path: root/src/mame/audio/taito_en.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mame/audio/taito_en.c')
1 files changed, 273 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mame/audio/taito_en.c b/src/mame/audio/taito_en.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bc90e021d69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mame/audio/taito_en.c
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+#include "driver.h"
+#include "sound/es5506.h"
+#include "includes/taito_f3.h"
+#include "taito_en.h"
+static int counter,vector_reg,imr_status;
+static UINT16 es5510_dsp_ram[0x200];
+static UINT32 es5510_gpr[0xc0];
+static UINT32 es5510_gpr_latch;
+static emu_timer *timer_68681=NULL;
+static int timer_mode,m68681_imr;
+static int es_tmp=1;
+#define M68000_CLOCK 16000000
+#define M68681_CLOCK 2000000 /* Actually X1, not the main clock */
+ if ((offset&3)==0) return (f3_shared_ram[offset/4]&0xff000000)>>16;
+ if ((offset&3)==1) return (f3_shared_ram[offset/4]&0x00ff0000)>>8;
+ if ((offset&3)==2) return (f3_shared_ram[offset/4]&0x0000ff00)>>0;
+ return (f3_shared_ram[offset/4]&0x000000ff)<<8;
+ if ((offset&3)==0) f3_shared_ram[offset/4]=(f3_shared_ram[offset/4]&0x00ffffff)|((data&0xff00)<<16);
+ else if ((offset&3)==1) f3_shared_ram[offset/4]=(f3_shared_ram[offset/4]&0xff00ffff)|((data&0xff00)<<8);
+ else if ((offset&3)==2) f3_shared_ram[offset/4]=(f3_shared_ram[offset/4]&0xffff00ff)|((data&0xff00)<<0);
+ else f3_shared_ram[offset/4]=(f3_shared_ram[offset/4]&0xffffff00)|((data&0xff00)>>8);
+WRITE16_HANDLER( f3_es5505_bank_w )
+ UINT32 max_banks_this_game=(memory_region_length(REGION_SOUND1)/0x200000)-1;
+#if 0
+ static char count[10];
+ count[data&7]++;
+ popmessage("%x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x (%d)",count[0]&0xf,count[1]&0xf,count[2]&0xf,count[3]&0xf,count[4]&0xf,count[5]&0xf,count[6]&0xf,count[7]&0xf, max_banks_this_game);
+ /* mask out unused bits */
+ data &= max_banks_this_game;
+ ES5505_voice_bank_0_w(offset,data<<20);
+WRITE16_HANDLER( f3_volume_w )
+ static UINT16 channel[8],last_l,last_r;
+ static int latch;
+ if (offset==0) latch=(data>>8)&0x7;
+ if (offset==1) channel[latch]=data>>8;
+// if (channel[7]!=last_l) mixer_set_volume(0, (int)((float)channel[7]*1.58)); /* Left master volume */
+// if (channel[6]!=last_r) mixer_set_volume(1, (int)((float)channel[6]*1.58)); /* Right master volume */
+ last_l=channel[7];
+ last_r=channel[6];
+ /* Channel 5 - Left Aux? Always set to volume, but never used for panning */
+ /* Channel 4 - Right Aux? Always set to volume, but never used for panning */
+ /* Channels 0, 1, 2, 3 - Unused */
+static TIMER_CALLBACK( timer_callback )
+ /* Only cause IRQ if the mask is set to allow it */
+ if (m68681_imr&8) {
+ cpunum_set_input_line_vector(1, 6, vector_reg);
+ cpunum_set_input_line(1, 6, ASSERT_LINE);
+ imr_status|=0x8;
+ }
+void f3_68681_reset(void)
+ timer_68681 = timer_alloc(timer_callback);
+ if (offset==0x5) {
+ int ret=imr_status;
+ imr_status=0;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if (offset==0xe)
+ return 1;
+ /* IRQ ack */
+ if (offset==0xf) {
+ cpunum_set_input_line(1, 6, CLEAR_LINE);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 0xff;
+ switch (offset) {
+ case 0x04: /* ACR */
+ switch ((data>>4)&7) {
+ case 0:
+ logerror("Counter: Unimplemented external IP2\n");
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ logerror("Counter: Unimplemented TxCA - 1X clock of channel A\n");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ logerror("Counter: Unimplemented TxCB - 1X clock of channel B\n");
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ logerror("Counter: X1/Clk - divided by 16, counter is %04x, so interrupt every %d cycles\n",counter,(M68000_CLOCK/M68681_CLOCK)*counter*16);
+ timer_mode=TIMER_SINGLESHOT;
+ timer_adjust(timer_68681, ATTOTIME_IN_CYCLES((M68000_CLOCK/M68681_CLOCK)*counter*16,1), 0, attotime_zero);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ logerror("Timer: Unimplemented external IP2\n");
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ logerror("Timer: Unimplemented external IP2/16\n");
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ logerror("Timer: X1/Clk, counter is %04x, so interrupt every %d cycles\n",counter,(M68000_CLOCK/M68681_CLOCK)*counter);
+ timer_mode=TIMER_PULSE;
+ timer_adjust(timer_68681, ATTOTIME_IN_CYCLES((M68000_CLOCK/M68681_CLOCK)*counter,1), 0, ATTOTIME_IN_CYCLES((M68000_CLOCK/M68681_CLOCK)*counter,1));
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ logerror("Timer: Unimplemented X1/Clk - divided by 16\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x05: /* IMR */
+ logerror("68681: %02x %02x\n",offset,data&0xff);
+ m68681_imr=data&0xff;
+ break;
+ case 0x06: /* CTUR */
+ counter=((data&0xff)<<8)|(counter&0xff);
+ break;
+ case 0x07: /* CTLR */
+ counter=(counter&0xff00)|(data&0xff);
+ break;
+ case 0x08: break; /* MR1B (Mode register B) */
+ case 0x09: break; /* CSRB (Clock select register B) */
+ case 0x0a: break; /* CRB (Command register B) */
+ case 0x0b: break; /* TBB (Transmit buffer B) */
+ case 0x0c: /* IVR (Interrupt vector) */
+ vector_reg=data&0xff;
+ break;
+ default:
+ logerror("68681: %02x %02x\n",offset,data&0xff);
+ break;
+ }
+// logerror("%06x: DSP read offset %04x (data is %04x)\n",activecpu_get_pc(),offset,es5510_dsp_ram[offset]);
+// if (es_tmp) return es5510_dsp_ram[offset];
+ switch (offset) {
+ case 0x00: return (es5510_gpr_latch>>16)&0xff;
+ case 0x01: return (es5510_gpr_latch>> 8)&0xff;
+ case 0x02: return (es5510_gpr_latch>> 0)&0xff;
+ case 0x03: return 0;
+ }
+// offset<<=1;
+//if (offset<7 && es5510_dsp_ram[0]!=0xff) return mame_rand(Machine)%0xffff;
+ if (offset==0x12) return 0;
+// if (offset>4)
+ if (offset==0x16) return 0x27;
+ return es5510_dsp_ram[offset];
+ UINT8 *snd_mem = (UINT8 *)memory_region(REGION_SOUND1);
+// if (offset>4 && offset!=0x80 && offset!=0xa0 && offset!=0xc0 && offset!=0xe0)
+// logerror("%06x: DSP write offset %04x %04x\n",activecpu_get_pc(),offset,data);
+ COMBINE_DATA(&es5510_dsp_ram[offset]);
+ switch (offset) {
+ case 0x00: es5510_gpr_latch=(es5510_gpr_latch&0x00ffff)|((data&0xff)<<16);
+ case 0x01: es5510_gpr_latch=(es5510_gpr_latch&0xff00ff)|((data&0xff)<< 8);
+ case 0x02: es5510_gpr_latch=(es5510_gpr_latch&0xffff00)|((data&0xff)<< 0);
+ case 0x03: break;
+ case 0x80: /* Read select - GPR + INSTR */
+ // logerror("ES5510: Read GPR/INSTR %06x (%06x)\n",data,es5510_gpr[data]);
+ /* Check if a GPR is selected */
+ if (data<0xc0) {
+ es_tmp=0;
+ es5510_gpr_latch=es5510_gpr[data];
+ } else es_tmp=1;
+ break;
+ case 0xa0: /* Write select - GPR */
+ // logerror("ES5510: Write GPR %06x %06x (0x%04x:=0x%06x\n",data,es5510_gpr_latch,data,snd_mem[es5510_gpr_latch>>8]);
+ if (data<0xc0)
+ es5510_gpr[data]=snd_mem[es5510_gpr_latch>>8];
+ break;
+ case 0xc0: /* Write select - INSTR */
+ // logerror("ES5510: Write INSTR %06x %06x\n",data,es5510_gpr_latch);
+ break;
+ case 0xe0: /* Write select - GPR + INSTR */
+ // logerror("ES5510: Write GPR/INSTR %06x %06x\n",data,es5510_gpr_latch);
+ break;
+ }
+static UINT16 *sound_ram;
+ AM_RANGE(0x000000, 0x00ffff) AM_RAM AM_MIRROR(0x30000) AM_SHARE(1) AM_BASE(&sound_ram)
+ AM_RANGE(0x140000, 0x140fff) AM_READWRITE(f3_68000_share_r, f3_68000_share_w)
+ AM_RANGE(0x200000, 0x20001f) AM_READWRITE(ES5505_data_0_r, ES5505_data_0_w)
+ AM_RANGE(0x260000, 0x2601ff) AM_READWRITE(es5510_dsp_r, es5510_dsp_w)
+ AM_RANGE(0x280000, 0x28001f) AM_READWRITE(f3_68681_r, f3_68681_w)
+ AM_RANGE(0x300000, 0x30003f) AM_WRITE(f3_es5505_bank_w)
+ AM_RANGE(0x340000, 0x340003) AM_WRITE(f3_volume_w) /* 8 channel volume control */
+ AM_RANGE(0xc00000, 0xc1ffff) AM_ROMBANK(1)
+ AM_RANGE(0xc20000, 0xc3ffff) AM_ROMBANK(2)
+ AM_RANGE(0xc40000, 0xc7ffff) AM_ROMBANK(3)
+ AM_RANGE(0xff0000, 0xffffff) AM_RAM AM_SHARE(1) // mirror
+void taito_f3_soundsystem_reset(void)
+ /* Sound cpu program loads to 0xc00000 so we use a bank */
+ UINT16 *ROM = (UINT16 *)memory_region(REGION_CPU2);
+ memory_set_bankptr(1,&ROM[0x80000]);
+ memory_set_bankptr(2,&ROM[0x90000]);
+ memory_set_bankptr(3,&ROM[0xa0000]);
+ sound_ram[0]=ROM[0x80000]; /* Stack and Reset vectors */
+ sound_ram[1]=ROM[0x80001];
+ sound_ram[2]=ROM[0x80002];
+ sound_ram[3]=ROM[0x80003];
+ //cpunum_set_input_line(1, INPUT_LINE_RESET, ASSERT_LINE);
+struct ES5505interface es5505_interface =
+ REGION_SOUND1, /* Bank 0: Unused by F3 games? */
+ REGION_SOUND1, /* Bank 1: All games seem to use this */
+ 0 /* irq */