path: root/src/frontend/mame/ui/selsoft.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/frontend/mame/ui/selsoft.cpp')
1 files changed, 461 insertions, 390 deletions
diff --git a/src/frontend/mame/ui/selsoft.cpp b/src/frontend/mame/ui/selsoft.cpp
index 5a14e3dac7f..5a0a4f1eb87 100644
--- a/src/frontend/mame/ui/selsoft.cpp
+++ b/src/frontend/mame/ui/selsoft.cpp
@@ -14,106 +14,396 @@
#include "ui/ui.h"
#include "ui/icorender.h"
#include "ui/inifile.h"
+#include "ui/miscmenu.h"
#include "ui/selector.h"
-#include "audit.h"
#include "drivenum.h"
#include "emuopts.h"
+#include "fileio.h"
#include "mame.h"
#include "rendutil.h"
#include "softlist_dev.h"
#include "uiinput.h"
#include "luaengine.h"
+#include "corestr.h"
+#include "path.h"
+#include "unicode.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <functional>
+#include <thread>
+#include <locale>
namespace ui {
-namespace {
+struct menu_select_software::search_item
+ search_item(search_item const &) = default;
+ search_item(search_item &&) = default;
+ search_item &operator=(search_item const &) = default;
+ search_item &operator=(search_item &&) = default;
+ search_item(ui_software_info const &s)
+ : software(s)
+ , ucs_shortname(ustr_from_utf8(normalize_unicode(s.shortname, unicode_normalization_form::D, true)))
+ , ucs_longname(ustr_from_utf8(normalize_unicode(s.longname, unicode_normalization_form::D, true)))
+ , ucs_alttitles()
+ , penalty(1.0)
+ {
+ ucs_alttitles.reserve(s.alttitles.size());
+ for (std::string const &alttitle : s.alttitles)
+ ucs_alttitles.emplace_back(ustr_from_utf8(normalize_unicode(alttitle, unicode_normalization_form::D, true)));
+ }
-// compares two items in the software list and
-// sort them by parent-clone
+ void set_penalty(std::u32string const &search)
+ {
+ penalty = util::edit_distance(search, ucs_shortname);
+ if (penalty)
+ penalty = (std::min)(penalty, util::edit_distance(search, ucs_longname));
+ auto it(ucs_alttitles.begin());
+ while (penalty && (ucs_alttitles.end() != it))
+ penalty = (std::min)(penalty, util::edit_distance(search, *it++));
+ }
+ std::reference_wrapper<ui_software_info const> software;
+ std::u32string ucs_shortname;
+ std::u32string ucs_longname;
+ std::vector<std::u32string> ucs_alttitles;
+ double penalty;
-bool compare_software(ui_software_info const &a, ui_software_info const &b)
- bool const clonex = !a.parentname.empty() && !a.parentlongname.empty();
- bool const cloney = !b.parentname.empty() && !b.parentlongname.empty();
- if (!clonex && !cloney)
+class menu_select_software::machine_data
+ machine_data(menu_select_software &menu)
+ : m_icons(MAX_ICONS_RENDER)
+ , m_has_empty_start(false)
+ , m_filter_data()
+ , m_filters()
+ , m_filter_type(software_filter::ALL)
+ , m_swinfo()
+ , m_searchlist()
+ , m_right_panel(menu.right_panel())
+ , m_right_image(menu.right_image())
- return 0 > core_stricmp(a.longname.c_str(), b.longname.c_str());
+ // add start empty item
+ m_swinfo.emplace_back(*menu.m_system.driver);
+ machine_config config(*menu.m_system.driver, menu.machine().options());
+ // see if any media devices require an image to be loaded
+ m_has_empty_start = true;
+ for (device_image_interface &image : image_interface_enumerator(config.root_device()))
+ {
+ if (!image.filename() && image.must_be_loaded())
+ {
+ m_has_empty_start = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // iterate through all software lists
+ std::vector<std::size_t> orphans;
+ struct orphan_less
+ {
+ std::vector<ui_software_info> &swinfo;
+ bool operator()(std::string const &a, std::string const &b) const { return a < b; };
+ bool operator()(std::string const &a, std::size_t b) const { return a < swinfo[b].parentname; };
+ bool operator()(std::size_t a, std::string const &b) const { return swinfo[a].parentname < b; };
+ bool operator()(std::size_t a, std::size_t b) const { return swinfo[a].parentname < swinfo[b].parentname; };
+ };
+ orphan_less const orphan_cmp{ m_swinfo };
+ for (software_list_device &swlist : software_list_device_enumerator(config.root_device()))
+ {
+ m_filter_data.add_list(swlist.list_name(), swlist.description());
+ menu.check_for_icons(swlist.list_name().c_str());
+ orphans.clear();
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> parentnames;
+ std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator prevparent(parentnames.end());
+ for (const software_info &swinfo : swlist.get_info())
+ {
+ // check for previously-encountered clones
+ if (swinfo.parentname().empty())
+ {
+ if (parentnames.emplace(swinfo.shortname(), swinfo.longname()).second)
+ {
+ auto const clones(std::equal_range(orphans.begin(), orphans.end(), swinfo.shortname(), orphan_cmp));
+ for (auto it = clones.first; clones.second != it; ++it)
+ m_swinfo[*it].parentlongname = swinfo.longname();
+ orphans.erase(clones.first, clones.second);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert([] (auto const x) { return x.first == x.second; } (std::equal_range(orphans.begin(), orphans.end(), swinfo.shortname(), orphan_cmp)));
+ }
+ }
+ const software_part &part =;
+ if (swlist.is_compatible(part) == SOFTWARE_IS_COMPATIBLE)
+ {
+ char const *instance_name(nullptr);
+ char const *type_name(nullptr);
+ for (device_image_interface &image : image_interface_enumerator(config.root_device()))
+ {
+ char const *const interface = image.image_interface();
+ if (interface && part.matches_interface(interface))
+ {
+ instance_name = image.instance_name().c_str();
+ type_name = image.image_type_name();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (instance_name && type_name)
+ {
+ // add to collection and try to resolve parent if applicable
+ auto const ins(m_swinfo.emplace(m_swinfo.end(), swinfo, part, *menu.m_system.driver, swlist.list_name(), instance_name, type_name));
+ if (!swinfo.parentname().empty())
+ {
+ if ((parentnames.end() == prevparent) || (swinfo.parentname() != prevparent->first))
+ prevparent = parentnames.find(swinfo.parentname());
+ if (parentnames.end() != prevparent)
+ {
+ ins->parentlongname = prevparent->second;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ orphans.emplace(
+ std::upper_bound(orphans.begin(), orphans.end(), swinfo.parentname(), orphan_cmp),
+ std::distance(m_swinfo.begin(), ins));
+ }
+ }
+ // populate filter choices
+ m_filter_data.add_region(ins->longname);
+ m_filter_data.add_publisher(ins->publisher);
+ m_filter_data.add_year(ins->year);
+ for (software_info_item const &i : ins->info)
+ m_filter_data.add_info(i);
+ m_filter_data.add_device_type(ins->devicetype);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::string searchstr, curpath;
+ for (auto &elem : m_filter_data.list_names())
+ {
+ path_iterator path(menu.machine().options().media_path());
+ while (
+ {
+ searchstr.assign(curpath).append(PATH_SEPARATOR).append(elem).append(";");
+ file_enumerator fpath(searchstr.c_str());
+ // iterate while we get new objects
+ osd::directory::entry const *dir;
+ while ((dir = != nullptr)
+ {
+ std::string name;
+ if (dir->type == osd::directory::entry::entry_type::FILE)
+ name = strmakelower(core_filename_extract_base(dir->name, true));
+ else if (dir->type == osd::directory::entry::entry_type::DIR && strcmp(dir->name, ".") != 0)
+ name = strmakelower(dir->name);
+ else
+ continue;
+ for (auto & yelem : m_swinfo)
+ if (yelem.shortname == name && yelem.listname == elem)
+ {
+ yelem.available = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // sort array
+ std::locale const lcl;
+ std::collate<wchar_t> const &coll = std::use_facet<std::collate<wchar_t> >(lcl);
+ auto const compare_names =
+ [&coll] (std::string const &x, std::string const &y) -> bool
+ {
+ std::wstring const wx = wstring_from_utf8(x);
+ std::wstring const wy = wstring_from_utf8(y);
+ return 0 >, + wx.size(),, + wy.size());
+ };
+ std::stable_sort(
+ m_swinfo.begin() + 1,
+ m_swinfo.end(),
+ [&compare_names] (ui_software_info const &a, ui_software_info const &b) -> bool
+ {
+ bool const clonex = !a.parentname.empty() && !a.parentlongname.empty();
+ bool const cloney = !b.parentname.empty() && !b.parentlongname.empty();
+ if (!clonex && !cloney)
+ {
+ return compare_names(a.longname, b.longname);
+ }
+ else if (!clonex && cloney)
+ {
+ if ((a.shortname == b.parentname) && (a.instance == b.instance))
+ return true;
+ else
+ return compare_names(a.longname, b.parentlongname);
+ }
+ else if (clonex && !cloney)
+ {
+ if ((a.parentname == b.shortname) && (a.instance == b.instance))
+ return false;
+ else
+ return compare_names(a.parentlongname, b.longname);
+ }
+ else if ((a.parentname == b.parentname) && (a.instance == b.instance))
+ {
+ return compare_names(a.longname, b.longname);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return compare_names(a.parentlongname, b.parentlongname);
+ }
+ });
+ // start populating search info in background
+ m_search_thread = std::make_unique<std::thread>(
+ [this] ()
+ {
+ m_searchlist.reserve(m_swinfo.size());
+ for (ui_software_info const &sw : m_swinfo)
+ {
+ if (!sw.startempty)
+ m_searchlist.emplace_back(sw);
+ }
+ });
+ // build derivative filter data
+ m_filter_data.finalise();
+ // load custom filters info from file
+ emu_file file(menu.ui().options().ui_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ);
+ if (!"custom_%s_filter.ini", menu.m_system.driver->name)))
+ {
+ software_filter::ptr flt(software_filter::create(file, m_filter_data));
+ if (flt)
+ m_filters.emplace(flt->get_type(), std::move(flt));
+ file.close();
+ }
- else if (!clonex && cloney)
+ ~machine_data()
- if ((a.shortname == b.parentname) && (a.instance == b.instance))
- return true;
- else
- return 0 > core_stricmp(a.longname.c_str(), b.parentlongname.c_str());
+ if (m_search_thread)
+ m_search_thread->join();
- else if (clonex && !cloney)
+ icon_cache &icons() { return m_icons; }
+ bool has_empty_start() const noexcept { return m_has_empty_start; }
+ filter_map const &filters() const noexcept { return m_filters; }
+ software_filter::type filter_type() const noexcept { return m_filter_type; }
+ void set_filter_type(software_filter::type type) noexcept { m_filter_type = type; }
+ software_filter const *current_filter() const noexcept
- if ((a.parentname == b.shortname) && (a.instance == b.instance))
- return false;
- else
- return 0 > core_stricmp(a.parentlongname.c_str(), b.longname.c_str());
+ auto const found(m_filters.find(m_filter_type));
+ return (m_filters.end() != found) ? found->second.get() : nullptr;
- else if ((a.parentname == b.parentname) && (a.instance == b.instance))
+ software_filter &get_filter(software_filter::type type)
- return 0 > core_stricmp(a.longname.c_str(), b.longname.c_str());
+ filter_map::const_iterator it(m_filters.find(type));
+ if (m_filters.end() != it)
+ return *it->second;
+ else
+ return *m_filters.emplace(type, software_filter::create(type, m_filter_data)).first->second;
- else
+ std::vector<ui_software_info> const &swinfo() const noexcept { return m_swinfo; }
+ std::vector<search_item> const &find_matches(std::string const &search)
- return 0 > core_stricmp(a.parentlongname.c_str(), b.parentlongname.c_str());
+ // ensure search list is populated
+ if (m_search_thread)
+ {
+ m_search_thread->join();
+ m_search_thread.reset();
+ }
+ // update search
+ const std::u32string ucs_search(ustr_from_utf8(normalize_unicode(search, unicode_normalization_form::D, true)));
+ for (search_item &entry : m_searchlist)
+ entry.set_penalty(ucs_search);
+ // sort according to edit distance
+ std::stable_sort(
+ m_searchlist.begin(),
+ m_searchlist.end(),
+ [] (search_item const &lhs, search_item const &rhs) { return lhs.penalty < rhs.penalty; });
+ // return reference to search results
+ return m_searchlist;
-} // anonymous namespace
+ u8 right_panel() const { return m_right_panel; }
+ u8 right_image() const { return m_right_image; }
+ void set_right_panel(u8 index) { m_right_panel = index; }
+ void set_right_image(u8 index) { m_right_image = index; }
+ icon_cache m_icons;
+ bool m_has_empty_start;
+ software_filter_data m_filter_data;
+ filter_map m_filters;
+ software_filter::type m_filter_type;
+ std::vector<ui_software_info> m_swinfo;
+ std::vector<search_item> m_searchlist;
-menu_select_software::search_item::search_item(ui_software_info const &s)
- : software(s)
- , ucs_shortname(ustr_from_utf8(normalize_unicode(s.shortname, unicode_normalization_form::D, true)))
- , ucs_longname(ustr_from_utf8(normalize_unicode(s.longname, unicode_normalization_form::D, true)))
- , penalty(1.0)
+ u8 m_right_panel;
+ u8 m_right_image;
-void menu_select_software::search_item::set_penalty(std::u32string const &search)
- // TODO: search alternate title as well
- penalty = util::edit_distance(search, ucs_shortname);
- if (penalty)
- penalty = (std::min)(penalty, util::edit_distance(search, ucs_longname));
+ std::unique_ptr<std::thread> m_search_thread;
// ctor
-menu_select_software::menu_select_software(mame_ui_manager &mui, render_container &container, game_driver const &driver)
+menu_select_software::menu_select_software(mame_ui_manager &mui, render_container &container, ui_system_info const &system)
: menu_select_launch(mui, container, true)
, m_icon_paths()
- , m_icons(MAX_ICONS_RENDER)
- , m_driver(driver)
- , m_has_empty_start(false)
- , m_filter_data()
- , m_filters()
- , m_filter_type(software_filter::ALL)
- , m_swinfo()
- , m_searchlist()
+ , m_system(system)
, m_displaylist()
- build_software_list();
- load_sw_custom_filters();
- m_filter_highlight = m_filter_type;
+ using machine_data_cache = util::lru_cache_map<game_driver const *, std::shared_ptr<machine_data> >;
+ auto &cached(mui.get_session_data<menu_select_software, machine_data_cache>(8)[system.driver]);
+ if (cached)
+ {
+ // restore last right panel settings for this machine
+ set_right_panel(cached->right_panel());
+ set_right_image(cached->right_image());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // restore last right panel settings from UI options
+ ui_options &moptions = ui().options();
+ set_right_panel(moptions.software_right_panel());
+ set_right_image(moptions.software_right_image());
+ cached = std::make_shared<machine_data>(*this);
+ }
+ m_data = cached;
+ m_filter_highlight = m_data->filter_type();
ui_globals::cur_sw_dats_view = 0;
@@ -132,75 +422,27 @@ menu_select_software::~menu_select_software()
// handle
-void menu_select_software::handle()
+bool menu_select_software::handle(event const *ev)
- if (m_prev_selected == nullptr)
- m_prev_selected = item(0).ref;
+ if (m_prev_selected == nullptr && item_count() > 0)
+ m_prev_selected = item(0).ref();
- // ignore pause keys by swallowing them before we process the menu
- machine().ui_input().pressed(IPT_UI_PAUSE);
+ // FIXME: everything above here used run before events were processed
// process the menu
- const event *menu_event = process(PROCESS_LR_REPEAT);
- if (menu_event)
+ bool changed = false;
+ if (ev)
if (dismiss_error())
- // reset the error on any future event
+ // reset the error on any subsequent menu event
+ changed = true;
- else switch (menu_event->iptkey)
+ else switch (ev->iptkey)
- if ((get_focus() == focused_menu::MAIN) && menu_event->itemref)
- inkey_select(menu_event);
- break;
- case IPT_UI_LEFT:
- if (ui_globals::rpanel == RP_IMAGES)
- {
- // Images
- previous_image_view();
- }
- else if (ui_globals::rpanel == RP_INFOS && ui_globals::cur_sw_dats_view > 0)
- {
- // Infos
- ui_globals::cur_sw_dats_view--;
- m_topline_datsview = 0;
- }
- break;
- case IPT_UI_RIGHT:
- if (ui_globals::rpanel == RP_IMAGES)
- {
- // Images
- next_image_view();
- }
- else if (ui_globals::rpanel == RP_INFOS && ui_globals::cur_sw_dats_view < (ui_globals::cur_sw_dats_total - 1))
- {
- // Infos
- ui_globals::cur_sw_dats_view++;
- m_topline_datsview = 0;
- }
- break;
- case IPT_UI_UP:
- if ((get_focus() == focused_menu::LEFT) && (software_filter::FIRST < m_filter_highlight))
- --m_filter_highlight;
- break;
- case IPT_UI_DOWN:
- if ((get_focus() == focused_menu::LEFT) && (software_filter::LAST > m_filter_highlight))
- ++m_filter_highlight;
- break;
- case IPT_UI_HOME:
- if (get_focus() == focused_menu::LEFT)
- m_filter_highlight = software_filter::FIRST;
- break;
- case IPT_UI_END:
- if (get_focus() == focused_menu::LEFT)
- m_filter_highlight = software_filter::LAST;
+ if ((get_focus() == focused_menu::MAIN) && ev->itemref)
+ changed = inkey_select(ev);
@@ -208,12 +450,12 @@ void menu_select_software::handle()
- if (menu_event->itemref)
+ if (ev->itemref)
- if (menu_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_FAVORITES)
+ if (ev->iptkey == IPT_UI_FAVORITES)
// handle UI_FAVORITES
- ui_software_info *swinfo = (ui_software_info *)menu_event->itemref;
+ ui_software_info *swinfo = (ui_software_info *)ev->itemref;
if ((uintptr_t)swinfo > 2)
@@ -223,79 +465,95 @@ void menu_select_software::handle()
machine().popmessage(_("%s\n added to favorites list."), swinfo->longname);
machine().popmessage(_("%s\n removed from favorites list."), swinfo->longname);
+ changed = true;
- // if we're in an error state, overlay an error message
- draw_error_text();
+ return changed;
+// recompute_metrics
+void menu_select_software::recompute_metrics(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, float aspect)
+ menu_select_launch::recompute_metrics(width, height, aspect);
+ // configure the custom rendering
+ set_custom_space(4.0F * line_height() + 5.0F * tb_border(), 4.0F * line_height() + 3.0F * tb_border());
+// menu_deactivated
+void menu_select_software::menu_deactivated()
+ menu_select_launch::menu_deactivated();
+ // save last right panel settings
+ m_data->set_right_panel(right_panel());
+ m_data->set_right_image(right_image());
+ ui_options &mopt = ui().options();
+ mopt.set_value(OPTION_SOFTWARE_RIGHT_PANEL, right_panel_config_string(), OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE);
+ mopt.set_value(OPTION_SOFTWARE_RIGHT_IMAGE, right_image_config_string(), OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE);
// populate
-void menu_select_software::populate(float &customtop, float &custombottom)
+void menu_select_software::populate()
- for (auto &icon : m_icons) // TODO: why is this here? maybe better on resize or setting change?
+ for (auto &icon : m_data->icons()) // TODO: why is this here? maybe better on resize or setting change?
- uint32_t flags_ui = FLAG_LEFT_ARROW | FLAG_RIGHT_ARROW;
- m_has_empty_start = true;
int old_software = -1;
- // FIXME: why does it do this relatively expensive operation every time?
- machine_config config(m_driver, machine().options());
- for (device_image_interface &image : image_interface_iterator(config.root_device()))
- {
- if (!image.filename() && image.must_be_loaded())
- {
- m_has_empty_start = false;
- break;
- }
- }
// start with an empty list
- filter_map::const_iterator const flt(m_filters.find(m_filter_type));
+ software_filter const *const flt(m_data->current_filter());
// no active search
if (m_search.empty())
- // if the device can be loaded empty, add an item
- if (m_has_empty_start)
- item_append("[Start empty]", "", flags_ui, (void *)&m_swinfo[0]);
+ // add an item to start empty or let the user use the file manager
+ item_append(
+ m_data->has_empty_start() ? _("[Start empty]") : _("[Use file manager]"),
+ 0,
+ (void *)&m_data->swinfo()[0]);
- if (m_filters.end() == flt)
- std::copy(std::next(m_swinfo.begin()), m_swinfo.end(), std::back_inserter(m_displaylist));
+ if (!flt)
+ std::copy(std::next(m_data->swinfo().begin()), m_data->swinfo().end(), std::back_inserter(m_displaylist));
- flt->second->apply(std::next(m_swinfo.begin()), m_swinfo.end(), std::back_inserter(m_displaylist));
+ flt->apply(std::next(m_data->swinfo().begin()), m_data->swinfo().end(), std::back_inserter(m_displaylist));
- find_matches();
+ std::vector<search_item> const &searchlist = m_data->find_matches(m_search);
- if (m_filters.end() == flt)
+ if (!flt)
- m_searchlist.begin(),
- std::next(m_searchlist.begin(), (std::min)(m_searchlist.size(), MAX_VISIBLE_SEARCH)),
+ searchlist.begin(),
+ std::next(searchlist.begin(), (std::min)(searchlist.size(), MAX_VISIBLE_SEARCH)),
[] (search_item const &entry) { return; });
- for (auto it = m_searchlist.begin(); (m_searchlist.end() != it) && (MAX_VISIBLE_SEARCH > m_displaylist.size()); ++it)
+ for (auto it = searchlist.begin(); (searchlist.end() != it) && (MAX_VISIBLE_SEARCH > m_displaylist.size()); ++it)
- if (flt->second->apply(it->software))
+ if (flt->apply(it->software))
@@ -307,165 +565,30 @@ void menu_select_software::populate(float &customtop, float &custombottom)
if (reselect_last::software() == "[Start empty]" && !reselect_last::driver().empty())
old_software = 0;
else if (m_displaylist[curitem].get().shortname == reselect_last::software() && m_displaylist[curitem].get().listname == reselect_last::swlist())
- old_software = m_has_empty_start ? curitem + 1 : curitem;
+ old_software = curitem + 1;
m_displaylist[curitem].get().longname, m_displaylist[curitem].get().devicetype,
- m_displaylist[curitem].get().parentname.empty() ? flags_ui : (FLAG_INVERT | flags_ui), (void *)&m_displaylist[curitem].get());
+ m_displaylist[curitem].get().parentname.empty() ? 0 : FLAG_INVERT, (void *)&m_displaylist[curitem].get());
- item_append(menu_item_type::SEPARATOR, flags_ui);
- // configure the custom rendering
- customtop = 4.0f * ui().get_line_height() + 5.0f * ui().box_tb_border();
- custombottom = 5.0f * ui().get_line_height() + 4.0f * ui().box_tb_border();
+ m_skip_main_items = 0;
if (old_software != -1)
- top_line = selected_index() - (ui_globals::visible_sw_lines / 2);
+ centre_selection();
-// build a list of software
-void menu_select_software::build_software_list()
- // add start empty item
- m_swinfo.emplace_back(m_driver);
- machine_config config(m_driver, machine().options());
- // iterate through all software lists
- std::vector<std::size_t> orphans;
- struct orphan_less
- {
- std::vector<ui_software_info> &swinfo;
- bool operator()(std::string const &a, std::string const &b) const { return a < b; };
- bool operator()(std::string const &a, std::size_t b) const { return a < swinfo[b].parentname; };
- bool operator()(std::size_t a, std::string const &b) const { return swinfo[a].parentname < b; };
- bool operator()(std::size_t a, std::size_t b) const { return swinfo[a].parentname < swinfo[b].parentname; };
- };
- orphan_less const orphan_cmp{ m_swinfo };
- for (software_list_device &swlist : software_list_device_iterator(config.root_device()))
- {
- m_filter_data.add_list(swlist.list_name(), swlist.description());
- check_for_icons(swlist.list_name().c_str());
- orphans.clear();
- std::map<std::string, std::string> parentnames;
- std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator prevparent(parentnames.end());
- for (const software_info &swinfo : swlist.get_info())
- {
- // check for previously-encountered clones
- if (swinfo.parentname().empty())
- {
- if (parentnames.emplace(swinfo.shortname(), swinfo.longname()).second)
- {
- auto const clones(std::equal_range(orphans.begin(), orphans.end(), swinfo.shortname(), orphan_cmp));
- for (auto it = clones.first; clones.second != it; ++it)
- m_swinfo[*it].parentlongname = swinfo.longname();
- orphans.erase(clones.first, clones.second);
- }
- else
- {
- assert([] (auto const x) { return x.first == x.second; } (std::equal_range(orphans.begin(), orphans.end(), swinfo.shortname(), orphan_cmp)));
- }
- }
- const software_part &part =;
- if (swlist.is_compatible(part) == SOFTWARE_IS_COMPATIBLE)
- {
- char const *instance_name(nullptr);
- char const *type_name(nullptr);
- for (device_image_interface &image : image_interface_iterator(config.root_device()))
- {
- char const *const interface = image.image_interface();
- if (interface && part.matches_interface(interface))
- {
- instance_name = image.instance_name().c_str();
- type_name = image.image_type_name();
- break;
- }
- }
- if (instance_name && type_name)
- {
- // add to collection and try to resolve parent if applicable
- auto const ins(m_swinfo.emplace(m_swinfo.end(), swinfo, part, m_driver, swlist.list_name(), instance_name, type_name));
- if (!swinfo.parentname().empty())
- {
- if ((parentnames.end() == prevparent) || (swinfo.parentname() != prevparent->first))
- prevparent = parentnames.find(swinfo.parentname());
- if (parentnames.end() != prevparent)
- {
- ins->parentlongname = prevparent->second;
- }
- else
- {
- orphans.emplace(
- std::upper_bound(orphans.begin(), orphans.end(), swinfo.parentname(), orphan_cmp),
- std::distance(m_swinfo.begin(), ins));
- }
- }
- // populate filter choices
- m_filter_data.add_region(ins->longname);
- m_filter_data.add_publisher(ins->publisher);
- m_filter_data.add_year(ins->year);
- m_filter_data.add_device_type(ins->devicetype);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- std::string searchstr, curpath;
- for (auto & elem : m_filter_data.list_names())
- {
- path_iterator path(machine().options().media_path());
- while (
- {
- searchstr.assign(curpath).append(PATH_SEPARATOR).append(elem).append(";");
- file_enumerator fpath(searchstr.c_str());
- // iterate while we get new objects
- osd::directory::entry const *dir;
- while ((dir = != nullptr)
- {
- std::string name;
- if (dir->type == osd::directory::entry::entry_type::FILE)
- name = core_filename_extract_base(dir->name, true);
- else if (dir->type == osd::directory::entry::entry_type::DIR && strcmp(dir->name, ".") != 0)
- name = dir->name;
- else
- continue;
- strmakelower(name);
- for (auto & yelem : m_swinfo)
- if (yelem.shortname == name && yelem.listname == elem)
- {
- yelem.available = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // sort array
- std::stable_sort(m_swinfo.begin() + 1, m_swinfo.end(), compare_software);
- m_filter_data.finalise();
// handle select key event
-void menu_select_software::inkey_select(const event *menu_event)
+bool menu_select_software::inkey_select(const event *menu_event)
ui_software_info *ui_swinfo = (ui_software_info *)menu_event->itemref;
driver_enumerator drivlist(machine().options(), *ui_swinfo->driver);
@@ -474,9 +597,10 @@ void menu_select_software::inkey_select(const event *menu_event)
// audit the system ROMs first to see if we're going to work
media_auditor::summary const sysaudit = auditor.audit_media(AUDIT_VALIDATE_FAST);
- if (sysaudit != media_auditor::CORRECT && sysaudit != media_auditor::BEST_AVAILABLE && sysaudit != media_auditor::NONE_NEEDED)
+ if (!audit_passed(sysaudit))
- set_error(reset_options::REMEMBER_REF, make_audit_fail_text(media_auditor::NOTFOUND != sysaudit, auditor));
+ set_error(reset_options::REMEMBER_REF, make_system_audit_fail_text(auditor, sysaudit));
+ return true;
else if (ui_swinfo->startempty == 1)
@@ -485,89 +609,41 @@ void menu_select_software::inkey_select(const event *menu_event)
launch_system(*ui_swinfo->driver, *ui_swinfo);
+ return false;
- // first audit the software
+ // now audit the software
software_list_device *swlist = software_list_device::find_by_name(*drivlist.config(), ui_swinfo->listname);
const software_info *swinfo = swlist->find(ui_swinfo->shortname);
media_auditor::summary const swaudit = auditor.audit_software(*swlist, *swinfo, AUDIT_VALIDATE_FAST);
- if (swaudit == media_auditor::CORRECT || swaudit == media_auditor::BEST_AVAILABLE || swaudit == media_auditor::NONE_NEEDED)
+ if (audit_passed(swaudit))
if (!select_bios(*ui_swinfo, false) && !select_part(*swinfo, *ui_swinfo))
launch_system(drivlist.driver(), *ui_swinfo);
+ return false;
// otherwise, display an error
- std::ostringstream str;
- str << _("The selected software is missing one or more required files. Please select a different software item.\n\n");
- if (media_auditor::NOTFOUND != swaudit)
- {
- auditor.summarize(nullptr, &str);
- str << '\n';
- }
- str << _("Press any key to continue."),
- set_error(reset_options::REMEMBER_POSITION, str.str());
+ set_error(reset_options::REMEMBER_REF, make_software_audit_fail_text(auditor, swaudit));
+ return true;
-// load custom filters info from file
-void menu_select_software::load_sw_custom_filters()
- // attempt to open the output file
- emu_file file(ui().options().ui_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ);
- if ("custom_%s_filter.ini", == osd_file::error::NONE)
- {
- software_filter::ptr flt(software_filter::create(file, m_filter_data));
- if (flt)
- m_filters.emplace(flt->get_type(), std::move(flt));
- file.close();
- }
-// find approximate matches
-void menu_select_software::find_matches()
- // ensure search list is populated
- if (m_searchlist.empty())
- {
- m_searchlist.reserve(m_swinfo.size());
- std::copy(m_swinfo.begin(), m_swinfo.end(), std::back_inserter(m_searchlist));
- }
- // update search
- const std::u32string ucs_search(ustr_from_utf8(normalize_unicode(m_search, unicode_normalization_form::D, true)));
- for (search_item &entry : m_searchlist)
- entry.set_penalty(ucs_search);
- // sort according to edit distance
- std::stable_sort(
- m_searchlist.begin(),
- m_searchlist.end(),
- [] (search_item const &lhs, search_item const &rhs) { return lhs.penalty < rhs.penalty; });
// draw left box
-float menu_select_software::draw_left_panel(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
+void menu_select_software::draw_left_panel(u32 flags)
- return menu_select_launch::draw_left_panel<software_filter>(m_filter_type, m_filters, x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ return menu_select_launch::draw_left_panel<software_filter>(flags, m_data->filter_type(), m_data->filters());
@@ -583,17 +659,17 @@ render_texture *menu_select_software::get_icon_texture(int linenum, void *select
if (swinfo->startempty)
return nullptr;
- icon_cache::iterator icon(m_icons.find(swinfo));
- if ((m_icons.end() == icon) || !icon->second.texture)
+ icon_cache::iterator icon(m_data->icons().find(swinfo));
+ if ((m_data->icons().end() == icon) || !icon->second.texture)
std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator paths(m_icon_paths.find(swinfo->listname));
if (m_icon_paths.end() == paths)
paths = m_icon_paths.emplace(swinfo->listname, make_icon_paths(swinfo->listname.c_str())).first;
// allocate an entry or allocate a texture on forced redraw
- if (m_icons.end() == icon)
+ if (m_data->icons().end() == icon)
- icon = m_icons.emplace(swinfo, texture_ptr(machine().render().texture_alloc(), machine().render())).first;
+ icon = m_data->icons().emplace(swinfo, texture_ptr(machine().render().texture_alloc(), machine().render())).first;
@@ -603,12 +679,12 @@ render_texture *menu_select_software::get_icon_texture(int linenum, void *select
bitmap_argb32 tmp;
emu_file snapfile(std::string(paths->second), OPEN_FLAG_READ);
- if (>shortname) + ".ico") == osd_file::error::NONE)
+ if (!>shortname) + ".ico"))
render_load_ico_highest_detail(snapfile, tmp);
- if (!tmp.valid() && !swinfo->parentname.empty() && (>parentname) + ".ico") == osd_file::error::NONE))
+ if (!tmp.valid() && !swinfo->parentname.empty() && !>parentname) + ".ico"))
render_load_ico_highest_detail(snapfile, tmp);
@@ -625,69 +701,64 @@ render_texture *menu_select_software::get_icon_texture(int linenum, void *select
// get selected software and/or driver
-void menu_select_software::get_selection(ui_software_info const *&software, game_driver const *&driver) const
+void menu_select_software::get_selection(ui_software_info const *&software, ui_system_info const *&system) const
software = reinterpret_cast<ui_software_info const *>(get_selection_ptr());
- driver = software ? software->driver : nullptr;
+ system = &m_system;
+void menu_select_software::show_config_menu(int index)
+ menu::stack_push<menu_machine_configure>(ui(), container(), m_system, nullptr);
void menu_select_software::make_topbox_text(std::string &line0, std::string &line1, std::string &line2) const
// determine the text for the header
- int vis_item = !m_search.empty() ? m_available_items : (m_has_empty_start ? m_available_items - 1 : m_available_items);
- line0 = string_format(_("%1$s %2$s ( %3$d / %4$d software packages )"), emulator_info::get_appname(), bare_build_version, vis_item, m_swinfo.size() - 1);
- line1 = string_format(_("Driver: \"%1$s\" software list "), m_driver.type.fullname());
+ int vis_item = !m_search.empty() ? m_available_items : (m_available_items - 1);
+ line0 = string_format(_("%1$s %2$s ( %3$d / %4$d software packages )"), emulator_info::get_appname(), bare_build_version, vis_item, m_data->swinfo().size() - 1);
+ line1 = string_format(_("%1$s - select software"), m_system.description);
- filter_map::const_iterator const it(m_filters.find(m_filter_type));
- char const *const filter((m_filters.end() != it) ? it->second->filter_text() : nullptr);
+ software_filter const *const it(m_data->current_filter());
+ char const *const filter(it ? it->filter_text() : nullptr);
if (filter)
- line2 = string_format(_("%1$s: %2$s - Search: %3$s_"), it->second->display_name(), filter, m_search);
+ line2 = string_format(_("%1$s: %2$s - Search: %3$s_"), it->display_name(), filter, m_search);
line2 = string_format(_("Search: %1$s_"), m_search);
-std::string menu_select_software::make_driver_description(game_driver const &driver) const
+std::string menu_select_software::make_software_description(ui_software_info const &software, ui_system_info const *system) const
- // first line is game description
- return string_format(_("%1$-.100s"), driver.type.fullname());
+ // show list/item to make it less confusing when there are multiple lists mixed
+ return string_format(_("Software list/item: %1$s:%2$s"), software.listname, software.shortname);
-std::string menu_select_software::make_software_description(ui_software_info const &software) const
+void menu_select_software::filter_selected(int index)
- // first line is long name
- return string_format(_("%1$-.100s"), software.longname);
+ assert((software_filter::FIRST <= index) && (software_filter::LAST >= index));
-void menu_select_software::filter_selected()
- if ((software_filter::FIRST <= m_filter_highlight) && (software_filter::LAST >= m_filter_highlight))
- {
- filter_map::const_iterator it(m_filters.find(software_filter::type(m_filter_highlight)));
- if (m_filters.end() == it)
- it = m_filters.emplace(software_filter::type(m_filter_highlight), software_filter::create(software_filter::type(m_filter_highlight), m_filter_data)).first;
- it->second->show_ui(
- ui(),
- container(),
- [this] (software_filter &filter)
+ m_data->get_filter(software_filter::type(index)).show_ui(
+ ui(),
+ container(),
+ [this] (software_filter &filter)
+ {
+ software_filter::type const new_type(filter.get_type());
+ if (software_filter::CUSTOM == new_type)
- software_filter::type const new_type(filter.get_type());
- if (software_filter::CUSTOM == new_type)
+ emu_file file(ui().options().ui_path(), OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS);
+ if (!"custom_%s_filter.ini", m_system.driver->name)))
- emu_file file(ui().options().ui_path(), OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS);
- if ("custom_%s_filter.ini", == osd_file::error::NONE)
- {
- filter.save_ini(file, 0);
- file.close();
- }
+ filter.save_ini(file, 0);
+ file.close();
- m_filter_type = new_type;
- reset(reset_options::SELECT_FIRST);
- });
- }
+ }
+ m_data->set_filter_type(new_type);
+ reset(reset_options::REMEMBER_REF);
+ });
} // namespace ui