path: root/src/mess/drivers/ibmpcjr.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mess/drivers/ibmpcjr.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 705 deletions
diff --git a/src/mess/drivers/ibmpcjr.c b/src/mess/drivers/ibmpcjr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 13f421bf12e..00000000000
--- a/src/mess/drivers/ibmpcjr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,705 +0,0 @@
-// license:BSD-3-Clause
-// copyright-holders:Wilbert Pol
-#include "emu.h"
-#include "cpu/i86/i86.h"
-#include "sound/sn76496.h"
-#include "sound/speaker.h"
-#include "video/pc_t1t.h"
-#include "machine/ins8250.h"
-#include "machine/i8255.h"
-#include "machine/pic8259.h"
-#include "machine/pit8253.h"
-#include "machine/ram.h"
-#include "machine/pckeybrd.h"
-#include "machine/pc_lpt.h"
-#include "machine/pc_fdc.h"
-#include "bus/rs232/rs232.h"
-#include "bus/rs232/ser_mouse.h"
-#include "bus/pc_joy/pc_joy.h"
-#include "bus/isa/fdc.h"
-#include "imagedev/cassette.h"
-#include "bus/generic/slot.h"
-#include "bus/generic/carts.h"
-class pcjr_state : public driver_device
- pcjr_state(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *tag)
- : driver_device(mconfig, type, tag),
- m_maincpu(*this, "maincpu"),
- m_pic8259(*this, "pic8259"),
- m_pit8253(*this, "pit8253"),
- m_speaker(*this, "speaker"),
- m_cassette(*this, "cassette"),
- m_cart1(*this, "cartslot1"),
- m_cart2(*this, "cartslot2"),
- m_ram(*this, RAM_TAG),
- m_fdc(*this, "fdc"),
- m_keyboard(*this, "pc_keyboard")
- { }
- required_device<cpu_device> m_maincpu;
- required_device<pic8259_device> m_pic8259;
- required_device<pit8253_device> m_pit8253;
- required_device<speaker_sound_device> m_speaker;
- required_device<cassette_image_device> m_cassette;
- required_device<generic_slot_device> m_cart1;
- required_device<generic_slot_device> m_cart2;
- required_device<ram_device> m_ram;
- required_device<upd765a_device> m_fdc;
- required_device<pc_keyboard_device> m_keyboard;
- DECLARE_WRITE_LINE_MEMBER(keyb_interrupt);
- DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(pc_nmi_enable_w);
- DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(pcjr_nmi_enable_r);
- DECLARE_WRITE_LINE_MEMBER(pic8259_set_int_line);
- DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(pcjr_ppi_portb_w);
- DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(pcjr_ppi_porta_r);
- DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(pcjr_ppi_portc_r);
- DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(pcjr_fdc_dor_w);
- DECLARE_READ8_MEMBER(pcjx_port_1ff_r);
- DECLARE_WRITE8_MEMBER(pcjx_port_1ff_w);
- void pcjx_set_bank(int unk1, int unk2, int unk3);
- int load_cart(device_image_interface &image, generic_slot_device *slot);
- DECLARE_DEVICE_IMAGE_LOAD_MEMBER(pcjr_cart1) { return load_cart(image, m_cart1); }
- DECLARE_DEVICE_IMAGE_LOAD_MEMBER(pcjr_cart2) { return load_cart(image, m_cart2); }
- void pc_speaker_set_spkrdata(UINT8 data);
- UINT8 m_pc_spkrdata;
- UINT8 m_pit_out2;
- UINT8 m_pcjr_dor;
- UINT8 m_pcjx_1ff_count;
- UINT8 m_pcjx_1ff_val;
- UINT8 m_pcjx_1ff_bankval;
- UINT8 m_pcjx_1ff_bank[20][2];
- int m_ppi_portc_switch_high;
- UINT8 m_ppi_portb;
- UINT8 m_pc_keyb_data;
- UINT8 m_transferring;
- UINT8 m_latch;
- UINT32 m_raw_keyb_data;
- int m_signal_count;
- UINT8 m_nmi_enabled;
- void device_timer(emu_timer &timer, device_timer_id id, int param, void *ptr);
- emu_timer *m_pc_int_delay_timer;
- emu_timer *m_pcjr_watchdog;
- emu_timer *m_keyb_signal_timer;
- enum
- {
- };
- void machine_reset();
-static INPUT_PORTS_START( ibmpcjr )
- PORT_INCLUDE(pc_keyboard)
- PORT_START("IN0") /* IN0 */
- PORT_BIT ( 0xf0, 0xf0, IPT_UNUSED )
- PORT_BIT ( 0x08, 0x08, IPT_CUSTOM ) PORT_VBLANK("pcvideo_pcjr:screen")
- PORT_BIT ( 0x07, 0x07, IPT_UNUSED )
-DRIVER_INIT_MEMBER(pcjr_state, pcjr)
- m_pc_int_delay_timer = timer_alloc(TIMER_IRQ_DELAY);
- m_pcjr_watchdog = timer_alloc(TIMER_WATCHDOG);
- m_keyb_signal_timer = timer_alloc(TIMER_KB_SIGNAL);
-void pcjr_state::machine_reset()
- m_pc_spkrdata = 0;
- m_pit_out2 = 1;
- m_ppi_portc_switch_high = 0;
- m_ppi_portb = 0;
- m_pcjr_dor = 0;
- m_speaker->level_w(0);
- m_pcjx_1ff_count = 0;
- m_pcjx_1ff_val = 0;
- m_pcjx_1ff_bankval = 0;
- memset(m_pcjx_1ff_bank, 0, sizeof(m_pcjx_1ff_bank));
- m_transferring = 0;
- m_latch = 0;
- m_raw_keyb_data = 0;
- m_nmi_enabled = 0x80;
-void pcjr_state::device_timer(emu_timer &timer, device_timer_id id, int param, void *ptr)
- switch(id)
- {
- m_maincpu->set_input_line(0, param ? ASSERT_LINE : CLEAR_LINE);
- break;
- if(m_pcjr_dor & 0x20)
- m_pic8259->ir6_w(1);
- else
- m_pic8259->ir6_w(0);
- break;
- m_raw_keyb_data = m_raw_keyb_data >> 1;
- m_signal_count--;
- if ( m_signal_count <= 0 )
- {
- m_keyb_signal_timer->adjust( attotime::never, 0, attotime::never );
- m_transferring = 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- *
- * PCJR pic8259 configuration
- *
- * Part of the PCJR CRT POST test at address F0452/F0454 writes
- * to the PIC enabling an IRQ which is then immediately fired,
- * however it is expected that the actual IRQ is taken one
- * instruction later (the irq bit is reset by the instruction
- * at F0454). Delaying taking of an IRQ by one instruction for
- * all cases breaks floppy emulation. This seems to be a really
- * tight corner case. For now we delay the IRQ by one instruction
- * only for the PCJR and only when it's inside the POST checks.
- *
- *************************************************************/
- UINT32 pc = m_maincpu->pc();
- if ( (pc == 0xF0453) || (pc == 0xFF196) )
- {
- m_pc_int_delay_timer->adjust( m_maincpu->cycles_to_attotime(20), state );
- }
- else
- {
- m_maincpu->set_input_line(0, state ? ASSERT_LINE : CLEAR_LINE);
- }
- *
- * PC Speaker related
- *
- *************************************************************************/
-void pcjr_state::pc_speaker_set_spkrdata(UINT8 data)
- m_pc_spkrdata = data ? 1 : 0;
- m_speaker->level_w(m_pc_spkrdata & m_pit_out2);
- m_pit_out2 = state ? 1 : 0;
- m_speaker->level_w(m_pc_spkrdata & m_pit_out2);
- *
- * PCJR NMI and raw keybaord handling
- *
- * raw signals on the keyboard cable:
- * ---_-b0b1b2b3b4b5b6b7pa----------------------
- * | | | | | | | | | | |
- * | | | | | | | | | | *--- 11 stop bits ( -- = 1 stop bit )
- * | | | | | | | | | *----- parity bit ( 0 = _-, 1 = -_ )
- * | | | | | | | | *------- bit 7 ( 0 = _-, 1 = -_ )
- * | | | | | | | *--------- bit 6 ( 0 = _-, 1 = -_ )
- * | | | | | | *----------- bit 5 ( 0 = _-, 1 = -_ )
- * | | | | | *------------- bit 4 ( 0 = _-, 1 = -_ )
- * | | | | *--------------- bit 3 ( 0 = _-, 1 = -_ )
- * | | | *----------------- bit 2 ( 0 = _-, 1 = -_ )
- * | | *------------------- bit 1 ( 0 = _-, 1 = -_ )
- * | *--------------------- bit 0 ( 0 = _-, 1 = -_ )
- * *----------------------- start bit (always _- )
- *
- * An entire bit lasts for 440 uSec, half bit time is 220 uSec.
- * Transferring an entire byte takes 21 x 440uSec. The extra
- * time of the stop bits is to allow the CPU to do other things
- * besides decoding keyboard signals.
- *
- * These signals get inverted before going to the PCJR
- * handling hardware. The sequence for the start then
- * becomes:
- *
- * __-_b0b1.....
- * |
- * *---- on the 0->1 transition of the start bit a keyboard
- * latch signal is set to 1 and an NMI is generated
- * when enabled.
- * The keyboard latch is reset by reading from the
- * NMI enable port (A0h).
- *
- *************************************************************/
- int data;
- if(state && (data = m_keyboard->read(machine().driver_data()->generic_space(), 0)))
- {
- UINT8 parity = 0;
- int i;
- m_latch = 1;
- if(m_transferring)
- return;
- m_pc_keyb_data = data;
- /* Calculate the raw data */
- for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
- {
- if ( ( 1 << i ) & data )
- {
- parity ^= 1;
- }
- }
- m_raw_keyb_data = 0;
- m_raw_keyb_data = ( m_raw_keyb_data << 2 ) | ( parity ? 1 : 2 );
- for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
- {
- m_raw_keyb_data = ( m_raw_keyb_data << 2 ) | ( ( data & 0x80 ) ? 1 : 2 );
- data <<= 1;
- }
- /* Insert start bit */
- m_raw_keyb_data = ( m_raw_keyb_data << 2 ) | 1;
- m_signal_count = 20 + 22;
- /* we are now transferring a byte of keyboard data */
- m_transferring = 1;
- /* Set timer */
- m_keyb_signal_timer->adjust( attotime::from_usec(220), 0, attotime::from_usec(220) );
- m_maincpu->set_input_line(INPUT_LINE_NMI, m_nmi_enabled && m_latch);
- }
- m_latch = 0;
- m_maincpu->set_input_line(INPUT_LINE_NMI, CLEAR_LINE);
- return m_nmi_enabled;
- m_nmi_enabled = data & 0x80;
- m_maincpu->set_input_line(INPUT_LINE_NMI, m_nmi_enabled && m_latch);
- /* KB controller port B */
- m_ppi_portb = data;
- m_ppi_portc_switch_high = data & 0x08;
- m_pit8253->write_gate2(BIT(data, 0));
- pc_speaker_set_spkrdata( data & 0x02 );
- * Port C connections on a PCJR (notes from schematics):
- * PC3 - ATR CD IN
- * PC4 - cassette audio
- * PC5 - OUT2 from 8253
- * PC6 - KYBD IN
- * PC7 - (keyboard) CABLE CONNECTED
- */
- int data=0xff;
- data&=~0x80;
- data &= ~0x04; /* floppy drive installed */
- if ( m_ram->size() > 64 * 1024 ) /* more than 64KB ram installed */
- data &= ~0x08;
- data = ( data & ~0x01 ) | ( m_latch ? 0x01: 0x00 );
- if ( ! ( m_ppi_portb & 0x08 ) )
- {
- double tap_val = m_cassette->input();
- if ( tap_val < 0 )
- {
- data &= ~0x10;
- }
- else
- {
- data |= 0x10;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ( m_ppi_portb & 0x01 )
- {
- data = ( data & ~0x10 ) | ( m_pit_out2 ? 0x10 : 0x00 );
- }
- }
- data = ( data & ~0x20 ) | ( m_pit_out2 ? 0x20 : 0x00 );
- data = ( data & ~0x40 ) | ( ( m_raw_keyb_data & 0x01 ) ? 0x40 : 0x00 );
- return data;
- logerror("fdc: dor = %02x\n", data);
- UINT8 pdor = m_pcjr_dor;
- floppy_image_device *floppy0 = m_fdc->subdevice<floppy_connector>("0")->get_device();
- floppy_image_device *floppy1 = NULL;
- if(m_fdc->subdevice("1"))
- floppy1 = m_fdc->subdevice<floppy_connector>("1")->get_device();
- m_pcjr_dor = data;
- if(floppy0)
- floppy0->mon_w(!(m_pcjr_dor & 1));
- if(floppy1)
- floppy1->mon_w(!(m_pcjr_dor & 2));
- if(m_pcjr_dor & 1)
- m_fdc->set_floppy(floppy0);
- else if(m_pcjr_dor & 2)
- m_fdc->set_floppy(floppy1);
- else
- m_fdc->set_floppy(NULL);
- if((pdor^m_pcjr_dor) & 0x80)
- m_fdc->reset();
- if(m_pcjr_dor & 0x20) {
- if((pdor & 0x40) && !(m_pcjr_dor & 0x40))
- m_pcjr_watchdog->adjust(attotime::from_seconds(3));
- } else {
- m_pcjr_watchdog->adjust(attotime::never);
- m_pic8259->ir6_w(0);
- }
-// pcjx port 0x1ff, some info from Toshiya Takeda
-void pcjr_state::pcjx_set_bank(int unk1, int unk2, int unk3)
- logerror("pcjx: 0x1ff 0:%02x 1:%02x 2:%02x\n", unk1, unk2, unk3);
- switch(m_pcjx_1ff_count) {
- case 0:
- m_pcjx_1ff_bankval = data;
- m_pcjx_1ff_count++;
- break;
- case 1:
- m_pcjx_1ff_bank[m_pcjx_1ff_bankval & 0x1f][0] = data;
- m_pcjx_1ff_count++;
- break;
- case 2:
- m_pcjx_1ff_bank[m_pcjx_1ff_bankval & 0x1f][1] = data;
- m_pcjx_1ff_count = 0;
- pcjx_set_bank(m_pcjx_1ff_bankval, m_pcjx_1ff_bank[m_pcjx_1ff_bankval & 0x1f][0], data);
- break;
- }
- if(m_pcjx_1ff_count == 2)
- pcjx_set_bank(m_pcjx_1ff_bankval, m_pcjx_1ff_bank[m_pcjx_1ff_bankval & 0x1f][0], m_pcjx_1ff_bank[m_pcjx_1ff_bankval & 0x1f][1]);
- m_pcjx_1ff_count = 0;
- return 0x60; // expansion?
-int pcjr_state::load_cart(device_image_interface &image, generic_slot_device *slot)
- UINT32 size = slot->common_get_size("rom");
- bool imagic_hack = false;
- if (image.software_entry() == NULL)
- {
- int header_size = 0;
- // Check for supported header sizes
- switch (size & 0x3ff)
- {
- case 0x80:
- header_size = 0x80;
- break;
- case 0x200:
- header_size = 0x200;
- break;
- default:
- image.seterror(IMAGE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, "Invalid header size" );
- }
- if (size - header_size == 0xa000)
- {
- // alloc 64K for the imagic carts, so to handle the necessary mirroring
- size += 0x6000;
- imagic_hack = true;
- }
- size -= header_size;
- image.fseek(header_size, SEEK_SET);
- }
- slot->rom_alloc(size, GENERIC_ROM8_WIDTH, ENDIANNESS_LITTLE);
- slot->common_load_rom(slot->get_rom_base(), size, "rom");
- if (imagic_hack)
- {
- // in this case the image consists of 2x8K chunks
- // the first chunk is unique, the second is repeated 4 times up to 0xa000 size
- // mirroring
- UINT8 *ROM = slot->get_rom_base();
- memcpy(ROM + 0xe000, ROM + 0x2000, 0x2000);
- memcpy(ROM + 0xc000, ROM + 0x2000, 0x2000);
- memcpy(ROM + 0xa000, ROM + 0x2000, 0x2000);
- memcpy(ROM + 0x8000, ROM + 0x2000, 0x2000);
- memcpy(ROM + 0x6000, ROM, 0x2000);
- memcpy(ROM + 0x4000, ROM, 0x2000);
- memcpy(ROM + 0x2000, ROM, 0x2000);
- }
-static SLOT_INTERFACE_START( pcjr_floppies )
- SLOT_INTERFACE( "525dd", FLOPPY_525_DD )
-static SLOT_INTERFACE_START(pcjr_com)
-static const gfx_layout pc_8_charlayout =
- 8, 8, /* 8 x 8 characters */
- 512, /* 512 characters */
- 1, /* 1 bits per pixel */
- { 0 }, /* no bitplanes */
- /* x offsets */
- { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 },
- /* y offsets */
- { 0*8, 1*8, 2*8, 3*8, 4*8, 5*8, 6*8, 7*8 },
- 8*8 /* every char takes 8 bytes */
-static const gfx_layout kanji_layout =
- 16, 16, /* 8 x 8 characters */
- RGN_FRAC(1,1), /* 512 characters */
- 1, /* 1 bits per pixel */
- { 0 }, /* no bitplanes */
- /* x offsets */
- { STEP16(0,1) },
- /* y offsets */
- { STEP16(0,16) },
- 16*16 /* every char takes 8 bytes */
-static GFXDECODE_START( pcjr )
- GFXDECODE_ENTRY( "gfx1", 0x0000, pc_8_charlayout, 3, 1 )
-static ADDRESS_MAP_START(ibmpcjr_map, AS_PROGRAM, 8, pcjr_state)
- AM_RANGE(0x00000, 0x9ffff) AM_RAMBANK("bank10")
- AM_RANGE(0xa0000, 0xaffff) AM_RAM
- AM_RANGE(0xb0000, 0xb7fff) AM_NOP
- AM_RANGE(0xb8000, 0xbffff) AM_RAMBANK("bank14")
- AM_RANGE(0xc0000, 0xc7fff) AM_NOP
- AM_RANGE(0xc8000, 0xc9fff) AM_ROM
- AM_RANGE(0xca000, 0xcffff) AM_NOP
- AM_RANGE(0xd0000, 0xdffff) AM_DEVREAD("cartslot2", generic_slot_device, read_rom)
- AM_RANGE(0xe0000, 0xeffff) AM_DEVREAD("cartslot1", generic_slot_device, read_rom)
- AM_RANGE(0xf0000, 0xfffff) AM_ROM
-static ADDRESS_MAP_START(ibmpcjr_io, AS_IO, 8, pcjr_state)
- AM_RANGE(0x0020, 0x0021) AM_DEVREADWRITE("pic8259", pic8259_device, read, write)
- AM_RANGE(0x0040, 0x0043) AM_DEVREADWRITE("pit8253", pit8253_device, read, write)
- AM_RANGE(0x0060, 0x0063) AM_DEVREADWRITE("ppi8255", i8255_device, read, write)
- AM_RANGE(0x00a0, 0x00a0) AM_READWRITE(pcjr_nmi_enable_r, pc_nmi_enable_w )
- AM_RANGE(0x00c0, 0x00c0) AM_DEVWRITE("sn76496", sn76496_device, write)
- AM_RANGE(0x00f2, 0x00f2) AM_WRITE(pcjr_fdc_dor_w)
- AM_RANGE(0x00f4, 0x00f5) AM_DEVICE("fdc", upd765a_device, map)
- AM_RANGE(0x0200, 0x0207) AM_DEVREADWRITE("pc_joy", pc_joy_device, joy_port_r, joy_port_w)
- AM_RANGE(0x02f8, 0x02ff) AM_DEVREADWRITE("ins8250", ins8250_device, ins8250_r, ins8250_w)
- AM_RANGE(0x0378, 0x037b) AM_DEVREADWRITE("lpt_0", pc_lpt_device, read, write)
- AM_RANGE(0x03d0, 0x03df) AM_DEVREADWRITE("pcvideo_pcjr", pcvideo_pcjr_device, read, write)
-static ADDRESS_MAP_START(ibmpcjx_map, AS_PROGRAM, 8, pcjr_state )
- AM_RANGE(0x80000, 0xb7fff) AM_ROM AM_REGION("kanji",0)
- AM_IMPORT_FROM( ibmpcjr_map )
-static ADDRESS_MAP_START(ibmpcjx_io, AS_IO, 8, pcjr_state)
- AM_RANGE(0x01ff, 0x01ff) AM_READWRITE(pcjx_port_1ff_r, pcjx_port_1ff_w)
- AM_IMPORT_FROM( ibmpcjr_io )
-static MACHINE_CONFIG_START( ibmpcjr, pcjr_state)
- /* basic machine hardware */
- MCFG_CPU_ADD("maincpu", I8088, 4900000)
- MCFG_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(ibmpcjr_map)
- MCFG_CPU_IO_MAP(ibmpcjr_io)
- MCFG_CPU_IRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE_DEVICE("pic8259", pic8259_device, inta_cb)
- On the PC Jr the input for clock 1 seems to be selectable
- based on bit 4(/5?) written to output port A0h. This is not
- supported yet.
- */
- MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("pit8253", PIT8253, 0)
- MCFG_PIT8253_CLK0(XTAL_14_31818MHz/12)
- MCFG_PIT8253_OUT0_HANDLER(DEVWRITELINE("pic8259", pic8259_device, ir0_w))
- MCFG_PIT8253_CLK1(XTAL_14_31818MHz/12)
- MCFG_PIT8253_CLK2(XTAL_14_31818MHz/12)
- MCFG_PIT8253_OUT2_HANDLER(WRITELINE(pcjr_state, out2_changed))
- MCFG_PIC8259_ADD( "pic8259", WRITELINE(pcjr_state, pic8259_set_int_line), VCC, NULL )
- MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("ppi8255", I8255, 0)
- MCFG_I8255_OUT_PORTB_CB(WRITE8(pcjr_state, pcjr_ppi_portb_w))
- MCFG_I8255_IN_PORTC_CB(READ8(pcjr_state, pcjr_ppi_portc_r))
- MCFG_DEVICE_ADD( "ins8250", INS8250, XTAL_1_8432MHz )
- MCFG_INS8250_OUT_TX_CB(DEVWRITELINE("serport", rs232_port_device, write_txd))
- MCFG_INS8250_OUT_DTR_CB(DEVWRITELINE("serport", rs232_port_device, write_dtr))
- MCFG_INS8250_OUT_RTS_CB(DEVWRITELINE("serport", rs232_port_device, write_rts))
- MCFG_INS8250_OUT_INT_CB(DEVWRITELINE("pic8259", pic8259_device, ir3_w))
- MCFG_RS232_PORT_ADD( "serport", pcjr_com, NULL )
- MCFG_RS232_RXD_HANDLER(DEVWRITELINE("ins8250", ins8250_uart_device, rx_w))
- MCFG_RS232_DCD_HANDLER(DEVWRITELINE("ins8250", ins8250_uart_device, dcd_w))
- MCFG_RS232_DSR_HANDLER(DEVWRITELINE("ins8250", ins8250_uart_device, dsr_w))
- MCFG_RS232_RI_HANDLER(DEVWRITELINE("ins8250", ins8250_uart_device, ri_w))
- MCFG_RS232_CTS_HANDLER(DEVWRITELINE("ins8250", ins8250_uart_device, cts_w))
- /* video hardware */
- MCFG_PCVIDEO_PCJR_ADD("pcvideo_pcjr")
- MCFG_GFXDECODE_ADD("gfxdecode", "pcvideo_pcjr:palette", pcjr)
- /* sound hardware */
- MCFG_SOUND_ADD("sn76496", SN76496, XTAL_14_31818MHz/4)
- /* printer */
- MCFG_DEVICE_ADD("lpt_0", PC_LPT, 0)
- MCFG_PC_LPT_IRQ_HANDLER(DEVWRITELINE("pic8259", pic8259_device, ir7_w))
- MCFG_PC_JOY_ADD("pc_joy")
- /* cassette */
- MCFG_CASSETTE_ADD( "cassette")
- MCFG_UPD765A_ADD("fdc", false, false)
- MCFG_FLOPPY_DRIVE_ADD("fdc:0", pcjr_floppies, "525dd", isa8_fdc_device::floppy_formats)
- MCFG_PC_KEYB_ADD("pc_keyboard", WRITELINE(pcjr_state, keyb_interrupt))
- /* cartridge */
- MCFG_GENERIC_CARTSLOT_ADD("cartslot1", generic_plain_slot, "ibmpcjr_cart")
- MCFG_GENERIC_LOAD(pcjr_state, pcjr_cart1)
- MCFG_GENERIC_CARTSLOT_ADD("cartslot2", generic_plain_slot, "ibmpcjr_cart")
- MCFG_GENERIC_LOAD(pcjr_state, pcjr_cart2)
- /* internal ram */
- /* Software lists */
- MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_ADD("cart_list","ibmpcjr_cart")
- MCFG_SOFTWARE_LIST_ADD("flop_list","ibmpcjr_flop")
-static GFXDECODE_START( ibmpcjx )
- GFXDECODE_ENTRY( "gfx1", 0x0000, pc_8_charlayout, 3, 1 )
- GFXDECODE_ENTRY( "kanji", 0x0000, kanji_layout, 3, 1 )
-static MACHINE_CONFIG_DERIVED( ibmpcjx, ibmpcjr )
- MCFG_CPU_MODIFY("maincpu")
- MCFG_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP(ibmpcjx_map)
- MCFG_CPU_IO_MAP(ibmpcjx_io)
- MCFG_FLOPPY_DRIVE_ADD("fdc:0", pcjr_floppies, "35dd", isa8_fdc_device::floppy_formats)
- MCFG_FLOPPY_DRIVE_ADD("fdc:1", pcjr_floppies, "35dd", isa8_fdc_device::floppy_formats)
- MCFG_GFXDECODE_MODIFY("gfxdecode", ibmpcjx)
-ROM_START( ibmpcjr )
- ROM_REGION(0x100000,"maincpu", 0)
- ROM_LOAD("bios.rom", 0xf0000, 0x10000,CRC(31e3a7aa) SHA1(1f5f7013f18c08ff50d7942e76c4fbd782412414))
- ROM_REGION(0x08100,"gfx1", 0)
- ROM_LOAD("cga.chr", 0x00000, 0x01000, CRC(42009069) SHA1(ed08559ce2d7f97f68b9f540bddad5b6295294dd)) // from an unknown clone cga card
-ROM_START( ibmpcjx )
- ROM_REGION(0x100000,"maincpu", ROMREGION_ERASEFF)
- ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 0, "5601jda", "5601jda" )
- ROMX_LOAD("5601jda.bin", 0xf0000, 0x10000, CRC(b1e12366) SHA1(751feb16b985aa4f1ec1437493ff77e2ebd5e6a6), ROM_BIOS(1))
- ROMX_LOAD("basicjx.rom", 0xe8000, 0x08000, NO_DUMP, ROM_BIOS(1)) // boot fails due of this.
- ROM_SYSTEM_BIOS( 1, "unk", "unk" )
- ROMX_LOAD("ipljx.rom", 0xe0000, 0x20000, CRC(36a7b2de) SHA1(777db50c617725e149bca9b18cf51ce78f6dc548), ROM_BIOS(2))
- ROM_REGION(0x08100,"gfx1", 0) //TODO: needs a different charset
- ROM_LOAD("cga.chr", 0x00000, 0x01000, BAD_DUMP CRC(42009069) SHA1(ed08559ce2d7f97f68b9f540bddad5b6295294dd)) // from an unknown clone cga card
- ROM_REGION(0x38000,"kanji", 0)
- ROM_LOAD("kanji.rom", 0x00000, 0x38000, BAD_DUMP CRC(eaa6e3c3) SHA1(35554587d02d947fae8446964b1886fff5c9d67f)) // hand-made rom
-// pcjr
-COMP( 1983, ibmpcjr, ibm5150, 0, ibmpcjr, ibmpcjr, pcjr_state, pcjr, "International Business Machines", "IBM PC Jr", MACHINE_IMPERFECT_COLORS )
-COMP( 1985, ibmpcjx, ibm5150, 0, ibmpcjx, ibmpcjr, pcjr_state, pcjr, "International Business Machines", "IBM PC JX", MACHINE_IMPERFECT_COLORS | MACHINE_NOT_WORKING)