path: root/src/emu/ui/menu.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/emu/ui/menu.cpp')
1 files changed, 1142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/emu/ui/menu.cpp b/src/emu/ui/menu.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..49ab6b897bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/emu/ui/menu.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1142 @@
+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders:Nicola Salmoria, Aaron Giles, Nathan Woods
+ ui/menu.c
+ Internal MAME menus for the user interface.
+#include "emu.h"
+#include "emuopts.h"
+#include "rendutil.h"
+#include "cheat.h"
+#include "uiinput.h"
+#include "ui/ui.h"
+#include "ui/menu.h"
+#include "ui/mainmenu.h"
+#include "ui/cheatopt.h"
+#define UI_MENU_POOL_SIZE 65536
+#define UI_MENU_ALLOC_ITEMS 256
+ui_menu *ui_menu::menu_stack;
+ui_menu *ui_menu::menu_free;
+bitmap_rgb32 *ui_menu::hilight_bitmap;
+render_texture *ui_menu::hilight_texture;
+render_texture *ui_menu::arrow_texture;
+// is_selectable - return TRUE if the given
+// item is selectable
+inline bool ui_menu_item::is_selectable() const
+ return ((flags & (MENU_FLAG_MULTILINE | MENU_FLAG_DISABLE)) == 0 && strcmp(text, MENU_SEPARATOR_ITEM) != 0);
+// exclusive_input_pressed - return TRUE if the
+// given key is pressed and we haven't already
+// reported a key
+inline bool ui_menu::exclusive_input_pressed(int key, int repeat)
+ if (menu_event.iptkey == IPT_INVALID && ui_input_pressed_repeat(machine(), key, repeat))
+ {
+ menu_event.iptkey = key;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+// init - initialize the menu system
+void ui_menu::init(running_machine &machine)
+ int x;
+ // initialize the menu stack
+ ui_menu::stack_reset(machine);
+ // create a texture for hilighting items
+ hilight_bitmap = auto_bitmap_rgb32_alloc(machine, 256, 1);
+ for (x = 0; x < 256; x++)
+ {
+ int alpha = 0xff;
+ if (x < 25) alpha = 0xff * x / 25;
+ if (x > 256 - 25) alpha = 0xff * (255 - x) / 25;
+ hilight_bitmap->pix32(0, x) = rgb_t(alpha,0xff,0xff,0xff);
+ }
+ hilight_texture = machine.render().texture_alloc();
+ hilight_texture->set_bitmap(*hilight_bitmap, hilight_bitmap->cliprect(), TEXFORMAT_ARGB32);
+ // create a texture for arrow icons
+ arrow_texture = machine.render().texture_alloc(render_triangle);
+ // add an exit callback to free memory
+ machine.add_notifier(MACHINE_NOTIFY_EXIT, machine_notify_delegate(FUNC(ui_menu::exit), &machine));
+// exit - clean up after ourselves
+void ui_menu::exit(running_machine &machine)
+ // free menus
+ ui_menu::stack_reset(machine);
+ ui_menu::clear_free_list(machine);
+ // free textures
+ machine.render().texture_free(hilight_texture);
+ machine.render().texture_free(arrow_texture);
+// ui_menu - menu constructor
+ui_menu::ui_menu(running_machine &machine, render_container *_container) : m_machine(machine)
+ m_special_main_menu = false;
+ container = _container;
+// ~ui_menu - menu destructor
+ // free the pools
+ while (pool)
+ {
+ ui_menu_pool *ppool = pool;
+ pool = pool->next;
+ auto_free(machine(), ppool);
+ }
+ // free the item array
+ if (item)
+ auto_free(machine(), item);
+// reset - free all items in the menu,
+// and all memory allocated from the memory pool
+void ui_menu::reset(ui_menu_reset_options options)
+ // based on the reset option, set the reset info
+ resetpos = 0;
+ resetref = NULL;
+ resetpos = selected;
+ else if (options == UI_MENU_RESET_REMEMBER_REF)
+ resetref = item[selected].ref;
+ // reset all the pools and the numitems back to 0
+ for (ui_menu_pool *ppool = pool; ppool != NULL; ppool = ppool->next)
+ ppool->top = (UINT8 *)(ppool + 1);
+ numitems = 0;
+ visitems = 0;
+ selected = 0;
+ std::string backtext;
+ strprintf(backtext, "Return to %s", emulator_info::get_capstartgamenoun());
+ // add an item to return
+ if (parent == NULL)
+ item_append(backtext.c_str(), NULL, 0, NULL);
+ else if (parent->is_special_main_menu())
+ item_append("Exit", NULL, 0, NULL);
+ else
+ item_append("Return to Previous Menu", NULL, 0, NULL);
+// is_special_main_menu - returns whether the
+// menu has special needs
+bool ui_menu::is_special_main_menu() const
+ return m_special_main_menu;
+// set_special_main_menu - set whether the
+// menu has special needs
+void ui_menu::set_special_main_menu(bool special)
+ m_special_main_menu = special;
+// populated - returns true if the menu
+// has any non-default items in it
+bool ui_menu::populated()
+ return numitems > 1;
+// item_append - append a new item to the
+// end of the menu
+void ui_menu::item_append(const char *text, const char *subtext, UINT32 flags, void *ref)
+ ui_menu_item *pitem;
+ int index;
+ // only allow multiline as the first item
+ if ((flags & MENU_FLAG_MULTILINE) != 0)
+ assert(numitems == 1);
+ // only allow a single multi-line item
+ else if (numitems >= 2)
+ assert((item[0].flags & MENU_FLAG_MULTILINE) == 0);
+ // realloc the item array if necessary
+ if (numitems >= allocitems)
+ {
+ int olditems = allocitems;
+ allocitems += UI_MENU_ALLOC_ITEMS;
+ ui_menu_item *newitems = auto_alloc_array(machine(), ui_menu_item, allocitems);
+ for (int itemnum = 0; itemnum < olditems; itemnum++)
+ newitems[itemnum] = item[itemnum];
+ auto_free(machine(), item);
+ item = newitems;
+ }
+ index = numitems++;
+ // copy the previous last item to the next one
+ if (index != 0)
+ {
+ index--;
+ item[index + 1] = item[index];
+ }
+ // allocate a new item and populate it
+ pitem = &item[index];
+ pitem->text = (text != NULL) ? pool_strdup(text) : NULL;
+ pitem->subtext = (subtext != NULL) ? pool_strdup(subtext) : NULL;
+ pitem->flags = flags;
+ pitem->ref = ref;
+ // update the selection if we need to
+ if (resetpos == index || (resetref != NULL && resetref == ref))
+ selected = index;
+ if (resetpos == numitems - 1)
+ selected = numitems - 1;
+// process - process a menu, drawing it
+// and returning any interesting events
+const ui_menu_event *ui_menu::process(UINT32 flags)
+ // reset the menu_event
+ menu_event.iptkey = IPT_INVALID;
+ // first make sure our selection is valid
+ validate_selection(1);
+ // draw the menu
+ if (numitems > 1 && (item[0].flags & MENU_FLAG_MULTILINE) != 0)
+ draw_text_box();
+ else
+ // process input
+ if (!(flags & UI_MENU_PROCESS_NOKEYS))
+ {
+ // read events
+ handle_events();
+ // handle the keys if we don't already have an menu_event
+ if (menu_event.iptkey == IPT_INVALID)
+ handle_keys(flags);
+ }
+ // update the selected item in the menu_event
+ if (menu_event.iptkey != IPT_INVALID && selected >= 0 && selected < numitems)
+ {
+ menu_event.itemref = item[selected].ref;
+ return &menu_event;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// m_pool_alloc - allocate temporary memory
+// from the menu's memory pool
+void *ui_menu::m_pool_alloc(size_t size)
+ ui_menu_pool *ppool;
+ assert(size < UI_MENU_POOL_SIZE);
+ // find a pool with enough room
+ for (ppool = pool; ppool != NULL; ppool = ppool->next)
+ if (ppool->end - ppool->top >= size)
+ {
+ void *result = ppool->top;
+ ppool->top += size;
+ return result;
+ }
+ // allocate a new pool
+ ppool = (ui_menu_pool *)auto_alloc_array_clear(machine(), UINT8, sizeof(*ppool) + UI_MENU_POOL_SIZE);
+ // wire it up
+ ppool->next = pool;
+ pool = ppool;
+ ppool->top = (UINT8 *)(ppool + 1);
+ ppool->end = ppool->top + UI_MENU_POOL_SIZE;
+ return m_pool_alloc(size);
+// pool_strdup - make a temporary string
+// copy in the menu's memory pool
+const char *ui_menu::pool_strdup(const char *string)
+ return strcpy((char *)m_pool_alloc(strlen(string) + 1), string);
+// get_selection - retrieves the index
+// of the currently selected menu item
+void *ui_menu::get_selection()
+ return (selected >= 0 && selected < numitems) ? item[selected].ref : NULL;
+// set_selection - changes the index
+// of the currently selected menu item
+void ui_menu::set_selection(void *selected_itemref)
+ int itemnum;
+ selected = -1;
+ for (itemnum = 0; itemnum < numitems; itemnum++)
+ if (item[itemnum].ref == selected_itemref)
+ {
+ selected = itemnum;
+ break;
+ }
+// draw - draw a menu
+void ui_menu::draw(bool customonly)
+ float line_height = machine().ui().get_line_height();
+ float lr_arrow_width = 0.4f * line_height * machine().render().ui_aspect();
+ float ud_arrow_width = line_height * machine().render().ui_aspect();
+ float gutter_width = lr_arrow_width * 1.3f;
+ float x1, y1, x2, y2;
+ float effective_width, effective_left;
+ float visible_width, visible_main_menu_height;
+ float visible_extra_menu_height = 0;
+ float visible_top, visible_left;
+ int selected_subitem_too_big = FALSE;
+ int visible_lines;
+ int top_line;
+ int itemnum, linenum;
+ bool mouse_hit, mouse_button;
+ render_target *mouse_target;
+ INT32 mouse_target_x, mouse_target_y;
+ float mouse_x = -1, mouse_y = -1;
+ // compute the width and height of the full menu
+ visible_width = 0;
+ visible_main_menu_height = 0;
+ for (itemnum = 0; itemnum < numitems; itemnum++)
+ {
+ const ui_menu_item &pitem = item[itemnum];
+ float total_width;
+ // compute width of left hand side
+ total_width = gutter_width + machine().ui().get_string_width(pitem.text) + gutter_width;
+ // add in width of right hand side
+ if (pitem.subtext)
+ total_width += 2.0f * gutter_width + machine().ui().get_string_width(pitem.subtext);
+ // track the maximum
+ if (total_width > visible_width)
+ visible_width = total_width;
+ // track the height as well
+ visible_main_menu_height += line_height;
+ }
+ // account for extra space at the top and bottom
+ visible_extra_menu_height = customtop + custombottom;
+ // add a little bit of slop for rounding
+ visible_width += 0.01f;
+ visible_main_menu_height += 0.01f;
+ // if we are too wide or too tall, clamp it down
+ if (visible_width + 2.0f * UI_BOX_LR_BORDER > 1.0f)
+ visible_width = 1.0f - 2.0f * UI_BOX_LR_BORDER;
+ // if the menu and extra menu won't fit, take away part of the regular menu, it will scroll
+ if (visible_main_menu_height + visible_extra_menu_height + 2.0f * UI_BOX_TB_BORDER > 1.0f)
+ visible_main_menu_height = 1.0f - 2.0f * UI_BOX_TB_BORDER - visible_extra_menu_height;
+ visible_lines = floor(visible_main_menu_height / line_height);
+ visible_main_menu_height = (float)visible_lines * line_height;
+ // compute top/left of inner menu area by centering
+ visible_left = (1.0f - visible_width) * 0.5f;
+ visible_top = (1.0f - (visible_main_menu_height + visible_extra_menu_height)) * 0.5f;
+ // if the menu is at the bottom of the extra, adjust
+ visible_top += customtop;
+ // first add us a box
+ x1 = visible_left - UI_BOX_LR_BORDER;
+ y1 = visible_top - UI_BOX_TB_BORDER;
+ x2 = visible_left + visible_width + UI_BOX_LR_BORDER;
+ y2 = visible_top + visible_main_menu_height + UI_BOX_TB_BORDER;
+ if (!customonly)
+ machine().ui().draw_outlined_box(container, x1, y1, x2, y2, UI_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
+ // determine the first visible line based on the current selection
+ top_line = selected - visible_lines / 2;
+ if (top_line < 0)
+ top_line = 0;
+ if (top_line + visible_lines >= numitems)
+ top_line = numitems - visible_lines;
+ // determine effective positions taking into account the hilighting arrows
+ effective_width = visible_width - 2.0f * gutter_width;
+ effective_left = visible_left + gutter_width;
+ // locate mouse
+ mouse_hit = false;
+ mouse_button = false;
+ if (!customonly)
+ {
+ mouse_target = ui_input_find_mouse(machine(), &mouse_target_x, &mouse_target_y, &mouse_button);
+ if (mouse_target != NULL)
+ if (mouse_target->map_point_container(mouse_target_x, mouse_target_y, *container, mouse_x, mouse_y))
+ mouse_hit = true;
+ }
+ // loop over visible lines
+ hover = numitems + 1;
+ if (!customonly)
+ for (linenum = 0; linenum < visible_lines; linenum++)
+ {
+ float line_y = visible_top + (float)linenum * line_height;
+ itemnum = top_line + linenum;
+ const ui_menu_item &pitem = item[itemnum];
+ const char *itemtext = pitem.text;
+ rgb_t fgcolor = UI_TEXT_COLOR;
+ rgb_t bgcolor = UI_TEXT_BG_COLOR;
+ rgb_t fgcolor2 = UI_SUBITEM_COLOR;
+ rgb_t fgcolor3 = UI_CLONE_COLOR;
+ float line_x0 = x1 + 0.5f * UI_LINE_WIDTH;
+ float line_y0 = line_y;
+ float line_x1 = x2 - 0.5f * UI_LINE_WIDTH;
+ float line_y1 = line_y + line_height;
+ // set the hover if this is our item
+ if (mouse_hit && line_x0 <= mouse_x && line_x1 > mouse_x && line_y0 <= mouse_y && line_y1 > mouse_y && pitem.is_selectable())
+ hover = itemnum;
+ // if we're selected, draw with a different background
+ if (itemnum == selected)
+ {
+ fgcolor = UI_SELECTED_COLOR;
+ fgcolor2 = UI_SELECTED_COLOR;
+ fgcolor3 = UI_SELECTED_COLOR;
+ }
+ // else if the mouse is over this item, draw with a different background
+ else if (itemnum == hover)
+ {
+ fgcolor2 = UI_MOUSEOVER_COLOR;
+ fgcolor3 = UI_MOUSEOVER_COLOR;
+ }
+ // if we have some background hilighting to do, add a quad behind everything else
+ if (bgcolor != UI_TEXT_BG_COLOR)
+ highlight(container, line_x0, line_y0, line_x1, line_y1, bgcolor);
+ // if we're on the top line, display the up arrow
+ if (linenum == 0 && top_line != 0)
+ {
+ draw_arrow(
+ container,
+ 0.5f * (x1 + x2) - 0.5f * ud_arrow_width,
+ line_y + 0.25f * line_height,
+ 0.5f * (x1 + x2) + 0.5f * ud_arrow_width,
+ line_y + 0.75f * line_height,
+ fgcolor,
+ ROT0);
+ if (hover == itemnum)
+ hover = -2;
+ }
+ // if we're on the bottom line, display the down arrow
+ else if (linenum == visible_lines - 1 && itemnum != numitems - 1)
+ {
+ draw_arrow(
+ container,
+ 0.5f * (x1 + x2) - 0.5f * ud_arrow_width,
+ line_y + 0.25f * line_height,
+ 0.5f * (x1 + x2) + 0.5f * ud_arrow_width,
+ line_y + 0.75f * line_height,
+ fgcolor,
+ if (hover == itemnum)
+ hover = -1;
+ }
+ // if we're just a divider, draw a line
+ else if (strcmp(itemtext, MENU_SEPARATOR_ITEM) == 0)
+ container->add_line(visible_left, line_y + 0.5f * line_height, visible_left + visible_width, line_y + 0.5f * line_height, UI_LINE_WIDTH, UI_BORDER_COLOR, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));
+ // if we don't have a subitem, just draw the string centered
+ else if (pitem.subtext == NULL)
+ machine().ui().draw_text_full(container, itemtext, effective_left, line_y, effective_width,
+ // otherwise, draw the item on the left and the subitem text on the right
+ else
+ {
+ int subitem_invert = pitem.flags & MENU_FLAG_INVERT;
+ const char *subitem_text = pitem.subtext;
+ float item_width, subitem_width;
+ // draw the left-side text
+ machine().ui().draw_text_full(container, itemtext, effective_left, line_y, effective_width,
+ JUSTIFY_LEFT, WRAP_TRUNCATE, DRAW_NORMAL, fgcolor, bgcolor, &item_width, NULL);
+ // give 2 spaces worth of padding
+ item_width += 2.0f * gutter_width;
+ // if the subitem doesn't fit here, display dots
+ if (machine().ui().get_string_width(subitem_text) > effective_width - item_width)
+ {
+ subitem_text = "...";
+ if (itemnum == selected)
+ selected_subitem_too_big = TRUE;
+ }
+ // draw the subitem right-justified
+ machine().ui().draw_text_full(container, subitem_text, effective_left + item_width, line_y, effective_width - item_width,
+ JUSTIFY_RIGHT, WRAP_TRUNCATE, DRAW_NORMAL, subitem_invert ? fgcolor3 : fgcolor2, bgcolor, &subitem_width, NULL);
+ // apply arrows
+ if (itemnum == selected && (pitem.flags & MENU_FLAG_LEFT_ARROW))
+ {
+ draw_arrow(
+ container,
+ effective_left + effective_width - subitem_width - gutter_width,
+ line_y + 0.1f * line_height,
+ effective_left + effective_width - subitem_width - gutter_width + lr_arrow_width,
+ line_y + 0.9f * line_height,
+ fgcolor,
+ }
+ if (itemnum == selected && (pitem.flags & MENU_FLAG_RIGHT_ARROW))
+ {
+ draw_arrow(
+ container,
+ effective_left + effective_width + gutter_width - lr_arrow_width,
+ line_y + 0.1f * line_height,
+ effective_left + effective_width + gutter_width,
+ line_y + 0.9f * line_height,
+ fgcolor,
+ ROT90);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // if the selected subitem is too big, display it in a separate offset box
+ if (selected_subitem_too_big)
+ {
+ const ui_menu_item &pitem = item[selected];
+ int subitem_invert = pitem.flags & MENU_FLAG_INVERT;
+ linenum = selected - top_line;
+ float line_y = visible_top + (float)linenum * line_height;
+ float target_width, target_height;
+ float target_x, target_y;
+ // compute the multi-line target width/height
+ machine().ui().draw_text_full(container, pitem.subtext, 0, 0, visible_width * 0.75f,
+ JUSTIFY_RIGHT, WRAP_WORD, DRAW_NONE, ARGB_WHITE, ARGB_BLACK, &target_width, &target_height);
+ // determine the target location
+ target_x = visible_left + visible_width - target_width - UI_BOX_LR_BORDER;
+ target_y = line_y + line_height + UI_BOX_TB_BORDER;
+ if (target_y + target_height + UI_BOX_TB_BORDER > visible_main_menu_height)
+ target_y = line_y - target_height - UI_BOX_TB_BORDER;
+ // add a box around that
+ machine().ui().draw_outlined_box(container, target_x - UI_BOX_LR_BORDER,
+ target_y - UI_BOX_TB_BORDER,
+ target_x + target_width + UI_BOX_LR_BORDER,
+ target_y + target_height + UI_BOX_TB_BORDER, subitem_invert ? UI_SELECTED_BG_COLOR : UI_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
+ machine().ui().draw_text_full(container, pitem.subtext, target_x, target_y, target_width,
+ }
+ // if there is something special to add, do it by calling the virtual method
+ custom_render((selected >= 0 && selected < numitems) ? item[selected].ref : NULL, customtop, custombottom, x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ // return the number of visible lines, minus 1 for top arrow and 1 for bottom arrow
+ visitems = visible_lines - (top_line != 0) - (top_line + visible_lines != numitems);
+void ui_menu::custom_render(void *selectedref, float top, float bottom, float x, float y, float x2, float y2)
+// draw_text_box - draw a multiline
+// word-wrapped text box with a menu item at the
+// bottom
+void ui_menu::draw_text_box()
+ const char *text = item[0].text;
+ const char *backtext = item[1].text;
+ float line_height = machine().ui().get_line_height();
+ float lr_arrow_width = 0.4f * line_height * machine().render().ui_aspect();
+ float gutter_width = lr_arrow_width;
+ float target_width, target_height, prior_width;
+ float target_x, target_y;
+ // compute the multi-line target width/height
+ machine().ui().draw_text_full(container, text, 0, 0, 1.0f - 2.0f * UI_BOX_LR_BORDER - 2.0f * gutter_width,
+ JUSTIFY_LEFT, WRAP_WORD, DRAW_NONE, ARGB_WHITE, ARGB_BLACK, &target_width, &target_height);
+ target_height += 2.0f * line_height;
+ if (target_height > 1.0f - 2.0f * UI_BOX_TB_BORDER)
+ target_height = floorf((1.0f - 2.0f * UI_BOX_TB_BORDER) / line_height) * line_height;
+ // maximum against "return to prior menu" text
+ prior_width = machine().ui().get_string_width(backtext) + 2.0f * gutter_width;
+ target_width = MAX(target_width, prior_width);
+ // determine the target location
+ target_x = 0.5f - 0.5f * target_width;
+ target_y = 0.5f - 0.5f * target_height;
+ // make sure we stay on-screen
+ if (target_x < UI_BOX_LR_BORDER + gutter_width)
+ target_x = UI_BOX_LR_BORDER + gutter_width;
+ if (target_x + target_width + gutter_width + UI_BOX_LR_BORDER > 1.0f)
+ target_x = 1.0f - UI_BOX_LR_BORDER - gutter_width - target_width;
+ if (target_y < UI_BOX_TB_BORDER)
+ target_y = UI_BOX_TB_BORDER;
+ if (target_y + target_height + UI_BOX_TB_BORDER > 1.0f)
+ target_y = 1.0f - UI_BOX_TB_BORDER - target_height;
+ // add a box around that
+ machine().ui().draw_outlined_box(container, target_x - UI_BOX_LR_BORDER - gutter_width,
+ target_y - UI_BOX_TB_BORDER,
+ target_x + target_width + gutter_width + UI_BOX_LR_BORDER,
+ target_y + target_height + UI_BOX_TB_BORDER, (item[0].flags & MENU_FLAG_REDTEXT) ? UI_RED_COLOR : UI_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
+ machine().ui().draw_text_full(container, text, target_x, target_y, target_width,
+ // draw the "return to prior menu" text with a hilight behind it
+ highlight(
+ container,
+ target_x + 0.5f * UI_LINE_WIDTH,
+ target_y + target_height - line_height,
+ target_x + target_width - 0.5f * UI_LINE_WIDTH,
+ target_y + target_height,
+ machine().ui().draw_text_full(container, backtext, target_x, target_y + target_height - line_height, target_width,
+ // artificially set the hover to the last item so a double-click exits
+ hover = numitems - 1;
+// handle_events - generically handle
+// input events for a menu
+void ui_menu::handle_events()
+ int stop = FALSE;
+ ui_event local_menu_event;
+ // loop while we have interesting events
+ while (!stop && ui_input_pop_event(machine(), &local_menu_event))
+ {
+ switch (local_menu_event.event_type)
+ {
+ // if we are hovering over a valid item, select it with a single click
+ if (hover >= 0 && hover < numitems)
+ selected = hover;
+ else if (hover == -2)
+ {
+ selected -= visitems - 1;
+ validate_selection(1);
+ }
+ else if (hover == -1)
+ {
+ selected += visitems - 1;
+ validate_selection(1);
+ }
+ break;
+ // if we are hovering over a valid item, fake a UI_SELECT with a double-click
+ if (hover >= 0 && hover < numitems)
+ {
+ selected = hover;
+ if (local_menu_event.event_type == UI_EVENT_MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK)
+ {
+ menu_event.iptkey = IPT_UI_SELECT;
+ if (selected == numitems - 1)
+ {
+ menu_event.iptkey = IPT_UI_CANCEL;
+ ui_menu::stack_pop(machine());
+ }
+ }
+ stop = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ // translate CHAR events into specials
+ menu_event.iptkey = IPT_SPECIAL;
+ menu_event.unichar =;
+ stop = TRUE;
+ break;
+ // ignore everything else
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// handle_keys - generically handle
+// keys for a menu
+void ui_menu::handle_keys(UINT32 flags)
+ int ignorepause = ui_menu::stack_has_special_main_menu();
+ int ignoreright = FALSE;
+ int ignoreleft = FALSE;
+ int code;
+ // bail if no items
+ if (numitems == 0)
+ return;
+ // if we hit select, return TRUE or pop the stack, depending on the item
+ if (exclusive_input_pressed(IPT_UI_SELECT, 0))
+ {
+ if (selected == numitems - 1)
+ {
+ menu_event.iptkey = IPT_UI_CANCEL;
+ ui_menu::stack_pop(machine());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // hitting cancel also pops the stack
+ if (exclusive_input_pressed(IPT_UI_CANCEL, 0))
+ {
+ ui_menu::stack_pop(machine());
+ return;
+ }
+ // validate the current selection
+ validate_selection(1);
+ // swallow left/right keys if they are not appropriate
+ ignoreleft = ((item[selected].flags & MENU_FLAG_LEFT_ARROW) == 0);
+ ignoreright = ((item[selected].flags & MENU_FLAG_RIGHT_ARROW) == 0);
+ // accept left/right keys as-is with repeat
+ if (!ignoreleft && exclusive_input_pressed(IPT_UI_LEFT, (flags & UI_MENU_PROCESS_LR_REPEAT) ? 6 : 0))
+ return;
+ if (!ignoreright && exclusive_input_pressed(IPT_UI_RIGHT, (flags & UI_MENU_PROCESS_LR_REPEAT) ? 6 : 0))
+ return;
+ // up backs up by one item
+ if (exclusive_input_pressed(IPT_UI_UP, 6))
+ {
+ selected = (selected + numitems - 1) % numitems;
+ validate_selection(-1);
+ }
+ // down advances by one item
+ if (exclusive_input_pressed(IPT_UI_DOWN, 6))
+ {
+ selected = (selected + 1) % numitems;
+ validate_selection(1);
+ }
+ // page up backs up by visitems
+ if (exclusive_input_pressed(IPT_UI_PAGE_UP, 6))
+ {
+ selected -= visitems - 1;
+ validate_selection(1);
+ }
+ // page down advances by visitems
+ if (exclusive_input_pressed(IPT_UI_PAGE_DOWN, 6))
+ {
+ selected += visitems - 1;
+ validate_selection(-1);
+ }
+ // home goes to the start
+ if (exclusive_input_pressed(IPT_UI_HOME, 0))
+ {
+ selected = 0;
+ validate_selection(1);
+ }
+ // end goes to the last
+ if (exclusive_input_pressed(IPT_UI_END, 0))
+ {
+ selected = numitems - 1;
+ validate_selection(-1);
+ }
+ // pause enables/disables pause
+ if (!ignorepause && exclusive_input_pressed(IPT_UI_PAUSE, 0))
+ {
+ if (machine().paused())
+ machine().resume();
+ else
+ machine().pause();
+ }
+ // handle a toggle cheats request
+ if (ui_input_pressed_repeat(machine(), IPT_UI_TOGGLE_CHEAT, 0))
+ machine().cheat().set_enable(!machine().cheat().enabled());
+ // see if any other UI keys are pressed
+ if (menu_event.iptkey == IPT_INVALID)
+ for (code = IPT_UI_FIRST + 1; code < IPT_UI_LAST; code++)
+ {
+ if (code == IPT_UI_CONFIGURE || (code == IPT_UI_LEFT && ignoreleft) || (code == IPT_UI_RIGHT && ignoreright) || (code == IPT_UI_PAUSE && ignorepause))
+ continue;
+ if (exclusive_input_pressed(code, 0))
+ break;
+ }
+// validate_selection - validate the
+// current selection and ensure it is on a
+// correct item
+void ui_menu::validate_selection(int scandir)
+ // clamp to be in range
+ if (selected < 0)
+ selected = 0;
+ else if (selected >= numitems)
+ selected = numitems - 1;
+ // skip past unselectable items
+ while (!item[selected].is_selectable())
+ selected = (selected + numitems + scandir) % numitems;
+// clear_free_list - clear out anything
+// accumulated in the free list
+void ui_menu::clear_free_list(running_machine &machine)
+ while (menu_free != NULL)
+ {
+ ui_menu *menu = menu_free;
+ menu_free = menu->parent;
+ auto_free(machine, menu);
+ }
+// ui_menu::stack_reset - reset the menu stack
+void ui_menu::stack_reset(running_machine &machine)
+ while (menu_stack != NULL)
+ ui_menu::stack_pop(machine);
+// stack_push - push a new menu onto the
+// stack
+void ui_menu::stack_push(ui_menu *menu)
+ menu->parent = menu_stack;
+ menu_stack = menu;
+ ui_input_reset(menu->machine());
+// stack_pop - pop a menu from the stack
+void ui_menu::stack_pop(running_machine &machine)
+ if (menu_stack != NULL)
+ {
+ ui_menu *menu = menu_stack;
+ menu_stack = menu->parent;
+ menu->parent = menu_free;
+ menu_free = menu;
+ ui_input_reset(machine);
+ }
+// ui_menu::stack_has_special_main_menu -
+// check in the special main menu is in the stack
+bool ui_menu::stack_has_special_main_menu()
+ ui_menu *menu;
+ for (menu = menu_stack; menu != NULL; menu = menu->parent)
+ if (menu->is_special_main_menu())
+ return true;
+ return false;
+void ui_menu::do_handle()
+ if(!populated())
+ populate();
+ handle();
+// ui_menu_ui_handler - displays the current menu
+// and calls the menu handler
+UINT32 ui_menu::ui_handler(running_machine &machine, render_container *container, UINT32 state)
+ // if we have no menus stacked up, start with the main menu
+ if (menu_stack == NULL)
+ stack_push(auto_alloc_clear(machine, ui_menu_main(machine, container)));
+ // update the menu state
+ if (menu_stack != NULL)
+ menu_stack->do_handle();
+ // clear up anything pending to be released
+ clear_free_list(machine);
+ // if the menus are to be hidden, return a cancel here
+ if (machine.ui().is_menu_active() && ((ui_input_pressed(machine, IPT_UI_CONFIGURE) && !stack_has_special_main_menu()) || menu_stack == NULL))
+ return 0;
+// render_triangle - render a triangle that
+// is used for up/down arrows and left/right
+// indicators
+void ui_menu::render_triangle(bitmap_argb32 &dest, bitmap_argb32 &source, const rectangle &sbounds, void *param)
+ int halfwidth = dest.width() / 2;
+ int height = dest.height();
+ int x, y;
+ // start with all-transparent
+ dest.fill(rgb_t(0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00));
+ // render from the tip to the bottom
+ for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
+ {
+ int linewidth = (y * (halfwidth - 1) + (height / 2)) * 255 * 2 / height;
+ UINT32 *target = &dest.pix32(y, halfwidth);
+ // don't antialias if height < 12
+ if (dest.height() < 12)
+ {
+ int pixels = (linewidth + 254) / 255;
+ if (pixels % 2 == 0) pixels++;
+ linewidth = pixels * 255;
+ }
+ // loop while we still have data to generate
+ for (x = 0; linewidth > 0; x++)
+ {
+ int dalpha;
+ // first column we only consume one pixel
+ if (x == 0)
+ {
+ dalpha = MIN(0xff, linewidth);
+ target[x] = rgb_t(dalpha,0xff,0xff,0xff);
+ }
+ // remaining columns consume two pixels, one on each side
+ else
+ {
+ dalpha = MIN(0x1fe, linewidth);
+ target[x] = target[-x] = rgb_t(dalpha/2,0xff,0xff,0xff);
+ }
+ // account for the weight we consumed */
+ linewidth -= dalpha;
+ }
+ }
+// highlight
+void ui_menu::highlight(render_container *container, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, rgb_t bgcolor)
+ container->add_quad(x0, y0, x1, y1, bgcolor, hilight_texture,
+// draw_arrow
+void ui_menu::draw_arrow(render_container *container, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, rgb_t fgcolor, UINT32 orientation)
+ container->add_quad(
+ x0,
+ y0,
+ x1,
+ y1,
+ fgcolor,
+ arrow_texture,