4], header.parentsha1[5], header.parentsha1[6], header.parentsha1[7],
+ header.parentsha1[8], header.parentsha1[9], header.parentsha1[10], header.parentsha1[11],
+ header.parentsha1[12], header.parentsha1[13], header.parentsha1[14], header.parentsha1[15],
+ header.parentsha1[16], header.parentsha1[17], header.parentsha1[18], header.parentsha1[19]);
+ }
+ /* print out metadata */
+ for (i = 0; ; i++)
+ {
+ UINT32 metatag, metasize;
+ /* get the indexed metadata item; stop when we hit an error */
+ err = chd_get_metadata(chd, CHDMETATAG_WILDCARD, i, metadata, sizeof(metadata), &metasize, &metatag);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ break;
+ /* print either a string representation or a hex representation of the tag */
+ if (isprint((metatag >> 24) & 0xff) && isprint((metatag >> 16) & 0xff) && isprint((metatag >> 8) & 0xff) && isprint(metatag & 0xff))
+ printf("Metadata: Tag='%c%c%c%c' Length=%d\n", (metatag >> 24) & 0xff, (metatag >> 16) & 0xff, (metatag >> 8) & 0xff, metatag & 0xff, metasize);
+ else
+ printf("Metadata: Tag=%08x Length=%d\n", metatag, metasize);
+ printf(" ");
+ /* print up to 60 characters of metadata */
+ metasize = MIN(60, metasize);
+ for (j = 0; j < metasize; j++)
+ printf("%c", isprint(metadata[j]) ? metadata[j] : '.');
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ /* close everything down */
+ if (chd != NULL)
+ chd_close(chd);
+ return (err != CHDERR_NONE);
+ handle_custom_chomp - custom chomp a file
+static chd_error handle_custom_chomp(const char *name, chd_file *chd, UINT32 *maxhunk)
+ const chd_header *header = chd_get_header(chd);
+ int sectors_per_hunk = (header->hunkbytes / IDE_SECTOR_SIZE);
+ chd_error err = CHDERR_INVALID_DATA;
+ UINT8 *temp = NULL;
+ /* allocate memory to hold a hunk */
+ temp = malloc(header->hunkbytes);
+ if (temp == NULL)
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* check for midway */
+ if (strcmp(name, "midway") == 0)
+ {
+ UINT32 maxsector = 0;
+ UINT32 numparts;
+ chd_error err;
+ int i;
+ /* read sector 0 */
+ err = chd_read(chd, 0, temp);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error reading hunk 0\n");
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* look for the signature */
+ if (temp[0] != 0x54 || temp[1] != 0x52 || temp[2] != 0x41 || temp[3] != 0x50)
+ goto cleanup;
+ /* determine the number of partitions */
+ numparts = temp[4] | (temp[5] << 8) | (temp[6] << 16) | (temp[7] << 24);
+ printf("%d partitions\n", numparts);
+ /* get the partition information for each one and track the maximum referenced sector */
+ for (i = 0; i < numparts; i++)
+ {
+ UINT32 pstart = temp[i*12 + 8] | (temp[i*12 + 9] << 8) | (temp[i*12 + 10] << 16) | (temp[i*12 + 11] << 24);
+ UINT32 psize = temp[i*12 + 12] | (temp[i*12 + 13] << 8) | (temp[i*12 + 14] << 16) | (temp[i*12 + 15] << 24);
+ UINT32 pflags = temp[i*12 + 16] | (temp[i*12 + 17] << 8) | (temp[i*12 + 18] << 16) | (temp[i*12 + 19] << 24);
+ printf(" %2d. %7d - %7d (%X)\n", i, pstart, pstart + psize - 1, pflags);
+ if (i != 0 && pstart + psize > maxsector)
+ maxsector = pstart + psize;
+ }
+ /* the maximum hunk is the one that contains the last sector */
+ *maxhunk = (maxsector + sectors_per_hunk - 1) / sectors_per_hunk;
+ printf("Maximum hunk: %d\n", *maxhunk);
+ /* warn if there will be no effect */
+ if (*maxhunk >= header->totalhunks)
+ {
+ printf("Warning: chomp will have no effect\n");
+ *maxhunk = header->totalhunks;
+ }
+ }
+ /* check for atari */
+ if (strcmp(name, "atari") == 0)
+ {
+ UINT32 sectors[4];
+ UINT8 *data;
+ int i, maxdiff;
+ chd_error err;
+ /* read the second sector */
+ err = chd_read(chd, 0x200 / header->hunkbytes, temp);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error reading sector 1\n");
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ data = &temp[0x200 % header->hunkbytes];
+ /* look for the signature */
+ if (data[0] != 0x0d || data[1] != 0xf0 || data[2] != 0xed || data[3] != 0xfe)
+ goto cleanup;
+ /* loop over 4 partitions and compute the number of sectors in each */
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ sectors[i] = data[i*4+0x40] | (data[i*4+0x41] << 8) | (data[i*4+0x42] << 16) | (data[i*4+0x43] << 24);
+ maxdiff = sectors[2] - sectors[1];
+ if (sectors[3] - sectors[2] > maxdiff)
+ maxdiff = sectors[3] - sectors[2];
+ if (sectors[0] != 8)
+ goto cleanup;
+ /* the maximum hunk is the end of the fourth copy of the data */
+ *maxhunk = (sectors[3] + maxdiff + sectors_per_hunk - 1) / sectors_per_hunk;
+ printf("Maximum hunk: %d\n", *maxhunk);
+ /* warn if there will be no effect */
+ if (*maxhunk >= header->totalhunks)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: chomp will have no effect\n");
+ *maxhunk = header->totalhunks;
+ }
+ }
+ /* if we fall through, there was no error */
+ err = CHDERR_NONE;
+ if (temp != NULL)
+ free(temp);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: unable to identify file or compute chomping size.\n");
+ return err;
+ do_merge_update_chomp - merge a parent and its
+ child together (also works for update & chomp)
+static int do_merge_update_chomp(int argc, char *argv[], int param)
+ const char *parentfile, *inputfile, *outputfile;
+ const chd_header *inputheader;
+ chd_file *parentchd = NULL;
+ chd_file *outputchd = NULL;
+ chd_file *inputchd = NULL;
+ UINT32 maxhunk = ~0;
+ chd_error err;
+ /* require 4-5 args total */
+ if (param == OPERATION_UPDATE && argc != 4)
+ return usage();
+ if ((param == OPERATION_MERGE || param == OPERATION_CHOMP) && argc != 5)
+ return usage();
+ /* extract the data */
+ if (param == OPERATION_MERGE)
+ {
+ parentfile = argv[2];
+ inputfile = argv[3];
+ outputfile = argv[4];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ parentfile = NULL;
+ inputfile = argv[2];
+ outputfile = argv[3];
+ if (param == OPERATION_CHOMP)
+ maxhunk = atoi(argv[4]);
+ }
+ /* print some info */
+ if (parentfile != NULL)
+ {
+ printf("Parent file: %s\n", parentfile);
+ printf("Diff file: %s\n", inputfile);
+ }
+ else
+ printf("Input file: %s\n", inputfile);
+ printf("Output file: %s\n", outputfile);
+ if (param == OPERATION_CHOMP)
+ printf("Maximum hunk: %d\n", maxhunk);
+ /* open the parent CHD */
+ if (parentfile != NULL)
+ {
+ err = chd_open(parentfile, CHD_OPEN_READ, NULL, &parentchd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening CHD file '%s': %s\n", parentfile, error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ /* open the diff CHD */
+ err = chd_open(inputfile, CHD_OPEN_READ, parentchd, &inputchd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening CHD file '%s': %s\n", inputfile, error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ inputheader = chd_get_header(inputchd);
+ /* if we're chomping with a auto parameter, now is the time to figure it out */
+ if (param == OPERATION_CHOMP && maxhunk == 0)
+ if (handle_custom_chomp(argv[4], inputchd, &maxhunk) != CHDERR_NONE)
+ return 1;
+ /* create the new merged CHD */
+ err = chd_create(outputfile, inputheader->logicalbytes, inputheader->hunkbytes, inputheader->compression, NULL);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error creating CHD file: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* open the new CHD */
+ err = chd_open(outputfile, CHD_OPEN_READWRITE, NULL, &outputchd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening new CHD file: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* clone the metadata from the input file (which should have inherited from the parent) */
+ err = chd_clone_metadata(inputchd, outputchd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error cloning metadata: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* do the compression; our interface will route reads for us */
+ err = chdman_compress_chd(outputchd, inputchd, (param == OPERATION_CHOMP) ? (maxhunk + 1) : 0);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error during compression: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ /* close everything down */
+ if (outputchd != NULL)
+ chd_close(outputchd);
+ if (inputchd != NULL)
+ chd_close(inputchd);
+ if (parentchd != NULL)
+ chd_close(parentchd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ osd_rmfile(outputfile);
+ return (err != CHDERR_NONE);
+ do_diff - generate a difference between two
+ CHD files
+static int do_diff(int argc, char *argv[], int param)
+ const char *parentfile = NULL, *inputfile = NULL, *outputfile = NULL;
+ chd_file *parentchd = NULL;
+ chd_file *outputchd = NULL;
+ chd_file *inputchd = NULL;
+ chd_error err;
+ /* require 5 args total */
+ if (argc != 5)
+ return usage();
+ /* extract the data */
+ parentfile = argv[2];
+ inputfile = argv[3];
+ outputfile = argv[4];
+ /* print some info */
+ printf("Parent file: %s\n", parentfile);
+ printf("Input file: %s\n", inputfile);
+ printf("Diff file: %s\n", outputfile);
+ /* open the soon-to-be-parent CHD */
+ err = chd_open(parentfile, CHD_OPEN_READ, NULL, &parentchd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening CHD file '%s': %s\n", parentfile, error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* open the input CHD */
+ err = chd_open(inputfile, CHD_OPEN_READ, NULL, &inputchd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening CHD file '%s': %s\n", inputfile, error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* create the new CHD as a diff against the parent */
+ err = chd_create(outputfile, 0, 0, chd_get_header(parentchd)->compression, parentchd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error creating CHD file: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* open the new CHD */
+ err = chd_open(outputfile, CHD_OPEN_READWRITE, parentchd, &outputchd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening new CHD file: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* do the compression; our interface will route reads for us */
+ err = chdman_compress_chd(outputchd, inputchd, 0);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error during compression: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ /* close everything down */
+ if (outputchd != NULL)
+ chd_close(outputchd);
+ if (inputchd != NULL)
+ chd_close(inputchd);
+ if (parentchd != NULL)
+ chd_close(parentchd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ osd_rmfile(outputfile);
+ return (err != CHDERR_NONE);
+ do_setchs - change the CHS values on a hard
+ disk image
+static int do_setchs(int argc, char *argv[], int param)
+ int oldcyls, oldhds, oldsecs, oldsecsize;
+ UINT8 was_readonly = FALSE;
+ UINT64 old_logicalbytes;
+ const char *inoutfile;
+ chd_file *chd = NULL;
+ int cyls, hds, secs;
+ char metadata[256];
+ chd_header header;
+ chd_error err;
+ /* require 6 args total */
+ if (argc != 6)
+ return usage();
+ /* extract the data */
+ inoutfile = argv[2];
+ cyls = atoi(argv[3]);
+ hds = atoi(argv[4]);
+ secs = atoi(argv[5]);
+ /* print some info */
+ printf("Input file: %s\n", inoutfile);
+ printf("Cylinders: %d\n", cyls);
+ printf("Heads: %d\n", hds);
+ printf("Sectors: %d\n", secs);
+ /* open the file read-only and get the header */
+ err = chd_open(inoutfile, CHD_OPEN_READ, NULL, &chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening CHD file '%s' read-only: %s\n", inoutfile, error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ header = *chd_get_header(chd);
+ chd_close(chd);
+ chd = NULL;
+ /* if the drive is not writeable, note that, and make it so */
+ if (!(header.flags & CHDFLAGS_IS_WRITEABLE))
+ {
+ was_readonly = TRUE;
+ header.flags |= CHDFLAGS_IS_WRITEABLE;
+ /* write the new header */
+ err = chd_set_header(inoutfile, &header);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error making CHD file writeable: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ /* open the file read/write */
+ err = chd_open(inoutfile, CHD_OPEN_READWRITE, NULL, &chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening CHD file '%s' read/write: %s\n", inoutfile, error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* get the hard disk metadata */
+ err = chd_get_metadata(chd, HARD_DISK_METADATA_TAG, 0, metadata, sizeof(metadata), NULL, NULL);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE || sscanf(metadata, HARD_DISK_METADATA_FORMAT, &oldcyls, &oldhds, &oldsecs, &oldsecsize) != 4)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "CHD file '%s' is not a hard disk!\n", inoutfile);
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* write our own */
+ sprintf(metadata, HARD_DISK_METADATA_FORMAT, cyls, hds, secs, oldsecsize);
+ err = chd_set_metadata(chd, HARD_DISK_METADATA_TAG, 0, metadata, strlen(metadata) + 1);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error writing new metadata to CHD file: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* get the header and compute the new logical size */
+ header = *chd_get_header(chd);
+ old_logicalbytes = header.logicalbytes;
+ header.logicalbytes = (UINT64)cyls * (UINT64)hds * (UINT64)secs * (UINT64)oldsecsize;
+ /* close the file */
+ chd_close(chd);
+ chd = NULL;
+ /* restore the read-only state */
+ if (was_readonly)
+ header.flags &= ~CHDFLAGS_IS_WRITEABLE;
+ /* set the new logical size */
+ if (header.logicalbytes != old_logicalbytes || was_readonly)
+ {
+ err = chd_set_header(inoutfile, &header);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error writing new header to CHD file: %s\n", error_string(err));
+ }
+ /* print a warning if the size is different */
+ if (header.logicalbytes < old_logicalbytes)
+ fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: new size is smaller; run chdman -update to reclaim empty space\n");
+ else if (header.logicalbytes > old_logicalbytes)
+ fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: new size is larger; run chdman -update to account for new empty space\n");
+ if (chd != NULL)
+ chd_close(chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE && was_readonly)
+ {
+ header.flags &= ~CHDFLAGS_IS_WRITEABLE;
+ chd_set_header(inoutfile, &header);
+ }
+ return (err != CHDERR_NONE);
+ chdman_compress_file - compress a regular
+ file via the compression interfaces
+static chd_error chdman_compress_file(chd_file *chd, const char *rawfile, UINT32 offset)
+ core_file *sourcefile;
+ const chd_header *header;
+ UINT64 sourceoffset = 0;
+ UINT8 *cache = NULL;
+ double ratio = 1.0;
+ file_error filerr;
+ chd_error err;
+ int hunknum;
+ /* open the raw file */
+ filerr = core_fopen(rawfile, OPEN_FLAG_READ, &sourcefile);
+ if (filerr != FILERR_NONE)
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* get the header */
+ header = chd_get_header(chd);
+ cache = malloc(header->hunkbytes);
+ if (cache == NULL)
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* begin compressing */
+ err = chd_compress_begin(chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ goto cleanup;
+ /* loop over source hunks until we run out */
+ for (hunknum = 0; hunknum < header->totalhunks; hunknum++)
+ {
+ UINT32 bytesread;
+ /* progress */
+ progress(hunknum == 0, "Compressing hunk %d/%d... (ratio=%d%%) \r", hunknum, header->totalhunks, (int)(100.0 * ratio));
+ /* read the data */
+ core_fseek(sourcefile, sourceoffset + offset, SEEK_SET);
+ bytesread = core_fread(sourcefile, cache, header->hunkbytes);
+ if (bytesread < header->hunkbytes)
+ memset(&cache[bytesread], 0, header->hunkbytes - bytesread);
+ /* append the data */
+ err = chd_compress_hunk(chd, cache, &ratio);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ goto cleanup;
+ /* prepare for the next hunk */
+ sourceoffset += header->hunkbytes;
+ }
+ /* finish compression */
+ err = chd_compress_finish(chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ goto cleanup;
+ /* final progress update */
+ progress(TRUE, "Compression complete ... final ratio = %d%% \n", (int)(100.0 * ratio));
+ if (sourcefile != NULL)
+ core_fclose(sourcefile);
+ if (cache != NULL)
+ free(cache);
+ return err;
+ chdman_compress_chd - (re)compress a CHD file
+ via the compression interfaces
+static chd_error chdman_compress_chd(chd_file *chd, chd_file *source, UINT32 totalhunks)
+ const chd_header *source_header;
+ const chd_header *header;
+ UINT8 *source_cache = NULL;
+ UINT64 source_offset = 0;
+ UINT32 source_bytes = 0;
+ UINT8 *cache = NULL;
+ double ratio = 1.0;
+ chd_error err, verifyerr;
+ int hunknum;
+ /* get the header */
+ header = chd_get_header(chd);
+ cache = malloc(header->hunkbytes);
+ if (cache == NULL)
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* get the source CHD header */
+ source_header = chd_get_header(source);
+ source_cache = malloc(source_header->hunkbytes);
+ if (source_cache == NULL)
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* begin compressing */
+ err = chd_compress_begin(chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ goto cleanup;
+ /* also begin verifying the source driver */
+ verifyerr = chd_verify_begin(source);
+ /* a zero count means the natural number */
+ if (totalhunks == 0)
+ totalhunks = source_header->totalhunks;
+ /* loop over source hunks until we run out */
+ for (hunknum = 0; hunknum < totalhunks; hunknum++)
+ {
+ UINT32 bytesremaining = header->hunkbytes;
+ UINT8 *dest = cache;
+ /* progress */
+ progress(hunknum == 0, "Compressing hunk %d/%d... (ratio=%d%%) \r", hunknum, totalhunks, (int)(100.0 * ratio));
+ /* read the data */
+ while (bytesremaining > 0)
+ {
+ /* if we have data in the buffer, copy it */
+ if (source_bytes > 0)
+ {
+ UINT32 bytestocopy = MIN(bytesremaining, source_bytes);
+ memcpy(dest, &source_cache[source_header->hunkbytes - source_bytes], bytestocopy);
+ dest += bytestocopy;
+ source_bytes -= bytestocopy;
+ bytesremaining -= bytestocopy;
+ }
+ /* otherwise, read in another hunk of the source */
+ else
+ {
+ /* verify the next hunk */
+ if (verifyerr == CHDERR_NONE)
+ err = chd_verify_hunk(source);
+ /* then read it (should be the same) */
+ err = chd_read(source, source_offset / source_header->hunkbytes, source_cache);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ memset(source_cache, 0, source_header->hunkbytes);
+ source_bytes = source_header->hunkbytes;
+ source_offset += source_bytes;
+ }
+ }
+ /* append the data */
+ err = chd_compress_hunk(chd, cache, &ratio);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* if we read all the source data, verify the checksums */
+ if (verifyerr == CHDERR_NONE && source_offset >= source_header->logicalbytes)
+ {
+ static const UINT8 empty_checksum[CHD_SHA1_BYTES] = { 0 };
+ int i;
+ /* get the final values */
+ err = chd_verify_finish(source, md5, sha1);
+ /* check the MD5 */
+ if (memcmp(source_header->md5, empty_checksum, CHD_MD5_BYTES) != 0)
+ {
+ if (memcmp(source_header->md5, md5, CHD_MD5_BYTES) != 0)
+ {
+ progress(TRUE, "WARNING: expected input MD5 = ");
+ for (i = 0; i < CHD_MD5_BYTES; i++)
+ progress(TRUE, "%02x", source_header->md5[i]);
+ progress(TRUE, "\n");
+ progress(TRUE, " actual MD5 = ");
+ for (i = 0; i < CHD_MD5_BYTES; i++)
+ progress(TRUE, "%02x", md5[i]);
+ progress(TRUE, "\n");
+ }
+ else
+ progress(TRUE, "Input MD5 verified \n");
+ }
+ /* check the SHA1 */
+ if (memcmp(source_header->sha1, empty_checksum, CHD_SHA1_BYTES) != 0)
+ {
+ if (memcmp(source_header->sha1, sha1, CHD_SHA1_BYTES) != 0)
+ {
+ progress(TRUE, "WARNING: expected input SHA1 = ");
+ for (i = 0; i < CHD_SHA1_BYTES; i++)
+ progress(TRUE, "%02x", source_header->sha1[i]);
+ progress(TRUE, "\n");
+ progress(TRUE, " actual SHA1 = ");
+ for (i = 0; i < CHD_SHA1_BYTES; i++)
+ progress(TRUE, "%02x", sha1[i]);
+ progress(TRUE, "\n");
+ }
+ else
+ progress(TRUE, "Input SHA1 verified \n");
+ }
+ }
+ /* finish compression */
+ err = chd_compress_finish(chd);
+ if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
+ goto cleanup;
+ /* final progress update */
+ progress(TRUE, "Compression complete ... final ratio = %d%% \n", (int)(100.0 * ratio));
+ if (source_cache != NULL)
+ free(source_cache);
+ if (cache != NULL)
+ free(cache);
+ return err;
+ main - entry point
+int CLIB_DECL main(int argc, char **argv)
+ static const struct
+ {
+ const char * option;
+ int (*callback)(int argc, char *argv[], int param);
+ int param;
+ } option_list[] =
+ {
+ { "-createhd", do_createhd, 0 },
+ { "-createraw", do_createraw, 0 },
+ { "-createcd", do_createcd, 0 },
+ { "-createblankhd", do_createblankhd, 0 },
+ { "-createav", do_createav, 0 },
+ { "-copydata", do_copydata, 0 },
+ { "-extract", do_extract, 0 },
+ { "-extractcd", do_extractcd, 0 },
+ { "-extractav", do_extractav, 0 },
+ { "-verify", do_verify, 0 },
+ { "-verifyfix", do_verify, 1 },
+ { "-update", do_merge_update_chomp, OPERATION_UPDATE },
+ { "-chomp", do_merge_update_chomp, OPERATION_CHOMP },
+ { "-info", do_info, 0 },
+ { "-merge", do_merge_update_chomp, OPERATION_MERGE },
+ { "-diff", do_diff, 0 },
+ { "-setchs", do_setchs, 0 }
+ };
+ extern char build_version[];
+ int i;
+ /* print the header */
+ printf("chdman - MAME Compressed Hunks of Data (CHD) manager %s\n", build_version);
+ /* require at least 1 argument */
+ if (argc < 2)
+ return usage();
+ /* handle the appropriate command */
+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(option_list); i++)
+ if (strcmp(argv[1], option_list[i].option) == 0)
+ return (*option_list[i].callback)(argc, argv, option_list[i].param);
+ return usage();