path: root/src/frontend/mame/info.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/frontend/mame/info.cpp')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/src/frontend/mame/info.cpp b/src/frontend/mame/info.cpp
index fb61543c875..6d1712e6ca4 100644
--- a/src/frontend/mame/info.cpp
+++ b/src/frontend/mame/info.cpp
@@ -658,18 +658,15 @@ void info_xml_creator::output_bios(device_t const &device)
// iterate over ROM entries and look for BIOSes
- for (tiny_rom_entry const *rom = device.rom_region(); rom && !ROMENTRY_ISEND(rom); ++rom)
+ for (romload::system_bios const &bios : romload::entries(device.rom_region()).get_system_bioses())
- {
- // output extracted name and descriptions
- fprintf(m_output, "\t\t<biosset");
- fprintf(m_output, " name=\"%s\"", util::xml::normalize_string(rom->name));
- fprintf(m_output, " description=\"%s\"", util::xml::normalize_string(rom->hashdata));
- if (defaultname && !std::strcmp(defaultname, rom->name))
- fprintf(m_output, " default=\"yes\"");
- fprintf(m_output, "/>\n");
- }
+ // output extracted name and descriptions
+ fprintf(m_output, "\t\t<biosset");
+ fprintf(m_output, " name=\"%s\"", util::xml::normalize_string(bios.get_name()));
+ fprintf(m_output, " description=\"%s\"", util::xml::normalize_string(bios.get_description()));
+ if (defaultname && !std::strcmp(defaultname, bios.get_name()))
+ fprintf(m_output, " default=\"yes\"");
+ fprintf(m_output, "/>\n");
@@ -1847,23 +1844,20 @@ void info_xml_creator::output_ramoptions(device_t &root)
const char *info_xml_creator::get_merge_name(driver_enumerator &drivlist, util::hash_collection const &romhashes)
// walk the parent chain
- const char *merge_name = nullptr;
- for (int clone_of = drivlist.find(drivlist.driver().parent); clone_of != -1; clone_of = drivlist.find(drivlist.driver(clone_of).parent))
+ for (int clone_of = drivlist.find(drivlist.driver().parent); 0 <= clone_of; clone_of = drivlist.find(drivlist.driver(clone_of).parent))
// look in the parent's ROMs
- device_t *device = &drivlist.config(clone_of, m_lookup_options)->root_device();
- for (const rom_entry *pregion = rom_first_region(*device); pregion != nullptr; pregion = rom_next_region(pregion))
- for (const rom_entry *prom = rom_first_file(pregion); prom != nullptr; prom = rom_next_file(prom))
+ for (romload::region const &pregion : romload::entries(drivlist.driver(clone_of).rom).get_regions())
+ {
+ for (romload::file const &prom : pregion.get_files())
- util::hash_collection phashes(ROM_GETHASHDATA(prom));
- if (!phashes.flag(util::hash_collection::FLAG_NO_DUMP) && romhashes == phashes)
- {
- // stop when we find a match
- merge_name = ROM_GETNAME(prom);
- break;
- }
+ // stop when we find a match
+ util::hash_collection const phashes(prom.get_hashdata());
+ if (!phashes.flag(util::hash_collection::FLAG_NO_DUMP) && (romhashes == phashes))
+ return prom.get_name();
+ }
- return merge_name;
+ return nullptr;