path: root/src/mess/machine/6883sam.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mess/machine/6883sam.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 266 deletions
diff --git a/src/mess/machine/6883sam.h b/src/mess/machine/6883sam.h
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index 772fe38d63f..00000000000
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-// license:BSD-3-Clause
-// copyright-holders:Nathan Woods
- 6883sam.h
- Motorola 6883 Synchronous Address Multiplexer
-#pragma once
-#ifndef __6883SAM__
-#define __6883SAM__
-#include "emu.h"
-#define MCFG_SAM6883_ADD(_tag, _clock, _cputag, _cpuspace) \
- MCFG_DEVICE_ADD(_tag, SAM6883, _clock) \
- sam6883_device::configure_cpu(*device, _cputag, _cpuspace);
-#define MCFG_SAM6883_RES_CALLBACK(_read) \
- devcb = &sam6883_device::set_res_rd_callback(*device, DEVCB_##_read);
-// SAM6883 CORE
-// base class so that GIME emulation can use some functionality
-class sam6883_friend_device
- sam6883_friend_device() { m_cpu = NULL; m_sam_state = 0x0000; }
- // SAM state constants
- static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_TY = 0x8000;
- static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_M1 = 0x4000;
- static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_M0 = 0x2000;
- static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_R1 = 0x1000;
- static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_R0 = 0x0800;
- static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_P1 = 0x0400;
- static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_F6 = 0x0200;
- static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_F5 = 0x0100;
- static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_F4 = 0x0080;
- static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_F3 = 0x0040;
- static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_F2 = 0x0020;
- static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_F1 = 0x0010;
- static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_F0 = 0x0008;
- static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_V2 = 0x0004;
- static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_V1 = 0x0002;
- static const UINT16 SAM_STATE_V0 = 0x0001;
- // incidentals
- cpu_device * m_cpu;
- // device state
- UINT16 m_sam_state;
- ATTR_FORCE_INLINE UINT16 display_offset(void)
- {
- }
- ATTR_FORCE_INLINE UINT16 alter_sam_state(offs_t offset)
- {
- /* determine the mask */
- UINT16 mask = 1 << (offset >> 1);
- /* determine the new state */
- UINT16 new_state;
- if (offset & 0x0001)
- new_state = m_sam_state | mask;
- else
- new_state = m_sam_state & ~mask;
- /* specify the new state */
- UINT16 xorval = m_sam_state ^ new_state;
- m_sam_state = new_state;
- return xorval;
- }
- void update_cpu_clock(void);
-class sam6883_device : public device_t, public sam6883_friend_device
- sam6883_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock);
- template<class _Object> static devcb_base &set_res_rd_callback(device_t &device, _Object object) { return downcast<sam6883_device &>(device).m_read_res.set_callback(object); }
- static void configure_cpu(device_t &device, const char *tag, address_spacenum space)
- {
- sam6883_device &dev = downcast<sam6883_device &>(device);
- dev.m_cpu_tag = tag;
- dev.m_cpu_space_ref = space;
- }
- // called to configure banks
- void configure_bank(int bank, UINT8 *memory, UINT32 memory_size, bool is_read_only);
- void configure_bank(int bank, read8_delegate rhandler, write8_delegate whandler);
- // typically called by VDG
- {
- if (offset == (offs_t) ~0)
- {
- /* the VDG is telling the counter to reset */
- m_counter = display_offset();
- m_counter_xdiv = 0;
- m_counter_ydiv = 0;
- }
- else if ((offset & 1) != (m_counter & 0x0001))
- {
- /* DA0 has been toggled - first bump B0-B3 of the counter */
- bool bit3_carry = (m_counter & 0x000F) == 0x000F;
- m_counter = (m_counter & ~0x000F) | ((m_counter + 1) & 0x000F);
- /* and apply the carry (if applicable */
- if (bit3_carry)
- counter_carry_bit3();
- }
- return m_read_res((m_counter & m_counter_mask) | m_counter_or);
- }
- // typically called by machine
- address_space *mpu_address_space(void) const { return m_cpu_space; }
- void set_bank_offset(int bank, offs_t offset);
- // device-level overrides
- virtual void device_start();
- virtual void device_reset();
- virtual void device_post_load();
- // represents an external memory bank - memory or IO that the SAM
- // points to with the S2/S1/S0 output
- struct sam_bank
- {
- UINT8 * m_memory;
- UINT32 m_memory_size;
- offs_t m_memory_offset;
- bool m_memory_read_only;
- read8_delegate m_rhandler;
- write8_delegate m_whandler;
- };
- // represents one of the memory "spaces" (e.g. - $8000-$9FFF) that
- // can ultimately point to a bank
- template<UINT16 _addrstart, UINT16 _addrend>
- class sam_space
- {
- public:
- sam_space(sam6883_device &owner);
- void point(const sam_bank *bank, UINT16 offset, UINT16 mask);
- private:
- sam6883_device & m_owner;
- memory_bank * m_read_bank;
- memory_bank * m_write_bank;
- UINT16 m_mask;
- address_space &cpu_space() const;
- void point_specific_bank(const sam_bank *bank, UINT16 offset, UINT16 mask, memory_bank *&memory_bank, INT32 addrstart, INT32 addrend, bool is_write);
- };
- const char * m_cpu_tag;
- address_spacenum m_cpu_space_ref;
- // incidentals
- address_space * m_cpu_space;
- devcb_read8 m_read_res;
- sam_bank m_banks[8];
- sam_space<0x0000, 0x7FFF> m_space_0000;
- sam_space<0x8000, 0x9FFF> m_space_8000;
- sam_space<0xA000, 0xBFFF> m_space_A000;
- sam_space<0xC000, 0xFEFF> m_space_C000;
- sam_space<0xFF00, 0xFF1F> m_space_FF00;
- sam_space<0xFF20, 0xFF3F> m_space_FF20;
- sam_space<0xFF40, 0xFF5F> m_space_FF40;
- sam_space<0xFF60, 0xFFBF> m_space_FF60;
- sam_space<0xFFE0, 0xFFFF> m_space_FFE0;
- UINT16 m_counter_mask;
- UINT16 m_counter_or;
- // SAM state
- UINT16 m_counter;
- UINT8 m_counter_xdiv;
- UINT8 m_counter_ydiv;
- // dummy scratch memory
- UINT8 m_dummy[0x8000];
- // typically called by CPU
- // called when there is a carry out of bit 3 on the counter
- ATTR_FORCE_INLINE void counter_carry_bit3(void)
- {
- UINT8 x_division;
- switch((m_sam_state & (SAM_STATE_V2|SAM_STATE_V1|SAM_STATE_V0)) / SAM_STATE_V0)
- {
- case 0x00: x_division = 1; break;
- case 0x01: x_division = 3; break;
- case 0x02: x_division = 1; break;
- case 0x03: x_division = 2; break;
- case 0x04: x_division = 1; break;
- case 0x05: x_division = 1; break;
- case 0x06: x_division = 1; break;
- case 0x07: x_division = 1; break;
- default:
- fatalerror("Should not get here\n");
- return;
- }
- if (++m_counter_xdiv >= x_division)
- {
- m_counter_xdiv = 0;
- m_counter ^= 0x0010;
- if ((m_counter & 0x0010) == 0x0000)
- counter_carry_bit4();
- }
- }
- // called when there is a carry out of bit 4 on the counter
- ATTR_FORCE_INLINE void counter_carry_bit4(void)
- {
- UINT8 y_division;
- switch((m_sam_state & (SAM_STATE_V2|SAM_STATE_V1|SAM_STATE_V0)) / SAM_STATE_V0)
- {
- case 0x00: y_division = 12; break;
- case 0x01: y_division = 1; break;
- case 0x02: y_division = 3; break;
- case 0x03: y_division = 1; break;
- case 0x04: y_division = 2; break;
- case 0x05: y_division = 1; break;
- case 0x06: y_division = 1; break;
- case 0x07: y_division = 1; break;
- default:
- fatalerror("Should not get here\n");
- return;
- }
- if (++m_counter_ydiv >= y_division)
- {
- m_counter_ydiv = 0;
- m_counter += 0x0020;
- }
- }
- // other members
- void configure_bank(int bank, UINT8 *memory, UINT32 memory_size, bool is_read_only, read8_delegate rhandler, write8_delegate whandler);
- void horizontal_sync(void);
- void update_state(void);
- void update_memory(void);
-extern const device_type SAM6883;
-#endif /* __6883SAM__ */