path: root/src/mame/video/st0016.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mame/video/st0016.c')
1 files changed, 685 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mame/video/st0016.c b/src/mame/video/st0016.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ec93155a2b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mame/video/st0016.c
@@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
+ Seta custom ST-0016 chip
+ driver by Tomasz Slanina
+#include "driver.h"
+#include "st0016.h"
+UINT8 *st0016_charram,*st0016_spriteram,*st0016_paletteram;
+UINT8 *macs_ram1,*macs_ram2;
+UINT32 st0016_game;
+static INT32 st0016_spr_bank,st0016_spr2_bank,st0016_pal_bank,st0016_char_bank;
+static int spr_dx,spr_dy;
+static UINT8 st0016_vregs[0xc0];
+static int st0016_ramgfx;
+//super eagle shot
+static mame_bitmap *speglsht_bitmap;
+extern UINT32 *speglsht_framebuffer;
+extern UINT32 speglsht_videoreg;
+static const gfx_layout charlayout =
+ 8,8,
+ 0x10000,
+ 4,
+ { 0, 1, 2, 3 },
+ { 1*4, 0*4, 3*4, 2*4, 5*4, 4*4, 7*4, 6*4 },
+ { 0*32, 1*32, 2*32, 3*32, 4*32, 5*32, 6*32, 7*32 },
+ 8*8*4
+ 76543210
+ xxxx - spriteram bank1
+ xxxx - spriteram bank2
+ st0016_spr_bank=data&ST0016_SPR_BANK_MASK;
+ st0016_spr2_bank=(data>>4)&ST0016_SPR_BANK_MASK;
+ 76543210
+ xx - palram bank
+ xxxxxx - unknown/unused
+ st0016_pal_bank=data&ST0016_PAL_BANK_MASK;
+ fedcba9876543210
+ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - character (bank )
+ if(offset&1)
+ st0016_char_bank=(st0016_char_bank&0xff)|(data<<8);
+ else
+ st0016_char_bank=(st0016_char_bank&0xff00)|data;
+ st0016_char_bank&=ST0016_CHAR_BANK_MASK;
+READ8_HANDLER (st0016_sprite_ram_r)
+ return st0016_spriteram[ST0016_SPR_BANK_SIZE*st0016_spr_bank+offset];
+WRITE8_HANDLER (st0016_sprite_ram_w)
+ st0016_spriteram[ST0016_SPR_BANK_SIZE*st0016_spr_bank+offset]=data;
+READ8_HANDLER (st0016_sprite2_ram_r)
+ return st0016_spriteram[ST0016_SPR_BANK_SIZE*st0016_spr2_bank+offset];
+WRITE8_HANDLER (st0016_sprite2_ram_w)
+ st0016_spriteram[ST0016_SPR_BANK_SIZE*st0016_spr2_bank+offset]=data;
+READ8_HANDLER (st0016_palette_ram_r)
+ return st0016_paletteram[ST0016_PAL_BANK_SIZE*st0016_pal_bank+offset];
+WRITE8_HANDLER (st0016_palette_ram_w)
+ int color=(ST0016_PAL_BANK_SIZE*st0016_pal_bank+offset)/2;
+ int val;
+ st0016_paletteram[ST0016_PAL_BANK_SIZE*st0016_pal_bank+offset]=data;
+ val=st0016_paletteram[color*2]+(st0016_paletteram[color*2+1]<<8);
+ if(!color)
+ palette_set_color_rgb(Machine,UNUSED_PEN,pal5bit(val >> 0),pal5bit(val >> 5),pal5bit(val >> 10)); /* same as color 0 - bg ? */
+ palette_set_color_rgb(Machine,color,pal5bit(val >> 0),pal5bit(val >> 5),pal5bit(val >> 10));
+ return st0016_charram[ST0016_CHAR_BANK_SIZE*st0016_char_bank+offset];
+ st0016_charram[ST0016_CHAR_BANK_SIZE*st0016_char_bank+offset]=data;
+ decodechar(Machine->gfx[st0016_ramgfx], st0016_char_bank,(UINT8 *) st0016_charram, &charlayout);
+ $0, $1 = max scanline(including vblank)/timer? ($3e7)
+ $8-$40 = bg tilemaps (8 bytes each) :
+ 0 - ? = usually 0/20/ba*
+ 1 - 0 = disabled , !zero = address of tilemap in spriteram /$1000 (for example: 3 -> tilemap at $3000 )
+ 2 - ? = usually ff/1f/af*
+ 3 - priority ? = 0 - under sprites , $ff - over sprites \
+ 4 - ? = $7f/$ff
+ 5 - ? = $29/$20 (29 when tilemap must be drawn over sprites . maybe this is real priority ?)
+ 6 - ? = 0
+ 7 - ? =$20/$10/$12*
+ $40-$60 = scroll registers , X.w, Y.w
+ switch (offset)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ return mame_rand(Machine);
+ }
+ return st0016_vregs[offset];
+ /* bits 0 and 1 = 0 -> DMA transfer complete */
+ if(ISMACS)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ /*
+ I/O ports:
+ $a0 \
+ $a1 - source address >> 1
+ $a2 /
+ $a3 \
+ $a4 - destination address >> 1 (inside character ram)
+ $a5 /
+ $a6 \
+ &a7 - (length inbytes - 1 ) >> 1
+ $a8 - 76543210
+ ??faaaaa
+ a - most sign. bits of length
+ f - DMA start latch
+ */
+ st0016_vregs[offset]=data;
+ if(offset==0xa8 && (data&0x20))
+ {
+ UINT32 srcadr=(st0016_vregs[0xa0]|(st0016_vregs[0xa1]<<8)|(st0016_vregs[0xa2]<<16))<<1;
+ UINT32 dstadr=(st0016_vregs[0xa3]|(st0016_vregs[0xa4]<<8)|(st0016_vregs[0xa5]<<16))<<1;
+ UINT32 length=((st0016_vregs[0xa6]|(st0016_vregs[0xa7]<<8)|((st0016_vregs[0xa8]&0x1f)<<16))+1)<<1;
+ while(length>0)
+ {
+ if( srcadr < (memory_region_length(REGION_CPU1)-0x10000) && (dstadr < ST0016_MAX_CHAR_BANK*ST0016_CHAR_BANK_SIZE))
+ {
+ st0016_char_bank=dstadr>>5;
+ st0016_character_ram_w(dstadr&0x1f,memory_region(REGION_CPU1)[0x10000+srcadr]);
+ srcadr++;
+ dstadr++;
+ length--;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* samples ? sound dma ? */
+ // speaglsht: unknown DMA copy : src - 2B6740, dst - 4400, len - 1E400
+ logerror("unknown DMA copy : src - %X, dst - %X, len - %X, PC - %X\n",srcadr,dstadr,length,activecpu_get_previouspc());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void draw_sprites(running_machine *machine, mame_bitmap *bitmap, const rectangle *cliprect)
+ /*
+ object ram :
+ each entry is 8 bytes:
+ 76543210 (bit)
+ 0 llllllll
+ 1 ---1SSSl
+ 2 oooooooo
+ 3 fooooooo
+ 4 xxxxxxxx
+ 5 ------xx
+ 6 yyyyyyyy
+ 7 ------yy
+ 1 - always(?) set
+ S - scroll index ? (ports $40-$60, X(word),Y(word) )
+ l - sublist length (8 byte entries -1)
+ o - sublist offset (*8 to get real offset)
+ f - end of list flag
+ x,y - sprite coords
+ sublist format (8 bytes/entry):
+ 76543210
+ 0 cccccccc
+ 1 cccccccc
+ 2 --kkkkkk
+ 3 QW------
+ 4 xxxxxxxx
+ 5 -B---XXx
+ 6 yyyyyyyy
+ 7 -----YYy
+ c - character code
+ k - palette
+ QW - flips
+ x,y - coords
+ XX,YY - size (1<<size)
+ B - merge pixel data with prevoius one (8bpp mode - neratte: seta logo and title screen)
+ */
+ int i,j,lx,ly,x,y,code,offset,length,sx,sy,color,flipx,flipy,scrollx,scrolly,plx,ply;
+ for(i=0;i<ST0016_SPR_BANK_SIZE*ST0016_MAX_SPR_BANK;i+=8)
+ {
+ x=st0016_spriteram[i+4]+((st0016_spriteram[i+5]&3)<<8);
+ y=st0016_spriteram[i+6]+((st0016_spriteram[i+7]&3)<<8);
+ scrollx=(st0016_vregs[(((st0016_spriteram[i+1]&0x0f)>>1)<<2)+0x40]+256*st0016_vregs[(((st0016_spriteram[i+1]&0x0f)>>1)<<2)+1+0x40])&0x3ff;
+ scrolly=(st0016_vregs[(((st0016_spriteram[i+1]&0x0f)>>1)<<2)+2+0x40]+256*st0016_vregs[(((st0016_spriteram[i+1]&0x0f)>>1)<<2)+3+0x40])&0x3ff;
+ if(!ISMACS)
+ {
+ if (x & 0x200) x-= 0x400; //sign
+ if (y & 0x200) y-= 0x400;
+ if (scrollx & 0x200) scrollx-= 0x400; //sign
+ if (scrolly & 0x200) scrolly-= 0x400;
+ }
+ if(ISMACS1)
+ {
+ if (x & 0x200) x-= 0x400; //sign
+ if (y & 0x200) y-= 0x2b0;//0x400;
+ if (scrollx & 0x200) scrollx-= 0x400; //sign
+ if (scrolly & 0x200) scrolly-= 0x400;
+ }
+ x+=scrollx;
+ y+=scrolly;
+ if(ISMACS)
+ {
+ y+=0x20;
+ }
+ if( st0016_spriteram[i+3]&0x80) /* end of list */
+ break;
+ offset=st0016_spriteram[i+2]+256*(st0016_spriteram[i+3]);
+ offset<<=3;
+ length=st0016_spriteram[i+0]+1+256*(st0016_spriteram[i+1]&1);
+ plx=(st0016_spriteram[i+5]>>2)&0x3;
+ ply=(st0016_spriteram[i+7]>>2)&0x3;
+ if(offset<ST0016_SPR_BANK_SIZE*ST0016_MAX_SPR_BANK)
+ {
+ for(j=0;j<length;j++)
+ {
+ code=st0016_spriteram[offset]+256*st0016_spriteram[offset+1];
+ sx=st0016_spriteram[offset+4]+((st0016_spriteram[offset+5]&1)<<8);
+ sy=st0016_spriteram[offset+6]+((st0016_spriteram[offset+7]&1)<<8);
+ if(ISMACS && !(ISMACS1))
+ {
+ if (sy & 0x100) sy-= 0x200; //yuka & yujan
+ }
+ if(ISMACS)
+ {
+ sy=0xe0-sy;
+ }
+ sx+=x;
+ sy+=y;
+ color=st0016_spriteram[offset+2]&0x3f;
+ lx=(st0016_spriteram[offset+5]>>2)&3;
+ ly=(st0016_spriteram[offset+7]>>2)&3;
+ /*
+ if(plx |ply) //parent
+ {
+ lx=plx;
+ ly=ply;
+ }
+ */
+ flipx=st0016_spriteram[offset+3]&0x80;
+ flipy=st0016_spriteram[offset+3]&0x40;
+ if(ISMACS)
+ sy-=(1<<ly)*8;
+ {
+ int x0,y0,i0=0;
+ for(x0=(flipx?((1<<lx)-1):0);x0!=(flipx?-1:(1<<lx));x0+=(flipx?-1:1))
+ for(y0=(flipy?((1<<ly)-1):0);y0!=(flipy?-1:(1<<ly));y0+=(flipy?-1:1))
+ {
+ /* custom draw */
+ UINT16 *destline;
+ int yloop,xloop;
+ int ypos, xpos;
+ int tileno;
+ const gfx_element *gfx = machine->gfx[0];
+ UINT8 *srcgfx;
+ int gfxoffs;
+ ypos = sy+y0*8+spr_dy;
+ xpos = sx+x0*8+spr_dx;
+ tileno = (code+i0++)&ST0016_CHAR_BANK_MASK ;
+ gfxoffs = 0;
+ srcgfx= gfx->gfxdata+(64*tileno);
+ for (yloop=0; yloop<8; yloop++)
+ {
+ UINT16 drawypos;
+ if (!flipy) {drawypos = ypos+yloop;} else {drawypos = (ypos+8-1)-yloop;}
+ destline = BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, drawypos, 0);
+ for (xloop=0; xloop<8; xloop++)
+ {
+ UINT16 drawxpos;
+ int pixdata;
+ pixdata = srcgfx[gfxoffs];
+ if (!flipx) { drawxpos = xpos+xloop; } else { drawxpos = (xpos+8-1)-xloop; }
+ if (drawxpos > cliprect->max_x)
+ drawxpos -= 512; // wrap around
+ if ((drawxpos >= cliprect->min_x) && (drawxpos <= cliprect->max_x) && (drawypos >= cliprect->min_y) && (drawypos <= cliprect->max_y) )
+ {
+ if(st0016_spriteram[offset+5]&0x40)
+ {
+ destline[drawxpos] =(destline[drawxpos] | pixdata<<4)&0x3ff;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(ISMACS2)
+ {
+ if(pixdata )//|| destline[drawxpos]==UNUSED_PEN)
+ {
+ destline[drawxpos] = pixdata + (color*16);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(pixdata || destline[drawxpos]==UNUSED_PEN)
+ {
+ destline[drawxpos] = pixdata + (color*16);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gfxoffs++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ offset+=8;
+ if(offset>=ST0016_SPR_BANK_SIZE*ST0016_MAX_SPR_BANK)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void st0016_postload(void)
+ int i;
+ st0016_rom_bank_w(0,st0016_rom_bank);
+ for(i=0;i<ST0016_MAX_CHAR_BANK;i++)
+ decodechar(Machine->gfx[st0016_ramgfx], i,(UINT8 *) st0016_charram, &charlayout);
+void st0016_save_init(void)
+ state_save_register_global(st0016_spr_bank);
+ state_save_register_global(st0016_spr2_bank);
+ state_save_register_global(st0016_pal_bank);
+ state_save_register_global(st0016_char_bank);
+ state_save_register_global(st0016_rom_bank);
+ state_save_register_global_array(st0016_vregs);
+ state_save_register_global_pointer(st0016_charram, ST0016_MAX_CHAR_BANK*ST0016_CHAR_BANK_SIZE);
+ state_save_register_global_pointer(st0016_paletteram, ST0016_MAX_PAL_BANK*ST0016_PAL_BANK_SIZE);
+ state_save_register_global_pointer(st0016_spriteram, ST0016_MAX_SPR_BANK*ST0016_SPR_BANK_SIZE);
+ state_save_register_func_postload(st0016_postload);
+VIDEO_START( st0016 )
+ int gfx_index=0;
+ st0016_charram=auto_malloc(ST0016_MAX_CHAR_BANK*ST0016_CHAR_BANK_SIZE);
+ st0016_spriteram=auto_malloc(ST0016_MAX_SPR_BANK*ST0016_SPR_BANK_SIZE);
+ st0016_paletteram=auto_malloc(ST0016_MAX_PAL_BANK*ST0016_PAL_BANK_SIZE);
+ /* find first empty slot to decode gfx */
+ for (gfx_index = 0; gfx_index < MAX_GFX_ELEMENTS; gfx_index++)
+ if (machine->gfx[gfx_index] == 0)
+ break;
+ assert(gfx_index != MAX_GFX_ELEMENTS);
+ /* create the char set (gfx will then be updated dynamically from RAM) */
+ machine->gfx[gfx_index] = allocgfx(&charlayout);
+ /* set the color information */
+ machine->gfx[gfx_index]->color_base = 0;
+ machine->gfx[gfx_index]->total_colors = 0x40;
+ st0016_ramgfx = gfx_index;
+ spr_dx=0;
+ spr_dy=0;
+ switch(st0016_game&0x3f)
+ {
+ case 0: //renju kizoku
+ video_screen_set_visarea(0, 0, 40*8-1, 0, 30*8-1);
+ spr_dx=0;
+ spr_dy=0;
+ break;
+ case 1: //neratte chu!
+ video_screen_set_visarea(0, 8,41*8-1,0,30*8-1);
+ spr_dx=0;
+ spr_dy=8;
+ break;
+ case 3: //super eagle shot
+ speglsht_bitmap = auto_bitmap_alloc( 512, 5122, BITMAP_FORMAT_INDEXED16 );
+ break;
+ case 4: //mayjinsen 1&2
+ video_screen_set_visarea(0, 0,32*8-1,0,28*8-1);
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ video_screen_set_visarea(0, 0,383,0,255);
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ video_screen_set_visarea(0, 0,383,0,383);
+ break;
+ }
+ st0016_save_init();
+static void draw_bgmap(running_machine *machine, mame_bitmap *bitmap,const rectangle *cliprect, int priority)
+ int j;
+ //for(j=0x40-8;j>=0;j-=8)
+ for(j=0;j<0x40;j+=8)
+ {
+ if(st0016_vregs[j+1] && ((priority && (st0016_vregs[j+3]==0xff))||((!priority)&&(st0016_vregs[j+3]!=0xff))))
+ {
+ int x,y,code,color,flipx,flipy;
+ int i=st0016_vregs[j+1]*0x1000;
+ for(x=0;x<32*2;x++)
+ for(y=0;y<8*4;y++)
+ {
+ code=st0016_spriteram[i]+256*st0016_spriteram[i+1];
+ color=st0016_spriteram[i+2]&0x3f;
+ flipx=st0016_spriteram[i+3]&0x80;
+ flipy=st0016_spriteram[i+3]&0x40;
+ if(priority)
+ {
+ drawgfx(bitmap,machine->gfx[0],
+ code,
+ color,
+ flipx,flipy,
+ x*8+spr_dx,y*8+spr_dy,
+ cliprect,TRANSPARENCY_PEN,0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UINT16 *destline;
+ int yloop,xloop;
+ int ypos, xpos;
+ const gfx_element *gfx = machine->gfx[0];
+ UINT8 *srcgfx;
+ int gfxoffs;
+ ypos = y*8+spr_dy;//+((st0016_vregs[j+2]==0xaf)?0x50:0);//hack for mayjinsen title screen
+ xpos = x*8+spr_dx;
+ gfxoffs = 0;
+ srcgfx= gfx->gfxdata+(64*code);
+ for (yloop=0; yloop<8; yloop++)
+ {
+ UINT16 drawypos;
+ if (!flipy) {drawypos = ypos+yloop;} else {drawypos = (ypos+8-1)-yloop;}
+ destline = BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, drawypos, 0);
+ for (xloop=0; xloop<8; xloop++)
+ {
+ UINT16 drawxpos;
+ int pixdata;
+ pixdata = srcgfx[gfxoffs];
+ if (!flipx) { drawxpos = xpos+xloop; } else { drawxpos = (xpos+8-1)-xloop; }
+ if (drawxpos > cliprect->max_x)
+ drawxpos -= 512; // wrap around
+ if ((drawxpos >= cliprect->min_x) && (drawxpos <= cliprect->max_x) && (drawypos >= cliprect->min_y) && (drawypos <= cliprect->max_y) )
+ {
+ if(st0016_vregs[j+7]==0x12)
+ destline[drawxpos] = (destline[drawxpos] | (pixdata<<4))&0x3ff;
+ else
+ {
+ if(ISMACS2)
+ {
+ if(pixdata)// || destline[drawxpos]==UNUSED_PEN)
+ {
+ destline[drawxpos] = pixdata + (color*16);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(pixdata || destline[drawxpos]==UNUSED_PEN)
+ {
+ destline[drawxpos] = pixdata + (color*16);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gfxoffs++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ i+=4;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#define PLOT_PIXEL_RGB(x,y,r,g,b) if(y>=0 && x>=0 && x<512 && y<512) \
+{ \
+ *BITMAP_ADDR32(bitmap, y, x) = (b) | ((g)<<8) | ((r)<<16); \
+VIDEO_UPDATE( st0016 )
+#ifdef MAME_DEBUG
+ if(input_code_pressed_once(KEYCODE_Z))
+ {
+ int h,j;
+ FILE *p=fopen("vram.bin","wb");
+ fwrite(st0016_spriteram,1,0x1000*ST0016_MAX_SPR_BANK,p);
+ fclose(p);
+ p=fopen("vram.txt","wt");
+ for(h=0;h<0xc0;h++)
+ fprintf(p,"VREG %.4x - %.4x\n",h,st0016_vregs[h]);
+ for(h=0;h<0x1000*ST0016_MAX_SPR_BANK;h+=8)
+ {
+ fprintf(p,"%.4x - %.4x - ",h,h>>3);
+ for(j=0;j<8;j++)
+ fprintf(p,"%.2x ",st0016_spriteram[h+j]);
+ fprintf(p,"\n");
+ }
+ fclose(p);
+ }
+ if((st0016_game&0x3f)==3)
+ {
+ //super eagle shot
+ int x,y,dy;
+ fillbitmap(speglsht_bitmap,machine->pens[0],&machine->screen[0].visarea);
+ dy=(speglsht_videoreg&0x20)?(256*512):0; //visible frame
+ for(y=0;y<256;y++)
+ {
+ for(x=0;x<512;x++)
+ {
+ int tmp=dy+y*512+x;
+ PLOT_PIXEL_RGB(x-67,y-5,(speglsht_framebuffer[tmp]>>0)&0xff,(speglsht_framebuffer[tmp]>>8)&0xff,(speglsht_framebuffer[tmp]>>16)&0xff);
+ }
+ }
+ //draw st0016 gfx to temporary bitmap (indexed 16)
+ draw_bgmap(machine, speglsht_bitmap,cliprect,0);
+ draw_sprites(machine, speglsht_bitmap,cliprect);
+ draw_bgmap(machine, speglsht_bitmap,cliprect,1);
+ //copy temporary bitmap to rgb 32 bit bitmap
+ for(y=cliprect->min_y; y<cliprect->max_y;y++)
+ {
+ UINT16 *srcline = BITMAP_ADDR16(speglsht_bitmap, y, 0);
+ for(x=cliprect->min_x; x<cliprect->max_x;x++)
+ {
+ if(srcline[x])
+ {
+ rgb_t color=palette_get_color(machine, srcline[x]);
+ PLOT_PIXEL_RGB(x,y,RGB_RED(color),RGB_GREEN(color),RGB_BLUE(color));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(ISMACS1)
+ {
+ if(!(readinputportbytag("SYS1")&1)) //fake coins - MACS2 system
+ {
+ macs_ram2[0]++;
+ }
+ }
+ fillbitmap(bitmap,machine->pens[UNUSED_PEN],&machine->screen[0].visarea);
+ draw_bgmap(machine, bitmap,cliprect,0);
+ draw_sprites(machine, bitmap,cliprect);
+ draw_bgmap(machine, bitmap,cliprect,1);
+ }
+ return 0;