path: root/src/mame/machine/seibuspi.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mame/machine/seibuspi.c')
1 files changed, 388 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mame/machine/seibuspi.c b/src/mame/machine/seibuspi.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b9ad91b62ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mame/machine/seibuspi.c
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+#include "driver.h"
+Tile encryption
+The tile graphics encryption uses the same algorithm in all games, with
+different keys for the SPI, RISE10 and RISE11 custom chips.
+- Take 24 bits of gfx data (used to decrypt 4 pixels at 6 bpp) and perform
+ a bit permutation on them (the permutation is the same in all games).
+- Take the low 12 bits of the tile code and add a 24-bit number (KEY1) to it.
+- Add the two 24-bit numbers resulting from the above steps, but with a
+ catch: while performing the sum, some bits generate carry as usual, other
+ bits don't, depending on a 24-bit key (KEY2). Note that the carry generated
+ by bit 23 (if enabled) wraps around to bit 0.
+- XOR the result with a 24-bit number (KEY3).
+The decryption is actually programmable; the games write the key to the
+custom IC on startup!! (writes to 000414)
+// add two numbers generating carry from one bit to the next only if
+// the corresponding bit in carry_mask is 1
+static int partial_carry_sum(int add1,int add2,int carry_mask,int bits)
+ int i,res,carry;
+ res = 0;
+ carry = 0;
+ for (i = 0;i < bits;i++)
+ {
+ int bit = BIT(add1,i) + BIT(add2,i) + carry;
+ res += (bit & 1) << i;
+ // generate carry only if the corresponding bit in carry_mask is 1
+ if (BIT(carry_mask,i))
+ carry = bit >> 1;
+ else
+ carry = 0;
+ }
+ // wrap around carry from top bit to bit 0
+ if (carry)
+ res ^=1;
+ return res;
+static int partial_carry_sum24(int add1,int add2,int carry_mask)
+ return partial_carry_sum(add1,add2,carry_mask,24);
+static int partial_carry_sum16(int add1,int add2,int carry_mask)
+ return partial_carry_sum(add1,add2,carry_mask,16);
+static int partial_carry_sum8(int add1,int add2,int carry_mask)
+ return partial_carry_sum(add1,add2,carry_mask,8);
+static UINT32 decrypt_tile(UINT32 val, int tileno, UINT32 key1, UINT32 key2, UINT32 key3)
+ val = BITSWAP24(val, 18,19,9,5, 10,17,16,20, 21,22,6,11, 15,14,4,23, 0,1,7,8, 13,12,3,2);
+ return partial_carry_sum24( val, tileno + key1, key2 ) ^ key3;
+static void decrypt_text(UINT8 *rom, UINT32 key1, UINT32 key2, UINT32 key3)
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<0x10000; i++)
+ {
+ UINT32 w;
+ w = (rom[(i*3) + 0] << 16) | (rom[(i*3) + 1] << 8) | (rom[(i*3) +2]);
+ w = decrypt_tile(w, i >> 4, key1, key2, key3);
+ rom[(i*3) + 0] = (w >> 16) & 0xff;
+ rom[(i*3) + 1] = (w >> 8) & 0xff;
+ rom[(i*3) + 2] = w & 0xff;
+ }
+static void decrypt_bg(UINT8 *rom, int size, UINT32 key1, UINT32 key2, UINT32 key3)
+ int i,j;
+ for(j=0; j<size; j+=0xc0000)
+ {
+ for(i=0; i<0x40000; i++)
+ {
+ UINT32 w;
+ w = (rom[j + (i*3) + 0] << 16) | (rom[j + (i*3) + 1] << 8) | (rom[j + (i*3) + 2]);
+ w = decrypt_tile(w, i >> 6, key1, key2, key3);
+ rom[j + (i*3) + 0] = (w >> 16) & 0xff;
+ rom[j + (i*3) + 1] = (w >> 8) & 0xff;
+ rom[j + (i*3) + 2] = w & 0xff;
+ }
+ }
+cpu #0 (PC=0033B2EB): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 00000000 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=0033B2EB): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 0000DF5B & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=0033B2EB): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 000078CF & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=0033B2EB): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 00001377 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=0033B2EB): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 00002538 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=0033B2EB): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 00004535 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=0033B2EB): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 06DC0000 & FFFF0000
+void seibuspi_text_decrypt(UINT8 *rom)
+ decrypt_text( rom, 0x5a3845, 0x77cf5b, 0x1378df);
+void seibuspi_bg_decrypt(UINT8 *rom, int size)
+ decrypt_bg( rom, size, 0x5a3845, 0x77cf5b, 0x1378df);
+cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 00000001 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 0000DCF8 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 00007AE2 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 0000154D & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 00001731 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 0000466B & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 3EDC0000 & FFFF0000
+/* RISE10 (Raiden Fighters 2) */
+void seibuspi_rise10_text_decrypt(UINT8 *rom)
+ decrypt_text( rom, 0x823146, 0x4de2f8, 0x157adc);
+void seibuspi_rise10_bg_decrypt(UINT8 *rom, int size)
+ decrypt_bg( rom, size, 0x823146, 0x4de2f8, 0x157adc);
+cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 00000001 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 00006630 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 0000B685 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 0000CCFE & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 000032A7 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 0000547C & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 00000414 = 3EDC0000 & FFFF0000
+/* RISE11 (Raiden Fighters Jet) */
+void seibuspi_rise11_text_decrypt(UINT8 *rom)
+ decrypt_text( rom, 0xaea754, 0xfe8530, 0xccb666);
+void seibuspi_rise11_bg_decrypt(UINT8 *rom, int size)
+ decrypt_bg( rom, size, 0xaea754, 0xfe8530, 0xccb666);
+static int dec12(int val)
+ return partial_carry_sum16( val, 0x018a, 0x018a ) ^ 0xccd8;
+static int dec3(int val)
+ return partial_carry_sum8( val, 0x05, 0x1d ) ^ 0x6c;
+static int dec4(int val)
+ return partial_carry_sum8( val, 0x42, 0x46 ) ^ 0xa2;
+static int dec5(int val)
+ return partial_carry_sum8( val, 0x21, 0x27 ) ^ 0x52;
+static int dec6(int val)
+ return partial_carry_sum8( val, 0x08, 0x08 ) ^ 0x3a;
+static void sprite_reorder(UINT8 *buffer)
+ int j;
+ UINT8 temp[64];
+ for( j=0; j < 16; j++ ) {
+ temp[2*(j*2)+0] = buffer[2*j+0];
+ temp[2*(j*2)+1] = buffer[2*j+1];
+ temp[2*(j*2)+2] = buffer[2*j+32];
+ temp[2*(j*2)+3] = buffer[2*j+33];
+ }
+ memcpy(buffer, temp, 64);
+/* actually this is for the 2000 version - original version might be different */
+void seibuspi_rise10_sprite_decrypt(UINT8 *rom, int size)
+ int i,j;
+ int s = size/2;
+ for( i=0; i < s; i+=32 ) {
+ sprite_reorder(&rom[2*i]);
+ sprite_reorder(&rom[2*(s+i)]);
+ sprite_reorder(&rom[2*((s*2)+i)]);
+ for( j=0; j < 32; j++ ) {
+ int b1,b2;
+ int d12,d3,d4,d5,d6;
+ b1 = rom[2*((s*2)+i+j)] + (rom[2*((s*2)+i+j)+1] << 8) + (rom[2*(s+i+j)] << 16) + (rom[2*(s+i+j)+1] << 24);
+ b1 = BITSWAP32(b1,
+ 7,31,26,0,18,9,19,8,
+ 27,6,15,21,1,28,10,20,
+ 3,5,29,17,14,22,2,11,
+ 23,13,24,4,16,12,25,30);
+ b2 = rom[2*(i+j)] + (rom[2*(i+j)+1] << 8);
+ d12 = dec12(b2);
+ d3 = dec3((b1 >> 0) & 0xff);
+ d4 = dec4((b1 >> 8) & 0xff);
+ d5 = dec5((b1 >> 16) & 0xff);
+ d6 = dec6((b1 >> 24) & 0xff);
+ rom[2*(i+j)] = d12 >> 8;
+ rom[2*(i+j)+1] = d12;
+ rom[2*(s+i+j)] = d3;
+ rom[2*(s+i+j)+1] = d4;
+ rom[2*((s*2)+i+j)] = d5;
+ rom[2*((s*2)+i+j)+1] = d6;
+ }
+ }
+rf2_eur (we don't have the gfx ROMs for this one)
+cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 00000000 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 0000ABCB & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 0000ABCB & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 00006543 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 000021D9 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 00006655 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 000099AA & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 00006655 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 000099AA & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 00000C1D & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 0000A346 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 00005237 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002A097D): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 0000A948 & 0000FFFF
+ plane543 = partial_carry_sum24( plane543, 0x??????, 0x??2199 ) ^ 0x??d9aa;
+ plane210 = partial_carry_sum24( plane210, i, 0x990c52 ) ^ 0xaa1d37;
+cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 00000000 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 00000000 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 000055AB & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 00000000 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 0000AA6A & 0000FFFF //
+cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 0000ABCB & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 0000DD4C & 0000FFFF //
+cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 00006543 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 0000D68B & 0000FFFF //
+cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 000037F2 & 0000FFFF //
+cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 000021D9 & 0000FFFF
+cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 00005B3B & 0000FFFF //
+cpu #0 (PC=002C40F9): unmapped program memory dword write to 0000054C = 00000300 & 0000FFFF
+ plane543 = partial_carry_sum24( plane543, 0x01cb64, 0x01aadd ) ^ 0x016a4c;
+ plane210 = partial_carry_sum24( plane210, i, 0xd6375b ) ^ 0x8bf23b;
+void seibuspi_rise11_sprite_decrypt(UINT8 *rom, int size)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < size/2; i++)
+ {
+ int b1,b2,b3;
+ int plane543,plane210;
+ b1 = rom[0*size+2*i] + (rom[0*size+2*i+1] << 8);
+ b2 = rom[1*size+2*i] + (rom[1*size+2*i+1] << 8);
+ b3 = rom[2*size+2*i] + (rom[2*size+2*i+1] << 8);
+ plane543 = (BIT(b2,11)<< 0) |
+ (BIT(b1, 6)<< 1) |
+ (BIT(b3,12)<< 2) |
+ (BIT(b3, 3)<< 3) |
+ (BIT(b2,12)<< 4) |
+ (BIT(b3,14)<< 5) |
+ (BIT(b3, 4)<< 6) |
+ (BIT(b1,11)<< 7) |
+ (BIT(b1,12)<< 8) |
+ (BIT(b1, 2)<< 9) |
+ (BIT(b2, 5)<<10) |
+ (BIT(b1, 9)<<11) |
+ (BIT(b3, 1)<<12) |
+ (BIT(b2, 2)<<13) |
+ (BIT(b2,10)<<14) |
+ (BIT(b3, 5)<<15) |
+ (BIT(b1, 3)<<16) |
+ (BIT(b2, 7)<<17) |
+ (BIT(b1,15)<<18) |
+ (BIT(b3, 9)<<19) |
+ (BIT(b2,13)<<20) |
+ (BIT(b1, 4)<<21) |
+ (BIT(b3, 2)<<22) |
+ (BIT(b2, 0)<<23);
+ plane210 = (BIT(b1,14)<< 0) |
+ (BIT(b1, 1)<< 1) |
+ (BIT(b1,13)<< 2) |
+ (BIT(b3, 0)<< 3) |
+ (BIT(b1, 7)<< 4) |
+ (BIT(b2,14)<< 5) |
+ (BIT(b2, 4)<< 6) |
+ (BIT(b2, 9)<< 7) |
+ (BIT(b3, 8)<< 8) |
+ (BIT(b2, 1)<< 9) |
+ (BIT(b3, 7)<<10) |
+ (BIT(b2, 6)<<11) |
+ (BIT(b1, 0)<<12) |
+ (BIT(b3,11)<<13) |
+ (BIT(b2, 8)<<14) |
+ (BIT(b3,13)<<15) |
+ (BIT(b1, 8)<<16) |
+ (BIT(b3,10)<<17) |
+ (BIT(b3, 6)<<18) |
+ (BIT(b1,10)<<19) |
+ (BIT(b2,15)<<20) |
+ (BIT(b2, 3)<<21) |
+ (BIT(b1, 5)<<22) |
+ (BIT(b3,15)<<23);
+ plane543 = partial_carry_sum24( plane543, 0x01cb64, 0x01aadd ) ^ 0x016a4c;
+ plane210 = partial_carry_sum24( plane210, i, 0xd6375b ) ^ 0x8bf23b;
+ rom[0*size+2*i] = plane543 >> 16;
+ rom[0*size+2*i+1] = plane543 >> 8;
+ rom[1*size+2*i] = plane543 >> 0;
+ rom[1*size+2*i+1] = plane210 >> 16;
+ rom[2*size+2*i] = plane210 >> 8;
+ rom[2*size+2*i+1] = plane210 >> 0;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < size/2; i += 32)
+ {
+ sprite_reorder(&rom[0*size+2*i]);
+ sprite_reorder(&rom[1*size+2*i]);
+ sprite_reorder(&rom[2*size+2*i]);
+ }