path: root/src/mame/video/shangkid.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mame/video/shangkid.c')
1 files changed, 298 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mame/video/shangkid.c b/src/mame/video/shangkid.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..df9514a9353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mame/video/shangkid.c
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+/* video/shangkid */
+#include "driver.h"
+#include "cpu/z80/z80.h"
+static tilemap *background;
+UINT8 *shangkid_videoreg;
+int shangkid_gfx_type;
+static TILE_GET_INFO( get_bg_tile_info ){
+ int attributes = videoram[tile_index+0x800];
+ int tile_number = videoram[tile_index]+0x100*(attributes&0x3);
+ int color;
+ if( shangkid_gfx_type==1 )
+ {
+ /* Shanghai Kid:
+ ------xx bank
+ -----x-- flipx
+ xxxxx--- color
+ */
+ color = attributes>>3;
+ color = (color&0x03)|((color&0x1c)<<1);
+ 0,
+ tile_number,
+ color,
+ (attributes&0x04)?TILE_FLIPX:0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Chinese Hero:
+ ------xx bank
+ -xxxxx-- color
+ x------- flipx?
+ */
+ color = (attributes>>2)&0x1f;
+ 0,
+ tile_number,
+ color,
+ (attributes&0x80)?TILE_FLIPX:0);
+ }
+ tileinfo->category =
+ (memory_region( REGION_PROMS )[0x800+color*4]==2)?1:0;
+VIDEO_START( shangkid )
+ background = tilemap_create(get_bg_tile_info,tilemap_scan_rows,TILEMAP_TYPE_PEN,8,8,64,32);
+WRITE8_HANDLER( shangkid_videoram_w )
+ videoram[offset] = data;
+ tilemap_mark_tile_dirty( background, offset&0x7ff );
+static void draw_sprite(running_machine *machine, const UINT8 *source, mame_bitmap *bitmap, const rectangle *cliprect ){
+ const gfx_element *gfx;
+ int transparent_pen;
+ int bank_index;
+ int c,r;
+ int width,height;
+ int sx,sy;
+ int ypos = 209 - source[0];
+ int tile = source[1]&0x3f;
+ int xflip = (source[1]&0x40)?1:0;
+ int yflip = (source[1]&0x80)?1:0;
+ int bank = source[2]&0x3f;
+ int xsize = (source[2]&0x40)?1:0;
+ int ysize = (source[2]&0x80)?1:0;
+ int yscale = source[3]&0x07; /* 0x0 = smallest; 0x7 = biggest */
+ int xpos = ((source[4]+source[5]*255)&0x1ff)-23;
+ int color = source[6]&0x3f;
+ int xscale = source[7]&0x07; /* 0x0 = smallest; 0x7 = biggest */
+ /* adjust placement for small sprites */
+ if( xsize==0 && xflip ) xpos -= 16;
+ if( ysize==0 && yflip==0 ) ypos += 16;
+ if( shangkid_gfx_type == 1 )
+ {
+ /* Shanghai Kid */
+ switch( bank&0x30 )
+ {
+ case 0x00:
+ case 0x10:
+ tile += 0x40*(bank&0xf);
+ break;
+ case 0x20:
+ tile += 0x40*((bank&0x3)|0x10);
+ break;
+ case 0x30:
+ tile += 0x40*((bank&0x3)|0x14);
+ break;
+ }
+ bank_index = 0;
+ transparent_pen = 3;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Chinese Hero */
+ color >>= 1;
+ switch( bank>>2 )
+ {
+ case 0x0: bank_index = 0; break;
+ case 0x9: bank_index = 1; break;
+ case 0x6: bank_index = 2; break;
+ case 0xf: bank_index = 3; break;
+ default:
+ bank_index = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if( bank&0x01 ) tile += 0x40;
+ transparent_pen = 7;
+ }
+ gfx = machine->gfx[1+bank_index];
+ width = (xscale+1)*2;
+ height = (yscale+1)*2;
+ /* center zoomed sprites */
+ xpos += (16-width)*(xsize+1)/2;
+ ypos += (16-height)*(ysize+1)/2;
+ for( r=0; r<=ysize; r++ )
+ {
+ for( c=0; c<=xsize; c++ )
+ {
+ sx = xpos+(c^xflip)*width;
+ sy = ypos+(r^yflip)*height;
+ drawgfxzoom(
+ bitmap,
+ gfx,
+ tile+c*8+r,
+ color,
+ xflip,yflip,
+ sx,sy,
+ cliprect,
+ TRANSPARENCY_PEN,transparent_pen,
+ (width<<16)/16, (height<<16)/16 );
+ }
+ }
+static void shangkid_draw_sprites(running_machine *machine, mame_bitmap *bitmap, const rectangle *cliprect )
+ const UINT8 *source, *finish;
+ finish = spriteram;
+ source = spriteram+0x200;
+ while( source>finish ){
+ source -= 8;
+ draw_sprite(machine, source, bitmap,cliprect );
+ }
+VIDEO_UPDATE( shangkid )
+ int flipscreen = shangkid_videoreg[1]&0x80;
+ tilemap_set_flip( background, flipscreen?(TILEMAP_FLIPX|TILEMAP_FLIPY):0 );
+ tilemap_set_scrollx( background,0,shangkid_videoreg[0]-40 );
+ tilemap_set_scrolly( background,0,shangkid_videoreg[2]+0x10 );
+ tilemap_draw( bitmap,cliprect,background,0,0 );
+ shangkid_draw_sprites( machine, bitmap,cliprect );
+ tilemap_draw( bitmap,cliprect,background,1,0 ); /* high priority tiles */
+ return 0;
+PALETTE_INIT( dynamski )
+ int i;
+ #define TOTAL_COLORS(gfxn) (machine->gfx[gfxn]->total_colors * machine->gfx[gfxn]->color_granularity)
+ #define COLOR(gfxn,offs) (colortable[machine->drv->gfxdecodeinfo[gfxn].color_codes_start + offs])
+ for (i = 0;i < machine->drv->total_colors;i++)
+ {
+ int data = color_prom[i] + 256 * color_prom[i+32];
+ palette_set_color_rgb(machine,i,pal5bit(data >> 1),pal5bit(data >> 6),pal5bit(data >> 11));
+ }
+ color_prom += 2*machine->drv->total_colors;
+ /* color_prom now points to the beginning of the lookup table */
+ /* sprites */
+ for (i = 0;i < TOTAL_COLORS(1);i++)
+ COLOR(1,i) = (color_prom[i] & 0x0f) + 0x10;
+ color_prom += 0x100;
+ /* characters */
+ for (i = 0;i < TOTAL_COLORS(0);i++)
+ COLOR(0,i) = (color_prom[i] & 0x0f);
+static void dynamski_draw_background(running_machine *machine, mame_bitmap *bitmap, const rectangle *cliprect, int pri )
+ int i;
+ int sx,sy;
+ int tile;
+ int attr;
+ int temp;
+ for( i=0; i<0x400; i++ )
+ {
+ sx = (i%32)*8;
+ sy = (i/32)*8;
+ if( sy<16 )
+ {
+ temp = sx;
+ sx = sy+256+16;
+ sy = temp;
+ }
+ else if( sy>=256-16 )
+ {
+ temp = sx;
+ sx = sy-256+16;
+ sy = temp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sx+=16;
+ }
+ tile = videoram[i];
+ attr = videoram[i+0x400];
+ /*
+ x---.---- priority?
+ -xx-.---- bank
+ */
+ if( pri==0 || (attr>>7)==pri )
+ {
+ tile += ((attr>>5)&0x3)*256;
+ drawgfx(
+ bitmap,
+ machine->gfx[0],
+ tile,
+ attr & 0x0f,
+ 0,0,//xflip,yflip,
+ sx,sy,
+ cliprect,
+ transparency,3 );
+ }
+ }
+static void dynamski_draw_sprites(running_machine *machine, mame_bitmap *bitmap, const rectangle *cliprect )
+ int i;
+ int sx,sy;
+ int tile;
+ int bank;
+ int attr;
+ int color;
+ for( i=0x7e; i>=0x00; i-=2 )
+ {
+ bank = videoram[0x1b80+i];
+ attr = videoram[0x1b81+i];
+ tile = videoram[0xb80+i];
+ color = videoram[0xb81+i];
+ sy = 240-videoram[0x1380+i];
+ sx = videoram[0x1381+i]-64+8+16;
+ if( attr&1 ) sx += 0x100;
+ drawgfx(
+ bitmap,
+ machine->gfx[1],
+ bank*0x40 + (tile&0x3f),
+ color,
+ tile&0x80,tile&0x40, /* flipx,flipy */
+ sx,sy,
+ cliprect,
+ }
+VIDEO_UPDATE( dynamski )
+ dynamski_draw_background( machine, bitmap,cliprect, 0 );
+ dynamski_draw_sprites(machine, bitmap,cliprect );
+ dynamski_draw_background( machine, bitmap,cliprect, 1 );
+ return 0;