path: root/src/osd/modules/render/bgfx/shaders/chains/lottes
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/osd/modules/render/bgfx/shaders/chains/lottes')
5 files changed, 533 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/osd/modules/render/bgfx/shaders/chains/lottes/ b/src/osd/modules/render/bgfx/shaders/chains/lottes/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d7cb93c9124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osd/modules/render/bgfx/shaders/chains/lottes/
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+// by Timothy Lottes
+// This is more along the style of a really good CGA arcade monitor.
+// With RGB inputs instead of NTSC.
+// The shadow mask example has the mask rotated 90 degrees for less chromatic aberration.
+// Left it unoptimized to show the theory behind the algorithm.
+// It is an example what I personally would want as a display option for pixel art games.
+// Please take and use, change, or whatever.
+//Comment these out to disable the corresponding effect.
+//#define VERTICAL //rotates shadow mask effect to fix vertical games on landscape monitors
+//#define CURVATURE //Screen curvature effect.
+#define YUV //Tint and Saturation adjustments. You adjust the settings in Lottes_CRT.vsh now...
+#define GAMMA_CONTRAST_BOOST //Expands contrast and makes image brighter but causes clipping.
+#define BLOOM //enables a bloom effect
+//#define MASK_APERTURE_GRILL //Only uncomment one of the MASK patterns at a time...
+#define MASK_TV
+//#define MASK_VGA
+//#define ORIGINAL_SCANLINES //Enable to use the original scanlines.
+//#define ORIGINAL_HARDPIX //Enable to use the original hardPix calculation.
+//Normal MAME GLSL Uniforms
+uniform sampler2D color_texture;
+uniform vec2 color_texture_sz; // size of color_texture
+uniform vec2 color_texture_pow2_sz; // size of color texture rounded up to power of 2
+uniform vec2 screen_texture_sz; // size of output resolution
+uniform vec2 screen_texture_pow2_sz; // size of output resolution rounded up to power of 2
+//CRT Filter Variables
+const float hardScan=-20.0; //-8,-12,-16, etc to make scalines more prominent.
+const vec2 warp=vec2(1.0/64.0,1.0/48.0); //adjusts the warp filter (curvature).
+const float maskDark=0.4; //Sets how dark a "dark subpixel" is in the aperture pattern.
+const float maskLight=1.5; //Sets how dark a "bright subpixel" is in the aperture pattern.
+const float hardPix=-6.0; //-1,-2,-4, etc to make the upscaling sharper.
+const float hardBloomScan=-2.5;
+const float hardBloomPix=-1.75;
+const float bloomAmount=1.0/12.0; //Lower this if there is too much bloom!
+const float blackClip = 0.02;
+const float brightMult = 1.2;
+const float maskStrength = 0.6; //This sets the strength of the shadow mask effect
+const vec3 gammaBoost = vec3(1.0/1.15, 1.0/1.15, 1.0/1.15);
+varying vec3 YUVr;
+varying vec3 YUVg;
+varying vec3 YUVb;
+//CRT Filter Functions
+// sRGB to Linear.
+// Assuing using sRGB typed textures this should not be needed.
+float ToLinear1(float c){return(c<=0.04045)?c/12.92:pow((c+0.055)/1.055,2.4);}
+vec3 ToLinear(vec3 c){return vec3(ToLinear1(c.r),ToLinear1(c.g),ToLinear1(c.b));}
+// Linear to sRGB.
+// Assuing using sRGB typed textures this should not be needed.
+float ToSrgb1(float c){return(c<0.0031308?c*12.92:1.055*pow(c,0.41666)-0.055);}
+vec3 ToSrgb(vec3 c){return vec3(ToSrgb1(c.r),ToSrgb1(c.g),ToSrgb1(c.b));}
+// Nearest emulated sample given floating point position and texel offset.
+// Also zero's off screen.
+vec3 Fetch(vec2 pos,vec2 off){
+ pos=(floor(pos*color_texture_pow2_sz+off)+0.5)/color_texture_pow2_sz;
+ //if(max(abs(pos.x-0.5),abs(pos.y-0.5))>0.5)return vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+ return ToLinear(texture2D(color_texture,pos.xy).rgb);}
+// Distance in emulated pixels to nearest texel.
+vec2 Dist(vec2 pos){pos=pos*color_texture_pow2_sz;return -((pos-floor(pos))-vec2(0.5));}
+// 1D Gaussian.
+float Gaus(float pos,float scale){return exp2(scale*pos*pos);}
+// 3-tap Gaussian filter along horz line.
+vec3 Horz3(vec2 pos,float off){
+ vec3 b=Fetch(pos,vec2(-1.0,off));
+ vec3 c=Fetch(pos,vec2( 0.0,off));
+ vec3 d=Fetch(pos,vec2( 1.0,off));
+ float dst=Dist(pos).x;
+ // Convert distance to weight.
+ float scale=hardPix;
+ float scale=hardPix * max(0.2, 1.5-color_texture_sz.x/512.0);
+ float wb=Gaus(dst-1.0,scale);
+ float wc=Gaus(dst+0.0,scale);
+ float wd=Gaus(dst+1.0,scale);
+ // Return filtered sample.
+ return (b*wb+c*wc+d*wd)/(wb+wc+wd);}
+// 5-tap Gaussian filter along horz line.
+vec3 Horz5(vec2 pos,float off){
+ vec3 a=Fetch(pos,vec2(-2.0,off));
+ vec3 b=Fetch(pos,vec2(-1.0,off));
+ vec3 c=Fetch(pos,vec2( 0.0,off));
+ vec3 d=Fetch(pos,vec2( 1.0,off));
+ vec3 e=Fetch(pos,vec2( 2.0,off));
+ float dst=Dist(pos).x;
+ // Convert distance to weight.
+ float scale=hardPix;
+ float scale=hardPix * max(0.2, 1.5-color_texture_sz.x/512.0);
+ float wa=Gaus(dst-2.0,scale);
+ float wb=Gaus(dst-1.0,scale);
+ float wc=Gaus(dst+0.0,scale);
+ float wd=Gaus(dst+1.0,scale);
+ float we=Gaus(dst+2.0,scale);
+ // Return filtered sample.
+ return (a*wa+b*wb+c*wc+d*wd+e*we)/(wa+wb+wc+wd+we);}
+vec3 Horz7(vec2 pos,float off){
+ vec3 a=Fetch(pos,vec2(-3.0,off));
+ vec3 b=Fetch(pos,vec2(-2.0,off));
+ vec3 c=Fetch(pos,vec2(-1.0,off));
+ vec3 d=Fetch(pos,vec2( 0.0,off));
+ vec3 e=Fetch(pos,vec2( 1.0,off));
+ vec3 f=Fetch(pos,vec2( 2.0,off));
+ vec3 g=Fetch(pos,vec2( 3.0,off));
+ float dst=Dist(pos).x;
+ // Convert distance to weight.
+ float scale=hardBloomPix* max(0.5, 1.5-color_texture_sz.x/512.0);
+ float wa=Gaus(dst-3.0,scale);
+ float wb=Gaus(dst-2.0,scale);
+ float wc=Gaus(dst-1.0,scale);
+ float wd=Gaus(dst+0.0,scale);
+ float we=Gaus(dst+1.0,scale);
+ float wf=Gaus(dst+2.0,scale);
+ float wg=Gaus(dst+3.0,scale);
+ // Return filtered sample.
+ return (a*wa+b*wb+c*wc+d*wd+e*we+f*wf+g*wg)/(wa+wb+wc+wd+we+wf+wg);}
+// Return scanline weight.
+float Scan(vec2 pos,float off){
+ float dst=Dist(pos).y;
+ return Gaus(dst+off,hardScan);}
+ vec3 col=Fetch(pos,vec2(0.0));
+ return Gaus(dst+off,hardScan/(dot(col,col)*0.25+1.0));} //Modified to make scanline respond to pixel brightness
+// Return scanline weight for bloom.
+float BloomScan(vec2 pos,float off){
+ float dst=Dist(pos).y;
+ return Gaus(dst+off,hardBloomScan);}
+// Allow nearest three lines to effect pixel.
+vec3 Tri(vec2 pos){
+ vec3 a=Horz3(pos,-1.0);
+ vec3 b=Horz5(pos, 0.0);
+ vec3 c=Horz3(pos, 1.0);
+ float wa=Scan(pos,-1.0);
+ float wb=Scan(pos, 0.0);
+ float wc=Scan(pos, 1.0);
+ return a*wa+b*wb+c*wc;}
+// Small bloom.
+vec3 Bloom(vec2 pos){
+ vec3 a=Horz5(pos,-2.0);
+ vec3 b=Horz7(pos,-1.0);
+ vec3 c=Horz7(pos, 0.0);
+ vec3 d=Horz7(pos, 1.0);
+ vec3 e=Horz5(pos, 2.0);
+ float wa=BloomScan(pos,-2.0);
+ float wb=BloomScan(pos,-1.0);
+ float wc=BloomScan(pos, 0.0);
+ float wd=BloomScan(pos, 1.0);
+ float we=BloomScan(pos, 2.0);
+ return a*wa+b*wb+c*wc+d*wd+e*we;}
+// Distortion of scanlines, and end of screen alpha.
+vec2 Warp(vec2 pos){
+ pos=pos*2.0-1.0;
+ pos*=vec2(1.0+(pos.y*pos.y)*warp.x,1.0+(pos.x*pos.x)*warp.y);
+ return pos*0.5+0.5;}
+// Shadow mask.
+vec3 Mask(vec2 pos){
+#ifdef VERTICAL
+#ifdef MASK_VGA
+ pos.x+=pos.y*3.0;
+ vec3 mask=vec3(maskDark,maskDark,maskDark);
+ pos.x=fract(pos.x/6.0);
+ if(pos.x<0.333)mask.r=maskLight;
+ else if(pos.x<0.666)mask.g=maskLight;
+ else mask.b=maskLight;
+#ifdef MASK_TV
+ float line=maskLight;
+ float odd=0.0;
+ if(fract(pos.x/6.0)<0.5)odd=1.0;
+ if(fract((pos.y+odd)/2.0)<0.5)line=maskDark;
+ pos.x=fract(pos.x/3.0);
+ vec3 mask=vec3(maskDark,maskDark,maskDark);
+ if(pos.x<0.333)mask.r=maskLight;
+ else if(pos.x<0.666)mask.g=maskLight;
+ else mask.b=maskLight;
+ mask*=line;
+ pos.x=fract(pos.x/3.0);
+ vec3 mask=vec3(maskDark,maskDark,maskDark);
+ if(pos.x<0.333)mask.r=maskLight;
+ else if(pos.x<0.666)mask.g=maskLight;
+ else mask.b=maskLight;
+ return mask;}
+void main(void){
+ vec2 pos=Warp(gl_TexCoord[0].xy);
+ vec2 pos=gl_TexCoord[0].xy;
+ gl_FragColor.a=texture2D(color_texture,pos.xy).a;
+ gl_FragColor.rgb=Tri(pos)*mix(vec3(1.0),Mask(gl_FragCoord.xy),maskStrength);
+#ifdef BLOOM
+ gl_FragColor.rgb+=Bloom(pos)*bloomAmount;
+#ifdef YUV
+ gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(dot(YUVr,gl_FragColor.rgb),dot(YUVg,gl_FragColor.rgb),dot(YUVb,gl_FragColor.rgb));
+ gl_FragColor.rgb=clamp(gl_FragColor.rgb,0.0,1.0);
+ gl_FragColor.rgb=brightMult*pow(gl_FragColor.rgb,gammaBoost )-vec3(blackClip);
+ gl_FragColor.rgb=clamp(ToSrgb(gl_FragColor.rgb),0.0,1.0);
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/osd/modules/render/bgfx/shaders/chains/lottes/ b/src/osd/modules/render/bgfx/shaders/chains/lottes/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f8fc2450203
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osd/modules/render/bgfx/shaders/chains/lottes/
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+// by Timothy Lottes
+// This is more along the style of a really good CGA arcade monitor.
+// With RGB inputs instead of NTSC.
+// The shadow mask example has the mask rotated 90 degrees for less chromatic aberration.
+// Left it unoptimized to show the theory behind the algorithm.
+// It is an example what I personally would want as a display option for pixel art games.
+// Please take and use, change, or whatever.
+//Comment these out to disable the corresponding effect.
+#define VERTICAL //rotates shadow mask effect to fix vertical games on landscape monitors
+#define CURVATURE //Screen curvature effect.
+#define YUV //Tint and Saturation adjustments. You adjust the settings in Lottes_CRT.vsh now...
+#define GAMMA_CONTRAST_BOOST //Expands contrast and makes image brighter but causes clipping.
+#define BLOOM //enables a bloom effect
+//#define MASK_APERTURE_GRILL //Only uncomment one of the MASK patterns at a time...
+#define MASK_TV
+//#define MASK_VGA
+//#define ORIGINAL_SCANLINES //Enable to use the original scanlines.
+//#define ORIGINAL_HARDPIX //Enable to use the original hardPix calculation.
+//Normal MAME GLSL Uniforms
+uniform sampler2D color_texture;
+uniform vec2 color_texture_sz; // size of color_texture
+uniform vec2 color_texture_pow2_sz; // size of color texture rounded up to power of 2
+uniform vec2 screen_texture_sz; // size of output resolution
+uniform vec2 screen_texture_pow2_sz; // size of output resolution rounded up to power of 2
+//CRT Filter Variables
+const float hardScan=-20.0; //-8,-12,-16, etc to make scalines more prominent.
+const vec2 warp=vec2(1.0/64.0,1.0/48.0); //adjusts the warp filter (curvature).
+const float maskDark=0.4; //Sets how dark a "dark subpixel" is in the aperture pattern.
+const float maskLight=1.5; //Sets how dark a "bright subpixel" is in the aperture pattern.
+const float hardPix=-5.0; //-1,-2,-4, etc to make the upscaling sharper.
+const float hardBloomScan=-2.5;
+const float hardBloomPix=-1.75;
+const float bloomAmount=1.0/12.0; //Lower this if there is too much bloom!
+const float blackClip = 0.02;
+const float brightMult = 1.2;
+const float maskStrength = 0.6; //This sets the strength of the shadow mask effect
+const vec3 gammaBoost = vec3(1.0/1.15, 1.0/1.15, 1.0/1.15);
+varying vec3 YUVr;
+varying vec3 YUVg;
+varying vec3 YUVb;
+//CRT Filter Functions
+// sRGB to Linear.
+// Assuing using sRGB typed textures this should not be needed.
+float ToLinear1(float c){return(c<=0.04045)?c/12.92:pow((c+0.055)/1.055,2.4);}
+vec3 ToLinear(vec3 c){return vec3(ToLinear1(c.r),ToLinear1(c.g),ToLinear1(c.b));}
+// Linear to sRGB.
+// Assuing using sRGB typed textures this should not be needed.
+float ToSrgb1(float c){return(c<0.0031308?c*12.92:1.055*pow(c,0.41666)-0.055);}
+vec3 ToSrgb(vec3 c){return vec3(ToSrgb1(c.r),ToSrgb1(c.g),ToSrgb1(c.b));}
+// Nearest emulated sample given floating point position and texel offset.
+// Also zero's off screen.
+vec3 Fetch(vec2 pos,vec2 off){
+ pos=(floor(pos*color_texture_pow2_sz+off)+0.5)/color_texture_pow2_sz;
+ //if(max(abs(pos.x-0.5),abs(pos.y-0.5))>0.5)return vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+ return ToLinear(texture2D(color_texture,pos.xy).rgb);}
+// Distance in emulated pixels to nearest texel.
+vec2 Dist(vec2 pos){pos=pos*color_texture_pow2_sz;return -((pos-floor(pos))-vec2(0.5));}
+// 1D Gaussian.
+float Gaus(float pos,float scale){return exp2(scale*pos*pos);}
+// 3-tap Gaussian filter along horz line.
+vec3 Horz3(vec2 pos,float off){
+ vec3 b=Fetch(pos,vec2(-1.0,off));
+ vec3 c=Fetch(pos,vec2( 0.0,off));
+ vec3 d=Fetch(pos,vec2( 1.0,off));
+ float dst=Dist(pos).x;
+ // Convert distance to weight.
+ float scale=hardPix;
+ float scale=hardPix * max(0.2, 1.5-color_texture_sz.x/512.0);
+ float wb=Gaus(dst-1.0,scale);
+ float wc=Gaus(dst+0.0,scale);
+ float wd=Gaus(dst+1.0,scale);
+ // Return filtered sample.
+ return (b*wb+c*wc+d*wd)/(wb+wc+wd);}
+// 5-tap Gaussian filter along horz line.
+vec3 Horz5(vec2 pos,float off){
+ vec3 a=Fetch(pos,vec2(-2.0,off));
+ vec3 b=Fetch(pos,vec2(-1.0,off));
+ vec3 c=Fetch(pos,vec2( 0.0,off));
+ vec3 d=Fetch(pos,vec2( 1.0,off));
+ vec3 e=Fetch(pos,vec2( 2.0,off));
+ float dst=Dist(pos).x;
+ // Convert distance to weight.
+ float scale=hardPix;
+ float scale=hardPix * max(0.2, 1.5-color_texture_sz.x/512.0);
+ float wa=Gaus(dst-2.0,scale);
+ float wb=Gaus(dst-1.0,scale);
+ float wc=Gaus(dst+0.0,scale);
+ float wd=Gaus(dst+1.0,scale);
+ float we=Gaus(dst+2.0,scale);
+ // Return filtered sample.
+ return (a*wa+b*wb+c*wc+d*wd+e*we)/(wa+wb+wc+wd+we);}
+vec3 Horz7(vec2 pos,float off){
+ vec3 a=Fetch(pos,vec2(-3.0,off));
+ vec3 b=Fetch(pos,vec2(-2.0,off));
+ vec3 c=Fetch(pos,vec2(-1.0,off));
+ vec3 d=Fetch(pos,vec2( 0.0,off));
+ vec3 e=Fetch(pos,vec2( 1.0,off));
+ vec3 f=Fetch(pos,vec2( 2.0,off));
+ vec3 g=Fetch(pos,vec2( 3.0,off));
+ float dst=Dist(pos).x;
+ // Convert distance to weight.
+ float scale=hardBloomPix* max(0.5, 1.5-color_texture_sz.x/512.0);
+ float wa=Gaus(dst-3.0,scale);
+ float wb=Gaus(dst-2.0,scale);
+ float wc=Gaus(dst-1.0,scale);
+ float wd=Gaus(dst+0.0,scale);
+ float we=Gaus(dst+1.0,scale);
+ float wf=Gaus(dst+2.0,scale);
+ float wg=Gaus(dst+3.0,scale);
+ // Return filtered sample.
+ return (a*wa+b*wb+c*wc+d*wd+e*we+f*wf+g*wg)/(wa+wb+wc+wd+we+wf+wg);}
+// Return scanline weight.
+float Scan(vec2 pos,float off){
+ float dst=Dist(pos).y;
+ return Gaus(dst+off,hardScan);}
+ vec3 col=Fetch(pos,vec2(0.0));
+ return Gaus(dst+off,hardScan/(dot(col,col)*0.25+1.0));} //Modified to make scanline respond to pixel brightness
+// Return scanline weight for bloom.
+float BloomScan(vec2 pos,float off){
+ float dst=Dist(pos).y;
+ return Gaus(dst+off,hardBloomScan);}
+// Allow nearest three lines to effect pixel.
+vec3 Tri(vec2 pos){
+ vec3 a=Horz3(pos,-1.0);
+ vec3 b=Horz5(pos, 0.0);
+ vec3 c=Horz3(pos, 1.0);
+ float wa=Scan(pos,-1.0);
+ float wb=Scan(pos, 0.0);
+ float wc=Scan(pos, 1.0);
+ return a*wa+b*wb+c*wc;}
+// Small bloom.
+vec3 Bloom(vec2 pos){
+ vec3 a=Horz5(pos,-2.0);
+ vec3 b=Horz7(pos,-1.0);
+ vec3 c=Horz7(pos, 0.0);
+ vec3 d=Horz7(pos, 1.0);
+ vec3 e=Horz5(pos, 2.0);
+ float wa=BloomScan(pos,-2.0);
+ float wb=BloomScan(pos,-1.0);
+ float wc=BloomScan(pos, 0.0);
+ float wd=BloomScan(pos, 1.0);
+ float we=BloomScan(pos, 2.0);
+ return a*wa+b*wb+c*wc+d*wd+e*we;}
+// Distortion of scanlines, and end of screen alpha.
+vec2 Warp(vec2 pos){
+ pos=pos*2.0-1.0;
+ pos*=vec2(1.0+(pos.y*pos.y)*warp.x,1.0+(pos.x*pos.x)*warp.y);
+ return pos*0.5+0.5;}
+// Shadow mask.
+vec3 Mask(vec2 pos){
+#ifdef VERTICAL
+#ifdef MASK_VGA
+ pos.x+=pos.y*3.0;
+ vec3 mask=vec3(maskDark,maskDark,maskDark);
+ pos.x=fract(pos.x/6.0);
+ if(pos.x<0.333)mask.r=maskLight;
+ else if(pos.x<0.666)mask.g=maskLight;
+ else mask.b=maskLight;
+#ifdef MASK_TV
+ float line=maskLight;
+ float odd=0.0;
+ if(fract(pos.x/6.0)<0.5)odd=1.0;
+ if(fract((pos.y+odd)/2.0)<0.5)line=maskDark;
+ pos.x=fract(pos.x/3.0);
+ vec3 mask=vec3(maskDark,maskDark,maskDark);
+ if(pos.x<0.333)mask.r=maskLight;
+ else if(pos.x<0.666)mask.g=maskLight;
+ else mask.b=maskLight;
+ mask*=line;
+ pos.x=fract(pos.x/3.0);
+ vec3 mask=vec3(maskDark,maskDark,maskDark);
+ if(pos.x<0.333)mask.r=maskLight;
+ else if(pos.x<0.666)mask.g=maskLight;
+ else mask.b=maskLight;
+ return mask;}
+void main(void){
+ vec2 pos=Warp(gl_TexCoord[0].xy);
+ vec2 pos=gl_TexCoord[0].xy;
+ gl_FragColor.a=texture2D(color_texture,pos.xy).a;
+ gl_FragColor.rgb=Tri(pos)*mix(vec3(1.0),Mask(gl_FragCoord.xy),maskStrength);
+#ifdef BLOOM
+ gl_FragColor.rgb+=Bloom(pos)*bloomAmount;
+#ifdef YUV
+ gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(dot(YUVr,gl_FragColor.rgb),dot(YUVg,gl_FragColor.rgb),dot(YUVb,gl_FragColor.rgb));
+ gl_FragColor.rgb=clamp(gl_FragColor.rgb,0.0,1.0);
+ gl_FragColor.rgb=brightMult*pow(gl_FragColor.rgb,gammaBoost )-vec3(blackClip);
+ gl_FragColor.rgb=clamp(ToSrgb(gl_FragColor.rgb),0.0,1.0);
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/osd/modules/render/bgfx/shaders/chains/lottes/ b/src/osd/modules/render/bgfx/shaders/chains/lottes/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..53fe40d0b8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osd/modules/render/bgfx/shaders/chains/lottes/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+vec4 v_color0 : COLOR0 = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+vec2 v_texcoord0 : TEXCOORD0 = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
+vec2 v_texcoord1 : TEXCOORD1 = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
+vec2 v_texcoord2 : TEXCOORD2 = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
+vec2 v_texcoord3 : TEXCOORD3 = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
+vec3 a_position : POSITION;
+vec4 a_color0 : COLOR0;
+vec2 a_texcoord0 : TEXCOORD0;
diff --git a/src/osd/modules/render/bgfx/shaders/chains/lottes/ b/src/osd/modules/render/bgfx/shaders/chains/lottes/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..21e0eeb35ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osd/modules/render/bgfx/shaders/chains/lottes/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+varying float saturation;
+varying float tint;
+varying float U; //U and W are for the tint/saturation calculations
+varying float W;
+varying vec3 YUVr;
+varying vec3 YUVg;
+varying vec3 YUVb;
+#define PI 3.141592653589
+void main()
+ //gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;
+ gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_TextureMatrix[0] * gl_MultiTexCoord0;
+ gl_Position = ftransform();
+ //Had to move the YUV calculations to the vertex shader for space
+ saturation = 1.1; // 1.0 is normal saturation. Increase as needed.
+ tint = 0.0; //0.0 is 0.0 degrees of Tint. Adjust as needed.
+ U = cos(tint*PI/180.0);
+ W = sin(tint*PI/180.0);
+ YUVr=vec3(0.701*saturation*U+0.16774*saturation*W+0.299,0.587-0.32931*saturation*W-0.587*saturation*U,-0.497*saturation*W-0.114*saturation*U+0.114);
+ YUVg=vec3(-0.3281*saturation*W-0.299*saturation*U+0.299,0.413*saturation*U+0.03547*saturation*W+0.587,0.114+0.29265*saturation*W-0.114*saturation*U);
+ YUVb=vec3(0.299+1.24955*saturation*W-0.299*saturation*U,-1.04634*saturation*W-0.587*saturation*U+0.587,0.886*saturation*U-0.20321*saturation*W+0.114);
diff --git a/src/osd/modules/render/bgfx/shaders/chains/lottes/ b/src/osd/modules/render/bgfx/shaders/chains/lottes/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..21e0eeb35ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osd/modules/render/bgfx/shaders/chains/lottes/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+varying float saturation;
+varying float tint;
+varying float U; //U and W are for the tint/saturation calculations
+varying float W;
+varying vec3 YUVr;
+varying vec3 YUVg;
+varying vec3 YUVb;
+#define PI 3.141592653589
+void main()
+ //gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;
+ gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_TextureMatrix[0] * gl_MultiTexCoord0;
+ gl_Position = ftransform();
+ //Had to move the YUV calculations to the vertex shader for space
+ saturation = 1.1; // 1.0 is normal saturation. Increase as needed.
+ tint = 0.0; //0.0 is 0.0 degrees of Tint. Adjust as needed.
+ U = cos(tint*PI/180.0);
+ W = sin(tint*PI/180.0);
+ YUVr=vec3(0.701*saturation*U+0.16774*saturation*W+0.299,0.587-0.32931*saturation*W-0.587*saturation*U,-0.497*saturation*W-0.114*saturation*U+0.114);
+ YUVg=vec3(-0.3281*saturation*W-0.299*saturation*U+0.299,0.413*saturation*U+0.03547*saturation*W+0.587,0.114+0.29265*saturation*W-0.114*saturation*U);
+ YUVb=vec3(0.299+1.24955*saturation*W-0.299*saturation*U,-1.04634*saturation*W-0.587*saturation*U+0.587,0.886*saturation*U-0.20321*saturation*W+0.114);