path: root/src/mess/video/upd7220.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mess/video/upd7220.c')
1 files changed, 1667 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mess/video/upd7220.c b/src/mess/video/upd7220.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..df8fb2fd90e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mess/video/upd7220.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1667 @@
+ Intel 82720 Graphics Display Controller emulation
+ Copyright MESS Team.
+ Visit for licensing and usage restrictions.
+ - implement FIFO as ring buffer
+ - commands
+ - DMAR
+ - DMAW
+ - incomplete / unimplemented FIGD / GCHRD draw modes
+ - Arc
+ - FIGD character
+ - slanted character
+ - GCHRD character (needs rewrite)
+ - read-modify-write cycle
+ - read data
+ - modify data
+ - write data
+ - QX-10 diagnostic test has positioning bugs with the bitmap display test;
+ - QX-10 diagnostic test misses the zooming factor (external pin);
+ - compis2 SAD address for bitmap is 0x20000 for whatever reason (presumably missing banking);
+ - A5105 has a FIFO bug with the RDAT, should be a lot larger when it scrolls up;
+ - honor visible area
+ - wide mode (32-bit access)
+ - light pen
+#include "emu.h"
+#include "upd7220.h"
+#define LOG 1
+// todo typedef
+ FIFO_READ = 0,
+ FIFO_EMPTY = -1,
+#define UPD7220_COMMAND_RESET 0x00
+#define UPD7220_COMMAND_SYNC 0x0e // & 0xfe
+#define UPD7220_COMMAND_VSYNC 0x6e // & 0xfe
+#define UPD7220_COMMAND_CCHAR 0x4b
+#define UPD7220_COMMAND_START 0x6b
+#define UPD7220_COMMAND_BCTRL 0x0c // & 0xfe
+#define UPD7220_COMMAND_ZOOM 0x46
+#define UPD7220_COMMAND_CURS 0x49
+#define UPD7220_COMMAND_PRAM 0x70 // & 0xf0
+#define UPD7220_COMMAND_PITCH 0x47
+#define UPD7220_COMMAND_WDAT 0x20 // & 0xe4
+#define UPD7220_COMMAND_MASK 0x4a
+#define UPD7220_COMMAND_FIGS 0x4c
+#define UPD7220_COMMAND_FIGD 0x6c
+#define UPD7220_COMMAND_GCHRD 0x68
+#define UPD7220_COMMAND_RDAT 0xa0 // & 0xe4
+#define UPD7220_COMMAND_CURD 0xe0
+#define UPD7220_COMMAND_LPRD 0xc0
+#define UPD7220_COMMAND_DMAR 0xa4 // & 0xe4
+#define UPD7220_COMMAND_DMAW 0x24 // & 0xe4
+#define UPD7220_COMMAND_5A 0x5a
+#define UPD7220_SR_DATA_READY 0x01
+#define UPD7220_SR_FIFO_FULL 0x02
+#define UPD7220_SR_FIFO_EMPTY 0x04
+#define UPD7220_SR_DRAWING_IN_PROGRESS 0x08
+#define UPD7220_SR_DMA_EXECUTE 0x10
+#define UPD7220_SR_VSYNC_ACTIVE 0x20
+#define UPD7220_SR_HBLANK_ACTIVE 0x40
+#define UPD7220_SR_LIGHT_PEN_DETECT 0x80
+#define UPD7220_MODE_S 0x01
+#define UPD7220_MODE_REFRESH_RAM 0x04
+#define UPD7220_MODE_I 0x08
+#define UPD7220_MODE_DRAW_ON_RETRACE 0x10
+#define UPD7220_MODE_DISPLAY_MASK 0x22
+#define UPD7220_MODE_DISPLAY_MIXED 0x00
+#define UPD7220_MODE_DISPLAY_INVALID 0x22
+static const int x_dir[8] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 0,-1,-1,-1};
+static const int y_dir[8] = { 1, 1, 0,-1,-1,-1, 0, 1};
+static const int x_dir_dot[8] = { 1, 1, 0,-1,-1,-1, 0, 1};
+static const int y_dir_dot[8] = { 0,-1,-1,-1, 0, 1, 1, 1};
+// devices
+const device_type UPD7220 = &device_creator<upd7220_device>;
+// default address map
+static ADDRESS_MAP_START( upd7220_vram, AS_0, 8, upd7220_device )
+ AM_RANGE(0x00000, 0x3ffff) AM_RAM
+// internal 128x14 control ROM
+ROM_START( upd7220 )
+ ROM_REGION( 0x100, "upd7220", 0 )
+ ROM_LOAD( "upd7220.bin", 0x000, 0x100, NO_DUMP )
+// memory_space_config - return a description of
+// any address spaces owned by this device
+const address_space_config *upd7220_device::memory_space_config(address_spacenum spacenum) const
+ return (spacenum == AS_0) ? &m_space_config : NULL;
+// rom_region - device-specific ROM region
+const rom_entry *upd7220_device::device_rom_region() const
+ return ROM_NAME( upd7220 );
+// device_config_complete - perform any
+// operations now that the configuration is
+// complete
+void upd7220_device::device_config_complete()
+ // inherit a copy of the static data
+ const upd7220_interface *intf = reinterpret_cast<const upd7220_interface *>(static_config());
+ if (intf != NULL)
+ *static_cast<upd7220_interface *>(this) = *intf;
+ // or initialize to defaults if none provided
+ else
+ {
+ memset(&m_out_drq_cb, 0, sizeof(m_out_drq_cb));
+ memset(&m_out_hsync_cb, 0, sizeof(m_out_hsync_cb));
+ memset(&m_out_vsync_cb, 0, sizeof(m_out_vsync_cb));
+ memset(&m_out_blank_cb, 0, sizeof(m_out_blank_cb));
+ }
+// readbyte - read a byte at the given address
+inline UINT8 upd7220_device::readbyte(offs_t address)
+ return space()->read_byte(address);
+// writebyte - write a byte at the given address
+inline void upd7220_device::writebyte(offs_t address, UINT8 data)
+ space()->write_byte(address, data);
+// fifo_clear -
+inline void upd7220_device::fifo_clear()
+ for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ {
+ m_fifo[i] = 0;
+ m_fifo_flag[i] = FIFO_EMPTY;
+ }
+ m_fifo_ptr = -1;
+ m_sr &= ~UPD7220_SR_DATA_READY;
+ m_sr |= UPD7220_SR_FIFO_EMPTY;
+ m_sr &= ~UPD7220_SR_FIFO_FULL;
+// fifo_param_count -
+inline int upd7220_device::fifo_param_count()
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ {
+ if (m_fifo_flag[i] != FIFO_PARAMETER) break;
+ }
+ return i;
+// fifo_set_direction -
+inline void upd7220_device::fifo_set_direction(int dir)
+ if (m_fifo_dir != dir)
+ {
+ fifo_clear();
+ }
+ m_fifo_dir = dir;
+// queue -
+inline void upd7220_device::queue(UINT8 data, int flag)
+ if (m_fifo_ptr < 15)
+ {
+ m_fifo_ptr++;
+ m_fifo[m_fifo_ptr] = data;
+ m_fifo_flag[m_fifo_ptr] = flag;
+ if (m_fifo_ptr == 16)
+ {
+ m_sr |= UPD7220_SR_FIFO_FULL;
+ }
+ m_sr &= ~UPD7220_SR_FIFO_EMPTY;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // TODO what happen? somebody set us up the bomb
+ printf("FIFO?\n");
+ }
+// dequeue -
+inline void upd7220_device::dequeue(UINT8 *data, int *flag)
+ *data = m_fifo[0];
+ *flag = m_fifo_flag[0];
+ if (m_fifo_ptr > -1)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
+ {
+ m_fifo[i] = m_fifo[i + 1];
+ m_fifo_flag[i] = m_fifo_flag[i + 1];
+ }
+ m_fifo[15] = 0;
+ m_fifo_flag[15] = 0;
+ m_fifo_ptr--;
+ if (m_fifo_ptr == -1)
+ {
+ m_sr &= ~UPD7220_SR_DATA_READY;
+ m_sr |= UPD7220_SR_FIFO_EMPTY;
+ }
+ }
+// update_vsync_timer -
+inline void upd7220_device::update_vsync_timer(int state)
+ int next_y = state ? m_vs : 0;
+ attotime duration = m_screen->time_until_pos(next_y, 0);
+ m_vsync_timer->adjust(duration, !state);
+// update_hsync_timer -
+inline void upd7220_device::update_hsync_timer(int state)
+ int y = m_screen->vpos();
+ int next_x = state ? m_hs : 0;
+ int next_y = state ? y : ((y + 1) % m_al);
+ attotime duration = m_screen->time_until_pos(next_y, next_x);
+ m_hsync_timer->adjust(duration, !state);
+// update_blank_timer -
+inline void upd7220_device::update_blank_timer(int state)
+ int y = m_screen->vpos();
+ int next_x = state ? (m_hs + m_hbp) : (m_hs + m_hbp + (m_aw << 3));
+ int next_y = state ? ((y + 1) % (m_vs + m_vbp + m_al + m_vfp - 1)) : y;
+ attotime duration = m_screen->time_until_pos(next_y, next_x);
+ m_hsync_timer->adjust(duration, !state);
+// recompute_parameters -
+inline void upd7220_device::recompute_parameters()
+ int horiz_pix_total = (m_hs + m_hbp + m_aw + m_hfp) * 8;
+ int vert_pix_total = m_vs + m_vbp + m_al + m_vfp;
+ //printf("%d %d %d %d\n",m_hs,m_hbp,m_aw,m_hfp);
+ //printf("%d %d\n",m_aw * 8,m_pitch * 8);
+ if (horiz_pix_total == 0 || vert_pix_total == 0) //bail out if screen params aren't valid
+ return;
+ attoseconds_t refresh = HZ_TO_ATTOSECONDS(60); //HZ_TO_ATTOSECONDS(clock() * 8) * horiz_pix_total * vert_pix_total;
+ rectangle visarea;
+ visarea.min_x = 0; //(m_hs + m_hbp) * 8;
+ visarea.min_y = 0; //m_vs + m_vbp;
+ visarea.max_x = m_aw * 8 - 1;//horiz_pix_total - (m_hfp * 8) - 1;
+ visarea.max_y = m_al - 1;//vert_pix_total - m_vfp - 1;
+ if (LOG)
+ {
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' Screen: %u x %u @ %f Hz\n", tag(), horiz_pix_total, vert_pix_total, 1 / ATTOSECONDS_TO_DOUBLE(refresh));
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' Visible Area: (%u, %u) - (%u, %u)\n", tag(), visarea.min_x, visarea.min_y, visarea.max_x, visarea.max_y);
+ }
+ if (m_m)
+ {
+ m_screen->configure(horiz_pix_total, vert_pix_total, visarea, refresh);
+ update_hsync_timer(0);
+ update_vsync_timer(0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_hsync_timer->enable(0);
+ m_vsync_timer->enable(0);
+ }
+ update_blank_timer(0);
+// reset_figs_param -
+inline void upd7220_device::reset_figs_param()
+ m_figs.m_dc = 0x0000;
+ m_figs.m_d = 0x0008;
+ m_figs.m_d1 = 0x0008;
+ m_figs.m_d2 = 0x0000;
+ m_figs.m_dm = 0x0000;
+// advance_ead -
+inline void upd7220_device::advance_ead()
+ #define EAD m_ead
+ #define DAD m_dad
+ #define P x_dir[m_figs.m_dir] + (y_dir[m_figs.m_dir] * m_pitch)
+ #define MSB(value) (BIT(value, 15))
+ #define LSB(value) (BIT(value, 0))
+ #define LR(value) ((value << 1) | MSB(value))
+ #define RR(value) ((LSB(value) << 15) | (value >> 1))
+ switch (m_draw_mode & 0x07)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ EAD += P;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ EAD += P;
+ if (MSB(DAD)) EAD++;
+ DAD = LR(DAD);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (MSB(DAD)) EAD++;
+ DAD = LR(DAD);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ EAD -= P;
+ if (MSB(DAD)) EAD++;
+ DAD = LR(DAD);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ EAD -= P;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ EAD -= P;
+ if (LSB(DAD)) EAD--;
+ DAD = RR(DAD);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ if (LSB(DAD)) EAD--;
+ DAD = RR(DAD);
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ EAD += P;
+ if (LSB(DAD)) EAD--;
+ DAD = RR(DAD);
+ break;
+ }
+ EAD &= 0x3ffff;
+// read_vram -
+inline void upd7220_device::read_vram(UINT8 type, UINT8 mod)
+ if (type == 1)
+ {
+ logerror("uPD7220 invalid type 1 RDAT parameter\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (mod)
+ logerror("uPD7220 RDAT used with mod = %02x?\n",mod);
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_figs.m_dc; i++)
+ {
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ queue(readbyte(m_ead*2), 0);
+ queue(readbyte(m_ead*2+1), 0);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ queue(readbyte(m_ead*2), 0);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ queue(readbyte(m_ead*2+1), 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ advance_ead();
+ }
+// write_vram -
+inline void upd7220_device::write_vram(UINT8 type, UINT8 mod)
+ UINT16 result;
+ if (type == 1)
+ {
+ printf("uPD7220 invalid type 1 WDAT parameter\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ result = 0;
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ result = (m_pr[1] & 0xff);
+ result |= (m_pr[2] << 8);
+ result &= m_mask;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ result = (m_pr[1] & 0xff);
+ result &= (m_mask & 0xff);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ result = (m_pr[1] << 8);
+ result &= (m_mask & 0xff00);
+ break;
+ }
+ //if(result)
+ {
+ //printf("%04x %02x %02x %04x %02x %02x\n",readbyte(m_ead),m_pr[1],m_pr[2],m_mask,type,mod);
+ //printf("%04x %02x %02x\n",m_ead,m_figs.m_dir,m_pitch);
+ //printf("%04x %04x %02x %04x\n",m_ead,result,mod,m_figs.m_dc);
+ }
+ for(int i = 0; i < m_figs.m_dc + 1; i++)
+ {
+ switch(mod & 3)
+ {
+ case 0x00: //replace
+ if(type == 0 || type == 2)
+ writebyte(m_ead*2+0, result & 0xff);
+ if(type == 0 || type == 3)
+ writebyte(m_ead*2+1, result >> 8);
+ break;
+ case 0x01: //complement
+ if(type == 0 || type == 2)
+ writebyte(m_ead*2+0, readbyte(m_ead*2+0) ^ (result & 0xff));
+ if(type == 0 || type == 3)
+ writebyte(m_ead*2+1, readbyte(m_ead*2+1) ^ (result >> 8));
+ break;
+ case 0x02: //reset to zero
+ if(type == 0 || type == 2)
+ writebyte(m_ead*2+0, readbyte(m_ead*2+0) & ~(result & 0xff));
+ if(type == 0 || type == 3)
+ writebyte(m_ead*2+1, readbyte(m_ead*2+1) & ~(result >> 8));
+ break;
+ case 0x03: //set to one
+ if(type == 0 || type == 2)
+ writebyte(m_ead*2+0, readbyte(m_ead*2+0) | (result & 0xff));
+ if(type == 0 || type == 3)
+ writebyte(m_ead*2+1, readbyte(m_ead*2+1) | (result >> 8));
+ break;
+ }
+ advance_ead();
+ }
+// check_pattern -
+inline UINT16 upd7220_device::check_pattern(UINT16 pattern)
+ UINT16 res = 0;
+ switch (m_bitmap_mod & 3)
+ {
+ case 0: res = pattern; break; //replace
+ case 1: res = pattern; break; //complement
+ case 2: res = 0; break; //reset to zero
+ case 3: res |= 0xffff; break; //set to one
+ }
+ return res;
+// get_text_partition -
+inline void upd7220_device::get_text_partition(int index, UINT32 *sad, UINT16 *len, int *im, int *wd)
+ *sad = ((m_ra[(index * 4) + 1] & 0x1f) << 8) | m_ra[(index * 4) + 0];
+ *len = ((m_ra[(index * 4) + 3] & 0x3f) << 4) | (m_ra[(index * 4) + 2] >> 4);
+ *im = BIT(m_ra[(index * 4) + 3], 6);
+ *wd = BIT(m_ra[(index * 4) + 3], 7);
+// get_graphics_partition -
+inline void upd7220_device::get_graphics_partition(int index, UINT32 *sad, UINT16 *len, int *im, int *wd)
+ *sad = ((m_ra[(index * 4) + 2] & 0x03) << 16) | (m_ra[(index * 4) + 1] << 8) | m_ra[(index * 4) + 0];
+ *len = ((m_ra[(index * 4) + 3] & 0x3f) << 4) | (m_ra[(index * 4) + 2] >> 4);
+ *im = BIT(m_ra[(index * 4) + 3], 6);
+ *wd = BIT(m_ra[(index * 4) + 3], 7);
+// upd7220_device - constructor
+upd7220_device::upd7220_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock)
+ : device_t(mconfig, UPD7220, "uPD7220", tag, owner, clock),
+ device_memory_interface(mconfig, *this),
+ m_mask(0),
+ m_pitch(0),
+ m_ead(0),
+ m_dad(0),
+ m_lad(0),
+ m_ra_addr(0),
+ m_sr(UPD7220_SR_FIFO_EMPTY),
+ m_cr(0),
+ m_param_ptr(0),
+ m_fifo_ptr(-1),
+ m_fifo_dir(0),
+ m_mode(0),
+ m_draw_mode(0),
+ m_de(0),
+ m_m(0),
+ m_aw(0),
+ m_al(0),
+ m_vs(0),
+ m_vfp(0),
+ m_vbp(0),
+ m_hs(0),
+ m_hfp(0),
+ m_hbp(0),
+ m_dc(0),
+ m_sc(0),
+ m_br(0),
+ m_ctop(0),
+ m_cbot(0),
+ m_lr(0),
+ m_disp(0),
+ m_gchr(0),
+ m_bitmap_mod(0),
+ m_space_config("videoram", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 18, 0, NULL, *ADDRESS_MAP_NAME(upd7220_vram))
+ m_shortname = "upd7220";
+ for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ {
+ m_fifo[i] = 0;
+ m_fifo_flag[i] = FIFO_EMPTY;
+ m_ra[i] = 0;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++)
+ {
+ m_pr[i] = 0;
+ }
+ m_figs.m_dir = 0;
+ m_figs.m_figure_type = 0;
+ m_figs.m_dc = 0;
+ m_figs.m_d = 0;
+ m_figs.m_d1 = 0;
+ m_figs.m_d2 = 0;
+ m_figs.m_dm = 0;
+// device_start - device-specific startup
+void upd7220_device::device_start()
+ // allocate timers
+ m_vsync_timer = timer_alloc(TIMER_VSYNC);
+ m_hsync_timer = timer_alloc(TIMER_HSYNC);
+ m_blank_timer = timer_alloc(TIMER_BLANK);
+ // resolve callbacks
+ m_out_drq_func.resolve(m_out_drq_cb, *this);
+ m_out_hsync_func.resolve(m_out_hsync_cb, *this);
+ m_out_vsync_func.resolve(m_out_vsync_cb, *this);
+ m_out_blank_func.resolve(m_out_blank_cb, *this);
+ // find screen
+ m_screen = machine().device<screen_device>(m_screen_tag);
+ if (m_screen == NULL)
+ {
+ m_screen = owner()->subdevice<screen_device>(m_screen_tag);
+ }
+ assert(m_screen);
+ // register for state saving
+ save_item(NAME(m_ra));
+ save_item(NAME(m_sr));
+ save_item(NAME(m_mode));
+ save_item(NAME(m_de));
+ save_item(NAME(m_aw));
+ save_item(NAME(m_al));
+ save_item(NAME(m_vs));
+ save_item(NAME(m_vfp));
+ save_item(NAME(m_vbp));
+ save_item(NAME(m_hs));
+ save_item(NAME(m_hfp));
+ save_item(NAME(m_hbp));
+ save_item(NAME(m_m));
+ save_item(NAME(m_dc));
+ save_item(NAME(m_sc));
+ save_item(NAME(m_br));
+ save_item(NAME(m_lr));
+ save_item(NAME(m_ctop));
+ save_item(NAME(m_cbot));
+ save_item(NAME(m_ead));
+ save_item(NAME(m_dad));
+ save_item(NAME(m_lad));
+ save_item(NAME(m_disp));
+ save_item(NAME(m_gchr));
+ save_item(NAME(m_mask));
+ save_item(NAME(m_pitch));
+// device_reset - device-specific reset
+void upd7220_device::device_reset()
+ m_out_drq_func(CLEAR_LINE);
+// device_timer - handler timer events
+void upd7220_device::device_timer(emu_timer &timer, device_timer_id id, int param, void *ptr)
+ switch (id)
+ {
+ if (param)
+ {
+ m_sr |= UPD7220_SR_HBLANK_ACTIVE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_sr &= ~UPD7220_SR_HBLANK_ACTIVE;
+ }
+ m_out_hsync_func(param);
+ update_hsync_timer(param);
+ break;
+ if (param)
+ {
+ m_sr |= UPD7220_SR_VSYNC_ACTIVE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_sr &= ~UPD7220_SR_VSYNC_ACTIVE;
+ }
+ m_out_vsync_func(param);
+ update_vsync_timer(param);
+ break;
+ if (param)
+ {
+ m_sr |= UPD7220_SR_HBLANK_ACTIVE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_sr &= ~UPD7220_SR_HBLANK_ACTIVE;
+ }
+ m_out_blank_func(param);
+ update_blank_timer(param);
+ break;
+ }
+// draw_pixel -
+void upd7220_device::draw_pixel(int x, int y, UINT16 tile_data)
+ UINT32 addr = (y * m_pitch * 2 + (x >> 3)) & 0x3ffff;
+ int dad = x & 0x7;
+ UINT8 data = readbyte(addr);
+ if((m_bitmap_mod & 3) == 1)
+ {
+ writebyte(addr, data ^ ((tile_data) & (0x80 >> (dad))));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ writebyte(addr, data & ~(0x80 >> (dad)));
+ writebyte(addr, data | ((tile_data) & (0x80 >> (dad))));
+ }
+// draw_line -
+void upd7220_device::draw_line(int x, int y)
+ int line_size,i;
+ const int line_x_dir[8] = { 0, 1, 1, 0, 0,-1,-1, 0};
+ const int line_y_dir[8] = { 1, 0, 0,-1,-1, 0, 0, 1};
+ const int line_x_step[8] = { 1, 0, 0, 1,-1, 0, 0,-1 };
+ const int line_y_step[8] = { 0, 1,-1, 0, 0,-1, 1, 0 };
+ UINT16 line_pattern;
+ int line_step = 0;
+ UINT8 dot;
+ line_size = m_figs.m_dc + 1;
+ line_pattern = check_pattern((m_ra[8]) | (m_ra[9]<<8));
+ for(i = 0;i<line_size;i++)
+ {
+ line_step = (m_figs.m_d1 * i);
+ line_step/= (m_figs.m_dc + 1);
+ line_step >>= 1;
+ dot = ((line_pattern >> (i & 0xf)) & 1) << 7;
+ draw_pixel(x + (line_step*line_x_step[m_figs.m_dir]),y + (line_step*line_y_step[m_figs.m_dir]),dot >> ((x + line_step*line_x_step[m_figs.m_dir]) & 0x7));
+ x += line_x_dir[m_figs.m_dir];
+ y += line_y_dir[m_figs.m_dir];
+ }
+ /* TODO: check me*/
+ x += (line_step*line_x_step[m_figs.m_dir]);
+ y += (line_step*line_y_step[m_figs.m_dir]);
+ m_ead = (x >> 4) + (y * m_pitch);
+ m_dad = x & 0x0f;
+// draw_rectangle -
+void upd7220_device::draw_rectangle(int x, int y)
+ int i;
+ const int rect_x_dir[8] = { 0, 1, 0,-1, 1, 1,-1,-1 };
+ const int rect_y_dir[8] = { 1, 0,-1, 0, 1,-1,-1, 1 };
+ UINT8 rect_type,rect_dir;
+ UINT16 line_pattern;
+ UINT8 dot;
+ logerror("uPD7220 rectangle check: %d %d %02x %08x\n",x,y,m_figs.m_dir,m_ead);
+ line_pattern = check_pattern((m_ra[8]) | (m_ra[9]<<8));
+ rect_type = (m_figs.m_dir & 1) << 2;
+ rect_dir = rect_type | (((m_figs.m_dir >> 1) + 0) & 3);
+ for(i = 0;i < m_figs.m_d;i++)
+ {
+ dot = ((line_pattern >> ((i+m_dad) & 0xf)) & 1) << 7;
+ draw_pixel(x,y,dot >> (x & 0x7));
+ x+=rect_x_dir[rect_dir];
+ y+=rect_y_dir[rect_dir];
+ }
+ rect_dir = rect_type | (((m_figs.m_dir >> 1) + 1) & 3);
+ for(i = 0;i < m_figs.m_d2;i++)
+ {
+ dot = ((line_pattern >> ((i+m_dad) & 0xf)) & 1) << 7;
+ draw_pixel(x,y,dot >> (x & 0x7));
+ x+=rect_x_dir[rect_dir];
+ y+=rect_y_dir[rect_dir];
+ }
+ rect_dir = rect_type | (((m_figs.m_dir >> 1) + 2) & 3);
+ for(i = 0;i < m_figs.m_d;i++)
+ {
+ dot = ((line_pattern >> ((i+m_dad) & 0xf)) & 1) << 7;
+ draw_pixel(x,y,dot >> (x & 0x7));
+ x+=rect_x_dir[rect_dir];
+ y+=rect_y_dir[rect_dir];
+ }
+ rect_dir = rect_type | (((m_figs.m_dir >> 1) + 3) & 3);
+ for(i = 0;i < m_figs.m_d2;i++)
+ {
+ dot = ((line_pattern >> ((i+m_dad) & 0xf)) & 1) << 7;
+ draw_pixel(x,y,dot >> (x & 0x7));
+ x+=rect_x_dir[rect_dir];
+ y+=rect_y_dir[rect_dir];
+ }
+ m_ead = (x >> 4) + (y * m_pitch);
+ m_dad = x & 0x0f;
+// draw_char -
+void upd7220_device::draw_char(int x, int y)
+ int xi,yi;
+ int xsize,ysize;
+ UINT8 tile_data;
+ /* snippet for character checking */
+ #if 0
+ for(yi=0;yi<8;yi++)
+ {
+ for(xi=0;xi<8;xi++)
+ {
+ printf("%d",(m_ra[(yi & 7) | 8] >> xi) & 1);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ #endif
+ xsize = m_figs.m_d & 0x3ff;
+ /* Guess: D has presumably upper bits for ysize, QX-10 relies on this (TODO: check this on any real HW) */
+ ysize = ((m_figs.m_d & 0x400) + m_figs.m_dc) + 1;
+ /* TODO: internal direction, zooming, size stuff bigger than 8, rewrite using draw_pixel function */
+ for(yi=0;yi<ysize;yi++)
+ {
+ switch(m_figs.m_dir & 7)
+ {
+ case 0: tile_data = BITSWAP8(m_ra[((yi) & 7) | 8],0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7); break; // TODO
+ case 2: tile_data = BITSWAP8(m_ra[((yi) & 7) | 8],0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7); break;
+ case 6: tile_data = BITSWAP8(m_ra[((ysize-1-yi) & 7) | 8],7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0); break;
+ default: tile_data = BITSWAP8(m_ra[((yi) & 7) | 8],7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0);
+ printf("%d %d %d\n",m_figs.m_dir,xsize,ysize);
+ break;
+ }
+ for(xi=0;xi<xsize;xi++)
+ {
+ UINT32 addr = ((y+yi) * m_pitch * 2) + ((x+xi) >> 3);
+ writebyte(addr & 0x3ffff, readbyte(addr & 0x3ffff) & ~(1 << (xi & 7)));
+ writebyte(addr & 0x3ffff, readbyte(addr & 0x3ffff) | ((tile_data) & (1 << (xi & 7))));
+ }
+ }
+ m_ead = ((x+8*x_dir_dot[m_figs.m_dir]) >> 4) + ((y+8*y_dir_dot[m_figs.m_dir]) * m_pitch);
+ m_dad = ((x+8*x_dir_dot[m_figs.m_dir]) & 0xf);
+// translate_command -
+int upd7220_device::translate_command(UINT8 data)
+ int command = COMMAND_INVALID;
+ switch (data)
+ {
+ case UPD7220_COMMAND_RESET: command = COMMAND_RESET; break;
+ case UPD7220_COMMAND_CCHAR: command = COMMAND_CCHAR; break;
+ case UPD7220_COMMAND_START: command = COMMAND_START; break;
+ case UPD7220_COMMAND_ZOOM: command = COMMAND_ZOOM; break;
+ case UPD7220_COMMAND_CURS: command = COMMAND_CURS; break;
+ case UPD7220_COMMAND_PITCH: command = COMMAND_PITCH; break;
+ case UPD7220_COMMAND_MASK: command = COMMAND_MASK; break;
+ case UPD7220_COMMAND_FIGS: command = COMMAND_FIGS; break;
+ case UPD7220_COMMAND_FIGD: command = COMMAND_FIGD; break;
+ case UPD7220_COMMAND_GCHRD: command = COMMAND_GCHRD; break;
+ case UPD7220_COMMAND_CURD: command = COMMAND_CURD; break;
+ case UPD7220_COMMAND_LPRD: command = COMMAND_LPRD; break;
+ case UPD7220_COMMAND_5A: command = COMMAND_5A; break;
+ default:
+ switch (data & 0xfe)
+ {
+ case UPD7220_COMMAND_SYNC: command = COMMAND_SYNC; break;
+ case UPD7220_COMMAND_VSYNC: command = COMMAND_VSYNC; break;
+ case UPD7220_COMMAND_BCTRL: command = COMMAND_BCTRL; break;
+ default:
+ switch (data & 0xf0)
+ {
+ case UPD7220_COMMAND_PRAM: command = COMMAND_PRAM; break;
+ default:
+ switch (data & 0xe4)
+ {
+ case UPD7220_COMMAND_WDAT: command = COMMAND_WDAT; break;
+ case UPD7220_COMMAND_RDAT: command = COMMAND_RDAT; break;
+ case UPD7220_COMMAND_DMAR: command = COMMAND_DMAR; break;
+ case UPD7220_COMMAND_DMAW: command = COMMAND_DMAW; break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return command;
+// process_fifo -
+void upd7220_device::process_fifo()
+ UINT8 data;
+ int flag;
+ dequeue(&data, &flag);
+ if (flag == FIFO_COMMAND)
+ {
+ m_cr = data;
+ m_param_ptr = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_pr[m_param_ptr] = data;
+ m_param_ptr++;
+ }
+ switch (translate_command(m_cr))
+ {
+ printf("uPD7220 '%s' Invalid Command Byte %02x\n", tag(), m_cr);
+ break;
+ case COMMAND_5A:
+ if (m_param_ptr == 4)
+ printf("uPD7220 '%s' Undocumented Command 0x5A Executed %02x %02x %02x\n", tag(),m_pr[1],m_pr[2],m_pr[3] );
+ break;
+ case COMMAND_RESET: /* reset */
+ switch (m_param_ptr)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ if (LOG) logerror("uPD7220 '%s' RESET\n", tag());
+ m_de = 0;
+ m_ra[0] = m_ra[1] = m_ra[2] = 0;
+ m_ra[3] = 0x19;
+ m_ead = 0;
+ m_dad = 0;
+ m_mask = 0;
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ m_mode = m_pr[1];
+ m_aw = m_pr[2] + 2;
+ m_hs = (m_pr[3] & 0x1f) + 1;
+ m_vs = ((m_pr[4] & 0x03) << 3) | (m_pr[3] >> 5);
+ m_hfp = (m_pr[4] >> 2) + 1;
+ m_hbp = (m_pr[5] & 0x3f) + 1;
+ m_vfp = m_pr[6] & 0x3f;
+ m_al = ((m_pr[8] & 0x03) << 8) | m_pr[7];
+ m_vbp = m_pr[8] >> 2;
+ m_pitch = m_aw;
+ if (LOG)
+ {
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' Mode: %02x\n", tag(), m_mode);
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' AW: %u\n", tag(), m_aw);
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' HS: %u\n", tag(), m_hs);
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' VS: %u\n", tag(), m_vs);
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' HFP: %u\n", tag(), m_hfp);
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' HBP: %u\n", tag(), m_hbp);
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' VFP: %u\n", tag(), m_vfp);
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' AL: %u\n", tag(), m_al);
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' VBP: %u\n", tag(), m_vbp);
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' PITCH: %u\n", tag(), m_pitch);
+ }
+ recompute_parameters();
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case COMMAND_SYNC: /* sync format specify */
+ if (m_param_ptr == 9)
+ {
+ m_mode = m_pr[1];
+ m_aw = m_pr[2] + 2;
+ m_hs = (m_pr[3] & 0x1f) + 1;
+ m_vs = ((m_pr[4] & 0x03) << 3) | (m_pr[3] >> 5);
+ m_hfp = (m_pr[4] >> 2) + 1;
+ m_hbp = (m_pr[5] & 0x3f) + 1;
+ m_vfp = m_pr[6] & 0x3f;
+ m_al = ((m_pr[8] & 0x03) << 8) | m_pr[7];
+ m_vbp = m_pr[8] >> 2;
+ m_pitch = m_aw;
+ if (LOG)
+ {
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' Mode: %02x\n", tag(), m_mode);
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' AW: %u\n", tag(), m_aw);
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' HS: %u\n", tag(), m_hs);
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' VS: %u\n", tag(), m_vs);
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' HFP: %u\n", tag(), m_hfp);
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' HBP: %u\n", tag(), m_hbp);
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' VFP: %u\n", tag(), m_vfp);
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' AL: %u\n", tag(), m_al);
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' VBP: %u\n", tag(), m_vbp);
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' PITCH: %u\n", tag(), m_pitch);
+ }
+ recompute_parameters();
+ }
+ break;
+ case COMMAND_VSYNC: /* vertical sync mode */
+ m_m = m_cr & 0x01;
+ if (LOG) logerror("uPD7220 '%s' M: %u\n", tag(), m_m);
+ recompute_parameters();
+ break;
+ case COMMAND_CCHAR: /* cursor & character characteristics */
+ if(m_param_ptr == 2)
+ {
+ m_lr = (m_pr[1] & 0x1f) + 1;
+ m_dc = BIT(m_pr[1], 7);
+ if (LOG)
+ {
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' LR: %u\n", tag(), m_lr);
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' DC: %u\n", tag(), m_dc);
+ }
+ }
+ if(m_param_ptr == 3)
+ {
+ m_ctop = m_pr[2] & 0x1f;
+ m_sc = BIT(m_pr[2], 5);
+ if (LOG)
+ {
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' CTOP: %u\n", tag(), m_ctop);
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' SC: %u\n", tag(), m_sc);
+ }
+ }
+ if(m_param_ptr == 4)
+ {
+ m_br = ((m_pr[3] & 0x07) << 2) | (m_pr[2] >> 6);
+ m_cbot = m_pr[3] >> 3;
+ if (LOG)
+ {
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' BR: %u\n", tag(), m_br);
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' CBOT: %u\n", tag(), m_cbot);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case COMMAND_START: /* start display & end idle mode */
+ m_de = 1;
+ if (LOG) logerror("uPD7220 '%s' DE: 1\n", tag());
+ break;
+ case COMMAND_BCTRL: /* display blanking control */
+ m_de = m_cr & 0x01;
+ if (LOG) logerror("uPD7220 '%s' DE: %u\n", tag(), m_de);
+ break;
+ case COMMAND_ZOOM: /* zoom factors specify */
+ if (flag == FIFO_PARAMETER)
+ {
+ m_gchr = m_pr[1] & 0x0f;
+ m_disp = m_pr[1] >> 4;
+ if (LOG) logerror("uPD7220 '%s' GCHR: %01x\n", tag(), m_gchr);
+ if (LOG) logerror("uPD7220 '%s' DISP: %01x\n", tag(), m_disp);
+ }
+ break;
+ case COMMAND_CURS: /* cursor position specify */
+ if (m_param_ptr >= 3)
+ {
+ UINT8 upper_addr = (m_param_ptr == 3) ? 0 : (m_pr[3] & 0x03);
+ m_ead = (upper_addr << 16) | (m_pr[2] << 8) | m_pr[1];
+ if (LOG) logerror("uPD7220 '%s' EAD: %06x\n", tag(), m_ead);
+ if(m_param_ptr == 4)
+ {
+ m_dad = m_pr[3] >> 4;
+ if (LOG) logerror("uPD7220 '%s' DAD: %01x\n", tag(), m_dad);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case COMMAND_PRAM: /* parameter RAM load */
+ if (flag == FIFO_COMMAND)
+ {
+ m_ra_addr = m_cr & 0x0f;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (m_ra_addr < 16)
+ {
+ if (LOG) logerror("uPD7220 '%s' RA%u: %02x\n", tag(), m_ra_addr, data);
+ m_ra[m_ra_addr] = data;
+ m_ra_addr++;
+ }
+ m_param_ptr = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case COMMAND_PITCH: /* pitch specification */
+ if (flag == FIFO_PARAMETER)
+ {
+ m_pitch = data;
+ if (LOG) logerror("uPD7220 '%s' PITCH: %u\n", tag(), m_pitch);
+ }
+ break;
+ case COMMAND_WDAT: /* write data into display memory */
+ m_bitmap_mod = m_cr & 3;
+ if (m_param_ptr == 3 || (m_param_ptr == 2 && m_cr & 0x10))
+ {
+ //printf("%02x = %02x %02x (%c) %04x\n",m_cr,m_pr[2],m_pr[1],m_pr[1],EAD);
+ fifo_set_direction(FIFO_WRITE);
+ write_vram((m_cr & 0x18) >> 3,m_cr & 3);
+ reset_figs_param();
+ m_param_ptr = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case COMMAND_MASK: /* mask register load */
+ if (m_param_ptr == 3)
+ {
+ m_mask = (m_pr[2] << 8) | m_pr[1];
+ if (LOG) logerror("uPD7220 '%s' MASK: %04x\n", tag(), m_mask);
+ }
+ break;
+ case COMMAND_FIGS: /* figure drawing parameters specify */
+ if (m_param_ptr == 2)
+ {
+ m_figs.m_dir = m_pr[1] & 0x7;
+ m_figs.m_figure_type = (m_pr[1] & 0xf8) >> 3;
+ //if(m_figs.m_dir != 2)
+ // printf("DIR %02x\n",m_pr[1]);
+ }
+ // the Decision Mate V during start-up test upload only 2 params before execute the
+ // RDAT command, so I assume this is the expected behaviour, but this needs to be verified.
+ if (m_param_ptr == 3)
+ m_figs.m_dc = (m_pr[2]) | (m_figs.m_dc & 0x3f00);
+ if (m_param_ptr == 4)
+ m_figs.m_dc = (m_pr[2]) | ((m_pr[3] & 0x3f) << 8);
+ if (m_param_ptr == 6)
+ m_figs.m_d = (m_pr[4]) | ((m_pr[5] & 0x3f) << 8);
+ if (m_param_ptr == 8)
+ m_figs.m_d2 = (m_pr[6]) | ((m_pr[7] & 0x3f) << 8);
+ if (m_param_ptr == 10)
+ m_figs.m_d1 = (m_pr[8]) | ((m_pr[9] & 0x3f) << 8);
+ if (m_param_ptr == 12)
+ m_figs.m_dm = (m_pr[10]) | ((m_pr[11] & 0x3f) << 8);
+ break;
+ case COMMAND_FIGD: /* figure draw start */
+ if(m_figs.m_figure_type == 0)
+ {
+ UINT16 line_pattern = check_pattern((m_ra[8]) | (m_ra[9]<<8));
+ UINT8 dot = ((line_pattern >> (0 & 0xf)) & 1) << 7;
+ draw_pixel(((m_ead % m_pitch) << 4) | (m_dad & 0xf),(m_ead / m_pitch),dot);
+ }
+ else if(m_figs.m_figure_type == 1)
+ draw_line(((m_ead % m_pitch) << 4) | (m_dad & 0xf),(m_ead / m_pitch));
+ else if(m_figs.m_figure_type == 8)
+ draw_rectangle(((m_ead % m_pitch) << 4) | (m_dad & 0xf),(m_ead / m_pitch));
+ else
+ printf("uPD7220 '%s' Unimplemented command FIGD %02x\n", tag(),m_figs.m_figure_type);
+ reset_figs_param();
+ break;
+ case COMMAND_GCHRD: /* graphics character draw and area filling start */
+ if(m_figs.m_figure_type == 2)
+ draw_char(((m_ead % m_pitch) << 4) | (m_dad & 0xf),(m_ead / m_pitch));
+ else
+ printf("uPD7220 '%s' Unimplemented command GCHRD %02x\n", tag(),m_figs.m_figure_type);
+ reset_figs_param();
+ break;
+ case COMMAND_RDAT: /* read data from display memory */
+ fifo_set_direction(FIFO_READ);
+ read_vram((m_cr & 0x18) >> 3,m_cr & 3);
+ reset_figs_param();
+ m_sr |= UPD7220_SR_DATA_READY;
+ break;
+ case COMMAND_CURD: /* cursor address read */
+ fifo_set_direction(FIFO_READ);
+ queue(m_ead & 0xff, 0);
+ queue((m_ead >> 8) & 0xff, 0);
+ queue(m_ead >> 16, 0);
+ queue(m_dad & 0xff, 0);
+ queue(m_dad >> 8, 0);
+ m_sr |= UPD7220_SR_DATA_READY;
+ break;
+ case COMMAND_LPRD: /* light pen address read */
+ fifo_set_direction(FIFO_READ);
+ queue(m_lad & 0xff, 0);
+ queue((m_lad >> 8) & 0xff, 0);
+ queue(m_lad >> 16, 0);
+ m_sr |= UPD7220_SR_DATA_READY;
+ m_sr &= ~UPD7220_SR_LIGHT_PEN_DETECT;
+ break;
+ case COMMAND_DMAR: /* DMA read request */
+ printf("uPD7220 '%s' Unimplemented command DMAR\n", tag());
+ break;
+ case COMMAND_DMAW: /* DMA write request */
+ printf("uPD7220 '%s' Unimplemented command DMAW\n", tag());
+ break;
+ }
+// read -
+READ8_MEMBER( upd7220_device::read )
+ UINT8 data;
+ if (offset & 1)
+ {
+ /* FIFO read */
+ int flag;
+ fifo_set_direction(FIFO_READ);
+ dequeue(&data, &flag);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* status register */
+ data = m_sr;
+ /* TODO: timing of these */
+ m_sr &= ~UPD7220_SR_DMA_EXECUTE;
+ }
+ return data;
+// write -
+WRITE8_MEMBER( upd7220_device::write )
+ if (offset & 1)
+ {
+ /* command into FIFO */
+ fifo_set_direction(FIFO_WRITE);
+ queue(data, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* parameter into FIFO */
+// fifo_set_direction(FIFO_WRITE);
+ queue(data, 0);
+ }
+ process_fifo();
+// dack_r -
+READ8_MEMBER( upd7220_device::dack_r )
+ return 0;
+// dack_w -
+WRITE8_MEMBER( upd7220_device::dack_w )
+// ext_sync_w -
+WRITE_LINE_MEMBER( upd7220_device::ext_sync_w )
+ //if (LOG) logerror("uPD7220 '%s' External Synchronization: %u\n", tag(), state);
+ if (state)
+ {
+ m_sr |= UPD7220_SR_VSYNC_ACTIVE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_sr &= ~UPD7220_SR_VSYNC_ACTIVE;
+ }
+// ext_sync_w -
+WRITE_LINE_MEMBER( upd7220_device::lpen_w )
+ /* only if 2 rising edges on the lpen input occur at the same
+ point during successive video fields are the pulses accepted */
+ /*
+ 1. compute the address of the location on the CRT
+ 2. compare with LAD
+ 3. if not equal move address to LAD
+ 4. if equal set LPEN DETECT flag to 1
+ */
+// update_text -
+void upd7220_device::update_text(bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
+ UINT32 addr, sad;
+ UINT16 len;
+ int im, wd;
+ int y, sy = 0;
+ for (int area = 0; area < 4; area++)
+ {
+ get_text_partition(area, &sad, &len, &im, &wd);
+ for (y = sy; y < sy + len; y++)
+ {
+ addr = sad + (y * m_pitch);
+ if (m_draw_text_cb)
+ m_draw_text_cb(this, bitmap, addr, y, wd, m_pitch, 0, 0, m_aw * 8 - 1, m_al - 1, m_lr, m_dc, m_ead);
+ }
+ sy = y + 1;
+ }
+// draw_graphics_line -
+void upd7220_device::draw_graphics_line(bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, UINT32 addr, int y, int wd)
+ int sx;
+ for (sx = 0; sx < m_pitch * 2; sx++)
+ {
+ if((sx << 3) < m_aw * 16 && y < m_al)
+ m_display_cb(this, bitmap, y, sx << 3, addr);
+ if (wd) addr += 2; else addr++;
+ }
+// update_graphics -
+void upd7220_device::update_graphics(bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, int force_bitmap)
+ UINT32 addr, sad;
+ UINT16 len;
+ int im, wd, area;
+ int y, tsy = 0, bsy = 0;
+ for (area = 0; area < 2; area++)
+ {
+ get_graphics_partition(area, &sad, &len, &im, &wd);
+ for (y = 0; y < len; y++)
+ {
+ if (im || force_bitmap)
+ {
+ addr = (sad & 0x3ffff) + (y * m_pitch * 2);
+ if (m_display_cb)
+ draw_graphics_line(bitmap, addr, y + bsy, wd);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* TODO: text params are more limited compared to graphics */
+ addr = (sad & 0x3ffff) + (y * m_pitch);
+ if (m_draw_text_cb)
+ m_draw_text_cb(this, bitmap, addr, y + tsy, wd, m_pitch, 0, 0, m_aw * 8 - 1, len + bsy - 1, m_lr, m_dc, m_ead);
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_lr)
+ tsy += (y / m_lr);
+ bsy += y;
+ }
+// update_screen -
+UINT32 upd7220_device::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
+ if (m_de)
+ {
+ switch (m_mode & UPD7220_MODE_DISPLAY_MASK)
+ {
+ update_graphics(bitmap, cliprect, 0);
+ break;
+ update_graphics(bitmap, cliprect, 1);
+ break;
+ update_text(bitmap, cliprect);
+ break;
+ logerror("uPD7220 '%s' Invalid Display Mode!\n", tag());
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;