path: root/src/mess/machine/mb8795.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mess/machine/mb8795.c')
1 files changed, 333 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mess/machine/mb8795.c b/src/mess/machine/mb8795.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fcc0ea89061
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mess/machine/mb8795.c
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+#include "emu.h"
+#include "mb8795.h"
+const device_type MB8795 = &device_creator<mb8795_device>;
+DEVICE_ADDRESS_MAP_START(map, 8, mb8795_device)
+ AM_RANGE(0x0, 0x0) AM_READWRITE(txstat_r, txstat_w)
+ AM_RANGE(0x1, 0x1) AM_READWRITE(txmask_r, txmask_w)
+ AM_RANGE(0x2, 0x2) AM_READWRITE(rxstat_r, rxstat_w)
+ AM_RANGE(0x3, 0x3) AM_READWRITE(rxmask_r, rxmask_w)
+ AM_RANGE(0x4, 0x4) AM_READWRITE(txmode_r, txmode_w)
+ AM_RANGE(0x5, 0x5) AM_READWRITE(rxmode_r, rxmode_w)
+ AM_RANGE(0x6, 0x6) AM_WRITE(reset_w)
+ AM_RANGE(0x7, 0x7) AM_READ(tdc_lsb_r)
+ AM_RANGE(0x8, 0xf) AM_READWRITE(mac_r, mac_w) // Mapping limitation, real is up to 0xd
+mb8795_device::mb8795_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock)
+ : device_t(mconfig, MB8795, "Fujitsu MB8795", tag, owner, clock),
+ device_network_interface(mconfig, *this, 10)
+void mb8795_device::set_irq_cb(line_cb_t tx, line_cb_t rx)
+ irq_tx_cb = tx;
+ irq_rx_cb = rx;
+void mb8795_device::set_drq_cb(line_cb_t tx, line_cb_t rx)
+ drq_tx_cb = tx;
+ drq_rx_cb = rx;
+void mb8795_device::check_irq()
+ bool old_irq_tx = irq_tx;
+ bool old_irq_rx = irq_rx;
+ irq_tx = txstat & txmask;
+ irq_rx = rxstat & rxmask;
+ if(irq_tx != old_irq_tx && !irq_tx_cb.isnull())
+ irq_tx_cb(irq_tx);
+ if(irq_rx != old_irq_rx && !irq_rx_cb.isnull())
+ irq_rx_cb(irq_rx);
+void mb8795_device::device_start()
+ memset(mac, 0, 6);
+ timer_tx = timer_alloc(TIMER_TX);
+ timer_rx = timer_alloc(TIMER_RX);
+void mb8795_device::device_reset()
+ txstat = EN_TXS_READY;
+ txmask = 0x00;
+ rxstat = 0x00;
+ rxmask = 0x00;
+ txmode = 0x00;
+ rxmode = 0x00;
+ drq_tx = drq_rx = false;
+ irq_tx = irq_rx = false;
+ txlen = rxlen = txcount = 0;
+ set_promisc(true);
+ start_send();
+void mb8795_device::recv_cb(UINT8 *buf, int len)
+ memcpy(rxbuf, buf, len);
+ rxlen = len;
+ receive();
+bool mb8795_device::mcast_chk(const UINT8 *buf, int len)
+ return true;
+ // fprintf(stderr, "mb8795: txstat_r %02x (%08x)\n", txstat, cpu_get_pc(&space.device()));
+ return txstat;
+ txstat = txstat & (0xf0 | ~data);
+ check_irq();
+ fprintf(stderr, "mb8795: txstat_w %02x (%08x)\n", txstat, cpu_get_pc(&space.device()));
+ fprintf(stderr, "mb8795: txmask_r %02x (%08x)\n", txmask, cpu_get_pc(&space.device()));
+ return txmask;
+ txmask = data & 0xaf;
+ check_irq();
+ fprintf(stderr, "mb8795: txmask_w %02x (%08x)\n", txmask, cpu_get_pc(&space.device()));
+ fprintf(stderr, "mb8795: rxstat_r %02x (%08x)\n", rxstat, cpu_get_pc(&space.device()));
+ return rxstat;
+ rxstat = rxstat & (0x70 | ~data);
+ check_irq();
+ fprintf(stderr, "mb8795: rxstat_w %02x (%08x)\n", rxstat, cpu_get_pc(&space.device()));
+ fprintf(stderr, "mb8795: rxmask_r %02x (%08x)\n", rxmask, cpu_get_pc(&space.device()));
+ return rxmask;
+ rxmask = data & 0x9f;
+ check_irq();
+ fprintf(stderr, "mb8795: rxmask_w %02x (%08x)\n", rxmask, cpu_get_pc(&space.device()));
+ fprintf(stderr, "mb8795: txmode_r %02x (%08x)\n", txmode, cpu_get_pc(&space.device()));
+ return txmode;
+ txmode = data;
+ fprintf(stderr, "mb8795: txmode_w %02x (%08x)\n", txmode, cpu_get_pc(&space.device()));
+ fprintf(stderr, "mb8795: rxmode_r %02x (%08x)\n", rxmode, cpu_get_pc(&space.device()));
+ return rxmode;
+ rxmode = data;
+ fprintf(stderr, "mb8795: rxmode_w %02x (%08x)\n", rxmode, cpu_get_pc(&space.device()));
+ if(data & EN_RST_RESET)
+ device_reset();
+ fprintf(stderr, "mb8795: tdc_lsb_r %02x (%08x)\n", txcount & 0xff, cpu_get_pc(&space.device()));
+ return txcount;
+ if(offset < 6)
+ return mac[offset];
+ if(offset == 7) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "mb8795: tdc_msb_r %02x (%08x)\n", txcount >> 8, cpu_get_pc(&space.device()));
+ return (txcount >> 8) & 0x3f;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ if(offset < 6) {
+ mac[offset] = data;
+ set_mac((const char *)mac);
+ }
+void mb8795_device::start_send()
+ timer_tx->adjust(attotime::zero);
+void mb8795_device::tx_dma_w(UINT8 data, bool eof)
+ txbuf[txlen++] = data;
+ if(txstat & EN_TXS_READY) {
+ txstat &= ~EN_TXS_READY;
+ check_irq();
+ }
+ drq_tx = false;
+ if(!drq_tx_cb.isnull())
+ drq_tx_cb(drq_tx);
+ if(eof) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "mb8795: send packet, dest=%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x len=%04x\n",
+ txbuf[0], txbuf[1], txbuf[2], txbuf[3], txbuf[4], txbuf[5],
+ txlen);
+ if(!(txmode & EN_TMD_LB_DISABLE))
+ fprintf(stderr, " -> loopback active\n");
+ if(!(txmode & EN_TMD_LB_DISABLE)) {
+ memcpy(rxbuf, txbuf, txlen);
+ rxlen = txlen;
+ receive();
+ }
+ send(txbuf, txlen);
+ txlen = 0;
+ txstat |= EN_TXS_READY;
+ txcount++;
+ start_send();
+ } else
+ timer_tx->adjust(attotime::from_nsec(800));
+void mb8795_device::rx_dma_r(UINT8 &data, bool &eof)
+ drq_rx = false;
+ if(!drq_rx_cb.isnull())
+ drq_rx_cb(drq_rx);
+ if(rxlen) {
+ data = rxbuf[0];
+ rxlen--;
+ memmove(rxbuf, rxbuf+1, rxlen);
+ } else
+ data = 0;
+ if(rxlen) {
+ timer_rx->adjust(attotime::from_nsec(800));
+ eof = false;
+ } else
+ eof = true;
+void mb8795_device::receive()
+ fprintf(stderr, "mb8975: received packet for %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x len=%04x, mode=%d\n",
+ rxbuf[0], rxbuf[1], rxbuf[2], rxbuf[3], rxbuf[4], rxbuf[5],
+ rxlen, rxmode & 3);
+ bool keep = false;
+ switch(rxmode & EN_RMD_WHATRECV) {
+ keep = false;
+ break;
+ keep = recv_is_broadcast() || recv_is_me() || recv_is_local_multicast();
+ break;
+ keep = recv_is_broadcast() || recv_is_me() || recv_is_multicast();
+ break;
+ keep = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, " -> %s\n", keep ? "kept" : "dropped");
+ if(!keep)
+ rxlen = false;
+ else {
+ rxstat |= EN_RXS_OK;
+ check_irq();
+ timer_rx->adjust(attotime::zero);
+ }
+bool mb8795_device::recv_is_broadcast()
+ return
+ rxbuf[0] == 0xff &&
+ rxbuf[1] == 0xff &&
+ rxbuf[2] == 0xff &&
+ rxbuf[3] == 0xff &&
+ rxbuf[4] == 0xff &&
+ rxbuf[5] == 0xff;
+bool mb8795_device::recv_is_me()
+ return
+ rxbuf[0] == mac[0] &&
+ rxbuf[1] == mac[1] &&
+ rxbuf[2] == mac[2] &&
+ rxbuf[3] == mac[3] &&
+ rxbuf[4] == mac[4] &&
+ ((rxmode & EN_RMD_ADDRSIZE) || rxbuf[5] == mac[5]);
+bool mb8795_device::recv_is_local_multicast()
+ return
+ (rxbuf[0] & 0x01) &&
+ (rxbuf[0] & 0xfe) == mac[0] &&
+ rxbuf[1] == mac[1] &&
+ rxbuf[2] == mac[2];
+bool mb8795_device::recv_is_multicast()
+ return rxbuf[0] & 0x01;
+void mb8795_device::device_timer(emu_timer &timer, device_timer_id id, int param, void *ptr)
+ if(id == TIMER_TX) {
+ drq_tx = true;
+ if(!drq_tx_cb.isnull())
+ drq_tx_cb(drq_tx);
+ }
+ if(id == TIMER_RX && rxlen) {
+ drq_rx = true;
+ if(!drq_rx_cb.isnull())
+ drq_rx_cb(drq_rx);
+ }