path: root/src/emu/sound/k054539.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/emu/sound/k054539.c')
1 files changed, 741 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/emu/sound/k054539.c b/src/emu/sound/k054539.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1944272112f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/emu/sound/k054539.c
@@ -0,0 +1,741 @@
+#define CHANNEL_DEBUG 0
+#define VERBOSE 0
+ Konami 054539 PCM Sound Chip
+ A lot of information comes from Amuse.
+ Big thanks to them.
+CHANNEL_DEBUG enables the following keys:
+ PAD. : toggle debug mode
+ PAD0 : toggle chip (0 / 1)
+ PAD4,6 : select channel (0 - 7)
+ PAD8,2 : adjust gain (00=0.0 10=1.0, 20=2.0, etc.)
+ PAD5 : reset gain factor to 1.0
+#include "sndintrf.h"
+#include "streams.h"
+#include "k054539.h"
+#include <math.h>
+/* Registers:
+ 00..ff: 20 bytes/channel, 8 channels
+ 00..02: pitch (lsb, mid, msb)
+ 03: volume (0=max, 0x40=-36dB)
+ 04: reverb volume (idem)
+ 05: pan (1-f right, 10 middle, 11-1f left)
+ 06..07: reverb delay (0=max, current computation non-trusted)
+ 08..0a: loop (lsb, mid, msb)
+ 0c..0e: start (lsb, mid, msb) (and current position ?)
+ 100.1ff: effects?
+ 13f: pan of the analog input (1-1f)
+ 200..20f: 2 bytes/channel, 8 channels
+ 00: type (b2-3), reverse (b5)
+ 01: loop (b0)
+ 214: keyon (b0-7 = channel 0-7)
+ 215: keyoff ""
+ 22c: channel active? ""
+ 22d: data read/write port
+ 22e: rom/ram select (00..7f == rom banks, 80 = ram)
+ 22f: enable pcm (b0), disable register ram updating (b7)
+ The chip has a 0x4000 bytes reverb buffer (the ram from 0x22e).
+ The reverb delay is actually an offset in this buffer. This driver
+ uses some tricks (doubling the buffer size so that the longest
+ reverbs don't fold over the sound to output, and adding a space at
+ the end to fold back overflows in) to be able to do frame-based
+ rendering instead of sample-based.
+struct k054539_info {
+ const struct K054539interface *intf;
+ double voltab[256];
+ double pantab[0xf];
+ double K054539_gain[8];
+ UINT8 K054539_posreg_latch[8][3];
+ int K054539_flags;
+ unsigned char regs[0x230];
+ unsigned char *ram;
+ int reverb_pos;
+ INT32 cur_ptr;
+ int cur_limit;
+ unsigned char *cur_zone;
+ unsigned char *rom;
+ UINT32 rom_size;
+ UINT32 rom_mask;
+ sound_stream * stream;
+ struct K054539_channel {
+ UINT32 pos;
+ UINT32 pfrac;
+ INT32 val;
+ INT32 pval;
+ } channels[8];
+void K054539_init_flags(int chip, int flags)
+ struct k054539_info *info = sndti_token(SOUND_K054539, chip);
+ info->K054539_flags = flags;
+void K054539_set_gain(int chip, int channel, double gain)
+ struct k054539_info *info = sndti_token(SOUND_K054539, chip);
+ if (gain >= 0) info->K054539_gain[channel] = gain;
+static int K054539_regupdate(struct k054539_info *info)
+ return !(info->regs[0x22f] & 0x80);
+static void K054539_keyon(struct k054539_info *info, int channel)
+ if(K054539_regupdate(info))
+ info->regs[0x22c] |= 1 << channel;
+static void K054539_keyoff(struct k054539_info *info, int channel)
+ if(K054539_regupdate(info))
+ info->regs[0x22c] &= ~(1 << channel);
+static void K054539_update(void *param, stream_sample_t **inputs, stream_sample_t **buffer, int length)
+ struct k054539_info *info = param;
+#define VOL_CAP 1.80
+ static INT16 dpcm[16] = {
+ 0<<8, 1<<8, 4<<8, 9<<8, 16<<8, 25<<8, 36<<8, 49<<8,
+ -64<<8, -49<<8, -36<<8, -25<<8, -16<<8, -9<<8, -4<<8, -1<<8
+ };
+ int ch, reverb_pos;
+ short *rev_max;
+ short *rbase, *rbuffer, *rev_top;
+ unsigned char *samples;
+ UINT32 rom_mask;
+ unsigned char *base1, *base2;
+ struct K054539_channel *chan;
+ stream_sample_t *bufl, *bufr;
+ short *revb;
+ int cur_pos, cur_pfrac, cur_val, cur_pval;
+ int delta, rdelta, fdelta, pdelta;
+ int vol, bval, pan, i;
+ double gain, lvol, rvol, rbvol;
+ reverb_pos = info->reverb_pos;
+ rbase = (short *)(info->ram);
+ rbuffer = rbase + reverb_pos;
+ rev_max = rev_top = rbase + 0x4000;
+ memset(buffer[0], 0, length*sizeof(*buffer[0]));
+ memset(buffer[1], 0, length*sizeof(*buffer[1]));
+ samples = info->rom;
+ rom_mask = info->rom_mask;
+ if(!(info->regs[0x22f] & 1)) return;
+ info->reverb_pos = (reverb_pos + length) & 0x3fff;
+ for(ch=0; ch<8; ch++)
+ if(info->regs[0x22c] & (1<<ch)) {
+ base1 = info->regs + 0x20*ch;
+ base2 = info->regs + 0x200 + 0x2*ch;
+ chan = info->channels + ch;
+ delta = base1[0x00] | (base1[0x01] << 8) | (base1[0x02] << 16);
+ vol = base1[0x03];
+ bval = vol + base1[0x04];
+ if (bval > 255) bval = 255;
+ pan = base1[0x05];
+// DJ Main: 81-87 right, 88 middle, 89-8f left
+if (pan >= 0x81 && pan <= 0x8f)
+pan -= 0x81;
+ if (pan >= 0x11 && pan <= 0x1f) pan -= 0x11; else pan = 0x18 - 0x11;
+ gain = info->K054539_gain[ch];
+ lvol = info->voltab[vol] * info->pantab[pan] * gain;
+ if (lvol > VOL_CAP) lvol = VOL_CAP;
+ rvol = info->voltab[vol] * info->pantab[0xe - pan] * gain;
+ if (rvol > VOL_CAP) rvol = VOL_CAP;
+ rbvol= info->voltab[bval] * gain / 2;
+ if (rbvol > VOL_CAP) rbvol = VOL_CAP;
+ INT x FLOAT could be interpreted as INT x (int)FLOAT instead of (float)INT x FLOAT on some compilers
+ causing precision loss. (rdelta - 0x2000) wraps around on zero reverb and the scale factor should
+ actually be 1/freq_ratio because the target is an offset to the reverb buffer not sample source.
+ rdelta = (base1[6] | (base1[7] << 8)) >> 3;
+// rdelta = (reverb_pos + (int)((rdelta - 0x2000) * info->freq_ratio)) & 0x3fff;
+ rdelta = (int)(rdelta + reverb_pos) & 0x3fff;
+ revb = rbase + rdelta;
+ cur_pos = (base1[0x0c] | (base1[0x0d] << 8) | (base1[0x0e] << 16)) & rom_mask;
+ bufl = buffer[0];
+ bufr = buffer[1];
+ if(base2[0] & 0x20) {
+ delta = -delta;
+ fdelta = +0x10000;
+ pdelta = -1;
+ } else {
+ fdelta = -0x10000;
+ pdelta = +1;
+ }
+ if(cur_pos != chan->pos) {
+ chan->pos = cur_pos;
+ cur_pfrac = 0;
+ cur_val = 0;
+ cur_pval = 0;
+ } else {
+ cur_pfrac = chan->pfrac;
+ cur_val = chan->val;
+ cur_pval = chan->pval;
+ }
+ do { \
+ *bufl++ += (INT16)(cur_val*lvol); \
+ *bufr++ += (INT16)(cur_val*rvol); \
+ *revb++ += (INT16)(cur_val*rbvol); \
+ } while(0)
+ switch(base2[0] & 0xc) {
+ case 0x0: { // 8bit pcm
+ for(i=0; i<length; i++) {
+ cur_pfrac += delta;
+ while(cur_pfrac & ~0xffff) {
+ cur_pfrac += fdelta;
+ cur_pos += pdelta;
+ cur_pval = cur_val;
+ cur_val = (INT16)(samples[cur_pos] << 8);
+ if(cur_val == (INT16)0x8000) {
+ if(base2[1] & 1) {
+ cur_pos = (base1[0x08] | (base1[0x09] << 8) | (base1[0x0a] << 16)) & rom_mask;
+ cur_val = (INT16)(samples[cur_pos] << 8);
+ if(cur_val != (INT16)0x8000)
+ continue;
+ }
+ K054539_keyoff(info, ch);
+ goto end_channel_0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ end_channel_0:
+ break;
+ }
+ case 0x4: { // 16bit pcm lsb first
+ pdelta <<= 1;
+ for(i=0; i<length; i++) {
+ cur_pfrac += delta;
+ while(cur_pfrac & ~0xffff) {
+ cur_pfrac += fdelta;
+ cur_pos += pdelta;
+ cur_pval = cur_val;
+ cur_val = (INT16)(samples[cur_pos] | samples[cur_pos+1]<<8);
+ if(cur_val == (INT16)0x8000) {
+ if(base2[1] & 1) {
+ cur_pos = (base1[0x08] | (base1[0x09] << 8) | (base1[0x0a] << 16)) & rom_mask;
+ cur_val = (INT16)(samples[cur_pos] | samples[cur_pos+1]<<8);
+ if(cur_val != (INT16)0x8000)
+ continue;
+ }
+ K054539_keyoff(info, ch);
+ goto end_channel_4;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ end_channel_4:
+ break;
+ }
+ case 0x8: { // 4bit dpcm
+ cur_pos <<= 1;
+ cur_pfrac <<= 1;
+ if(cur_pfrac & 0x10000) {
+ cur_pfrac &= 0xffff;
+ cur_pos |= 1;
+ }
+ for(i=0; i<length; i++) {
+ cur_pfrac += delta;
+ while(cur_pfrac & ~0xffff) {
+ cur_pfrac += fdelta;
+ cur_pos += pdelta;
+ cur_pval = cur_val;
+ cur_val = samples[cur_pos>>1];
+ if(cur_val == 0x88) {
+ if(base2[1] & 1) {
+ cur_pos = ((base1[0x08] | (base1[0x09] << 8) | (base1[0x0a] << 16)) & rom_mask) << 1;
+ cur_val = samples[cur_pos>>1];
+ if(cur_val != 0x88)
+ goto next_iter;
+ }
+ K054539_keyoff(info, ch);
+ goto end_channel_8;
+ }
+ next_iter:
+ if(cur_pos & 1)
+ cur_val >>= 4;
+ else
+ cur_val &= 15;
+ cur_val = cur_pval + dpcm[cur_val];
+ if(cur_val < -32768)
+ cur_val = -32768;
+ else if(cur_val > 32767)
+ cur_val = 32767;
+ }
+ }
+ end_channel_8:
+ cur_pfrac >>= 1;
+ if(cur_pos & 1)
+ cur_pfrac |= 0x8000;
+ cur_pos >>= 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ logerror("Unknown sample type %x for channel %d\n", base2[0] & 0xc, ch);
+ break;
+ }
+ chan->pos = cur_pos;
+ chan->pfrac = cur_pfrac;
+ chan->pval = cur_pval;
+ chan->val = cur_val;
+ if(K054539_regupdate(info)) {
+ base1[0x0c] = cur_pos & 0xff;
+ base1[0x0d] = cur_pos>> 8 & 0xff;
+ base1[0x0e] = cur_pos>>16 & 0xff;
+ }
+ if(revb > rev_max)
+ rev_max = revb;
+ }
+ while(rev_max >= rev_top) {
+ rev_max[-0x4000] += rev_max[0];
+ rev_max[0] = 0;
+ rev_max--;
+ }
+ //* drivers should be given the option to disable reverb when things go terribly wrong
+ if(!(info->K054539_flags & K054539_DISABLE_REVERB))
+ {
+ for(i=0; i<length; i++) {
+ short val = rbase[(i+reverb_pos) & 0x3fff];
+ buffer[0][i] += val;
+ buffer[1][i] += val;
+ }
+ }
+ if(rbuffer+length > rev_top) {
+ i = rev_top-rbuffer; // delta
+ memset(rbuffer, 0, i*2);
+ memset(rbase, 0, (length-i)*2);
+ } else
+ memset(rbuffer, 0, length*2);
+ {
+ static char gc_msg[32] = "chip : ";
+ static int gc_active=0, gc_chip=0, gc_pos[2]={0,0};
+ double *gc_fptr;
+ char *gc_cptr;
+ double gc_f0;
+ int gc_i, gc_j, gc_k, gc_l;
+ if (input_code_pressed_once(KEYCODE_DEL_PAD))
+ {
+ gc_active ^= 1;
+ if (!gc_active) ui_popup_time(0, " ");
+ }
+ if (gc_active)
+ {
+ if (input_code_pressed_once(KEYCODE_0_PAD)) gc_chip ^= 1;
+ gc_i = gc_pos[gc_chip];
+ gc_j = 0;
+ if (input_code_pressed_once(KEYCODE_4_PAD)) { gc_i--; gc_j = 1; }
+ if (input_code_pressed_once(KEYCODE_6_PAD)) { gc_i++; gc_j = 1; }
+ if (gc_j) { gc_i &= 7; gc_pos[gc_chip] = gc_i; }
+ if (input_code_pressed_once(KEYCODE_5_PAD))
+ info->K054539_gain[gc_i] = 1.0;
+ else
+ {
+ gc_fptr = &info->K054539_gain[gc_i];
+ gc_f0 = *gc_fptr;
+ gc_j = 0;
+ if (input_code_pressed_once(KEYCODE_2_PAD)) { gc_f0 -= 0.1; gc_j = 1; }
+ if (input_code_pressed_once(KEYCODE_8_PAD)) { gc_f0 += 0.1; gc_j = 1; }
+ if (gc_j) { if (gc_f0 < 0) gc_f0 = 0; *gc_fptr = gc_f0; }
+ }
+ gc_fptr = &info->K054539_gain[0] + 8;
+ gc_cptr = gc_msg + 7;
+ for (gc_j=-8; gc_j; gc_j++)
+ {
+ gc_k = (int)(gc_fptr[gc_j] * 10);
+ gc_l = gc_k / 10;
+ gc_k = gc_k % 10;
+ gc_cptr[0] = gc_l + '0';
+ gc_cptr[1] = gc_k + '0';
+ gc_cptr += 3;
+ }
+ gc_i = (gc_i + gc_i*2 + 6);
+ gc_msg[4] = gc_chip + '0';
+ gc_msg[gc_i ] = '[';
+ gc_msg[gc_i+3] = ']';
+ popmessage("%s", gc_msg);
+ gc_msg[gc_i+3] = gc_msg[gc_i] = ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+static TIMER_CALLBACK_PTR( K054539_irq )
+ struct k054539_info *info = param;
+ if(info->regs[0x22f] & 0x20)
+ info->intf->irq ();
+static void K054539_init_chip(struct k054539_info *info, int clock, int sndindex)
+ int i;
+ memset(info->regs, 0, sizeof(info->regs));
+ memset(info->K054539_posreg_latch, 0, sizeof(info->K054539_posreg_latch)); //*
+ info->K054539_flags |= K054539_UPDATE_AT_KEYON; //* make it default until proven otherwise
+ // Real size of 0x4000, the addon is to simplify the reverb buffer computations
+ info->ram = auto_malloc(0x4000*2+clock/50*2);
+ info->reverb_pos = 0;
+ info->cur_ptr = 0;
+ memset(info->ram, 0, 0x4000*2+clock/50*2);
+ info->rom = memory_region(info->intf->region);
+ info->rom_size = memory_region_length(info->intf->region);
+ info->rom_mask = 0xffffffffU;
+ for(i=0; i<32; i++)
+ if((1U<<i) >= info->rom_size) {
+ info->rom_mask = (1U<<i) - 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(info->intf->irq)
+ // One or more of the registers must be the timer period
+ // And anyway, this particular frequency is probably wrong
+ // 480 hz is TRUSTED by gokuparo disco stage - the looping sample doesn't line up otherwise
+ timer_pulse_ptr(ATTOTIME_IN_HZ(480), info, K054539_irq);
+ info->stream = stream_create(0, 2, clock, info, K054539_update);
+ state_save_register_item_array("K054539", sndindex, info->regs);
+ state_save_register_item_pointer("K054539", sndindex, info->ram, 0x4000);
+ state_save_register_item("K054539", sndindex, info->cur_ptr);
+static void K054539_w(int chip, offs_t offset, UINT8 data) //*
+ struct k054539_info *info = sndti_token(SOUND_K054539, chip);
+#if 0
+ int voice, reg;
+ /* The K054539 has behavior like many other wavetable chips including
+ the Ensoniq 550x and Gravis GF-1: if a voice is active, writing
+ to it's current position is silently ignored.
+ Dadandaan depends on this or the vocals go wrong.
+ */
+ if (offset < 8*0x20)
+ {
+ voice = offset / 0x20;
+ reg = offset & ~0x20;
+ if(info->regs[0x22c] & (1<<voice))
+ {
+ if (reg >= 0xc && reg <= 0xe)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int latch, offs, ch, pan;
+ UINT8 *regbase, *regptr, *posptr;
+ regbase = info->regs;
+ latch = (info->K054539_flags & K054539_UPDATE_AT_KEYON) && (regbase[0x22f] & 1);
+ if (latch && offset < 0x100)
+ {
+ offs = (offset & 0x1f) - 0xc;
+ ch = offset >> 5;
+ if (offs >= 0 && offs <= 2)
+ {
+ // latch writes to the position index registers
+ info->K054539_posreg_latch[ch][offs] = data;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else switch(offset)
+ {
+ case 0x13f:
+ pan = data >= 0x11 && data <= 0x1f ? data - 0x11 : 0x18 - 0x11;
+ if(info->intf->apan)
+ info->intf->apan(info->pantab[pan], info->pantab[0xe - pan]);
+ break;
+ case 0x214:
+ if (latch)
+ {
+ for(ch=0; ch<8; ch++)
+ {
+ if(data & (1<<ch))
+ {
+ posptr = &info->K054539_posreg_latch[ch][0];
+ regptr = regbase + (ch<<5) + 0xc;
+ // update the chip at key-on
+ regptr[0] = posptr[0];
+ regptr[1] = posptr[1];
+ regptr[2] = posptr[2];
+ K054539_keyon(info, ch);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(ch=0; ch<8; ch++)
+ if(data & (1<<ch))
+ K054539_keyon(info, ch);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x215:
+ for(ch=0; ch<8; ch++)
+ if(data & (1<<ch))
+ K054539_keyoff(info, ch);
+ break;
+ case 0x22d:
+ if(regbase[0x22e] == 0x80)
+ info->cur_zone[info->cur_ptr] = data;
+ info->cur_ptr++;
+ if(info->cur_ptr == info->cur_limit)
+ info->cur_ptr = 0;
+ break;
+ case 0x22e:
+ info->cur_zone =
+ data == 0x80 ? info->ram :
+ info->rom + 0x20000*data;
+ info->cur_limit = data == 0x80 ? 0x4000 : 0x20000;
+ info->cur_ptr = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if(regbase[offset] != data) {
+ if((offset & 0xff00) == 0) {
+ chanoff = offset & 0x1f;
+ if(chanoff < 4 || chanoff == 5 ||
+ (chanoff >=8 && chanoff <= 0xa) ||
+ (chanoff >= 0xc && chanoff <= 0xe))
+ break;
+ }
+ if(1 || ((offset >= 0x200) && (offset <= 0x210)))
+ break;
+ logerror("K054539 %03x = %02x\n", offset, data);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ regbase[offset] = data;
+static void reset_zones(void *param)
+ struct k054539_info *info = param;
+ int data = info->regs[0x22e];
+ info->cur_zone =
+ data == 0x80 ? info->ram :
+ info->rom + 0x20000*data;
+ info->cur_limit = data == 0x80 ? 0x4000 : 0x20000;
+static UINT8 K054539_r(int chip, offs_t offset)
+ struct k054539_info *info = sndti_token(SOUND_K054539, chip);
+ switch(offset) {
+ case 0x22d:
+ if(info->regs[0x22f] & 0x10) {
+ UINT8 res = info->cur_zone[info->cur_ptr];
+ info->cur_ptr++;
+ if(info->cur_ptr == info->cur_limit)
+ info->cur_ptr = 0;
+ return res;
+ } else
+ return 0;
+ case 0x22c:
+ break;
+ default:
+ logerror("K054539 read %03x\n", offset);
+ break;
+ }
+ return info->regs[offset];
+static void *k054539_start(int sndindex, int clock, const void *config)
+ int i;
+ struct k054539_info *info;
+ info = auto_malloc(sizeof(*info));
+ memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info));
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ info->K054539_gain[i] = 1.0;
+ info->K054539_flags = K054539_RESET_FLAGS;
+ info->intf = config;
+ /*
+ I've tried various equations on volume control but none worked consistently.
+ The upper four channels in most MW/GX games simply need a significant boost
+ to sound right. For example, the bass and smash sound volumes in Violent Storm
+ have roughly the same values and the voices in Tokimeki Puzzledama are given
+ values smaller than those of the hihats. Needless to say the two K054539 chips
+ in Mystic Warriors are completely out of balance. Rather than forcing a
+ "one size fits all" function to the voltab the current invert exponential
+ appraoch seems most appropriate.
+ */
+ // Factor the 1/4 for the number of channels in the volume (1/8 is too harsh, 1/2 gives clipping)
+ // vol=0 -> no attenuation, vol=0x40 -> -36dB
+ for(i=0; i<256; i++)
+ info->voltab[i] = pow(10.0, (-36.0 * (double)i / (double)0x40) / 20.0) / 4.0;
+ // Pan table for the left channel
+ // Right channel is identical with inverted index
+ // Formula is such that pan[i]**2+pan[0xe-i]**2 = 1 (constant output power)
+ // and pan[0xe] = 1 (full panning)
+ for(i=0; i<0xf; i++)
+ info->pantab[i] = sqrt(i) / sqrt(0xe);
+ K054539_init_chip(info, clock, sndindex);
+ state_save_register_func_postload_ptr(reset_zones, info);
+ return info;
+WRITE8_HANDLER( K054539_0_w )
+ K054539_w(0, offset, data);
+READ8_HANDLER( K054539_0_r )
+ return K054539_r(0, offset);
+WRITE8_HANDLER( K054539_1_w )
+ K054539_w(1, offset, data);
+READ8_HANDLER( K054539_1_r )
+ return K054539_r(1, offset);
+ * Generic get_info
+ **************************************************************************/
+static void k054539_set_info(void *token, UINT32 state, sndinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ /* no parameters to set */
+ }
+void k054539_get_info(void *token, UINT32 state, sndinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as 64-bit signed integers --- */
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as pointers to data or functions --- */
+ case SNDINFO_PTR_SET_INFO: info->set_info = k054539_set_info; break;
+ case SNDINFO_PTR_START: info->start = k054539_start; break;
+ case SNDINFO_PTR_STOP: /* nothing */ break;
+ case SNDINFO_PTR_RESET: /* nothing */ break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
+ case SNDINFO_STR_NAME: info->s = "K054539"; break;
+ case SNDINFO_STR_CORE_FAMILY: info->s = "Konami custom"; break;
+ case SNDINFO_STR_CORE_VERSION: info->s = "1.0"; break;
+ case SNDINFO_STR_CORE_FILE: info->s = __FILE__; break;
+ case SNDINFO_STR_CORE_CREDITS: info->s = "Copyright (c) 2004, The MAME Team"; break;
+ }