path: root/src/lib/util/png.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/util/png.c')
1 files changed, 1143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/util/png.c b/src/lib/util/png.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..865703c0d73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/util/png.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1143 @@
+ png.c
+ PNG reading functions.
+ Copyright (c) 1996-2007, Nicola Salmoria and the MAME Team.
+ Visit for licensing and usage restrictions.
+#include <math.h>
+#include <zlib.h>
+#include "png.h"
+typedef struct _image_data_chunk image_data_chunk;
+struct _image_data_chunk
+ image_data_chunk * next;
+ int length;
+ UINT8 * data;
+typedef struct _png_private png_private;
+struct _png_private
+ png_info * pnginfo;
+ image_data_chunk * idata;
+ image_data_chunk ** idata_next;
+ UINT8 bpp;
+ UINT32 rowbytes;
+static const int samples[] = { 1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, 4 };
+INLINE UINT8 fetch_8bit(UINT8 *v)
+ return *v;
+INLINE UINT16 fetch_16bit(UINT8 *v)
+ return BIG_ENDIANIZE_INT16(*(UINT16 *)v);
+INLINE UINT32 fetch_32bit(UINT8 *v)
+ return BIG_ENDIANIZE_INT32(*(UINT32 *)v);
+INLINE void put_8bit(UINT8 *v, UINT8 data)
+ *v = data;
+INLINE void put_16bit(UINT8 *v, UINT16 data)
+ *(UINT16 *)v = BIG_ENDIANIZE_INT16(data);
+INLINE void put_32bit(UINT8 *v, UINT32 data)
+ *(UINT32 *)v = BIG_ENDIANIZE_INT32(data);
+INLINE int compute_bpp(const png_info *pnginfo)
+ return samples[pnginfo->color_type] * pnginfo->bit_depth / 8;
+INLINE int compute_rowbytes(const png_info *pnginfo)
+ return (pnginfo->width * samples[pnginfo->color_type] * pnginfo->bit_depth + 7) / 8;
+ png_free - free all memory allocated in a
+ pnginfo structure
+void png_free(png_info *pnginfo)
+ while (pnginfo->textlist != NULL)
+ {
+ png_text *temp = pnginfo->textlist;
+ pnginfo->textlist = temp->next;
+ if (temp->keyword != NULL)
+ free((void *)temp->keyword);
+ free(temp);
+ }
+ if (pnginfo->palette != NULL)
+ free(pnginfo->palette);
+ pnginfo->palette = NULL;
+ if (pnginfo->trans != NULL)
+ free(pnginfo->trans);
+ pnginfo->trans = NULL;
+ if (pnginfo->image != NULL)
+ free(pnginfo->image);
+ pnginfo->image = NULL;
+ verify_header - verify the PNG
+ header at the current file location
+static png_error verify_header(core_file *fp)
+ UINT8 signature[8];
+ /* read 8 bytes */
+ if (core_fread(fp, signature, 8) != 8)
+ /* return an error if we don't match */
+ if (memcmp(signature, PNG_Signature, 8) != 0)
+ return PNGERR_NONE;
+ read_chunk - read the next PNG chunk
+static png_error read_chunk(core_file *fp, UINT8 **data, UINT32 *type, UINT32 *length)
+ UINT32 crc, chunk_crc;
+ UINT8 tempbuff[4];
+ /* fetch the length of this chunk */
+ if (core_fread(fp, tempbuff, 4) != 4)
+ *length = fetch_32bit(tempbuff);
+ /* fetch the type of this chunk */
+ if (core_fread(fp, tempbuff, 4) != 4)
+ *type = fetch_32bit(tempbuff);
+ /* stop when we hit an IEND chunk */
+ if (*type == PNG_CN_IEND)
+ return PNGERR_NONE;
+ /* start the CRC with the chunk type (but not the length) */
+ crc = crc32(0, tempbuff, 4);
+ /* read the chunk itself into an allocated memory buffer */
+ *data = NULL;
+ if (*length != 0)
+ {
+ /* allocate memory for this chunk */
+ *data = (UINT8 *)malloc(*length);
+ if (*data == NULL)
+ /* read the data from the file */
+ if (core_fread(fp, *data, *length) != *length)
+ {
+ free(*data);
+ *data = NULL;
+ }
+ /* update the CRC */
+ crc = crc32(crc, *data, *length);
+ }
+ /* read the CRC */
+ if (core_fread(fp, tempbuff, 4) != 4)
+ {
+ free(*data);
+ *data = NULL;
+ }
+ chunk_crc = fetch_32bit(tempbuff);
+ /* validate the CRC */
+ if (crc != chunk_crc)
+ {
+ free(*data);
+ *data = NULL;
+ }
+ return PNGERR_NONE;
+ process_chunk - process a PNG chunk
+static png_error process_chunk(png_private *png, UINT8 *data, UINT32 type, UINT32 length, int *keepmem)
+ /* default to not keeping memory */
+ *keepmem = FALSE;
+ /* switch off of the type */
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ /* image header */
+ case PNG_CN_IHDR:
+ png->pnginfo->width = fetch_32bit(data);
+ png->pnginfo->height = fetch_32bit(data + 4);
+ png->pnginfo->bit_depth = fetch_8bit(data + 8);
+ png->pnginfo->color_type = fetch_8bit(data + 9);
+ png->pnginfo->compression_method = fetch_8bit(data + 10);
+ png->pnginfo->filter_method = fetch_8bit(data + 11);
+ png->pnginfo->interlace_method = fetch_8bit(data + 12);
+ break;
+ /* palette */
+ case PNG_CN_PLTE:
+ png->pnginfo->num_palette = length / 3;
+ png->pnginfo->palette = data;
+ *keepmem = TRUE;
+ break;
+ /* transparency information */
+ case PNG_CN_tRNS:
+ png->pnginfo->num_trans = length;
+ png->pnginfo->trans = data;
+ *keepmem = TRUE;
+ break;
+ /* image data */
+ case PNG_CN_IDAT:
+ /* allocate a new image data descriptor */
+ *png->idata_next = malloc(sizeof(**png->idata_next));
+ if (*png->idata_next == NULL)
+ /* add it to the tail of the list */
+ (*png->idata_next)->next = NULL;
+ (*png->idata_next)->length = length;
+ (*png->idata_next)->data = data;
+ png->idata_next = &(*png->idata_next)->next;
+ *keepmem = TRUE;
+ break;
+ /* gamma */
+ case PNG_CN_gAMA:
+ png->pnginfo->source_gamma = fetch_32bit(data) / 100000.0;
+ break;
+ /* physical information */
+ case PNG_CN_pHYs:
+ png->pnginfo->xres = fetch_32bit(data);
+ png->pnginfo->yres = fetch_32bit(data + 4);
+ png->pnginfo->resolution_unit = fetch_8bit(data + 8);
+ break;
+ /* text */
+ case PNG_CN_tEXt:
+ {
+ png_text *text, *pt, *ct;
+ /* allocate a new text item */
+ text = malloc(sizeof(*text));
+ if (text == NULL)
+ /* set the elements */
+ text->keyword = (char *)data;
+ text->text = text->keyword + strlen(text->keyword) + 1;
+ text->next = NULL;
+ /* add to the end of the list */
+ for (pt = NULL, ct = png->pnginfo->textlist; ct != NULL; pt = ct, ct = ct->next) ;
+ if (pt == NULL)
+ png->pnginfo->textlist = text;
+ else
+ pt->next = text;
+ *keepmem = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* anything else */
+ default:
+ if ((type & 0x20000000) == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ return PNGERR_NONE;
+ unfilter_row - unfilter a single row of pixels
+static png_error unfilter_row(int type, UINT8 *src, UINT8 *dst, UINT8 *dstprev, int bpp, int rowbytes)
+ int x;
+ /* switch off of it */
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ /* no filter, just copy */
+ case PNG_PF_None:
+ for (x = 0; x < rowbytes; x++)
+ *dst++ = *src++;
+ break;
+ /* SUB = previous pixel */
+ case PNG_PF_Sub:
+ for (x = 0; x < bpp; x++)
+ *dst++ = *src++;
+ for (x = bpp; x < rowbytes; x++, dst++)
+ *dst = *src++ + dst[-bpp];
+ break;
+ /* UP = pixel above */
+ case PNG_PF_Up:
+ if (dstprev == NULL)
+ return unfilter_row(PNG_PF_None, src, dst, dstprev, bpp, rowbytes);
+ for (x = 0; x < rowbytes; x++, dst++)
+ *dst = *src++ + *dstprev++;
+ break;
+ /* AVERAGE = average of pixel above and previous pixel */
+ case PNG_PF_Average:
+ if (dstprev == NULL)
+ {
+ for (x = 0; x < bpp; x++)
+ *dst++ = *src++;
+ for (x = bpp; x < rowbytes; x++, dst++)
+ *dst = *src++ + dst[-bpp] / 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (x = 0; x < bpp; x++, dst++)
+ *dst = *src++ + *dstprev++ / 2;
+ for (x = bpp; x < rowbytes; x++, dst++)
+ *dst = *src++ + (*dstprev++ + dst[-bpp]) / 2;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* PAETH = special filter */
+ case PNG_PF_Paeth:
+ for (x = 0; x < rowbytes; x++)
+ {
+ INT32 pa = (x < bpp) ? 0 : dst[-bpp];
+ INT32 pc = (x < bpp || dstprev == NULL) ? 0 : dstprev[-bpp];
+ INT32 pb = (dstprev == NULL) ? 0 : *dstprev++;
+ INT32 prediction = pa + pb - pc;
+ INT32 da = abs(prediction - pa);
+ INT32 db = abs(prediction - pb);
+ INT32 dc = abs(prediction - pc);
+ if (da <= db && da <= dc)
+ *dst++ = *src++ + pa;
+ else if (db <= dc)
+ *dst++ = *src++ + pb;
+ else
+ *dst++ = *src++ + pc;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* unknown filter type */
+ default:
+ }
+ return PNGERR_NONE;
+ process_image - post-process a loaded iamge
+static png_error process_image(png_private *png)
+ int rowbytes, bpp, imagesize;
+ png_error error = PNGERR_NONE;
+ image_data_chunk *idat;
+ UINT8 *src, *dst;
+ z_stream stream;
+ int zerr, y;
+ /* compute some basic parameters */
+ bpp = compute_bpp(png->pnginfo);
+ rowbytes = compute_rowbytes(png->pnginfo);
+ imagesize = png->pnginfo->height * (rowbytes + 1);
+ /* allocate memory for the filtered image */
+ png->pnginfo->image = (UINT8 *)malloc(imagesize);
+ if (png->pnginfo->image == NULL)
+ /* initialize the stream */
+ memset(&stream, 0, sizeof(stream));
+ stream.next_out = png->pnginfo->image;
+ stream.avail_out = imagesize;
+ zerr = inflateInit(&stream);
+ if (zerr != Z_OK)
+ {
+ goto handle_error;
+ }
+ /* loop over IDAT and decompress each as part of a larger stream */
+ for (idat = png->idata; idat != NULL; idat = idat->next)
+ {
+ /* decompress this chunk */
+ stream.next_in = idat->data;
+ stream.avail_in = idat->length;
+ zerr = inflate(&stream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
+ /* stop at the end of the stream */
+ if (zerr == Z_STREAM_END)
+ break;
+ /* other errors are fatal */
+ if (zerr != Z_OK)
+ {
+ goto handle_error;
+ }
+ }
+ /* clean up */
+ zerr = inflateEnd(&stream);
+ if (zerr != Z_OK)
+ {
+ goto handle_error;
+ }
+ /* we de-filter in place */
+ src = dst = png->pnginfo->image;
+ /* iterate over rows */
+ for (y = 0; y < png->pnginfo->height && error == PNGERR_NONE; y++)
+ {
+ /* first byte of each row is the filter type */
+ int filter = *src++;
+ error = unfilter_row(filter, src, dst, (y == 0) ? NULL : &dst[-rowbytes], bpp, rowbytes);
+ src += rowbytes;
+ dst += rowbytes;
+ }
+ /* if we errored, free the image data */
+ if (error != PNGERR_NONE)
+ {
+ free(png->pnginfo->image);
+ png->pnginfo->image = NULL;
+ }
+ return error;
+ png_read_file - read a PNG from a core stream
+png_error png_read_file(core_file *fp, png_info *pnginfo)
+ UINT8 *chunk_data = NULL;
+ png_private png;
+ png_error error;
+ /* initialize the data structures */
+ memset(&png, 0, sizeof(png));
+ memset(pnginfo, 0, sizeof(*pnginfo));
+ png.pnginfo = pnginfo;
+ png.idata_next = &png.idata;
+ /* verify the signature at the start of the file */
+ error = verify_header(fp);
+ if (error != PNGERR_NONE)
+ goto handle_error;
+ /* loop until we hit an IEND chunk */
+ for ( ; ; )
+ {
+ UINT32 chunk_type, chunk_length;
+ int keepmem;
+ /* read a chunk */
+ error = read_chunk(fp, &chunk_data, &chunk_type, &chunk_length);
+ if (error != PNGERR_NONE)
+ goto handle_error;
+ /* stop when we hit an IEND chunk */
+ if (chunk_type == PNG_CN_IEND)
+ break;
+ /* process the chunk */
+ error = process_chunk(&png, chunk_data, chunk_type, chunk_length, &keepmem);
+ if (error != PNGERR_NONE)
+ goto handle_error;
+ /* free memory if we didn't want to keep it */
+ if (!keepmem)
+ free(chunk_data);
+ chunk_data = NULL;
+ }
+ /* finish processing the image */
+ error = process_image(&png);
+ if (error != PNGERR_NONE)
+ goto handle_error;
+ /* free all intermediate data */
+ while (png.idata != NULL)
+ {
+ image_data_chunk *next = png.idata->next;
+ if (png.idata->data != NULL)
+ free(png.idata->data);
+ free(png.idata);
+ png.idata = next;
+ }
+ if (chunk_data != NULL)
+ free(chunk_data);
+ /* if we have an error, free all the other data as well */
+ if (error != PNGERR_NONE)
+ {
+ png_free(pnginfo);
+ memset(pnginfo, 0, sizeof(*pnginfo));
+ }
+ return error;
+ png_read_bitmap - load a PNG file into a
+ bitmap_t
+png_error png_read_bitmap(core_file *fp, bitmap_t **bitmap)
+ png_error result;
+ png_info png;
+ UINT8 *src;
+ int x, y;
+ /* read the PNG data */
+ result = png_read_file(fp, &png);
+ if (result != PNGERR_NONE)
+ return result;
+ /* verify we can handle this PNG */
+ if (png.bit_depth > 8 || png.interlace_method != 0 ||
+ (png.color_type != 0 && png.color_type != 3 && png.color_type != 2 && png.color_type != 6))
+ {
+ png_free(&png);
+ }
+ /* if less than 8 bits, upsample */
+ png_expand_buffer_8bit(&png);
+ /* allocate a bitmap of the appropriate size and copy it */
+ *bitmap = bitmap_alloc(png.width, png.height, BITMAP_FORMAT_ARGB32);
+ if (*bitmap == NULL)
+ {
+ png_free(&png);
+ }
+ /* handle 8bpp palettized case */
+ src = png.image;
+ if (png.color_type == 3)
+ {
+ /* loop over width/height */
+ for (y = 0; y < png.height; y++)
+ for (x = 0; x < png.width; x++, src++)
+ {
+ /* determine alpha and expand to 32bpp */
+ UINT8 alpha = (*src < png.num_trans) ? png.trans[*src] : 0xff;
+ *BITMAP_ADDR32(*bitmap, y, x) = (alpha << 24) | (png.palette[*src * 3] << 16) | (png.palette[*src * 3 + 1] << 8) | png.palette[*src * 3 + 2];
+ }
+ }
+ /* handle 8bpp grayscale case */
+ else if (png.color_type == 0)
+ {
+ for (y = 0; y < png.height; y++)
+ for (x = 0; x < png.width; x++, src++)
+ *BITMAP_ADDR32(*bitmap, y, x) = 0xff000000 | (*src << 16) | (*src << 8) | *src;
+ }
+ /* handle 32bpp non-alpha case */
+ else if (png.color_type == 2)
+ {
+ for (y = 0; y < png.height; y++)
+ for (x = 0; x < png.width; x++, src += 3)
+ *BITMAP_ADDR32(*bitmap, y, x) = 0xff000000 | (src[0] << 16) | (src[1] << 8) | src[2];
+ }
+ /* handle 32bpp alpha case */
+ else if (png.color_type == 6)
+ {
+ for (y = 0; y < png.height; y++)
+ for (x = 0; x < png.width; x++, src += 4)
+ *BITMAP_ADDR32(*bitmap, y, x) = (src[3] << 24) | (src[0] << 16) | (src[1] << 8) | src[2];
+ }
+ /* free our temporary data and return */
+ png_free(&png);
+ return PNGERR_NONE;
+ png_expand_buffer_8bit - expand a buffer from
+ sub 8-bit to 8-bit
+png_error png_expand_buffer_8bit(png_info *pnginfo)
+ int i,j, k;
+ UINT8 *inp, *outp, *outbuf;
+ /* nothing to do if we're at 8 or greater already */
+ if (pnginfo->bit_depth >= 8)
+ return PNGERR_NONE;
+ /* allocate a new buffer at 8-bit */
+ outbuf = malloc(pnginfo->width * pnginfo->height);
+ if (outbuf == NULL)
+ inp = pnginfo->image;
+ outp = outbuf;
+ for (i = 0; i < pnginfo->height; i++)
+ {
+ for(j = 0; j < pnginfo->width / ( 8 / pnginfo->bit_depth); j++)
+ {
+ for (k = 8 / pnginfo->bit_depth-1; k >= 0; k--)
+ *outp++ = (*inp >> k * pnginfo->bit_depth) & (0xff >> (8 - pnginfo->bit_depth));
+ inp++;
+ }
+ if (pnginfo->width % (8 / pnginfo->bit_depth))
+ {
+ for (k = pnginfo->width % (8 / pnginfo->bit_depth)-1; k >= 0; k--)
+ *outp++ = (*inp >> k * pnginfo->bit_depth) & (0xff >> (8 - pnginfo->bit_depth));
+ inp++;
+ }
+ }
+ free (pnginfo->image);
+ pnginfo->image = outbuf;
+ return PNGERR_NONE;
+ png_add_text - add a text entry to the png_info
+png_error png_add_text(png_info *pnginfo, const char *keyword, const char *text)
+ png_text *newtext, *pt, *ct;
+ char *textdata;
+ int keylen;
+ /* allocate a new text element */
+ newtext = malloc(sizeof(*newtext));
+ if (newtext == NULL)
+ /* allocate a string long enough to hold both */
+ keylen = (int)strlen(keyword);
+ textdata = malloc(keylen + 1 + strlen(text) + 1);
+ if (textdata == NULL)
+ {
+ free(newtext);
+ }
+ /* copy in the data */
+ strcpy(textdata, keyword);
+ strcpy(textdata + keylen + 1, text);
+ /* text follows a trailing NULL */
+ newtext->keyword = textdata;
+ newtext->text = textdata + keylen + 1;
+ newtext->next = NULL;
+ /* add us to the end of the linked list */
+ for (pt = NULL, ct = pnginfo->textlist; ct != NULL; pt = ct, ct = ct->next) ;
+ if (pt == NULL)
+ pnginfo->textlist = newtext;
+ else
+ pt->next = newtext;
+ return PNGERR_NONE;
+ write_chunk - write an in-memory chunk to
+ the given file
+static png_error write_chunk(core_file *fp, const UINT8 *data, UINT32 type, UINT32 length)
+ UINT8 tempbuff[8];
+ UINT32 crc;
+ /* stuff the length/type into the buffer */
+ put_32bit(tempbuff + 0, length);
+ put_32bit(tempbuff + 4, type);
+ crc = crc32(0, tempbuff + 4, 4);
+ /* write that data */
+ if (core_fwrite(fp, tempbuff, 8) != 8)
+ /* append the actual data */
+ if (length > 0)
+ {
+ if (core_fwrite(fp, data, length) != length)
+ crc = crc32(crc, data, length);
+ }
+ /* write the CRC */
+ put_32bit(tempbuff, crc);
+ if (core_fwrite(fp, tempbuff, 4) != 4)
+ return PNGERR_NONE;
+ write_deflated_chunk - write an in-memory
+ chunk to the given file by deflating it
+static png_error write_deflated_chunk(core_file *fp, UINT8 *data, UINT32 type, UINT32 length)
+ UINT64 lengthpos = core_ftell(fp);
+ UINT8 tempbuff[8192];
+ UINT32 zlength = 0;
+ z_stream stream;
+ UINT32 crc;
+ int zerr;
+ /* stuff the length/type into the buffer */
+ put_32bit(tempbuff + 0, length);
+ put_32bit(tempbuff + 4, type);
+ crc = crc32(0, tempbuff + 4, 4);
+ /* write that data */
+ if (core_fwrite(fp, tempbuff, 8) != 8)
+ /* initialize the stream */
+ memset(&stream, 0, sizeof(stream));
+ stream.next_in = data;
+ stream.avail_in = length;
+ zerr = deflateInit(&stream, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
+ if (zerr != Z_OK)
+ /* now loop until we run out of data */
+ for ( ; ; )
+ {
+ /* compress this chunk */
+ stream.next_out = tempbuff;
+ stream.avail_out = sizeof(tempbuff);
+ zerr = deflate(&stream, Z_FINISH);
+ /* if there's data to write, do it */
+ if (stream.avail_out < sizeof(tempbuff))
+ {
+ int bytes = sizeof(tempbuff) - stream.avail_out;
+ if (core_fwrite(fp, tempbuff, bytes) != bytes)
+ {
+ deflateEnd(&stream);
+ }
+ crc = crc32(crc, tempbuff, bytes);
+ zlength += bytes;
+ }
+ /* stop at the end of the stream */
+ if (zerr == Z_STREAM_END)
+ break;
+ /* other errors are fatal */
+ if (zerr != Z_OK)
+ {
+ deflateEnd(&stream);
+ }
+ }
+ /* clean up deflater(maus) */
+ zerr = deflateEnd(&stream);
+ if (zerr != Z_OK)
+ /* write the CRC */
+ put_32bit(tempbuff, crc);
+ if (core_fwrite(fp, tempbuff, 4) != 4)
+ /* seek back and update the length */
+ core_fseek(fp, lengthpos, SEEK_SET);
+ put_32bit(tempbuff + 0, zlength);
+ if (core_fwrite(fp, tempbuff, 4) != 4)
+ /* return to the end */
+ core_fseek(fp, lengthpos + 8 + zlength + 4, SEEK_SET);
+ return PNGERR_NONE;
+ convert_bitmap_to_image_palette - convert a
+ bitmap to a palettized image
+static png_error convert_bitmap_to_image_palette(png_info *pnginfo, const bitmap_t *bitmap, int palette_length, const rgb_t *palette)
+ int rowbytes;
+ int x, y;
+ /* set the common info */
+ pnginfo->width = bitmap->width;
+ pnginfo->height = bitmap->height;
+ pnginfo->bit_depth = 8;
+ pnginfo->color_type = 3;
+ pnginfo->num_palette = 256;
+ rowbytes = pnginfo->width;
+ /* allocate memory for the palette */
+ pnginfo->palette = malloc(3 * 256);
+ if (pnginfo->palette == NULL)
+ /* build the palette */
+ memset(pnginfo->palette, 0, 3 * 256);
+ for (x = 0; x < palette_length; x++)
+ {
+ rgb_t color = palette[x];
+ pnginfo->palette[3 * x + 0] = RGB_RED(color);
+ pnginfo->palette[3 * x + 1] = RGB_GREEN(color);
+ pnginfo->palette[3 * x + 2] = RGB_BLUE(color);
+ }
+ /* allocate memory for the image */
+ pnginfo->image = malloc(pnginfo->height * (rowbytes + 1));
+ if (pnginfo->image == NULL)
+ {
+ free(pnginfo->palette);
+ }
+ /* copy in the pixels, specifying a NULL filter */
+ for (y = 0; y < pnginfo->height; y++)
+ {
+ UINT16 *src = (UINT16 *)bitmap->base + y * bitmap->rowpixels;
+ UINT8 *dst = pnginfo->image + y * (rowbytes + 1);
+ /* store the filter byte, then copy the data */
+ *dst++ = 0;
+ for (x = 0; x < pnginfo->width; x++)
+ *dst++ = *src++;
+ }
+ return PNGERR_NONE;
+ convert_bitmap_to_image_rgb - convert a
+ bitmap to an RGB image
+static png_error convert_bitmap_to_image_rgb(png_info *pnginfo, const bitmap_t *bitmap, int palette_length, const rgb_t *palette)
+ int alpha = (bitmap->format == BITMAP_FORMAT_ARGB32);
+ int rowbytes;
+ int x, y;
+ /* set the common info */
+ pnginfo->width = bitmap->width;
+ pnginfo->height = bitmap->height;
+ pnginfo->bit_depth = 8;
+ pnginfo->color_type = alpha ? 6 : 2;
+ rowbytes = pnginfo->width * (alpha ? 4 : 3);
+ /* allocate memory for the image */
+ pnginfo->image = malloc(pnginfo->height * (rowbytes + 1));
+ if (pnginfo->image == NULL)
+ /* copy in the pixels, specifying a NULL filter */
+ for (y = 0; y < pnginfo->height; y++)
+ {
+ UINT32 *src32 = BITMAP_ADDR32(bitmap, y, 0);
+ UINT16 *src16 = BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y, 0);
+ UINT8 *dst = pnginfo->image + y * (rowbytes + 1);
+ /* store the filter byte, then copy the data */
+ *dst++ = 0;
+ /* 16bpp palettized format */
+ if (bitmap->format == BITMAP_FORMAT_INDEXED16)
+ {
+ for (x = 0; x < pnginfo->width; x++)
+ {
+ rgb_t color = palette[*src16++];
+ *dst++ = RGB_RED(color);
+ *dst++ = RGB_GREEN(color);
+ *dst++ = RGB_BLUE(color);
+ }
+ }
+ /* RGB formats */
+ else if (bitmap->format == BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB15)
+ {
+ for (x = 0; x < pnginfo->width; x++)
+ {
+ UINT16 raw = *src16++;
+ *dst++ = pal5bit(raw >> 10);
+ *dst++ = pal5bit(raw >> 5);
+ *dst++ = pal5bit(raw >> 0);
+ }
+ }
+ /* 32-bit RGB direct */
+ else if (bitmap->format == BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB32)
+ {
+ for (x = 0; x < pnginfo->width; x++)
+ {
+ UINT32 raw = *src32++;
+ *dst++ = RGB_RED(raw);
+ *dst++ = RGB_GREEN(raw);
+ *dst++ = RGB_BLUE(raw);
+ }
+ }
+ /* 32-bit ARGB direct */
+ else if (bitmap->format == BITMAP_FORMAT_ARGB32)
+ {
+ for (x = 0; x < pnginfo->width; x++)
+ {
+ UINT32 raw = *src32++;
+ *dst++ = RGB_RED(raw);
+ *dst++ = RGB_GREEN(raw);
+ *dst++ = RGB_BLUE(raw);
+ *dst++ = RGB_ALPHA(raw);
+ }
+ }
+ /* unsupported format */
+ else
+ }
+ return PNGERR_NONE;
+ write_png_stream - stream a series of PNG
+ chunks to the given file
+static png_error write_png_stream(core_file *fp, png_info *pnginfo, const bitmap_t *bitmap, int palette_length, const rgb_t *palette)
+ UINT8 tempbuff[16];
+ png_text *text;
+ png_error error;
+ /* create an unfiltered image in either palette or RGB form */
+ if (bitmap->format == BITMAP_FORMAT_INDEXED16 && palette_length <= 256)
+ error = convert_bitmap_to_image_palette(pnginfo, bitmap, palette_length, palette);
+ else
+ error = convert_bitmap_to_image_rgb(pnginfo, bitmap, palette_length, palette);
+ if (error != PNGERR_NONE)
+ goto handle_error;
+ /* if we wanted to get clever and do filtering, we would do it here */
+ /* write the IHDR chunk */
+ put_32bit(tempbuff + 0, pnginfo->width);
+ put_32bit(tempbuff + 4, pnginfo->height);
+ put_8bit(tempbuff + 8, pnginfo->bit_depth);
+ put_8bit(tempbuff + 9, pnginfo->color_type);
+ put_8bit(tempbuff + 10, pnginfo->compression_method);
+ put_8bit(tempbuff + 11, pnginfo->filter_method);
+ put_8bit(tempbuff + 12, pnginfo->interlace_method);
+ error = write_chunk(fp, tempbuff, PNG_CN_IHDR, 13);
+ if (error != PNGERR_NONE)
+ goto handle_error;
+ /* write the PLTE chunk */
+ if (pnginfo->num_palette > 0)
+ error = write_chunk(fp, pnginfo->palette, PNG_CN_PLTE, pnginfo->num_palette * 3);
+ if (error != PNGERR_NONE)
+ goto handle_error;
+ /* write a single IDAT chunk */
+ error = write_deflated_chunk(fp, pnginfo->image, PNG_CN_IDAT, pnginfo->height * (compute_rowbytes(pnginfo) + 1));
+ if (error != PNGERR_NONE)
+ goto handle_error;
+ /* write TEXT chunks */
+ for (text = pnginfo->textlist; text != NULL; text = text->next)
+ {
+ error = write_chunk(fp, (UINT8 *)text->keyword, PNG_CN_tEXt, (UINT32)strlen(text->keyword) + 1 + (UINT32)strlen(text->text));
+ if (error != PNGERR_NONE)
+ goto handle_error;
+ }
+ /* write an IEND chunk */
+ error = write_chunk(fp, NULL, PNG_CN_IEND, 0);
+ return error;
+png_error png_write_bitmap(core_file *fp, png_info *info, bitmap_t *bitmap, int palette_length, const UINT32 *palette)
+ png_info pnginfo;
+ png_error error;
+ /* use a dummy pnginfo if none passed to us */
+ if (info == NULL)
+ {
+ info = &pnginfo;
+ memset(&pnginfo, 0, sizeof(pnginfo));
+ }
+ /* write the PNG signature */
+ if (core_fwrite(fp, PNG_Signature, 8) != 8)
+ {
+ if (info == &pnginfo)
+ png_free(&pnginfo);
+ }
+ /* write the rest of the PNG data */
+ error = write_png_stream(fp, info, bitmap, palette_length, palette);
+ if (info == &pnginfo)
+ png_free(&pnginfo);
+ return error;
+ MNG write functions
+png_error mng_capture_start(core_file *fp, bitmap_t *bitmap, double rate)
+ UINT8 mhdr[28];
+ png_error error;
+ if (core_fwrite(fp, MNG_Signature, 8) != 8)
+ memset(mhdr, 0, 28);
+ put_32bit(mhdr + 0, bitmap->width);
+ put_32bit(mhdr + 4, bitmap->height);
+ put_32bit(mhdr + 8, rate);
+ put_32bit(mhdr + 24, 0x0041); /* Simplicity profile */
+ /* frame count and play time unspecified because
+ we don't know at this stage */
+ error = write_chunk(fp, mhdr, MNG_CN_MHDR, 28);
+ if (error != PNGERR_NONE)
+ return error;
+ return PNGERR_NONE;
+png_error mng_capture_frame(core_file *fp, png_info *info, bitmap_t *bitmap, int palette_length, const UINT32 *palette)
+ return write_png_stream(fp, info, bitmap, palette_length, palette);
+png_error mng_capture_stop(core_file *fp)
+ return write_chunk(fp, NULL, MNG_CN_MEND, 0);