path: root/src/osd/sdl/debugqtview.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/osd/sdl/debugqtview.c')
1 files changed, 212 insertions, 170 deletions
diff --git a/src/osd/sdl/debugqtview.c b/src/osd/sdl/debugqtview.c
index 9e0a072085f..c809e5e7953 100644
--- a/src/osd/sdl/debugqtview.c
+++ b/src/osd/sdl/debugqtview.c
@@ -3,197 +3,239 @@
#include "debugqtview.h"
-DebuggerView::DebuggerView(const debug_view_type& type,
- running_machine* machine,
- QWidget* parent) :
- QAbstractScrollArea(parent),
- m_preferBottom(false),
- m_view(NULL),
- m_machine(machine)
+DebuggerView::DebuggerView(const debug_view_type& type,
+ running_machine* machine,
+ QWidget* parent) :
+ QAbstractScrollArea(parent),
+ m_preferBottom(false),
+ m_view(NULL),
+ m_machine(machine)
- QFont viewFontRequest("Courier");
- viewFontRequest.setFixedPitch(true);
- viewFontRequest.setPointSize(12);
- setFont(viewFontRequest);
- m_view = m_machine->debug_view().alloc_view(type,
- DebuggerView::debuggerViewUpdate,
- this);
+ // I like setting the font per-view since it doesn't override the menuing fonts.
+ QFont viewFontRequest("Courier New");
+ viewFontRequest.setFixedPitch(true);
+ viewFontRequest.setPointSize(11);
+ setFont(viewFontRequest);
+ m_view = m_machine->debug_view().alloc_view(type,
+ DebuggerView::debuggerViewUpdate,
+ this);
+ connect(verticalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
+ this, SLOT(verticalScrollSlot(int)));
+ connect(horizontalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
+ this, SLOT(horizontalScrollSlot(int)));
void DebuggerView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event)
- // Tell the MAME debug view how much real estate is available
- QFontMetrics actualFont = fontMetrics();
- const int fontWidth = MAX(1, actualFont.maxWidth());
- const int fontHeight = MAX(1, actualFont.height());
- m_view->set_visible_size(debug_view_xy(width()/fontWidth, height()/fontHeight));
- // Handle the scroll bars
- const int verticalScrollCharDiff = m_view->total_size().y - m_view->visible_size().y;
- const int scrollSize = verticalScrollCharDiff < 0 ? 0 : verticalScrollCharDiff;
- bool atEnd = false;
- if (verticalScrollBar()->value() == verticalScrollBar()->maximum())
- {
- atEnd = true;
- }
- verticalScrollBar()->setRange(0, scrollSize);
- if (m_preferBottom && atEnd)
- {
- verticalScrollBar()->setValue(scrollSize);
- }
- m_view->set_visible_position(debug_view_xy(0, verticalScrollBar()->value()));
- // Draw the viewport widget
- QPainter painter(viewport());
- painter.fillRect(0, 0, width(), height(), QBrush(Qt::white));
- painter.setBackgroundMode(Qt::OpaqueMode);
- painter.setBackground(QColor(255,255,255));
- // Background control
- QBrush bgBrush;
- bgBrush.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern);
- painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(0,0,0)));
- size_t viewDataOffset = 0;
- const debug_view_xy& visibleCharDims = m_view->visible_size();
- for (int y = 0; y < visibleCharDims.y; y++)
- {
- for (int x = 0; x < visibleCharDims.x; x++)
- {
- const unsigned char textAttr = m_view->viewdata()[viewDataOffset].attrib;
- if (x == 0 || textAttr != m_view->viewdata()[viewDataOffset-1].attrib)
- {
- // Text color handling
- QColor fgColor(0,0,0);
- QColor bgColor(255,255,255);
- if(textAttr & DCA_ANCILLARY)
- {
- bgColor.setRgb(0xe0, 0xe0, 0xe0);
- }
- if(textAttr & DCA_SELECTED)
- {
- bgColor.setRgb(0xff, 0x80, 0x80);
- }
- if(textAttr & DCA_CURRENT)
- {
- bgColor.setRgb(0xff, 0xff, 0x00);
- }
- if(textAttr & DCA_CHANGED)
- {
- fgColor.setRgb(0xff, 0x00, 0x00);
- }
- if(textAttr & DCA_INVALID)
- {
- fgColor.setRgb(0x00, 0x00, 0xff);
- }
- if(textAttr & DCA_DISABLED)
- {
- fgColor.setRgb(( + >> 1,
- ( + >> 1,
- ( + >> 1);
- }
- if(textAttr & DCA_COMMENT)
- {
- fgColor.setRgb(0x00, 0x80, 0x00);
- }
- bgBrush.setColor(bgColor);
- painter.setBackground(bgBrush);
- painter.setPen(QPen(fgColor));
- }
- // There is a touchy interplay between font height, drawing difference, visible position, etc
- // To test, set the bgcolor to something crazy and see where stuff gets drawn
- painter.drawText(x*fontWidth,
- y*fontHeight + fontHeight,
- QString(m_view->viewdata()[viewDataOffset].byte));
- viewDataOffset++;
- }
- }
+ // Tell the MAME debug view how much real estate is available
+ QFontMetrics actualFont = fontMetrics();
+ const int fontWidth = MAX(1, actualFont.maxWidth());
+ const int fontHeight = MAX(1, actualFont.height());
+ m_view->set_visible_size(debug_view_xy(width()/fontWidth, height()/fontHeight));
+ // Handle the scroll bars
+ const int verticalScrollCharDiff = m_view->total_size().y - m_view->visible_size().y;
+ const int scrollSize = verticalScrollCharDiff < 0 ? 0 : verticalScrollCharDiff;
+ bool atEnd = false;
+ if (verticalScrollBar()->value() == verticalScrollBar()->maximum())
+ {
+ atEnd = true;
+ }
+ verticalScrollBar()->setRange(0, scrollSize);
+ if (m_preferBottom && atEnd)
+ {
+ verticalScrollBar()->setValue(scrollSize);
+ }
+ // Draw the viewport widget
+ QPainter painter(viewport());
+ painter.fillRect(0, 0, width(), height(), QBrush(Qt::white));
+ painter.setBackgroundMode(Qt::OpaqueMode);
+ painter.setBackground(QColor(255,255,255));
+ // Background control
+ QBrush bgBrush;
+ bgBrush.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern);
+ painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(0,0,0)));
+ size_t viewDataOffset = 0;
+ const debug_view_xy& visibleCharDims = m_view->visible_size();
+ for (int y = 0; y < visibleCharDims.y; y++)
+ {
+ for (int x = 0; x < visibleCharDims.x; x++)
+ {
+ const unsigned char textAttr = m_view->viewdata()[viewDataOffset].attrib;
+ if (x == 0 || textAttr != m_view->viewdata()[viewDataOffset-1].attrib)
+ {
+ // Text color handling
+ QColor fgColor(0,0,0);
+ QColor bgColor(255,255,255);
+ if(textAttr & DCA_ANCILLARY)
+ {
+ bgColor.setRgb(0xe0, 0xe0, 0xe0);
+ }
+ if(textAttr & DCA_SELECTED)
+ {
+ bgColor.setRgb(0xff, 0x80, 0x80);
+ }
+ if(textAttr & DCA_CURRENT)
+ {
+ bgColor.setRgb(0xff, 0xff, 0x00);
+ }
+ if(textAttr & DCA_CHANGED)
+ {
+ fgColor.setRgb(0xff, 0x00, 0x00);
+ }
+ if(textAttr & DCA_INVALID)
+ {
+ fgColor.setRgb(0x00, 0x00, 0xff);
+ }
+ if(textAttr & DCA_DISABLED)
+ {
+ fgColor.setRgb(( + >> 1,
+ ( + >> 1,
+ ( + >> 1);
+ }
+ if(textAttr & DCA_COMMENT)
+ {
+ fgColor.setRgb(0x00, 0x80, 0x00);
+ }
+ bgBrush.setColor(bgColor);
+ painter.setBackground(bgBrush);
+ painter.setPen(QPen(fgColor));
+ }
+ // Your character is not guaranteed to take up the entire fontWidth x fontHeight, so fill before.
+ painter.fillRect(x*fontWidth, y*fontHeight, fontWidth, fontHeight, bgBrush);
+ // There is a touchy interplay between font height, drawing difference, visible position, etc
+ // Fonts don't get drawn "down and to the left" like boxes, so some wiggling is needed.
+ painter.drawText(x*fontWidth,
+ (y*fontHeight + (fontHeight*0.80)),
+ QString(m_view->viewdata()[viewDataOffset].byte));
+ viewDataOffset++;
+ }
+ }
void DebuggerView::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event)
- if (m_view == NULL)
- return QWidget::keyPressEvent(event);
+ if (m_view == NULL)
+ return QWidget::keyPressEvent(event);
+ Qt::KeyboardModifiers keyMods = QApplication::keyboardModifiers();
+ const bool ctrlDown = keyMods.testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier);
+ int keyPress = -1;
+ switch (event->key())
+ {
+ case Qt::Key_Up:
+ keyPress = DCH_UP;
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_Down:
+ keyPress = DCH_DOWN;
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_Left:
+ keyPress = DCH_LEFT;
+ if (ctrlDown) keyPress = DCH_CTRLLEFT;
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_Right:
+ keyPress = DCH_RIGHT;
+ if (ctrlDown) keyPress = DCH_CTRLRIGHT;
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_PageUp:
+ keyPress = DCH_PUP;
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_PageDown:
+ keyPress = DCH_PDOWN;
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_Home:
+ keyPress = DCH_HOME;
+ if (ctrlDown) keyPress = DCH_CTRLHOME;
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_End:
+ keyPress = DCH_END;
+ if (ctrlDown) keyPress = DCH_CTRLEND;
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_0: keyPress = '0'; break;
+ case Qt::Key_1: keyPress = '1'; break;
+ case Qt::Key_2: keyPress = '2'; break;
+ case Qt::Key_3: keyPress = '3'; break;
+ case Qt::Key_4: keyPress = '4'; break;
+ case Qt::Key_5: keyPress = '5'; break;
+ case Qt::Key_6: keyPress = '6'; break;
+ case Qt::Key_7: keyPress = '7'; break;
+ case Qt::Key_8: keyPress = '8'; break;
+ case Qt::Key_9: keyPress = '9'; break;
+ case Qt::Key_A: keyPress = 'a'; break;
+ case Qt::Key_B: keyPress = 'b'; break;
+ case Qt::Key_C: keyPress = 'c'; break;
+ case Qt::Key_D: keyPress = 'd'; break;
+ case Qt::Key_E: keyPress = 'e'; break;
+ case Qt::Key_F: keyPress = 'f'; break;
+ default:
+ return QWidget::keyPressEvent(event);
+ }
+ m_view->set_cursor_visible(true);
+ m_view->process_char(keyPress);
+ // Catch the view up with the cursor
+ verticalScrollBar()->setValue(m_view->visible_position().y);
+ viewport()->update();
+ update();
- Qt::KeyboardModifiers keyMods = QApplication::keyboardModifiers();
- bool ctrlDown = keyMods.testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier);
- int keyPress = -1;
- switch (event->key())
+void DebuggerView::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event)
+ if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton)
- case Qt::Key_Up:
- keyPress = DCH_UP;
- break;
- case Qt::Key_Down:
- keyPress = DCH_DOWN;
- break;
- case Qt::Key_Left:
- keyPress = DCH_LEFT;
- if (ctrlDown) keyPress = DCH_CTRLLEFT;
- break;
- case Qt::Key_Right:
- keyPress = DCH_RIGHT;
- if (ctrlDown) keyPress = DCH_CTRLRIGHT;
- break;
- case Qt::Key_PageUp:
- keyPress = DCH_PUP;
- break;
- case Qt::Key_PageDown:
- keyPress = DCH_PDOWN;
- break;
- case Qt::Key_Home:
- keyPress = DCH_HOME;
- if (ctrlDown) keyPress = DCH_CTRLHOME;
- break;
- case Qt::Key_End:
- keyPress = DCH_END;
- if (ctrlDown) keyPress = DCH_CTRLEND;
- break;
- case Qt::Key_0: keyPress = '0'; break;
- case Qt::Key_1: keyPress = '1'; break;
- case Qt::Key_2: keyPress = '2'; break;
- case Qt::Key_3: keyPress = '3'; break;
- case Qt::Key_4: keyPress = '4'; break;
- case Qt::Key_5: keyPress = '5'; break;
- case Qt::Key_6: keyPress = '6'; break;
- case Qt::Key_7: keyPress = '7'; break;
- case Qt::Key_8: keyPress = '8'; break;
- case Qt::Key_9: keyPress = '9'; break;
- case Qt::Key_A: keyPress = 'a'; break;
- case Qt::Key_B: keyPress = 'b'; break;
- case Qt::Key_C: keyPress = 'c'; break;
- case Qt::Key_D: keyPress = 'd'; break;
- case Qt::Key_E: keyPress = 'e'; break;
- case Qt::Key_F: keyPress = 'f'; break;
- default:
- return QWidget::keyPressEvent(event);
+ QFontMetrics actualFont = fontMetrics();
+ const int fontWidth = MAX(1, actualFont.maxWidth());
+ const int fontHeight = MAX(1, actualFont.height());
+ debug_view_xy topLeft = m_view->visible_position();
+ debug_view_xy clickViewPosition;
+ clickViewPosition.x = topLeft.x + (event->x() / fontWidth);
+ clickViewPosition.y = topLeft.y + (event->y() / fontHeight);
+ m_view->process_click(DCK_LEFT_CLICK, clickViewPosition);
+ viewport()->update();
+ update();
- m_view->set_cursor_visible(true);
- m_view->process_char(keyPress);
- // Catch the view up with the cursor
- verticalScrollBar()->setValue(m_view->visible_position().y);
+void DebuggerView::verticalScrollSlot(int value)
+ m_view->set_visible_position(debug_view_xy(horizontalScrollBar()->value(), value));
- viewport()->update();
- update();
+void DebuggerView::horizontalScrollSlot(int value)
+ m_view->set_visible_position(debug_view_xy(value, verticalScrollBar()->value()));
void DebuggerView::debuggerViewUpdate(debug_view& debugView, void* osdPrivate)
- // Get a handle to the DebuggerView being updated & redraw
- DebuggerView* dView = (DebuggerView*)osdPrivate;
- dView->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(dView->view()->visible_position().y);
- dView->viewport()->update();
- dView->update();
+ // Get a handle to the DebuggerView being updated & redraw
+ DebuggerView* dView = (DebuggerView*)osdPrivate;
+ dView->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(dView->view()->visible_position().y);
+ dView->viewport()->update();
+ dView->update();