path: root/src/lib/netlist/build/cspell.json
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/netlist/build/cspell.json')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/netlist/build/cspell.json b/src/lib/netlist/build/cspell.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bf46cc2e992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/netlist/build/cspell.json
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+"words" : [
+ "astable",
+ "behavioural",
+ "datasheet",
+ "datasheets",
+ "demultiplexer",
+ "demultiplexers",
+ "highpass",
+ "lowpass",
+ "misformatted", // not in leo
+ "monostable",
+ "presettable", // not in leo
+ "transconductance",
+ "retriggerable", // not in leo
+ // Names
+ "Chebyshev",
+ "Raphson",
+ "Schmitt",
+ "Schottky",
+ "Zener",
+ "Thevenin",
+ // Company names
+ "Fairchild",
+ "Signetics",
+ "Mostek",
+ // Technical terms
+ "cmos",
+ "kaby", // Kaby Lake
+ "mosfet",
+ "mosfets",
+ "nmos",
+ "opamp",
+ "opamps",
+ "picosecond",
+ "pmos",
+ // Physics
+ "atto",
+ "centi",
+ "deca",
+ "femto",
+ "giga",
+ "hecto",
+ "peta",
+ "tera",
+ "yocto",
+ "yotta",
+ "zepto",
+ "zetta",
+ // Software
+ "kicad",
+ // C library functions / definitions
+ "feenableexcept",
+ "fedisableexcept",
+ // asm
+ "rdtsc",
+ "rdtscp",
+ "cpuid",
+ // Specific project terms
+ "MAME",
+ "Couriersud",
+ "netlist",
+ "netlists",
+ "nltool",
+ "nlwav",
+ "nvcc",
+ "lfsr",
+ "gmres",
+ "nlmod_",
+ // FIXME: Remove everything below here again
+ // Excluded for now ... Still over 1000 in the log
+ "plib", // namespace
+ "isnull",
+ "pstring",
+ "passert",
+ "putf",
+ "tokstor",
+ "psplit",
+ "gmin",
+ "lastx",
+ "idrn",
+ "preprocessor",
+ "ppreprocessor",
+ "psource",
+ "psemaphore",
+ "modacc",
+ "Ainv",
+ "anetlist",
+ "netdev",
+ "solv",
+ "sexpr",
+ "pstonum",
+ "pmfp",
+ "pmatrix",
+ "pfmt",
+ "nlname",
+ "nlparse",
+ "nlstate",
+ "nlconst",
+ "nlsetup",
+ "pfmp",
+ "resched",
+ "tokenizer",
+ "ptokenizer",
+ "pexception",
+ "devs",
+ "gonn",
+ "nzbd",
+ "nthcode",
+ "Vcrit",
+ "perrmsg",
+ "pfunction",
+ "tname",
+ "stname",
+ "parray",
+ "nzrd"
+"languageSettings": [
+ // This one works with Python
+ {
+ "languageId": "python",
+ "includeRegExpList": [
+ "/#.*/",
+ "/('''|\"\"\")[^\\1]+?\\1/g",
+ "strings"
+ ]
+ },
+ // This one works with JavaScript, Typescript, etc
+ {
+ "languageId": "javascript,typescript",
+ "includeRegExpList": [
+ "CStyleComment",
+ "strings"
+ ]
+ },
+ // Use with cpp or c files
+ {
+ "languageId": "cpp,c,h",
+ // Turn off compound words, because it is only checking strings.
+ "allowCompoundWords": false,
+ // Only check comments and strings
+ //"includeRegExpList": [
+ // "CStyleComment",
+ // "string"
+ //],
+ "ignoreRegExpList": [
+ "/#include.*/", // Exclude includes, because they are also strings
+ "/#pragma.*/", // Exclude pragmas, they may include strings
+ "/\/\/ NOLINT\\(.*/", // Exclude clang-tidy instructions
+ "/\/\/\/ \\\\file.*/", // Doxygen
+ "/\/\/\/ \\\\addtogroup.*/", // Doxygen
+ "/`[^`]+`/", // Markup code formatt
+ "/} \/\/ namespace.*/", // Namespace comments
+ // Project specific exclusions start here
+ "/\/\/ copyright-holders.*/",
+ "/\/\/- Pinalias:/",
+ "/\/\/#.*/", // commented source code
+ "\/\/ Source:.*/", // generated code
+ "/\\$[A-z0-9][^\\s]*/", // everything starting with a $
+ // The following should be removed again
+ "/[A-z][^\\s]+::[^\\s]+/", // any namespace qualifier
+ "/[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][^\\s]*/" // Identifiers starting with at least 3 capital letters
+ ]
+ }