path: root/src/mame/video/vigilant.c
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1 files changed, 342 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mame/video/vigilant.c b/src/mame/video/vigilant.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9b3433906d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mame/video/vigilant.c
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+ video.c
+ Functions to emulate the video hardware of the machine.
+ - Get a dump of the PAL16L8 (IC38 - 4M). This controls transparency.
+ It takes as input 4 bits of sprite color, and 6 bits of background tile
+ color. It outputs a sprite enable line, a background enable line, and
+ a background select (which layer of background to draw).
+ - Add cocktail flipping.
+#include "driver.h"
+static rectangle bottomvisiblearea =
+ 16*8, 48*8-1,
+ 6*8, 32*8-1
+//UINT8 *vigilant_paletteram;
+//UINT8 *vigilant_sprite_paletteram;
+static int horiz_scroll_low=0;
+static int horiz_scroll_high=0;
+static int rear_horiz_scroll_low=0;
+static int rear_horiz_scroll_high=0;
+static int rear_color=0;
+static int rear_disable=1;
+static int rear_refresh=1;
+static mame_bitmap *bg_bitmap;
+VIDEO_START( vigilant )
+ video_start_generic(machine);
+ bg_bitmap = auto_bitmap_alloc(512*4,256,machine->screen[0].format);
+ update_background
+ There are three background ROMs, each one contains a 512x256 picture.
+ Redraw them if the palette changes.
+ **************************************************************************/
+static void update_background(running_machine *machine)
+ int row,col,page;
+ int charcode;
+ charcode=0;
+ /* There are only three background ROMs (4 on bunccaneers!) */
+ for (page=0; page<4; page++)
+ {
+ for( row=0; row<256; row++ )
+ {
+ for( col=0; col<512; col+=32 )
+ {
+ drawgfx(bg_bitmap,
+ machine->gfx[2],
+ charcode,
+ row < 128 ? 0 : 1,
+ 0,0,
+ 512*page + col,row,
+ charcode++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ vigilant_paletteram_w
+ There are two palette chips, each one is labelled "KNA91H014". One is
+ used for the sprites, one is used for the two background layers.
+ The chip has three enables (!CS, !E0, !E1), R/W pins, A0-A7 as input,
+ 'L' and 'H' inputs, and D0-D4 as input. 'L' and 'H' are used to bank
+ into Red, Green, and Blue memory. There are only 5 bits of memory for
+ each byte, and a total of 256*3 bytes memory per chip.
+ There are additionally two sets of D0-D7 inputs per chip labelled 'A'
+ and 'B'. There is also an 'S' pin to select between the two input sets.
+ These are used to index a color triplet of RGB. The triplet is read
+ from RAM, and output to R0-R4, G0-G4, and B0-B4.
+ **************************************************************************/
+WRITE8_HANDLER( vigilant_paletteram_w )
+ int bank,r,g,b;
+ paletteram[offset] = data;
+ bank = offset & 0x400;
+ offset &= 0xff;
+ r = (paletteram[bank + offset + 0x000] << 3) & 0xFF;
+ g = (paletteram[bank + offset + 0x100] << 3) & 0xFF;
+ b = (paletteram[bank + offset + 0x200] << 3) & 0xFF;
+ palette_set_color(Machine, (bank >> 2) + offset,MAKE_RGB(r,g,b));
+ vigilant_horiz_scroll_w
+ horiz_scroll_low = HSPL, an 8-bit register
+ horiz_scroll_high = HSPH, a 1-bit register
+ **************************************************************************/
+WRITE8_HANDLER( vigilant_horiz_scroll_w )
+ if (offset==0)
+ horiz_scroll_low = data;
+ else
+ horiz_scroll_high = (data & 0x01) * 256;
+ vigilant_rear_horiz_scroll_w
+ rear_horiz_scroll_low = RHSPL, an 8-bit register
+ rear_horiz_scroll_high = RHSPH, an 8-bit register but only 3 bits are saved
+WRITE8_HANDLER( vigilant_rear_horiz_scroll_w )
+ if (offset==0)
+ rear_horiz_scroll_low = data;
+ else
+ rear_horiz_scroll_high = (data & 0x07) * 256;
+ vigilant_rear_color_w
+ This is an 8-bit register labelled RCOD.
+ D6 is hooked to !ROME (rear_disable)
+ D3 = RCC2 (rear color bit 2)
+ D2 = RCC1 (rear color bit 1)
+ D0 = RCC0 (rear color bit 0)
+ I know it looks odd, but D1, D4, D5, and D7 are empty.
+ What makes this extremely odd is that RCC is supposed to hook up to the
+ palette. However, the top four bits of the palette inputs are labelled:
+ "RCC3", "RCC2", "V256E", "RCC0". Methinks there's a typo.
+ **************************************************************************/
+WRITE8_HANDLER( vigilant_rear_color_w )
+ rear_disable = data & 0x40;
+ rear_color = (data & 0x0d);
+ draw_foreground
+ ???
+ **************************************************************************/
+static void draw_foreground(running_machine *machine, mame_bitmap *bitmap, const rectangle *cliprect, int priority, int opaque )
+ int offs;
+ int scroll = -(horiz_scroll_low + horiz_scroll_high);
+ for (offs = 0; offs<videoram_size; offs+=2 )
+ {
+ int sy = 8 * ((offs/2) / 64);
+ int sx = 8 * ((offs/2) % 64);
+ int attributes = videoram[offs+1];
+ int color = attributes & 0x0F;
+ int tile_number = videoram[offs] | ((attributes & 0xF0) << 4);
+ if (priority) /* foreground */
+ {
+ if ((color & 0x0c) == 0x0c) /* mask sprites */
+ {
+ if (sy >= 48)
+ {
+ sx = (sx + scroll) & 0x1ff;
+ drawgfx(bitmap,machine->gfx[0],
+ tile_number,
+ color,
+ 0,0,
+ sx,sy,
+ &bottomvisiblearea,TRANSPARENCY_PENS,0x00ff);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else /* background */
+ {
+ if (sy >= 48)
+ sx = (sx + scroll) & 0x1ff;
+ drawgfx(bitmap,machine->gfx[0],
+ tile_number,
+ color,
+ 0,0,
+ sx,sy,
+ cliprect,(opaque || color >= 4) ? TRANSPARENCY_NONE : TRANSPARENCY_PEN,0);
+ }
+ }
+static void draw_background(running_machine *machine, mame_bitmap *bitmap, const rectangle *cliprect)
+ int scrollx = 0x17a + 16*8 - (rear_horiz_scroll_low + rear_horiz_scroll_high);
+ if (rear_refresh)
+ {
+ update_background(machine);
+ rear_refresh=0;
+ }
+ copyscrollbitmap(bitmap,bg_bitmap,1,&scrollx,0,0,&bottomvisiblearea,TRANSPARENCY_NONE,0);
+static void draw_sprites(running_machine *machine, mame_bitmap *bitmap,const rectangle *cliprect)
+ int offs;
+ for (offs = 0;offs < spriteram_size;offs += 8)
+ {
+ int code,color,sx,sy,flipx,flipy,h,y;
+ code = spriteram[offs+4] | ((spriteram[offs+5] & 0x0f) << 8);
+ color = spriteram[offs+0] & 0x0f;
+ sx = (spriteram[offs+6] | ((spriteram[offs+7] & 0x01) << 8));
+ sy = 256+128 - (spriteram[offs+2] | ((spriteram[offs+3] & 0x01) << 8));
+ flipx = spriteram[offs+5] & 0x40;
+ flipy = spriteram[offs+5] & 0x80;
+ h = 1 << ((spriteram[offs+5] & 0x30) >> 4);
+ sy -= 16 * h;
+ code &= ~(h - 1);
+ for (y = 0;y < h;y++)
+ {
+ int c = code;
+ if (flipy) c += h-1-y;
+ else c += y;
+ drawgfx(bitmap,machine->gfx[1],
+ c,
+ color,
+ flipx,flipy,
+ sx,sy + 16*y,
+ cliprect,TRANSPARENCY_PEN,0);
+ }
+ }
+VIDEO_UPDATE( vigilant )
+ int i;
+ /* copy the background palette */
+ for (i = 0;i < 16;i++)
+ {
+ int r,g,b;
+ r = (paletteram[0x400 + 16 * rear_color + i] << 3) & 0xFF;
+ g = (paletteram[0x500 + 16 * rear_color + i] << 3) & 0xFF;
+ b = (paletteram[0x600 + 16 * rear_color + i] << 3) & 0xFF;
+ palette_set_color(machine,512 + i,MAKE_RGB(r,g,b));
+ r = (paletteram[0x400 + 16 * rear_color + 32 + i] << 3) & 0xFF;
+ g = (paletteram[0x500 + 16 * rear_color + 32 + i] << 3) & 0xFF;
+ b = (paletteram[0x600 + 16 * rear_color + 32 + i] << 3) & 0xFF;
+ palette_set_color(machine,512 + 16 + i,MAKE_RGB(r,g,b));
+ }
+ if (rear_disable) /* opaque foreground */
+ {
+ draw_foreground(machine,bitmap,cliprect,0,1);
+ draw_sprites(machine,bitmap,&bottomvisiblearea);
+ draw_foreground(machine,bitmap,cliprect,1,0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ draw_background(machine,bitmap,cliprect);
+ draw_foreground(machine,bitmap,cliprect,0,0);
+ draw_sprites(machine,bitmap,&bottomvisiblearea);
+ draw_foreground(machine,bitmap,cliprect,1,0); // priority tiles
+ }
+ return 0;
+VIDEO_UPDATE( kikcubic )
+ int offs;
+ for (offs = 0; offs<videoram_size; offs+=2 )
+ {
+ int sy = 8 * ((offs/2) / 64);
+ int sx = 8 * ((offs/2) % 64);
+ int attributes = videoram[offs+1];
+ int color = (attributes & 0xF0) >> 4;
+ int tile_number = videoram[offs] | ((attributes & 0x0F) << 8);
+ if (dirtybuffer[offs] || dirtybuffer[offs+1])
+ {
+ dirtybuffer[offs] = dirtybuffer[offs+1] = 0;
+ drawgfx(tmpbitmap,machine->gfx[0],
+ tile_number,
+ color,
+ 0,0,
+ sx,sy,
+ }
+ }
+ copybitmap(bitmap,tmpbitmap,0,0,0,0,cliprect,TRANSPARENCY_NONE,0);
+ draw_sprites(machine,bitmap,cliprect);
+ return 0;