path: root/src/frontend/mame/ui/analogipt.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/frontend/mame/ui/analogipt.cpp')
1 files changed, 578 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/src/frontend/mame/ui/analogipt.cpp b/src/frontend/mame/ui/analogipt.cpp
index 075a5e0bf4e..aa6ffa5a07f 100644
--- a/src/frontend/mame/ui/analogipt.cpp
+++ b/src/frontend/mame/ui/analogipt.cpp
@@ -11,38 +11,63 @@
#include "emu.h"
#include "ui/analogipt.h"
+#include "ui/textbox.h"
+#include "uiinput.h"
#include <algorithm>
+#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
namespace ui {
+namespace {
+char const HELP_TEXT[] = N_p("menu-analoginput",
+ "Show/hide settings \t\t%1$s\n"
+ "Decrease value \t\t%2$s\n"
+ "Increase value \t\t%3$s\n"
+ "Restore default value \t\t%4$s\n"
+ "Previous device \t\t%5$s\n"
+ "Next device \t\t%6$s\n"
+ "Return to previous menu \t\t%7$s");
+} // anonymous namespace
inline menu_analog::item_data::item_data(ioport_field &f, int t) noexcept
: field(f)
, type(t)
- , min((ANALOG_ITEM_SENSITIVITY == t) ? 1 : 0)
- , max((ANALOG_ITEM_REVERSE == t) ? 1 : 255)
- , cur(-1)
, defvalue(
(ANALOG_ITEM_CENTERSPEED == t) ? f.centerdelta() :
(ANALOG_ITEM_REVERSE == t) ? f.analog_reverse() :
(ANALOG_ITEM_SENSITIVITY == t) ? f.sensitivity() :
+ , min((ANALOG_ITEM_SENSITIVITY == t) ? 1 : 0)
+ , max((ANALOG_ITEM_REVERSE == t) ? 1 : std::max(defvalue * 4, 255))
+ , cur(-1)
inline menu_analog::field_data::field_data(ioport_field &f) noexcept
: field(f)
- , range(f.maxval() - f.minval())
- , neutral(float(f.analog_reverse() ? (f.maxval() - f.defvalue()) : (f.defvalue() - f.minval())) / range)
- , origin((f.analog_wraps() && (f.defvalue() != f.minval()) && (f.defvalue() != f.maxval())) ? 0.0f : neutral)
+ , range(0.0F)
+ , neutral(0.0F)
+ , origin(0.0F)
, shift(0U)
, show_neutral((f.defvalue() != f.minval()) && (f.defvalue() != f.maxval()))
for (ioport_value m = f.mask(); m && !BIT(m, 0); m >>= 1, ++shift) { }
+ ioport_value const m(f.mask() >> shift);
+ range = (f.maxval() - f.minval()) & m;
+ ioport_value const n((f.analog_reverse() ? (f.maxval() - f.defvalue()) : (f.defvalue() - f.minval())) & m);
+ neutral = float(n) / range;
+ if (!f.analog_wraps() || (f.defvalue() == f.minval()) || (f.defvalue() == f.maxval()))
+ origin = neutral;
@@ -50,8 +75,24 @@ menu_analog::menu_analog(mame_ui_manager &mui, render_container &container)
: menu(mui, container)
, m_item_data()
, m_field_data()
- , m_visible_fields(0U)
+ , m_prompt()
+ , m_bottom_fields(0U)
+ , m_visible_fields(0)
+ , m_top_field(0)
+ , m_hide_menu(false)
+ , m_box_left(1.0F)
+ , m_box_top(1.0F)
+ , m_box_right(0.0F)
+ , m_box_bottom(0.0F)
+ , m_pointer_action(pointer_action::NONE)
+ , m_scroll_repeat(std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point::min())
+ , m_base_pointer(0.0F, 0.0F)
+ , m_last_pointer(0.0F, 0.0F)
+ , m_scroll_base(0)
+ , m_arrow_clicked_first(false)
+ set_process_flags(PROCESS_LR_REPEAT);
+ set_heading(_("menu-analoginput", "Analog Input Adjustments"));
@@ -60,81 +101,403 @@ menu_analog::~menu_analog()
-void menu_analog::custom_render(void *selectedref, float top, float bottom, float x, float y, float x2, float y2)
+void menu_analog::recompute_metrics(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, float aspect)
+ menu::recompute_metrics(width, height, aspect);
+ m_box_left = m_box_top = 1.0F;
+ m_box_right = m_box_bottom = 0.0F;
+ // space for live display
+ set_custom_space(0.0F, (line_height() * m_bottom_fields) + (tb_border() * 3.0F));
+void menu_analog::custom_render(uint32_t flags, void *selectedref, float top, float bottom, float x, float y, float x2, float y2)
// work out how much space to use for field names
- float const aspect(machine().render().ui_aspect(&container()));
- float const extrawidth(0.4f + (((ui().box_lr_border() * 2.0f) + ui().get_line_height()) * aspect));
- float const nameavail(1.0f - (ui().box_lr_border() * 2.0f * aspect) - extrawidth);
- float namewidth(0.0f);
+ float const extrawidth(0.4F + (((ui().box_lr_border() * 2.0F) + ui().get_line_height()) * x_aspect()));
+ float const nameavail(1.0F - (lr_border() * 2.0F) - extrawidth);
+ float namewidth(0.0F);
for (field_data &data : m_field_data)
- namewidth = (std::min)((std::max)(ui().get_string_width(data.field.get().name()), namewidth), nameavail);
+ namewidth = (std::min)((std::max)(get_string_width(data.field.get().name()), namewidth), nameavail);
+ // make a box or two
+ rgb_t const fgcolor(ui().colors().text_color());
+ m_box_left = (1.0F - namewidth - extrawidth) * 0.5F;
+ m_box_right = m_box_left + namewidth + extrawidth;
+ float firstliney;
+ if (m_hide_menu)
+ {
+ if (m_prompt.empty())
+ m_prompt = util::string_format(_("menu-analoginput", "Press %s to show settings"), ui().get_general_input_setting(IPT_UI_ON_SCREEN_DISPLAY));
+ draw_text_box(
+ &m_prompt, &m_prompt + 1,
+ m_box_left, m_box_right, y - top, y - top + line_height() + (tb_border() * 2.0F),
+ text_layout::text_justify::CENTER, text_layout::word_wrapping::TRUNCATE, false,
+ fgcolor, ui().colors().background_color());
+ m_box_top = y - top + line_height() + (tb_border() * 3.0F);
+ firstliney = y - top + line_height() + (tb_border() * 4.0F);
+ m_visible_fields = std::min<int>(m_field_data.size(), int((y2 + bottom - tb_border() - firstliney) / line_height()));
+ m_box_bottom = firstliney + (line_height() * m_visible_fields) + tb_border();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_box_top = y2 + tb_border();
+ m_box_bottom = y2 + bottom;
+ firstliney = y2 + (tb_border() * 2.0F);
+ m_visible_fields = m_bottom_fields;
+ }
+ ui().draw_outlined_box(container(), m_box_left, m_box_top, m_box_right, m_box_bottom, ui().colors().background_color());
- // make a box
- float const boxleft((1.0f - namewidth - extrawidth) / 2.0f);
- float const boxright(boxleft + namewidth + extrawidth);
- ui().draw_outlined_box(container(), boxleft, y2 + ui().box_tb_border(), boxright, y2 + bottom, ui().colors().background_color());
+ // force the field being configured to be visible
+ ioport_field *const selfield(selectedref ? &reinterpret_cast<item_data *>(selectedref)->field.get() : nullptr);
+ if (!m_hide_menu && selfield)
+ {
+ auto const found(
+ std::find_if(
+ m_field_data.begin(),
+ m_field_data.end(),
+ [selfield] (field_data const &d) { return &d.field.get() == selfield; }));
+ if (m_field_data.end() != found)
+ {
+ auto const i(std::distance(m_field_data.begin(), found));
+ if (m_top_field > i)
+ m_top_field = i;
+ if ((m_top_field + m_visible_fields) <= i)
+ m_top_field = i - m_bottom_fields + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (0 > m_top_field)
+ m_top_field = 0;
+ if ((m_top_field + m_visible_fields) > m_field_data.size())
+ m_top_field = m_field_data.size() - m_visible_fields;
// show live fields
- namewidth += ui().get_line_height() * aspect;
- unsigned line(0U);
- float const nameleft(boxleft + (ui().box_lr_border() * aspect));
+ namewidth += line_height() * x_aspect();
+ float const nameleft(m_box_left + lr_border());
float const indleft(nameleft + namewidth);
- float const indright(indleft + 0.4f);
- ioport_field *const selfield(selectedref ? &reinterpret_cast<item_data *>(selectedref)->field.get() : nullptr);
- for (field_data &data : m_field_data)
+ float const indright(indleft + 0.4F);
+ for (unsigned line = 0; m_visible_fields > line; ++line)
+ // draw arrows if scrolling is possible and menu is hidden
+ float const liney(firstliney + (line_height() * float(line)));
+ if (m_hide_menu)
+ {
+ bool const uparrow(!line && m_top_field);
+ bool const downarrow(((m_visible_fields - 1) == line) && ((m_field_data.size() - 1) > (line + m_top_field)));
+ if (uparrow || downarrow)
+ {
+ bool const active((uparrow && (pointer_action::SCROLL_UP == m_pointer_action)) || (downarrow && (pointer_action::SCROLL_DOWN == m_pointer_action)));
+ bool const hovered((active || pointer_idle()) && pointer_in_rect(nameleft, liney, indright, liney + line_height()));
+ float const arrowwidth(line_height() * x_aspect());
+ rgb_t const arrowcolor(!(active || hovered) ? fgcolor : (active && hovered) ? ui().colors().selected_color() : ui().colors().mouseover_color());
+ if (active || hovered)
+ {
+ highlight(
+ nameleft, liney, indright, liney + line_height(),
+ (active && hovered) ? ui().colors().selected_bg_color() : ui().colors().mouseover_bg_color());
+ }
+ draw_arrow(
+ 0.5F * (nameleft + indright - arrowwidth), liney + (0.25F * line_height()),
+ 0.5F * (nameleft + indright + arrowwidth), liney + (0.75F * line_height()),
+ arrowcolor, line ? (ROT0 ^ ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y) : ROT0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // draw the field name, using the selected colour if it's being configured
+ field_data &data(m_field_data[line + m_top_field]);
bool const selected(&data.field.get() == selfield);
- rgb_t const fgcolor(selected ? ui().colors().selected_color() : ui().colors().text_color());
- float const liney(y2 + (ui().box_tb_border() * 2.0f) + (ui().get_line_height() * line));
- ui().draw_text_full(
- container(),
+ rgb_t const fieldcolor(selected ? ui().colors().selected_color() : fgcolor);
+ draw_text_normal(
- nameleft, liney, namewidth, ui::text_layout::LEFT, ui::text_layout::NEVER,
- mame_ui_manager::NORMAL, fgcolor, ui().colors().text_bg_color());
+ nameleft, liney, namewidth,
+ text_layout::text_justify::LEFT, text_layout::word_wrapping::NEVER,
+ fieldcolor);
ioport_value cur(0U);
- cur = (cur >> data.shift) - data.field.get().minval();
+ cur = ((cur >> data.shift) - data.field.get().minval()) & (data.field.get().mask() >> data.shift);
float fill(float(cur) / data.range);
if (data.field.get().analog_reverse())
- fill = 1.0f - fill;
+ fill = 1.0F - fill;
- float const indtop(liney + (ui().get_line_height() * 0.2f));
- float const indbottom(liney + (ui().get_line_height() * 0.8f));
+ float const indtop(liney + (line_height() * 0.2F));
+ float const indbottom(liney + (line_height() * 0.8F));
if (data.origin > fill)
- container().add_rect(indleft + (fill * 0.4f), indtop, indleft + (data.origin * 0.4f), indbottom, fgcolor, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));
+ container().add_rect(indleft + (fill * 0.4F), indtop, indleft + (data.origin * 0.4F), indbottom, fgcolor, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));
- container().add_rect(indleft + (data.origin * 0.4f), indtop, indleft + (fill * 0.4f), indbottom, fgcolor, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));
+ container().add_rect(indleft + (data.origin * 0.4F), indtop, indleft + (fill * 0.4F), indbottom, fgcolor, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));
container().add_line(indleft, indtop, indright, indtop, UI_LINE_WIDTH, fgcolor, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));
container().add_line(indright, indtop, indright, indbottom, UI_LINE_WIDTH, fgcolor, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));
container().add_line(indright, indbottom, indleft, indbottom, UI_LINE_WIDTH, fgcolor, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));
container().add_line(indleft, indbottom, indleft, indtop, UI_LINE_WIDTH, fgcolor, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));
if (data.show_neutral)
- container().add_line(indleft + (data.neutral * 0.4f), indtop, indleft + (data.neutral * 0.4f), indbottom, UI_LINE_WIDTH, fgcolor, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));
+ container().add_line(indleft + (data.neutral * 0.4F), indtop, indleft + (data.neutral * 0.4F), indbottom, UI_LINE_WIDTH, fgcolor, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));
+ }
- // TODO: ensure field being configured is visible
- if (++line >= m_visible_fields)
- break;
+std::tuple<int, bool, bool> menu_analog::custom_pointer_updated(bool changed, ui_event const &uievt)
+ // no pointer input if we don't have up-to-date content on-screen
+ if ((m_box_left > m_box_right) || (ui_event::type::POINTER_ABORT == uievt.event_type))
+ {
+ m_pointer_action = pointer_action::NONE;
+ return std::make_tuple(IPT_INVALID, false, false);
+ }
+ // if nothing's happening, check for clicks
+ if (pointer_idle())
+ {
+ if ((uievt.pointer_pressed & 0x01) && !(uievt.pointer_buttons & ~u32(0x01)))
+ {
+ if (1 == uievt.pointer_clicks)
+ m_arrow_clicked_first = false;
+ float const firstliney(m_box_top + tb_border());
+ float const fieldleft(m_box_left + lr_border());
+ float const fieldright(m_box_right - lr_border());
+ auto const [x, y] = pointer_location();
+ bool const inwidth((x >= fieldleft) && (x < fieldright));
+ if (m_hide_menu && m_top_field && inwidth && (y >= firstliney) && (y < (firstliney + line_height())))
+ {
+ // scroll up arrow
+ if (1 == uievt.pointer_clicks)
+ m_arrow_clicked_first = true;
+ --m_top_field;
+ m_pointer_action = pointer_action::SCROLL_UP;
+ m_scroll_repeat = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::milliseconds(300);
+ m_last_pointer = std::make_pair(x, y);
+ return std::make_tuple(IPT_INVALID, true, true);
+ }
+ else if (m_hide_menu && ((m_top_field + m_visible_fields) < m_field_data.size()) && inwidth && (y >= (firstliney + (float(m_visible_fields - 1) * line_height()))) && (y < (firstliney + (float(m_visible_fields) * line_height()))))
+ {
+ // scroll down arrow
+ if (1 == uievt.pointer_clicks)
+ m_arrow_clicked_first = true;
+ ++m_top_field;
+ m_pointer_action = pointer_action::SCROLL_DOWN;
+ m_scroll_repeat = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::milliseconds(300);
+ m_last_pointer = std::make_pair(x, y);
+ return std::make_tuple(IPT_INVALID, true, true);
+ }
+ else if ((x >= m_box_left) && (x < m_box_right) && (y >= m_box_top) && (y < m_box_bottom))
+ {
+ if (!m_arrow_clicked_first && (2 == uievt.pointer_clicks))
+ {
+ // toggle menu display
+ // FIXME: this should really use the start point of the multi-click action
+ m_pointer_action = pointer_action::CHECK_TOGGLE_MENU;
+ m_base_pointer = std::make_pair(x, y);
+ return std::make_tuple(IPT_INVALID, true, false);
+ }
+ else if (ui_event::pointer::TOUCH == uievt.pointer_type)
+ {
+ m_pointer_action = pointer_action::SCROLL_DRAG;
+ m_base_pointer = std::make_pair(x, y);
+ m_last_pointer = m_base_pointer;
+ m_scroll_base = m_top_field;
+ return std::make_tuple(IPT_INVALID, true, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return std::make_tuple(IPT_INVALID, false, false);
+ }
+ // handle in-progress actions
+ switch (m_pointer_action)
+ {
+ case pointer_action::NONE:
+ break;
+ case pointer_action::SCROLL_UP:
+ case pointer_action::SCROLL_DOWN:
+ {
+ // check for re-entry
+ bool redraw(false);
+ float const linetop(m_box_top + tb_border() + ((pointer_action::SCROLL_DOWN == m_pointer_action) ? (float(m_visible_fields - 1) * line_height()) : 0.0F));
+ float const linebottom(linetop + line_height());
+ auto const [x, y] = pointer_location();
+ bool const reentered(reentered_rect(m_last_pointer.first, m_last_pointer.second, x, y, m_box_left + lr_border(), linetop, m_box_right - lr_border(), linebottom));
+ if (reentered)
+ {
+ auto const now(std::chrono::steady_clock::now());
+ if (scroll_if_expired(now))
+ {
+ redraw = true;
+ m_scroll_repeat = now + std::chrono::milliseconds(100);
+ }
+ }
+ m_last_pointer = std::make_pair(x, y);
+ if ((uievt.pointer_released & 0x01) || (uievt.pointer_pressed & ~u32(0x01)))
+ m_pointer_action = pointer_action::NONE;
+ return std::make_tuple(IPT_INVALID, pointer_action::NONE != m_pointer_action, redraw);
+ }
+ break;
+ case pointer_action::SCROLL_DRAG:
+ {
+ bool const scrolled(update_scroll_drag(uievt));
+ return std::make_tuple(IPT_INVALID, pointer_action::NONE != m_pointer_action, scrolled);
+ }
+ case pointer_action::CHECK_TOGGLE_MENU:
+ if ((ui_event::pointer::TOUCH == uievt.pointer_type) && (0 > uievt.pointer_clicks))
+ {
+ // converted to hold/drag - treat as scroll if it's touch
+ m_pointer_action = pointer_action::SCROLL_DRAG;
+ m_last_pointer = m_base_pointer;
+ m_scroll_base = m_top_field;
+ bool const scrolled(update_scroll_drag(uievt));
+ return std::make_tuple(IPT_INVALID, pointer_action::NONE != m_pointer_action, scrolled);
+ }
+ else if (uievt.pointer_released & 0x01)
+ {
+ // primary button released - simulate the on-screen display key if it wasn't converted to a hold/drag
+ return std::make_tuple((2 == uievt.pointer_clicks) ? IPT_UI_ON_SCREEN_DISPLAY : IPT_INVALID, false, false);
+ }
+ else if ((2 != uievt.pointer_clicks) || (uievt.pointer_buttons & ~u32(0x01)))
+ {
+ // treat converting to a hold/drag or pressing another button as cancelling the action
+ return std::make_tuple(IPT_INVALID, false, false);
+ }
+ return std::make_tuple(IPT_INVALID, true, false);
+ return std::make_tuple(IPT_INVALID, false, false);
-void menu_analog::handle()
+void menu_analog::menu_activated()
- // process the menu
- event const *const menu_event(process(PROCESS_LR_REPEAT));
+ // scripts could have changed something in the mean time
+ m_item_data.clear();
+ m_field_data.clear();
+ reset(reset_options::REMEMBER_POSITION);
+ m_box_left = m_box_top = 1.0F;
+ m_box_right = m_box_bottom = 0.0F;
+ m_pointer_action = pointer_action::NONE;
+ m_arrow_clicked_first = false;
- // handle events
- if (menu_event && menu_event->itemref)
+bool menu_analog::handle(event const *ev)
+ // deal with repeating scroll arrows
+ bool scrolled(false);
+ if ((pointer_action::SCROLL_UP == m_pointer_action) || (pointer_action::SCROLL_DOWN == m_pointer_action))
- item_data &data(*reinterpret_cast<item_data *>(menu_event->itemref));
+ float const linetop(m_box_top + tb_border() + ((pointer_action::SCROLL_DOWN == m_pointer_action) ? (float(m_visible_fields - 1) * line_height()) : 0.0F));
+ float const linebottom(linetop + line_height());
+ if (pointer_in_rect(m_box_left + lr_border(), linetop, m_box_right - lr_border(), linebottom))
+ {
+ while (scroll_if_expired(std::chrono::steady_clock::now()))
+ {
+ scrolled = true;
+ m_scroll_repeat += std::chrono::milliseconds(100);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ev)
+ {
+ return scrolled;
+ }
+ else if (IPT_UI_ON_SCREEN_DISPLAY == ev->iptkey)
+ {
+ m_hide_menu = !m_hide_menu;
+ m_box_left = m_box_top = 1.0F;
+ m_box_right = m_box_bottom = 0.0F;
+ m_pointer_action = pointer_action::NONE;
+ m_arrow_clicked_first = false;
+ set_process_flags(PROCESS_LR_REPEAT | (m_hide_menu ? (PROCESS_CUSTOM_NAV | PROCESS_CUSTOM_ONLY) : 0));
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (IPT_UI_HELP == ev->iptkey)
+ {
+ stack_push<menu_fixed_textbox>(
+ ui(),
+ container(),
+ _("menu-analoginput", "Analog Input Adjustments Help"),
+ util::string_format(
+ _("menu-analoginput", HELP_TEXT),
+ ui().get_general_input_setting(IPT_UI_ON_SCREEN_DISPLAY),
+ ui().get_general_input_setting(IPT_UI_LEFT),
+ ui().get_general_input_setting(IPT_UI_RIGHT),
+ ui().get_general_input_setting(IPT_UI_CLEAR),
+ ui().get_general_input_setting(IPT_UI_PREV_GROUP),
+ ui().get_general_input_setting(IPT_UI_NEXT_GROUP),
+ ui().get_general_input_setting(IPT_UI_BACK)));
+ }
+ else if (m_hide_menu)
+ {
+ switch (ev->iptkey)
+ {
+ case IPT_UI_UP:
+ if (m_top_field)
+ {
+ --m_top_field;
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case IPT_UI_DOWN:
+ if ((m_top_field + m_visible_fields) < m_field_data.size())
+ {
+ ++m_top_field;
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case IPT_UI_PAGE_UP:
+ if (m_visible_fields)
+ {
+ m_top_field -= std::min<int>(m_visible_fields - 3, m_top_field);
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ if ((m_top_field + m_visible_fields) < m_field_data.size())
+ {
+ m_top_field = std::min<int>(m_top_field + m_visible_fields - 3, m_field_data.size() - m_visible_fields);
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case IPT_UI_HOME:
+ if (m_top_field)
+ {
+ m_top_field = 0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case IPT_UI_END:
+ if ((m_top_field + m_visible_fields) < m_field_data.size())
+ {
+ m_top_field = m_field_data.size() - m_visible_fields;
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ev->itemref)
+ {
+ item_data &data(*reinterpret_cast<item_data *>(ev->itemref));
int newval(data.cur);
- switch (menu_event->iptkey)
+ switch (ev->iptkey)
- // if selected, reset to default value
+ // flip toggles when selected
+ if (ANALOG_ITEM_REVERSE == data.type)
+ newval = newval ? 0 : 1;
+ break;
+ // if cleared, reset to default value
+ case IPT_UI_CLEAR:
newval = data.defvalue;
@@ -147,13 +510,64 @@ void menu_analog::handle()
newval += machine().input().code_pressed(KEYCODE_LSHIFT) ? 10 : 1;
+ // move to first item for previous device
+ {
+ auto current = std::distance(, &data);
+ device_t const *dev(&data.field.get().device());
+ bool found_break = false;
+ while (0 < current)
+ {
+ if (!found_break)
+ {
+ device_t const *prev(&m_item_data[--current].field.get().device());
+ if (prev != dev)
+ {
+ dev = prev;
+ found_break = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (&m_item_data[current - 1].field.get().device() != dev)
+ {
+ set_selection(&m_item_data[current]);
+ set_top_line(selected_index() - 1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ --current;
+ }
+ if (found_break && !current)
+ {
+ set_selection(&m_item_data[current]);
+ set_top_line(selected_index() - 1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ // move to first item for next device
+ {
+ auto current = std::distance(, &data);
+ device_t const *const dev(&data.field.get().device());
+ while (m_item_data.size() > ++current)
+ {
+ if (&m_item_data[current].field.get().device() != dev)
+ {
+ set_selection(&m_item_data[current]);
+ set_top_line(selected_index() - 1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
// clamp to range
- if (newval < data.min)
- newval = data.min;
- if (newval > data.max)
- newval = data.max;
+ newval = std::clamp(newval, data.min, data.max);
// if things changed, update
if (newval != data.cur)
@@ -170,28 +584,31 @@ void menu_analog::handle()
case ANALOG_ITEM_SENSITIVITY: settings.sensitivity = newval; break;
+ data.cur = newval;
- // rebuild the menu
- reset(reset_options::REMEMBER_POSITION);
+ // update the menu item
+ ev->item->set_subtext(item_text(data.type, newval));
+ ev->item->set_flags((data.cur <= data.min) ? FLAG_RIGHT_ARROW : (data.cur >= data.max) ? FLAG_LEFT_ARROW : FLAG_LEFT_ARROW | FLAG_RIGHT_ARROW);
+ return true;
+ return scrolled;
-void menu_analog::populate(float &customtop, float &custombottom)
+void menu_analog::populate()
// loop over input ports
if (m_item_data.empty())
device_t *prev_owner(nullptr);
- bool first_entry(true);
ioport_field *field(nullptr);
ioport_field::user_settings settings;
// add the items
std::string text;
- std::string subtext;
for (item_data &data : m_item_data)
// get the user settings
@@ -203,11 +620,10 @@ void menu_analog::populate(float &customtop, float &custombottom)
if (&field->device() != prev_owner)
prev_owner = &field->device();
- if (first_entry)
- first_entry = false;
+ if (prev_owner->owner())
+ item_append(string_format(_("%1$s [root%2$s]"), prev_owner->type().fullname(), prev_owner->tag()), FLAG_UI_HEADING | FLAG_DISABLE, nullptr);
- item_append(menu_item_type::SEPARATOR);
- item_append(string_format("[root%s]", prev_owner->tag()), "", 0, nullptr);
+ item_append(string_format(_("[root%1$s]"), prev_owner->tag()), FLAG_UI_HEADING | FLAG_DISABLE, nullptr);
@@ -216,43 +632,42 @@ void menu_analog::populate(float &customtop, float &custombottom)
- text = string_format("%s Digital Speed", field->name());
- subtext = string_format("%d",;
+ text = string_format(_("menu-analoginput", "%1$s Increment/Decrement Speed"), field->name());
data.cur =;
- text = string_format("%s Autocenter Speed", field->name());
- subtext = string_format("%d", settings.centerdelta);
+ text = string_format(_("menu-analoginput", "%1$s Auto-centering Speed"), field->name());
data.cur = settings.centerdelta;
- text = string_format("%s Reverse", field->name());
- subtext.assign(settings.reverse ? "On" : "Off");
+ text = string_format(_("menu-analoginput", "%1$s Reverse"), field->name());
data.cur = settings.reverse;
- text = string_format("%s Sensitivity", field->name());
- subtext = string_format("%d", settings.sensitivity);
+ text = string_format(_("menu-analoginput", "%1$s Sensitivity"), field->name());
data.cur = settings.sensitivity;
- // put on arrows
- uint32_t flags(0U);
- if (data.cur > data.min)
- flags |= FLAG_LEFT_ARROW;
- if (data.cur < data.max)
- flags |= FLAG_RIGHT_ARROW;
// append a menu item
- item_append(std::move(text), std::move(subtext), flags, &data);
+ item_append(
+ std::move(text),
+ item_text(data.type, data.cur),
+ (data.cur <= data.min) ? FLAG_RIGHT_ARROW : (data.cur >= data.max) ? FLAG_LEFT_ARROW : FLAG_LEFT_ARROW | FLAG_RIGHT_ARROW,
+ &data);
+ // display a message if there are toggle inputs enabled
+ if (!prev_owner)
+ item_append(_("menu-analoginput", "[no analog inputs are enabled]"), FLAG_DISABLE, nullptr);
+ item_append(menu_item_type::SEPARATOR);
// space for live display
- custombottom = (ui().get_line_height() * m_visible_fields) + (ui().box_tb_border() * 3.0f);
+ set_custom_space(0.0F, (line_height() * m_bottom_fields) + (tb_border() * 3.0F));
@@ -303,11 +718,93 @@ void menu_analog::find_fields()
- // restrict live display to 60% height plus borders
- if ((ui().get_line_height() * m_field_data.size()) > 0.6f)
- m_visible_fields = unsigned(0.6f / ui().get_line_height());
+ // restrict live display to 40% height plus borders
+ if ((line_height() * m_field_data.size()) > 0.4F)
+ m_bottom_fields = unsigned(0.4F / line_height());
- m_visible_fields = m_field_data.size();
+ m_bottom_fields = m_field_data.size();
+bool menu_analog::scroll_if_expired(std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point now)
+ if (now < m_scroll_repeat)
+ return false;
+ if (pointer_action::SCROLL_DOWN == m_pointer_action)
+ {
+ if ((m_top_field + m_visible_fields) < m_field_data.size())
+ ++m_top_field;
+ if ((m_top_field + m_visible_fields) == m_field_data.size())
+ m_pointer_action = pointer_action::NONE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (0 < m_top_field)
+ --m_top_field;
+ if (!m_top_field)
+ m_pointer_action = pointer_action::NONE;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool menu_analog::update_scroll_drag(ui_event const &uievt)
+ // set thresholds depending on the direction for hysteresis
+ float const y(pointer_location().second);
+ float const base(m_base_pointer.second + (line_height() * ((y > m_last_pointer.second) ? -0.3F : 0.3F)));
+ auto const target(int((base - y) / line_height()));
+ m_last_pointer.second = base + (float(target) * line_height());
+ // scroll if it moved
+ int newtop(std::clamp<int>(m_scroll_base + target, 0, m_field_data.size() - m_visible_fields));
+ if (!m_hide_menu && (newtop != m_top_field))
+ {
+ // if the menu is visible, keep the highlighted field on-screen
+ void *const selectedref(get_selection_ref());
+ ioport_field *const selfield(selectedref ? &reinterpret_cast<item_data *>(selectedref)->field.get() : nullptr);
+ if (selfield)
+ {
+ auto const found(
+ std::find_if(
+ m_field_data.begin(),
+ m_field_data.end(),
+ [selfield] (field_data const &d) { return &d.field.get() == selfield; }));
+ if (m_field_data.end() != found)
+ {
+ auto const i(std::distance(m_field_data.begin(), found));
+ newtop = std::clamp<int>(newtop, i + 1 - m_visible_fields, i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool const scrolled(newtop != m_top_field);
+ m_top_field = newtop;
+ // catch the end of the gesture
+ if ((uievt.pointer_released & 0x01) || (uievt.pointer_pressed & ~u32(0x01)))
+ m_pointer_action = pointer_action::NONE;
+ return scrolled;
+std::string menu_analog::item_text(int type, int value)
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ default:
+ return string_format("%d", value);
+ return string_format("%d", value);
+ return value ? _("On") : _("Off");
+ return string_format("%d", value);
+ }
} // namespace ui