path: root/src/mame/video/bbusters.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mame/video/bbusters.c')
1 files changed, 299 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mame/video/bbusters.c b/src/mame/video/bbusters.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9c0e157c3f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mame/video/bbusters.c
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+ Emulation by Bryan McPhail,
+ Like NeoGeo sprite scale Y line selection is from an external rom.
+ For 16 high sprites scale data starts at 0x3800 (9 scale levels)
+ For 32 high sprites scale data starts at 0x7000 (17 scale levels)
+ For 64 high sprites scale data starts at 0xa000 (33 scale levels)
+ For 128 pixel high sprites scale data starts 0xc000 (65 scale levels)
+ 0xe000 and up - possibly X scale data? unconfirmed
+ Sprites are also double buffered, and this seems to be performed
+ by having two complete sprite chips that are toggled per frame, rather
+ than just ram. Beast Busters has 4 sprite chips as it has two sprite
+ banks.
+ Todo: Sprite priority looks to be wrong on level 2 (some sprites should
+ be behind the playfield).
+#include "driver.h"
+static tilemap *fix_tilemap,*pf1_tilemap,*pf2_tilemap;
+static const UINT8 *scale_table_ptr;
+static UINT8 scale_line_count;
+UINT16 *bbuster_pf1_data,*bbuster_pf2_data,*bbuster_pf1_scroll_data,*bbuster_pf2_scroll_data;
+static TILE_GET_INFO( get_bbuster_tile_info )
+ UINT16 tile=videoram16[tile_index];
+ SET_TILE_INFO(0,tile&0xfff,tile>>12,0);
+static TILE_GET_INFO( get_pf1_tile_info )
+ UINT16 tile=bbuster_pf1_data[tile_index];
+ SET_TILE_INFO(3,tile&0xfff,tile>>12,0);
+static TILE_GET_INFO( get_pf2_tile_info )
+ UINT16 tile=bbuster_pf2_data[tile_index];
+ SET_TILE_INFO(4,tile&0xfff,tile>>12,0);
+WRITE16_HANDLER( bbuster_video_w )
+ COMBINE_DATA(&videoram16[offset]);
+ tilemap_mark_tile_dirty(fix_tilemap,offset);
+WRITE16_HANDLER( bbuster_pf1_w )
+ COMBINE_DATA(&bbuster_pf1_data[offset]);
+ tilemap_mark_tile_dirty(pf1_tilemap,offset);
+WRITE16_HANDLER( bbuster_pf2_w )
+ COMBINE_DATA(&bbuster_pf2_data[offset]);
+ tilemap_mark_tile_dirty(pf2_tilemap,offset);
+VIDEO_START( bbuster )
+ fix_tilemap = tilemap_create(get_bbuster_tile_info,tilemap_scan_rows,TILEMAP_TYPE_PEN,8,8,32,32);
+ pf1_tilemap = tilemap_create(get_pf1_tile_info,tilemap_scan_cols,TILEMAP_TYPE_PEN,16,16,128,32);
+ pf2_tilemap = tilemap_create(get_pf2_tile_info,tilemap_scan_cols,TILEMAP_TYPE_PEN,16,16,128,32);
+ tilemap_set_transparent_pen(pf1_tilemap, 15);
+ tilemap_set_transparent_pen(fix_tilemap, 15);
+VIDEO_START( mechatt )
+ fix_tilemap = tilemap_create(get_bbuster_tile_info,tilemap_scan_rows,TILEMAP_TYPE_PEN,8,8,32,32);
+ pf1_tilemap = tilemap_create(get_pf1_tile_info,tilemap_scan_cols,TILEMAP_TYPE_PEN,16,16,256,32);
+ pf2_tilemap = tilemap_create(get_pf2_tile_info,tilemap_scan_cols,TILEMAP_TYPE_PEN,16,16,256,32);
+ tilemap_set_transparent_pen(pf1_tilemap, 15);
+ tilemap_set_transparent_pen(fix_tilemap, 15);
+#define ADJUST_4x4 \
+ if ((dx&0x10) && (dy&0x10)) code+=3; \
+ else if (dy&0x10) code+=2; \
+ else if (dx&0x10) code+=1
+#define ADJUST_8x8 \
+ if ((dx&0x20) && (dy&0x20)) code+=12; \
+ else if (dy&0x20) code+=8; \
+ else if (dx&0x20) code+=4
+#define ADJUST_16x16 \
+ if ((dx&0x40) && (dy&0x40)) code+=48; \
+ else if (dy&0x40) code+=32; \
+ else if (dx&0x40) code+=16
+INLINE const UINT8 *get_source_ptr(running_machine *machine, UINT32 sprite, int dx, int dy, int bank, int block)
+ const gfx_element *gfx=machine->gfx[bank];
+ int source_base,code=0;
+ /* Get a tile index from the x,y position in the block */
+ switch (block)
+ {
+ case 0: /* 16 x 16 sprite */
+ break;
+ case 1: /* 32 x 32 block
+ 0 1
+ 2 3
+ */
+ ADJUST_4x4;
+ break;
+ case 2: /* 64 by 64 block
+ 0 1 4 5
+ 2 3 6 7
+ 8 9 12 13
+ 10 11 14 15
+ */
+ ADJUST_4x4;
+ ADJUST_8x8;
+ break;
+ case 3: /* 128 by 128 block */
+ ADJUST_4x4;
+ ADJUST_8x8;
+ ADJUST_16x16;
+ break;
+ }
+ source_base=((sprite+code) % gfx->total_elements) * 16;
+ return gfx->gfxdata + ((source_base+(dy%16)) * gfx->line_modulo);
+static void bbusters_draw_block(running_machine *machine, mame_bitmap *dest,int x,int y,int size,int flipx,int flipy,UINT32 sprite,int color,int bank,int block)
+ const pen_t *pal = &machine->remapped_colortable[machine->gfx[bank]->color_base + machine->gfx[bank]->color_granularity * (color % machine->gfx[bank]->total_colors)];
+ UINT32 xinc=(scale_line_count * 0x10000 ) / size;
+ UINT8 pixel;
+ int x_index;
+ int dy=y;
+ int sx,ex=scale_line_count;
+ while (scale_line_count) {
+ if (dy>=16 && dy<240) {
+ UINT16 *destline = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest, dy, 0);
+ UINT8 srcline=*scale_table_ptr;
+ const UINT8 *srcptr=0;
+ if (!flipy)
+ srcline=size-srcline-1;
+ if (flipx)
+ x_index=(ex-1)*0x10000;
+ else
+ x_index=0;
+ for (sx=0; sx<size; sx++) {
+ if ((sx%16)==0)
+ srcptr=get_source_ptr(machine,sprite,sx,srcline,bank,block);
+ pixel=*srcptr++;
+ if (x+(x_index>>16)>=0 && x+(x_index>>16)<256 && pixel!=15)
+ destline[x+(x_index>>16)]=pal[pixel];
+ if (flipx)
+ x_index-=xinc;
+ else
+ x_index+=xinc;
+ }
+ }
+ dy++;
+ scale_table_ptr--;
+ scale_line_count--;
+ }
+static void draw_sprites(running_machine *machine, mame_bitmap *bitmap, const UINT16 *source, int bank, int colval, int colmask)
+ const UINT8 *scale_table=memory_region(REGION_USER1);
+ int offs;
+ for (offs = 0;offs <0x800 ;offs += 4) {
+ int x,y,sprite,colour,fx,fy,scale;
+ int block;
+ sprite=source[offs+1];
+ colour=source[offs+0];
+ if (colour==0xf7 && (sprite==0x3fff || sprite==0xffff))
+ continue;
+ y=source[offs+3];
+ if (y>254) continue; /* Speedup */
+ x=source[offs+2];
+ if (x&0x200) x=-(0x100-(x&0xff));
+ if (x>256) continue; /* Speedup */
+ /*
+ Source[0]:
+ 0xf000: Colour
+ 0x0800: FX
+ 0x0400: FY?
+ 0x0300: Block control
+ 0x0080: ?
+ 0x007f: scale
+ Scale varies according to block size.
+ Block type 0: 0x70 = no scale, 0x7f == half size - 16 pixel sprite
+ Block type 1: 0x60 = no scale, 0x6f == half size - 32 pixel sprite
+ Block type 2: 0x40 = no scale, 0x5f == half size - 64 pixel sprite
+ Block type 3: 0x00 = no scale, 0x3f == half size - 128 pixel sprite
+ */
+ colour=colour>>12;
+ block=(source[offs+0]>>8)&0x3;
+ fy=source[offs+0]&0x400;
+ fx=source[offs+0]&0x800;
+ sprite=sprite&0x3fff;
+ if ((colour&colmask)!=colval)
+ continue;
+ switch ((source[offs+0]>>8)&0x3) {
+ case 0:
+ scale=source[offs+0]&0x7;
+ scale_table_ptr=scale_table+0x387f+(0x80*scale);
+ scale_line_count=0x10-scale;
+ bbusters_draw_block(machine,bitmap,x,y,16,fx,fy,sprite,colour,bank,block);
+ break;
+ case 1: /* 2 x 2 */
+ scale=source[offs+0]&0xf;
+ scale_table_ptr=scale_table+0x707f+(0x80*scale);
+ scale_line_count=0x20-scale;
+ bbusters_draw_block(machine,bitmap,x,y,32,fx,fy,sprite,colour,bank,block);
+ break;
+ case 2: /* 64 by 64 block (2 x 2) x 2 */
+ scale=source[offs+0]&0x1f;
+ scale_table_ptr=scale_table+0xa07f+(0x80*scale);
+ scale_line_count=0x40-scale;
+ bbusters_draw_block(machine,bitmap,x,y,64,fx,fy,sprite,colour,bank,block);
+ break;
+ case 3: /* 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 */
+ scale=source[offs+0]&0x3f;
+ scale_table_ptr=scale_table+0xc07f+(0x80*scale);
+ scale_line_count=0x80-scale;
+ bbusters_draw_block(machine,bitmap,x,y,128,fx,fy,sprite,colour,bank,block);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+VIDEO_UPDATE( bbuster )
+ tilemap_set_scrollx( pf1_tilemap,0, bbuster_pf1_scroll_data[0] );
+ tilemap_set_scrolly( pf1_tilemap,0, bbuster_pf1_scroll_data[1] );
+ tilemap_set_scrollx( pf2_tilemap,0, bbuster_pf2_scroll_data[0] );
+ tilemap_set_scrolly( pf2_tilemap,0, bbuster_pf2_scroll_data[1] );
+ tilemap_draw(bitmap,cliprect,pf2_tilemap,0,0);
+// draw_sprites(machine,bitmap,buffered_spriteram16_2,2,0x8,0x8);
+ tilemap_draw(bitmap,cliprect,pf1_tilemap,0,0);
+ draw_sprites(machine,bitmap,buffered_spriteram16_2,2,0,0);
+ draw_sprites(machine,bitmap,buffered_spriteram16,1,0,0);
+ tilemap_draw(bitmap,cliprect,fix_tilemap,0,0);
+ return 0;
+VIDEO_UPDATE( mechatt )
+ tilemap_set_scrollx( pf1_tilemap,0, bbuster_pf1_scroll_data[0] );
+ tilemap_set_scrolly( pf1_tilemap,0, bbuster_pf1_scroll_data[1] );
+ tilemap_set_scrollx( pf2_tilemap,0, bbuster_pf2_scroll_data[0] );
+ tilemap_set_scrolly( pf2_tilemap,0, bbuster_pf2_scroll_data[1] );
+ tilemap_draw(bitmap,cliprect,pf2_tilemap,0,0);
+ tilemap_draw(bitmap,cliprect,pf1_tilemap,0,0);
+ draw_sprites(machine,bitmap,buffered_spriteram16,1,0,0);
+ tilemap_draw(bitmap,cliprect,fix_tilemap,0,0);
+ return 0;