path: root/src/lib/formats/fs_isis.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/formats/fs_isis.cpp')
1 files changed, 1031 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/formats/fs_isis.cpp b/src/lib/formats/fs_isis.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3b79851522b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/formats/fs_isis.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1031 @@
+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders: F. Ulivi
+ fs_isis.cpp
+ Intel ISIS-II filesystem handling
+#include "fs_isis.h"
+#include "fsblk.h"
+#include "img_dsk.h"
+#include "multibyte.h"
+#include "strformat.h"
+#include <bitset>
+using namespace fs;
+using namespace std::literals;
+// Constants
+constexpr unsigned SECTOR_SIZE = img_format::SECTOR_SIZE;
+constexpr unsigned DD_SECTORS = img_format::TRACKS * img_format::HEADS * img_format::SECTORS;
+constexpr unsigned DD_IMAGE_SIZE = DD_SECTORS * SECTOR_SIZE;
+constexpr unsigned SD_SECTORS = DD_SECTORS / 2;
+constexpr unsigned SD_IMAGE_SIZE = DD_IMAGE_SIZE / 2;
+// +------+
+// | ISIS |
+// +------+
+namespace fs {
+ const isis_image ISIS;
+// +-----------+
+// | isis_impl |
+// +-----------+
+namespace {
+ class isis_impl : public filesystem_t {
+ public:
+ isis_impl(fsblk_t& blockdev);
+ virtual ~isis_impl() = default;
+ virtual meta_data volume_metadata() override;
+ virtual std::pair<err_t, meta_data> metadata(const std::vector<std::string> &path) override;
+ virtual std::pair<err_t, std::vector<dir_entry>> directory_contents(const std::vector<std::string> &path) override;
+ virtual err_t file_create(const std::vector<std::string> &path, const meta_data &meta) override;
+ virtual std::pair<err_t, std::vector<u8>> file_read(const std::vector<std::string> &path) override;
+ virtual err_t file_write(const std::vector<std::string> &path, const std::vector<u8> &data) override;
+ virtual err_t format(const meta_data &meta) override;
+ private:
+ using sect_map = std::bitset<DD_SECTORS>;
+ // first: Track [0..76]
+ // second: Sector [1..52]
+ // (0,0) is a special case: a null pointer in linkage blocks
+ using track_sect = std::pair<u8 , u8>;
+ // 0-based LBAs
+ using lba_t = int;
+ // List of LBAs
+ using lba_list = std::vector<lba_t>;
+ // Position of ISIS.DIR (directory): (1,1)
+ static constexpr track_sect DIR_TS{ 1 , 1 };
+ // Size of ISIS.DIR
+ static constexpr unsigned DIR_SECTS = 25;
+ static constexpr unsigned DIR_SIZE = DIR_SECTS * SECTOR_SIZE;
+ // Size of dir. entries
+ static constexpr unsigned DIR_ENTRY_SIZE = 16;
+ // Count of directory entries
+ static constexpr unsigned DIR_ENTRIES = DIR_SIZE / DIR_ENTRY_SIZE;
+ // Dir entry allocation states
+ static constexpr u8 DIR_IN_USE = 0x00;
+ static constexpr u8 DIR_NEVER_USED = 0x7f;
+ static constexpr u8 DIR_DELETED = 0xff;
+ // Default attributes for system files (format & invisible)
+ static constexpr u8 DEF_SYS_ATTRS = 0x81;
+ // Position of ISIS.MAP (map): (2,1)
+ static constexpr track_sect MAP_TS{ 2 , 1 };
+ // ISIS.MAP size in SD & DD formats
+ static constexpr unsigned ISIS_MAP_SD_SIZE = 256;
+ static constexpr unsigned ISIS_MAP_DD_SIZE = 512;
+ // Position of ISIS.LAB (disk label): (0,25)
+ static constexpr track_sect LAB_TS{ 0 , 25 };
+ // ISIS.LAB size in SD & DD formats
+ static constexpr unsigned ISIS_LAB_SD_SIZE = 128;
+ static constexpr unsigned ISIS_LAB_DD_SIZE = 6784;
+ // Position and number of block sets in ISIS.LAB (SD format)
+ static constexpr unsigned ISIS_LAB_SD_BLOCKS = 1;
+ // Position and number of block sets in ISIS.LAB (DD format)
+ static constexpr unsigned ISIS_LAB_DD_1ST_BLOCKS = 27;
+ static constexpr track_sect LAB_DD_2ND_TS{ 1 , 27 };
+ static constexpr unsigned ISIS_LAB_DD_2ND_BLOCKS = 26;
+ // Position of ISIS.T0 (boot): (0,1)
+ static constexpr track_sect T0_TS{ 0 , 1 };
+ // Position of ISIS.T0 1st linkage block: (0,24)
+ static constexpr track_sect T0_1ST_LINK_TS{ 0 , 24 };
+ // ISIS.T0 size
+ static constexpr unsigned T0_SECTS = 23;
+ static constexpr unsigned ISIS_T0_SIZE = T0_SECTS * SECTOR_SIZE;
+ // First position that can be allocated for user files
+ static constexpr track_sect ALLOC_START_SD{ 2 , 4 };
+ static constexpr track_sect ALLOC_START_DD{ 2 , 6 };
+ // Pointers per linkage block (excluding backward/forward pointers)
+ static constexpr unsigned PTRS_PER_BLOCK = 62;
+ // ISIS.DIR file (directory)
+ inline static const std::string_view ISIS_DIR = "ISIS.DIR"sv;
+ // ISIS.MAP file (map of free/used sectors)
+ inline static const std::string_view ISIS_MAP = "ISIS.MAP"sv;
+ // ISIS.T0 file (boot code)
+ inline static const std::string_view ISIS_T0 = "ISIS.T0"sv;
+ // ISIS.LAB file (it holds volume label & OS version)
+ inline static const std::string_view ISIS_LAB = "ISIS.LAB"sv;
+ // Valid characters in file names (digits & uppercase letters)
+ inline static const std::string_view VALID_CHARS = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"sv;
+ // Directory entries
+ struct entry {
+ entry()
+ : m_alloc_state(DIR_NEVER_USED)
+ , m_name{}
+ , m_attrs{0}
+ , m_size{0}
+ , m_1st_link{-1}
+ , m_lbas()
+ { }
+ // Allocation state, one of 00, 7f, ff
+ u8 m_alloc_state;
+ // Filename
+ std::string m_name;
+ // Attributes
+ u8 m_attrs;
+ // Size
+ unsigned m_size;
+ // First linkage block
+ lba_t m_1st_link;
+ // List of file blocks
+ // Blocks @ idx = 63 * N are linkage blocks, all others are data blocks
+ lba_list m_lbas;
+ };
+ using dir_t = std::array<entry, DIR_ENTRIES>;
+ // Convert between TS pair & 0-based LBA
+ // TS=(0,0) is converted to -1
+ lba_t ts_2_lba(const track_sect& ts) const;
+ track_sect lba_2_ts(lba_t lba) const;
+ lba_t lba_from_2b(const fsblk_t::block_t& blk, u32 offset) const;
+ void lba_to_2b(lba_t lba, fsblk_t::block_t& blk, u32 offset) const;
+ bool is_dd() const;
+ unsigned sectors_per_track() const;
+ unsigned tot_sectors() const { return is_dd() ? DD_SECTORS : SD_SECTORS; }
+ static std::string dec_name(std::vector<u8>::const_iterator begin, std::vector<u8>::const_iterator end);
+ static bool validate_filename(const std::string& s);
+ static bool user_can_create(const std::string& name);
+ static bool user_can_write(const std::string& name);
+ void ensure_dir_loaded();
+ void check_map();
+ std::vector<u8> encode_dir() const;
+ void store_dir_map();
+ dir_t::iterator scan_dir(const std::string& name);
+ static meta_data get_metadata(const entry& e);
+ std::pair<const lba_list*, unsigned> find_file(const std::string& name);
+ std::pair<const lba_list*, unsigned> find_file(const std::vector<std::string> &path);
+ lba_list get_file_allocation(lba_t first_link, unsigned size, sect_map& in_use);
+ std::vector<u8> get_file_content(const lba_list& sects, unsigned size);
+ void store_file_content(const lba_list& sects, const std::vector<u8>& data);
+ unsigned map_size() const;
+ sect_map decode_map(const std::vector<u8>& data) const;
+ std::vector<u8> encode_map(const sect_map& map) const;
+ void set_not_in_use(const lba_list& lbas);
+ bool allocate(unsigned file_size, lba_list& list);
+ void allocate_seq(lba_t first_lba, unsigned blocks, lba_list& list);
+ void allocate_t0(lba_list& list);
+ // Has dir. been loaded?
+ bool m_dir_loaded;
+ // Directory
+ dir_t m_dir;
+ // Sectors in use
+ sect_map m_in_use;
+ };
+isis_impl::isis_impl(fsblk_t& blockdev)
+ : filesystem_t(blockdev , SECTOR_SIZE)
+ , m_dir_loaded{false}
+ , m_dir()
+ , m_in_use{}
+meta_data isis_impl::volume_metadata()
+ meta_data res;
+ const auto& [ lbas, size ] = find_file(std::string(ISIS_LAB));
+ if (lbas != nullptr && size >= 11) {
+ auto file_data = get_file_content(*lbas, size);
+ auto vol_name = dec_name(file_data.cbegin(), file_data.cbegin() + 9);
+ if (vol_name.empty()) {
+ vol_name = "UNTITLED";
+ }
+ res.set(meta_name::name, vol_name);
+ try {
+ res.set(meta_name::os_version, u64(std::stoul(std::string(file_data.cbegin() + 9, file_data.cbegin() + 11))));
+ } catch (...) {
+ res.set(meta_name::os_version, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+std::pair<err_t, meta_data> isis_impl::metadata(const std::vector<std::string> &path)
+ if (path.size() != 1) {
+ return std::make_pair(ERR_NOT_FOUND, meta_data{});
+ }
+ ensure_dir_loaded();
+ auto it = scan_dir(path.front());
+ if (it == m_dir.end()) {
+ return std::make_pair(ERR_NOT_FOUND, meta_data{});
+ }
+ auto meta = get_metadata(*it);
+ return std::make_pair(ERR_OK, std::move(meta));
+std::pair<err_t, std::vector<dir_entry>> isis_impl::directory_contents(const std::vector<std::string> &path)
+ if (path.empty()) {
+ ensure_dir_loaded();
+ // Copy all dir_entry(s) out of m_dir
+ std::vector<dir_entry> dir_entries;
+ for (const auto& e : m_dir) {
+ if (e.m_alloc_state == DIR_IN_USE) {
+ auto meta = get_metadata(e);
+ dir_entries.emplace_back(dir_entry_type::file, std::move(meta));
+ }
+ }
+ return std::make_pair(ERR_OK, dir_entries);
+ } else {
+ return std::make_pair(ERR_NOT_FOUND, std::vector<dir_entry>{});
+ }
+err_t isis_impl::file_create(const std::vector<std::string> &path, const meta_data &meta)
+ if (!path.empty()) {
+ return ERR_INVALID;
+ }
+ auto name = meta.get_string(meta_name::name);
+ // Validate filename
+ auto pt_pos = name.find('.');
+ std::string filename = name.substr(0, pt_pos);
+ if (filename.size() < 1 || filename.size() > 6 || !validate_filename(filename)) {
+ return ERR_INVALID;
+ }
+ if (pt_pos != std::string::npos) {
+ auto ext = name.substr(pt_pos + 1);
+ if (ext.size() < 1 || ext.size() > 3 || !validate_filename(ext)) {
+ return ERR_INVALID;
+ }
+ filename.push_back('.');
+ filename += ext;
+ }
+ // Check that file can be created by user
+ if (!user_can_create(filename)) {
+ return ERR_INVALID;
+ }
+ // Check that file doesn't exist
+ ensure_dir_loaded();
+ auto it = scan_dir(filename);
+ if (it != m_dir.end()) {
+ return ERR_INVALID;
+ }
+ // Find a free entry in directory
+ for (it = m_dir.begin(); it != m_dir.end(); it++) {
+ if (it->m_alloc_state != DIR_IN_USE) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (it == m_dir.end()) {
+ return ERR_NO_SPACE;
+ }
+ // Allocate space
+ lba_list lbas;
+ if (!allocate(0, lbas)) {
+ return ERR_NO_SPACE;
+ }
+ // Fill dir entry
+ // TODO: get attributes from metadata
+ it->m_alloc_state = DIR_IN_USE;
+ it->m_name = filename;
+ it->m_attrs = 0;
+ it->m_size = 0;
+ it->m_1st_link = lbas.front();
+ it->m_lbas = std::move(lbas);
+ // Update directory & map
+ store_dir_map();
+ return ERR_OK;
+std::pair<err_t, std::vector<u8>> isis_impl::file_read(const std::vector<std::string> &path)
+ const auto& [ lbas, size ] = find_file(path);
+ if (lbas != nullptr) {
+ auto file_data = get_file_content(*lbas, size);
+ return std::make_pair(ERR_OK, std::move(file_data));
+ }
+ return std::make_pair(ERR_NOT_FOUND, std::vector<u8>{});
+err_t isis_impl::file_write(const std::vector<std::string> &path, const std::vector<u8> &data)
+ if (path.size() != 1) {
+ return ERR_NOT_FOUND;
+ }
+ // Check that file is user-writeable
+ const auto& filename = path.front();
+ if (!user_can_write(filename)) {
+ return ERR_INVALID;
+ }
+ // ISIS.T0 can only be 2944 bytes long
+ bool is_t0 = filename == ISIS_T0;
+ if (is_t0 && data.size() != ISIS_T0_SIZE) {
+ return ERR_INVALID;
+ }
+ // Check that file already exists
+ ensure_dir_loaded();
+ auto it = scan_dir(filename);
+ if (it == m_dir.end()) {
+ return ERR_NOT_FOUND;
+ }
+ // De-allocate current blocks
+ set_not_in_use(it->m_lbas);
+ // Allocate blocks for new file size
+ lba_list lbas;
+ if (is_t0) {
+ allocate_t0(lbas);
+ } else if (!allocate(data.size(), lbas)) {
+ return ERR_NO_SPACE;
+ }
+ // Update dir entry
+ it->m_size = data.size();
+ it->m_1st_link = lbas.front();
+ it->m_lbas = lbas;
+ // Store file content
+ store_file_content(lbas, data);
+ // Update directory & map
+ store_dir_map();
+ return ERR_OK;
+err_t isis_impl::format(const meta_data &meta)
+ entry dir_e;
+ dir_e.m_alloc_state = DIR_IN_USE;
+ dir_e.m_name = ISIS_DIR;
+ dir_e.m_attrs = DEF_SYS_ATTRS;
+ dir_e.m_size = DIR_SIZE;
+ dir_e.m_1st_link = ts_2_lba(DIR_TS);
+ m_dir[ 0 ] = dir_e;
+ entry map_e;
+ map_e.m_alloc_state = DIR_IN_USE;
+ map_e.m_name = ISIS_MAP;
+ map_e.m_attrs = DEF_SYS_ATTRS;
+ map_e.m_size = map_size();
+ map_e.m_1st_link = ts_2_lba(MAP_TS);
+ m_dir[ 1 ] = map_e;
+ // Empty T0
+ entry t0_e;
+ t0_e.m_alloc_state = DIR_IN_USE;
+ t0_e.m_name = ISIS_T0;
+ t0_e.m_attrs = DEF_SYS_ATTRS;
+ t0_e.m_size = ISIS_T0_SIZE;
+ t0_e.m_1st_link = ts_2_lba(T0_1ST_LINK_TS);
+ m_dir[ 2 ] = t0_e;
+ std::vector<u8> t0_content(ISIS_T0_SIZE);
+ lba_list t0_lbas;
+ allocate_t0(t0_lbas);
+ store_file_content(t0_lbas, t0_content);
+ // Empty ISIS.LAB
+ // TODO: fill with volume metadata
+ entry lab_e;
+ lab_e.m_alloc_state = DIR_IN_USE;
+ lab_e.m_name = ISIS_LAB;
+ lab_e.m_attrs = DEF_SYS_ATTRS;
+ lab_e.m_size = is_dd() ? ISIS_LAB_DD_SIZE : ISIS_LAB_SD_SIZE;
+ lab_e.m_1st_link = ts_2_lba(LAB_TS);
+ m_dir[ 3 ] = lab_e;
+ if (is_dd()) {
+ std::vector<u8> lab_content(ISIS_LAB_DD_SIZE);
+ lba_list lab_lbas;
+ allocate_seq(ts_2_lba(LAB_TS), ISIS_LAB_DD_1ST_BLOCKS + 1, lab_lbas);
+ allocate_seq(ts_2_lba(LAB_DD_2ND_TS), ISIS_LAB_DD_2ND_BLOCKS, lab_lbas);
+ store_file_content(lab_lbas, lab_content);
+ } else {
+ std::vector<u8> lab_content(ISIS_LAB_SD_SIZE);
+ lba_list lab_lbas;
+ allocate_seq(ts_2_lba(LAB_TS), ISIS_LAB_SD_BLOCKS + 1, lab_lbas);
+ store_file_content(lab_lbas, lab_content);
+ }
+ store_dir_map();
+ return ERR_OK;
+isis_impl::lba_t isis_impl::ts_2_lba(const track_sect &ts) const
+ unsigned secs_per_track = sectors_per_track();
+ if (ts.first == 0 && ts.second == 0) {
+ return -1;
+ } else if (ts.first >= img_format::TRACKS || ts.second < 1 ||
+ ts.second > secs_per_track) {
+ throw std::out_of_range(util::string_format("Invalid TS=(%u,%u)", ts.first, ts.second));
+ } else {
+ return ts.first * secs_per_track + ts.second - 1;
+ }
+isis_impl::track_sect isis_impl::lba_2_ts(lba_t lba) const
+ if (lba < 0) {
+ return track_sect{ 0 , 0 };
+ } else {
+ unsigned secs_per_track = sectors_per_track();
+ unsigned track = unsigned(lba) / secs_per_track;
+ unsigned sect = unsigned(lba) % secs_per_track;
+ return track_sect{ u8(track), u8(sect) + 1 };
+ }
+isis_impl::lba_t isis_impl::lba_from_2b(const fsblk_t::block_t& blk, u32 offset) const
+ return ts_2_lba(track_sect{ blk.r8(offset + 1), blk.r8(offset) });
+void isis_impl::lba_to_2b(lba_t lba, fsblk_t::block_t& blk, u32 offset) const
+ auto ts = lba_2_ts(lba);
+ blk.w8(offset, ts.second);
+ blk.w8(offset + 1, ts.first);
+bool isis_impl::is_dd() const
+ return m_blockdev.block_count() == DD_SECTORS;
+unsigned isis_impl::sectors_per_track() const
+ return is_dd() ? img_format::SECTORS : img_format::SECTORS / 2;
+std::string isis_impl::dec_name(std::vector<u8>::const_iterator begin, std::vector<u8>::const_iterator end)
+ std::string res;
+ bool ended = false;
+ for (auto i = begin; i < end; i++) {
+ auto c = *i;
+ if (ended) {
+ if (c != 0) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Invalid name in dir. entry");
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (c == 0) {
+ ended = true;
+ } else if (VALID_CHARS.find(char(c)) != std::string::npos) {
+ res.push_back(char(c));
+ } else {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Invalid name in dir. entry");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+bool isis_impl::validate_filename(const std::string& s)
+ auto pos = s.find_first_not_of(VALID_CHARS);
+ return pos == std::string::npos;
+bool isis_impl::user_can_create(const std::string& name)
+ return name != ISIS_DIR &&
+ name != ISIS_MAP &&
+ name != ISIS_LAB &&
+ name != ISIS_T0;
+bool isis_impl::user_can_write(const std::string& name)
+ return name != ISIS_DIR &&
+ name != ISIS_MAP &&
+ name != ISIS_LAB;
+void isis_impl::ensure_dir_loaded()
+ if (m_dir_loaded) {
+ return;
+ }
+ m_in_use.reset();
+ // Fetch dir
+ auto dir_lba_list = get_file_allocation(ts_2_lba(DIR_TS), DIR_SIZE, m_in_use);
+ auto enc_dir = get_file_content(dir_lba_list, DIR_SIZE);
+ m_in_use.reset();
+ // Scan the whole dir.
+ auto dir_it = m_dir.begin();
+ for (auto i = enc_dir.cbegin(); i < enc_dir.cend(); i += DIR_ENTRY_SIZE, dir_it++) {
+ entry new_entry;
+ // +0: Entry state
+ // 00 Entry in use
+ // 7f Entry empty/never used
+ // ff Entry deleted
+ u8 entry_state = *i;
+ new_entry.m_alloc_state = entry_state;
+ if (entry_state == DIR_IN_USE) {
+ new_entry.m_alloc_state = entry_state;
+ // +1..+6: File name
+ // +7..+9: File extension
+ auto file_name = dec_name(i + 1, i + 7);
+ if (file_name.empty()) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Null filename");
+ }
+ auto file_ext = dec_name(i + 7, i + 10);
+ if (!file_ext.empty()) {
+ file_name.push_back('.');
+ file_name += file_ext;
+ }
+ auto other_entry = scan_dir(file_name);
+ if (other_entry != m_dir.end()) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(util::string_format("Duplicated file name (%s)", file_name));
+ }
+ new_entry.m_name = file_name;
+ // +10: Attributes
+ new_entry.m_attrs = i[ 10 ];
+ // +11: bytes in last sector
+ auto remainder = i[ 11 ];
+ // +12..+13: size in sectors
+ unsigned sectors = get_u16le(&i[ 12 ]);
+ if (remainder > SECTOR_SIZE) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Invalid dir. entry");
+ }
+ unsigned size;
+ if (sectors == 0) {
+ size = 0;
+ } else {
+ size = (sectors - 1) * SECTOR_SIZE + remainder;
+ }
+ new_entry.m_size = size;
+ // +14..+15: Sector/Track of first linkage block
+ new_entry.m_1st_link = ts_2_lba(track_sect{ i[ 15 ], i[ 14 ] });
+ auto file_lba_list = get_file_allocation(new_entry.m_1st_link, size, m_in_use);
+ new_entry.m_lbas = std::move(file_lba_list);
+ } else if (entry_state != DIR_NEVER_USED && entry_state != DIR_DELETED) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(util::string_format("Invalid dir. entry type (%02x)", entry_state));
+ }
+ *dir_it = std::move(new_entry);
+ }
+ m_dir_loaded = true;
+ // Consistency checks
+ // ISIS.DIR position and size
+ if (m_dir[ 0 ].m_alloc_state != DIR_IN_USE ||
+ m_dir[ 0 ].m_name != ISIS_DIR ||
+ m_dir[ 0 ].m_size != DIR_SIZE ||
+ m_dir[ 0 ].m_1st_link != ts_2_lba(DIR_TS)) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(util::string_format("Invalid %s", ISIS_DIR));
+ }
+ // ISIS.MAP position
+ if (m_dir[ 1 ].m_alloc_state != DIR_IN_USE ||
+ m_dir[ 1 ].m_name != ISIS_MAP ||
+ m_dir[ 1 ].m_1st_link != ts_2_lba(MAP_TS)) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(util::string_format("Invalid %s", ISIS_MAP));
+ }
+ // ISIS.T0 position and size
+ if (m_dir[ 2 ].m_alloc_state != DIR_IN_USE ||
+ m_dir[ 2 ].m_name != ISIS_T0 ||
+ m_dir[ 2 ].m_size != ISIS_T0_SIZE ||
+ m_dir[ 2 ].m_1st_link != ts_2_lba(T0_1ST_LINK_TS)) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(util::string_format("Invalid %s", ISIS_T0));
+ }
+ // ISIS.LAB position and size
+ if (m_dir[ 3 ].m_alloc_state != DIR_IN_USE ||
+ m_dir[ 3 ].m_name != ISIS_LAB ||
+ m_dir[ 3 ].m_size != (is_dd() ? ISIS_LAB_DD_SIZE : ISIS_LAB_SD_SIZE) ||
+ m_dir[ 3 ].m_1st_link != ts_2_lba(LAB_TS)) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(util::string_format("Invalid %s", ISIS_LAB));
+ }
+ check_map();
+void isis_impl::check_map()
+ const auto& [ lbas, size ] = find_file(std::string(ISIS_MAP));
+ if (lbas == nullptr) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: map file missing\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ auto exp_size = map_size();
+ if (size != exp_size) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: map file has wrong size (%u vs %u)\n", size, exp_size);
+ return;
+ }
+ auto map_file_data = get_file_content(*lbas, size);
+ auto dec_map = decode_map(map_file_data);
+ if (dec_map != m_in_use) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Incorrect map file\n");
+ }
+std::vector<u8> isis_impl::encode_dir() const
+ std::vector<u8> res(DIR_SIZE);
+ auto i = res.begin();
+ for (const auto& e : m_dir) {
+ // +0: Entry state
+ i[ 0 ] = e.m_alloc_state;
+ if (e.m_alloc_state == DIR_IN_USE) {
+ // +1..+6: File name
+ // +7..+9: File extension
+ auto pos = e.m_name.find('.');
+ if (pos != std::string::npos) {
+ for (std::string::size_type j = 0; j < pos; j++) {
+ i[ 1 + j ] = u8(e.m_name[ j ]);
+ }
+ for (std::string::size_type j = pos + 1; j < e.m_name.size(); j++) {
+ i[ 6 + j - pos ] = u8(e.m_name[ j ]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (std::string::size_type j = 0; j < e.m_name.size(); j++) {
+ i[ 1 + j ] = u8(e.m_name[ j ]);
+ }
+ }
+ // +10: Attributes
+ i[ 10 ] = e.m_attrs;
+ // +11: bytes in last sector
+ // +12..+13: size in sectors
+ unsigned sects = e.m_size / SECTOR_SIZE;
+ unsigned rem = e.m_size % SECTOR_SIZE;
+ i[ 11 ] = rem != 0 ? rem : SECTOR_SIZE;
+ if (rem) {
+ sects++;
+ }
+ i[ 12 ] = u8(sects & 0xff);
+ i[ 13 ] = u8(sects >> 8);
+ // +14..+15: Sector/Track of first linkage block
+ auto ts = lba_2_ts(e.m_1st_link);
+ i[ 14 ] = ts.second;
+ i[ 15 ] = ts.first;
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+void isis_impl::store_dir_map()
+ // Store directory
+ auto dir_content = encode_dir();
+ lba_list dir_lbas;
+ allocate_seq(ts_2_lba(DIR_TS), DIR_SECTS + 1, dir_lbas);
+ store_file_content(dir_lbas, dir_content);
+ // Store map
+ unsigned map_sects = map_size() / SECTOR_SIZE;
+ lba_list map_lbas;
+ allocate_seq(ts_2_lba(MAP_TS), map_sects + 1, map_lbas);
+ auto map_content = encode_map(m_in_use);
+ store_file_content(map_lbas, map_content);
+isis_impl::dir_t::iterator isis_impl::scan_dir(const std::string& name)
+ for (auto it = m_dir.begin(); it != m_dir.end(); it++) {
+ if (it->m_alloc_state == DIR_IN_USE && it->m_name == name) {
+ return it;
+ }
+ }
+ return m_dir.end();
+meta_data isis_impl::get_metadata(const entry& e)
+ meta_data meta;
+ meta.set(meta_name::name, e.m_name);
+ std::string attributes;
+ // Format
+ attributes.push_back(e.m_attrs & 0x80 ? 'F' : ' ');
+ // Write protected
+ attributes.push_back(e.m_attrs & 0x04 ? 'W' : ' ');
+ // System
+ attributes.push_back(e.m_attrs & 0x02 ? 'S' : ' ');
+ // Invisible
+ attributes.push_back(e.m_attrs & 0x01 ? 'I' : ' ');
+ meta.set(meta_name::attributes, std::move(attributes));
+ meta.set(meta_name::length, e.m_size);
+ return meta;
+std::pair<const isis_impl::lba_list*, unsigned> isis_impl::find_file(const std::string& name)
+ ensure_dir_loaded();
+ auto it = scan_dir(name);
+ if (it != m_dir.end()) {
+ return std::make_pair(&it->m_lbas, it->m_size);
+ } else {
+ return std::make_pair(nullptr, 0);
+ }
+std::pair<const isis_impl::lba_list*, unsigned> isis_impl::find_file(const std::vector<std::string> &path)
+ if (path.size() == 1) {
+ return find_file(path[ 0 ]);
+ }
+ return std::make_pair(nullptr, 0);
+isis_impl::lba_list isis_impl::get_file_allocation(lba_t first_link, unsigned size, sect_map& in_use)
+ lba_t prev_lba = -1;
+ lba_t curr_map = first_link;
+ lba_list res;
+ while (true) {
+ if (in_use[ curr_map ]) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(util::string_format("Sector %d used more than once", curr_map));
+ }
+ in_use.set(curr_map);
+ res.push_back(curr_map);
+ // Get a linkage block
+ auto map_sect = m_blockdev.get(curr_map);
+ auto prev_ptr = lba_from_2b(map_sect , 0);
+ auto next_ptr = lba_from_2b(map_sect , 2);
+ if (prev_lba != prev_ptr) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(util::string_format("Incorrect backward linking in sector %d", curr_map));
+ }
+ // Scan all pointers in linkage block
+ for (u32 i = 4; i < SECTOR_SIZE; i += 2) {
+ auto ptr = lba_from_2b(map_sect , i);
+ if (size > 0) {
+ if (ptr < 0) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(util::string_format("Unexpected end of pointer list in sector %d", curr_map));
+ } else if (in_use[ ptr ]) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(util::string_format("Sector %d used more than once", ptr));
+ } else {
+ in_use.set(ptr);
+ res.push_back(ptr);
+ unsigned to_copy = std::min(size , SECTOR_SIZE);
+ size -= to_copy;
+ }
+ } else if (ptr >= 0) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(util::string_format("Unexpected continuation of pointer list in sector %d", curr_map));
+ }
+ }
+ // More linkage blocks?
+ if (size > 0) {
+ if (next_ptr < 0) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Pointer list too short");
+ } else {
+ prev_lba = curr_map;
+ curr_map = next_ptr;
+ }
+ } else if (next_ptr >= 0) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Pointer list too long");
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+std::vector<u8> isis_impl::get_file_content(const lba_list& sects, unsigned size)
+ std::vector<u8> res;
+ res.resize(size);
+ unsigned pos = 0;
+ for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < sects.size(); idx++) {
+ // Skip over linkage blocks
+ if ((idx % (PTRS_PER_BLOCK + 1)) != 0) {
+ unsigned to_copy = std::min(size, SECTOR_SIZE);
+ auto data_sect = m_blockdev.get(sects[ idx ]);
+ memcpy( + pos, data_sect.rodata(), to_copy);
+ size -= to_copy;
+ pos += to_copy;
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+void isis_impl::store_file_content(const lba_list& sects, const std::vector<u8>& data)
+ lba_t prev_ptr = -1;
+ // Write linkage blocks
+ // A linkage block has room for 62 pointers to data blocks
+ for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < sects.size(); idx += (PTRS_PER_BLOCK + 1)) {
+ lba_t link_lba = sects[ idx ];
+ auto blk = m_blockdev.get(link_lba);
+ // Pointer to previous block
+ lba_to_2b(prev_ptr, blk, 0);
+ prev_ptr = link_lba;
+ lba_t next_ptr;
+ if (sects.size() - idx > (PTRS_PER_BLOCK + 1)) {
+ // Points to next linkage block
+ next_ptr = sects[ idx + PTRS_PER_BLOCK + 1 ];
+ } else {
+ // No more linkage blocks
+ next_ptr = -1;
+ }
+ // Pointer to next block
+ lba_to_2b(next_ptr, blk, 2);
+ // Pointers to data blocks
+ for (unsigned j = 0; j < PTRS_PER_BLOCK; j++) {
+ lba_to_2b((j + idx + 1 < sects.size()) ? sects[ j + idx + 1 ] : -1, blk, 4 + 2 * j);
+ }
+ }
+ // Write data blocks
+ auto ptr =;
+ u32 to_go = u32(data.size());
+ for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < sects.size(); idx++) {
+ if ((idx % (PTRS_PER_BLOCK + 1)) == 0) {
+ // Skip over linkage blocks
+ continue;
+ }
+ u32 count = std::min<u32>(to_go, SECTOR_SIZE);
+ auto blk = m_blockdev.get(sects[ idx ]);
+ blk.copy(0, ptr, count);
+ ptr += count;
+ to_go -= count;
+ }
+unsigned isis_impl::map_size() const
+ return is_dd() ? ISIS_MAP_DD_SIZE : ISIS_MAP_SD_SIZE;
+isis_impl::sect_map isis_impl::decode_map(const std::vector<u8>& data) const
+ sect_map res;
+ auto sects = tot_sectors();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < sects; i++) {
+ if ((data[ i / 8 ] & (0x80 >> (i % 8))) != 0) {
+ res.set(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+std::vector<u8> isis_impl::encode_map(const sect_map& map) const
+ size_t sz = map_size();
+ std::vector<u8> res(sz);
+ auto sects = tot_sectors();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < sects; i++) {
+ if (map[ i ]) {
+ res[ i / 8 ] |= (0x80 >> (i % 8));
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+void isis_impl::set_not_in_use(const lba_list& lbas)
+ for (const auto lba : lbas) {
+ m_in_use.reset(lba);
+ }
+bool isis_impl::allocate(unsigned file_size, lba_list& list)
+ unsigned data_blocks = (file_size + SECTOR_SIZE - 1) / SECTOR_SIZE;
+ unsigned linkage_blocks = (data_blocks + PTRS_PER_BLOCK - 1) / PTRS_PER_BLOCK;
+ if (data_blocks == 0) {
+ // At least one linkage block is always allocated, even for null files
+ linkage_blocks = 1;
+ }
+ unsigned to_do = data_blocks + linkage_blocks;
+ lba_t first_blk = is_dd() ? ts_2_lba(ALLOC_START_DD) : ts_2_lba(ALLOC_START_SD);
+ auto sects = tot_sectors();
+ for (lba_t i = first_blk; i < sects; i++) {
+ if (!m_in_use[ i ]) {
+ list.push_back(i);
+ m_in_use.set(i);
+ to_do--;
+ if (to_do == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return to_do == 0;
+void isis_impl::allocate_seq(lba_t first_lba, unsigned blocks, lba_list& list)
+ for (lba_t i = first_lba; i < first_lba + blocks; i++) {
+ list.push_back(i);
+ m_in_use.set(i);
+ }
+void isis_impl::allocate_t0(lba_list& list)
+ // T0 keeps the linkage block at the end of data blocks
+ allocate_seq(ts_2_lba(T0_1ST_LINK_TS), 1, list);
+ allocate_seq(ts_2_lba(T0_TS), T0_SECTS, list);
+// +------------+
+// | isis_image |
+// +------------+
+const char *isis_image::name() const
+ return "isis";
+const char *isis_image::description() const
+ return "Intel ISIS-II";
+void isis_image::enumerate_f(floppy_enumerator &fe) const
+ fe.add(FLOPPY_IMG_FORMAT, floppy_image::FF_8, floppy_image::SSSD, SD_IMAGE_SIZE, "isis_sd", "Intel ISIS-II SD");
+ fe.add(FLOPPY_IMG_FORMAT, floppy_image::FF_8, floppy_image::SSDD, DD_IMAGE_SIZE, "isis_dd", "Intel ISIS-II DD");
+bool isis_image::can_format() const
+ return true;
+bool isis_image::can_read() const
+ return true;
+bool isis_image::can_write() const
+ return true;
+bool isis_image::has_rsrc() const
+ return false;
+std::vector<meta_description> isis_image::volume_meta_description() const
+ std::vector<meta_description> res;
+ res.emplace_back(meta_description(meta_name::name, "UNTITLED", false, [](const meta_value &m) { return m.as_string().size() <= 9; }, "Volume name, up to 9 characters"));
+ res.emplace_back(meta_description(meta_name::os_version, 41, false, [](const meta_value &m) { return m.as_number() <= 99; }, "O/S version, 0..99"));
+ return res;
+std::vector<meta_description> isis_image::file_meta_description() const
+ std::vector<meta_description> res;
+ res.emplace_back(meta_description(meta_name::name, "Empty", false, [](const meta_value &m) { return m.as_string().size() <= 9; }, "File name, up to 9 characters"));
+ res.emplace_back(meta_description(meta_name::length, 0, true, nullptr, "File size"));
+ res.emplace_back(meta_description(meta_name::attributes, "", true, nullptr, "File attributes"));
+ return res;
+std::unique_ptr<filesystem_t> isis_image::mount(fsblk_t &blockdev) const
+ return std::make_unique<isis_impl>(blockdev);