path: root/src/emu/sound/disc_dev.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/emu/sound/disc_dev.c')
1 files changed, 1372 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/emu/sound/disc_dev.c b/src/emu/sound/disc_dev.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dd7351f0182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/emu/sound/disc_dev.c
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+ *
+ * MAME - Discrete sound system emulation library
+ *
+ * Written by Keith Wilkins (
+ *
+ * (c) K.Wilkins 2000
+ * (c) D.Renaud 2003-2004
+ *
+ ************************************************************************
+ *
+ * DSD_555_ASTBL - NE555 Simulation - Astable mode
+ * DSD_555_MSTBL - NE555 Simulation - Monostable mode
+ * DSD_555_CC - NE555 Constant Current VCO
+ * DSD_555_VCO1 - Op-Amp linear ramp based 555 VCO
+ * DSD_566 - NE566 Simulation
+ *
+ ************************************************************************
+ *
+ * You will notice that the code for a lot of these routines are similar.
+ * I tried to make a common charging routine, but there are too many
+ * minor differences that affect each module.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#define DEFAULT_555_CAP_BLEED RES_M(10)
+struct dsd_555_astbl_context
+ int error;
+ int use_ctrlv;
+ int output_type;
+ int output_is_ac;
+ double ac_shift; // DC shift needed to make waveform ac
+ int flip_flop; // 555 flip/flop output state
+ double x_init;
+ double cap_voltage; // voltage on cap
+ double threshold;
+ double trigger;
+ double output_high_voltage; // Logic 1 voltage level
+ double v555;
+struct dsd_555_mstbl_context
+ int error;
+ int trig_is_logic;
+ int trig_discharges_cap;
+ int output_type;
+ int output_is_ac;
+ double ac_shift; // DC shift needed to make waveform ac
+ int flip_flop; // 555 flip/flop output state
+ double cap_voltage; // voltage on cap
+ double threshold;
+ double trigger;
+ double output_high_voltage; // Logic 1 voltage level
+struct dsd_555_cc_context
+ int error;
+ unsigned int type; // type of 555cc circuit
+ int output_type;
+ int output_is_ac;
+ double ac_shift; // DC shift needed to make waveform ac
+ int flip_flop; // 555 flip/flop output state
+ double x_init;
+ double cap_voltage; // voltage on cap
+ double threshold;
+ double trigger;
+ double output_high_voltage; // Logic 1 voltage level
+struct dsd_555_vco1_context
+ int ctrlv_is_node;
+ int output_type;
+ int output_is_ac;
+ double ac_shift; // DC shift needed to make waveform ac
+ int flip_flop; // flip/flop output state
+ double output_high_voltage; // 555 high voltage
+ double threshold; // falling threshold
+ double trigger; // rising threshold
+ double i_charge; // charge current
+ double i_discharge; // discharge current
+ double cap_voltage; // current capacitor voltage
+struct dsd_566_context
+ int error;
+ unsigned int state[2]; // keeps track of excess flip_flop changes during the current step
+ int flip_flop; // 566 flip/flop output state
+ double cap_voltage; // voltage on cap
+ double vDiff; // voltage difference between vPlus and vNeg
+ double vSqrLow; // voltage for a squarewave at low
+ double vSqrHigh; // voltage for a squarewave at high
+ double thresholdLow; // falling threshold
+ double thresholdHigh; // rising threshold
+ double triOffset; // used to shift a triangle to AC
+/* Test to see if basic 555 options are valid. */
+static int test_555(double threshold, double trigger, double v555, int node)
+ int error = 0;
+ if (threshold > v555)
+ {
+ logerror("[Threshold > B+]");
+ error = 1;
+ }
+ if (threshold <= trigger)
+ {
+ logerror("[Threshold <= Trigger]");
+ error = 1;
+ }
+ if (trigger < 0)
+ {
+ logerror("[Trigger < 0]");
+ error = 1;
+ }
+ if (v555 <= 0)
+ {
+ logerror("[B+ <= 0]");
+ error = 1;
+ }
+ if (error)
+ logerror(" - NODE_%d DISABLED!\n", node - NODE_00);
+ return error;
+ *
+ * DSD_555_ASTBL - - 555 Astable simulation
+ *
+ * input[0] - Reset value
+ * input[1] - R1 value
+ * input[2] - R2 value
+ * input[3] - C value
+ * input[4] - Control Voltage value
+ *
+ * also passed discrete_555_desc structure
+ *
+ * Jan 2004, D Renaud.
+ ************************************************************************/
+#define DSD_555_ASTBL__RESET (! *(node->input[0]))
+#define DSD_555_ASTBL__R1 (*(node->input[1]))
+#define DSD_555_ASTBL__R2 (*(node->input[2]))
+#define DSD_555_ASTBL__C (*(node->input[3]))
+#define DSD_555_ASTBL__CTRLV (*(node->input[4]))
+void dsd_555_astbl_step(node_description *node)
+ const discrete_555_desc *info = node->custom;
+ struct dsd_555_astbl_context *context = node->context;
+ int count_f = 0;
+ int count_r = 0;
+ double dt; // change in time
+ double xTime; // time since change happened
+ double tRC = 0; // RC time constant
+ double vC = context->cap_voltage; // Current voltage on capacitor, before dt
+ double vCnext = 0; // Voltage on capacitor, after dt
+ if(DSD_555_ASTBL__RESET || context->error)
+ {
+ /* We are in RESET */
+ /* If there was a fatal INIT error then we will also stay in RESET */
+ node->output = 0;
+ context->flip_flop = 1;
+ context->cap_voltage = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Check: if the Control Voltage node is connected. */
+ if (context->use_ctrlv)
+ {
+ /* If CV is less then .25V, the circuit will oscillate way out of range.
+ * So we will just ignore it when it happens. */
+ if (DSD_555_ASTBL__CTRLV < .25) return;
+ /* If it is a node then calculate thresholds based on Control Voltage */
+ context->threshold = DSD_555_ASTBL__CTRLV;
+ context->trigger = DSD_555_ASTBL__CTRLV / 2.0;
+ /* Since the thresholds may have changed we need to update the FF */
+ if (vC >= context->threshold)
+ {
+ context->flip_flop = 0;
+ count_f++;
+ }
+ else
+ if (vC <= context->trigger)
+ {
+ context->flip_flop = 1;
+ count_r++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Calculate future capacitor voltage.
+ * ref@
+ * The formulas from the ref pages have been modified to reflect that we are stepping the change.
+ * dt = time of sample (1/sample frequency)
+ * VC = Voltage across capacitor
+ * VC' = Future voltage across capacitor
+ * Vc = Voltage change
+ * Vr = is the voltage across the resistor. For charging it is Vcc - VC. Discharging it is VC - 0.
+ * R = R1+R2 (for charging) R = R2 for discharging.
+ * Vc = Vr*(1-exp(-dt/(R*C)))
+ * VC' = VC + Vc (for charging) VC' = VC - Vc for discharging.
+ *
+ * We will also need to calculate the amount of time we overshoot the thresholds
+ * dt = amount of time we overshot
+ * Vc = voltage change overshoot
+ * dt = R*C(log(1/(1-(Vc/Vr))))
+ */
+ dt = discrete_current_context->sample_time;
+ xTime = context->x_init;
+ /* Sometimes a switching network is used to setup the capacitance.
+ * These may select no capacitor, causing oscillation to stop.
+ */
+ if (DSD_555_ASTBL__C == 0)
+ {
+ context->flip_flop = 1;
+ /* The voltage goes high because the cap circuit is open. */
+ vCnext = context->v555;
+ vC = context->v555;
+ context->cap_voltage = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Keep looping until all toggling in time sample is used up. */
+ do
+ {
+ if (context->flip_flop)
+ {
+ if (DSD_555_ASTBL__R1 == 0)
+ {
+ /* Oscillation disabled because there is no longer any charge resistor. */
+ /* Bleed the cap due to circuit losses. */
+ vCnext = vC - (vC * (1.0 - exp(-(dt / tRC))));
+ dt = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Charging */
+ /* Use quick charge if specified. */
+ tRC = (DSD_555_ASTBL__R1 + ((info->options & DISC_555_ASTABLE_HAS_FAST_CHARGE_DIODE) ? 0 : DSD_555_ASTBL__R2)) * DSD_555_ASTBL__C;
+ vCnext = vC + ((context->v555 - vC) * (1.0 - exp(-(dt / tRC))));
+ dt = 0;
+ /* has it charged past upper limit? */
+ if (vCnext > context->threshold)
+ {
+ /* calculate the overshoot time */
+ dt = tRC * log(1.0 / (1.0 - ((vCnext - context->threshold) / (context->v555 - vC))));
+ xTime = dt;
+ vC = context->threshold;
+ context->flip_flop = 0;
+ count_f++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Discharging */
+ if(DSD_555_ASTBL__R2!=0)
+ {
+ tRC = DSD_555_ASTBL__R2 * DSD_555_ASTBL__C;
+ vCnext = vC - (vC * (1 - exp(-(dt / tRC))));
+ dt = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vCnext = context->trigger;
+ dt = 0;
+ }
+ /* has it discharged past lower limit? */
+ if (vCnext < context->trigger)
+ {
+ /* calculate the overshoot time */
+ dt = tRC * log(1.0 / (1.0 - ((context->trigger - vCnext) / vC)));
+ xTime = dt;
+ vC = context->trigger;
+ context->flip_flop = 1;
+ count_r++;
+ }
+ }
+ } while(dt);
+ context->cap_voltage = vCnext;
+ }
+ /* Convert last switch time to a ratio */
+ xTime = xTime / discrete_current_context->sample_time;
+ switch (context->output_type)
+ {
+ case DISC_555_OUT_SQW:
+ node->output = context->flip_flop * context->output_high_voltage + context->ac_shift;
+ break;
+ case DISC_555_OUT_CAP:
+ node->output = vCnext;
+ /* Fake it to AC if needed */
+ if (context->output_is_ac)
+ node->output -= context->threshold * 3.0 /4.0;
+ break;
+ case DISC_555_OUT_ENERGY:
+ node->output = context->output_high_voltage * (context->flip_flop ? xTime : (1 - xTime));
+ node->output += context->ac_shift;
+ break;
+ case DISC_555_OUT_LOGIC_X:
+ node->output = context->flip_flop + xTime;
+ break;
+ case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_F_X:
+ node->output = count_f ? count_f + xTime : count_f;
+ break;
+ case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_R_X:
+ node->output = count_r ? count_r + xTime : count_r;
+ break;
+ case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_F:
+ node->output = count_f;
+ break;
+ case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_R:
+ node->output = count_r;
+ break;
+ }
+void dsd_555_astbl_reset(node_description *node)
+ const discrete_555_desc *info = node->custom;
+ struct dsd_555_astbl_context *context = node->context;
+ context->use_ctrlv = (node->input_is_node >> 4) & 1;
+ context->output_type = info->options & DISC_555_OUT_MASK;
+ /* Use the supplied values or set to defaults. */
+ context->output_high_voltage = (info->v555high == DEFAULT_555_HIGH) ? info->v555 - 1.2 : info->v555high;
+ if ((DSD_555_ASTBL__CTRLV != -1) && !context->use_ctrlv)
+ {
+ /* Setup based on supplied static value */
+ context->threshold = DSD_555_ASTBL__CTRLV;
+ context->trigger = DSD_555_ASTBL__CTRLV / 2.0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* use values passed in structure */
+ context->threshold = (info->threshold555 == DEFAULT_555_THRESHOLD) ? info->v555 *2 /3 : info->threshold555;
+ context->trigger = (info->trigger555 == DEFAULT_555_TRIGGER) ? info->v555 /3 : info->trigger555;
+ }
+ context->output_is_ac = info->options & DISC_555_OUT_AC;
+ /* Calculate DC shift needed to make squarewave waveform AC */
+ context->ac_shift = context->output_is_ac ? -context->output_high_voltage / 2.0 : 0;
+ context->error = test_555(context->threshold, context->trigger, info->v555, node->node);
+ context->v555 = (info->options & DISC_555_ASTABLE_HAS_FAST_CHARGE_DIODE) ? info->v555 - 0.5: info->v555;
+ context->flip_flop = 1;
+ context->cap_voltage = 0;
+ /* Used to adjust the ratio depending on if it is the extra percent or energy */
+ context->x_init = 0;
+ if (context->output_type == DISC_555_OUT_ENERGY)
+ context->x_init = discrete_current_context->sample_time;
+ /* Step to set the output */
+ dsd_555_astbl_step(node);
+ *
+ * DSD_555_MSTBL - 555 Monostable simulation
+ *
+ * input[0] - Reset value
+ * input[1] - Trigger input
+ * input[2] - R2 value
+ * input[3] - C value
+ *
+ * also passed discrete_555_desc structure
+ *
+ * Oct 2004, D Renaud.
+ ************************************************************************/
+#define DSD_555_MSTBL__RESET (! *(node->input[0]))
+#define DSD_555_MSTBL__TRIGGER (*(node->input[1]))
+#define DSD_555_MSTBL__R (*(node->input[2]))
+#define DSD_555_MSTBL__C (*(node->input[3]))
+void dsd_555_mstbl_step(node_description *node)
+ const discrete_555_desc *info = node->custom;
+ struct dsd_555_mstbl_context *context = node->context;
+ double vC; // Current voltage on capacitor, before dt
+ double vCnext = 0; // Voltage on capacitor, after dt
+ if(DSD_555_MSTBL__RESET || context->error)
+ {
+ /* We are in RESET */
+ /* If there was a fatal INIT error then we will also stay in RESET */
+ node->output = 0;
+ context->flip_flop = 0;
+ context->cap_voltage = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int trigger;
+ if (context->trig_is_logic)
+ trigger = !DSD_555_MSTBL__TRIGGER;
+ else
+ trigger = DSD_555_MSTBL__TRIGGER < context->trigger;
+ if (context->trig_discharges_cap && trigger)
+ context->cap_voltage = 0;
+ if (!context->flip_flop)
+ {
+ /* Wait for trigger */
+ if (trigger)
+ context->flip_flop = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vC = context->cap_voltage;
+ /* Sometimes a switching network is used to setup the capacitance.
+ * These may select 'no' capacitor, causing oscillation to stop.
+ */
+ if (DSD_555_MSTBL__C == 0)
+ {
+ context->flip_flop = 0;
+ /* The voltage goes high because the cap circuit is open. */
+ vCnext = info->v555;
+ vC = info->v555;
+ context->cap_voltage = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Charging */
+ vCnext = vC + ((info->v555 - vC) * (1.0 - exp(-(discrete_current_context->sample_time / (DSD_555_MSTBL__R * DSD_555_MSTBL__C)))));
+ /* Has it charged past upper limit? */
+ /* If trigger is still enabled, then we keep charging,
+ * regardless of threshold. */
+ if ((vCnext >= context->threshold) && !trigger)
+ {
+ vCnext = 0;
+ vC = context->threshold;
+ context->flip_flop = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ context->cap_voltage = vCnext;
+ switch (info->options & DISC_555_OUT_MASK)
+ {
+ case DISC_555_OUT_SQW:
+ node->output = context->flip_flop * context->output_high_voltage;
+ /* Fake it to AC if needed */
+ if (context->output_is_ac)
+ node->output -= context->output_high_voltage / 2.0;
+ break;
+ case DISC_555_OUT_CAP:
+ node->output = vCnext;
+ /* Fake it to AC if needed */
+ if (context->output_is_ac)
+ node->output -= context->threshold * 3.0 /4.0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void dsd_555_mstbl_reset(node_description *node)
+ const discrete_555_desc *info = node->custom;
+ struct dsd_555_mstbl_context *context = node->context;
+ context->output_type = info->options & DISC_555_OUT_MASK;
+ if ((context->output_type == DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_F) || (context->output_type == DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_R))
+ {
+ discrete_log("Invalid Output type in NODE_%d.\n", node->node - NODE_00);
+ context->output_type = DISC_555_OUT_SQW;
+ }
+ /* Use the supplied values or set to defaults. */
+ context->threshold = (info->threshold555 == DEFAULT_555_THRESHOLD) ? info->v555 *2 /3 : info->threshold555;
+ context->trigger = (info->trigger555 == DEFAULT_555_TRIGGER) ? info->v555 /3 : info->trigger555;
+ context->output_high_voltage = (info->v555high == DEFAULT_555_HIGH) ? info->v555 - 1.2 : info->v555high;
+ context->output_is_ac = info->options & DISC_555_OUT_AC;
+ /* Calculate DC shift needed to make squarewave waveform AC */
+ context->ac_shift = context->output_is_ac ? -context->output_high_voltage / 2.0 : 0;
+ context->error = test_555(context->threshold, context->trigger, info->v555, node->node);
+ context->trig_is_logic = (info->options & DISC_555_TRIGGER_IS_VOLTAGE) ? 0: 1;
+ context->trig_discharges_cap = (info->options & DISC_555_TRIGGER_DISCHARGES_CAP) ? 1: 0;
+ context->flip_flop = 0;
+ context->cap_voltage = 0;
+ node->output = 0;
+ *
+ * DSD_555_CC - Usage of node_description values
+ *
+ * input[0] - Reset input value
+ * input[1] - Voltage input for Constant current source.
+ * input[2] - R value to set CC current.
+ * input[3] - C value
+ * input[4] - rBias value
+ * input[5] - rGnd value
+ * input[6] - rDischarge value
+ *
+ * also passed discrete_555_cc_desc structure
+ *
+ * Mar 2004, D Renaud.
+ ************************************************************************/
+#define DSD_555_CC__RESET (! *(node->input[0]))
+#define DSD_555_CC__VIN (*(node->input[1]))
+#define DSD_555_CC__R (*(node->input[2]))
+#define DSD_555_CC__C (*(node->input[3]))
+#define DSD_555_CC__RBIAS (*(node->input[4]))
+#define DSD_555_CC__RGND (*(node->input[5]))
+#define DSD_555_CC__RDIS (*(node->input[6]))
+void dsd_555_cc_step(node_description *node)
+ const discrete_555_cc_desc *info = node->custom;
+ struct dsd_555_cc_context *context = node->context;
+ int count_f = 0;
+ int count_r = 0;
+ double i; // Charging current created by vIn
+ double rC = 0; // Equivalent charging resistor
+ double rD = 0; // Equivalent discharging resistor
+ double vi = 0; // Equivalent voltage from current source
+ double vB = 0; // Equivalent voltage from bias voltage
+ double v = 0; // Equivalent voltage total from current source and bias circuit if used
+ double dt; // change in time
+ double xTime; // time since change happened
+ double tRC; // RC time constant
+ double vC; // Current voltage on capacitor, before dt
+ double vCnext = 0; // Voltage on capacitor, after dt
+ double viLimit; // vIn and the junction voltage limit the max charging voltage from i
+ double rTemp; // play thing
+ if (DSD_555_CC__RESET || context->error)
+ {
+ /* We are in RESET */
+ /* If there was a fatal INIT error then we will also stay in RESET */
+ node->output = 0;
+ context->flip_flop = 1;
+ context->cap_voltage = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ dt = discrete_current_context->sample_time; // Change in time
+ xTime = context->x_init;
+ vC = context->cap_voltage; // Set to voltage before change
+ viLimit = DSD_555_CC__VIN + info->vCCjunction; // the max vC can be and still be charged by i
+ /* Calculate charging current */
+ i = (info->vCCsource - viLimit) / DSD_555_CC__R;
+ if ( i < 0) i = 0;
+ if (info->options & DISCRETE_555_CC_TO_CAP)
+ {
+ vi = i * DSD_555_CC__RDIS;
+ }
+ else
+ switch (context->type) // see dsd_555_cc_reset for descriptions
+ {
+ case 1:
+ rD = DSD_555_CC__RDIS;
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ rD = (DSD_555_CC__RDIS * DSD_555_CC__RGND) / (DSD_555_CC__RDIS + DSD_555_CC__RGND);
+ case 2:
+ rC = DSD_555_CC__RGND;
+ vi = i * rC;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ rC = DSD_555_CC__RBIAS;
+ vi = i * rC;
+ vB = info->v555;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ rC = DSD_555_CC__RBIAS + DSD_555_CC__RDIS;
+ vi = i * DSD_555_CC__RBIAS;
+ vB = info->v555;
+ rD = DSD_555_CC__RDIS;
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ rC = (DSD_555_CC__RBIAS * DSD_555_CC__RGND) / (DSD_555_CC__RBIAS + DSD_555_CC__RGND);
+ vi = i * rC;
+ vB = info->v555 * (DSD_555_CC__RGND / (DSD_555_CC__RBIAS + DSD_555_CC__RGND));
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ rTemp = DSD_555_CC__RBIAS + DSD_555_CC__RDIS;
+ rC = (rTemp * DSD_555_CC__RGND) / (rTemp + DSD_555_CC__RGND);
+ rTemp += DSD_555_CC__RGND;
+ rTemp = DSD_555_CC__RGND / rTemp; // now has voltage divider ratio, not resistance
+ vi = i * DSD_555_CC__RBIAS * rTemp;
+ vB = info->v555 * rTemp;
+ rD = (DSD_555_CC__RGND * DSD_555_CC__RDIS) / (DSD_555_CC__RGND + DSD_555_CC__RDIS);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Keep looping until all toggling in time sample is used up. */
+ do
+ {
+ if (context->type <= 1)
+ {
+ /* Standard constant current charge */
+ if (context->flip_flop)
+ {
+ if (i == 0)
+ {
+ /* No charging current, so we have to discharge the cap
+ * due to cap and circuit losses.
+ */
+ tRC = DEFAULT_555_CAP_BLEED * DSD_555_CC__C;
+ vCnext = vC - (vC * (1.0 - exp(-(dt / tRC))));
+ dt = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Charging */
+ /* iC=C*dv/dt works out to dv=iC*dt/C */
+ vCnext = vC + (i * dt / DSD_555_CC__C);
+ /* Yes, if the cap voltage has reached the max voltage it can,
+ * and the 555 threshold has not been reached, then oscillation stops.
+ * This is the way the actual electronics works.
+ * This is why you never play with the pots after being factory adjusted
+ * to work in the proper range. */
+ if (vCnext > viLimit) vCnext = viLimit;
+ dt = 0;
+ /* has it charged past upper limit? */
+ if (vCnext >= context->threshold)
+ {
+ /* calculate the overshoot time */
+ dt = DSD_555_CC__C * (vCnext - context->threshold) / i;
+ xTime = dt;
+ vC = context->threshold;
+ context->flip_flop = 0;
+ count_f++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (DSD_555_CC__RDIS)
+ {
+ /* Discharging */
+ tRC = DSD_555_CC__RDIS * DSD_555_CC__C;
+ if (info->options & DISCRETE_555_CC_TO_CAP)
+ {
+ /* Asteroids - Special Case */
+ /* Charging in discharge mode */
+ /* If the cap voltage is past the current source charging limit
+ * then only the bias voltage will charge the cap. */
+ v = (vC < viLimit) ? vi : viLimit;
+ vCnext = vC + ((v - vC) * (1.0 - exp(-(dt / tRC))));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vCnext = vC - (vC * (1.0 - exp(-(dt / tRC))));
+ }
+ dt = 0;
+ /* has it discharged past lower limit? */
+ if (vCnext <= context->trigger)
+ {
+ dt = tRC * log(1.0 / (1.0 - ((context->trigger - vCnext) / vC)));
+ xTime = dt;
+ vC = context->trigger;
+ context->flip_flop = 1;
+ count_r++;
+ }
+ }
+ else // Immediate discharge. No change in dt.
+ {
+ vC = context->trigger;
+ context->flip_flop = 1;
+ count_r++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* The constant current gets changed to a voltage due to a load resistor. */
+ if (context->flip_flop)
+ {
+ if ((i == 0) && (DSD_555_CC__RBIAS == 0))
+ {
+ /* No charging current, so we have to discharge the cap
+ * due to rGnd.
+ */
+ tRC = DSD_555_CC__RGND * DSD_555_CC__C;
+ vCnext = vC - (vC * (1.0 - exp(-(dt / tRC))));
+ dt = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Charging */
+ /* If the cap voltage is past the current source charging limit
+ * then only the bias voltage will charge the cap. */
+ v = vB;
+ if (vC < viLimit) v += vi;
+ else if (context->type <= 3) v = viLimit;
+ tRC = rC * DSD_555_CC__C;
+ vCnext = vC + ((v - vC) * (1.0 - exp(-(dt / tRC))));
+ dt = 0;
+ /* has it charged past upper limit? */
+ if (vCnext >= context->threshold)
+ {
+ /* calculate the overshoot time */
+ dt = tRC * log(1.0 / (1.0 - ((vCnext - context->threshold) / (v - vC))));
+ xTime = dt;
+ vC = context->threshold;
+ context->flip_flop = 0;
+ count_f++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else /* Discharging */
+ if (rD)
+ {
+ tRC = rD * DSD_555_CC__C;
+ vCnext = vC - (vC * (1.0 - exp(-(dt / tRC))));
+ dt = 0;
+ /* has it discharged past lower limit? */
+ if (vCnext <= context->trigger)
+ {
+ /* calculate the overshoot time */
+ dt = tRC * log(1.0 / (1.0 - ((context->trigger - vCnext) / vC)));
+ xTime = dt;
+ vC = context->trigger;
+ context->flip_flop = 1;
+ count_r++;
+ }
+ }
+ else // Immediate discharge. No change in dt.
+ {
+ vC = context->trigger;
+ context->flip_flop = 1;
+ count_r++;
+ }
+ }
+ } while(dt);
+ context->cap_voltage = vCnext;
+ /* Convert last switch time to a ratio */
+ xTime = xTime / discrete_current_context->sample_time;
+ switch (context->output_type)
+ {
+ case DISC_555_OUT_SQW:
+ if (count_r && (~context->type & 0x01))
+ {
+ /* There has been an immediate discharge, so keep low for 1 sample. */
+ node->output = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ node->output = context->flip_flop * context->output_high_voltage;
+ /* Fake it to AC if needed */
+ node->output += context->ac_shift;
+ break;
+ case DISC_555_OUT_CAP:
+ node->output = vCnext + context->ac_shift;
+ break;
+ case DISC_555_OUT_ENERGY:
+ node->output = context->output_high_voltage * (context->flip_flop ? xTime : (1 - xTime));
+ node->output += context->ac_shift;
+ break;
+ case DISC_555_OUT_LOGIC_X:
+ node->output = context->flip_flop + xTime;
+ break;
+ case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_F_X:
+ node->output = count_f + xTime;
+ break;
+ case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_R_X:
+ node->output = count_r + xTime;
+ break;
+ case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_F:
+ node->output = count_f;
+ break;
+ case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_R:
+ node->output = count_r;
+ break;
+ }
+void dsd_555_cc_reset(node_description *node)
+ const discrete_555_cc_desc *info = node->custom;
+ struct dsd_555_cc_context *context = node->context;
+ context->flip_flop=1;
+ context->cap_voltage = 0;
+ context->output_type = info->options & DISC_555_OUT_MASK;
+ /* Used to adjust the ratio depending on if it is the extra percent or energy */
+ context->x_init = 0;
+ if (context->output_type == DISC_555_OUT_ENERGY)
+ context->x_init = discrete_current_context->sample_time;
+ /* Use the supplied values or set to defaults. */
+ context->threshold = (info->threshold555 == DEFAULT_555_THRESHOLD) ? info->v555 *2 /3 : info->threshold555;
+ context->trigger = (info->trigger555 == DEFAULT_555_TRIGGER) ? info->v555 /3 : info->trigger555;
+ context->output_high_voltage = (info->v555high == DEFAULT_555_HIGH) ? info->v555 - 1.2 : info->v555high;
+ context->output_is_ac = info->options & DISC_555_OUT_AC;
+ /* Calculate DC shift needed to make squarewave waveform AC */
+ context->ac_shift = context->output_is_ac ? -context->output_high_voltage / 2.0 : 0;
+ context->error = test_555(context->threshold, context->trigger, info->v555, node->node);
+ /* There are 8 different types of basic oscillators
+ * depending on the resistors used. We will determine
+ * the type of circuit at reset, because the ciruit type
+ * is constant. */
+ context->type = (DSD_555_CC__RDIS > 0) | ((DSD_555_CC__RGND > 0) << 1) | ((DSD_555_CC__RBIAS > 0) << 2);
+ /*
+ * TYPES:
+ * Note: These are equivalent circuits shown without the 555 circuitry.
+ * See the schematic in src\sound\discrete.h for full hookup info.
+ *
+ * When the CC source is connected to the discharge pin, it allows the
+ * circuit to charge when the 555 is in charge mode. But when in discharge
+ * mode, the CC source is grounded, disabling it's effect.
+ *
+ * [0]
+ * No resistors. Straight constant current charge of capacitor.
+ * When there is not any charge current, the cap will bleed off.
+ * Once the lower threshold(trigger) is reached, the output will
+ * go high but the cap will continue to discharge due to losses.
+ * .------+---> cap_voltage CHARGING:
+ * | | dv (change in voltage) compared to dt (change in time in seconds).
+ * .---. --- dv = i * dt / C; where i is current in amps and C is capacitance in farads.
+ * | i | --- C cap_voltage = cap_voltage + dv
+ * '---' |
+ * gnd gnd instantaneous
+ *
+ * [1]
+ * Same as type 1 but with rDischarge. rDischarge has no effect on the charge rate because
+ * of the constant current source i.
+ * When there is not any charge current, the cap will bleed off.
+ * Once the lower threshold(trigger) is reached, the output will
+ * go high but the cap will continue to discharge due to losses.
+ * .----ZZZ-----+---> cap_voltage CHARGING:
+ * | rDischarge | dv (change in voltage) compared to dt (change in time in seconds).
+ * .---. --- dv = i * dt / C; where i is current in amps and C is capacitance in farads.
+ * | i | --- C cap_voltage = cap_voltage + dv
+ * '---' |
+ * gnd gnd thru rDischarge
+ *
+ * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ * !!!!! IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT TYPES 3 - 7 !!!!!
+ * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ *
+ * From here on in all the circuits have either an rBias or rGnd resistor.
+ * This converts the constant current into a voltage source.
+ * So all the remaining circuit types will be converted to this circuit.
+ * When discharging, rBias is out of the equation because the 555 is grounding the circuit
+ * after that point.
+ *
+ * .------------. Rc Rc is the equivilent circuit resistance.
+ * | v |----ZZZZ---+---> cap_voltage v is the equivilent circuit voltage.
+ * | | |
+ * '------------' --- Then the standard RC charging formula applies.
+ * | --- C
+ * | | NOTE: All the following types are converted to Rc and v values.
+ * gnd gnd
+ *
+ * [2]
+ * When there is not any charge current, the cap will bleed off.
+ * Once the lower threshold(trigger) is reached, the output will
+ * go high but the cap will continue to discharge due to rGnd.
+ * .-------+------+------> cap_voltage CHARGING:
+ * | | | v = vi = i * rGnd
+ * .---. --- Z Rc = rGnd
+ * | i | --- C Z rGnd
+ * '---' | | DISCHARGING:
+ * | | | instantaneous
+ * gnd gnd gnd
+ *
+ * [3]
+ * When there is not any charge current, the cap will bleed off.
+ * Once the lower threshold(trigger) is reached, the output will
+ * go high but the cap will continue to discharge due to rGnd.
+ * .----ZZZ-----+------+------> cap_voltage CHARGING:
+ * | rDischarge | | v = vi = i * rGnd
+ * .---. --- Z Rc = rGnd
+ * | i | --- C Z rGnd
+ * '---' | | DISCHARGING:
+ * | | | thru rDischarge || rGnd ( || means in parallel)
+ * gnd gnd gnd
+ *
+ * [4]
+ * .---ZZZ---+------------+-------------> cap_voltage CHARGING:
+ * | rBias | | Rc = rBias
+ * .-------. .---. --- vi = i * rBias
+ * | vBias | | i | --- C v = vBias + vi
+ * '-------' '---' |
+ * | | | DISCHARGING:
+ * gnd gnd gnd instantaneous
+ *
+ * [5]
+ * .---ZZZ---+----ZZZ-----+-------------> cap_voltage CHARGING:
+ * | rBias | rDischarge | Rc = rBias + rDischarge
+ * .-------. .---. --- vi = i * rBias
+ * | vBias | | i | --- C v = vBias + vi
+ * '-------' '---' |
+ * | | | DISCHARGING:
+ * gnd gnd gnd thru rDischarge
+ *
+ * [6]
+ * .---ZZZ---+------------+------+------> cap_voltage CHARGING:
+ * | rBias | | | Rc = rBias || rGnd
+ * .-------. .---. --- Z vi = i * Rc
+ * | vBias | | i | --- C Z rGnd v = vBias * (rGnd / (rBias + rGnd)) + vi
+ * '-------' '---' | |
+ * | | | | DISCHARGING:
+ * gnd gnd gnd gnd instantaneous
+ *
+ * [7]
+ * .---ZZZ---+----ZZZ-----+------+------> cap_voltage CHARGING:
+ * | rBias | rDischarge | | Rc = (rBias + rDischarge) || rGnd
+ * .-------. .---. --- Z vi = i * rBias * (rGnd / (rBias + rDischarge + rGnd))
+ * | vBias | | i | --- C Z rGnd v = vBias * (rGnd / (rBias + rDischarge + rGnd)) + vi
+ * '-------' '---' | |
+ * | | | | DISCHARGING:
+ * gnd gnd gnd gnd thru rDischarge || rGnd
+ */
+ /*
+ *
+ * When the CC source is connected to the capacitor, it allows the
+ * current to charge the cap while it is in discharge mode, slowing the
+ * discharge. So in charge mode it charges linearly from the constant
+ * current cource. But when in discharge mode it behaves like circuit
+ * type 2 above.
+ * .-------+------+------> cap_voltage CHARGING:
+ * | | | dv = i * dt / C
+ * .---. --- Z cap_voltage = cap_voltage + dv
+ * | i | --- C Z rDischarge
+ * '---' | | DISCHARGING:
+ * | | | v = vi = i * rGnd
+ * gnd gnd discharge Rc = rDischarge
+ */
+ /* Step to set the output */
+ dsd_555_cc_step(node);
+ *
+ * DSD_555_VCO1 - Usage of node_description values
+ *
+ * input[0] - Reset input value
+ * input[1] - Modulation Voltage (Vin1)
+ * input[2] - Control Voltage (Vin2)
+ *
+ * also passed discrete_5555_vco1_desc structure
+ *
+ * Apr 2006, D Renaud.
+ ************************************************************************/
+#define DSD_555_VCO1__RESET (*(node->input[0])) // reset active low
+#define DSD_555_VCO1__VIN1 (*(node->input[1]))
+#define DSD_555_VCO1__VIN2 (*(node->input[2]))
+void dsd_555_vco1_step(node_description *node)
+ const discrete_555_vco1_desc *info = node->custom;
+ struct dsd_555_vco1_context *context = node->context;
+ int count_f = 0;
+ int count_r = 0;
+ double dt; // change in time
+ double xTime = 0; // time since change happened
+ double vC; // Current voltage on capacitor, before dt
+ double vCnext = 0; // Voltage on capacitor, after dt
+ dt = discrete_current_context->sample_time; // Change in time
+ vC = context->cap_voltage;
+ /* Check: if the Control Voltage node is connected. */
+ if (context->ctrlv_is_node && DSD_555_VCO1__RESET) // reset active low
+ {
+ /* If CV is less then .25V, the circuit will oscillate way out of range.
+ * So we will just ignore it when it happens. */
+ if (DSD_555_VCO1__VIN2 < .25) return;
+ /* If it is a node then calculate thresholds based on Control Voltage */
+ context->threshold = DSD_555_VCO1__VIN2;
+ context->trigger = DSD_555_VCO1__VIN2 / 2.0;
+ /* Since the thresholds may have changed we need to update the FF */
+ if (vC >= context->threshold)
+ {
+ context->flip_flop = 0;
+ count_f++;
+ }
+ else
+ if (vC <= context->trigger)
+ {
+ context->flip_flop = 1;
+ count_r++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Keep looping until all toggling in time sample is used up. */
+ do
+ {
+ if (context->flip_flop)
+ {
+ // if we are in reset then toggle f/f and discharge
+ if (!DSD_555_VCO1__RESET) // reset active low
+ {
+ context->flip_flop = 0;
+ count_f++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Charging */
+ /* iC=C*dv/dt works out to dv=iC*dt/C */
+ vCnext = vC + (context->i_charge * dt / info->c);
+ dt = 0;
+ /* has it charged past upper limit? */
+ if (vCnext >= context->threshold)
+ {
+ if (vCnext > context->threshold)
+ {
+ /* calculate the overshoot time */
+ dt = info->c * (vCnext - context->threshold) / context->i_charge;
+ }
+ vC = context->threshold;
+ context->flip_flop = 0;
+ count_f++;
+ xTime = dt;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Discharging */
+ /* iC=C*dv/dt works out to dv=iC*dt/C */
+ vCnext = vC - (context->i_discharge * dt / info->c);
+ // if we are in reset, then the cap can discharge to 0
+ if (!DSD_555_VCO1__RESET) // reset active low
+ {
+ if (vCnext < 0) vCnext = 0;
+ dt = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // if we are out of reset and the cap voltage is less then
+ // the lower threshold, toggle f/f and start charging
+ if (vC <= context->trigger)
+ {
+ context->flip_flop = 1;
+ count_r++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dt = 0;
+ /* has it discharged past lower limit? */
+ if (vCnext <= context->trigger)
+ {
+ if (vCnext < context->trigger)
+ {
+ /* calculate the overshoot time */
+ dt = info->c * (vCnext - context->trigger) / context->i_discharge;
+ }
+ vC = context->trigger;
+ context->flip_flop = 1;
+ count_r++;
+ xTime = dt;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while(dt);
+ context->cap_voltage = vCnext;
+ /* Convert last switch time to a ratio */
+ xTime = xTime / discrete_current_context->sample_time;
+ switch (context->output_type)
+ {
+ case DISC_555_OUT_SQW:
+ node->output = context->flip_flop * context->output_high_voltage + context->ac_shift;
+ break;
+ case DISC_555_OUT_CAP:
+ node->output = vCnext;
+ /* Fake it to AC if needed */
+ if (context->output_is_ac)
+ node->output -= context->threshold * 3.0 /4.0;
+ break;
+ case DISC_555_OUT_ENERGY:
+ node->output = context->output_high_voltage * (context->flip_flop ? xTime : (1 - xTime));
+ node->output += context->ac_shift;
+ break;
+ case DISC_555_OUT_LOGIC_X:
+ node->output = context->flip_flop + xTime;
+ break;
+ case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_F_X:
+ node->output = count_f ? count_f + xTime : count_f;
+ break;
+ case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_R_X:
+ node->output = count_r ? count_r + xTime : count_r;
+ break;
+ case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_F:
+ node->output = count_f;
+ break;
+ case DISC_555_OUT_COUNT_R:
+ node->output = count_r;
+ break;
+ }
+void dsd_555_vco1_reset(node_description *node)
+ const discrete_555_vco1_desc *info = node->custom;
+ struct dsd_555_vco1_context *context = node->context;
+ double v_ratio_r3, v_ratio_r4_1, r_in_1;
+ context->output_type = info->options & DISC_555_OUT_MASK;
+ context->output_is_ac = info->options & DISC_555_OUT_AC;
+ /* Setup op-amp parameters */
+ /* The voltage at op-amp +in is always a fixed ratio of the modulation voltage. */
+ v_ratio_r3 = info->r3 / (info->r2 + info->r3); // +in voltage
+ /* The voltage at op-amp -in is 1 of 2 fixed ratios of the modulation voltage,
+ * based on the 555 Flip-Flop state. */
+ /* If the FF is 0, then only R1 is connected allowing the full modulation volatge to pass. */
+ /* v_ratio_r4_0 = 1 */
+ /* If the FF is 1, then R1 & R4 make a voltage divider similar to R2 & R3 */
+ v_ratio_r4_1 = info->r4 / (info->r1 + info->r4); // -in voltage
+ /* the input resistance to the op amp depends on the FF state */
+ /* r_in_0 = info->r1 when FF = 0 */
+ r_in_1 = 1.0 / (1.0 / info->r1 + 1.0 / info->r4); // input resistance when r4 switched in
+ /* Now that we know the voltages entering the op amp and the resistance for the
+ * FF states, we can predetermine the ratios for the charge/discharge currents. */
+ context->i_discharge = (1 - v_ratio_r3) / info->r1;
+ context->i_charge = (v_ratio_r3 - v_ratio_r4_1) / r_in_1;
+ /* the cap starts off discharged */
+ context->cap_voltage = 0;
+ /* Setup 555 parameters */
+ /* There is no charge on the cap so the 555 goes high at init. */
+ context->flip_flop = 1;
+ context->ctrlv_is_node = (node->input_is_node >> 2) & 1;
+ context->output_high_voltage = (info->v555high == DEFAULT_555_HIGH) ? info->v555 - 1.2 : info->v555high;
+ /* Calculate 555 thresholds.
+ * If the Control Voltage is a node, then the thresholds will be calculated each step.
+ * If the Control Voltage is a fixed voltage, then the thresholds will be calculated
+ * from that. Otherwise we will use the thresholds specified in the setup info. */
+ if (!context->ctrlv_is_node && (DSD_555_VCO1__VIN2 != -1))
+ {
+ /* Setup based on supplied static value */
+ context->threshold = DSD_555_VCO1__VIN2;
+ context->trigger = DSD_555_VCO1__VIN2 / 2.0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* use values passed in structure */
+ context->threshold = (info->threshold555 == DEFAULT_555_THRESHOLD) ? info->v555 * 2 /3 : info->threshold555;
+ context->trigger = (info->trigger555 == DEFAULT_555_TRIGGER) ? info->v555 /3 : info->trigger555;
+ }
+ /* Calculate DC shift needed to make squarewave waveform AC */
+ context->ac_shift = context->output_is_ac ? -context->output_high_voltage / 2.0 : 0;
+ *
+ * DSD_566 - Usage of node_description values
+ *
+ * input[0] - Enable input value
+ * input[1] - Modulation Voltage
+ * input[2] - R value
+ * input[3] - C value
+ *
+ * also passed discrete_566_desc structure
+ *
+ * Mar 2004, D Renaud.
+ ************************************************************************/
+#define DSD_566__ENABLE (*(node->input[0]))
+#define DSD_566__VMOD (*(node->input[1]))
+#define DSD_566__R (*(node->input[2]))
+#define DSD_566__C (*(node->input[3]))
+void dsd_566_step(node_description *node)
+ const discrete_566_desc *info = node->custom;
+ struct dsd_566_context *context = node->context;
+ double i; // Charging current created by vIn
+ double dt; // change in time
+ double vC; // Current voltage on capacitor, before dt
+ double vCnext = 0; // Voltage on capacitor, after dt
+ if (DSD_566__ENABLE && !context->error)
+ {
+ dt = discrete_current_context->sample_time; // Change in time
+ vC = context->cap_voltage; // Set to voltage before change
+ /* Calculate charging current */
+ i = (context->vDiff - DSD_566__VMOD) / DSD_566__R;
+ /* Keep looping until all toggling in time sample is used up. */
+ do
+ {
+ if (context->flip_flop)
+ {
+ /* Discharging */
+ vCnext = vC - (i * dt / DSD_566__C);
+ dt = 0;
+ /* has it discharged past lower limit? */
+ if (vCnext <= context->thresholdLow)
+ {
+ if (vCnext < context->thresholdLow)
+ {
+ /* calculate the overshoot time */
+ dt = DSD_566__C * (context->thresholdLow - vCnext) / i;
+ }
+ vC = context->thresholdLow;
+ context->flip_flop = 0;
+ /*
+ * If the sampling rate is too low and the desired frequency is too high
+ * then we will start getting too many outputs that can't catch up. We will
+ * limit this to 3. The output is already incorrect because of the low sampling,
+ * but at least this way it can recover.
+ */
+ context->state[0] = (context->state[0] + 1) & 0x03;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Charging */
+ /* iC=C*dv/dt works out to dv=iC*dt/C */
+ vCnext = vC + (i * dt / DSD_566__C);
+ dt = 0;
+ /* Yes, if the cap voltage has reached the max voltage it can,
+ * and the 566 threshold has not been reached, then oscillation stops.
+ * This is the way the actual electronics works.
+ * This is why you never play with the pots after being factory adjusted
+ * to work in the proper range. */
+ if (vCnext > DSD_566__VMOD) vCnext = DSD_566__VMOD;
+ /* has it charged past upper limit? */
+ if (vCnext >= context->thresholdHigh)
+ {
+ if (vCnext > context->thresholdHigh)
+ {
+ /* calculate the overshoot time */
+ dt = DSD_566__C * (vCnext - context->thresholdHigh) / i;
+ }
+ vC = context->thresholdHigh;
+ context->flip_flop = 1;
+ context->state[1] = (context->state[1] + 1) & 0x03;
+ }
+ }
+ } while(dt);
+ context->cap_voltage = vCnext;
+ switch (info->options & DISC_566_OUT_MASK)
+ {
+ case DISC_566_OUT_SQUARE:
+ case DISC_566_OUT_LOGIC:
+ /* use up any output states */
+ if (node->output && context->state[0])
+ {
+ node->output = 0;
+ context->state[0]--;
+ }
+ else if (!node->output && context->state[1])
+ {
+ node->output = 1;
+ context->state[1]--;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ node->output = context->flip_flop;
+ }
+ if ((info->options & DISC_566_OUT_MASK) != DISC_566_OUT_LOGIC)
+ node->output = context->flip_flop ? context->vSqrHigh : context->vSqrLow;
+ break;
+ /* we can ignore any unused states when
+ * outputting the cap voltage */
+ node->output = vCnext;
+ if (info->options & DISC_566_OUT_AC)
+ node->output -= context->triOffset;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ node->output = 0;
+void dsd_566_reset(node_description *node)
+ const discrete_566_desc *info = node->custom;
+ struct dsd_566_context *context = node->context;
+ double temp;
+ context->error = 0;
+ if (info->vNeg >= info->vPlus)
+ {
+ logerror("[vNeg >= vPlus] - NODE_%d DISABLED!\n", node->node - NODE_00);
+ context->error = 1;
+ }
+ context->vDiff = info->vPlus - info->vNeg;
+ context->flip_flop = 0;
+ context->cap_voltage = 0;
+ context->state[0] = 0;
+ context->state[1] = 0;
+ /* The data sheets are crap on this IC. I will have to get my hands on a chip
+ * to make real measurements. For now this should work fine for 12V. */
+ context->thresholdHigh = context->vDiff / 2 + info->vNeg;
+ context->thresholdLow = context->thresholdHigh - (0.2 * context->vDiff);
+ context->vSqrHigh = info->vPlus - 0.6;
+ context->vSqrLow = context->thresholdHigh;
+ if (info->options & DISC_566_OUT_AC)
+ {
+ temp = (context->vSqrHigh - context->vSqrLow) / 2;
+ context->vSqrHigh = temp;
+ context->vSqrLow = -temp;
+ context->triOffset = context->thresholdHigh - (0.1 * context->vDiff);
+ }
+ /* Step the output */
+ dsd_566_step(node);