path: root/src/mame/video/atarisy2.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mame/video/atarisy2.c')
1 files changed, 371 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mame/video/atarisy2.c b/src/mame/video/atarisy2.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..906b69c93b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mame/video/atarisy2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+ Atari System 2 hardware
+#include "driver.h"
+#include "machine/atarigen.h"
+#include "slapstic.h"
+#include "atarisy2.h"
+ *
+ * Globals we own
+ *
+ *************************************/
+UINT16 *atarisy2_slapstic;
+ *
+ * Statics
+ *
+ *************************************/
+static emu_timer *yscroll_reset_timer;
+static UINT32 playfield_tile_bank[2];
+static UINT32 videobank;
+static UINT16 *vram;
+ *
+ * Prototypes
+ *
+ *************************************/
+static TIMER_CALLBACK( reset_yscroll_callback );
+ *
+ * Tilemap callbacks
+ *
+ *************************************/
+static TILE_GET_INFO( get_alpha_tile_info )
+ UINT16 data = atarigen_alpha[tile_index];
+ int code = data & 0x3ff;
+ int color = (data >> 13) & 0x07;
+ SET_TILE_INFO(2, code, color, 0);
+static TILE_GET_INFO( get_playfield_tile_info )
+ UINT16 data = atarigen_playfield[tile_index];
+ int code = playfield_tile_bank[(data >> 10) & 1] + (data & 0x3ff);
+ int color = (data >> 11) & 7;
+ SET_TILE_INFO(0, code, color, 0);
+ tileinfo->category = (~data >> 14) & 3;
+ *
+ * Video system start
+ *
+ *************************************/
+VIDEO_START( atarisy2 )
+ static const struct atarimo_desc modesc =
+ {
+ 1, /* index to which gfx system */
+ 1, /* number of motion object banks */
+ 1, /* are the entries linked? */
+ 0, /* are the entries split? */
+ 0, /* render in reverse order? */
+ 0, /* render in swapped X/Y order? */
+ 0, /* does the neighbor bit affect the next object? */
+ 0, /* pixels per SLIP entry (0 for no-slip) */
+ 0, /* pixel offset for SLIPs */
+ 0, /* maximum number of links to visit/scanline (0=all) */
+ 0x00, /* base palette entry */
+ 0x40, /* maximum number of colors */
+ 15, /* transparent pen index */
+ {{ 0,0,0,0x07f8 }}, /* mask for the link */
+ {{ 0 }}, /* mask for the graphics bank */
+ {{ 0,0x07ff,0,0 }}, /* mask for the code index */
+ {{ 0x0007,0,0,0 }}, /* mask for the upper code index */
+ {{ 0,0,0,0x3000 }}, /* mask for the color */
+ {{ 0,0,0xffc0,0 }}, /* mask for the X position */
+ {{ 0x7fc0,0,0,0 }}, /* mask for the Y position */
+ {{ 0 }}, /* mask for the width, in tiles*/
+ {{ 0,0x3800,0,0 }}, /* mask for the height, in tiles */
+ {{ 0,0x4000,0,0 }}, /* mask for the horizontal flip */
+ {{ 0 }}, /* mask for the vertical flip */
+ {{ 0,0,0,0xc000 }}, /* mask for the priority */
+ {{ 0,0x8000,0,0 }}, /* mask for the neighbor */
+ {{ 0 }}, /* mask for absolute coordinates */
+ {{ 0 }}, /* mask for the special value */
+ 0, /* resulting value to indicate "special" */
+ 0 /* callback routine for special entries */
+ };
+ /* allocate banked memory */
+ vram = auto_malloc(0x8000);
+ memset(vram, 0, 0x8000);
+ atarigen_alpha = &vram[0x0000];
+ atarimo_0_spriteram = &vram[0x0c00];
+ atarigen_playfield = &vram[0x2000];
+ /* initialize the playfield */
+ atarigen_playfield_tilemap = tilemap_create(get_playfield_tile_info, tilemap_scan_rows, TILEMAP_TYPE_PEN, 8,8, 128,64);
+ /* initialize the motion objects */
+ atarimo_init(machine, 0, &modesc);
+ /* initialize the alphanumerics */
+ atarigen_alpha_tilemap = tilemap_create(get_alpha_tile_info, tilemap_scan_rows, TILEMAP_TYPE_PEN, 8,8, 64,48);
+ tilemap_set_transparent_pen(atarigen_alpha_tilemap, 0);
+ /* reset the statics */
+ yscroll_reset_timer = timer_alloc(reset_yscroll_callback);
+ videobank = 0;
+ *
+ * Scroll/playfield bank write
+ *
+ *************************************/
+WRITE16_HANDLER( atarisy2_xscroll_w )
+ UINT16 oldscroll = *atarigen_xscroll;
+ UINT16 newscroll = oldscroll;
+ COMBINE_DATA(&newscroll);
+ /* if anything has changed, force a partial update */
+ if (newscroll != oldscroll)
+ video_screen_update_partial(0, video_screen_get_vpos(0));
+ /* update the playfield scrolling - hscroll is clocked on the following scanline */
+ tilemap_set_scrollx(atarigen_playfield_tilemap, 0, newscroll >> 6);
+ /* update the playfield banking */
+ if (playfield_tile_bank[0] != (newscroll & 0x0f) * 0x400)
+ {
+ playfield_tile_bank[0] = (newscroll & 0x0f) * 0x400;
+ tilemap_mark_all_tiles_dirty(atarigen_playfield_tilemap);
+ }
+ /* update the data */
+ *atarigen_xscroll = newscroll;
+static TIMER_CALLBACK( reset_yscroll_callback )
+ tilemap_set_scrolly(atarigen_playfield_tilemap, 0, param);
+WRITE16_HANDLER( atarisy2_yscroll_w )
+ UINT16 oldscroll = *atarigen_yscroll;
+ UINT16 newscroll = oldscroll;
+ COMBINE_DATA(&newscroll);
+ /* if anything has changed, force a partial update */
+ if (newscroll != oldscroll)
+ video_screen_update_partial(0, video_screen_get_vpos(0));
+ /* if bit 4 is zero, the scroll value is clocked in right away */
+ if (!(newscroll & 0x10))
+ tilemap_set_scrolly(atarigen_playfield_tilemap, 0, (newscroll >> 6) - video_screen_get_vpos(0));
+ else
+ timer_adjust(yscroll_reset_timer, video_screen_get_time_until_pos(0, 0, 0), newscroll >> 6, attotime_zero);
+ /* update the playfield banking */
+ if (playfield_tile_bank[1] != (newscroll & 0x0f) * 0x400)
+ {
+ playfield_tile_bank[1] = (newscroll & 0x0f) * 0x400;
+ tilemap_mark_all_tiles_dirty(atarigen_playfield_tilemap);
+ }
+ /* update the data */
+ *atarigen_yscroll = newscroll;
+ *
+ * Palette RAM write handler
+ *
+ *************************************/
+WRITE16_HANDLER( atarisy2_paletteram_w )
+ static const int intensity_table[16] =
+ {
+ #define ZB 115
+ #define Z3 78
+ #define Z2 37
+ #define Z1 17
+ #define Z0 9
+ 0, ZB+Z0, ZB+Z1, ZB+Z1+Z0, ZB+Z2, ZB+Z2+Z0, ZB+Z2+Z1, ZB+Z2+Z1+Z0,
+ ZB+Z3, ZB+Z3+Z0, ZB+Z3+Z1, ZB+Z3+Z1+Z0,ZB+ Z3+Z2, ZB+Z3+Z2+Z0, ZB+Z3+Z2+Z1, ZB+Z3+Z2+Z1+Z0
+ };
+ static const int color_table[16] =
+ { 0x0, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xe, 0xf, 0xf };
+ int newword, inten, red, green, blue;
+ COMBINE_DATA(&paletteram16[offset]);
+ newword = paletteram16[offset];
+ inten = intensity_table[newword & 15];
+ red = (color_table[(newword >> 12) & 15] * inten) >> 4;
+ green = (color_table[(newword >> 8) & 15] * inten) >> 4;
+ blue = (color_table[(newword >> 4) & 15] * inten) >> 4;
+ palette_set_color(Machine, offset, MAKE_RGB(red, green, blue));
+ *
+ * Video RAM bank read/write handlers
+ *
+ *************************************/
+READ16_HANDLER( atarisy2_slapstic_r )
+ int result = atarisy2_slapstic[offset];
+ slapstic_tweak(offset);
+ /* an extra tweak for the next opcode fetch */
+ videobank = slapstic_tweak(0x1234) * 0x1000;
+ return result;
+WRITE16_HANDLER( atarisy2_slapstic_w )
+ slapstic_tweak(offset);
+ /* an extra tweak for the next opcode fetch */
+ videobank = slapstic_tweak(0x1234) * 0x1000;
+ *
+ * Video RAM read/write handlers
+ *
+ *************************************/
+READ16_HANDLER( atarisy2_videoram_r )
+ return vram[offset | videobank];
+WRITE16_HANDLER( atarisy2_videoram_w )
+ int offs = offset | videobank;
+ /* alpharam? */
+ if (offs < 0x0c00)
+ {
+ COMBINE_DATA(&atarigen_alpha[offs]);
+ tilemap_mark_tile_dirty(atarigen_alpha_tilemap, offs);
+ }
+ /* spriteram? */
+ else if (offs < 0x1000)
+ {
+ /* force an update if the link of object 0 is about to change */
+ if (offs == 0x0c03)
+ video_screen_update_partial(0, video_screen_get_vpos(0));
+ atarimo_0_spriteram_w(offs - 0x0c00, data, mem_mask);
+ }
+ /* playfieldram? */
+ else if (offs >= 0x2000)
+ {
+ offs -= 0x2000;
+ COMBINE_DATA(&atarigen_playfield[offs]);
+ tilemap_mark_tile_dirty(atarigen_playfield_tilemap, offs);
+ }
+ /* generic case */
+ else
+ {
+ COMBINE_DATA(&vram[offs]);
+ }
+ *
+ * Main refresh
+ *
+ *************************************/
+VIDEO_UPDATE( atarisy2 )
+ struct atarimo_rect_list rectlist;
+ mame_bitmap *mobitmap;
+ int x, y, r;
+ /* draw the playfield */
+ fillbitmap(priority_bitmap, 0, cliprect);
+ tilemap_draw(bitmap, cliprect, atarigen_playfield_tilemap, 0, 0);
+ tilemap_draw(bitmap, cliprect, atarigen_playfield_tilemap, 1, 1);
+ tilemap_draw(bitmap, cliprect, atarigen_playfield_tilemap, 2, 2);
+ tilemap_draw(bitmap, cliprect, atarigen_playfield_tilemap, 3, 3);
+ /* draw and merge the MO */
+ mobitmap = atarimo_render(machine, 0, cliprect, &rectlist);
+ for (r = 0; r < rectlist.numrects; r++, rectlist.rect++)
+ for (y = rectlist.rect->min_y; y <= rectlist.rect->max_y; y++)
+ {
+ UINT16 *mo = (UINT16 *)mobitmap->base + mobitmap->rowpixels * y;
+ UINT16 *pf = (UINT16 *)bitmap->base + bitmap->rowpixels * y;
+ UINT8 *pri = (UINT8 *)priority_bitmap->base + priority_bitmap->rowpixels * y;
+ for (x = rectlist.rect->min_x; x <= rectlist.rect->max_x; x++)
+ if (mo[x] != 0x0f)
+ {
+ int mopriority = mo[x] >> ATARIMO_PRIORITY_SHIFT;
+ /* high priority PF? */
+ if ((mopriority + pri[x]) & 2)
+ {
+ /* only gets priority if PF pen is less than 8 */
+ if (!(pf[x] & 0x08))
+ pf[x] = mo[x] & ATARIMO_DATA_MASK;
+ }
+ /* low priority */
+ else
+ pf[x] = mo[x] & ATARIMO_DATA_MASK;
+ /* erase behind ourselves */
+ mo[x] = 0x0f;
+ }
+ }
+ /* add the alpha on top */
+ tilemap_draw(bitmap, cliprect, atarigen_alpha_tilemap, 0, 0);
+ return 0;