path: root/src/mess/video/rm380z.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mess/video/rm380z.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 406 deletions
diff --git a/src/mess/video/rm380z.c b/src/mess/video/rm380z.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b00c5222db..00000000000
--- a/src/mess/video/rm380z.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,406 +0,0 @@
-// license:BSD-3-Clause
-// copyright-holders:Wilbert Pol,Gabriele D'Antona
-RM 380Z video code
-#include "includes/rm380z.h"
-void rm380z_state::put_point(int charnum,int x,int y,int col)
- int mx=3;
- if (y==6) mx=4;
- for (unsigned int r=y;r<(y+mx);r++)
- {
- for (unsigned int c=x;c<(x+3);c++)
- {
- m_graphic_chars[charnum][c+(r*(RM380Z_CHDIMX+1))]=col;
- }
- }
-void rm380z_state::init_graphic_chars()
- for (int c=0;c<0x3f;c++)
- {
- if (c&0x01) put_point(c,0,0,1);
- else put_point(c,0,0,0);
- if (c&0x02) put_point(c,3,0,1);
- else put_point(c,3,0,0);
- if (c&0x04) put_point(c,0,3,1);
- else put_point(c,0,3,0);
- if (c&0x08) put_point(c,3,3,1);
- else put_point(c,3,3,0);
- if (c&0x10) put_point(c,0,6,1);
- else put_point(c,0,6,0);
- if (c&0x20) put_point(c,3,6,1);
- else put_point(c,3,6,0);
- }
-void rm380z_state::config_videomode()
- if (m_port0&0x20)
- {
- // 80 cols
- m_videomode=RM380Z_VIDEOMODE_80COL;
- }
- else
- {
- // 40 cols
- m_videomode=RM380Z_VIDEOMODE_40COL;
- }
- if (m_old_videomode!=m_videomode)
- {
- m_old_videomode=m_videomode;
- }
-// char attribute bits in COS 4.0
-// 0=alternate charset
-// 1=underline
-// 2=dim
-// 3=reverse
-void rm380z_state::decode_videoram_char(int pos,UINT8& chr,UINT8& attrib)
- UINT8 ch1=m_vramchars[pos];
- UINT8 ch2=m_vramattribs[pos];
- // "special" (unknown) cases first
- if ((ch1==0x80)&&(ch2==0x04))
- {
- // blank out
- chr=0x20;
- attrib=0;
- return;
- }
- else if ((ch1==0)&&(ch2==8))
- {
- // cursor
- chr=0x20;
- attrib=8;
- return;
- }
- else if ((ch1==0)&&(ch2==0))
- {
- // delete char (?)
- chr=0x20;
- attrib=0;
- return;
- }
- else if ((ch1==4)&&(ch2==4))
- {
- // reversed cursor?
- chr=0x20;
- attrib=0;
- return;
- }
- else if ((ch1==4)&&(ch2==8))
- {
- // normal cursor
- chr=0x20;
- attrib=8;
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- chr=ch1;
- attrib=ch2;
- //printf("unhandled character combination [%x][%x]\n",ch1,ch2);
- }
-void rm380z_state::scroll_videoram()
- int lineWidth=0x80;
- if (m_videomode==RM380Z_VIDEOMODE_40COL)
- {
- lineWidth=0x40;
- }
- // scroll up one row of videoram
- for (int row=1;row<RM380Z_SCREENROWS;row++)
- {
- for (int c=0;c<lineWidth;c++)
- {
- int sourceaddr=(row*lineWidth)+c;
- int destaddr=((row-1)*lineWidth)+c;
- m_vram[destaddr]=m_vram[sourceaddr];
- m_vramchars[destaddr]=m_vramchars[sourceaddr];
- m_vramattribs[destaddr]=m_vramattribs[sourceaddr];
- }
- }
- // the last line is filled with spaces
- for (int c=0;c<lineWidth;c++)
- {
- m_vram[((RM380Z_SCREENROWS-1)*lineWidth)+c]=0x20;
- m_vramchars[((RM380Z_SCREENROWS-1)*lineWidth)+c]=0x20;
- m_vramattribs[((RM380Z_SCREENROWS-1)*lineWidth)+c]=0x00;
- }
-void rm380z_state::check_scroll_register()
- UINT8 r[3];
- r[0]=m_old_old_fbfd;
- r[1]=m_old_fbfd;
- r[2]=m_fbfd;
- if ( ((r[1]&0x20)==0) && ((r[2]&0x20)==0) )
- {
- // it's a scroll command
- if (r[2]>r[1])
- {
- scroll_videoram();
- }
- else if ((r[2]==0x00)&&(r[1]==0x17))
- {
- // wrap-scroll
- scroll_videoram();
- }
- }
-// after ctrl-L (clear screen?): routine at EBBD is executed
-// EB30??? next line?
-// memory at FF02 seems to hold the line counter (same as FBFD)
-// basics:
-// 20e2: prints "Ready:"
-// 0195: prints "\n"
-WRITE8_MEMBER( rm380z_state::videoram_write )
- //printf("vramw [%2.2x][%2.2x] port0 [%2.2x] fbfd [%2.2x] fbfe [%2.2x] PC [%4.4x]\n",offset,data,m_port0,m_fbfd,m_fbfe,m_maincpu->safe_pc());
- int lineWidth=0x80;
- if (m_videomode==RM380Z_VIDEOMODE_40COL)
- {
- lineWidth=0x40;
- }
- int rowadder=(m_fbfe&0x0f)*2;
- if (m_videomode==RM380Z_VIDEOMODE_40COL) rowadder=0; // FBFE register is not used in VDU-40
- int lineAdder=rowadder*lineWidth;
- int realA=(offset+lineAdder);
- // we suppose videoram is being written as character/attribute couple
- // fbfc 6th bit set=attribute, unset=char
- if (!(m_port0&0x40))
- {
- m_vramchars[realA%RM380Z_SCREENSIZE]=data;
- }
- else
- {
- m_vramattribs[realA%RM380Z_SCREENSIZE]=data;
- }
- //
- m_mainVideoram[offset]=data;
-READ8_MEMBER( rm380z_state::videoram_read )
- return m_mainVideoram[offset];
-void rm380z_state::putChar(int charnum,int attribs,int x,int y,bitmap_ind16 &bitmap,unsigned char* chsb,int vmode)
- //bool attrDim=false;
- bool attrRev=false;
- bool attrUnder=false;
- if (attribs&0x02) attrUnder=true;
- //if (attribs&0x04) attrDim=true;
- if (attribs&0x08) attrRev=true;
- if ((charnum>0)&&(charnum<=0x7f))
- {
- // normal chars (base set)
- if (vmode==RM380Z_VIDEOMODE_80COL)
- {
- int basex=RM380Z_CHDIMX*(charnum/RM380Z_NCY);
- int basey=RM380Z_CHDIMY*(charnum%RM380Z_NCY);
- for (int r=0;r<RM380Z_CHDIMY;r++)
- {
- for (int c=0;c<RM380Z_CHDIMX;c++)
- {
- UINT8 chval=(chsb[((basey+r)*(RM380Z_CHDIMX*RM380Z_NCX))+(basex+c)])==0xff?0:1;
- if (attrRev)
- {
- if (chval==0) chval=1;
- else chval=0;
- }
- if (attrUnder)
- {
- if (r==(RM380Z_CHDIMY-1))
- {
- if (attrRev) chval=0;
- else chval=1;
- }
- }
- UINT16 *dest=&bitmap.pix16((y*(RM380Z_CHDIMY+1))+r,(x*(RM380Z_CHDIMX+1))+c);
- *dest=chval;
- }
- }
- // last pixel of underline
- if (attrUnder&&(!attrRev))
- {
- UINT16 *dest=&bitmap.pix16((y*(RM380Z_CHDIMY+1))+(RM380Z_CHDIMY-1),(x*(RM380Z_CHDIMX+1))+RM380Z_CHDIMX);
- *dest=attrRev?0:1;
- }
- // if reversed, print another column of pixels on the right
- if (attrRev)
- {
- for (int r=0;r<RM380Z_CHDIMY;r++)
- {
- UINT16 *dest=&bitmap.pix16((y*(RM380Z_CHDIMY+1))+r,(x*(RM380Z_CHDIMX+1))+RM380Z_CHDIMX);
- *dest=1;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (vmode==RM380Z_VIDEOMODE_40COL)
- {
- int basex=RM380Z_CHDIMX*(charnum/RM380Z_NCY);
- int basey=RM380Z_CHDIMY*(charnum%RM380Z_NCY);
- for (int r=0;r<RM380Z_CHDIMY;r++)
- {
- for (int c=0;c<(RM380Z_CHDIMX*2);c+=2)
- {
- UINT8 chval=(chsb[((basey+r)*(RM380Z_CHDIMX*RM380Z_NCX))+(basex+(c/2))])==0xff?0:1;
- if (attrRev)
- {
- if (chval==0) chval=1;
- else chval=0;
- }
- if (attrUnder)
- {
- if (r==(RM380Z_CHDIMY-1))
- {
- if (attrRev) chval=0;
- else chval=1;
- }
- }
- UINT16 *dest=&bitmap.pix16( (y*(RM380Z_CHDIMY+1))+r,((x*(RM380Z_CHDIMX+1))*2)+c);
- UINT16 *dest2=&bitmap.pix16( (y*(RM380Z_CHDIMY+1))+r,((x*(RM380Z_CHDIMX+1))*2)+c+1);
- *dest=chval;
- *dest2=chval;
- }
- }
- // last 2 pixels of underline
- if (attrUnder)
- {
- UINT16 *dest=&bitmap.pix16( (y*(RM380Z_CHDIMY+1))+RM380Z_CHDIMY-1 , ((x*(RM380Z_CHDIMX+1))*2)+(RM380Z_CHDIMX*2));
- UINT16 *dest2=&bitmap.pix16( (y*(RM380Z_CHDIMY+1))+RM380Z_CHDIMY-1 , ((x*(RM380Z_CHDIMX+1))*2)+(RM380Z_CHDIMX*2)+1);
- *dest=attrRev?0:1;
- *dest2=attrRev?0:1;
- }
- // if reversed, print another 2 columns of pixels on the right
- if (attrRev)
- {
- for (int r=0;r<RM380Z_CHDIMY;r++)
- {
- UINT16 *dest=&bitmap.pix16( (y*(RM380Z_CHDIMY+1))+r,((x*(RM380Z_CHDIMX+1))*2)+((RM380Z_CHDIMX)*2));
- UINT16 *dest2=&bitmap.pix16( (y*(RM380Z_CHDIMY+1))+r,((x*(RM380Z_CHDIMX+1))*2)+((RM380Z_CHDIMX)*2)+1);
- *dest=1;
- *dest2=1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // graphic chars: 0x80-0xbf is "dimmed", 0xc0-0xff is full bright
- if (vmode==RM380Z_VIDEOMODE_80COL)
- {
- for (int r=0;r<(RM380Z_CHDIMY+1);r++)
- {
- for (int c=0;c<RM380Z_CHDIMX;c++)
- {
- UINT16 *dest=&bitmap.pix16((y*(RM380Z_CHDIMY+1))+r,(x*(RM380Z_CHDIMX+1))+c);
- *dest=m_graphic_chars[charnum&0x3f][c+(r*(RM380Z_CHDIMX+1))];
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (int r=0;r<RM380Z_CHDIMY;r++)
- {
- for (int c=0;c<(RM380Z_CHDIMX*2);c+=2)
- {
- UINT16 *dest=&bitmap.pix16( (y*(RM380Z_CHDIMY+1))+r,((x*(RM380Z_CHDIMX+1))*2)+c);
- UINT16 *dest2=&bitmap.pix16( (y*(RM380Z_CHDIMY+1))+r,((x*(RM380Z_CHDIMX+1))*2)+c+1);
- *dest=m_graphic_chars[charnum&0x3f][(c/2)+(r*(RM380Z_CHDIMX+1))];
- *dest2=m_graphic_chars[charnum&0x3f][(c/2)+(r*(RM380Z_CHDIMX+1))];
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void rm380z_state::update_screen(bitmap_ind16 &bitmap)
- unsigned char* pChar=memregion("chargen")->base();
- int lineWidth=0x80;
- int ncols=80;
- if (m_videomode==RM380Z_VIDEOMODE_40COL)
- {
- lineWidth=0x40;
- ncols=40;
- }
- // blank screen
- bitmap.fill(0);
- for (int row=0;row<RM380Z_SCREENROWS;row++)
- {
- for (int col=0;col<ncols;col++)
- {
- UINT8 curch,attribs;
- decode_videoram_char((row*lineWidth)+col,curch,attribs);
- putChar(curch,attribs,col,row,bitmap,pChar,m_videomode);
- //putChar(0x44,0x00,10,10,bitmap,pChar,m_videomode);
- }
- }