path: root/src/mess/includes/fmtowns.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mess/includes/fmtowns.h')
1 files changed, 295 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mess/includes/fmtowns.h b/src/mess/includes/fmtowns.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..18898147b8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mess/includes/fmtowns.h
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+#ifndef FMTOWNS_H_
+#define FMTOWNS_H_
+#include "emu.h"
+#include "cpu/i386/i386.h"
+#include "sound/2612intf.h"
+#include "sound/rf5c68.h"
+#include "sound/cdda.h"
+#include "sound/speaker.h"
+#include "imagedev/chd_cd.h"
+#include "machine/pit8253.h"
+#include "machine/pic8259.h"
+#include "formats/basicdsk.h"
+#include "machine/wd17xx.h"
+#include "imagedev/flopdrv.h"
+#include "machine/upd71071.h"
+#include "machine/ram.h"
+#include "machine/nvram.h"
+#include "imagedev/harddriv.h"
+#include "machine/scsi.h"
+#include "machine/fm_scsi.h"
+#define IRQ_LOG 0 // set to 1 to log IRQ line activity
+READ8_HANDLER( towns_gfx_high_r );
+WRITE8_HANDLER( towns_gfx_high_w );
+READ8_HANDLER( towns_gfx_r );
+WRITE8_HANDLER( towns_gfx_w );
+READ8_HANDLER( towns_video_cff80_r );
+WRITE8_HANDLER( towns_video_cff80_w );
+READ8_HANDLER( towns_video_cff80_mem_r );
+WRITE8_HANDLER( towns_video_cff80_mem_w );
+struct towns_cdrom_controller
+ UINT8 command;
+ UINT8 status;
+ UINT8 cmd_status[4];
+ UINT8 cmd_status_ptr;
+ UINT8 extra_status;
+ UINT8 parameter[8];
+ UINT8 mpu_irq_enable;
+ UINT8 dma_irq_enable;
+ UINT8 buffer[2048];
+ INT32 buffer_ptr;
+ UINT32 lba_current;
+ UINT32 lba_last;
+ UINT32 cdda_current;
+ UINT32 cdda_length;
+ emu_timer* read_timer;
+struct towns_video_controller
+ UINT8 towns_vram_wplane;
+ UINT8 towns_vram_rplane;
+ UINT8 towns_vram_page_sel;
+ UINT8 towns_palette_select;
+ UINT8 towns_palette_r[256];
+ UINT8 towns_palette_g[256];
+ UINT8 towns_palette_b[256];
+ UINT8 towns_degipal[8];
+ UINT8 towns_dpmd_flag;
+ UINT8 towns_crtc_mix;
+ UINT8 towns_crtc_sel; // selected CRTC register
+ UINT16 towns_crtc_reg[32];
+ UINT8 towns_video_sel; // selected video register
+ UINT8 towns_video_reg[2];
+ UINT8 towns_sprite_sel; // selected sprite register
+ UINT8 towns_sprite_reg[8];
+ UINT8 towns_sprite_flag; // sprite drawing flag
+ UINT8 towns_sprite_page; // VRAM page (not layer) sprites are drawn to
+ UINT8 towns_tvram_enable;
+ UINT16 towns_kanji_offset;
+ UINT8 towns_kanji_code_h;
+ UINT8 towns_kanji_code_l;
+ rectangle towns_crtc_layerscr[2]; // each layer has independent sizes
+ UINT8 towns_display_plane;
+ UINT8 towns_display_page_sel;
+ UINT8 towns_vblank_flag;
+ UINT8 towns_layer_ctrl;
+ emu_timer* sprite_timer;
+class towns_state : public driver_device
+ public:
+ towns_state(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *tag)
+ : driver_device(mconfig, type, tag),
+ m_nvram(*this, "nvram")
+ { }
+ /* devices */
+ device_t* m_maincpu;
+ device_t* m_dma_1;
+ device_t* m_dma_2;
+ device_t* m_fdc;
+ device_t* m_pic_master;
+ device_t* m_pic_slave;
+ device_t* m_pit;
+ ram_device* m_messram;
+ cdrom_image_device* m_cdrom;
+ device_t* m_cdda;
+ device_t* m_speaker;
+ class fmscsi_device* m_scsi;
+ ram_device* m_ram;
+ UINT16 m_ftimer;
+ UINT16 m_freerun_timer;
+ emu_timer* m_towns_freerun_counter;
+ UINT16 m_intervaltimer2_period;
+ UINT8 m_intervaltimer2_irqmask;
+ UINT8 m_intervaltimer2_timeout_flag;
+ UINT8 m_intervaltimer2_timeout_flag2;
+ emu_timer* m_towns_intervaltimer2;
+ UINT8 m_nmi_mask;
+ UINT8 m_compat_mode;
+ UINT8 m_towns_system_port;
+ UINT32 m_towns_ankcg_enable;
+ UINT32 m_towns_mainmem_enable;
+ UINT32 m_towns_ram_enable;
+ UINT32* m_towns_vram;
+ UINT8* m_towns_gfxvram;
+ UINT8* m_towns_txtvram;
+ int m_towns_selected_drive;
+ UINT8 m_towns_fdc_irq6mask;
+ UINT8* m_towns_serial_rom;
+ int m_towns_srom_position;
+ UINT8 m_towns_srom_clk;
+ UINT8 m_towns_srom_reset;
+ UINT8 m_towns_rtc_select;
+ UINT8 m_towns_rtc_data;
+ UINT8 m_towns_rtc_reg[16];
+ emu_timer* m_towns_rtc_timer;
+ UINT8 m_towns_timer_mask;
+ UINT16 m_towns_machine_id; // default is 0x0101
+ UINT8 m_towns_kb_status;
+ UINT8 m_towns_kb_irq1_enable;
+ UINT8 m_towns_kb_output; // key output
+ UINT8 m_towns_kb_extend; // extended key output
+ emu_timer* m_towns_kb_timer;
+ emu_timer* m_towns_mouse_timer;
+ UINT8 m_towns_fm_irq_flag;
+ UINT8 m_towns_pcm_irq_flag;
+ UINT8 m_towns_pcm_channel_flag;
+ UINT8 m_towns_pcm_channel_mask;
+ UINT8 m_towns_pad_mask;
+ UINT8 m_towns_mouse_output;
+ UINT8 m_towns_mouse_x;
+ UINT8 m_towns_mouse_y;
+ UINT8 m_towns_volume[8]; // volume ports
+ UINT8 m_towns_volume_select;
+ UINT8 m_towns_scsi_control;
+ UINT8 m_towns_scsi_status;
+ UINT8 m_towns_spkrdata;
+ UINT8 m_towns_speaker_input;
+ UINT8 m_timer0;
+ UINT8 m_timer1;
+ emu_timer* m_towns_wait_timer;
+ struct towns_cdrom_controller m_towns_cd;
+ struct towns_video_controller m_video;
+ UINT32 m_kb_prev[4];
+ UINT8 m_prev_pad_mask;
+ UINT8 m_prev_x;
+ UINT8 m_prev_y;
+ required_shared_ptr<UINT32> m_nvram;
+ virtual void driver_start();
+ virtual void machine_reset();
+ virtual void video_start();
+ UINT32 screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect);
+ virtual void device_timer(emu_timer &timer, device_timer_id id, int param, void *ptr);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_system_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_system_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_intervaltimer2_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_intervaltimer2_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_sys6c_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_sys6c_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_dma1_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_dma1_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_dma2_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_dma2_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_floppy_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_floppy_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_keyboard_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_keyboard_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_port60_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_port60_w);
+ DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER(towns_sys5e8_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER(towns_sys5e8_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_sound_ctrl_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_sound_ctrl_w);
+ DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER(towns_padport_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER(towns_pad_mask_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_cmos8_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_cmos8_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_cmos_low_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_cmos_low_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_cmos_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_cmos_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_sys480_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_sys480_w);
+ DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER(towns_video_404_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER(towns_video_404_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_cdrom_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_cdrom_w);
+ DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER(towns_rtc_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER(towns_rtc_w);
+ DECLARE_WRITE32_MEMBER(towns_rtc_select_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_volume_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_volume_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_41ff_r);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_gfx_high_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_gfx_high_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_gfx_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_gfx_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_video_cff80_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_video_cff80_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_video_cff80_mem_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_video_cff80_mem_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_video_440_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_video_440_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_video_5c8_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_video_5c8_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_video_fd90_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_video_fd90_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_video_ff81_r);
+ DECLARE_READ32_MEMBER(towns_video_unknown_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_video_ff81_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_spriteram_low_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_spriteram_low_w);
+ DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(towns_spriteram_r);
+ DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(towns_spriteram_w);
+ DECLARE_WRITE_LINE_MEMBER(pit_out2_changed);
+ void towns_update_video_banks(address_space&);
+ void init_serial_rom(running_machine&);
+ void init_rtc(running_machine&);
+ void kb_sendcode(UINT8 scancode, int release);
+ UINT8 speaker_get_spk();
+ void speaker_set_spkrdata(UINT8 data);
+ void speaker_set_input(UINT8 data);
+ private:
+ static const device_timer_id TIMER_RTC = 0;
+ static const device_timer_id TIMER_FREERUN = 1;
+ static const device_timer_id TIMER_INTERVAL2 = 2;
+ static const device_timer_id TIMER_KEYBOARD = 3;
+ static const device_timer_id TIMER_MOUSE = 4;
+ static const device_timer_id TIMER_WAIT = 5;
+ void rtc_second();
+ void freerun_inc();
+ void intervaltimer2_timeout();
+ void poll_keyboard();
+ void mouse_timeout();
+ void wait_end();
+class marty_state : public towns_state
+ public:
+ marty_state(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *tag)
+ : towns_state(mconfig, type, tag)
+ { }
+ virtual void driver_start();
+INTERRUPT_GEN( towns_vsync_irq );
+//VIDEO_START( towns );
+//SCREEN_UPDATE_RGB32( towns );
+#endif /*FMTOWNS_H_*/