path: root/src/mess/machine/psxcd.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mess/machine/psxcd.c')
1 files changed, 1686 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mess/machine/psxcd.c b/src/mess/machine/psxcd.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e1d8eeb2e3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mess/machine/psxcd.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1686 @@
+#include "emu.h"
+#include "includes/psx.h"
+#include "psxcd.h"
+#include "machine/devhelpr.h"
+#include "sound/spu.h"
+#include "debugger.h"
+//#define debug_cdrom
+//#define debug_cdrom_registers
+//#define skip_reads
+//#define dump_subheader
+//#define disable_xa_prefetch
+//#define disable_cdda_prefetch
+enum cdrom_events
+ event_cmd_complete=0,
+ event_preread_sector,
+ event_read_sector,
+ event_play_sector
+enum intr_status
+ intr_nointr=0,
+ intr_dataready,
+ intr_acknowledge,
+ intr_complete,
+ intr_dataend,
+ intr_diskerror
+enum mode_flags
+ mode_double_speed=0x80,
+ mode_adpcm=0x40,
+ mode_size=0x20,
+ mode_size2=0x10,
+ mode_size_shift=4,
+ mode_size_mask=(3<<mode_size_shift),
+ mode_channel=0x08,
+ mode_report=0x04,
+ mode_autopause=0x02,
+ mode_cdda=0x01
+enum status_f
+ status_playing=0x80,
+ status_seeking=0x40,
+ status_reading=0x20,
+ status_shellopen=0x10,
+ status_seekerror=0x04,
+ status_standby=0x02,
+ status_error=0x01
+struct subheader
+ unsigned char file,
+ channel,
+ submode,
+ coding;
+enum submode_flags
+ submode_eof=0x80,
+ submode_realtime=0x40,
+ submode_form=0x20,
+ submode_trigger=0x10,
+ submode_data=0x08,
+ submode_audio=0x04,
+ submode_video=0x02,
+ submode_eor=0x01
+static const unsigned int max_xa_prefetch_distance=32,
+ max_cdda_prefetch_distance=32;
+const device_type PSXCD = &device_creator<psxcd_device>;
+void psxcd_device::static_set_devname(device_t &device, const char *devname)
+ psxcd_device &psxcd = downcast<psxcd_device &>(device);
+ psxcd.m_devname = devname;
+psxcd_device::psxcd_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock)
+ : device_t(mconfig, PSXCD, "PSXCD", tag, owner, clock)
+void psxcd_device::device_start()
+ unsigned int sysclk=machine().device<cpu_device>("maincpu")->clock()/2;
+ start_read_delay=(sysclk/60);
+ read_sector_cycles=(sysclk/75);
+ preread_delay=(read_sector_cycles>>2)-500;
+ m_sysclock = sysclk;
+ secleft = 0;
+ secsize = 2048;
+ res_queue = NULL;
+ cur_res = NULL;
+ open = false;
+ streaming = false;
+ sechead = 0;
+ sectail = 0;
+ secin = 0;
+ secskip = 0;
+ next_read_event = NULL;
+ cbp = cmdbuf;
+ first_open = true;
+ status=status_standby;
+ sr=8|1;
+ res=0;
+ ir=0;
+ mode=0;
+ driver = NULL;
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PSXCD_TIMERS; i++)
+ {
+ m_timers[i] = timer_alloc(i, NULL);
+ m_timerinuse[i] = false;
+ }
+void psxcd_device::device_reset()
+ stop_read();
+ open=false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PSXCD_TIMERS; i++)
+ {
+ m_timerinuse[i] = false;
+ }
+ m_cddevice = machine().device<cdrom_image_device>(m_devname);
+ if (m_cddevice)
+ {
+ m_cd = m_cddevice->get_cdrom_file();
+ if (m_cd)
+ {
+// printf("psxcd: found disc!\n");
+ driver = open_mess_drv();
+ driver->set_machine(machine());
+ driver->set_cdrom_file(m_cd);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ driver = NULL;
+// printf("psxcd: Found device, but no disc\n");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ driver = NULL;
+// printf("psxcd: Device [%s] not found!\n", m_devname);
+ }
+unsigned char psxcd_device::read_byte(const unsigned int addr)
+ unsigned char ret = 0;
+ switch (addr&3)
+ {
+ case 0: ret=sr; break;
+ case 1:
+ ret=res;
+ if ((cur_res) && (rdp<cur_res->sz))
+ {
+ res=cur_res->data[rdp++];
+ sr|=(1<<5);
+ } else
+ {
+ if ((cur_res) && (cur_res->res&0x10))
+ {
+ global_free(cur_res);
+ cur_res=NULL;
+ }
+ sr&=~(1<<5);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2: ret=0; break;
+ case 3: ret=ir; break;
+ }
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom_registers
+ printf("cdrom: read byte %08x = %02x (PC=%x)\n",addr,ret,cpu_get_pc(machine().device("maincpu")));
+ #endif
+ return ret;
+void psxcd_device::write_byte(const unsigned int addr, const unsigned char byte)
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom_registers
+ printf("cdrom: write byte %08x = %02x (PC=%x)\n",addr,byte,cpu_get_pc(machine().device("maincpu")));
+ #endif
+ switch (addr&3)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ cmdmode=byte&1;
+ if (cmdmode==0)
+ {
+ cbp=cmdbuf;
+ } else
+ {
+ if (! cur_res)
+ {
+ if (cur_res) global_free(cur_res);
+ if (res_queue)
+ {
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom_registers
+ printf("cdrom: nextres\n");
+ #endif
+ cur_res=res_queue;
+ res_queue=res_queue->next;
+ ir=cur_res->res&0xf;
+ rdp=0;
+ if (cur_res->sz)
+ {
+ res=cur_res->data[rdp++];
+ sr|=(1<<5);
+ } else
+ {
+ sr&=~(1<<5);
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ //ir=0;
+ cur_res=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ /*else
+ {
+ if (rdp>=cur_res->sz)
+ {
+ sr&=~(1<<5);
+ } else
+ {
+ sr|=~(1<<5);
+ res=cur_res->data[rdp++];
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (cmdmode==0)
+ {
+ write_command(byte);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (cmdmode==0)
+ {
+ *cbp++=byte;
+ } else
+ {
+ // ?flush buffer?
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if (byte==0x07)
+ {
+ if (cur_res)
+ {
+ global_free(cur_res);
+ cur_res=NULL;
+ sr&=~(1<<5);
+ }
+ ir=0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+psxcd_device::command_info psxcd_device::cmd_table[num_commands]=
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_sync, "sync" }, // 00
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_nop, "nop" }, // 01
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_setloc, "setloc" }, // 02
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_play, "play" }, // 03
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_forward, "forward" }, // 04
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_backward, "backward" }, // 05
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_readn, "readn" }, // 06
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_standby, "standby" }, // 07
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_stop, "stop" }, // 08
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_pause, "pause" }, // 09
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_init, "init" }, // 0a
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_mute, "mute" }, // 0b
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_demute, "demute" }, // 0c
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_setfilter, "setfilter" }, // 0d
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_setmode, "setmode" }, // 0e
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_getparam, "getparam" }, // 0f
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_getlocl, "getlocl" }, // 10
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_getlocp, "getlocp" }, // 11
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_illegal, "illegal" }, // 12
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_gettn, "gettn" }, // 13
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_gettd, "gettd" }, // 14
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_seekl, "seekl" }, // 15
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_seekp, "seekp" }, // 16
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_illegal, "illegal" }, // 17
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_illegal, "illegal" }, // 18
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_test, "test" }, // 19
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_id, "id" }, // 1a
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_reads, "reads" }, // 1b
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_reset, "reset" }, // 1c
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_illegal, "illegal" }, // 1d
+ { &psxcd_device::cdcmd_readtoc, "readtoc" }, // 1e
+void psxcd_device::write_command(const unsigned char byte)
+ assert(byte<num_commands);
+ (this->*cmd_table[byte].func)();
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_sync()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: sync\n");
+ #endif
+ stop_read();
+ send_result(intr_acknowledge);
+static int open_nops=0;
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_nop()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: nop\n");
+ #endif
+ //stop_read();
+ if ((! open) && (driver))
+ {
+ if (open_nops==0)
+ {
+ open=driver->read_toc();
+ } else
+ {
+ open_nops--;
+ }
+ }
+ send_result(intr_complete);
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_setloc()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: setloc %08x:%08x:%08x\n",
+ cmdbuf[0],
+ cmdbuf[1],
+ cmdbuf[2]);
+ #endif
+ stop_read();
+ unsigned char l[3];
+ l[0]=bcd_to_decimal(cmdbuf[0]);
+ l[1]=bcd_to_decimal(cmdbuf[1]);
+ l[2]=bcd_to_decimal(cmdbuf[2]);
+ if ((l[0]>0) || (l[1]>=2))
+ {
+ loc[0]=l[0];
+ loc[1]=l[1];
+ loc[2]=l[2];
+ } else
+ {
+ printf("setloc out of range: %02d:%02d:%02d\n",
+ l[0],l[1],l[2]);
+ }
+ send_result(intr_complete);
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_play()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: play %02x %02x %02x => %d\n", loc[0], loc[1], loc[2], msf_to_sector(loc));
+ #endif
+ curpos[0]=loc[0];
+ curpos[1]=loc[1];
+ curpos[2]=loc[2];
+ if ((curpos[0]==0) &&
+ (curpos[1]==0) &&
+ (curpos[2]==0))
+ {
+ send_result(intr_acknowledge);
+ } else
+ {
+ stop_read();
+ start_play();
+ send_result(intr_acknowledge);
+ }
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_forward()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: forward\n");
+ #endif
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_backward()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: backward\n");
+ #endif
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_readn()
+ if (driver)
+ {
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: readn\n");
+ #endif
+ curpos[0]=loc[0];
+ curpos[1]=loc[1];
+ curpos[2]=loc[2];
+ stop_read();
+ start_read();
+ send_result(intr_complete);
+ } else
+ {
+ printf("read without driver\n");
+ send_result(intr_diskerror);
+ }
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_standby()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: standby\n");
+ #endif
+ stop_read();
+ send_result(intr_acknowledge);
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_stop()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: stop\n");
+ #endif
+ stop_read();
+ send_result(intr_acknowledge);
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_pause()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: pause\n");
+ #endif
+ stop_read();
+ send_result(intr_acknowledge);
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_init()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: init\n");
+ #endif
+ stop_read();
+ mode=0;
+ sr|=0x10;
+ send_result(intr_acknowledge);
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_mute()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: mute\n");
+ #endif
+ send_result(intr_acknowledge);
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_demute()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: demute\n");
+ #endif
+ send_result(intr_acknowledge);
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_setfilter()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: setfilter %08x,%08x\n",cmdbuf[0],cmdbuf[1]);
+ #endif
+ filter_file=cmdbuf[0];
+ filter_channel=cmdbuf[1];
+ send_result(intr_acknowledge);
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_setmode()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: setmode %08x\n",cmdbuf[0]);
+ #endif
+ mode=cmdbuf[0];
+ switch ((mode&mode_size_mask)>>mode_size_shift)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ secsize=2328;
+ secskip=24;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ secsize=2340;
+ secskip=12;
+ break;
+ default:
+ secsize=2048;
+ secskip=24;
+ break;
+ }
+ send_result(intr_complete);
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_getparam()
+ unsigned char data[6]=
+ {
+ status,
+ mode,
+ filter_file,
+ filter_channel,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ };
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: getparam [%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x]\n",
+ data[0],
+ data[1],
+ data[2],
+ data[3],
+ data[4],
+ data[5]);
+ #endif
+ send_result(intr_complete,data,6);
+#if 0
+static void add_loc(unsigned char *dst, const unsigned char *src1, const unsigned char *src2)
+ int f=src1[2]+src2[2],
+ s=src1[1]+src2[1],
+ m=src1[0]+src2[0];
+ while (f>=75) { s++; f-=75; }
+ while (s>=60) { m++; s-=60; }
+ dst[0]=m;
+ dst[1]=s;
+ dst[2]=f;
+static void sub_loc(unsigned char *dst, const unsigned char *src1, const unsigned char *src2)
+ int f=src1[2]-src2[2],
+ s=src1[1]-src2[1],
+ m=src1[0]-src2[0];
+ while (f<0) { s--; f+=75; }
+ while (s<0) { m--; s+=60; }
+ if (m<0)
+ m=s=f=0;
+ dst[0]=m;
+ dst[1]=s;
+ dst[2]=f;
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_getlocl()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: getlocl\n");
+ #endif
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: getlocl [%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x]\n",
+ lastsechdr[0],
+ lastsechdr[1],
+ lastsechdr[2],
+ lastsechdr[3],
+ lastsechdr[4],
+ lastsechdr[5],
+ lastsechdr[6],
+ lastsechdr[7]);
+ #endif
+ send_result(intr_complete,lastsechdr,8);
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_getlocp()
+ unsigned char tloc[3],
+ twosec[3]={ 0,2,0 };
+ sub_loc(tloc,loc,twosec);
+ unsigned char data[8]=
+ {
+ 0x01, // track
+ 0x01, // index
+ decimal_to_bcd(tloc[0]), // min
+ decimal_to_bcd(tloc[1]), // sec
+ decimal_to_bcd(tloc[2]), // frame
+ decimal_to_bcd(loc[0]), // amin
+ decimal_to_bcd(loc[1]), // asec
+ decimal_to_bcd(loc[2]) // aframe
+ };
+ //unsigned char data[8]={ 2,1,0,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff };
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: getlocp [%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x]\n",
+ data[0],
+ data[1],
+ data[2],
+ data[3],
+ data[4],
+ data[5],
+ data[6],
+ data[7]);
+ #endif
+ send_result(intr_complete,data,8);
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_illegal()
+ assert(0);
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_gettn()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: gettn\n");
+ #endif
+ assert(driver);
+ unsigned char data[3]=
+ {
+ status,
+ decimal_to_bcd(driver->get_first_track()),
+ decimal_to_bcd(driver->get_num_tracks())
+ };
+ //stop_read();
+ send_result(intr_acknowledge,data,3);
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_gettd()
+ unsigned char addr[3];
+ driver->get_track_address(bcd_to_decimal(cmdbuf[0]), addr);
+ unsigned char data[3]=
+ {
+ status,
+ decimal_to_bcd(addr[0]),
+ decimal_to_bcd(addr[1])
+ };
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: gettd %02x [%02x %02x %02x]\n",
+ cmdbuf[0],
+ data[0],
+ data[1],
+ data[2]);
+ #endif
+ //stop_read();
+ send_result(intr_acknowledge,data,3);
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_seekl()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: seekl [%02d:%02d:%02d]\n",loc[0],loc[1],loc[2]);
+ #endif
+ curpos[0]=loc[0];
+ curpos[1]=loc[1];
+ curpos[2]=loc[2];
+ send_result(intr_acknowledge);
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_seekp()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: seekp\n");
+ #endif
+ curpos[0]=loc[0];
+ curpos[1]=loc[1];
+ curpos[2]=loc[2];
+ send_result(intr_acknowledge);
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_test()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: test %08x\n",cmdbuf[0]);
+ #endif
+ static unsigned char data[4]=
+ {
+ 0x95,
+ 0x07,
+ 0x06,
+ 0xff
+ };
+ send_result(intr_complete,data,4);
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_id()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: id\n");
+ #endif
+ if (! open)
+ {
+ if (driver)
+ open=driver->read_toc();
+ }
+ if (open)
+ {
+ static unsigned char gamedata[8] = { 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 'S', 'C', 'E', 'A' };
+ static unsigned char audiodata[8] = { 0x08, 0x90, 0x00, 0x00, 'S', 'C', 'E', 'A' }; // drops into the audio CD player. 08 80 goes to the menu.
+ if (cdrom_get_track_type(m_cd, 0) == CD_TRACK_AUDIO)
+ {
+ send_result(intr_acknowledge,audiodata,8);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ send_result(intr_acknowledge,gamedata,8);
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ status=status_error|status_shellopen;
+ send_result(intr_diskerror);
+ }
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_reads()
+ curpos[0]=loc[0];
+ curpos[1]=loc[1];
+ curpos[2]=loc[2];
+ #ifdef skip_reads
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ log("cdrom: reads [SKIPPING - RETURN COMPLETE]\n");
+ #endif
+ send_result(intr_complete);
+ #else
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: reads\n");
+ #endif
+ stop_read();
+ start_streaming();
+ #endif
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_reset()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: reset\n");
+ #endif
+void psxcd_device::cdcmd_readtoc()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: readtoc\n");
+ #endif
+ static unsigned char data[4]=
+ {
+ 0x00,
+ 0x00,
+ 0xff,
+ 0xfe
+ };
+ send_result(intr_complete|0x10,data,2);
+void psxcd_device::cmd_complete(command_result *res)
+ bool doint=((res->res&0x10)==0);
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ command_result *rf;
+ #endif
+ if (doint)
+ {
+ psx_irq_set(machine(), 0x0004);
+ }
+ add_result(res);
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ if (doint)
+ {
+ printf("cdrom: irq [");
+ for (rf=res_queue; ((rf) && (rf->next)); rf=rf->next);
+ printf("%d ",rf->res);
+ printf("]\n");
+ }
+ #endif
+void psxcd_device::add_result(command_result *res)
+ command_result *rf;
+ if (res_queue)
+ {
+ for (rf=res_queue; rf->next; rf=rf->next);
+ rf->next=res;
+ } else
+ {
+ res_queue=res;
+ }
+ res->next=NULL;
+event *psxcd_device::send_result(const unsigned int res,
+ const unsigned char *data,
+ const unsigned int sz,
+ const unsigned int delay)
+ // Update shell open status
+ if (! open)
+ {
+ status=status_error|status_shellopen;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (status&status_shellopen)
+ status=status_standby;
+ }
+ // Prepare event
+ event *ev=new event;
+ ev->t=delay;
+ ev->type=event_cmd_complete;
+ command_result *cr=(command_result *)ev->data;
+ cr->res=res;
+ if (sz)
+ {
+ assert(sz<sizeof(cr->data));
+ memcpy(cr->data,data,sz);
+ cr->sz=sz;
+ } else
+ {
+ cr->data[0]=status;
+ cr->sz=1;
+ }
+ // Avoid returning results after sector read results -
+ // delay the sector read slightly if necessary
+ UINT64 systime = machine().device<cpu_device>("maincpu")->total_cycles();
+ if ((next_read_event) && ((systime+ev->t)>(next_sector_t)))
+ {
+ UINT32 hz = m_sysclock / (delay + 2000);
+ next_read_event->timer->adjust(attotime::from_hz(hz), 0, attotime::never);
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PSXCD_TIMERS; i++)
+ {
+ if (m_eventfortimer[i] == next_read_event)
+ {
+ printf("Adjusting timer %d to %d hz]n", i, hz);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ add_system_event(ev);
+ return ev;
+void psxcd_device::start_dma(UINT8 *mainram, UINT32 size)
+ if ((int)size>secleft)
+ {
+ printf("cdrom: dma past end of sector (secleft=%d sz=%d)\n",secleft,size);
+ }
+// printf("cdrom: start dma %d bytes, %d remaining, secptr %p\n", size, secleft, secptr);
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ if (size==12)
+ {
+ char poo[1024],*pp=poo;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<12; i++)
+ {
+ sprintf(pp,"%02x ",secptr[i]);
+ pp+=3;
+ }
+ printf("cdrom: data=%s\n",poo);
+ }
+ #endif
+ memcpy(mainram, secptr, size);
+ memset(secptr, 0xff, size);
+ secptr += size;
+ secleft -= size;
+ if (secleft<0) secleft=0;
+ if (secleft==0) sr&=~0x40;
+void psxcd_device::prefetch_next_sector()
+ unsigned int pos=msf_to_sector(curpos);
+ assert(driver);
+ driver->prefetch_sector(pos);
+bool psxcd_device::read_next_sector(const bool block)
+ unsigned int pos=msf_to_sector(curpos);
+ unsigned char *buf=&secbuf[sechead*raw_sector_size];
+ assert(driver);
+ assert(secin<sector_buffer_size);
+// printf("read_next_sector: sec %d, sechead %d, raw_sector_size %d\n", pos, sechead, raw_sector_size);
+ if (driver->read_sector(pos, buf, block))
+ {
+// printf("buf contents = %02x %02x | %02x %02x\n", buf[0], buf[1], buf[0x20], buf[0x21]);
+ sechead=(sechead+1)&(sector_buffer_size-1);
+ secin++;
+ memcpy(lastsechdr,&secbuf[raw_sector_size*sectail]+12,8);
+ return true;
+ } else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+void psxcd_device::read_sector()
+ next_read_event=NULL;
+ if (status & status_reading)
+ {
+ bool isend=false;
+ if (read_next_sector(false))
+ {
+ unsigned char *rawsec;
+ if ((mode&mode_adpcm) && (streaming))
+ {
+ rawsec=&secbuf[raw_sector_size*sectail];
+ secptr=rawsec+24;
+ secleft=2048;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rawsec=&secbuf[raw_sector_size*sectail];
+ secptr=rawsec+secskip;
+ secleft=secsize;
+ }
+ secin--;
+ sectail=(sectail+1)&(sector_buffer_size-1);
+ //
+ bool isxa=false;
+ subheader *sub=(subheader *)(rawsec+16);
+ #ifdef dump_subheader
+ printf("cdrom: subheader file=%02x chan=%02x submode=%02x coding=%02x [%02x%02x%02x%02x]\n",
+ sub->file,
+ sub->channel,
+ sub->submode,
+ sub->coding,
+ rawsec[0xc],
+ rawsec[0xd],
+ rawsec[0xe],
+ rawsec[0xf]);
+ #endif
+ status&=~status_playing;
+ isxa=((mode&mode_adpcm) && (sub->submode&submode_audio));
+ if (((mode&mode_channel)==0) ||
+ ((sub->file==filter_file) && (sub->channel==filter_channel)))
+ {
+ if (isxa)
+ {
+ if (sub->submode&submode_eof)
+ {
+ isend=true;
+ //printf("end of file\n");
+ }
+ #ifndef disable_xa_prefetch
+ unsigned int cursec=msf_to_sector(curpos);
+ if (xa_prefetch_sector==-1)
+ {
+ xa_prefetch_sector=cursec;
+ machine().device<spu_device>("spu")->flush_xa();
+ }
+ unsigned char *xaptr;
+ unsigned int xasecsz;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ int dist=xa_prefetch_sector-cursec;
+ if (dist>max_xa_prefetch_distance) break;
+ xaptr=driver->get_prefetch_sector(xa_prefetch_sector,&xasecsz);
+ if (! xaptr) break;
+ switch (xasecsz)
+ {
+ case 2336:
+ break;
+ default:
+ xaptr+=16;
+ break;
+ }
+ subheader *xasub=(subheader *)xaptr;
+ if ((xasub->submode&submode_audio) &&
+ (((mode&mode_channel)==0) ||
+ ((xasub->file==sub->file) &&
+ (xasub->channel==sub->channel))))
+ {
+ if (! machine().device<spu_device>("spu")->play_xa(xa_prefetch_sector,xaptr))
+ break;
+ }
+ xa_prefetch_sector++;
+ }
+ #else
+ machine().device<spu_device>("spu")->play_xa(0,rawsec+16);
+ #endif
+ status|=status_playing;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((mode&mode_autopause)==0)
+ isend=false;
+ //
+ curpos[2]++;
+ if (curpos[2]==75)
+ {
+ curpos[2]=0;
+ curpos[1]++;
+ if (curpos[1]==60)
+ {
+ curpos[1]=0;
+ curpos[0]++;
+ }
+ }
+ loc[0]=curpos[0];
+ loc[1]=curpos[1];
+ loc[2]=curpos[2];
+ //
+ command_result *res=new command_result;
+ res->res=isend?intr_dataend:intr_dataready;
+ res->data[0]=status;
+ res->sz=1;
+ sr|=0x40;
+ if ((streaming) && (isxa))
+ {
+ global_free(res);
+ res=NULL;
+ }
+ if (res)
+ {
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom:: data ready\n");
+ #endif
+ cmd_complete(res);
+ }
+ }
+ if (! isend)
+ {
+ unsigned int cyc=read_sector_cycles;
+ if (mode&mode_double_speed) cyc>>=1;
+ next_sector_t+=cyc;
+ event *ev=new event;
+ ev->t=cyc;
+ ev->type=event_read_sector;
+ next_read_event=ev;
+ add_system_event(ev);
+ //read_next_sector();
+ } else
+ {
+ printf("autopause xa\n");
+ stop_read();
+ }
+ }
+bool psxcd_device::play_cdda_sector(const unsigned int sector,
+ unsigned char *rawsec)
+ bool isdata=true;
+ if (rawsec[0]!=0)
+ {
+ isdata=false;
+ } else
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
+ if (rawsec[i+1]!=0xff)
+ {
+ isdata=false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (! isdata)
+ {
+ return machine().device<spu_device>("spu")->play_cdda(sector,rawsec);
+ } else
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+void psxcd_device::play_sector()
+ next_read_event=NULL;
+ if (status&status_playing)
+ {
+ #ifdef disable_cdda_prefetch
+ unsigned char *rawsec=&secbuf[raw_sector_size*sectail];
+ #endif
+ secin--;
+ sectail=(sectail+1)&(sector_buffer_size-1);
+ //
+ #ifndef disable_cdda_prefetch
+ unsigned int cursec=msf_to_sector(curpos);
+ if (cdda_prefetch_sector==-1)
+ {
+ cdda_prefetch_sector=cursec;
+ machine().device<spu_device>("spu")->flush_cdda();
+ }
+ unsigned char *cddaptr;
+// bool full=false;
+ unsigned int cddasecsz;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ int dist=cdda_prefetch_sector-cursec;
+ if (dist>max_cdda_prefetch_distance) break;
+ cddaptr=driver->get_prefetch_sector(cdda_prefetch_sector,&cddasecsz);
+ if (! cddaptr) break;
+ if (! play_cdda_sector(cdda_prefetch_sector,cddaptr))
+ break;
+ cdda_prefetch_sector++;
+ }
+ #else
+ play_cdda_sector(0,rawsec);
+ #endif
+ //
+ curpos[2]++;
+ if (curpos[2]==75)
+ {
+ curpos[2]=0;
+ curpos[1]++;
+ if (curpos[1]==60)
+ {
+ curpos[1]=0;
+ curpos[0]++;
+ }
+ }
+ loc[0]=curpos[0];
+ loc[1]=curpos[1];
+ loc[2]=curpos[2];
+ //
+ if (mode&mode_autopause)
+ {
+ if (msf_to_sector(loc)>=autopause_sector)
+ {
+ printf("autopause cdda\n");
+ command_result *res=new command_result;
+ res->res=intr_dataend;
+ res->data[0]=status_standby;
+ res->sz=1;
+ cmd_complete(res);
+ stop_read();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (mode&mode_report)
+ {
+ command_result *res=new command_result;
+ res->res=intr_complete; //dataready;
+ res->data[0]=status_playing|status_standby;
+ res->data[1]=0x01;
+ res->data[2]=0x80;
+ res->data[3]=decimal_to_bcd(loc[0]);
+ res->data[4]=decimal_to_bcd(loc[1])|0x80;
+ res->data[5]=decimal_to_bcd(loc[2]);
+ res->sz=8;
+ cmd_complete(res);
+ }
+ unsigned int cyc=read_sector_cycles;
+ event *ev=new event;
+ ev->t=next_sector_t - machine().device<cpu_device>("maincpu")->total_cycles();
+ ev->type=event_play_sector;
+ next_sector_t+=cyc;
+ next_read_event=ev;
+ add_system_event(ev);
+ read_next_sector();
+ }
+void psxcd_device::preread_sector()
+ next_read_event=NULL;
+ //
+ event *ev=new event;
+ unsigned int pos=msf_to_sector(curpos);
+ unsigned char *buf=&secbuf[sechead*raw_sector_size];
+ if (! driver->read_sector(pos,buf,false))
+ {
+ ev->t=(m_sysclock/60);
+ ev->type=event_preread_sector;
+ unsigned int cyc=read_sector_cycles;
+ if (mode&mode_double_speed) cyc>>=1;
+ next_sector_t=ev->t+(cyc-preread_delay)+machine().device<cpu_device>("maincpu")->total_cycles();
+ } else
+ {
+ memcpy(lastsechdr,buf+12,8);
+ //
+ command_result *res=new command_result;
+ res->res=intr_complete;
+ res->data[0]=status;
+ res->sz=1;
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: read acknowledge\n");
+ #endif
+ cmd_complete(res);
+ //
+ ev->t=next_sector_t - machine().device<cpu_device>("maincpu")->total_cycles();
+ ev->type=event_read_sector;
+ //read_next_sector();
+ }
+ next_read_event=ev;
+ add_system_event(ev);
+void psxcd_device::start_read()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: start read\n");
+ #endif
+ assert((status&(status_reading|status_playing))==0);
+ status|=status_reading;
+ secin=sechead=sectail=0;
+ xa_prefetch_sector=-1;
+ unsigned int cyc=read_sector_cycles;
+ if (mode&mode_double_speed) cyc>>=1;
+ INT64 systime=machine().device<cpu_device>("maincpu")->total_cycles();
+ systime+=start_read_delay;
+ event *ev=new event;
+ ev->t=start_read_delay+preread_delay;
+ ev->type=event_preread_sector;
+ next_sector_t=systime+cyc;
+ next_read_event=ev;
+ add_system_event(ev);
+ prefetch_next_sector();
+void psxcd_device::start_streaming()
+ assert(! streaming);
+ streaming=true;
+ start_read();
+void psxcd_device::start_play()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom: start play\n");
+ #endif
+ status|=status_playing;
+ secin=sechead=sectail=0;
+ cdda_prefetch_sector=-1;
+ if (mode&mode_autopause)
+ {
+ unsigned int pos=msf_to_sector(curpos);
+ driver->find_track(pos+150,NULL,&autopause_sector);
+// printf("pos=%d auto=%d\n",pos,autopause_sector);
+ }
+ unsigned int cyc=read_sector_cycles;
+ next_sector_t=machine().device<cpu_device>("maincpu")->total_cycles()+cyc;
+ event *ev=new event;
+ ev->t=next_sector_t - machine().device<cpu_device>("maincpu")->total_cycles();
+ ev->type=event_play_sector;
+ next_sector_t+=cyc;
+ next_read_event=ev;
+ add_system_event(ev);
+ read_next_sector();
+void psxcd_device::stop_read()
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ if (status&status_reading)
+ printf("cdrom: stop read\n");
+ #endif
+ status&=~(status_reading|status_playing);
+ streaming=false;
+ if (next_read_event)
+ {
+ next_read_event->timer->adjust(attotime::never, 0, attotime::never);
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PSXCD_TIMERS; i++)
+ {
+ if (m_timers[i] == next_read_event->timer)
+ {
+ m_timerinuse[i] = false;
+ m_eventfortimer[i] = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ global_free(next_read_event);
+ next_read_event=NULL;
+ }
+ unsigned int sector=msf_to_sector(curpos);
+ machine().device<spu_device>("spu")->flush_xa(sector);
+ machine().device<spu_device>("spu")->flush_cdda(sector);
+void psxcd_device::set_driver(cdrom_driver *d)
+ char err[1024];
+ if (d)
+ {
+ if (d->is_usable(err,1024))
+ {
+ driver=d;
+ open=false;
+ if (! first_open)
+ {
+ command_result *res=new command_result;
+ res->res=intr_acknowledge;
+ res->data[0]=status_standby;
+ res->sz=1;
+ cmd_complete(res);
+ open_nops=10;
+ }
+ first_open=false;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ driver=NULL;
+ open=false;
+ command_result *res=new command_result;
+ res->res=intr_acknowledge;
+ res->data[0]=status_shellopen;
+ res->sz=1;
+ cmd_complete(res);
+ }
+void psxcd_device::device_timer(emu_timer &timer, device_timer_id tid, int param, void *ptr)
+ event *ev = m_eventfortimer[tid];
+// printf("timer %d fired, performing event type %d\n", tid, ev->type);
+ switch (ev->type)
+ {
+ case event_cmd_complete:
+ {
+ #ifdef debug_cdrom
+ printf("cdrom:: event cmd complete\n");
+ #endif
+ command_result *res=new command_result;
+ memcpy(res,ev->data,sizeof(command_result));
+ cmd_complete(res);
+ break;
+ }
+ case event_preread_sector:
+ preread_sector();
+ break;
+ case event_read_sector:
+ read_sector();
+ break;
+ case event_play_sector:
+ play_sector();
+ break;
+ }
+ // free the timer
+// printf("Freeing timer %d\n", tid);
+ m_timers[tid]->adjust(attotime::never, 0, attotime::never);
+ m_timerinuse[tid] = false;
+ m_eventfortimer[tid] = NULL;
+ global_free(ev);
+void psxcd_device::add_system_event(event *ev)
+ emu_timer *timer = NULL;
+ int tnum = -1;
+ // allocate a timer for this event
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PSXCD_TIMERS; i++)
+ {
+ if (!m_timerinuse[i])
+ {
+ tnum = i;
+ timer = m_timers[i];
+ m_timerinuse[i] = true;
+ m_eventfortimer[i] = ev;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tnum == -1)
+ {
+ fatalerror("PSXCD: ran out of timers!\n");
+ }
+ // ev->t is in maincpu clock cycles
+ UINT32 hz = m_sysclock / ev->t;
+// printf("add_system_event: event type %d for %d hz (using timer %d)\n", ev->type, hz, tnum);
+ timer->adjust(attotime::from_hz(hz), tnum, attotime::never);
+ // back-reference the timer from the event
+ ev->timer = timer;