path: root/src/frontend/mame/ui/inifile.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/frontend/mame/ui/inifile.cpp')
1 files changed, 454 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/frontend/mame/ui/inifile.cpp b/src/frontend/mame/ui/inifile.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5e3871a0137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/frontend/mame/ui/inifile.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders:Maurizio Petrarota
+ ui/inifile.cpp
+ UI INIs file manager.
+#include "emu.h"
+#include "ui/ui.h"
+#include "ui/inifile.h"
+#include "softlist.h"
+#include "drivenum.h"
+UINT16 inifile_manager::c_cat = 0;
+UINT16 inifile_manager::c_file = 0;
+// ctor
+inifile_manager::inifile_manager(running_machine &machine)
+ : m_machine(machine)
+ ini_index.clear();
+ directory_scan();
+// scan directories and create index
+void inifile_manager::directory_scan()
+ // open extra INIs folder
+ file_enumerator path(mame_machine_manager::instance()->ui().options().extraini_path());
+ const osd_directory_entry *dir;
+ // loop into folder's file
+ while ((dir = != nullptr)
+ {
+ int length = strlen(dir->name);
+ std::string filename(dir->name);
+ // check .ini file ending
+ if ((length > 4) && dir->name[length - 4] == '.' && tolower((UINT8)dir->name[length - 3]) == 'i' &&
+ tolower((UINT8)dir->name[length - 2]) == 'n' && tolower((UINT8)dir->name[length - 1]) == 'i')
+ {
+ // try to open file and indexing
+ if (parseopen(filename.c_str()))
+ {
+ init_category(filename);
+ parseclose();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // sort
+ std::stable_sort(ini_index.begin(), ini_index.end());
+// initialize category
+void inifile_manager::init_category(std::string &filename)
+ categoryindex index;
+ char rbuf[MAX_CHAR_INFO];
+ std::string readbuf, name;
+ while (fgets(rbuf, MAX_CHAR_INFO, fp) != nullptr)
+ {
+ readbuf = rbuf;
+ if (readbuf[0] == '[')
+ {
+ size_t found = readbuf.find("]");
+ name = readbuf.substr(1, found - 1);
+ if (name == "FOLDER_SETTINGS" || name == "ROOT_FOLDER")
+ continue;
+ else
+ index.emplace_back(name, ftell(fp));
+ }
+ }
+ // sort
+ std::stable_sort(index.begin(), index.end());
+ if (!index.empty())
+ ini_index.emplace_back(filename, index);
+// load and indexing ini files
+void inifile_manager::load_ini_category(std::vector<int> &temp_filter)
+ if (ini_index.empty())
+ return;
+ bool search_clones = false;
+ std::string filename(ini_index[c_file].first);
+ long offset = ini_index[c_file].second[c_cat].second;
+ if (!core_stricmp(filename.c_str(), "category.ini") || !core_stricmp(filename.c_str(), "alltime.ini"))
+ search_clones = true;
+ if (parseopen(filename.c_str()))
+ {
+ fseek(fp, offset, SEEK_SET);
+ int num_game = driver_list::total();
+ char rbuf[MAX_CHAR_INFO];
+ std::string readbuf;
+ while (fgets(rbuf, MAX_CHAR_INFO, fp) != nullptr)
+ {
+ readbuf = chartrimcarriage(rbuf);
+ if (readbuf.empty() || readbuf[0] == '[')
+ break;
+ int dfind = driver_list::find(readbuf.c_str());
+ if (dfind != -1 && search_clones)
+ {
+ temp_filter.push_back(dfind);
+ int clone_of = driver_list::non_bios_clone(dfind);
+ if (clone_of == -1)
+ {
+ for (int x = 0; x < num_game; x++)
+ if (readbuf == driver_list::driver(x).parent && readbuf != driver_list::driver(x).name)
+ temp_filter.push_back(x);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (dfind != -1)
+ temp_filter.push_back(dfind);
+ }
+ parseclose();
+ }
+// parseopen - Open up file for reading
+bool inifile_manager::parseopen(const char *filename)
+ // MAME core file parsing functions fail in recognizing UNICODE chars in UTF-8 without BOM,
+ // so it's better and faster use standard C fileio functions.
+ emu_file file(mame_machine_manager::instance()->ui().options().extraini_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ);
+ if ( != osd_file::error::NONE)
+ return false;
+ m_fullpath = file.fullpath();
+ file.close();
+ fp = fopen(m_fullpath.c_str(), "r");
+ fgetc(fp);
+ fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ return true;
+// ctor
+favorite_manager::favorite_manager(running_machine &machine)
+ : m_machine(machine)
+ m_current = -1;
+ parse_favorite();
+// add a game
+void favorite_manager::add_favorite_game(const game_driver *driver)
+ m_list.emplace_back(driver->name, driver->description, "", "", "", 0, "", driver, "", "", "", 1, "", "", "", true);
+ save_favorite_games();
+// add a system
+void favorite_manager::add_favorite_game(ui_software_info &swinfo)
+ m_list.push_back(swinfo);
+ save_favorite_games();
+// add a game / system
+void favorite_manager::add_favorite_game()
+ if ((machine().system().flags & MACHINE_TYPE_ARCADE) != 0)
+ {
+ add_favorite_game(&machine().system());
+ return;
+ }
+ bool software_avail = false;
+ for (device_image_interface &image : image_interface_iterator(machine().root_device()))
+ {
+ if (image.exists() && image.software_entry())
+ {
+ const software_info *swinfo = image.software_entry();
+ const software_part *part = image.part_entry();
+ ui_software_info tmpmatches;
+ tmpmatches.shortname = strensure(swinfo->shortname());
+ tmpmatches.longname = strensure(image.longname());
+ tmpmatches.parentname = strensure(swinfo->parentname());
+ tmpmatches.year = strensure(image.year());
+ tmpmatches.publisher = strensure(image.manufacturer());
+ tmpmatches.supported = image.supported();
+ tmpmatches.part = strensure(part->name());
+ tmpmatches.driver = &machine().system();
+ tmpmatches.listname = strensure(image.software_list_name());
+ tmpmatches.interface = strensure(part->interface());
+ tmpmatches.instance = strensure(image.instance_name());
+ tmpmatches.startempty = 0;
+ tmpmatches.parentlongname.clear();
+ if (swinfo->parentname())
+ {
+ software_list_device *swlist = software_list_device::find_by_name(machine().config(), image.software_list_name());
+ for (software_info &c_swinfo : swlist->get_info())
+ {
+ std::string c_parent(c_swinfo.parentname());
+ if (!c_parent.empty() && c_parent == swinfo->shortname())
+ {
+ tmpmatches.parentlongname = c_swinfo.longname();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tmpmatches.usage.clear();
+ for (feature_list_item &flist : swinfo->other_info())
+ if (!strcmp(, "usage"))
+ tmpmatches.usage = flist.value();
+ tmpmatches.devicetype = strensure(image.image_type_name());
+ tmpmatches.available = true;
+ software_avail = true;
+ m_list.push_back(tmpmatches);
+ save_favorite_games();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!software_avail)
+ add_favorite_game(&machine().system());
+// remove a favorite from list
+void favorite_manager::remove_favorite_game(ui_software_info &swinfo)
+ m_list.erase(std::remove(m_list.begin(), m_list.end(), swinfo), m_list.end());
+ save_favorite_games();
+// remove a favorite from list
+void favorite_manager::remove_favorite_game()
+ m_list.erase(m_list.begin() + m_current);
+ save_favorite_games();
+// check if game is already in favorite list
+bool favorite_manager::isgame_favorite()
+ if ((machine().system().flags & MACHINE_TYPE_ARCADE) != 0)
+ return isgame_favorite(&machine().system());
+ bool image_loaded = false;
+ for (device_image_interface &image : image_interface_iterator(machine().root_device()))
+ {
+ const software_info *swinfo = image.software_entry();
+ if (image.exists() && swinfo != nullptr)
+ {
+ image_loaded = true;
+ for (size_t current = 0; current < m_list.size(); current++)
+ if (m_list[current].shortname == swinfo->shortname() &&
+ m_list[current].listname == image.software_list_name())
+ {
+ m_current = current;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!image_loaded)
+ return isgame_favorite(&machine().system());
+ m_current = -1;
+ return false;
+// check if game is already in favorite list
+bool favorite_manager::isgame_favorite(const game_driver *driver)
+ for (size_t x = 0; x < m_list.size(); x++)
+ if (m_list[x].driver == driver && m_list[x].shortname == driver->name)
+ {
+ m_current = x;
+ return true;
+ }
+ m_current = -1;
+ return false;
+// check if game is already in favorite list
+bool favorite_manager::isgame_favorite(ui_software_info &swinfo)
+ for (size_t x = 0; x < m_list.size(); x++)
+ if (m_list[x] == swinfo)
+ {
+ m_current = x;
+ return true;
+ }
+ m_current = -1;
+ return false;
+// parse favorite file
+void favorite_manager::parse_favorite()
+ emu_file file(mame_machine_manager::instance()->ui().options().ui_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ);
+ if ( == osd_file::error::NONE)
+ {
+ char readbuf[1024];
+ file.gets(readbuf, 1024);
+ while (readbuf[0] == '[')
+ file.gets(readbuf, 1024);
+ while (file.gets(readbuf, 1024))
+ {
+ ui_software_info tmpmatches;
+ tmpmatches.shortname = chartrimcarriage(readbuf);
+ file.gets(readbuf, 1024);
+ tmpmatches.longname = chartrimcarriage(readbuf);
+ file.gets(readbuf, 1024);
+ tmpmatches.parentname = chartrimcarriage(readbuf);
+ file.gets(readbuf, 1024);
+ tmpmatches.year = chartrimcarriage(readbuf);
+ file.gets(readbuf, 1024);
+ tmpmatches.publisher = chartrimcarriage(readbuf);
+ file.gets(readbuf, 1024);
+ tmpmatches.supported = atoi(readbuf);
+ file.gets(readbuf, 1024);
+ tmpmatches.part = chartrimcarriage(readbuf);
+ file.gets(readbuf, 1024);
+ chartrimcarriage(readbuf);
+ int dx = driver_list::find(readbuf);
+ if (dx == -1) continue;
+ tmpmatches.driver = &driver_list::driver(dx);
+ file.gets(readbuf, 1024);
+ tmpmatches.listname = chartrimcarriage(readbuf);
+ file.gets(readbuf, 1024);
+ tmpmatches.interface = chartrimcarriage(readbuf);
+ file.gets(readbuf, 1024);
+ tmpmatches.instance = chartrimcarriage(readbuf);
+ file.gets(readbuf, 1024);
+ tmpmatches.startempty = atoi(readbuf);
+ file.gets(readbuf, 1024);
+ tmpmatches.parentlongname = chartrimcarriage(readbuf);
+ file.gets(readbuf, 1024);
+ tmpmatches.usage = chartrimcarriage(readbuf);
+ file.gets(readbuf, 1024);
+ tmpmatches.devicetype = chartrimcarriage(readbuf);
+ file.gets(readbuf, 1024);
+ tmpmatches.available = atoi(readbuf);
+ m_list.push_back(tmpmatches);
+ }
+ file.close();
+ }
+// save favorite
+void favorite_manager::save_favorite_games()
+ // attempt to open the output file
+ emu_file file(mame_machine_manager::instance()->ui().options().ui_path(), OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS);
+ if ( == osd_file::error::NONE)
+ {
+ if (m_list.empty())
+ {
+ file.remove_on_close();
+ file.close();
+ return;
+ }
+ // generate the favorite INI
+ std::ostringstream text;
+ text << "[ROOT_FOLDER]\n[Favorite]\n\n";
+ for (auto & elem : m_list)
+ {
+ text << elem.shortname << '\n';
+ text << elem.longname << '\n';
+ text << elem.parentname << '\n';
+ text << elem.year << '\n';
+ text << elem.publisher << '\n';
+ util::stream_format(text, "%d\n", elem.supported);
+ text << elem.part << '\n';
+ util::stream_format(text, "%s\n", elem.driver->name);
+ text << elem.listname << '\n';
+ text << elem.interface << '\n';
+ text << elem.instance << '\n';
+ util::stream_format(text, "%d\n", elem.startempty);
+ text << elem.parentlongname << '\n';
+ text << elem.usage << '\n';
+ text << elem.devicetype << '\n';
+ util::stream_format(text, "%d\n", elem.available);
+ }
+ file.puts(text.str().c_str());
+ file.close();
+ }